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Rainy Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>85626388
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Wanted to shill “Summer Rain” again because it’s so good and then I found out something interesting but kind of saddening about how some Plave fans saying that the MV copied a specific Plave song and how AFOTS is copying Plave in general. Quite sad like I said but I know at the end of the day I know most Plave fans don’t think like that. Just want to show some AFOTS love
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Thanks for the thread!
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Gale love
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Hello new thread and all. Today is the birthday of the chuuni eyepatch catboy sorcerous military chief sanbo "Sunbow", Yoshizuki Meguru of Piece A Part and Atanaru.
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thank you for baking! can't wait to see some more cute boys!
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god as my witness i WILL let rikka rawdog me
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Ryuji maybe his Exit 8 VR works this time
He's a bit too careful and stared at this eye poster at different angles for quite some time.
Nice cake.
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Thank you for the thread! I love cute boys!
I fell asleep almost immediately when I got home after work. Screw my job for changing my schedule. I'll do the news post in the morning.

AFOTS LOVE!! The mv is beautiful and I for one actually like them better than Plave. Both the models and music. I hope the boys don't get too many hate comments because of idiots.
Happy birthday Sunbow!
>thread is about cute boys and doesn't care for female collabs
>we're literally happy if males DON'T collab with whores
>post some whore saying she doesn't collab with guys as some sort of "own"
Sometimes I forget that men are the non-cute kind of dumb. Males are so retarded, I'm glad I stick with 2D.
Sonny Monster Hunter
>chat: "do you have the qualities of a commander?"
>Sonny: I'm wanwan :D
This is the kind of cuteness I needed TT 0 TT
>it's already a little hard to find nsfw artists
>musk is now trying to make it so even if someone's blocked, they can still see your content
Muskrat is mad people are blocking him and advertisers I guess.
The change might go against appstore's rules tho iirc.
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Piece A Part gift-giving to birthday boy Sunbow
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This will stop him from losing things
It's like one of those tamagotchi but for Precure
Zanny zatsu
The Ticktime clock/timer thing
Truly the duality of man
I came to this thread for a different reason and now I'm intrigued about this.
You got a source on this?
Nta but
Deadpool piggy bank and mask
Some idol girls merch
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Aww poor Zanny but I'm glad he's able to move.
Birthday sweet potato cake
Did you think this would upset anyone here? I don't like 99% of mixed gender collabs either
I'm glad Zanny's fanbase is mostly adults too. No wonder his chat is so well-behaved. I wish Rosco's chat had more adults. Not even just because of the chat, but he really deserves more money.
Speaking of money I recently looked at Gale's streamlabs. Being a cute dumb man really pays off.
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Sunbow cover premiere
Whale Taylor singing!
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Sex art. Congrats on the cover!
Leo Valorant been going for a while, but it looks like he's playing Deadlock now
Rosco's a zoomer with a cute model so he unfortunately end up attracting that crowd...
He needs to unleash a love for onee-sans and do more yume content like Alban so he can attract rich hag office ladies instead
Men are retarded and can't read.
Right like did they not see the 3rd rule? I at least expect men here to read the op but they can’t even do that it seems
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Sunbow solo talk
Came across an Avallum clip while rewatching Avallum's lore videos. Time really flies. It also reminds me that I need to catch up on some collabs
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>usually work in the morning
>get off work in time for streams that start at 1PM
>the two days this week with kino collabs, my job decides to change my schedule to start at 1PM
Should I call out of work during the Avallum collab or Pico Park? I think I really want to catch Pico Park. It's overwhelmingly busy on Fridays anyway and I don't want to deal with idiots who don't want to read. I really don't want to VODwatch for a collab like that. Ugh.
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I'm proud of him! Congrats Zali on having the number one Suika Game score in Nijisanji!
It's not even that its just a way to try to farm yous, anons tend to assume the bickering in anti catalog threads is legitimately from people who are fans of boys or whatever boogieman is popular to blame at the time. It usually isn't and is just from other anons easily farming yous.
They really think anyone in the catalog that's out there defending male vtubers and is an actual fan of theirs? My God, men really are stupid. I see where the addiction to (You)s comes from if you know you'll get a guaranteed response.
Gale Voices of the Void 2
Captain is live with more Voices of the-
DAMN you beat me this time kek
I want to stay home and watch Captain but I need to go to yet another appointment. I hate being an adult.
Aww Captain's tired voice is kind of cute
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Speaking of Pipsona, a while ago I drew a yumesona taking care of Gale that time he got a fever. I was going to quote tweet him with this but chickened out. I don't think I'll finish it. I'll stick with drawing just boys.

Kinda sad Zanny is having to move so much over the next few months, I know moving can be really stressful, but he's a good boy and works hard. I'm sure he'll get through it
>original title of the stream was "A Less Than Normal Episode"
That still fits
That pic is really cute. I get being anxious about posting yume art publicly but maybe you can still draw/post your pipsona? (if you want to ofc)
Not sure if I heard this correctly but he was invited by management to stay somewhere provided by them temporarily?
Could be something related to 3d debut? The timing matches after all.
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Don't look at me, I'm disgusting
I'm sorry captain, but your crying is just too cute
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Leon Animal Crossing
Shinomiya talk
Hi anons is there a way to stop gale playing votv so I can catchup on his vods, methods can range from kidnapping him to pausing reality if thats okay

Threaten him with vegetables. It's guaranteed to work. I'm a fan of his and I'm still not entirely caught up...
Yandere Gale would probably be so brutal like he would somehow befriend a kraken and feed it anyone that shows interest to you
I feel this way with black haired Gale. I don't know why but I can never imagine regular Gale any other way than how he already is. Black haired Gale on the other hand. He's possessive, he's cool, he thinks he's better than regular Gale. And he'll fight him to prove it to anyone that doubts him.
>black haired Gale
Oh shit I forgot about that, yeah black haired Gale would ABSOLUTELY do that
That one timestamp in his second Jump King stream (you know the one) is exactly how I imagine black haired Gale would sound when he's trying to corner you and swoon you with that deep voice of his. Gale's forearms and gloves already drive me crazy, I can't imagine how difficult it would be to hold myself together if those were black haired Gale's arms wrapping around my waist.....and breasts....
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I rarely see anything Overwatch related from him anymore but it's probably because he doesn't have anyone to play with.
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Aw Captain ;_; he did sound really tired even before he got upset
I hope he doesn’t get too down on himself about the Pipsona thing. I get it, it can suck when you’ve worked hard on something and are excited to share it but then people don’t react how you thought they would.
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Combine that with the fact that he was so tired and wanted to really give us a good stream can just be the breaking point. He works so hard and gives us really good streams so I don't mind if he needs to cancel a stream or two. My heart...all the boys work so hard and deserve a break T _ T
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Bettel Fall Guys
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I hope he had the chance to decompress, catch up on some rest, and have lots of cuddles with pup, bless him
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I want to cuddle with him and pat his head while he lays on my chest. I want to tell him he's been working so hard and that everything will be okay. Looks like he's taking the rest of the day off, rightfully so. His crying was still so cute uoohhh
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Izumi Imas
Izuru Zatsudan
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Altare TCG Cardshop Simulator
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Today was a good day and Sunbow seems very happy. He got a lot of cute gifts from his friends. All the idol and magical girl stuff that he likes. Some cool entertainment merch like the Elden Ring and Deadpool stuff.that AirTag to help him not lose stuff, too, and a scooter. It's not a fancy or surprising event for a vtuber birthday but what's important is he had fun. He's really a simple chuuni.

I'm very fulfilled and there will also be the special studio live from Kaz in an few hours.
Lucien Supermarket Simulator
Hakka Minecraft
Just did 3 rounds of old school DDR. I think Zanny would be proud of me for starting to work out
galeanon, you there? captain treating you well?
Ruze handcam stream...mango...
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happy (late) birthday to my oshi!
I simply adore you and all the hard work you put in to make your fans happy! I'm happy to hear your vocal issues are progressing well and wish you well in your recovery. although the issue is resolved, even if it meant you couldn't sing anymore I wouldn't adore you any less. your voice and laughter is more than enough and your smile means everything to me. I feel so so so lucky to have met you and hope you enjoy some birthday cake.
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He's testing us so well that he forgets to treat himself sometimes. I just hope he's getting a good rest.

This screenshot is way too perfect
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I want my oshi to cuddle me and tell me to let all my emotions out as he gently brushes my hair with his fingers. Let me be mad and sad for more than a few minutes because that’s what my life feels like right now, having to quickly snap back to having a “neutral” mood is exhausting. I know I can’t always be sad and mad forever but god it feels good just to let all those frustrations out.
Rosco and Ryoma Apex
Why is Zanny awake at half 4 in the morning. Dammit incubus, you should sleep!
Ahh I hate typing on mobile

Happy birthday Hibari!!

You know he won't sleep and then he'll be energetic as ever during both streams tomorrow.
How do I find the actually gay twink femboy chuubas that do lewd stuf?
Aussie boys
Luca: https://www.youtube.com/live/dZWrrGiwcXE
Sonny: https://www.youtube.com/live/tOiboA4ywCU
I love reading these kinds of posts, please never stop. I'm happy he had a good birthday!
Look on Twitch. They're everywhere.
None on YT?
Doubt it. Youtube is really iffy on lewd stuff. Especially if it's male. They'll probably let female stuff slide though.
Today I went to one of the claw machine arcades and I got a very soft and comfy new plush that I already love very much! I will name him Peanits-kun and I will think of Gale every time I see him. You can already guess exactly what this plushie looks like before opening the picture (but I'm catboxing anyway just in case).
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>Rosco's karaoke: 3 downloads
>last karaoke I archived: also 3 downloads
>Gale's first mental breakdown on stream: 16 downloads
You all should be ASHAMED of yourselves and so should I
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That's cute
Hanakishi Minecraft
It's very cute but hamster being shortened to ham is kinda unintentionally funny.
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Sunbow in his new mask on his new scooter
>Izuru immediately deflects about how him and Arusan would be a good married couple by saying “Well, Temma and Arusan would be better together”

Based Izuru shipping my 2nd best ship but IzuRan would always be my top one no matter what
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Kaz's band premium studio live
I like IzuRan but I also really like whatever the fuck is going on with Izuru and Roberu
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That was a really cool live band show!
Cassian Crime Scene Cleaner
Zander Squirrel with a Gun
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Kaz Stellanotes radio
Zanny is under the bar....
Oh, the boys are going to Japan for a month in November. That's probably when the 3Ds are coming
sup fujos, i am a real male and i like stroking my 100% real coke bottle to femboys. who’s the toober for me?
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Izumi Shinomiya wednesday collab
Post cock
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Zali Jurassic World Evolution 2
Altare chat
I never got to watch Zali's stream of it so I'm glad I got to see Zanny's play of this squirrel game. This is actually a pretty awesome game.
Rikka singing
kek the little screams
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Zander Sims4
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shut the fuck up it’s my wife (male) (son)’s 32nd birthday
only if you tell me which femboy tubers to stroke it to
Zanny trying so hard to do math...
Kek this story is wild. Netherling is difficult to take care of but also father is kind of a bad father.
>Wilson is sick so he can't stream
>Axel is busy recording
What am I gonna do?
My succubus can't be this dumb (and this cute)
Gale VOTV (for real this time)
>no one's getting pregnant today
Bit more updates on the AFOTS situation so it’s kind of… bad. They now have the comments turned off on the Summer Rain MV and the credits are now changed because I think the same person who made a specific Plave MV said they did not help make it at all when they saw their name in the credits. So yeah, I still love the designs of AFOTS, just hope the CEO and the rest of the company get their shit together because these designs of these boys at least deserve some kind of spotlight
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>these tits are always popping out
Sorry Gale I just can't resist you
I checked out the current votv stream and what the fuck I have never seen that event. ughhhh back to vodwatching I go
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This is the news post for the week of 9/22 ~ 9/28
Reply to this post with any news relating to cute boys!


๑ First Stage Production ๑
•Avallum will be at AnimeImpulse in October: https://x.com/animeimpulse/status/1837205086868754899
•Gale Galleon has released his first cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7OFCKO4SWU
•There will be a surprise on Friday on Rosco's channel featuring Cassian
•FSP has now acquired Deadlock perms

๑ Holostars ๑
•Gavis Bettel now has a dakimakura cover merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/gavisbettel_bodypillowcover
•The final episode of Roberu and Rio's radio show has aired: https://x.com/holostarstv/status/1838775441148252508
•Kageyama Shien's cover of Mafia by Wotaku has reached 2 million views: https://x.com/kageyamashien/status/1838946325745799599
•The Holostars 5th Anniversary Live: Movin' On Blue-Ray has started sales on the Bushiroad store today: https://x.com/BushiM_info/status/1838760334925963331

๑ Nijisanji ๑
•Nijisanji Music Festival 2024 has been announced: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1832773677357859254
•Ike Eveland Figure preorders are ending soon (October 1st): https://armabianca-shop.com/products/detail/70059
•Nijisanji Family Situational Voice Vol.2 is ending soon (September 30th): https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1831895384849023150
•SP Collect X NijisanjiEN perfume collab ending soon: https://x.com/SPcollect_info/status/1838777206639857835
•Aster Arcadia birthday goods and voice on sale now: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1838776742548521456
•Saegusa Akina has his first mini album UniVerse and his first solo live Unity: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1838903843217973747
He has also released an original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_T4K73bvIU
•VALZ live tour merch is on sale now: https://x.com/VALZ_info/status/1838873579334873126
•Watarai Hibari's birthday voice and goods on sale now: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1838141417111380360

๑ Other ๑
•Virtual kpop group AFOTS has an animated music video of their song Summer Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MECDOgc3qw
•Hoshinouta Kaz of Atanaru is celebrating the 5th anniversary of STELLAnotes, the band he is a part of: https://www.youtube.com/live/hrWWFEtMl3U
He is also having an anniversary 3D Live show on October 5th: https://www.youtube.com/live/5pWPAaW8MqE
•The latest episode of Lassgo Plave is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsIRJz40-UI
•Whale Taylor has had a new outfit reveal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvyhOzLeGLg


News Post Source: https://x.com/Dino_chu12/status/1838083405730447568
Vanta Black Myth Wukong
Good luck on catching up on the hours of content! You're in for a ride.
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Oh? We got another teaser?
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Discussion time, would you want a corpo male vtuber design like this? We get plenty of indies with unique designs but I never see anything this interesting in a company.
As a monsterfucker, I would absolutely love to see a male designed like this and heavily play into some chuuni lore. It may be weird to some but it certainly isn't forgettable. I think more corpos should start targeting niches instead of always going for a wider appeal. It may be a risk, but as it has been proven time and time again, niche audiences may be small but they're very dedicated and supportive. I'm hoping the alien or techno guy in the next FSP gen has a unique design. Maybe won't look like this by default but I'd like it to be something different at least.

i knew shu and mysta's mama made the model before i even clocked the link
I didn't know Taylor was a Trishula fan
I personally think this looks too weird... but I appreciate how far the artist is willing to go and Whale Taylor's model has always been a bit weird so it's on brand for him.
Kek dumb captain thought the thumping he heard was in game but it's his neighbors
Personally this is not my appeal but if corpos were to make a VTuber like this, I think it would be a bit difficult because I think when making merch of these types of designs, most artists probably can’t really draw this kind of design. So at best, it can fill in a niche but long term wise as a corpo VTuber, difficult but not impossible
Hmm I actually never thought about the merch thing. I know a lot of artists hate doing complicated designs. I think as long as there's a good reference sheet it should be doable at least. It would be nice to have a bizarre design as the default model because I'd love to have some monsterfucker vtuber merch for once, but at least second outfits are a thing.
I actually am on the opposite side of this sort of. I think some corpos should go simple with their designs and make them easy to recognize, market and draw. I agree that it wouldn't hurt to see more interesting elements me introduced like an odd skin tone or have it be an animal besides a standard dog or cat and I really enjoy lore that can play into the design as well. I think there's a way to balance it all out.
I heavily agree that their missing out on the monsterfucker niche though, I think it's steeper than they might think. You can always make some elements togglable too.
Very tiny cute Gale moan

This is me, if you even care
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Giggling cutely while hugging my new Peanits-kun plushie as I watch captain be silly. And I'm getting more funny captain time tonight with the Deadlock collab. Today is a good day.
>can you break already?
PLEASE break me in half like that mannequin, Gale
I.....I kneel....
>ooh sexy music, I like this
Gale is being so sft right now. You make me very happy captain and I am able to push through the day because of your smile.
Gale HATES queers
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>you guys like it when I'm sappy
Oh god he's onto me (I wish)
>the only thing longer than this outro is my- *raids Luci*
I'm going to strangle this pirate lovingly and then kiss him aggressively
See you in a few hours captain!!!
His what!? What was he gonna say??
His Luci, perhaps
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Shinomiya sing and guitar
He's trying to sing Smells Like Teen Spirit
VALZ but Tim Burton style. It's really cool! I think Genzuki looks the best in it, but I am biased...
Hi /cbdct/! I hope you've all been very well, what has your favourite boy been up to? Anything big planned?
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My image posting reps...it's been too long. ; ;
Bloom Doom!
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These are cool! I saw a couple of arts of Ren in Tim Burton's style because of that one twitter post. It's nice to see you again Genzuki anon! I've been enjoying lots of cute boys this week and I'm excited for all the collabs we'll be getting!
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Awww eepy Prof
Shinri zatsu
Ruze Grimlord
Ruze Grimlord
Oh this image hurts on so many levels…
Gale in Aster's birthday stream! Ueee they're so cute
Gale on Aster's birthday
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I'm so happy this friend group is a thing
The way Ruze is breathing gonna make me act up
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I love Shinri's movie rants.
I missed it, were there any cute yawns?
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Deadlock Collab!

Lucien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK-Ks4hn8o4
Rosco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1sfpTC_JZ4
Claude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XclB9DRtRZU
No Gale POV, he's just going to vibe
And Leo Kuga!
bless all these cute boys
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Fun collab, good to know how Deadlock works now so I can follow along
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That art is super cute! I forgot to add the link to the artist, but they also did four more boys!
He really didn't have to make VALZ waist so teeny tiny, but he did, and I'm happy he did.
I hope you enjoy all the boys & their collabs very much!
I should stop post when eepy & tired I keep forgetting things. Artist.
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Cute boy karaoke
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My artist boyfriend is cute and he's working hard on his shorts every day!
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we need more cute boy vtubers in glasses !
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Premiering original song MV written and sung by Leon. It's the one from his 3D but now as an MV.
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Shien Paper Mario RPG
Zander Fears to Fathom
Who's Your Daddy collab
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This is such a cool style. I should get back into doing pen drawings. I hope you had a good rest by now!
Pinning this if you don't mind. The MV is gorgeous!
Operation: Tango Collab!

Zali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SERm0zdoeR0
Rai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJUUoDe3YGk
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TGS2024 Capcom Online Program Official Mirrors
Oganic Flower
Original Stream
Oh, there's gonna be a kabedon in Zanny's next voice pack. Nice.
Fuuchan: Echoes Of Wisdom
Uooohh... ToT
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A nice kiss from Zanny. I want a kiss from Gale....
Goldbullet Plants vs Zombies
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Fuutyan looks beautiful as an elderly elf.
Zanny in Fuutyan's chat! He complimented his ears!
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Aster Arcadia will be revealing a new outfit on October 5th!
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Kek the first side of the tote bag looks like something you would find on Temu if you search Holostars.
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Is that official merch? Kek it's like an ita bag if it were in printed form
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E Y O???
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Avallum Panicore collab
Gale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA19oZcaJ9Q
Lucien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLl3IkXbNk
Cassian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybo-OYIP26o
Zander: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ctGZO0KeN0
Rosco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I70cTF5_9NA
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i miss caspurr....
Can't believe I'm missing this kino because my job decided to change my hours today.
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Orc and cat do DnD set up

On break at work but just hearing a few minutes of Gale's voice is enough to get me through the rest of my shift.
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Bettel House Flipper2
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When will they collab again....?
mechabirbo is dead....
How can I revive them? They were so cute together....
probably some dark magic ritual involving sacrificing your left lung to satan
Uki JP Stream
He's going over some Deadlock stuff so maybe he can explain it a bit to people who want to understand more
I hope one day i will be /cbdct/ worthy
i want to make original music and do asmr next to my variety streams
i refuse to selfshill i wan't to earn the right to be discussed here
If you haven't collabed with a woman then just reveal yourself
And so i withered away
I don't have it in me to not be nice to girls since i grew up with mostly only having female friends :(
Shinri stream
three day weekend for caspurr.....
The perfect life form.....with the perfect thighs
You can be nice to women while not collabing with them. Just politely decline. Or ignore them. Come on anon you can do it. Please, you sound good just by your goals....
I only collab with female vtubers on their birthdays on their channels i only have collabs with guys on my channel
Roberu getting drunk and kissing all his guy friends and feeling them up and begging for them to touch him and panting as he grinds against them, licking his friends lips, parting them so their tongues can tangle again… Roberu drunkingly giggling before moaning quietly, saying that he’s ok for them to fuck since he’s drunk, it doesn’t count.
Ehh.....I guess.....
sorry ;c;
Hey don't apologize to me. You do whatever you want and don't feel pressured to be different because of anonymous users on a niche basket weaving forum. I guess if it's not on your channel then I wouldn't know about it anyway. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.
I’m watching Roberu’s birthday stream and I wish I went on that vacation with him!! I wanna walk around that beautiful American village with him at night and look at the bright lights and go to that island and smell the ocean breeze and watch a magic show with him and whisper “magic isn’t real” at every segment. I also want to go to his hotel room with his two pillows and sleep next to him and look at the beautiful view and aaaaaaaaaa he just threw himself into the bed he’s so cute and I wanna eat from huge buffet even for the both of us (he ate like the smallest portions ever from the buffet it’s kinda sad)
Roberu moans as he strokes his cock as he sloppily and sucks his friend off in the train bathroom, looking up at his reactions. “It’s ready…” He sleepily murmurs, kissing the head of the cock, a sigh escaping him. He gets up from his knees, before putting his hands against the wall, sticking his ass out. He shakes his ass, presenting himself to his friend, drunkenness making him throw away any reasoning. His friend inserts into him roughly, causing Roberu to moan loudly, his voice echoing in the bathroom. Roberu whimpers as he clumsily meets the other's thrusts, whining every time his prostate is struck. “Haaaah… I wanna kiss…” Roberu moans out, his neck straining to turn to his friend who is fucking him from behind, who can’t but give the man what he wants. Roberu finally cums as his friend fills his ass up with his spent, Roberu staining the wall in front of him with his own. His legs shake as they try to support his body, feeling heavy with exhaustion.

Roberu isn’t sure what happens next, but the next thing he knows, he’s waking up. His eyes are bleary as he blinks awake, his arms tightly holding onto something. He cuddles onto it closer, wanting to sleep in. He cuddles his face into it, before jumping at the sudden coldness of it. His eyes open wide as he jumps away from the toilet that he is embracing, looking frantically around his surroundings. Was he abducted? Where was he? Where was his friend? ….Why did his ass hurt?
shit, should have known the funny bar man was a SLUT
Tskr anon.
i wonder what image is gonna be used for the next thread...
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It was my boys birthday!! Use this one!! Unless there’s another cute boy big moment
that's a good image! i'll let someone else bake though, i don't wanna burn the kitchen down
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Can you guess who this is? Even if you don't know him, you'd be surprised by the before after
I didn't realize we were so close to bump limit. Happy birthday Roberu! I can bake when I wake up but if it archives before that someone else can do it. If you have the source that'd be appreciated but if not then I can find it.
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Oh my God Rosco what have they done to your skin?!?!
I really like this design though
cute boys with tiny waists
Luca been going for a while

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