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Froot won
vshojo won
/vt/ fully supports Froot
Asmondgold apologize, took down his video and is asking for forgiveness
Incels "tradcath" gooners lost and are seething that Froot is moving on and bettering herself
Depressed Nousagi and others like him are in shambles as their coordinated attack failed
Frootcakes are eating great tonight.
Keep supporting Froot and soon all of her antis and hates will be gone for good.
>vhoekeks tell themselves as they are still seething
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Why are you a fan of a chuuba who have a boyfriend?
>Froot cheated
>vshoujo lost
>Asmongold got copystruck by gunrun, doesn't even care about vshoujo
>Tranny groomers lost and are seething that Froot confessed to being a cheating whore after they spent months claiming it was a lie
>Depressed Nousagi who? False came out as a vshoujo simp and his reputation is tanked
>Frootcucks are seething, coping and dilating tonight
>Keep harassing Froot and soon she and all her troon orbiters will ACK themselves for good
Honestly, why the fuck would Froot even post this is the real question here. Vshojo was drama free for the past year and then out of nowhere, this nuke is dropped by their most controversial member.
The fuck is wrong with her, is she that desperate for validation?
>inb4 the Vshojocucks start calling me a Holofag/Phasenigger for using my common sense because they ate somehow allergic to all of that
vshojo made vei and silver join asmonbald
Look at how hard this vhoekek is coping.
Dramafags pissed him off this much.
You literally type like an ESL Pedro.
Also >>85933739 was right.
You literally can't argue with Vshojo fags without losing a few brain cells
the insecurity of this post holy shit>>85933870
>SEAholofags in /vt/ start jerking each other off as they keep on getting shit on by rest of the VTuber fans
bettel is 100% more cooler then DN and asmon will ever be. he also have a cool stache. froot getting mustache rides.
Literally who? Why are you people so obsessed with these literal whos. My god go to liverstreamer fails or whatever that fucking shiddit sub is called. Fuck off
asmon stream is done i geuss so the sea apes need to wraste time til pippa
There was nothing wrong with my English SEAnigger.
Go watch your Kobo pander to Zhang cock and see your SEA women worship Latino men.
>Anon goes into an obvious ESL bait thread
>Assumes the OP is legit
Now THAT'S retarded
>SEA women worship Latino men
Kek, now this is what we call insecurity.
Even Latinas don't want Latinos.
She will always be a whore
Something bad is going to come out, this is a preemptive defense
Holo fags lost
Vshojo keeps winning!!!
in my mind*
in reality* Because shes a cheating lying whore
proof next thread?
>False came out as a vshoujo simp
I should not be surprised, also I forgot he quite the libtard
just two more tweets
Holofags and Phasefags are being retarded if they think their GFE pandering streamers have never had a boyfriend.
I was a Holo fanboy before turning into a Vshojo fan, amd I can safely say people like Irys, Bae, Kronii and Mumei haven't just have multiple ex boyfriends as they are Asians living in NA
>Irys, Bae, Kronii and Mumei
>living in NA
Lmao, these are the people we have to share this board with
Also no Yous for you retard
Not the first time Vshoujo false copyright strikes a video to save their reputation.
>Got dragged for days on Twitter & 4chan.
>Called out by some of the internet's most popular streamers.
>Her coworkers forced to retract statements.
>And it all could've been avoided if she'd shut the fuck up.
Yeah, Froot "won"
It's almost like Holo haters don't actually watch or know shit about Hololive, kek
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I want to marry froot and make her the mother of my kids
I wish there'd be a big Vshoujo vs Phase drama so his dramafagging ass would be split in two as he tries to find out which side is the easiest to grift from
>mouse cries abiut getting copyright struck
>they immediately copystrike asmongoloid
lol, they deserve every yab that comes their way
Either her ex was planning on completely exposing her for being a scammer, a cheater and a whore or she actually got pressured by Doxxsagi because he made a video about her. Not sure which is worse
Her ex was the scammer
I doubt her ex announced her that he would expose her or she's clairvoyant
Did they really? Sounds like a pretty dumb and risky move.
Why is froot such a disgusting whore bros?
She's pure and virginal
Disgusting, smelly, troon loving skank
>copyright strike
>when there's footage of the man himself saying he was wrong and had no evidence, so he took it down.
The doc worked. Despite the schizos attempts at damage control, more and more people are actually reading it and coming to the exact same conclusion.
Doxxsagi, /k/, and Ant lost.
Take that back
Damn, Vshojo is held together by the sheer power of mouse and her lawyer team alone
it was vshojo's lawyers, not a personal mouse-only one
It will be a great day when this whore is out of the company
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My future wife
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It really seems like Mythic's entire goal is to tear down every other major Vtubing agency and poach their members to build themselves up.Their members up to and including their owner Asmon has been attacking other agencies and putting themselves out there as the "good" vtuber agency. They even did the same to Hololive in a subtle way, at the Vtuber Awards (started by Mythic) they basically ignored Hololive, and the art they showed to represent one of their members was a fucking AIslop image with 6 fingers (and they ONLY did this to Hololive, every other vtuber was actually presented with their official non-AI art).

Now Vshojo is their newest target. But it looks like they bit more than they could bite and Gunrun is making them bend the knee. And now it seems like just being in Mythic is a blackstain thanks their owner Asmonghoul's behavior. Mythic won't last much longer guarantee.
mythic is a mail order list to promote caffeinated kool-aid and pre builds.
>copystrike asmongoloid
It's amazing how quickly this board will literally just discard reality and replace it with completely unfounded schizophrenia
The fucking physics on that zipper get me every time.
They worth their money, unlike mike's lawyer
froot simps are going into overdrive even in spite of her admitting to cheating, must have broken them pretty hard admitting to something they've been trying to discredit for years lol
>her admitting to cheating
I'd ask you to post proof but you won't because there is none and we both know it
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VShojo was their first target actually
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I think now would be the perfect time for Asmongold's anti's to bring up the fact that his best friend Cody was convicted and imprisoned for domestic violence against his girlfriend. It's little wonder that Asmon is sympathetic to Froot's (allegedly) abusive husband, when he himself is friends with a woman abuser himself.
>her admitting to cheating
There it is! The exact thing I was just talking about!
The people who join Mythic are just OTK cloutchasers who hope to one day get to sit at the cool kid's table, aka join OTK. I compare OTK and Mythic to the adult's and kids dinner tables. You start at at the kid's table (Mythic) and then one day when you grow up you get to sit at the adult's table (OTK). At least, that's what the grifters who join think.

They sure as shit aren't joining Mythic for the amazing sponsorships or any other bonuses.
>attacking people based on their friends
something about stones and glass houses
I have never seen so much projection in a single post.

Just eat your Jolibee and get off of the internet Pedro.
Damn, you must really love the cuck chair.
Froot is monogamous.
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Froot = Based

Asmon = Crossdressing KEK
False, Camila and several of the whores supporting her are in Mythic though?
Not anymore
Camila deleted her tweet
>Camila deleted her tweet
Because Asmon's audience harassed her for it and wished her mother would die.
Hate to say it but she and the rest of the foot defense squad deserved it.
OTK really is filled the most unlikeable grifters out there. If you are seriously watching any of them please do everyone a favor and kys
Wow, its like Vshojo but with fleshtubers
Not Emiru, she’s the only good one and she does gfe
Isn't that ironic coming from a VSJ fag who is also a Twitter gooner?
I will unironically glaze Froot from now on, she makes all the worst people in this industry seethe and continues to blow them out time and time again. We can only hope this kills at least one or two dramafags career and makes all the vtubers get out of asmonbalds shit corpo
I went from a froot hater to a just a dislike
I guess that's a plus
/vt/ is scum
The foot clan?!
Trump won
Froot is not into cuckoldry
>Mythic won't last much longer guarantee.
Unfortunately they will because there aren't many good alternatives.
There needs to be more Astralines and Vchibans that actually hire.
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>literally every vtuber who used to be in /k/ circles has had their reputation, and even in some cases careers ruined by them
Starting to see why that board is such a bad reputation
although in froot's case she was in too deep with them to not get exposed eventually
I wonder if that's why /tact/ hated Yuko
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Nobody *likes* these girls who butt into the community and start namefagging and begging for attention. They go in with the intention of being a public figure and they continuously annoy everyone, since it's not like you can kick them off 4chan. The only friends they can make are the most retarded bottom-of-the-barrel scum around and everyone else is just waiting for it to deservedly blow up in their face. There's no point warning them because they won't listen, but also your revenge is basically already in motion from the moment they start associating.

I guess the conflict makes sense from their perspective too. They're rejected immediately, trolled and hated by everyone, and in the end they suffer and no one feels sorry for them. Anyone would be resentful about that. Of course, usually this is at the instruction of some mouthbreathing groomer who convinces them to lash out instead of learning to behave. Peace is possible but they always choose negative attention instead and that path leads nowhere; they never break through it and gain true celebrity like they're probably hoping.

It's not /k/'s fault. No one /k/ anon could do anything about it at any point in this process.
I'm proud to have her as my oshi
>>Froot cheated
i refuse to believe that she cheated simply because no one has ever given me any actual evidence of her doing anything wrong. It's literally the same thing with Lumi being the mastermind that destroyed Cyberlive. People keep saying it, but there's no evidence that she did it

Anthime is a grifter that makes baseless accusations with no evidence
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Man she must really like the attention.
Who gives a fuck? Quit shitting up the board
Telling her community to not be harassers and to telling them to stop if they are, is bad now? Do you want her to be like Asmongold?
Her video showed zero proof, just a recap of rrats and and interview with some random guy on discord.
Froot and her husband scammed people.
They're both horrible people and none of their He Cheated She Cheated shit flinging changes it.
Husband scammed people; he was the one operating everything but the art.
No. Actually he said he was too busy being in a war to operate the business so Froot fucked up everything
Is there any proof she owned the business bank account or that she did anything besides the art?
No, her husband didn’t want her to have money
He sounds controlling.
There isn't any proof he was in charge of the money and that he was in charge of doing anything but making patches. Who had more to do? Froot in college or her husband in Afghanistan?
well, he was the one who had control of the social media and apparently was the one who could decide that paying customers no longer could get their patches OR their money back.
And he did it in the exact same post where he smeared froot, which is the only "evidence" that is ever cited, and his word has been shown to be extremely untrustworthy.
>he was the one who had control of the social media
That was his own account
>apparently was the one who could decide that paying customers no longer could get their patches OR their money back
He wasn't. He literally said he left Froot in charge of it while he deployed and she fucked everything up. She's a scammer. Not the first time either. It's okay
So you have no proof and just assume, I see.
You can keep screaming this until the cows come home, but unless you can find ANY proof of this, or even any way to debunk anything from froot's document, you're just a screeching white knight for a /k/tard. I don't think he's going to fuck you, buddy, no matter how much he wants to cheat on whatever depressed girl he's abusing right now.
Where did she ever talk about her scamming people in the document again?
Bruh when did he deploy to Afghanistan lol. Even if you consider her talking to cinna between Feb and May as cheating that's not enough time for a full Afghanistan deployment. He was making shit up on Facebook. Probably just a pogue
They're both untrustworthy. I wouldn't be surprised if he kept receipts for the scamming and will publish them now that she "cleared up the allegations" years later because of some SEA Doxx negro on YouTube.
Have you considered they're both rotten to the core? Have you considered they might just both be made for each other, since they're both horrible?
Mental illness on display
>I wouldn't be surprised if he kept receipts for the scamming and will publish them now that she "cleared up the allegations" years later because of some SEA Doxx negro on YouTube.
I would. The fucker's insane. Him and cinna have been the main spearheads trying to push this rrat and fuck over froot for years. If he had that kind of silver bullet, he would've used them IMMEDIATELY back when he scammed them in the first place, genius.
He literally had footage of him in a tank in Afghanistan, retard
that was a different /k/ anon.
>No one /k/ anon could do anything about it
They could, and this might be a bit radical... not be actual subhuman spergs

It's categorically insane that people on this site will hold grudges against people like Froot or Nyan for years and years, long after the person they hate has completely left those communities and moved on themselves.

For Froot it's closing in on a decade. For Nyan it's been more than a decade. And *still* people are frothing at the mouth over them... for what? What in God's name justifies that behavior?
Even if they DID do what their antis claim, how long do you need to be this mad about it?

It's not that hard to just not be like this.
It was on his Facebook, dumb fuck
They won't be your kid sadly
>What in God's name justifies that behavior?
Micro penis rage
Maybe he was deployed before.
>What in God's name justifies that behavior?
Those women escape their grooming clutches, anon.
That's some really nice tit animation and shaping but I wish the tummy wa sa tiny bit bigger.
Maybe people just don't like backstabbing cheaters and grifting whores?
>Ame and Gura will be working under and collabing with assmadgald
Good lord please no.
People love those tho, especially /k/ schizos
Stop spreading lies
You shouldn't talk about cinna like that.
The guys she cheated with have multiple times gone on record to confirm they did indeed fuck her.
What proof do you expect? Her vaginal secretions so you can run a DNA test?
No one gains anything by saying they cheated with someones wife. If anything they're losing a lot. So there is no reason they'd admit to doing it if it wasn't real.
Show me those records will you.
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>No one gains anything by saying they cheated with someones wife. If anything they're losing a lot. So there is no reason they'd admit to doing it if it wasn't real.
Are you fucking serious?
The guy scammed a bunch of gun nuts for money and blamed it all on froot.
The other guy was trying to fuck froot and instead turned anti once he realized he wasn't going to score.
It really is
Froot never denied scamming anyone and the other guy found out he was a pawn in the cuck game then reacted appropriately. Are you questioning why he wasn't to a cheating whore?
Has anybody ever won harder than Froot? Basically queen of /vt/ at this point.
Because she was getting harassed, only not out in the open. This is mostly making the harassment public.
Which ended up making it ten times worse. Amazing. No matter what, she's a retard
Assume it's a like until proven otherwise
Unfortunately for /k/, their sperging here didn't translate to the rest of the medium taking their side. Quite the contrary actually
>a guy he knows did something bad
who cares?
>vtuber pulls me2 bs
>most vtuber simps are mgtow gigachud permaincels
>froot won
The retard award a kick in the butt sending her flying toward a job in the fast food industry. Yeah.
Imagine being this much of a simp faggot
This is really ironic coming from the retards who cancel people because they said faggot or n***** on the internet when they were twelve
They’re simply getting tastes of their own medicine
Who doesn't like feet?
>he was the one who had control of the social media
actually no, the store's Twitter embed links to Froot's old @. It's just the Facebook embed that links to her ex-husband's acc, so they both had control of the social media.
as for the money you'd have to show an instance where it's outright said who handles the money honestly. I'm leaning more towards froot because she did direct business deals where money was involved and as >>85969925 shows, froot's ex is shown to be telling people outright not to buy anything on the store. As far as I could tell, the sale was never posted.
No proof either way. And cuck-chama reacted like a compete bitch by showing the dirty laundry not only to her ex, but to anthime of all people. If that's reacting appropriately then you're a massive mentally ill faggot.
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Even asmond’s subreddit is turning against him
I mean asmond himself has said that he's not sure whether she cheated or not
Froot antis, if they are smart can actually put a better case of her cheating by muddling the waters with the post Jan 14 screenshots between her and desynch, but they are schizos who do not read.
Don’t give them ideas
Stop being an incel
Honest question: what the fuck did Froot do to have this much dedicated antis and haters? Like this can’t be about the document or Hogwarts
asmon is a retard who only hate froot becuase his balls is in silvervales purse. him going after her is dumb due to not only his friend cody but his org's history of abuse to woman with a few of their members.
ERP'd with a couple of abusive retards that couldn't let go and then got targeted by drama faggots because she "made it big in vshojo" and for clout?
All of this hate, these coordinated attacks is due to jilted lovers?
It seems to be a bizarre multi-track drift of several types of schizo: abusive jilted lovers, army fetishist misogynists, right wing grifters (so more of the former), and one VERY dedicated Chinese sexist, racist, antisemitic, transphobic CP lover (yes, really)
1. pre-doc antis were always antis
2. normies turning into antis because tranny froot fans lack any self awareness and still excuse and defend what they did to silvervale over a game ("it didn't happen, and if it did she deserved it" mentality), that naturally turns any normal person against them
Most of them didn't even watch vtubers, they were twitter freaks just like the ones who attacked Froot recently.
you're confusing Froot fans with actual schizo trannies that started the whole campaign in the first place. People who actually watch Froot never had anything against Silver nor did Froot herself.
Where are these records?
>They’re simply getting tastes of their own medicine
Newfag doesn't even know about 4chan's glory days of trolling normies before cancel culture was even a thing. Keep crying victim, nigger.
Triggered the "muh woke kulturkampf" retards over the "everyone makes mistakes" comment in regards to Silvervale.
Froot won, because she's a liar who's simps don't care that she pocketed money she promised to give to charity.
She didn't pocket anyone's money you idiot. She said she'd pay out of her own pocket and when someone pointed out her choice of charity was perhaps not brilliant she was like "Fine, I won't donate to them,"
>is she that desperate for validation?
yes. really no different from the hordes of trannies that support her in that way at least
it's extremely obvious for anyone that isn't mentally ill that silver did nothing wrong and twitter trannies are solely to blame for the drama. so, in every single scenario what froot said was wrong and should have defended silver, and now here we are
TL;DR of her 90 page doc?
Her ex was abusive and pathetic, and she was dumb for falling for him in the first place, let alone sticking with him. The abuse included stating he's breaking up with her, while still trying to control her after that, and the "cheating" was her ERPing over Discord after he said that she was single
And you actually believe that?
thanks I couldn't be fucked to read all of that shit
She has receipts, more than the other side has
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>They could, and this might be a bit radical... not be actual subhuman spergs
It wouldn't do anything. They could all be the most honest and gentlemanly anons you've ever seen, but the target audience is still DTF dumpster-tier delinquents so that's what they'll get. In the same way, not hating them would not mitigate their impending doom, which requires no input from anons to begin with. I think you'll find that anons don't actually *do* anything to their supposed victims, who are just trailer trash retards running around naked and loudly getting into fights on their own terms. When they get a bloody nose, how's that our fault?

The focus on how she feels being ostracized does not sufficiently explain how or why she was ostracized. Surely you understand why that makes no sense and could never make sense. It's a vacuous complaint, not a problem looking for a solution. You're bludgeoning us for not simping hard enough for a complete stranger we don't even like. It's meaningless, it's controlling, it's not a realistic view, and it will not stop the endless complaining. This mindset perfectly illustrates the actual root problem, which is half Froot and Nyan, and the other half is YOU.

They come here because they want to fit in and be cool, right? The negative reaction of anons is actually an invitation to observe the local etiquette, almost the exact opposite of excluding them. When they struggle with that, what's your solution? "Don't listen to anon, he's a nerd, I'm actually really cool so just come over to my house and we'll show those virgins!" YOU are the one causing both the poor etiquette and all of their material damage to their lives and careers. YOU have no standards and self-control. YOU are the one dooming them to being an unlikeable whore forced to live on the edge of town.
>the actual root problem, which is half Froot and Nyan, and the other half is YOU
Oh yeah there's absolutely no blame to be placed on the hordes of random strangers on the Internet who let e-celebs live in their heads rent-free for years on end
>hordes of random strangers don't like me
You are alleging a vague metaphysical explanation for their life going wrong, not any specific actions or events. You are suggesting this as an alternative to real events taking place and real specific people being involved. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature will recognize that this is a scapegoat, and not a very good one.
>who let e-celebs live in their heads rent-free for years
Which is the exact thing they demanded and spent years building, as self-styled e-celebs tailored to 4chan. They came here for this express purpose and were given exactly what they wanted and still seem to want after leaving. To oppose this would be to directly oppose Froot's desires, or put another way, it will happen regardless of what you or I want because we don't control her (and ostensibly, we both agree she's a cunt). She is still trying to live her life as an e-celeb, isn't she? And the recent drama was a direct result of her kicking up dust and restarting the drama under her own power.

How, just how, could I have prevented that? Your own argument makes it pretty clear we're innocent.
I had heard about Nyanners and Froota history four years ago and didn't care, I gave them a fresh start.
Then the vshitshow audition drama came in followed by the Arcanum drama and I realised that these sorts of people by virtue of being public figures addicted to sucking clout are going to constantly get into these sorts of drama and I dropped them and never looked back.
That's the thing anon, you really are enabling the drama treadmill ecelebs crave. Random shitters here like me have already written them off as lolcows
>I gave them a shot, but then they got caught up with shitty people who wronged them, and therefore they are also bad
He lied about the reason for his arrest (saying it was for "shoplifting") and propped up his twitch channel while hiding the truth of what he did from his audience, and bans anyone who brings it up.
Man I miss when vtubing wasn't just drama bullshit all the time
Her body, her choice. I, for one, have the COURAGE to raise another man's child.
Especially Pippa fans. Shit is documented that her Adult boyfriend took her to furry conventions to pimp her underage pussy out. Shit is archived by her own spurned ex mod ffs.
one day you're going to learn that while shit like this works on retards, there is a significant portion of the population who will actually ask for proof and examine the evidence you give, and so you will always end up looking like a retard once it turns out you have none
asmongold backed out because he stepped on a landmine that fucked with his orgs' financial interests
the vtubers under mythic support froot over your retarded fanfic spam because you are too fucking lazy to fling factual shit that could have done real damage
he represents his orgs, which reflects badly on all of his partners, which fucked with his business
his partners and direct friends group are friends directly or indirectly with froot or closely related vshojo members and other vtubers
the vtuber community as in the community of actual vtubers is not something he or tourists like you can fuck with so easily because they have a strong herd instinct and their connections run deep everywhere, and even ones that get excommunicated like Bunny managed to climb her ass back into another circle over the years
It's archived on the farms. It's common knowledge among pipniggers, but the farms and pipniggers are the same general audience that follows Null around like a lost dog. Null is an even more well-known pedophile groomer.

"It's okay when we do it" is the motto of every gangstalking lolcowlite across the Internet
I like to believe that False made baldy kneel, it's funnier that way.
He still think froot is swful for attacking silvervale andnpikamee for hogwarts.he had a vendetta and it sad. He clearly doing it to get into silvers pants
Shitty people hang around shitty people anon.
And yes, you should stop hanging around your friends that hang around shitty people, because chances are very high that they are shitty
Bunny is still at the bottom of every ladder, she just doesn't want to admit that. Some shitstains remain forever, whether you have connections or not.
I'm sorry there sport but I am not seeing a single member of Hololive involved
Perhaps you have mistaken twitch chuubas as the vtuber community, an honest mistake, but rest assured that nobody gives a shit about them
>good people are NEVER taken advantage of by bad actors they NEVER get manipulated they NEVER fall into a situation that's out of their control
I wish I could live in whatever dimension you're from
Hololive is the Nintendo of vtubing, segregated community et al
hololive is it's own isolated island disconnected from the en sphere
vshojo is just fancier indies just like the other support agency affiliated indies, after the niji implosion hololive en is the only true corporate group that's relevant
and she didn't
dramafaggot is so lost in the sauce he's can't even differentiate his own sensationalist clickbait narratives from reality lmao
she's still making a living
she roached through and won
I like how all pretense of this just being a failed cancelation is dropped, not like everyone didn't already know it but still
>I have evidence
>doesn't post it or a link to it
Well color me surprised
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Did they?
I think asmongold backed out because he very predictably fucked up. His entire stupid shtick is confirming the priors of his retarded audience. Like 90 percent of the time his content consists of "Oh, you guys believe this thing? Uh, wow. Haha, you're so right. Wow, isn't it obvious how right you are? Like, I don't get how people don't think you're right! They must be crazy and bad, and you are right and good." Of course, eventually the audience of trogolodytes who need an internet autist to tell them they're right for an ego boost was going to be wrong about something, in a humongous, blatant, hard to ignore way.
what the fuck
Same shit happened with Nux now that I think about it
he frequently argues with his audience on something retarded they think to be true
the majority of his subreddit are banned on his channel and hatewatch him
his dumbass getting baited into signalboosting a complete landmine for his entire business by his subreddit was not surprising and him instantly backing the fuck out was predictable too
>Null is an even more well-known pedophile groomer.
The scenario you're thinking of was him trying to impress a girl several years older than him when he was a teenager, when he was like 13 and she was like 17. You're correctly stating that he had a crush on a teenager and was trying to rizz her up, but you are attempting to imply that he was an adult at the time or any amount older than her, which is simply a lie. Even when this stuff was published on his ED page, he was still only like 16 at the time.
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So lemme get this straight
>Froot had an abusive boyfriend, who was just calling himself her husband rather than anything official
>she cheated on him when she got the chance
>everyone grandstands the shit out of this when they find out about it, to the point where even after the abuse comes out most comments are just "YEAH BUT YOU CHEATED, WHORE"
>oh and there was some shit about hogwarts and being on 4chan before i guess whatever
Am I missing anything? Because right now I really can't understand how the fuck the common opinion on somewhere as tame as X is "If you cheated on your husband you deserve to be abused"
yeah pretty much just watch the video Tenmas friend Albino made or Turkey tom
The abuse was him repeatedly asking for anal sex and her saying no
Well nothing Froot said was true obviously because she's a whore and a known liar, as opposed to her husband who is a stand up guy that threatened to kill himself if she didn't fuck him like the average /k/ user
The abuse was physical
Anal, even
You're leaving out the part where he cheated on the second dude as well with a third guy named bizzy, but other than that you're correct.
People have made fun of her for the military husband bit since her apricot days because it makes for a good joke.
I had no idea she had a 3D model
I don't care about a woman who cheated on her husband and never will.
anon, you can't that's a common abuse tactic. Froot said it herself.
Did I shift into an alternate reality?
Did they lose a bet or something?
Yes, because good people do not associate with shitters and are thus not affected by them
Considering in your world view this is a normalcy I assume you have had a harsh upbringing. I hope you move up in life anon and get away from the shitters and maybe then you can grow to be a good fellow
Hololive is Nintendo in a world where Sony is even more cartoonishly incompetent and Microsoft never developed a console
Hololive is the planet that is vtubing.
And no, indies are not even islands near it, rather they are orbit around the other big planet known as twitch streamers where they feed upon crumbs of clout for relevance.
The post she made after management (Froot) forced her to delete this one is fucking gold
>Hololive is the planet that is vtubing.
>And no, indies are not even islands near it, rather they are orbit around the other big planet known as twitch streamers
that's the heaviest pile of "still lives in 2021" cope I've seen holy fucking shit
two VTuber booms inflated the scene to a massive scale that dwarfs hololive, the EN sphere is just an astronomical mass of individually smaller indies way beyond what /vt/ can even perceive. Dan Clancy is on a fucking crusade against vtubers trying to subtly eliminate them from the platform without pissing of the rest of the streamers because they are literally running his camwhore harem out of business
>where they feed upon crumbs of clout for relevance.
the sheer cope lmfao
Aww frick snackers
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>he thinks her being a typical e-whore dating abusive retards and then cheating on them with other abusive retards is the worst of her crimes
The shit some terminally online cunts here can just roll with. I swear to God...
Froot is a beautiful and pure girl
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I didn't ask about Froot's views on little boys, it's not like the twitterfags are disagreeing with her on that one outside of her specific choice in charity from what I've gathered, I'm just curious how the fuck abuse seemingly became acceptable in the eyes of said fags just because she cheated on her abusive 'husband'
Close but missing a few details
They were married on-paper, but she agreed to it under duress (during a trip to visit him, i.e. alone in a foreign country). There was no ceremony, no rings, no vows, just a trip to the courthouse.
From all available evidence, the incident of her "cheating" in fact comes after HE broke up with her during one of his routine sperg-outs. He claims this is cheating because, at the time, their sham marriage was still on paper.
This entire post is so detached from reality it actually boggles the mind
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Some anon in another thread posted this, not sure how accurate it is, but I figured I'd just throw it /here/
>the incident of her "cheating" in fact comes after HE broke up with her during one of his routine sperg-outs
See that's what was confusing me, because not only was the cheating seemingly nothing more than some ERP sessions, it was also after any reasonable person would see that relationship as over even without the constant emotional abuse, but somehow it's still being seen as the ultimate evil by so many people I can't help but feel like I'm missing something
Makes me wonder if it's that magical 'whilst deployed' part that's setting them all off, like cheating on muh military man crosses the wires enough that it excuses any fucked up shit that may follow (or before, at it may be)
She made the rookie mistake as most of vtubers who started pre 2020 to have vt career with her old social media account. All of her past came back to her and doubled down when she didn't communicate properly about it or put an end to it quickly. This made her an easy target. Add culture war chuds and her being in vshojo that makes a fine explosive cocktail.
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>They were married on-paper, but she agreed to it under duress
It sounds like he told her he would kill himself if she didnt marry him but that could've just been before and after
>I can't help but feel like I'm missing something
You're missing misogyny (real). I'm not one to sling words like that around but this time, that's all there is to it.
Froot can't be right because she's a woman, and women are lying cheating whores by default.
So if a man says she's a cheater without any evidence, that's more meaningful than her serving a 90-page doc full of him abusing her.
The Foot Foot Flan
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Even a hate dedicated subreddit came to the conclusion all the claims against Froot were some incel chud culture war bs. Froot lit won everywhere. I'm proud of /Vt/ fans on this one.
Keep in mind that both her husband and the guy she was erping with admitted to cheating on their partners before and her husband threatened to cheat on her but for some reason that never comes up.
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It went viral so much that even one of the erp accuser was recognized by his ex and basically confirmed he was a stalker and a liar.
Very female thread
Love how's there's literally zero proof of this except reactionary accusations from trannies but you culture war faggots eat up with no evidence while ignoring Froot admitted to cheating and that she did it for fucking months
>I'm shaking. He's a stalker and liar just like Froot said
So obvious
Please anon, tell me who these huge totally relevant "vtubers" that totally exist are
A crumb of bread is certainly a feast for an ant
>sub dedicated to hating on niji not vshojo
>using words like "problematic"
sister you arent making your tranny loving whore look any better
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>Love how's there's literally zero proof
Oh, so she only has proof of him threatening to cheat but never actually said he cheated or even proved that he did.

I'm going to wring your neck. Does this mean I already murdered you?
Froot won. Keep seething chud
is silver even friends with froot after leaving vshojo, she just seems to interact with vei

if silver denied that froot harassed her, that'd settle out that drama permanently, but she hasn't said anything
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Count your days Cinna, retribution is coming.
She shit on Froot and Mouse after she left Vshoujo. Why the fuck would she deny that Froot harassed her if she did?
whores never win in life femcel, she'll die used up and alone
tabs, we're not talking about your mother
>ESL tranny is spamming comment section to invalidate the proof Froot cheated while saying they will give no evidence that they're not full of shit
This is the side of vshoujokeks
It's over, put the fork down.
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uhh Cinna?
Uh, weren't they supposed to be already broken up? How is it possible for him to threaten cheating then? Frootcucks?
The ultimate falseflag competition
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I went to this faggot's channel and he sounds nothing like the Cinna that was in Ant's video. Kek
>ant fabricating evidence
more news at noon
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>Twitter trannies slandering anyone proving Froot cheated
More news at noon
>no one was in the right
>I genuinely regret going to her husband
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>How is it possible for him to threaten cheating then?
Evidently, he never saw it that way considering he didn't think she'd do anything after he told her to fuck off.
Cinna is calling out the troon for inserting herself in drama for clicks? Based
pot calling the kettle black
>They were broken up
>Except Froot and Desynch acknowledge that dating other people would be cheating

Make it make sense
He could have leaked even more screenshots of Froot jumping on his cock while she was married if he wanted to drama farm
>praising froot in public while in full damage control while dancing on her corpse in the dox forums
This guy is a true pos
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shoulda coulda woulda doulda bada dee doo
>Praising Froot
I didn't know Vshoujocucks were delusional
Knew it was a bit too conicidental that shortly after people start posting her tweets here he decides to tell the dox forum that he won't be posting there anymore and you shouldn't listen to what people are gonna say about him. This post is some incredible fucking damage control and he's begging her not to say more
It's spelled Veeshoujo. Get your facts right chud.
Cinna runs to the hills. It's a Total Froot-PilotEmpress Victory!
Her simp chat are all in love-bombing mode as expected, and she'll enjoy a shortlived boost in popularity while the rest of the industry knows she's a piece of shit, then likely go back to declining in relevance, which is what she deserves.
That said, even if she doesn't slowly fade into obscurity, the opposite might be worse for her, as the more popular she gets, the more people will know of how shitty she is.
It used to be literally just this place who knew about this. Now all of vtubing and even many normies know.
She's a sad case of a generation of young women with no father figure. There's a leaked pic of her talking about her "bastard blood father".

At a whole, at this point, VShojo's reputation is trashed. Not even four years old and they've had so much drama it's all they're known for now. Gunrun needs to step down.

Between Froot's virtue signalling and her wanting kids transed, Ironmouse's hypocricy with DMCA and her parasocial "precious Family" bullshit to sucker in incels, Zentreya pretending not to have a dong, Matara the former communist breadtuber desperately clinging onto whatever looks she has left pre-wall, KSON exposing "TALENT FREEDOM!" as bullshit, GEEGA the supposed wise one of the group sperging on Twitter, Kuro making fun of his "poor" fans then BEGGING THEM FOR MONEY after he got caught fuckin tax evading, Mel being a porn actress, Hime and Haruka barely giving a shit to even stream, and of course VShojo copystriking small creators, I think VShojo are well-known as the most shitty and pathetic agency in vtubing.
They're an invaluable blueprint for what NOT to do if you wish to start a vtubing agency in the west.

The only girls who want to join them are all those indie chuubas like Bao the Whore, Sinder, Buffpup, Squchan, Lucy Pyre, Numi, Shylily, Yuzu, Saruei, OBKatiecat, Cottontail, etc. The running theme is they're mainly just egirl pornwhores who will never find good men and need the constant highs of validation.
That's VShojo's potential talent pool. They're all just failed egirls that now have the niche relevance to try it again.
Decades of female empowerment and the best they can do is whore themselves out to lonely men.
(Mint and Henya had the wisdom to shut the fuck up about it, though. good for them)

They'll all ride the highs and lows of this crazy career, which is still in its infancy, and they'll all hit THE WALL at pace. But I'll give them all one thing. They do contribute one thing to society: they're single-handedly keeping a bunch of cucks out of the gene pool.
Godspeed, you useful hoes.
Long live VShojo: the last bastion of population control. The Covid 19 of vtubing.
Or maybe I should thank your absentee Gen X fathers.
There's a positive in everything.
You just got to find it.
If any of you guys here ever need hope, just know that millions of vtuber simps are leaving things open for guys who actually have their heads on straight.
Stay positive and keep at it. These dumb bitches aren't worth it.
Holy novel Desynch you lost get over it
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Oh he knows and all his discord chuds know. Even his current gf @ is /k/ bitch. lit worthless human beings.
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Aiie damage control wall of text.
>She has receipts,
Wonder if she knows that he leaked Froot's nudes too
You should do this under every post. That will show them.
A seething ex is upset that he's now happily married and successful after proving that Froot is a cheating whore so she's trying to drag him down into the pits with her by making baseless accusations? Many such cases. How do you even stalk someone online?
reading comprehension
How many windows does Cinna have open right now?
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This is a great way to harvest Vshoujocuck seethe
>Except Froot and Desynch acknowledge that dating other people would be cheating
There's no mention of dating, she's telling him that he's totally free to fuck someone else as long as he isn't with her and he's mad that it's not effective in guilting her into sex.
She's calling it cheating is because he was trying to get back with her at the same time as threatening to fuck other women if she didn't put out.
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He's like this with his goons full damage control
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>kiwi tourist has a melty after shitting up the board for a week
>She called it cheating but it actually isn't because he was trying to get back with her despite her trying to get back with him which wouldn't make sense because it wouldn't be cheating in the first place if they aren't together. I don't know what I'm saying anymore, please just believe me
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Now this is quality seethe
Mint hit the wall five years ago. you shouldn't be happy about being her personal ATM
It's a half decent tldr. He'd pull the "I'll kill myself" out at every opportunity.
>you shouldn't be happy about being her personal ATM
I'll be making this same post with minor adjustments in the next Froot thread to farm (you)s from Vshoujocucks. Thanks for the seethe
Wasn't this nigga in the doxxforum 2 days ago talking mad shit about froot? KEK. Guy spent a decade doxxing her because she refused him.
Them realizing that vshitshow is in a collision course to collapse is why they have been so noisy recently, you didn't see nearly as many mouse shit posts a year or two ago, but now that she is the only relevant one left she is constantly propped up.
Sadly I don't think the mouthbreathers that make up their audience here realize that they are only alienating themselves further
>shaming gachis on a /vt/ board
they are not sending their best
>>she cheated on him when she got the chance
She "cheated" by sexting with a friend after husband broke up with her and kicked her out of the house because she watched yuri anime
No sex was involved, and the man separated from her by all accounts except for paperwork(as he required that paperwork specifically so he can keep the house himself)
2 more weeks surely
Nothing that's left wing meme tier length is good at harvesting seethe
Greentexting my head cannon because I lost.
The Indies caught in the crossfire!!! Oh shit!!!!
this is response to asmon claim in the second video that she sent harassment on silver, which is ridiculous
guy just reads bullshit others put under his nose because he's lazy
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basically this, the man is such a failure that it's funny how people keep defending him
>she sent harassment on silver
She did. Glad you admit. Backing up the mob crucifying her for a "mistake" is harassment
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Jesus christ I forget how ins
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Now say it without crying
The amount of (you)s prove otherwise
Every member is mid~high 4view, which puts them in the second highest echelon of streamers. Everyone but Hime is making over 2m a year from merch, sponsors, subs, etc. Mouse is around 6m. And, again, that's being very conservative. If that's what trouble org looks like, what is a successful one?
As long as you admit it's your headcanon
vshoujoubrous, it's sou fucking ouver
Sounds like cope for all your big names leaving, Nyanners, Veibae, not-Rushia, some other one.
Vshitters are in worse shape than nijiniggers since they have a Japanese branch that doesn't consist of literally one (1) member so their increasing irrelevance and inability to scout talent is only leading to a downward spiral
They can only grift views from fleshies for so long
Only thing I'd say is kinda wrong is that Froot didn't specify what sexual act he wanted to do that made him want to kill himself. People have memed anal because it's objectively funny to imagine a man killing himself because he didn't get to put it in the butt, but it could be any number of things. BDSM, a threesome with another woman, etc.

He 100% did threaten to kill himself over her not wanting to do whatever it was though lmao
silver only explicitly mentioned mouse
It was missionary, she forgot to blur that part out
>Everyone but Hime
Why do you think she doesn't even need to be an active Vtuber.
He also made the same threats because she watched the anime Citrus.
>no missionary sex
>threatens suicide
my fucking sides
Because her husband is rich
i like to think he wanted froot to piss or shit on his chest.
Because they hanged out around /k/.
If you'll have a conflict between two parties, no matter how obviously one side would be in the right, but:
a) on one side you will have a woman
b) on the other you will have a military guy
who do you think they would end up blindly ganging up on?
Froot must have been a butt slut or something to refuse anything but anal
>Kuro making fun of his "poor" fans
I thought you were going to get help or something, you weird little mystake
Hime is my pure and innocent waifu and I will not stand for this slander. She is nothing like her slut of a grandmother.
>even Vshojo Hater Central /vt/ is shitting on this guy
I haven't read this doc. Is the dude and his cheating accusation really this pathetic?
also the guy scammed /k/ and blamed froot.
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>This copy and paste causing this much Vshoujoseethe
are you ok anon lol
show me where
Go watch AntHime's video. To the mines with you
there was never "cheating". The closest to it was sexting in discord months after the retard ditched her.
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>Mel being a porn actress
I think Mel is an excellent porn actress personally
We already proved they got back together after three days. Keep up or you'll go to the mines too
post a screencap
>Go watch AntHime's video
Are you fucking kidding me? The same ant that tried to use AI porn revenge to frame froot? KEK
Cool numbers bro but wrong thread
I am sure they are happy with the money just like the nijinigs
Sure that's why they divorced
>We already proved they got back together after three days
Who, you and Ant? In her video I presume?
I'd post the link to her videos but jannies hate that. FalseCuckD is a faggot
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This kitten tells me nothing
It's really easy to frame someone as abusive while they're a mentally unstable suicidal Marine and while you cut all context and only show him being mean
just like anon "proof"
Right here. Can't you read the thread? LMAO
mentally unstable suicidal Marines tend to be abusive.
>It's really easy to frame someone as abusive while they're a mentally unstable suicidal Marine
Wow, you're right. Those dont have a track record for abuse at all. They're well known for treating their spouses properly, just like police men and lesbians.
are you alright?
>a mentally unstable suicidal Marine
Buddy, you aren't doing him any favors if this was an attempt to make him look not abusive
A continued conversation about how he will cheat on her if she doesn't comply? People can separate and still talk, especially when divorce is on the table.
he would never kill himself. He still alive even before she left, didn't lacked a gun for the job.
Pretty hard to abuse someone when you're in Afghanistan. Never even hit the whore once either. Meanwhile she's threatening to cut him. Pretty interesting shit
They were keeping it together up until Cinna started to crack and now they're losing it. I never expected one of the guys involved to start walking it back.
So they were still married and she considers dating other people cheating. Thanks for the concession
Can't wait for Cinna doc her ex will drop. Nigga was all these years in that doxxfag forum and acts like "Someone just told me". KEK
All I got from this is that Froot is a retard, her bf is a bigger retard, and /k/ is filled with subhumans
If you're going by paper, sure. He has a marriage certificate that a 19 year old signed under duress, and they both agreed to separate, in simpler terms.
>ditches wife say she is single now
>wife finds someone else
Nigga come on. Keep you act together
>Pretty hard to abuse someone when you're in Afghanistan.
Damn you're right anon, I forgot he was deployed for the entirety of their relationship
>So they were still married
He's looping
you need to expect it at this point
it's always someone with skeletons in their closet who starts drama like this
>the guy posting on drama forums and chatting with freaks like ant hime after everyone else moved on was a creepy stalker
this one was a bit too obvious and on the nose really
Holy ESL. Are you a nigger or a Seanigger?
there are more positions than missionary and anal
That's a lot of fanfiction you just created even though Froot agreed seeing other people was cheating
Froot was the one saying that if he dated another girl, it'd be cheating
qrd: >>85956499
No, he was asking for anal then complained that "anything besides missionary" sounds like it's experimental to her.
i'm the pool boy that fucks your mom while you keep posting retarded shit here.
He actually said
>If it's not missionary, it's not army approved
Which means he wanted missionary and she was terrified of getting pregnant and only wanted it up the ass
>seeing other people
Sleeping with other people.
>I can't be with a man who is fucking other women.
>You can fuck other women, but you can't stay with me.
At this point, I genuinely wonder if he ever fucked her at all
>Froot was the one saying that if he dated another girl
He never mentioned dating another girl. He mentioned sex, specifically begging her to fuck him or else he'd fuck someone else all while trying to get back with her.
virginchama. it means she only did doggy style because she didn't want to look at him. probably because he constantly was a psycho asshole and that's a turn-off.
You're also forgetting that current day Froot said he was threatening to cheat on her so they were dating and married or whatever retarded cope you came up with to explain away her cheating
Honestly, that's fair. Imagine mixing chromosomes with a guy like that and shitting out his offspring.
The size of the censoring and the reference to it as "a sex act" rather than just sex leads me to believe that it was anal.
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Marine is not mentally unstable. Take that back
I don't see anything wrong with a journalist acquiring evidence that backs up the story she's running
The nudes were of a different unrelated vtuber because her source was an actual retard.
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>acquiring evidence
>Distributing revenge porn
They were leaked on /k/ and had her face in them, retard
Did Ant tell you that?
It's not revenge porn, it's evidence that she cheated. It's also not illegal. Unless you're saying everyone who sent photos of celebrity nudes to their friends are criminals, False
Wait a minute, what if the nudes were from PilotEmpress? Maybe that is why he ran away when she popped up.
>buh buh muh numberfag numbers
camwhores are sucking twitch higher-up dick full time in desperation to get their competition eliminated because the legion of cartoon girls are sucking them dry of viewers as VTuber talk seeps into their discords and they notice their regulars are oiling much less because they started oiling some 2-4 view anime girls from the vast ocean of twitch vtubers in that range
it's funny how paradoxical it is that your "the only relevant" vtubers are a tiny fraction of the market share because the majority is a vast sea with viewership completely under your radar
i've seen 100 leaked celeb nudes, are they all cheaters?
Bruh, I don't need to watch some 3rd party to make up my mind.
I was in both chats, Silver's and Froot's. I was watching Froot's mute stream and reading her messages. She was in support of the HL boycott, Silver didn't care about it. One didn't bother the other and respected their boundaries.
Just to remind you, it was shortly after Brianna Ghey murder in the UK, and JKR tweeter rants. There was a hate campaign aimed at transgender people. And Froot has a transgender brother she is very close to. The reason the steram was muted was also probably because she couldn't hold it emotionally.
Froot had to deal with chat-hoppers from Silver's stream all day. People were spamming in her chat to "come over to silver and support her". Which is quite insolent in those circumstances if you ask me. She ignored all of them, and THE ONLY TIME she replied in HER CHAT to one of them was:
>"I love all of my friends, everyone makes mistakes, we are all human"
which is as respectful as it gets to say "sorry, but fuck off, I love her but I won't support a wrong cause"
This is all that happened. She didn't send anyone anywhere. Nor did she continue this topic. She just wanted to lay the boundaries in her chat so people would stop asking the same thing.
It's unbelievable how far people stretched and spinned that fucking thing
Did you mean to post this on Xitter?
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>nu uh
Okay Ant.
meant for
Go back to Twitter, cuck
if those photos were real, it's very possible they were taken when she was still 17
Cinna and his lackeys still trying to salvage this kek
Isn't this shit highly illegal?
Didn't falseeyeD destroy this bitch?
no shit
She said she was 19 when they started dating, retard-chama
>which is as respectful as it gets to say "sorry, but fuck off, I love her but I won't support a wrong cause"
that's wrong actually. someone said something supportive of silver then a bunch of pronoun people freaked out. froot then said that to defend her and calm them down. twittoids then claimed she was doing the complete opposite. if it didn't cause so many problems it would be hilarious.
I've been enlightened /k/ should be migrated to /trash/
>It's illegal to repost celebrity nudes to your friends
Topkek. Hi, False
I'm starting to think there might be a genuine chance he got contacted by someone's lawyer and he's freaking out now
It's literally a crime in the real world
They seriously thought Froot wouldn't push back?
as opposed to figuratively a crime
Who got arrested for posting Drake's dick?
That doesn't mean they're not older photos. Playing with fire.
Mrs. Drake? I dunno who that is
>This photo of this 21 year old woman could have secretly been taken when she was four years younger because I said so
Lol you're a prime candidate to get vanned one day
Froot would've not pushed back if dramafags had stopped pestering her about it. But AntHime made a video, Doxxsagi made a video, her haters love spamming her with the heartbeat monitor picture. At one point she was going to pushback, and when she did, another girl appeared and now everyone is clamming up. Basically, don't start shit if you can't take the pushback a lesson he apparently learned if the comment above is to be believed.
I don't think I'm young enough to fall the van trick anymore, pedo anon
/k/ and the military guy drama is one thing, but I don't think that's the main reason she gets such a hate crowd.
The second is the elephant in the room which no one is really pointing out - she gets hate from anti-transgender people. They won't tell you directly that's what's fueling them. They will compile all the things they can find on her they would normally care little about and fire it at her at all angles. But if you engage with them it becomes obvious pretty quick that's what's really going on
Of course, you white knights will make another thread defending Froot from her evil actions. You really can't be saved.
This guy should have joined the taliban with how much he threatens to kill himself. May have been a more useful soldier that way
She already did pushback by trying to delete AntHime's channel and failing. False also tried and failed. She then proceeded to prove without a shadow of a doubt that she cheated. Now a troon is trying to drag one of Froot's exes into drama with a baseless accusation because he's got a happy life and great girlfriend. Feels bad to be a Vshoujokek
they were AI made retard KEK
Hi ant.
What rock have you been living under that you don't know about revenge porn laws?
It's illegal in both the US and the UK to distribute intimate media without the consent of the person in it and they can pursue legal action

There's currently a law in the US senate to criminalize AI deepfakes, too
point and laugh at this drone
Please go back to Twitter, you're doing nothing of worth here
Wrong. It's not federally illegal. And for it to be illegal, the initial distributor has know that they don't want them distributed and Froot never said anything about that so no laws were broken by Ant. After all, Ant isn't the initial distributor. Seethe harder, Vshoujo tranny
>She said she was 19 when they started dating, retard-chama
She got married when she was 19, they started dating when she was 17. That's why she had to wait with the trip to the US.
Those could've been photos for desynch when they were still dating.
>they started dating when she was 17
Nope. She said she got into a relationship with him when she was 19. You really want her nudes to be when she was underage. It's kind of disturbing, pedo anon
gee what might be the reason you're directing me specifically to twitter out of all places
point proven
are you scared you might've downloaded or posted something bad, anon?
There is a federal law allowing for civil suits and laws against it in every state except SC
It's illegal, brochaco
Civil suits don't mean shit in terms of legality, cuck. No criminal charges means no problems. Intent also matters and they were sent as evidence. I'd love for Froot to have to prove she cheated on her husband in court to sue for it though
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Mans getting cooked
Froot won btw

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