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But Vivi, Elira-sama isn't gonna like this....
She's almost certainly alraedy in the graduation queue at this point, what does she care what Elira thinks?
someone on graduation queue wouldn't be allowed to participate in that
Even assuming the clique rrats were ever real, I guarantee after the total financial collapse of NijiEN and having to cancel the AX concerts (including for golden boys ChroNoiR), JP management has just gone full scorched earth with them, See all the depresso tweets and sobbing elira enna millie and the like have been doing lately, Why hex and kunai talked about "finally being free", I imagine the last 6 months has been a VERY very rough time to be in nijiEN, And JP management couldn't give less of a fuck about doki at all, Probably barely even knows who she is considering how lax and lazy they are even with vetting their own partners like YAB, Nobody with power over EN now gives a shit about what they do except the sister's themselves, And they only have as much power as the organs let them have (See uki apologizing for eating at mcdonald's cause muh gaza)
It would be very surprising if Anycolor's top brass didn't rake NijiEN's troublemakers over the coals for this year. I wouldn't put that much stock into Hex though, considering that he started his own share of drama and vehemently stood behind the message of the black screen before it became public.
Nijiens trouble makers are the management themselves. Though they definitely don't see themselves as such.
>See all the depresso tweets and sobbing elira enna millie and the like have been doing lately,
Got a compilation image or something? Fuck those bitches I don't follow them
god Sykkuno is such a faggot.
Welp, she earned at least one new viewer whenever she goes indie again.
The balls on this woman are immense.
What would it matter.
I don't think he cares what a fragile manchild on a venezuelan ramen shop thinks about his masculinity, anon.
They didn't. They've still been shilling all of them ever since Selen left. Elira got a fucking life sized statue at AX and a bikini figure.
AX was such a miserable failure for Niji that there won't be another chance for EN.
Vox is getting a whole ass cafe dedicated to his shitty "movie."
They've stated pretty clearly in their IR that their plan is to spam music until the fans take them back.
If they had any intentions of bonking her for this, they would have done so by now. The three-day weekend is over, and offices in Tokyo have been open for business for nearly four hours now.
Either they're afraid of firing anyone because they don't want Riku to have to "apologize" to the western barbarians again; or she's in the graduation queue, and firing someone in the queue and thus allowing them to leave early (even if on bad terms) would defeat the purpose of having the queue. Either way, they won't fire her for this.
They won't fire anyone for anything short of an actual major crime like rape, murder, arson or rape.
They would, even if for no other reason than to try to convince the shareholders that the graduation queue isn't real. Hell, they had Pomu attend the Anime Impulse event that took place between her graduation announcement and graduation stream; they'll allow or "encourage" the livers to pretend to have fun in the company even as they're getting ready to leave.
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>They won't fire anyone for anything short of an actual major crime like rape, murder, arson or rape.
After the YAB thing I doubt they'll even fire someone for rape these days.
grim. Don't worry, anon. I'm sure one day you'll be happy enough with yourself that you won't give a shit what others think, either. I believe in you.
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Never forget
To be fair, Doki was a little starstruck when collabing with all the fleshies, too.
Didn't stop her from setting them on fire, causing a mutinous rebellion, or suplexing their faces into the dirt, though.
>doki out of nowhere
Anon, I enjoyed those collabs. I don't know where on earth you got the idea that I was a sister from that.
Being able to torch them or attack them for the sake of content and still end up with everyone having a good time, wanting to do it again is a good thing.
>Vox is getting a whole ass cafe dedicated to his shitty "movie."
Are they, though? The company just got bonked by Vivendi over his shitty "movie."
Why would Elira not like this?
Seconding. I really wanna see them and don't want those bitches in my recs
Elira is mindbroken now. She is in her comfort box of locked chat and her clique friends and finally her new cat. She is not looking at what vivi does I assure you.
>>85950791 (me)
>If they had any intentions of bonking her for this, they would have done so by now.
It just occurred to me - regardless of management's reason(s) for not punishing Vivi for acknowledging Doki's existence, that lack of punishment sets a precedent in that Doki is not a taboo subject for discussion, even though actually having a collab with her is neither permitted nor feasible. A possible corollary is that public acknowledgement of the roommates of terminated livers in general is no longer prohibited, even though the only other person currently affected is Sayu.

Fulgur mentioned both Selen and Zaion on stream this summer, speaking of them in generally positive terms. He did this right before his medical hiatus, and has since returned to streaming.
If he was suspended for either acknowledging their existence at all, or for acknowledging their existence in generally positive terms, then his suspension was concurrent with (and rendered moot by) his medical hiatus. If he was NOT suspended for it, then the two of them are no longer taboo subjects either.

tldr the livers can talk about Selen and Zaion, or Doki and Sayu, without fear of reprisal.
>Elira is mindbroken now
>tldr the livers can talk about Selen and Zaion, or Doki and Sayu, without fear of reprisal.
I don't know if I can accept that quite yet.
The whole deal was that they didn't acknowledge each other, and Doki did her part, but Vivi slipped up.
They might get punished in ways we can't see at this point, like some kind of privilege or resource taken away or whatever, or just being ostracized by the remaining organs.

Thenagain, Vivi even attending this in the first place is such a fucking precedent. I hope she gets out soon after that little slip up.
>zaion, doki or sayu
Anon 2 of them are the same person are you retarded?
Yeah well after the flogging she got in the black stream by her long term members who then left her, anyone would end up like that. Not that I feel bad for her.
OK maybe I feel a little bad. But then she brought it on herself.
NTA but selen and zaion are separate topics from doki and sayu, as they specifically refer to the people during the time they piloted the nijisanji IPs. Fulgur talked about Zaion and Selen, and Vivi mentioned Doki by name now.
Elira was sobbing on stream after the AX concert got cancelled. Wish I saved the streamable before it got taken down. It was during one of her persona streams and those are like 12 hours long so I'm not hunting for it.
You can tell it was real because it was completely different from her crocodile tears in the black stream.

I'd feel bad for her, but once again, black stream so she brought it entirely on herself.
Is eskay transgender or was she just born with unfortunate genetics?
Roses are red
This board is blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)
Let's not go too far. She definitely wasn't sobbing. I saw it too. She had that "could end up crying" voice but there was no actual crying involved. Just apologies to fans. I'm not gonna say whether it was obligatory or real.
Whatever it was, comparing it to the black stream was fucking hilarious.
God, I'm still pissed at her. I think she dropped another 1k yesterday, so I guess I'm not alone.
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Well I actually ended up watching her paranormasight playthrough. But only by download vods from yt-dlp. Yes yes, I am a little fucked up you don't have to tell me. Doesn't mean i'll sub to her or give her views.
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She's not a bad streamer, which is why all of this hurt so much. I used to watch her regularly as a comfort streamer.
A LOT of people went from long time fans to antis, or just hopped over to Doki and dropped Niji entirely.
>just being ostracized by the remaining organs.
It will probably just boil down to this. Anycolor has more than likely accepted that they've lost that battle, and it would explain why some people like Rosemi don't seem to be punished for still having Selen in her loading screen despite her termination. Stripping the few well-behaved talents of some resources/privileges doesn't seem like a go-to option anymore either, since the last thing Anycolor wants is to lose even more beloved talents to other corporations, let alone seeing them do better or just as fine as indies. And that's not even getting into the potential PR blowback that would come from an actually well respected talent talking about any potential negative experiences they've had with the company.
Being isolated from the other organs could suck, but its not like there's no shortage of people to befriend in the vtubing scene, and people like Scarle showed you can still do fine by being in your own world. And its doubtful the problem clique has the same internal sway they once had prior to the Selen shock either, its not that big a deal anymore.
Wonder what she was thinking when she saw all of those
Hell, I'd literally kill to be a fly on the wall in the NijiEn discord the hour the Black Stream went up. Seeing all those assholes going from smugly confident that their hit piece will work to surprised and horrified at it backfiring amazingly and them all loosing subs en mass
To any Nijien livers who have been/are about to leave, I will literally pay you money to collect and post the screencaps of that day in the server
Anon she didn't stream for months after that. Like i said, mindbroken. Vox was still a little delulu talking about 'fighting the good fight' but not her.
But like I said she has retreated into her hugbox of whatever fans are left, her clique friends like millie, and her cat meowmeow. And I don't think she cares about or even looks at vivi saying doki's name.
I'm not gonna become an anti because I'm not a schizo but I was a day 1 member and to this day I have never oshi'd another vtuber harder than I did Elira.
I never liked Doki to begin with but that stream from Elira was just so disheartening and mean-spirited that I can never see her in the same way again, even though I was so invested in her and regularly watched her streams for years.
I knew that her persona was an act and even respected her for it, but once the mask is off you can't just put it back on. It's not even that I don't want to watch her again, I genuinely can't. So I just ended up quitting vtubers all together for a bit before eventually going back to holo.
Well I watch vtubers from holo, vsj. Even sometimes watched ryoma because he makes apex entertaining. I'm not a tribalfag. I tried watching doki but she's not my type which is fair I guess. With elira I was mad ( still am) but idk I just get the urge to watch again. Plus she is playing one of my favourite games too. So I just download the vods.
I'm aware of that. I was moreso referring to that very specific moment where all her long time members started to leave her
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>Anon she didn't stream for months after that. Like i said, mindbroken
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this, but look at the date.
She was suspended for EXACTLY two months.
I doubt she interacted much in discord during that day or even week. Probably scared that the junior livers will blame her for destroying their career( which is true) with ike, shu, vox or millie relaying messages.
That's probably true
I'd still kill to see what was going on in that server from like 30 minutes to an hour before it went live and the rest of the day after, just to see how they reacted to the stream backfiring and taking all of their channels in the moment
Wish we still had people who'd leak the screenshots
I doubt vox was there, either. He was gone for almost as long. He was only forced to come back for his birthday and hid out in collabs.
Ike was the only one who got out relatively unscathed, except not really because he's still losing subs too, and he was less than 8k away from 1m.
the management is elira
They already tried to block her.
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She grabbed
Oh is this the resident schizo thread? Don't you have Ame's graduation to cry about? Why are you still seething about Niji mogging Holo? Lol
Ice seen his forehead, it puts Ina's to shame. If you ever watch him he's always fixing his hair.
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>niji mogging holo
theres no way shes graduating if kunai is out and she is not. shes part of the clique.
Calm your tweets. It took all the way to August for the first graduation to happen. Give it time.
Vivi cheering Doki(kunno) on
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Oh! A rare Vivi thread. Unfortunately, she's tainted.
Doki is a big constant in the vtubing world now. If the EN branch has to stay then they are going to have to acknowledge her at some point.
I'd be more worried about February. That's roughly 6 months after the AX concert cancellation. I wouldn't be surprised if several people from that failed concert turned in their papers after it.
This is fake by the way.
You can't just come in here and post receipts like this anon.

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