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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>gets caught smackin it
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Bob = the GOAT Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian Fell Asleep While Holding Layna's Hands
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:07 - 24:03 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread

always remember that you’re arguing with people like this in here
filian is based
what about inflation? how would that impact filian’s ass?
Filian is literally my wife and pregnant with a litter of my children
The leftist who have a boner for Russia and call Ukraine nazis make me wanna punch their brains out. And I am Russian
I like this bread a lot. Good night baker
her ass inflates at roughly double the usual rate due to the intense workout regimen
Russian mental gymnastics are impressive, honestly just more reasons to support her. Hope she works with them again to finance more betterment of the globe.
>Supporting russkij mir
To think there was a way for me to see anti's opinion as even more invalid
We rarely get people as retarded as this here. Maybe 2% of posts at most.
the funny thing about Russian’s is that their economy and living standards are basically equivalent to or just barely better/larger than mexico’s but they think they’re hot shit
Seems he sperging about the people who did the Vtuber Awards who are Ukrainian
Tiiiiiiiny bit harder to survive in the Siberian slow desert than Mexico.
remember the annyschizo?
that’s probably him
How do you imagine Mexico would act if they had as many nukes as Russia? Hell, even a single one?
nigga there’s 20 morbillion barrels of oil in that shit and your living standards are still abysmal
Not Russian btw, just saying.
ever heard of the ev revolution sweaty?
Total gringo death or something
I would have, but Chinese EV’s are tariffed at like 100% where I live to protect boomer automotive jobs so I still drive my old ICE POS
built ford tough and don’t you ever forget what that means commie
Someone recommend me a book. Then I'll respond with "cool, sounds interesting. I'll definitely look into it" and then never look into it.
Mein Kampf
hungry hungry caterpillar. its filians favorite
Rings of Saturn, W. G. Sebald
What is the chance of RTX filian appearing in some random streamer Twitchcon stream?
I don’t get it. Who’s that random woman
Apparently people think it's Pippa but who knows
My mold sensors didn't go off. Not her.
No way pippa’s voice comes out of her
Hold it right there, pardner.
If phasecucks end up doxxing filian she deserves it for associating with them.
just business bro
Filly needs Shondo on again
No one needs Shondo's schizo fans near them
What have you guys been watching in the filidrought? I've been watching a lot of old jerma streams, and I've gotta say; it's nice watching someone who's a real entertainer, he's just so effortless at making even boring and stupid things fun.
I hope Filian can reach his level someday, but I think she needs to take off the training wheels (reactslop) first.
I haven’t really been watching streamers, I’ve just been playing board games like terraforming mars with my friends.
I've gotten away behind with my seasonal japanese cartoon slop so I've been using the opportunity to take a bite out of the old backlog.
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>Her joke about George Floyd was more edgy than actually racist
What was it and how based was it
It was lame, she said "You're breathtaking! That was a direct quote from George Floyd."
It was just a normal joke. Nobody real took offense to it.
Dozens of vtweeters isn't nobody chud
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I dunno if that's such a good joke
I mean how could he say that while he was hyped up on Fentanyl and illegal drugs
The worst part about it is she didn't even think it was funny, she just said it because she thought it would be edgy and is incapable of keeping her thoughts in.
good god I want to eat that ass holy FRICK
Still watching bits of the follow-up Joey Kaotyk stream and it's so different. Like he's basically just doing normal life things but he's got a camera with 1,500 people watching him do things like pack his clothes in a suitcase to get ready for a flight. There's an audience for anything.
Not my thing but sounds chill. Glad he ended up not being an enormous sperg like I thought he would be.
I think there was some of that but a lot of it was Filterless Fil moments. Fil would probably collab with Johnny Somali if she thought she could get some good stream moments out of it.
>she thought it would be edgy and is incapable of keeping her thoughts in.
intrusive thoughts unleashed, kek
Is Filian a sigma?
she's a female sigma. the women never accepted her, but men worship her every step
Sigma balls lmao
Thanks to today's stream I've wasted hours looking at cool yachts
the 88 yacht is better
even if someone gifted me this thing the upkeep would bankrupt me
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
I don’t believe you
did filian go to the fansly twitchcon party
Amouranth followed her recently.
It's possible
shes sigma'ing my balls rn
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She should stop LYING about her boyfriend being Jesus Christ.
Yes and she got laid
filian is a whore for jesus, like mary magdalene
her bf is mexican? its over
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Watching the vod and holy molly the cringe fest
Filian keeps saying these stupid old ass not funny deez nuts jokes to randoms
Just want to peel off my face from embarrassment
the first hour is definitely a tough watch
you know it's bad when even the snackers find it unbearably cringe
It's because usually there's a disconnect to seeing her act cringe on stream where you can chalk it up to her playing it up for stream but her doing it to random people on the street breaks that
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My favourite interaction
Cute autistic waddle
AD 09/24/2024 mathematical probability of filian's virginity?
prediction markets trade at 80% no 20% yes
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21.37% chance of her not being a virgin
my POV every night
Now I gotta find a pro ruzzian tuber to support
Total Slav Death
anon in da cuck chair
vtweeters are nobodies yes
Found the german
nuh uh
Not too bad..
if you dont look into it your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
oh hey, it’s you, I read the first volume finally, the artist kinda sucks at drawing faces but the buildings are gorgeous, which makes sense because the author is apparently an architect
nihei character design is kino and i will probably not die on that hill tbqh
Is she high here or what's happening? Sounds kinda salty?
did you even attempt to read the replies?
I'm fast scrolling through old threads, saw an old stream and just tuned in.
Just looking for any fanart that may be posted...
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try reading the post and its replies next time, the answer is usually there
filian lost the streamy’s to gura while gura was in the middle of a massive hiatus/soft retired and then filian started malding and made this stream while tilting (or so the story goes)
What did she think was gonna happen when she's thrown in a ranking with Gura? She's THE O.G., myth popularized vtubing for EN big time.
It's more fun to talk about things currently in a live thread than read it in an archived. Same as live streams you know?
I don’t know, I guess the uncharitable explanation is that she was having a woman moment and the charitable explanation is that she felt snubbed and it was another reminder that the entire “vtubing” scene is a giant joke where hard work is not necessarily rewarded
yeah but i wanna be mean for once
>>85963383 (me)
also, the thing about filian is that she’s insanely competitive so that kind of thing can really set her off
Vtubing isn't really a career for hard workers. You're either a charismatic funny person that attracts viewers or an unfunny bozo that'll forever be a 2 view at the very best.
Like think about it, there are no examples of those who worked hard and got big.
I always thought content creation was a mix of skill and hard work and natural born charisma, didn’t mr beast famously grind thousands of hours studying youtube before even making a video or something
In vtubing certainly not, but streamers that got pretty big with not that much charisma usually were pretty skilled at something (usually good at some game). Overall to get big as a vtuber nowadays you have to either be really good at securing collabs with big names or get lucky and get raided by someone huge. I don't think it's possible to become a large vtuber on your own in the current oversaturated market
Yeah, but he's a male and also not a vtuber, plus he's charismatic as well. Now imagine an ugly unfunny woman just doing videos for thousands of hours and hitting it big. I have never seen this, ever or heard about such a case.
All large vtubers are attractive females who appeal to male ape brain. It's that simple.
Go to twitch dot television, put in vtuber tag. Hundreds of 1 or 2 views who'll never make it big because they aren't really that funny or have an attractive personality.
If you are orbiting and promoting self in other vtubers chat you'll get banned and the vtuber herself will be extremely catty. It's impossible to network anymore unless you are big or just collabing with other shitters.
neuro has at least two moms
You can sometimes enter other vtubers chats and talk with them, but keep in mind this is a very delicate process and it causes bad blood to take up too much attention or sound like you’re trying to steal their viewers. When in another girl’s room, you should encourage her, cheer her on, and direct the attention of the men to her, always.
lmao yooooooo
did you took this word for word from that whores guide to camwhoring xD
same shit as vtubing basically tbqh
What whore's guide and why are there two snackers that read it and can recognize lines from it...
aella is a famous Internet personality or whatever you want to call it and she runs in east bay rationalist circles, so lesswrong nerds know about her

this is the guide to camwhoring they’re referring to:
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What the frick. How many of you have read that junk?!
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reminder: bunnyan will never make an appearance again
Did you pull this out of the smithsonian? 2018 is ancient history
she should wear this outfit again and fondle my peepee
She'll go back on it. You want to know why? Because she'll never debut her own model.
she said so
Maybe she was joking
she was not
Another day of imagining what that Nerizzler collab could have been
She probably found a sluttier outfit for us
let’s be honest, it probably would’ve been mid. but don’t say it too loudly or someone will notice and say it’s sour grapes
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the story is peak cinema. i like how he is not holding the reader by the hand. his current is tower dungeon. would recommend. apo simz was pretty good too.
i never knew camwhores come with a manual.
>insert rod into slot a
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me rn
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She’s sitting on your mixtape bro
this is btw the clip were Filian was "seething" about Gura
she's sitting on my gayming skills rn im so fuckign washed
>how big my pp is
Her leg is kebab’d
yeah by me
1 Gallon of Filian Cum
how viscous we talking?
Rock solid
You ARE sour grapes, Nerissa can hang and bang
im goosling
shut up and do more karaoke streams, nerissa
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cute frick
do you think filly masturbates before getting out of bed in the morning?
multiple times, can confirm personally
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love this little gooner
I'd clean her up afterwards
Too busy lying in bed eating dry cereal and playing on her steam deck
her routine is once in the morning before getting out of bed, once before breakfast, once before brushing her teeth and then the rest of the day depends on how stream goes
New Mozart piece just dropped
Hi Filian
damn he's been cooking that one for a while
if it's a good enough stream she'll crank a few out in the middle
she's not Mel
kinda mid ngl
cap? did you clock the staccato in bar 28
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everything bach > anything mozart and dont even @ me
both okay but nothing compared to even the worst russian composer
true actually
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I miss fil already.
I refused to watch yesterday's stream for obvious reason. How fucking atrocious was it? Be honest
Bob was such a surprise last stream. That old guy knew his shit pretty well about blockchain and AI. Kinda wish we got more content from him.
Bad start, mediocre middle section and yacht arc is actually kinda fun to watch.
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Do people find this thing sexy?
This >>85980374
Wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be and I was full doomer about it.
Yes, filian. Use that outfit on stream please.
Yeah? You don't? You gay or something?
pictured: filian jumping onto my face for her fourth orgasm of the day
not really
And yet she won't. Smackers are truly the most oppressed minority.
Just because Fillian's voice and mannerisms make me want to violate her in various ways doesn't necessarily make her sexy.
It doesn't necessarily make her sexy. But she is sexy.
Beach stream when?
Is Filian autistic?
I finally understand why Filian was trying to put over that Chacha vtuber so much. In a moment, it was suddenly so clear, when I saw that vtuber recently tweet about her big growth in the space of only a month. When Filian has this smaller vtuber on her stream and essentially do dedicated segments that showcase her, she is in fact showcasing her own ability to massively incline people.
How many jealous, seething 2views who dogpiled her earlier in the year do you think will reevaluate how they interact with Filian, knowing they could be as lucky as Chacha? It's true that she's done streams that do this as an effect (dating shows, powerpoint streams) but by focusing on one streamer (who was first introduced in a powerpoint stream if I'm not misremembering) she's demonstrating that pipeline (group guest -> sole guest -> incline) very clearly.
Diabolical, Filian. I kneel to your ruthless Machiavellianism.
personally, the filly just want milky
Cope. Next vtuber awards she still won't get any first placings.
so what are you saying, Chacha paid Filian for a the exposure? It kinda makes sense. I mean, Chacha is great and doesn't really need the help but I can see how the initial push can be hard. Do you think Squ paid her for x amount of streams? Would explain why Filian's been collabing with that unfunny one note whore so often
this anon sucks cocks
the schizo has logged on is ready to p-p-p-p-post
How fucking retarded you need to be to believe that you can pay a 10k andy for streams
are you calling him a pippkin shitflinga?
Doubt it. Filian collabs with whoever she likes. Doing things like paying for exposure would be idiotic. The little money she can get for that is not worth the risk. The reason why she streams with Squ so much is the fact that, unlike you, a lot of people do enjoy their collabs. Not to mention in Squ's case it's Squ herself who seems to be very eager to collab again; I mean she goes out of her way to stream at night for those collabs.
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goodnight snackers
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gn anon
>pants full of shit
>stream must go on
holy frick I hate P*ppa so much it's unreal
you're in the wrong thread, kirsche
Mary Magdalene wasn't a whore.
keep us updated vedal
I would take off her shoe and kiss her feet.
Damn that's impressive actually.
alt stream today. i can feel it
>stream today

since passing 1 million, Filian has morphed into Gura 2.0. We'll be lucky to get one half-assed stream a month. Happens to most vtubers when they get big. Spit on the people that put them there and coast all while living it up with a manipulative, abusive bf that only wants her money
Why not? His life was ruined right after..
Is that one of her alts or is that some fan account?
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Unknown, could be either.
Filian is a freak. Kind of hot.
filian should ride me like there’s no tomorrow
Yeah, its Olivia something
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cowgirl or reverse cowgirl?
one view gets you that ass, the other gets you that cute sweat stained face and and eyes-closed focused-on-riding expressions
If I had a nickel every time this appeared here I would probably be able to finance one of those spacial fansly sets from it.
No, I don't think she paid for the exposure. Filian may or may not like working with Chacha but independent of that, she used Chacha to demonstrate her ability to massively incline a smaller streamer. Reminding the Twitch indie community that fact is good for her, for many reasons.
imagine being this naive

she got paid. She only cares about money. She doesn't have any real friends, only people that pay her to be friends
cowgirl for sure
I’m filian’s friend, we hang out platonically sometimes
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Maybe you should ask for a collab instead of being this bitter on 4chan sister.
and she has to beg (pay) vedal to collab, what a chad
she’s just after your clout, don’t get any funny idea’s nerdboy
I’m Filian’s friend too. She gave me a handy because I helped her move. Really kind person
holy shit, you've been doing this for THAT long? I still remember when it was only "I really wanna touch Filian's butt"
It's three anons doing it, not one.
the father, the son, and the holy smacker
All three of those anons? Me btw.
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spacial you say? go on.
I can't type
i aspire to be as horny as that anon one day.
I don’t even watch filian that much and I’m basically a simp for her. This is so stupid. Nature truly gave man no protections against women
what made you start simping
Filian is obliged to kill me with her hardened butt and put me out of my misery.
that’s the messed up part, it wasn’t even a noteworthy thing that made me start simping, I just remember turning on one of her streams for the first time and immediately being overwhelmed with the feeling of like, wow, this girl is really special and entertaining, she puts the other vtubers to shame
Metal. You will live on as KEKW8 and be remembered by snackerkind forever.
that’s a solid reason. her energy level is way higher than anybody else. based new snacker
Same experience brother. She's the only internet woman I've ever simped for. It's cringe and I hate it, youtube fucked me by showing me her clips.
>shows you her anus
cute kitten
I immediately being eating her out
>no filian-cock
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Riddle me this, jorkers. If Filian is so great then how come she doesn't stream urryday?
I'd rather take a relatively stable schedule with consistent high energy over Fil burning herself out
world isn’t ready. various government institutions and think tanks have begged her not to in fear it would crater productivity and crash the global economy
is there an anon here who saved filian vs camila edit?
I know exactly what you’re talking about, but I don’t think I saved it, which is a shame, because it was pretty funny
Time apart makes the heart grow fonder.
sad, I need it so badly
when will she start her strategy game arc and no life rome total war with yellow vei
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snackers... I think filian has some competition
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A rising tide lifts all ships. Filian is a boat. She's the moon.
Filian isn't a boat*
Damnit I fucked up.
alright here’s my YLYL submission, I don’t use jewcord so someone else will have to submit it for me

filian is based
did you make this?
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Why would you assume we use it when you don't?
Filian is getting plowed RIGHT NOW
that doesn't make any sense. filian is not a field. there's nothing to plow.
Yeah sorry about that, i will put her on a plane tomorrow so she can get back in time
can you sense it in the force like leia when alderaan blew up
She is fertile and seeded
by my tongue yeah
my penis is cone shaped, I’ll scoop out the other snackers cum and insert mine even deeper
You joke, but that's why our penises are shaped the way they are. The best gang-rapist wins.
only if you are circumcized though, which isn't natural.
I don't know how to break this to you, but when you rape a woman your foreskin gets pulled down. The more you know.
no like how counsellor troi can sense emotions
then it wouldn't be a mushroom shape. the foreskin fills in the area right under the head.
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what the frick
I’m so starved… I’m watching rekson because he is tangentially related to her
You're dumber than a piece of shit.
That sounds awful. I'm sorry anon, I hope to never hit that level of fillyWithdrawal.
if you mute rekson he is kind of smackable ngl he has some cute mannerisms
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We just had a whole conversation on optimal cock shape for scooping out cum and this is still the worst post in this thread.
you guys are so mean to rekson I'm giving him $100 for his doctors without borders charity-athon
nice comeback bro, you sound like one of those circumsized freaks who somehow things cutting off parts of your dick is reasonable.
so you're giving msf 100 bucks then
I'd sooner donate $100 to Filian on fansly I'd at least get proper smackable material for it
I literally cannot stop having horny thoughts about filian
This but Squ
my horny thoughts about Squ are still related to her molesting Filian
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I'm so based
if you think about it, rekson is the most devoted snacker there is. he’s annoying but he altered his whole life trajectory to be a fillyOrbiter
At least it’s for a good cause
I mean it's charity I guess so good for you but, uh, damn bro. I hope you're not doing your shilling drunk.
The 12 year Olds who keep smugly calling Filian "Rachel" like it's her real name are fucking cringe and annoying.
IDK at least for the butt touching one it's all me, idk who or what else is following in my footsteps
it didn't even occur to me that's what they were referring to, I thought the rekson viewers got hoes and was trying to get him to shoutout their gf or female friend or something
thats a crazy assumption to make
People are saying Honey mindbroke rekson, what happened? I don't watch the dude
I don't want to get political in here. Don't give your money to MSF.
just donated another $100
holy, rekson is pale as fuck. what is his deal?
he's the lotion man
what filian pics do you goon the most to?
lately, microkini fansly set, but I’m more likely to just jerk off to fantasies than porn
The ass shaking fansly vid and like half the micro bikini pics.
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that microkini one where her nice little womb bump is showing and it looks like she's nopan
the ass wiggle in the leotard only
various screenshots of her ass
that koikatsu image where she's being raped and forcibly orgasmd by her friends
the nape
>/flip/ are sluts for the microkini set
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yes we are I hope you take this feedback to heart fil
You're not a real snacker if you aren't
Is Vedal still in San Diego or did he return to bongland already?
erm only neuro was in san diego not vedal
He said something on her stream about how Filian broke his heart or something, he was probably memeing tho
poor guy
there's no leaks about vedal being in san diego. the only evidence is no streams and the bad phonecall
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>loses to Cerber at battleships
She's touching herself on stream again.. our lewdtuber fillyLove
i don't know if i should be happy that my contributions to this thread have ended up being the most smacked to filian content to date
you are bringing joy to many anons
You should be happy and proud. You are a hero to smacker kind.
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We're entering Filian's nautical arc. Hope you pussies brought your dramamine.
I forgot that but I do have a little bit of ketamine
just realised this is a us maritime service cap
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bred fer me hearties in /flip/

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