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The 242nd Wind

>CURRENT STREAM: the ultimate ranking of bad book/shoujo manga tropes - with Fauna


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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>85897632
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>cc and fauna only like bad boys
its over im leaving
thats fauna being a hater is enough for CC
They’re not bad boys, they’re grumpy or easily irritated except for the girl they love!
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Makes me feel better about myself.
507th Twilight mention let’s go
I mean I theoretically like bad girls too, but I hate them in real life. It's more like I like the idea of them.
omg it's as if they are women
>CC prefers the girl to have dark powers
I knew it! Evil! good taste though, dark powered male characters just end up fucking edgy every time
You're talking like all us 4chuds don't all qualify as bad boys
Wrong kind of bad anon...
dont come back
yeah I guess being an obese neet virgin like myself is objectively "bad" in the eyes of society. when do women start asking me out?
Work out to a level where you are physically capable of being a psycho killer, don't need to be sane or have handsome face, don't need to actually be psycho killer. Then just be your normal crazy chudschizo self and you WILL attract girls. If you are failing you haven't committed enough and the girl is thinking you're just an edgy normalfag.
I'm sorry brothers I am only a chud in mind
the teasing vampire mentor in the magical school that was an enemy at first and becomes a lover, while the MC hates everyone else in the school
CC mentioned she likes "pathetic" characters. So it's pretty much the gender-reversed version of the clumsy girl trope. The only thing you would need to pull it off is to try to do something with too much effort and too much passion but fail spectacularly.
Rosario To Vampire?
Pretty sure there's an anime like that.
isnt that a harem and the ice girl is the best character?
Its the girl who hates everyone there though, not the MC, but it should count.
Fauna would start salivating just from reading that
It's a harem and ice girl is indeed by far the best girl, vampire is probably the worst.
>I want to eat you but i can't because i love you
Vampire, also Vegan
>vegan vampires just drink sap
watch out, saplings
I never thought about it but Edward is basically a vegan vampire
consenual cannibalism is vegan, bro
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Oh yeah you're totally right, look at these /a/ studs
The basis of the entire vegan argument is that it's unethical to eat things produced by animals and animals themselves because they can't consent.
Humans can consent, so a vegan vampire without being in a relationship with a human would be a dead vampire.
plants can't consent either. in fact plants actively evolve to not get eaten
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we are bad boys
online shitposting is all about being an argumentative asshole and women like men that are capable (not necessarily willing) to do these kinds of dark triad stuff
reminder that the chart that became viral has women preferring shitposters than gamers
I hate to ruin the thread but I’m pretty sure Cecilia is a woman
Some do. Some can't germinate without animal intervention.
the most surprising thing about this is learning that romance novels also get derailed by tournament arcs
Ceci is an automaton silly
>Hobbies: Online trolling
It tickles me that shit like peppers have evolved so only birds can eat them comfortable, then humans come along and go "hmmm this hurts to eat" and cook it into spicy food.
n-no (you)...!
yey, a silly automaton woman
some women like to scroll tiktok
some men like to shitpost
it's not rocket science
Or how figs have to be parasited by a certain wasp or through human invervention.
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That was fun
yeah it was great
kisses you with tongue
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I enjoyed it a lot
*kisses you*
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Holy homo
thats not a man, thats a tree
gigi made sure a significant amount of otomos like to engage in homosexual ativities
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you can't talk shit when we're literally this
But like who would ever say that they do that as a hobby?
Subversive fagtomo, your efforts will never amount to normalization
Some kiwifarm fags probably. Maybe brownvtm types.
Green women are great. I liked their chemistry. maybe cece can convince fauna and gg to play some card games with her one day
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you're a minority here, convervatomo, you either give that ass or start banging some!
>pathetic badboy
does she like james from team rocket?
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ERP fags out. Fuck off to a discord or a catalog thread at least.
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Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?! Wollt ihr ihn, wenn nötig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute überhaupt erst vorstellen können?!
more like rurouni kenshin
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Bring it on Hans, you haven't seen anything so far we're RPing right because if this ends up being a /pol/ discussion I'm out
Wait, which character? Kenshin himself is neither a bad boy unless he goes schizo mode and he's not pathetic either. Maybe Sanosuke?
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This stream reminded me that CC is in fact a woman
In the first movie he is more like a pityful badboy
It was an excuse to post the Otomos, but my dislike for homos is real, thats my right as a European
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They don't need to combine all the things at the same time. She likes pathetic and she likes sleepy, but the sleepy she likes is on the less pathetic part of the spectrum (sleep deprived genius > narcoleptic moeblob).
>online trolling lower than video games
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>he's not pathetic
"pathetic" in this case leaning into "what a klutzy idiot he must be the designated comic relief"
Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinions
Dear otomos, do you have any sort of archive/gallery where you save all the edits of yourselves? I found thou really funny
So, Gintoki
but if pathetic just means comic relief then James back in the race.
Time for less vidya and more baitposting drama rrats then. Thank you /vt/ for giving me proving grounds to make myself more attractive to women.
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I don't know, but here's a fucking printomo.
gintoki is also a good example
james has no manslayer mode, he doesn't have the EDGE lol
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Pokemon is not that kind of series. James can banter and call you stoopid (lovingly) and apparently that's enough to make things interesting?
Oh wait, you mean the live-action movie? I thought we were oji enough here to mean the anime at least.

But that's all comic relief. When the chips are down he's easily one of the most powerful characters. It's demonstrated in the first episodes and whenever anything scary happens.
If anyone's a bad boy it's gotta be Saitou or Aoshi. Sanosuke starts out as a delinquent type too. Now that I think about it, there aren't that many pathetic characters in the series outside of one-off villains.
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You take that back RIGHT NOW.
cecelia likes her stupid idiot protags to be capable of being a mass murdering edgelord so look for those kinds of characters
lucky trips be damned, i’d rather die squeebing than live kneeling
We've been getting so many amazing streams, it feels like I'm riding one continuous high.
Who the fuck is cecelia? She specifically said that it should make sense in the setting so a guy shooting up his office doesn't work.
Now the green collab is over. Do you prefer green women or autofister?
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Then DIE.
it is a very different vibe
Autofister, but green women is pretty great.
>t. a fucking gremtomoling
Not the live action but the animated Movie about his past. You know where he goes around in the darkness and killing all these important people as a teen.
Can't really compare a pairing with a single pure zatsu to multiple gaming streams, but I liked it a lot.
It’s too early to really compare any other pairing to autofister. They just don’t have as much experience with each other as ccgg do yet
let's give green a bit more time to get more used to each other, the collab started with Fauna being slightly shy and got a bit unhinged as it went on, I like that and I see a lot of potential!
kenshin being a manslayer definitely works in his setting so CC will gravitate more to those kinds of characters
Yeah, the OVAs were a lot darker and honestly didn't feel like they were part of the same series at all. I loved them, but the protagonist is nearly unrecognizable. Wouldn't call him pathetic or even a bad boy there either though. It's just a really tragic story about essentially a child soldier.
Anyway, it's just semantics.
I genuinely can't name a bad CC stream since debut. There was the first Skyrim stream when she wasn't used to streaming without bouncing off a slow chat and I would still call it mid at worst.
Both have pretty different vibe like Green is more big sis and little sis vibe while Autofister are like best friends that may murder each other as a joke. Would love to see more Green though.
They need to collab more to really get to know each other, but I think it has great potential. Fauna is actually just as opinionated as CC but she's more shy about expressing it. The disagreement over "fated mates" was a step in the right direction.
Wait, who's the big and little sister?
the comic relief can easily be put into another character (like Puck for Guts) but kenshin being both the protag and the comic relief has its appeal to CC i guess lol
I disliked most of enreco, but I can't fault Ceci for that.
Isn’t fauna older than Ceci?
Is Fauna 30+?
So? Are you telling me anyone in their 20s talks about Avatar the last airbender? It's so ancient it aired in 4:3 format
I hope so
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yeah. tons of people. im in my 20s and literally everyone i know loves it.
I do, and Ceci does too. My nephew does as well.
I'm in my 30s and I know younger people who love it... personally I never watched it.
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I'm too hungry to fall asleep...
Kino ending to her storyline in GTA including some piano playing. Amazing green collab establishing another super strong collab partner for CC. Otomos ate soo good today.
Eat a cookie or something
I'm 23 and I watched it growing up
We are talking about the OG not Korra. That would mean some uncle groomed you into it or maybe you live in some strange country that still had reruns then.
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I came to the realization that all the older women I used to like are now younger than me.
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Never watched Korra, mid-late 2000s is when I watched OG, central eu
all my uncles are chill ex military farmers basically
Oh yeah? Name 3
what's upcome?
I want GG and CC to kiss and be goofy, I want CC and Fauna to yap about opinions and be girly
whyd she say it
Based Igetoldertheystaythesameagetomo
Takanashi Touka
Tooyama Rin
Satou Saki
it was rerunning in the US at that time because it was incredibly popular and they didnt have as much fodder as they do now. why are you so insistent about this?
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there was another time during her solo minecraft where she was going to say computer and she had a solid second pause on cum- before finishing it. She's just a cumbrain
>Takanashi Touka
Ah, very nice
Happens to the best of us.
She tries her best to hide her degen side on stream. Its cute
Just anecdotal evidence. Had almost no reruns i can remember. Every time someone talked about Avatar they talked about the blue alien movie and whenever i tried to get someone into watching it they looked down on it.
i guess it must be a regional thing
On German TV there were constant reruns. Wouldn't surprise me if they're still airing it.
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the collab was fun
I hope Fauna collabs with CC more, they were cute together
also I cant watch CC because Im working at that time...
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Grems taste like surimi apparently.
And that’s why I love her
>Cecilia, a german who likes mass murderers
its ok I've been inspired by CC and I'm going to invent a browser addon that adds a fake chatbox and disables DVR so the viewer can pretend the VOD they're watching is live
>whenever i tried to get someone into watching it they looked down on it
Holy based, they're just like me
New otomo here, what's the context behind the evil smiling otomo meme?
>Fauna getting CC to watch eva correctly AND effectively sweetened the well
Bless you Fauna
evil oshi evil fans. are you not evil or something?
oh! boys, check out this little goody-two-shoes who just stumbled into our thread!
she sacrificed it for odd taxi
Did the bat fusion anon do tanyaatvideogame?
sorry anon, but your tabs...
Time to take me out back like old yeller…
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thats my ass by the way
we're gonna be closing your tab. forever.
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Oh fuck me, just got there. Oh well she'll probably only remember the eva geass swap so phew everything's going to work out just fine
in an earlier stream she mentioned she's never seen Steins;Gate either and said she'd watch it someday
sex with this creature
I hate Fauna, I'm indifferent to GH
Deep down she's knows to read it despite thinking VNs are too slow so we're still go for eva the right way and unspoiled phew
i watching biboo and she and kaela are wearing their kimonos, and im realizing that the year is almost over so
i want to see cecilia's kimono soon
gonna be damn near impossible to top advent's or their paint gimmick so I only hope for Good
it's okay anon it happens, it happened to me last week too...
is gakuen Alice good?
It's a must-read and for (You) to decide, otomo
It's old, that's for sure.
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I'll place both in the 'it's there' tier, with autofister slightly higher, bordering on the 'i eat yummy' tier. I love autofister. I adore their chemistry, but I personally think the banter is a bit lacking or maybe I'm just not a fan of RPing, or maybe I just wish they would yap normally about different kinds of topics instead of just RPing. The green woman collab was cute. It gave me the yapping fix I needed, especially near the end of the stream. But I don't think they'll ever have the same level of chemistry (the best friend/ favourite sibling dynamic) autofister has. The stream was still great tho.
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now we just need a ceci, fauna and shiori collab
Minus the Fauna and it'll be perfect
Based, CC should get a goth/emo outfit one day
Faunaschizo seethe elsewhere please
Trying to shoehorn Fauna into everything schizo behavior
They just had a collab to today so slit your throat
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I love Ceci, I hate Fauna
Simple as
Is today a break day?
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g-guys theres no autofister collab on gigi's schedule
its so over
Where did you see her schedule?
its on on her youtube
Immerheim über alles!
But I want her so bad
They had many collabs last week.
Trying to shoehorn Gigi into everything schizo behavior
This but unironically.
why are you calling our oshi a schizo
after today collab i have concluded that CC is a woman and fauna likes vampires
I lovr Gigi though, she's so amazing, and thoughtful, and cute, and outgoing, and outwardly positive most of the time, and tries her best to include others where she can, and creative, and funny as well
It's fine because she's cute and I'm glad that she has a good friend in hololive so it's okay.
i just really dislike how extremely fake and self-centered fauna is
I just don't care.
No one asked you.
yeah but she is cute and can yap well
If this is all it takes then why bother watching Fauna at all?
she is entertaining
simple as
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what are some things you love about ceci?
I already did this exercise 2 days ago. I forgot to mention her cackle, very nice.
I love how she hates otomos, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
I doubted her. I didn't think she could pull off a good ending for her holoGTA arc, but she delivered a kino arc with an ending most anime can only dream of. I continue to be amazed that this is the timeline where the bean is a holomen. I'm very happy.
her good jokes
her silly bits at the start of the stream
Holy shit, Moot!

Take me back to those times, please
>Korone really liking that Cecilia stayed behind during the wedding, it made her laugh.
Just mentioning
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Wait, hold on
Would Dante be her type?
did she talk about it just now?
it was on the start of the stream,
still salty she didnt play the jingle ingame. would have been kino to drive past someone with that blasting
Is seething at little things all you can do? Do you seriously seethe at your tiny dick all day everyday?
nta but good morning ceci!
nta, what got stuck in your minge to be this toxic? Otomo just wanted her to blast the eurobeat version while drifting the beachbus
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Just - ice
It is beendet!

desu. I'm not sad about that. I really, seriously tried but I can't bring myself to like GG...
shut the fuck up
so no stream tomorrow?
Ceci, I'm sorry.
I REALLY tried, I'm honest.
Define tomorrow. I'm assuming no stream today.
tomorrow as in the next 7 hours
Then I'm assuming no but who the fuck knows really.
Biboo killed Autofister!
The only thing beebs killed are some of my sperm cells.
I have a meeting today after work so I'd miss a stream. Ceci is being nice and not streaming today so I (her husband) don't miss it.
You miss half the streams.
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Nice try anon
The cackle has been appearing a lot more lately. Yes, gentlemen, the laughs are coming easy these days
Lads... how do I get the ice cream eurobeat out of my head? It's been stuck there for hours. I woke up in the middle of the night to take a piss and it immediately started playing.
1 (eins) Zeitplan, Bitte.
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It is over…
That's good though. It's like how innocuous bacteria occupying real estate in your guts help prevents harmful ones from taking residence
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ice cream shop! ice cream shop!
come to our ice cream shop~
No stream today.
Updatilia is always so nice and reliable.
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we got four collabs with Gigi last week. Skipping a week is okay. ngl you guys are getting close to getting obnoxious about it...
yea, no joke
Is Ceci's cock larger than Towa's?
blame grems for liking ceci so much
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I already did everything I wanted to do today...
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That's great tho
now you can relax, game or take a walk
whatever you fancy
She's customizable. She can have a horse dick if she wants.
the clip of Cecilion playing the piano while Raon searches for him makes it even sadder...

>raon: I need to find my brother, I'm so lost without my brother
>cecilion: *plays the piano* so this... this is life huh
>raon: maybe my brother will come back
>cecilion: kills himself
so this... this is cinema huh.
I dream of a master archive of every pov
Green women are just bad at scheduling and like to live life as it comes.
me too... There were too many plots going on, and they covered different genres but I could only keep up with one.
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Not a hater btw
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do you guys prefer to bite your icecream or lick it?
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lick this you casual
Both, bite in the beginning and lick for the rest
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Say less
Green women and tuesdays i swear
I only ever eat ice cream from a bowl while using a spoon. Eating it in popsicle form is extremely gay. You're gay if you allow anything phallic near your mouth. Are you gay?
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hmm being this defensive about eating ice-cream is very gay anon, are you sure you're not gay?
She gave us two great streams yesterday, she more than deserves a day off. Especially when it's a day she hates
I have actually not heard this line of reasoning since high school. I wonder if those guys are gay now
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Drink tea.
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>(i hate tuesdays)
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I respect unusually strong feelings toward less-mentioned days of the week, that is to say, tuesday and thursday. Lifelong fan of thursdays, me
So this... is the weapon to surpass Metal Gear
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I'm gonna grab snacks to accompany my tea, you guys need anything?
Flaming hot cheeto puffs
chips and ice cream
Yeah, whenever I’m putting something inside my mouth I imagine massive, rock hard, meaty cock with dangling skin below red, massive, shiny head, wet with my preejaculate and my spit, squirting snake of white, salty goo inside my throat, nearly making me choke on it while hitting my verbal cords
>CC has to deal with this brat every day
yeah, but also she is too important for her to be firm in fear of losing it, so she draws her face on paper bag, puts it on Raora and fucks her instead.
Gigi does same to Raora, but with Ceci's face instead
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She's so relatable..
Doesn’t she just replace her face and hair module with a GG one, then masterbate in front of a mirror?
she is just liek us
qt pies
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>Also I'll post schedule tonight
Should I believe it?
Okay there, Murderface.
Bite. I like the crunchy shells
i would've killed myself too...
No, because she also likes to bully Raora
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Let’s be real, who doesn’t want to bully Raora?
I want to coom into her womb
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Cecilia nostream
cesilly immerfun
Cecilia immermywife
Sexillia Immercum
Smutcilia Immergoon
Cecilia tried to hit on Nerissa during the GTA roleplay. Nerissa wasn't having it and told Cecilia to kill herself(she only romantically likes Shiori, Fuwawa, Kiara and Marine) so she did exactly that. Bijou tried to stop her.
I love Cecilia Immergreen romantically.
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Something happened behind scenes between Ceci and Elizabeth and they hate eachother now. Erb is protegee of Nerissa, so she is ignoring Ceci. There also won’t be collab with Kiara because they are all part of the same clique
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Same to be honest. She is light of my life
cute cec'
>cecilia immergreen in the German countryside, august 31st, 1939
>regloss 3d
finally, their idol outfit designs are so good. they make me wish the rest of the company at least had gen specific designs
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I like the classic one.
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We got branch specific and I still hope for a complete redesign or at least a makeover for EN. The random pieces of metal stuck to EN look just weird.
Well, about that...
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Cecillia = German
ERB = Bong

It was bound to happen sooner or later.
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Or, maybe there were 6 people talking at once and Nerissa simply didn't hear CC or register CC Das talking to her
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my other wife's wife's
Aaaaand canceled my membership and subscription. She has done some awful watchalongs and a single (2 if you count the intro) piece of audio in 2 months, plus while she can be rather fun her taste in games is mediocre at best so no reason to bother further follow her career.

Best of lucks otomos and wish you the best CC, but you failed to capture my heart in 2 months so it's time to say goodbye.
>giving an obvious shitpost a serious reply
You good?
Reminder: >>85974073
Aaaaand hid your post. You've written some awful shitposts and basically nothing else, plus while trolling can be fun your ideas and prose are mediocre at best so no reason to bother following the reply chain any further.
Best of luck to any otomos who want to bite this bait, but you failed to capture me interest in 2 lines so its time to say goodbye!
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I'd prefer to be sent to Dublin.
It's kinda crazy you would pay money for a membership for someone who hasn't already captured your heart so- wait shit this is bait isn't it
My heart is hers so I'll be with Ceci for as long as she's still around.
The content is just a bonus on top for supporting her.

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