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ame cute
What does it mean?
Fuwawa is really enjoying this game.
So Mococo has the heart, and Fuwawa has the boobs? Is that why the latter is fucking evil?
>IRyS, Ame, Fauna
This would be a good collab to see.
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hey man
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I love Mori!
I was at work, how's the Ame and Fuwamoco collab going?
>raora 2nd dumbest
she didn't know any english when myth debut 4 years ago. she's fluent enough to stream now. she's a fucking genius.
Last thread was extremely positive and friendly, that was nice.
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Lapsama my friend
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it's super cute and relaxing.
All of these are pretty relative to other Holomems and not real people, like how Kiara think she's an introvert because she likes to spend days off with her cats, but she's obviously more outgoing than girls who can barely talk in public.
Fuwawa is so excited to do the magic
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I love love love Gigi!
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raora honestly works REALLY fucking hard
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this but without Ame
Biboo overslept her collab?
thread before had almost 90 deleted so
Are Ruffians a good addition to the threads?

Or is something keeping the schizos busy right now?
why is fuwawa always so critical of mococo's drawings
language aquisition does not make you smart
literally anyone can speak a language when exposed to it
Ame is just enjoying the show lol
You can be outgoing but not a people person
Its called a "Choleric" personality
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not now selenfag
my dick goes in there
I feel as if Gigi is a deeply sad person
jesus christ fuwawa lmao
>getting this mad when people say your oshi ISN'T as autistic as you think she is
Mori does not deserve fans this retarded
Learning English is easy as fuck
You know, Shiori is pretty cute.
The dogs are fighting over a fucking stick...
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these dogs...
They really are dowgies
vegan cheese is surprisingly good
>that guy
>a fan
Did you reply to the wrong post? Your reply has nothing to do with the post you replied to.
We only appreciate Rafferans
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Her butthole too
When did Deadbeats become the most sensitive fanbase?
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She's having fun
Go peddle your lifestyle elsewhere Fauna
that stick? me
Sorry I didn't know about that I haven't been able to watch streams lately. I feel bad now.
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she's just like me
Ame just called Fuwamoco dogs who fight over a stick.
Ruffians do you agree
anon thats clearly a falseflag
bitchbeat just shut up and stop embarrassing your fanbase
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are fwmc retarded
How many times has Fuwawa gone 'I GET IT' before completely failing at this point
Osteoporosis, they're debbies
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Pagliacci, the Great Clown...
One day you'll learn that anons basically just treat these as "who's your oshi?" questionnaires as opposed to actually answering truthfully and you'll be free from the poal mind-virus
What else are you gonna call him, he spends all day in here posting about her
This is a cute collab
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>you are gonna spend the first year spamming
yeah, my stick
I think it's funny that Kronii is obviously one of the smartest ENs. But she gets bullied and dunked on by the other girls and life so much, we kind of just brush it off.
>falseflag cope
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these dogs are NOT wizards
i've been watching JP (and actually doing duolingo reps) for about as long (4 years). i'm like N3 and not conversational at all
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Yes and I love them
Are they, you know?
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She's the Polka type, confirmed by the clown herself.
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which holos have too much yellow bile?
>drawing the wrong symbol entirely
never give them the magic wand ever again
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Is being pathetic a charm point?
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Yeah, my post was referring to >>85943376
You'd think so, right? Instead there's tons of broken English across this board
the dawgs are a little bit...
Ame called Fuwawa smart 5 minutes ago and she wouldn't lie.
A shitposter?
>i've been watching JP (and actually doing duolingo reps)
that's not exposure
you need to be actually communicating in the language
move to japan and interact with people and you will learn japanese without trying

at leasy you're cute
The egg must be a kiara superfan then
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5 mins till wife online
Fuck off retard, I see you reset your modem already
i want ame to keep winning these to keep /ameg/ alive
Theses dumbfuck dogs kek
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Proud of the dog squad, they're doing much better than I thought
w-why does Fuwawa keep looking like that...?
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Is Towa the girliest girl in Hololive?
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And by kronies!
I will vote Ame on every poal I see and complain if Ame is not an option.
I like how Ame and Fuwawa instantly became best friends
Biboo really can't stand the idea of letting other have the spotlight huh?
Yes, the mods banned me for putting Mori on an autism chart in a position you didn't like, and now I'm back to torment you
I don't know about the charm part
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I should had have killed whoever invented the tumblr art style when I had the chance
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always will vote Ame
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i loved how goblinRyS was completely retconned when they did that recap at the end of breaking dimensions. almost like they want us to memoryhole she was ever a thing
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This art scares me.
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>has attested to sometimes passing the time by blankly staring at her ceiling in bed, head empty
She’s definitely got the Big Sad.
>Are you crying towa? Are you crying?
Pekora is such a bitch
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>almost like they want us to memoryhole she was ever a thing
that was always the point
I just realized that there'll be a huge uptick of >who? shitposts and the like after Ame's not-graduation
the schizo ones are in /baubau/
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My Ina!
Where's your 9am avatar?
Who bullies their oshi more, Jailbirds or Kronies?
kronii is the type of smart where she has no interest in showing it off most of the time, but when its thrown into question she tryhards e.g big brain games, spelling bee etc. shes also just hyper competitive
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Will we ever find out what she meant by this
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Why, why do people are like this??
desu IRyS' old outfit was better than her current one, breast netting was pure sex.
New Face is way better though.
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your obvious fanbase war shit now fuck off
Then I will reply with a cute Ame pic each time.
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learning languages doesn't make you smart, but your post definitely makes you retarded
I like how the peanut was literally a tako car
why do people here still pretend every split is evil and filled with schizos
It was a pretty rotten time for her.
The schizos are too busy arguing with each other in the general to come and shitpost here.
It's a one sided war and you're the only participant, everyone else is laughing at you for being so sensitive
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Maybe in a year.
You need proper exposure to the language. Try studying how to use fax machines.
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Ame is forcing them to increase their braincells
I really hope they ameway this number combo
>throw a tantrum
>accuse everyone else
Well that's a tactic I guess
i find it hard to collab with FWMC because they talk between themselves too much
i wanna see how they behave and what conversations they would have while separated
whoa sexy
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Go do some pushups and get over it.
sure it does. learning new things = smart. the ability to learn new things, the speed, the rate, all counts. But also the biggest indication of smartness is how you turn your will into effective reality. Your goals into reality.
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>Implied we
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They need to give all the girls ugly models when they start so their actual personality shines through. IRyS handled it well because she's fun to watch and earned her current model.
okay but to be fair it's actually pretty true about /baubau/
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>Twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut!
What was her face like again?
I assume it's a mutual thing where global hates the splits and the splits hate global
>i wanna see how they behave and what conversations they would have while separated
they mainly act lost and confused
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Fuck off we're watching a collab right now you can shitpost later
>hyper competitive
>makes girls swoon over her
>somehow still suffers in life
I got no chance
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I'll support this smelly woman
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That's too much bread for Ame, please keep the gluten allergy in mind before she turns purple again.
>learning new things = smart
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/baubau/ literally has a dedicated schizo who spent 12 hours tracking literally everyone who FWMC read in a single endurance stream
Only if you're a girl, but that's because basically anything except being a harpy is a charm point
Sure it is. If you are unable to learn, you lack intelligence. Thats what makes you retard.
do you like being bullied?
That's not the point you are fucking stupid
>leaves America on a whim to go to japan
>constantly mumbles to herself
>can't talk to to people
>gets fixated on new things every other week like berserk
>can't read people at all and has trouble what's happening
>makes random ass noises and stims like proinkkkk which came from nothing
She's a fucking sperg now fuck off
>how you turn your will into effective reality
slow learner cope
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Hope she gets this outfit.
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My wife
some clippers are pretty good at teaching japanese
intelligence is the ability of your brain to process information
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Fuwawa is clearly the superior sister
/baubau/ just colonized Jupiter.
Last time i was there they were keeping track of who was getting read on stream the most and derailing the threads with name dropping random fags in chat or paypigs.
Maybe it has changed who knows i stopped being a regular due to low thread quality.
Which holo believes in flat earth?
Is a really cute prey animal
only biboo pov?
This is a super cute collab I did not expect this
Learning is processing. Dumbass.
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its embarrassing for you to be this wrong while seething this hard
I feel as if GG is a deeply sexy person
Mori is ultimately a person with decent social skills with some strange quirks
Thus she falls in the middle of the autistic / neurotypical spectrum
Having interests does not make you autistic and she can read people
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That's my daughter
every thread has their raiders and an actual poster from here would know that
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fuwawa cute
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She believes in Hollow Knight:Silksong
Most people are indifferent either way. There's some very noticeable schizos that use multiple splits which you can easily tell is the same person due to how they write.
Yes but not all processing is learning
I'm not even a deadbeat but off these 3 points alone I can tell you're a retard with ZERO clue what you're talking about lol
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Wife back
Am I the only one who cannot imagine any of the Justice girls wearing a different outfit? Like their designs all feel too tied to their clothes
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Ame... please use a calculator...
Cute sneeze!
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yeah me
kino raora intro
Watch streams
I remember that her youtube channel banner changed basically the second her new model was revealed. She really wanted to be rid of that thing.
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>Korone and Mio: Hololive enjoyers
>Fox: Schizos
>Kanata: Me
>Gun: pointed at schizos and discharged
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I wonder how it came to be that every member of advent has the habit of starting streams five minutes early
That's clearly profile
Biboo's shitpost song along with the cute 3D is real funny to me.
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Haha, you're stupid
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Yknow, Kaela is kind of la creatividad herself
Technically all processing is "learning". But learning as a concept itself is tied to effective processing. Ineffective processing leads to retardation.
Bet he wouldn't be able to name anything that happened in a recent stream that wasn't mentioned in thread a bunch of times.
>decent social skills
You are fucking stupid
>Having interests does not make you autistic
Not in the same fashion she does shrek for example. You are stupid
you're definitely alone
I dunno, but I think FWMC started it and it just became a habit
Probably FuwaMoco and it spread from there
This is actually really cool
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>Technically all processing is "learning"
No it isn't
WAIT youre telling me that the whole time Bubba was actually Ame?
why is the otomo caked up like that
Your welcome
but the fox was my favorite character from this arc...
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This is my only reference to phrenology
You lack depth to understand the nuances. Learn more
Fuwawa is the shadow leader of Advent
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How was Mumei's GTA stream? I can never watch those godforsaken things because the hours are so bad.
those breasts do not look like they're attached to her body...
Mori is probably the most social HoloEN member and she works with tons of people in a professional setting with her music. She has good social skills
Her interest in Shrek is a joke, it's supposed to be funny
stop projecting your flaws onto mori, retard
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Refute it then instead of just saying no because you consistently don't know shit
There's no nuance here, you're just catagorically wrong
Learning is taking in new information
You can process information without taking in new information
>Not in the same fashion she does shrek for example.
But her interest is entirely a meme that she plays up for the sake of humor
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biboo! wife!
and also nice, I was just thinking about how it's been a bit since I've seen her new years outfit
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I like when you're zoomed in enough on a Holo to see individual brushstrokes/lines.
You have to watch it. It's not good but you have to watch it anyway. I did it, you don't get to escape. Plus there's cute Towamei and Mubae moments! You want those, right? Right?!
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very specific, but kino
Gigi seems to be the most flexible of them, at least according to most of her fanart.
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>tries to put the deadbeat mask back on after shitting on her
I don't think she has even mentioned streak on her own in a very long time that wasn't initiated by someone else or chat.
Her interest in Shrek is such an overwhelmingly obvious bit played up for comedy that you would have to be the autist to think otherwise
lmao amazing
>the most social HoloEN
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Ela, my beloved.
one of the gta streams of all time, really cute and wholesome moments at the end though
She also fixated on her music so it's easy to talk to people about that. Throw her into a conversation about literally anything else she shuts down. You are stupid she's not good in social spaces I've watched her rm too. You are just wrong
Ina today?
Oh yeah, you also need to watch the Bae POV for ten minutes, 00:56ish until Mumei logs off
Those are my wife's bouncy, beautiful breasts
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Bae cute!
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Kiara wife
wait are they allowed repeats?
Ela and Rara should crush Biboo between their breasts

Well, anon? How many can you identifty?
these employees are really cute
Fuwamoco started because Mococo used to stay up all night to watch streams of live performances by a small Idol group in Japan and sometimes they would start very late or end up canceling it altogether and so it's important to them not to leave anyone waiting unsure of if the stream will happen or not.
Mori has literally involved herself with everyone in the branch, more or less. She's the most proactive when it comes to making contact with others and there's no competition
>She also fixated on her music so it's easy to talk to people about that. Throw her into a conversation about literally anything else she shuts down.
This describes like half of all musicians
Please no inverse teleporter this collab....
cute and silly, hung out with the gang which was very emoi
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Bae a shit!
bubba was the mocap intern she hired. he got fired after 2 streams
>Throw her into a conversation about literally anything else she shuts down.
No she doesn't
>she's not good in social spaces
She's not good in social spaces she's not familar with but that's pretty normal for anyone
>end up canceling it altogether
erm about that...
No. You can learn just by processing current stale of the brain. Thats what thinking and reflection.
She regularly invites all the girls out constantly, even to stuff like onsens. She can start conversations with people she doesn't even know simply by being a fan. She's definitely up there, frankly I don't even know who else you would put higher.
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Gigi needs to keep her spats in future outfits, or make it a reveal toggle at least
What stream was that from? I feel like I've heard it
All I can say is towa really wants to fuck mumei
Cute. I think Mococo should be rewarded with kisses (from me).
I saw her drawn in it for a decent while but at this point like 80% of Gigi art I see is outside of her default outfit
Raora's actively drawn fanart of herself already
I'll give that ERB and Ceci do feel weird outside of their canon outfits though, probably because of the design quirks (the Bloodflame (TM) and the doll joints/general classy vibe of CC's design)
what do you think you are doing by replying
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Kaela fan art rating stream, but it’s rated on a scale of 1 to 10 GSHs, where the more GSHs you’re given, the further from god you’ve strayed.
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Cutie pie
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Jojo then the point still stands she gets attached to stuff. It is the literal definition of social isolation look it up
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that was Henma retards
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She should have a toggle to take her spats off
That's not true though
Roara fucking loves these two it's so cute
Then you've just defined all thought as "learning" which makes the word learning pointless
Biboo still doesn't know how to roll her Rs
it was a story they told pretty early on
Ogey rrat
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Uhhh how long have they been stuck in this graveyard?
Too big desu, Kaela too cute to have whorish body proportions
not now selenfag
Biboo can growl now???
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>I used the money for fleshlight
She literally just did it right now!
They started this one like 40 mins ago
Hi, I'm ela's fleshlight
Yes thats what information processing includes. Both with state information and sensory relevant information..
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how has nobody corrected Kaela yet? She's still calling flashlights fleshlights
She should take them off and let them hover next to her
How can you be so ESL and at the same time so confident that you can teach other people the meanings of English words that you clearly don't understand
Kaela is cute because she's drawn by an artist who draws big booby sluts
Mori’s clearly ADHD/very high-functioning autism, mainly because she’s literally talked about her meds before, and the other notable indicators we’ve seen over the years. That said, she’s the least autistic of the autists, and so she’s no sinking rock in social situations.
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They're so fucking retarded... I love them.
Me and my unemployment check be like
What's the thing with jetpack?
it's funnier this way
She's doing it in the back of her throat, not with the tip of her tongue. Doesn't count.
She's the stealth bimbo of HoloID
Of her partners, neither biboo nor raora know what a fleshlight is. Kronii and anyer think it's funny
Sauce? This is really cool and tasteful
She goes off on her own in big collabs all the time anon you don't know anything.
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God they are cute
not watching them nothing, but I know its quite easy to mess up using
>Jojo then the point still stands
No it doesn't? It took her like a year to consider picking up Jojo and at one point she was outright memeing on the fans for being obnoxious
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Looks about right to me, when freed from the confines of fabric, desu
Words exist to differentiate concepts from each other
Learning describes a mode of thought where you are absorbing new information
If you expand "learning" to include modes of thought where you are applying what you already know, the word has no meaning anymore
You know, I just realized that Ame was the only one that didn't contribute to Ina's Gunjou cover last year.
Was Ina's rage so furious she caused the current situation
New giftfag/greyfag meme spam from chattini like with the cucumber obsession, its stupid
This is just your own inability to inference basic error corrections. Its a sign of low IQ. If you cant inference proper sentence structure even with some missing information, you are not that smart.
based universal comment
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The primary thing I realized from this is way too many Holos have blue eyes with no unique features.
Raora is denying the Chattini jetpacks because they kept doing things with cucumbers and exploding
I still think it was funny her going off on Jojo fans that talk about it too much to becoming one. Seems like she toned that down.
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Chattini's are not allowed jetpacks because it's too dangerous and they are plushies, but they'd be fine with them probably.
Koseki Bijou is an extremely sexy grownup woman
Man they are DUMB, I wanna squish all their cheeks
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I mean relatively, anon! She’s not Shiori, or ERB, or Mococo. Yes she still does odd autism things, but to a significantly lesser degree.
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@RobotCatArt on twitter
Inference is a noun; you mean "infer."
And that's why Ame has the prettiest eyes.
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Ame cute
holy ESL
Is Kaela a fan of XXXHolic by any chance
Her mother was a beautiful Chinese exchange student who fell in love with an American classmate. Eventually, she became pregnant with GiGi, and they got married. However, things became complicated, and he left them for good. The young mother raised GiGi alone, pouring love into her upbringing but also maintaining a certain coldness. Every time she looked at her daughter’s face, her mix of blonde and black hair, she was reminded of the man who abandoned them both.
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Benjamin my love
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Not a single other person besides her and mumei are diagnosed. I don't believe a single other en. It's just cope especially people like shiori
sex with this thing
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>You have to solve the puzzle, you can do it
>You guys did it!
no more (you)s
How has nobody corrected Kaela yet? How is she not a mother?
why did she block mococoe like that
Not now selenfag
That went by too fast
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>it's over
You don't need to be diagnosed to see it
Shiori and Ame are very clearly autistic
The pink highlight is a charm point, yeah.
oh no no no it sadness time now.....
>we prepared a little bit of a letter for you
Oh no...
>the wierd deadbeat falseflagger has gotten people to start complimenting Mori because how odd his posts were
aw fuck
I'm gonna cry now
ame doesnt sound excited about it at all lmao
Im going to fucking cry
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Gura cute Gura cute!
>prepared a letter
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>a letter

oh no
Mococo will NOT cry reading this letter
>a letter
>Prepared a letter
oh man...
oh no..
i love that fuwamoco always prepare letters for moments like this, love these dogs
That was too fast...
Oh fuck I'm gonna cry again no no no
Show me they've been diagnosed and confirmed I'll wait. Oh wait you can't
Don't do it...
medicated right, so I don't know how "least" she really is
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I'm gonna cry now
It's already over...
Funny that you're calling me a "pseud" when you're responding with logical fallacies and insults
I'm not gonna cry ToT
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its time...
wait how many minutes was that?
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Kimono Biboo my beloved...
>more memories
time to cry
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oh there it is, I'm sinking once again
It's fucking over...
>she’s the least autistic of the autists
Isn’t she the only one? Like a legitimate autistic?
leech away, FWMC
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>Ame still cannot stand being praised
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>bottom left of the screen says STAY
I... I can't do this...
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It's not a sad letter you fucks
watch streams
This still doesn't feel real
Do the characters partying down in the back add or take from this moment?
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Bae a cute.
thats how she is
Aqua and Pekora
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I understood like 80% of those words
This bugs me because its Ina crying over spicy noodles, the same Ina that eats the spicy noodles that made Chammers puke for normal lunch.
Bau Bau.......
You wouldn't get it
I want to make her happy.
Ina's eyes have an octopus-like pupil
Reine has a white pupil
This is gonna be a fun group
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I want to be sad but the fucking game avatars are taking me out of it...
Myth was supposed to be forever man
>You don't have a condition until you get diagnosed with it
That's not how it works
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Oh God it does. Ame no AME NO PLEASE STAYYYYY
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don't go, Ame....
And I've got a bridge to sell you especially holo keep coping
Mococo would've cried
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she tried to shove her ass in mococos face
>It's so bittersweet that this is out first and last collab together
fucking hell why does ame have to go
I think you can do that for her, anon
Click the button Ame! CLICK IT!!!
This is low IQ. Inability to do error correction and address the argument.
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I strongly feel Ame is making a mistake.
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>Solve puzzles with Ame
>I'm spamming it but nothing is happening
i literally don't remember any of those collabs
i honestly thought this was their first time meeting...
She can cry into that pile of Hololive money every night, it's not too bad.
Will we get a repeat of this?
they technically still are together, but man... it's never going to be the same anymore
>keep coping
You've literally had a multi-thread meltdown because someone put Mori on a chart saying she was only 50% autistic
Have you been diagnosed?
No. Ina's genuinely autistic too.
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erm, what the sigma
oh fuck i felt like very little time passed
I will NOT take care of fuwamoco
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Pekora's small breasts
>it hurts
>it hurts
white people calling other white people senpai will never not be cringey
>Ruffians you gotta take care of FWMC
Ame is calling them out
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biboo gaming
you dont remember the spelling bee?
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No don't leave
if you didn't have such a low IQ, you'd be able to speak english properly
Keep working on your English lessons, you're decent but still got a ways to go.
>Bubba is getting left to the dogs
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Don't go...
I mean, she thinks she might be making one too, but she needs to find out for sure.......I hope she can come back in 2 years.....I bleeive....
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As soon as Ame is gone, I'm putting these dogs down.
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My heartstrings have been yanked and torn. I'm gonna lay down for a while after this.
You aren't white so I don't care what you think
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Ina is a hag
Hag mentality
I can relate how much ame goes into turbo autist mode when getting complimented its uncanny just how much i know how she feels
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When you think about it, a talent leaving because of their own perceived failure as a talent and poor work ethic is objectively kind of sad.
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>Ame time travelled into the future and is dipping out of Holo now while she has the chance
The Myth Gmod collab?
Watson Amelia will be back as an active streamer in 2026. This way, anybody can stay in hololive forever if they choose to.
why's laplus on the gang side?
why is polka shooting cops?
Why not Dogtectives?
Ame gone..
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I'm worried about Nerissa crying in front of Ame at the end of their collab
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Well, if you're wondering why she's been streaming less lately...
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Please don't do this to me now
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i dont want ame to go.....
>a talent leaving because of their own perceived failure as a talent and poor work ethic
that's not why she's leaving retard
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That was beautiful
I'm gonna say it
I like Raora's "what do you mean?!"
Again, inability to address issue is a sign of low iq. Sorry you got filtered.
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Bijou's being fucking useless in Lethal Company if you'd like another stream to watch.
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I should bau bau myself
that's funny, they'd be able to collab together now pretty soon
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>Ame made FuwaMoco cry

Fuck her, glad she’s leaving.
The only one that has spoken on stream about a diagnosis. Lots of people go their entire lives without a diagnosis and are just “a little quirky”. I’d be hard pressed to say that ERB isn’t given her behavior on stream and in collabs, especially the Justice Content Warning collab.
>I like Raora
Me too, friend.
Breaking Dimensions?
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Is there a worse genre of stream than
>[Holo X] and [Holo Y] have never collabed before and wait until [Holo X] is about to graduate to do so, feel bittersweet learning they get along well but will never have the chance to interact again
This shit feels like it was designed to pull at your heart strings
Expert yacht heist redemption
Then why is she leaving…
>that girl

Hey, she got the beehive and was the only employee to survive.
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LUMINA met up with Ina btw
let me guess you think she's leaving because she can't use bee ame or something
i mean all this situation pretty much means that she thinks a normal graduation would be retarded
That was a short ass ending screen wtf immediately got sent into a raid
She go the beehive all by herself and got away while Raora and Kaela was dead
>to address issue
what do you mean?!
i love the way she says "that" and how often she says "im coming" i fucking love how she sounds
It’s too bad she won’t live. But then again, who does?
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Fuck the rabbit
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Except she collected the beehive all by herself.
Yes, it is cope

She doesn't want to do Hololive stuff anymore
Are you even watching?
I love the mini chat message making fun of him
who has an "i am too old for this shit" vibe...
towa has been part of so many of this roleplay "families" that i don't give a fuck anymore
It could be and I think Ame knows, but she needs to go off and see what happens to understand herself better. I'll keep believing that she will learn what she needs to and come back eventually.
Ame is evil
I mean, she directly said on her own stream she has poor work ethic. its not that hard to infer her reasons for this
when is this shitty game gonna finally die, I'm beyond sick of seeing it
Maybe with Advent/Justice or ID3. The other gens have done a lot of stuff with Ame. This is also because Ame has stayed in Hololive longer than Coco
I dunno, she stated it pretty clearly when she was doing her explanation stream. She said she felt she was unable to keep up with the demands of Hololive's "homework" and admitted directly that she had poor work ethic and didn't feel she could manage enough to be good enough for Hololive again.
Whoa, that's a big fumo.
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i'm just here to listen to these two ESL girls yap at each other with their heavy accents
When you're arguing about the meaning of an English word it really undermines your argument when you keep making basic grammar errors
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When Ame gets embarrassed or feels awkward she turns to her right and looks down because she's rubbing her teary eyes.
And you need to improve yourself retard.
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How dare you fake as me, you don't even have the same file name,
He's talking about your children
best pov
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gura when shes low energy, kronii, fauna when shes tired, CC
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I think they air out their feelings before the stream starts and get all the tears out. FWMC sounded a bit hoarse at the start of stream.
Her poor work ethic is the only actual thing she has stated as being part of why she is doing this. Everything else is speculation, much of it by obvious antis.
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>Chattini still don't get jetpacks
The low IQ like yourself brought up the issue about meaning, retard-san
Why do you think she has a poor work ethic? Because she doesn't enjoy doing it anymore. Why do you think she's barely streamed?
How many times has she Ameway'd and actually had it not work out for her?
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Imagine if we get a super kino one like Ame/Gigi and they have so much fun by the end of it they're laughing super hard and lost track of time and then at the end Ame is like "we should do this again- oh"
Fuck. thank god in the dystopian future in 30 years V-tubers will never be allowed to graduate, fully owned by the global corporation, to stream forever and ever and ever......
If mococo was the one to read the letter she would have started sobbing
Ewww brotah
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I'll lend them a hand

They're dogs, retard.
I hope it was an ilLUMINAting experience
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Careful! Someone's mad and started shitposting! Do not reply to him, and instead post some cute And Boobs or Fuwamoco Butts! Do it now!
She thinks so too, she just has to try it, its the Ameway, I strongly believe shell be back in a few years tho
I think that's a big reason but still just one reason. When asked directly for her reasons she said she couldn't say, but she has objectively been annoyed at small things like the need to put in a request days in advance to play certain games.
Yeah, Mococo's voice especially sounded rough.
I don't know, Ame could be back at any time for basically any event. I'd feel a bit silly getting too melodramatic about it if she just comes back for enreco in a few months, for example.
havent they all known for months? i feel like all the crying and feeling bad happened already
I'm more prone to Haachama's "What you mean?!"
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At least it isn't as bad as Koyo who did something with Aqua AFTER she graduated and then dropped the 'I wish we could have been friends sooner'
holy shit never post again
tako scrotum
The hoarseness is from them overworking themselves and not getting enough sleep and rest.
Reminder the Gura one is get slapped by her tail or something to that effect.
Fuuuuck man. That made my heart drop.
Fuwawa and Ame should sandwich Mococo with their tits
>She said she felt she was unable to keep up with the demands of Hololive's "homework"
She did? And people think this woman will wake up in the morning after leaving and go "I should do hololive work today" after all the structure and all the reminders are gone?
I miss Ame.
Ame's debut sticky:
i noticed her model kinda went stiff at some points during the letter reading, she must have been doing something...
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Ame boobs you say? I'm more than happy to oblige.
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every once in a while i think about sana and kobo's final collab and get teary eyed, it was too fucking kino and sad
The medication is for the ADHD. Autism is one of those things that there aren’t any meds for.
who are you
biboo is more child than usual
Cope you continue to live in ignorance and still know nothing
do you remember Kobo asking Sana if they could collab again towards the end of their collab?

Every once in a while I remember "Sananana, banana" and just get blindsided by sadness
I'm White and he's right. It sounds stupid.
You can't speak English properly
She is reasonably able to keep herself to a standard provided she doesn't have constant butting-in by management to do things like recording voice packs and songs and other things. This is proven by how she was able to do it before, before things got insanely hectic post-COVID.
thats kina the point, she needs to figure out whats the root cause of her work ethic issue/ try to fix it without the responsibilities of Hololive. If she leaves and suddenly is "fixed and fine!" then she knows what the problem was, but if the issue is still there, then she knows its fully an inward issue
At least Justice is still so recent that it's fair. The others don't have that excuse.
Whites doko?
I really doubt she's coming back to enreco as a player
Every once in a while, I remember Kobo telling Sana she ate shit and Sana not understanding if it was a joke or not for a few seconds
Who will be the Botan's confession to Coco for Ame?
Sana's Anatomy stream with Moom and Mori was fucking kino god dammit
...So more Oblivion tonight or will that be a later day?
Is Ame doing another stream or was it just the collab today?
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I'm a Takodachi.
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That's not Kosexy Biboo
Don't care about that literal who but I wish my oshi would do a pack opening stream herself
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>Kobo asking Sana if they could collab again
fuck why did you remind me of this. thats it i'm done with the thread for the night
Who knows, she'll definitely come back probably (if she doesn't feel embarrassed, I mean everyday I feel embarrassed and don't feel like streaming, every time I hover my mouse on the "start stream" my hands can't stop shaking so I just go back to bed and stare at the ceiling all day. So if she even has the guts to do that, already a better person than me
Japanese company
Honestly if I had a cool otaku coworker who was there before I was I'd definitely call him senpai.
Embrace the cringe senpai.
>performative sadness
Why do you love being a retard?
context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDX7PvvLgcg
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I had to go to sleep because I had work in the morning. I'll finish this VOD someday... or maybe I'll leave it so that I can always say I still have streams I haven't watched...
I highly highly doubt that they meant streaming events when they said she'd be involved in future projects.
>she needs to figure out whats the root cause of her work ethic issue
Are you stupid? If people don't enjoy the work they're doing, they will have no work ethic because they don't like doing it
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I miss Sana's gigantic tits and ass
I fucking hate goodbyes
Calling someone your superior is cringe as well.
Y quien es este mojon? Venite a la villa que te rajo gringo de mierda.
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Ame's work ethic is disfunctional. It's not that she's lazy per se. It's just that she has a particular method of working that's just not compatible with Hololive as it is now. So when she's forced to adjust or delay she loses motivation. She actually loves streaming it's just her brain needs to do it a certain way
We don't know it's just adhd when she was off her meds in that chadcast stream it sounded like bpd to me so who knows.
kaela and her are both asian tho
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Konnichiwa my dude
She never said that btw
this but miko's last english stream with coco.
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she was already set before hololive, she lives on her own near her parents, or upstairs at least somewhat independent of her own mother in a multi floor home
shes likely hit that point where shes late 20s/30s and feels as if she never found a career or something to do with her life until she got accepted in
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Gura stop browsing here.
How do you know? Ame didn't know. There's no precedence.
true, but I see it as possibly like
>Are all these small little annoyances is what is overflowing my cup and impacting my other project?
and those questions are hard to answer
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sorry buddy
>She actually loves streaming
Doesn't really seem like it
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Biboo-senpai works because of Biboo's tiny stature
Kaela, Biboo, and Raora aren't white
With no daily link to hololive, no knowledge of current behind the scenes happenings, no obligation to do anything with them if she doesn't want to, you think this woman will wake up in the morning and choose to embark on another management headbutting match instead of just playing vidya games?
Ame was my oshi since soon after she debuted and FWMC have been the holos I've watched the most by far since they debuted and will almost certainly continue to be, so I'm very very grateful they got to have that collab.
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>"Sananana, banana"
>She actually loves streaming
I'd like her to choose me as her husband.
> She actually loves

Delusional, improve yourself.
gigi should get one last chance to confess to being a teamate
I don't know anon, that's why I only said that I doubt it. A deal like that is just too good to be true, and the one solid thing that Ame mentioned as a possibility was "voice work."
i hope Ame comes back before the next Holofes
its the first fes i'll attend..
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>She actually loves streaming
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I'm taking my meds, that collab made me cry
This is correct, and this is evident by the fact that management shutting down two of her favorite styles of stream to do (experimental 3D/silly 2D model streams and Amedley streams) drove her own desire to stream way down.
Who doesn't know the context you retard?
Oh I guess this counts for their debut goal then?
I didn't find the poop eating story yet
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>no shitposting at all during collab (other than some weird autism argument)
>shitposters flood in the moment it ends
many such cases
It took them a full year and a graduation to collab with just one HoloEN member outside of MoriAdvent
Go eat a cookie lil gay boy
Alice... it's not too late...
Kobo wrote a song for Aqua too but didn't make it to her call in in time...
You know how to respond, anons
That post sounds like it's describing gura but it doesn't read like gura's writing. If it's not a LARP I'd say it's mumei.
Hard day of playing Roblox, moom?
who the fuck is coco? i only watch fwmc
I get you.
I'm just very cynical about the situation, and I can very much imagine her not wanting to return after she leaves and streams a bunch of crap for hours at a total whim without having to ask anybody.
yeah, with me?
why did the girls suddently start playing lethal company again?
yeah ame actually loves streaming, that's why she's staying in Hololive
Where the fuck is the Kung Pow + Mori fanart?
these 3 sure are cute
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I hope one day I'll be able to forgive Amelia for what she's doing right now.
Easy perms?
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There is effectively no way she'd be back in time to participate unless she is already planned to be part of it as an affiliate.
Yeah, without me
Yeah, with me
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I'll eat some coockies but I'm not gay.
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I miss Ina and, all too soon, I'll miss Ame forever
Big new updates including a lovable baby
The reasons she doesn't like streaming are going to follow her to her indie career
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I do that sometimes, and I'm not sad. I think.
Why did you self-identify as a shitposter?
Fuck no, GG doesn't pander to losers.
I heard it got loads of new update, there is a New Vehicle, two new maps, more evil enemies, less bugs

But it has shitty traps which can insta kill you, even I can't deal with them.
Dying to traps is so fucking lame
NTA but she's leaving because she want out to find if Holo's structure is the reason why she lacks motivation or if she just inherently has a poor work ethic
>But that's stupid!
Yeah? This whole fucking thing is stupid which is why Ame herself doesn't seem 100% set on the idea of graduation
Fanartists only make stream-related content if it gets a hugely popular clip
Probably because it got updates recently and is a way better game than fucking Content Warning.
Raora demands everyone fucks them
Same Mumei. No more waking up early for a while.
new update added a ton of stuff including new planets
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I miss Ina too, and all too soon, I'll miss Ame forever too...
Does Raora fully understand why Biboo likes her saying focus?
>have to readjust/change your work pattern
>fall behind
>feel guilty
>avoid source of guilt
>fall behind
>feel guilty
etc.... pretty sure she explained this in her zatsu after the announcement.
At the same time?
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Sorry, that was mean of me. Enjoy your cookie.
Skim through this and tell me this is just adhd she's definitely mentally ill. She was off her meds
She's just like me...
cause it's ESL cute?
>NTA but she's leaving because she want out to find if Holo's structure is the reason why she lacks motivation or if she just inherently has a poor work ethic
Yeah I agree
I think the answer is both, she's not a good fit for Hololive but she also has a poor attitude towards things and that's still going to be there when she leaves Hololive
By now yes, but not during the first time
Considering she did all the big VR stuff? Yes.
You expect shitposters to watch streams??
You think these guys watch streams?
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I think something is missing from this photo.. not sure what tho..
you guys dont get ESL humor, she's doing it on purpose. like anya saying stuffs and kaela saying beejoe and kaela saying miff, etc.
because the thread is fine right now so I knew there could only be one thing you were crying about
Definitely not
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I think it's more simple than that
>Don't do your job because you don't like it
>Feel guity about it
>Makes you dislike your job even more
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which en is going to play sparking zero
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Teamates don't care about the failures
Teamates only remember the successes
It was a members stream anon
>2 years later
>JP event
>special guest
>Its Ame
>vocal lessons, solid Japanese
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>If I use a Holo image I'm called a falseflagger
>If I use a non Holo image it's an avatar
So what am I supposed to attach to my post?
>all those posts expecting a British accent
>we finally get one 4 years later
it was in reference to fwmc calling ame senpai

Moom update! Yeah with me!
>you guys dont get ESL
Yeah, Ame would get homework and feel bad about it and not stream, but then she feels so guilty that she doesn't do the homework either, and it becomes a negative loop.
Basically you have no fucking idea what she said and you're making it all up? She already said that the company will contact her and discuss with her if she wants to work on projects, if they want to do 50 voicepacks in one day, obviously she's going to tell them to fuck off, but if they tell her that one of her friends wants to prepare a project with her in VR, then she's probably gonna say yes
The part in L4D2 where she just devolved into making weird muppet noises for thirty minutes was mystifying
dick pics
Your mom's tits
But Ame is a fail idol.
those would make good little enemies for holocure..
>Let's go pizza!
Fucking kek
Ojou might possibly just be a complete and utter dope.
The Latino holo of course. Oh wait...
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my cute wife is such a brat
It's not like she came out and said that that's exactly the reason, you're still speculating. She said that the reason was simple but she wouldn't say.
>Raora just responds to being called Pizza and takes a moment to realize it
It's an avatar when you attach an avatar to you post yeah
Kronii needs an official ponytail... both of her last merch sets had one.
homos are offtopic
Codename Pizza is the funniest fucking thing CC has come up with so far. I guess Germans can be humorous
It's true we do only care about successes, especially how she survived that 0.8 second deathloop.
Ame was cuter than usual today as well!
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Ame WANTS to do projects, she LIKES planning them out, setting them all up, LETS GOO!
And then when she has to be a bit more religious about it, like watson weekly, she suffers.
Shiori's laugh is too cute
Ame loves streaming, hates asking for permissions 2 weeks prior.
Full time streamer soon, btw.
BIBOO trolling roara is now my new favorite thing
this just reminds me of Kobo Sana...
It's time
your bratty wife is a child
she didn't fail tho
Kronii update: shes dying, and feeling
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Raora's the most dead anyone has ever been dead. That's ultra deluxe dead.
Oh yeah. I forgot there was a Latino homo.
A shitposter with an unwarranted sense of self importance, typical
Coming back to be involved in enreco part 2 is one of the more optimistic possibilities, for sure. But there's still all kinds of ways that she might appear again.
It's just an image expressing a feeling.
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>Biboo in GTA
>promiscuous little minx making viewers horny for her and flirting with all talents

>Biboo with Waowa
>"MAMMA...! OwO mamma i need milkies I'm baby"
>your oshi
>a costume you'd like for her to get
enjoy the twitch streams friend
How the fuck did biboo survive that
Detectodogs love
ame slayed that rrat (can't remember if it was in the zatsu or members)
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I miss Ina three and will miss Ame three!
is ame still playing oblivion today
If anyone is making shit up it's you, gayboys, you're the ones who told me what she said.
If you're that ichimin hag, then you need to sit on my face.
raora is just permanently deceased kek
The lack of on-screen Gurame might be the hardest part. Ame isn't disappearing and they will still be friends, but we won't see it.
Kaela never stopped. She's been playing with pemaloe throwing them into the meatgrinder
2 years of being a total deadbeat without any consideration to her fans is a failure in my opinion.
maybe i dunno
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I hope they both manage to stay composed during their final collab. That moment during Gura's birthday where they both got emotional was hard enough...
To be fair Raora makes me feel the same way.
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What rrat?
It’s amazing what a pair of tits will do to a flattie’s mind.
>greenman suit
>Biboo is racist
How do we feel about it?
Yeah, that's why it has no chance to get fanart
Oblivion doko, I wanna see the end
if Ame isn't ESL, explain the title of her video. Who told her to use stuffs
Ame was our last chance at a DBZ holo in EN
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>Avoidant personality disorder symptoms include a variety of behaviors, such as:
>Avoiding work, social, or school activities for fear of criticism or rejection. It may feel as if you are frequently unwelcome in social situations, even when that is not the case. This is because people with avoidant personality disorder have a low threshold for criticism and often imagine themselves to be inferior to others.
>Low self-esteem

You have to be over 18 to post on this site.
graduation gown as last costume would be pretty funny
it's not a hate crime if she loves it
Dawgie detectives LOVE! Really hope someday they can do more together.
She's going to talk about Anya the entire time.
I want to suck the snot out of Kronii's nose so FUCKING bad
you are an actual freak and an evil piece of shit, you know that? how do you live with yourself being a tiny little clump of malice
HoloES in Spring 2026 hermano
You sound like more of an autist diagnosising people that don't have it. So until they come and confirm it then they don't.
why can't she do that to Kaela?
I'm laughing a lot again
F you
I don't care for the opinions of a retard like you
enreco2 participation
she won't even have her login to the MC server anymore
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Seeing her love of art ran that deep was really beautiful
She said don't expect her in ENreco, because there is a possibility that she will no longer be taken into account for it, but on her part she said that she wouldn't mind returning, but that it is not her decision
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my beloved
he's actually falling apart
>Kronii playing Dave the Diver off stream
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Deadbeats run this thread
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Shiori read about her doujin
all I said was to enjoy the twitch streams?
You can't gaypost for years and then get indignant when someone calls you gay.
Ina just finished her morning masturbation btw
Just normal Ina but with a huge purple sombrero with yellow trimming
I still can't believe Ame princess carried Suisei, and Miko accidentally carried Suisei while trying Ame lmao. Both Miko and Suisei bickered because of that.
i'm not, i've always hated you and called you out on your extraordinary shittyness
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Imagine Gura puts up a members only chatting frame this week and she tries to talk about ame leaving and just sobs for like 40 minutes and gives up and has to mute and types up her thoughts on the screen instead while you see her shaking silently...
Ame is learning Japanese
I bet this lady dances like Ina.
why does she have four ears
Can they kiss already?
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>Catpaw Kronii in the thumbnail
>she's not wearing catpaws

Clickbaiting bitch
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If you can diagnose someone from tone of voice, what do we need psychiatrists for?
It's a damn good one
Don't respond then, bitch.
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Chances that Gura will be the first guest at Ame's new studio for the last stream?
Where has kobo been these days? I'm curious if she'll want to write a song for ame, but it might be too much at this point
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Nerissa is ESL now?
Oh, you're getting things mixed up. That was about her playing on the EN Minecraft server, not about enreco.
Here's what she had to say about enreco:
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Ame invented idols, you fucking queer

You should improve yourself now
What a sad, pathetic life you must have.
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Rare Princessronii
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what are we reacting to?
yeah don't act ignorant. i am going to enjoy the twitch streams but i also understand your intent, and you are a bad person. you're awful, actually. how do people stand you in real life? oh wait, they probably don't.
to be seattle radio talkshow hosts
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I was gonna make a comment during that stream but I didnt. I was gonna say sucking out the snot out of her nose then spitting it back into her open mouth but decided not to.

that is all
There's no difference between you and the kirafag deadbeat
There is only one person in this entire thread that qualifies as an avatarfag and it's you
>>85946335 (me)

Oh what this bitch didn't even finish it? Shit now I have to finish the VOD...
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I'm listening to three girls who struggle with English rap with a shitty boombox in the background.
From the timestamps mori says
>sorry I'm sick I can't go into more detail but I can still do some shit talking
She sounds schizophrenic if anything lol
90% of fanartists are underage and/or women, two demographics who will never understand Kung Pow
also it was a member stream
It'd be funny if you had enough self-awareness to understand how pathetic that sounds.
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Wait guys Regret is the title.
Ame leaving soon.
I'm surprised that Ina and Jimmy got so close.
I imagine the past couple months haven't been easy for her
What were her thoughts on it?
you are what you eat, and Nerissa ate a shitload of ESL pussy on vacation
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M-Mori mogged?
She is not even going to talk about it until she is gone...
Bro you are literally leaving in a week what are you doing?
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Wait, this is literally me... How am I supposed to break the cycle?
The perms for that game suck really bad, worse than fromsoft, you have to ask permission for each stream and give them the exact days, why? because they are retarded
Raora and biboo rapping
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That's exactly why she won't do that
Hmm in the off chance it would happen which EN Holo has the most likely chance to play Dante's Inferno?
These are the things that make life worth living
I'll call you on your retardation as I see fit nigger
Remember frens you can hide chains
seems like there might be a bit of projection there. You seem flustered anon, not looking forward to the twitch streams?
Why does kronii have a tiara
what, is it more pathetic than you getting your joys off of your shitposting?
Raora got that Busdriver flow
Not just this but she has shown traits of bipolar .
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We are all gonna post this song when Ame comes back and make fun of her and use that "Ukulele girl" meme at the left and hers at the right, and caption it as "Welcome back Ame and this song was totally ahead of its time"
fucking GTA. thank god that shit is over
She won't be able to finish ER DLC before leaving lol
Yeah, I know she also said that she'd ask about it, but Ame in ENreco 2 is like 99.9% not happening imo. It's a huge scale event for active ENs and each chapter runs for several days at a time, and they'd have to give her her MC account back for it, and she couldn't possibly have a POV. It just wouldn't make sense.
why the FUCK would you post this
killing myself
>Ame was crying so much that she doesnt think shell recover to stream in time
Just forget finishing oblivion
Shes right near the end, 11/14 quests but this quest step she's on is really long, like 3 full dungeons and she wanted to rest up for gta
That letter fuwamoco read probably opened her floodgates. Feeling sick or not well is a tried and true excuse for I'm super fucking crying right now/feel really sad.
All of Promise has tiaras.
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I want Ina to start smoking
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I want to hug her so fucking bad
god fucking dammit
you seem to be deflecting, probably because you know you're a bad person
>(experimental 3D/silly 2D model streams
I don't think this has been the case for a cool minute but people still regurgitate it for some reason
Cuz she's a pretty, pretty princess
Ame said there was going to be a last Myth collab though.
I think that apart from joining the last group collabs, she's not gonna do a stream before it happens for the same reason, and ofc when she does one it's gonna be for members or everyone would see her ugly crying
That's fair
I shot my shot anyway cause the chat was flying right after she said it
Ame is literally crying too much to stream bros holy shit
i can't stop thinking of fucking kronii
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Gura canceled on her so she has to cover for it by moving the oblivion stream to fill up the Gura day. Don't bring attention to it.
how am I a bad person
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i really wanna have sex with GG
Raora sounded very Mario-like with that jump
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Again, if you don't like my opinions then ignore me, you stupid bitch.
I still have about half the VOD left, it looks like. I tapped out shortly after she cheesed the Fighting Polygon Team.
>Ame was crying so much she can't do Oblivion and filled with so much Regret (stream Regret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj2JFtU7c78)
you know what you've done
I know but Gura is not going to stream until she is gone just to avoid talking about it and crying.
she can be the boss fight or sleeping princess who wakes up after a kiss. one cameo scene, she doesn't have to be a regular streamer
Kronii wishes she could've done more GTA RP
nice art, confused by skibbidi and laughed at "shoot your goo my dude
I didn't think she was gonna anyway, the remaining bosses will be rough for her
This girl broke down seeing Ame perform on stage for the first time btw. This is also the girl who cried singing Astro Girl. That's why a stream like this wouldn't likely happen
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now i'm just thinking about sana and kaela playing clubhouse 51 right before her graduation. silly girls...
cherish the last handful of memories you get with your oshi, teamates
What has shiori been talking about this stream?
Oh, absolutely. I’m not their certified psychologist, I can’t diagnose them. It’s 4chan after all, we call all of them autists when they do something weird. Some of them just get called autists more often than others.
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I want to be Shiori's eggplant. I want to ruin my life with her.
>Kobo still can't come back yet, she's not fully recovered
>more Japan projects in a short time
>she has to decline some new project requests both from hololive and outside hololive
>new outfit for comeback stream
>watches anime during her recovery
>FWMC are like real dogs to her, they follow her anywhere in their sessions together
>want to make a cute child original song ToT (probably in JP)
>Cover song recording soon
>she is afraid many kobokers are leaving and already expects it
>kobo always feels useless in group projects which makes her very happy when ID members rely on her for the HoloID 3D medley live performance
Yeah she was great the day she did
Maybe Kaelawife isn't such an absurd concept after all...
I thought you were looking forward to the twitch streams though, is that why I'm a bad person?
Cause she’s cute
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Oh I'm a huge retard and forgot the obvious one, pic rel. Also maybe Mumei >>85947474
she's just like me...
I'm going to miss the morally righteous teamate posting when Ame is gone
And this happened because this retard forgot that the GTA final episode was today... she ruined her sleep schedule in one day
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She hasn't been around very much but I imagine it's due to a bunch of projects like the Honda sponsorship she had
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I had to share my pain onto others
Ame you're graduating you don't need to make excuses anymore
Those moments were some of my happiest watching Hololive. Still a bit depressed about it
I think she intends to summon to get through it in time.
The wife
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I post this IRyS in defense mode
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you're a bad person because you're actively malicious, and you know you're being malicious, otherwise why would you reply like that? anyone can see your intent is malicious.
>laughed at "shoot your goo my dude"
Why is she laughing at herself? That's EXACTLY what she WOULD say...
She also forgot the Fuwamoco collab was today
lol lmao she needs to put her money where her mouth is first
She KNOWS she's in the wrong here.
>I wish...I got to collab with her more
>I think...we had a lot of the same interests
Kronii right now....it happened so soon......
That's probably why it's funny
Kronii is cute wtf?
Kronii wants to keep touching Ame
Kobo has always been intimidated by Moona and Ayunda's singing but she's not really terrible at singing so idk why
Why Ina has always been friendly with people who are nice to her. Like she befriended a whole gen minus Botan because of interacting with a orange girl in Amoung us.
Sleep well.
maneater bug
She has said it!
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ame is doing this of her own free will, do you think I'm mind controlling her and making her leave?
this irys doesn't seem like she would have a particularly high defense
I'm pretty sure Mori has some other mental illness anyway. She's never said adhd anywhere and only ever said "brain meds" people just assume adhd but she works so much I don't think she does.
it was pretty funny when someone would get seriously butthurt when i said ame's a better person than they'll ever be
>I think she made it
>Biboo getting ripped to shreds in the distance
As ol' Marty says, cinema
Lethal company somehow never gets old, but content warning got old after a single stream
IRyS in attack mode
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I summon Blue Eyes Clock Woman in attack mode to fuck your IRyS
Anyone would be intimidated by those two's singing
are you retarded? you're malicious because you're actively mocking and taunting her fans, not because of anything ame is doing. take responsibility for your own actions and stop playing dumb.
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Just realized I don't need my ShioriAme moments file anymore. Do I throw it away now?
it's not high, but it's not absolute zero except for her anus
Kronii HOPES she can stay in touch with Ame...
>mocking people is malicious
calm down drama queen
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Raora has an endearing and cute voice
post it
The kobo Sana one really hit me.
I hope you seethe yourself into oblivion when she comes back in a year or two
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Fool! You activated the trap card, Cheebs packing heat!
there's still a week left...
Still kinda sick but she was getting better in her members
keep it
never throw away anything
some teamates are actually looking forward to being free of restrictions plus ame made this choice herself and it's what she wants. So me just agreeing with Ame is malicious?
because they're two of the best voices in holo
She should chin up though, she's also great
absolutely baffling post
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>Comes back to the ship
>Oh hey the music's still playing!
>Starts screaming when seeing the dog
>Gets fucking eaten
What about that post made you think I wanted Ame to leave
Nta but holy kek not even you believe this
Add any moment that could happen in the TF2 collab, post it for a last time and then delete it
Why are Asians like this......
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Imagine Kronii using her glock to fuck Ame relentlessly while pointing a glock at Ame's head. Ame enjoys this thrill of death. It makes the sesbian lex even more exciting. In any moment, Kronii could shoot the loaded gun into Ame, splattering her brains everywhere.

As Kronii reaches climax, she forgets her trigger discipline, unintentionally firing her gun. BANG! The bullet rips through Ame's head cleanly, even passing the pillow and bedframe. In an unexpected twist, the searing pain of her brains being blown off and cumming from Kronii's fucking released one of the most depraved form of orgasm. Ame's eyes rolled so far back, it was unsure whether it was because from Ame's first orgasm or last breath. Was this what Ame wanted?

"OH GOD OH GOD!" Kronii yelled. Despite the dangers, Kronii wasn't actually mentally prepared for this scenario. Kronii used her time powers to slow down Ame's body. Ensuring Ame doesn't realise death. "guhhhhh......guuhhhh...." Ame moaned as what remained of her speech brain slowed down. While pondering what to do, Kronii took a look at Ame's head. Strangely enough, Ame's bullet wound resembled that of a pussy. Kronii gulps, sweating. Fucking Ame's head wound would be the greatest insult to life and death. Kronii was in conflict, but her glock was fully erect.

"Ame's already dead right? Surely, she won't feel..." Kronii gave in to her depraved desires, and slowly sticked her glock into Ame's wound. Warm, sticky just like a pussy. "guh..." Ame softly moaned, unable to comprehend what is happening to her now. "IM SORRY!" as Kronii begins to fuck Ame's head wound. Yet, this was a newfound pleasure.

Every sense of morality left Kronii that day. Kronii wept. Kronii took one last look at Ame's lifeless expression. "Take my cum!" Kronii cums into Ame's head, filling Ame's brain creases with her sticky gooey cum. Kronii finally resumes Ame's body time. "AHHHHHHHHH...... " Ame screamed as if she felt many nerves in her head activating all at once, like it was a knee jerk reaction. Before finally dying.
Stop mocking me you evil person
shitposter are all malicious
>me just agreeing with Ame
agreeing on what exactly?
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Sana is my mom
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Ame eepy.
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I use my magic card to destroy your trap card, Korean Woman Driving!
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Did Ame ever sing this song again?

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I summon one Creeping Fat Fuck in attack mode
It's a shame, there's a lot of potential in a game like CW. I think it's all the extra bullshit included that makes CW a chore to watch regardless of the group
NTA but yes mocking someone is quite literally malicious, are you retarded? How is it not? If the person being mocked doesn't like it and doesn't want to be mocked then it is by definition malice
are you one of those autistic retards that thinks something is bantz just because you are having fun doing it even if the other person isn't?
Make up your mind, shitposter.
What will it be, seethe or seethe?
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That's because Lethal Company was made with the intent to have FUN.
It was a game made by some furry dev who wanted to just fuck around with his gay fucking bros.
He was a HOBBY DEV prior, doing things for the sake of learning mechanics and to "see if he could".
Lethal Company is just a culmination of soul built up on a desire to show a small group of friends a fun time.
Meanwhile Content Warning just went "ok but what if we forced the interactions in Lethal Company?" and then ran after release. It's why Content Warning was FREE for SEVEN DAYS on release, solely to cash in on people downloading the game and then having them pressure their friends to pick up a copy themselves.
They're such a fucking leech I'm glad they're dying.
that streaming on twitch and leaving hololive will be better for her
Yeah her voice is super attractive. It's great. It's funny thinking about how many people weren't into it when she first debuted but now she has one of the nicest voices to listen to. It shows we're all weak to sexy European accents.
Hello /hlgg/ does anybody have a timestamp of the police doing FWMC impressions in GTA. Thank you and God bless.
I'm not reading that, no one will say based to this.
upload it to rentry
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Nut up and JUST DO IT
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That card is banned
This is why she's leaving
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once Ame is gone, I'll be a full time novelite
it is, by definition. it's not a crime or anything and people here should grow thicker skin already, but it is.
reprise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFDkx3ZeH4c
A lot of armchair psychologists in this thread, but I bet there could be an actual psychologist in here too. More surprising things have happened.
>making a completely unrelated post is "siding with someone"
you have a monkey brain
glasses Ina with the truthnuke
Can you stop biting the attention hungry faggots bait thanks
did they take out the Barber for this update? I really liked him
and what part of >>85946638
this post seems to imply that?
no its not
Someone should draw Kronii viciously eating some type of animal meat.....
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What if her name was Hawk Gurah and she a'd on that thang?
Like a not retarded one?
>malicious behavior is malicious
Raora really loves grindstone huh
holy retard
What would a kiss with Ela be like?
the same with her personality, shes such a lovely ray of sunshine type, i love her
I wish I knew but reminding yourself that avoiding it will just lead to more guilt and work in the future helps. Also doing an ok job or half-complete job is better than doing nothing. Just take it one small step at a time.
>making a completely unrelated post
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You're just mad cuz bad
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Raora's voice has definitely been growing on me.
There was a legitimate one a while back, I think he was assessing Myth's personalities
We've had a few doctors too
This is how you know when someone is actually evil by nature.
I remember a few years ago there was a poster who claimed to be a Catholic Bishop or something along those lines
Someone should draw Kronii sensually eating demon dog anus
this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXoHkAfrxzA
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh based?
I don't know who you think you're talking to but it's definitely not me.
>If it hurts my feelings then it's malicious
You should think hard about the implications of this
M-me next Kronii........
This is the other time I can think of, but later on she said she couldn't sing it again because of the (maybe not real but Ame believed it) rule against changing song lyrics.
why do you crop like that dude it's worse than avatafagging
I'm an armchair manufacturer so that's pretty close
so uh, what game should they play for the next box collab?
just wait until you see what she does after she leaves
She'd be really confused about what you were trying to do
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You know, I didn't think Ina needed a 2.0 before the reveal, but now I can't imagine going back to her old rigging. It's so much cuter it's insane.
oh >we posting Ameoke songs to cheer us up now huh? Okey anons have fun with this one!

Our moment will come this Friday
File deleted.
>myth collab ends
>suddenly shitpost everywhere
What did they mean by this?
>gets on skateboard
their oshi is literally graduating and kicking someone when they're already down is the definition of scumbag material
The girl has straight up confessed to imagining herself as an animal in a nature documentary and tearing up an animal carcass, I'm surprised there isn't more
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I stopped paying attention to Shiori for a few minutes. What did she say "my weak butthole" and then just stopped talking for a bit while menuing?
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she is just happy to be there
Everyone should keep in mind how many of our shitposters are literally children when they read posts like this.
Give it to me straight before I dive into the vod, how retardkino was BAUME? I imagine the dogs going oooooo every minute
Who is kicking anyone?
Ame actually has a healing voice, all JP and Chinese people said so-
How does Kronii know how difficult it is to shut a dead bodies eyes?
I want Kronii to violently devour me
Vintage story, Valheim, RDO, roblox
Kronii talking about rigor mortis... was she a med student like Bae?
I'm still getting used to the mouth a bit but the flaps wiggling are entirely too cute
I appreciate the concern anon, but I'm not gonna cry over someone "kicking me while I'm down"
Umm timestamp link...?
Biboo is extra :D today.
They actually did really well.
I thought my headphones broke but it's actually just silent in this game right now
you are actually mentally ill
Go back to her crack-ridden-white-trash-tornado-chaser family to continue being exploited?
That's normal, she just kinda lets any thoughts that pop into her head fly out of her mouth without a single thought
i love how they actually get offended when i call them a bad person lol it's like they lack self-awareness on how much of an awful, unlikable person they are by nature
>Ina top of S tier
They are for anxiety. That's it. Everything else is speculation.
Like glasses Ina said, Lethal Company was made for the purpose of having fun and its sense of natural comedy is much stronger than Content Warning. Someone dying in Lethal Company is hilarious every single time because the developer's made silly games like this before. It's not just the monsters, but its the silly animations and the suddenness of how things happen that make it fun.

To say it bluntly and quickly, LC's just a funnier fucking game that doesn't force its comedy.
I mean, being with a family member when they die isnt insane
>t's funny thinking about how many people weren't into it when she first debuted
Those were just fags like the JOPs who don't like Towa's voice
She really does, I could fall asleep to her voice alone provided she doesn't suddenly scream.
ame isn't graduating she's going to come back
If you seriously think that if something hurts your feelings then it's evil you're well on the path to being evil yourself
There's different types of adhd and they don't all have the same issues. in addition, even if she does have that kind of adhd and is properly medicated then it may not affect her work at all, people take shit like adderall specifically just to improve focus.
Finally, the culmination of all this posting
Kronii yakuza princess rrat...
This reminds me that time Kronii's friend actually linked her Guro/Scat doujin...maybe she never stopped.
It honestly feels like the mouth rigging is simultaneously too sensitive and also not working.
She'd be talking and it'd be like
but then when she eats it's super clear she's chewing.
The rule is real. It's also the reason Mori can't release English version covers without permission. Most of them don't give a fuck changing a word or two during karaoke
Sorry bro, put it in the wrong hole
Wtf is the timing of this post, Kronii right now is talking about exactly doing this in real life, she said she blindfolded someone with her hands and fucked them up
why do I feel likr Kronii is the type that needs to embrace a woman every month and breaks down if she can't
Nah she confirmed adhd as not Mori and anxiety.
read your post again
Towa only belongs in S-tier when she's using her real voice.
each tier is in debut order, for a given branch
I know that too because I watched a movie where they had to tape the guy's eyes closed. Just struck me cause I'd never seen it before. Turns out it's real
reee it takes 2 hours before rigor mortis starts, the bodies in that movie are freshly dead
so... you aren't looking forward to the twitch streams?
They do go oooooo, taut they also completed like 4 rooms.
Kaela's accent unironically filters me
Just 0 self awareness lol
its not as hard as she made it out to be
wait what happened to the SOVL. she sounds so good here
Lying to yourself isn't healthy anon. Ame herself said she's not coming back like that, that you'll just see/hear her again meaning cameos/voice packs/merch. Better to just support her after she resurfaces. And yeah I hate twitch too but I stomach it for ame.
Why does BIboo always act so childish around Kaela?
is it an actual 1on1 collab?
You must be 18+ to post here.
I think her and Ririka should collab and talk to each other in their very accent in English
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I'd like to see Mori on adderall it's banned in Japan shed work even more than she already does lol
The thread before was extremely good too. It's funny when they show up at once to dogpile a specific opinion and pretend it is the majority. They somehow can't tell how artificial it looks to everyone who is actually here consistently.
If I say Mori is 50% autistic and you get offended because you think Mori is actually 70% autistic, am I evil because I've said something that offended you?
Gator skin is actually really thick
I can't read
Kaela likes it that way
>Ame herself said she's not coming back like that, that you'll just see/hear her again meaning cameos/voice packs/merch.
No she didn't say that.
bad person
I'm glad your just allowed to toe the line of doxx posting, thats really cool
She has no filter, it's both hilarious and horrifying
Imagine all of the covers that Nerissa could have put out by now on the same level as her debut one if not for that rule. Fuck incompetent management for that and a thousand other things
Knowing the fucked up shit Kronii has seen I wouldn't be surprised if she's into Ryona/Guro/Hard Vore. Especially considering a lot of that art is drawn by women.
I only remember her mentioning the anxiety part. ADHD makes sense too so I'll take your word.
It was a deadbeat I think.
>Negatively impacting society is fine as long as its not that bad really bro
It's a pretty common piece of trivia.
Even if you've never died before you could always watch something like Mortuary Assistant which has those plastic spikey lenses you shove into the eyes so they latch onto the inside of the eyelid to force close.
anon... that's literally from her first karaoke stream...
No, group
thread was pretty good too
will making 4chan posts you don't like get me sent to hell? where are 4chan posting habits covered in the bible
Does Kronii react like that to compliments because
>she's insecure
>she's actually getting flustered
>she thinks she doesn't deserve
Hurting peoples feelings isn't negatively impacting society
I'll stomach it if she doesn't change drastically for the worse. Hell, the lack of the surrounding holo environment is already a change for the worse even if her personality is 1:1.
She literally said, far in the future she would be open to coming back, if they would have her
She panicks because this retard is trying to find her location so he can wear her skin.
when did kronii last talk to fauna
it doesnt count then, gurame won
>zeta in C
she sounds exacly like mumei
even more funny is that often she turns it on for like 3 seconds randomly then loses the filter right away again
Offending people on purpose is evil (unless it's funny)
it's literally the same two guys who have been going at it for hours. with stream discussions they get drowned out
now it's just them. i wish people would spam more ameokes instead
Remember poster: September 10 Thread
Topic: Ame's next outfit.
>What should Ame's next outfit be?
>Zookeeper or something like super basic she would wear irl.
>Mechanic/Engineer outfit
>Full Armor
>Ame should get a meido outfit since the gamer maid position got freed up.
>Ame should get wanson but that will never happen
>Her sister's outfit... (shows image of Ame and Mel switching outfits)

[Little did these posters know, Ame would be leaving and there will be no outfit]
If you're doing it *for the sole purpose of hurting their feelings*, yes it is.
Jordan Peterson?
you are an awful person in general so i'm sure you'll go to hell regardless of your 4chan posting habits.
Yeah, could be, other girls broke the rule in exactly the way Ame was saying she couldn't, i.e. replacing song lyrics with holo names. So either the others didn't know or didn't care. Either way, Ame probably could have broken it and nothing bad would have happened but she was in a state of trying to follow everything precisely for a while.
Hey faggot, if you're gonna get /morig/ to spoonfeed everything to you, ask them Mori's bra size
I'm just gonna say it. Adamance is a good map
Okay, in that case, what are you trying to accomplish, to build, where "peoples feelings possibly being hurt" is a byproduct.
somewhere in matthew 5 actually
Now you've moved the goalposts from "offending people" to "deliberately offending people just to upset them"
Grindstone enjoyers, how do you guys see Raora joining into the mix?
I'm actually a very good person, just today a pulled an infant from a burning car and saved their life.
She very specifically said that she might come back if she does what she needs to do, Cover would have her, and we hold out for her.
Fuck you Remember poster. You're not even as based as the Grudge poster.
Strange of you to pick an old guidebook about morality to defend yourself.
What is the point of this, like no shit retard. Also, a zookeeper outfit would have been a real treat.
>Ame should get a meido outfit since the gamer maid position got freed up.
>Her sister's outfit... (shows image of Ame and Mel switching outfits)
Those posters seem like they did know
I don't think we will ever know she wears nothing but baggy clothing
God, you're such a pseud lmfao
Being in denial isn't gonna help anyone. But sure. Whatever let's you sleep at night. This teamate is done lying to himself. It hurts too much.
I don't think management is to blame on this one. Music copyright is insane and they care about stuff like lyrics. Enforcing it for karaoke too might be a bit too much of paranoia though
Maybe someone believes something that isn't true and you tell them the truth and their feelings get hurt
That infant? Barack Obama.
I wonder who is the most well-known person that has posted in /hlgg/ before (besides vtubers themselves)
I love waowa and she's always down to play with biboo
I haven't moved any goalposts because I'm not the anon you're responding to and I haven't read the rest of the retarded autistic argument you people are having.
that infant? me
Me with my peanus
Wait I blinked how the fuck did they die
She actually said G(american) cup before. Considering her aversion to touch I wouldn't be suprised if she never got fitted properly though.
>your kouhai now stand on the shoulders of the giants
>kronii: i'm not sure about that
>Your oshi
>Your manga recommendation
worm triple kill
She's great. Really is an Italian towa in that she laughs really easily and has a sexy butt.
>The sand worm got a fucking Triple kill
Holy Kek
Giant worm came up and ate them all
Roara's hag body can't keep up with them but she fits in great chemistry wise
That was my post...
holy shit what a run killer
that infant? me
the ame and fuwamoco collab was very cute

I wish it wasn't the last one..
the original post was about mocking people, isn't that deliberate? idk.
why are you telling them "the truth" what is your "reason" for doing so. actual care, or self-indulgence?
You can believe that she won't come back, but it is a false statement to say that Ame herself said she would not come back.
>if they would have her
See that's the thing. Since when in the history of vtubing has this ever happened? In real life idol culture sure this happens. But Coco despite being a personal friend of yagoo hasn't even made a comeback or cameo.
>Those hearts
Did the I Love Ina post leak out of /vt/?
if you do something with the intention to make someone feel bad then it is by definition malicious, that's quite literally what the definition of malice is, just because you yourself don't view it as a big deal or even if the effect of it is minor it's still malice
something being good or bad isn't determined by the feelings of the perpetrator doing the action and only children think this way (even psychopaths understand that their behavior is bad in a moral sense unless they're really low iq)
You can be depressed and pessimistic all you want, but you shouldn't just make up things that she never said.
If you hear the word "Rice" followed by the creepiest message a dude could send to a woman, that's the usual weird kronie
>Ame was smart
>Fuwawa was smart
>Mococo was....well...at least she saw the numbers on the tree.
Suicide is badass!
Rosen Garten Saga
I love these 3 together, they have great chemistry
Isekai Ojisan
Didn't Niji JP have someone graduate and come back?
you could mock someone who believes something that is ridiculously stupid and false, that's pretty common
The stronger wind, the stronger trees
stop being such sensitive fags
I think the meme literally originates from some shitty instagram filter
>your oshi
>the last game you played
>birthday merch arrived just in time to celibate
Roara literally loves Biboo which makes her okay in my book
Does Coco want to come back? Ame went out of her way to negotiate new terms so she wouldn't be excluded from hololive and has the door open for her to return.
there's no such thing as bad tactics only bad targets
Yes, approximately 10 minutes after the first one
Or 10 minutes before, I don't remember exactly.
>She very specifically said that she might come back if she does what she needs to do
Probably will.
>Cover would have her
Fat fucking chance.
>and we hold out for her.
Forever. WELOVE AME Forever.
12 hour three way let's gooooooo
are you saying that mocking a retarded person isn't bad?
Ah, with music that is true isn't it. I suppose it's moreso the curse of Hololive being so big now.
"would" is not helpful here, yeah she would IF certain nebulous conditions were met on both sides (maybe). no one can say for sure, but do keep in mind that she prefaced those statements by saying she didn't want to mislead anyone into thinking she would return.
"feeling bad" isn't a simple distinction
Something might hurt your feelings at first but it might ultimately be for the best
>Biboo and Raora trying to peer pressure Kaela into an endurance stream
cs 1.6 on a browser at play-cs.com
Instagram has filters?
I thought it was Myspace for kids.
This, just stop being hurt by retards on the internet, close the tab and to something useful with your life anon.
that infant? that infant
yeah but Coco also didn't sign an affiliate contract and signed elsewhere which makes coming back way more complicated
can Raora handle straight 12 hr with one game?
doom eternal (flubbed the ultra nightmare run in the cultist base again)
Ahhhh, so it is for your own self-indulgence and to form a sense of superiority. you dont actually want to BUILD anything for others in society, you simply wish to prop yourself up.
If you mock someone with a false belief and it makes them question their belief then it's good, not bad
>Lethal company somehow never gets old, but content warning got old after a single stream
Lethal Company is an actual game multiple intersecting and engaging mechanics, an ever increasing goal to pursue and multiple different fail-states
Content Warning is just streamer bait, like someone saw LC and saw streamers yelling when they encountered monsters and figured they should make a game that's like that but happening all the time
My ela is baiting them into it, they'll get swept by her and her mutant genes easily.
Eden: It's an Endless World
Mech Warrior Online
I don't see why Cover wouldn't accept her back? They'd obviously want to get more use out of IP they still own.
Yes but it also has filters (for selfies)
no, theyd need to switch games my mamma has adhd
>Biboo invites Kaela to a watchalong and then they fuck instead of watching anything
Yume Miru Kusuri
Doom Eternal, I'm so fucking rusty and can't get past Cultist Base
Raora acts like a kid
I think she meshes well with the dynamic
>muh society
who cares, what have they ever done for me
Cultist Simulator
Ocarina of time randomizer
GTA RP was a fucking mistake
yes, one of them graduated and then ungraduated over nintendo perms
Space Marine 2
Hakoniwa Explorer Plus
12 hour incremental game!
Tomb Raider 1 Remastered
You're alive doesn't.
I am Your Beast
It's true that you won't get any girls if you display the merch you bought, but why did you word it like that?
erm, you can't have two oishiis
Last Epoch
Marvel's Midnight Sun
is a'ight
Today anon learned "netflix and chill" doesn't mean watching a movie at home.
>with a false belief
I have no idea where you're going with this
>Biboo thinking about a marathon after a week of pretty much full streaming
what is wrong with this kid
Biboo you fucking idiot I love you so much
Coco also joined a competing company within months of leaving.
My first one is partially retired and never streams....
I agree. Ame was obviously only able to make this deal with them because they still want her around.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
I never asked to be born, forcing me to help society is basically extortion
how the fuck did biboo die lmao
So german.
Kronii misread the superchat by reading "celebrate" as "celibate" (hard bate)
I don't watch streams. I just shitpost on hlgg
Well, you certainly arent posting this in a cave with a rock so
I'm saying that mocking or insulting someone is inherently evil if it's done for the right reasons
at least watch some stream it is good background noise
you get to watch chuubas on the internet :D
the fuck is wrong with kronii
Nigga she said they were planning on doing these type of graduations already, Aqua must be the reason why they started cooking them
Kaela is like Zoolander and can only turn left
Sex with Biboo's corpse
Shovel Knight
That's dungeon dice monsters you moron
another cancelled stream
Ufo 50
double based
Visions of Mana
It's still an inefficient and likely to backfire method to correct behavior and you're only advocating for it becasue it's fun and makes you feel good. Still evil.
Doom 3
you're doing anything 'for the greater good' when mocking some on a basket weaving forum you retard also besides this obvious disingenuous defence of just enjoying insulting people "something that hurts you might be for the best" is also morally retarded and what every real life tyrant and cartoon villain always says
>what's that? you don't like having your rights stripped away? It might hurt at first, but it's for the security of the nation, trust me bro!
>what's that dear? you don't like when I beat the fuck out of you for making my sandwich wrong? It might hurt but it'll make you a better wife, trust me bro!
>what's that? You don't like me antiposting your oshi in every single thread, shitposting constantly and shitting the place up? I'm just trying to save you from being a cuck simp somehow don't you see??? trust me bro!
I see, I left the stream just after the coprse discussion so I missed it
"But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca,’ shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, ‘Thou fool,’ shall be in danger of hell fire."
Eurotruck simulator
Cover has been transitioning to an IP business for a while, they've probably been thinking about how to keep an IP active without getting crucified for puppeting a corpse.
Path of Exile
What is that game anyway
Not gonna tell you how to live you life, but i honestly hope that you find peace and joy in this life anon.
Why do you keep shitposting with this angle you dumb nigger it's so stupid
That doesn't disprove what he said per se, obviously they'd like to keep all of the girls around in some capacity if they can. The original poster they were arguing against was just talking about how Cover wouldn't want Ame back.
Yeah they're definitely bawwling again from reading ame their letter. Fuck me now I'm crying again...
>It's still an inefficient and likely to backfire method to correct behavior
People often don't listen to reason, they only respond if you mock them
>you're only advocating for it becasue it's fun and makes you feel good
it's over
Why does Kronii sound like she's high?
wtf is with this thread? are we being botted?
if you cross post this convo into the next you're a gigantic faggot
*you're not doing anything 'for the greater good'
Dozo >>85949660
>>Ame should get a meido outfit since the gamer maid position got freed up.
Damn this one is pretty ironic now
Given the timing, Aqua was either offered a similar deal and declined, or this idea wasn't fully baked until Ame brought something up that was similar and they decided to work through it.
She's sick and her brain no work good
They were thinking about doing this precisely because they knew there were members that they still would want to be around.
Watched Ceci play Lies of P and it looked nice so that
I don't enjoy insulting people
>"something that hurts you might be for the best" is also morally retarded
So people shouldn't get surgery for medical conditions because the surgery is painful?
if you watched the memgen you'd know their manager doesnt want them stressing their voices too much since they have a fuck ton of recordings to do
Shadow Tower
I wish it was bots instead of retards biting some attention whores bait
I fucking love the OST
I'll only know peace in death because that's when I'll be free from wageslaving
why are we talking about the ethics of ridicule
>going all the way back for Beebs' body
Aw that's sweet
it's better than another timeloop about what the primary colors are I think
>The sexual energy of kaela and Raora woke Biboo up exactly at the time for collab
Good manager.
Ame antis tend to be the worst kinds of people because those in the dark shrink away from the light.
Someone believes they are shitposting FOR JUSTICE
i dont know about you, but i hide that post and am having a very nice time
I honestly just wish I could tell Ame to play VR Horror one last time, I just wanna see how she screams or if she even does scream. I don't have a fetish guys, I'm just curious what expression she makes.
teamates are spiraling
>Ame antis
Nobody is talking about Ame
nigga calm down, you are talking schizo shit like the fandead of old
the lack of bullying meant we lost a generation of cool kids
Kronii never wanted to grow up... feels like everything after high school is going too fast.
Parking Garage Rally Circuit
yea fwmc have only turned down ONE voice pack since they got here
But it's true? Ame is such an amazing person only the worst kinds of people would choose to anti her.
I'll talk about Ame: I'm looking forward to her non-Hololive streams more than I'm looking forward to her remaining ones in Hololive.
>Ame antis tend to be the worst kinds of people
I don't DISAGREE, just generally speaking, but...
>because those in the dark shrink away from the light
...are you trying to embarrass teamates on purpose or something
yeah, me
>those in the dark shrink away from the light
holy chunni, you aren't a paladin bro
Yeah that's why don't get baited anon. I wonder when is the charity stream and TF2 gonna happen
chunii holy fuck man what are you writing in /vt/ of all places
He's the famous cringy teamate moralfag
You don't know that
Rune Factory 4
>it's /vt/ so I can be a bad person
same desu
i wanna see her collab with filian and codemiko
Go to bed GG
Well, why'd you guys make him famous then!
is this a raid?
>I don't enjoy insulting people
oh fuck off lying faggot, I've shitposted before myself and I DO enjoy insulting people but I still know it's a malicious bad thing to do
you're not fucking 'saving people' by writing some shitpost about their oshi you humungous pretentious faggot

>So people shouldn't get surgery for medical conditions because the surgery is painful?
this is not comparable because obviously there is no actual benefit to shitposting someone's oshi/mocking them like there is with a surgery, it just annoys people and makes them hate you
you've just constructed this flimsy fanfiction that you're saving anons by trying to make them think badly about their oshi somehow when in reality you know all you're doing is just pissing them off because you like it and because YOU just don't like their oshi
Are they bad people because they're mocking you and hurting your feelings?
Starcraft 2
For some reason I don't think this post is sincere!
who can tell at this point
because they actually got hurt by him calling them a bad person lol
>He doesn't get divine strength from his devotion to his oshi
man, shut the fuck up
you're going to take this into the next thread aren't you. I can tell you're getting real emotional with this one
mahjong Soul
Pekora's small breasts
Gordian Quest, dropped it after a few hours tho
>Not roblox
Sorry that's not GG

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