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Using a collab stream with a graduating member to pass your senpai while she's on a break is pretty fucking scummy. Especially when she has gone out of her way to include and support them since they joined.
Bae deserves it for having collabed with males
It's not a race, numbermonkey. They'll all get there eventually.
Imagine the shitstorm if they beat Kronii to a million
> They'll all get there eventually.
Good joke, anon!
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time to subscribe to the dogs
Bae and FWMC are both HoloEN??
I unsubbed because there was too much japanese but maybe I should sub again
This need to be the most retarded bait ever, is so bad that i think this nigger is using AI to make shitpost
jerry a cute

wiwika also a cute
OP is a faggot but fuwamoco themselves believe its a race more than anyone else.
bae surpassing them isnt her fault its femc’s fault for being too lazy and taking a break so often
Them putting "reach a million in a year" as a debut goal (which they utterly failed) was immediately insulting to all of their senpai who hadn't and haven't reached that point then
>You shouldn't work hard because that's insulting to everyone else who wants to slack off
actual sister logic
they legit thought they would be the next gura
>sisters still seething over 11 seconds
Declaring on your first day that you are going to be better than all of your coworkers is insanely egotistical and rude
Actual crab mentality in the wild, wow.
Yeah but they go bau bau so it's okay
Under this logic we will still be on the stone age tranny
Bae is on break? So she just came back to play GTARP because the JP hosted it, but can't play ENReco because?
are ruffian always this retarded?
do you not understand that working hard and humility are not mutually exclusive?
The fanbase is always a reflection of the streamer, so yes.
>expecting sisters to know about either
I can virtually guarantee that Bae doesn't care about Fuwamoco passing her in sub count. Mumei & Kronii are both ahead of her and have been for ages, yet she hasn't melted down over that near as anyone can tell.
She is on "break" because has a bunch of homework to work on behind the scenes. The first week of September had the most stuff scheduled so she could only do the first and last day of ENReco. She has more time for GTA but still didn't do every day because of other scheduling conflicts.
First of all she was never on break, OP is a shitposter, it was just a break from streaming to do holo work and even then for GTARP she missed 3 days and attended 4 days in total and for EN reco she attended 2 days, don't ask stupid questions when the girl is legitimately busy
people would be celebrating, they could actually pull it off
So imposing a goal for you is bad if someone didnt make it?, are you from cuba or north korea?
I didn't know Bae was this close to 1M. The run up to Fes next year is gonna be full of celebrations for EN.
Setting a goal for yourself isn't not being humble.
Jesus christ, people go to incredible lengths to anti the dogs.
What's next? Is them being dogs disrespectful to Korone because she had it first?
kekaroo as you keep saying
Kill yourself numberfaggot.
Remember how sad was bae when no one show up for her insect eating collab, i wonder who was the only en there the whole collab.

Also dont forget that the only self doxxed fuwamoco anti is a indie tranny.
Bae's fault for having collabed with the homos. She'd be over 1mil by now if she had just kept her legs shut.
1mil was always an unrealistic goal
if they'd have said 500k, no one would bat an eye
funny you mention that since this week Kiara talked about being upset when they added another bird to HoloEN, and again when they added another German speaker. so some of the girls are bothered by stuff like that
How many hours in total did Bae put in for the JP-hosted GTARP again? Because she put in less than 5 hours in ENReco. I'll help you out. 26 hours. I suppose the stars just aligned that she could participate 5x more in the JP-hosted GTARP.
That's way too low, even fucking Nerissa pulled that off
It would have happened but them saying
bau bau every 10secs is so annoying.
That's weird. Fauna kept her legs shut and she's even farther behind. How strange. It's almost as if it doesn't matter and this is just a shitty holo vs holo thread.
Kiara gets upset about everything.
No, the only ones who are upset are retards, shitposters, schizos or homosister . I wonder if a homo will hit 1 million one day.
It wasn't unrealistic. The move really fucked them over.
At the pace they were going, or hell the pace they're still going, they would've easily made it with an extra 3-4 months.
Not the stars, her schedule. Learn to read.
Also your angle is shit because /rrat/ doesn't have the same JP schizos that /baubau/ does.
Maybe another movie watchalong with 2 homostars will help
I suppose if you watched streams, you would know how the "stars aligned" already but shitposting on 4chan for attention is far more important to you
Actually shameful
Yeah, her schedule. Hearing that THE MiComet is hosting a big event must have really loosened everything up. EN event? Pft, not worth it.
Fauna subs number are low because she doesnt make music or search for other bubbles. Also i cant remember but i think that fauna wasnt that popular on the earlie days of council, and these are the most important days for subs.
>EN event? Pft, not worth it.
this but unironically
>"Holo vs Holo" number thread
>barely 12h after a big Holobox event
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yeah the branch she hates so much she spent a million yen putting together a whole branch song herself
I'll be sure to bath in your tears and grudepost you when the her 2 months are packed because surprise surprise, the projects she was working on were real
Be prepared for the public humiliation
*when her next 2 months
Shut up and pick a side, faggot
Coucil/Promise is a failure project.
Fuwamoco just want to do something fun with Ame before she leaves. Why do you faggots have to spin this into some cynical headcanon about their motives? And why do you have to drag a sweetie Bae into this?
I'm sure I'll enjoy not understanding all of her upcoming JP projects.
Bae being a failure doesn't make the whole branch a failure, Fauna Mumei and IRyS have better chemistry than anyone in EN combined
Make that 2 grudeposts on that note
I hope you are ready
Kiara will always be the competitive and jealous woman she has been since the beginning
She was cursed from the beginning and they just kept debuting girls that steal parts of her identity. I'm still bewildered how she was hated for translating herself in japanese and now IRyS is loved for that, they debuted a bunch more birds and then they debuted Ceci to steal her German-speaking identity for good measure
I'm sure you were planning on watching her anyway. Isn't everyone but fuwamoco a "whore" to you? i.e. anyone that doesn't coddle manchildren fulltime?
she was also the only one to actually have her lore demoted in ENReco. I think someone at cover actively antis her or something
Unless you're FWMC
Bae is a whore and FWMC are CGDCT incarnate. They deserve it. Bae doesn't even deserve the subs she has now.
>lore demoted in ENReco
You could hire just about anyone and they'd do a better job than Promise, it's not a high bar
No, move didn't fuck them over. What fucked them over was a lot of unexpected issues they encountered around the time of move. If they didn't move, they would have had ZERO chance of reaching 1M in a year. Moving to Japan was the only way to have a shot at it - but far from guarantee, as we've seen.
It was a very ambitious goal but ambition isn't something bad. They will reach 1M before 2024 ends, that's a great achievement too.
>Holo v Holo
kill yourself, phase troon. they're all on the same team
they made her just work at a restaurant instead of being the tenchou
She went from owning a fast-food restaurant to being a waitress at a burger joint.
yeah that's how she starts but she grinds on higher ups until she becomes the owner, no?
No, that's just the ideal. It never actually happens.
my takeaway from this discussion is that Hololive doesn't deserve to be better than Nijisanji because the former pioneered the vtubing we know today.
the latter i mean.
i mean, they did an incredible job as the mischief medics in the HoloGTA event, it attracted a lot of eyes on them
oof. Yeah, they should've been more respectful. How DARE they outpace them and throw egg on the face of their seniors? Don't they know their place? Sora should've stayed as a 2view nobody.
I think they had a higher indirect kill count than police
i mean it's very disrespectful for the forefathers Tsukino Mito that Hololive is better than her. they just leeched on the meta she and her company invented.
Thought I was the only one lol
lol, the freudian slip gave away that even you know the truth
I wouldn't be surprised if they had a higher kill count than the gangsters.
Guess Fauna is dead to you then
Fauna was passed by FWMC months ago
Another Nijisister/Phasetard who does not watch Holo streams. Fuwamoco always call their senpais (name)-senpai, this is how they show respect
watch streams
This thread is fucking stupid. Literally no one cares about this except the crying spergs itt.
This was still the lamest thing to spend 1 million yen on
One million yen is pocket money, and she used part of it on other stuff.
it's literally 1 fucking schizo. bring back the IP counter.
My point still stands
It is objectively a very successful song.
What point? you never explained why it was a lame thing
She's a monster for separating Fuwawa and Mococo for so long in that song.
It felt like an episode of the twilight zone.
>graduating member
Anon it not graduating if they can return whenever so it make like a break with no end time
kek wow an actual seething baerat thread
>tfw I'm a brat and have been defending FWMC all thread long against the falseflagger OP who didn't even know Bae isn't actually on break
I have lost faith in all ESL-kuns...
I feel too bad for you to correct you
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They passed before the stream, idiot
How did Bae barely gain subs from HoloGTA?
that shows them equal, not passing
The HoloEN box just isn't that big, and Bae already has a ton of JP exposure. also the gang kinda sucked
True, so you could say OP might be right if it gave them the push they needed to get that final tick over Bae, but that hasn't happened yet.
every time I tuned into her this week she was just driving somewhere
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for reference, here's enreco and hologta highlighted
Are you retarded?
jesus, that incline is bonkers. FWMC should do more Japanese streams
>constantly shits on coworkers
>constant complaining about management
>gets demoted
Truly a mystery. Maybe hololive's #1 detective can solve it before she graduates.
She justifiably complains about management like many many other Holos do. She does not shit on her coworkers.
Okay, now FWMC is over Bae one tick
FWMC actually have weirdly low watch stats: I'd kind of expect a collab with a graduating member of Myth to do a lot better than Fauna and CC making a random tier list.

Ruffians just...don't actually seem to watch them? It's weird.
Gura reached a million in a single month, FWMC were optimistic and ambitious but did not try to challenge the gods at all.
I like them because they are determined and have drive...BauBau!
>Gura reached a million in a single month
unfortunately bau bau byou is not as contagious as covid
> not your friend
>many ruffians are anti collab
>many ruffians are anti myth
>many ruffians are anti male collabers
I'm not surprised the Ame stream didn't do that great
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if its not a race why did they plaster QR codes all over the GTA server?
Your average EN watcher just isn't that interested in them beyond the twin novelty. Most of them are ironic weebs who want to watch girls with anime avatars discuss Twilight and sing Linking Park songs.
FWMC have better CCV when doing JP streams.
How would that help them? The only people in the GTA server are other holomems. I don't think 20 new subs would be that impactful in their 1m goals.
>better than all your coworkers
>higher noomber = better
go back
you are not white
okay grem
FWMC should have been in a JP gen. no idea why they went with EN to begin with.
okay novelite
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Imagine actually trying to pretend like there's some kind of etiquette whereby successful chuubas in a company should hold themselves back
To their credit, they applied for both several times. They wanted in holo no matter what branch or how. I'm pretty sure they'd have accepted being the new janitors if it meant they could get closer to idolhood.
LOL, imagine being so insecure you feel threatened by an anime girl talking with men.
She already had a pre-existing audience + the Hololive debut boost.
Gura would have pulled off this feat in any era.

The Covid cope is wearing down over the years.
other men must fail
you don't understand this because you are a cunt
So why are you attacking the girls, sister?
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>"FWMC should stop streaming completely until Bae comes back in case they accidentally surpass her in subs. :( They're absolute scum for continuing any activity while she's gone."

I know this is just some horrid attempt at bait, but I genuinely don't get your angle. What kind of retarded, backwards logic is this? No one is even thinking this anon. At least try to come up with bait that makes sense
don't hate the player, hate the game
that just looks fucking grotesque
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No, THIS looks fucking grotesque
what drives someone to create something like this?
you might be the stupidest person alive
JP fans were right to be mad at Gura overtaking Fubuki for being the first 1 million vtuber and the second most subbed since CookieswirlC. what she did was total disrespect to the vtubing culture that started in Japan. she should have waited for Fubuki to reach 4 million subs first before she's allowed to have that many too.
can someone give me a (you) please. i'm trying to bait here
but what you said seems reasonable..?
Hi hru
Because it's funny and they wanted to? Why was any graffiti tossed up by non-vandals?
Dubs of truth

Kiara is bothered by anything that isn't supporting her ME ME ME mindset, that's nothing new
Kiara is sensitive and insecure and you suck cocks for money
>holo vs holo
any mf that don't wish OP death is an anti
>the girls are bothered by stuff like that
it's just kiara, she's an insufferable bitch
Because Kronies are annoying faggots? I guess so.
God this would be so funny
They would be fauna, Bae, AND kronii to a million
>trannyop is still mad about El Silencio De Las Fuwamoco
They were on pace to a month or two ago but then slowed down before this week. Kronii is too close now to a million and can simply do an endurance stream whenever she wants to reach it.
I'm (not) sorry to tell you this, but Nerissa is still second in Advent to this day and still growing. Stay mad.
>Oh the guys look pretty cool too

Company Woman Bae will do anything she’s told and she’s rewarded for that good behaviour.
The rat deserves to be beaten by them.
She intentionally tried to sabotage them a couple of times so this is karma biting her in the ass.
Fauna fucked herself with quiting asmr and taking too many breaks and with Justice she'll remain stagnant.
NTA but yeah Fauna is old news and doesn't matter anymore.
The real question is how the fuck is Fauna not even at 900k yet?
She debuted over 3 years ago and is under 900k. How is that possible? She's in last place in all of Council/Promise.
Sisters literally can't comprehend vtubing as anything other than CGDCT trying to beat each other in BIG NOOMBA STATS.

Also Nijisanji can't run live events for shit, so they don't understand that Bae is moving her content away from streaming games 6 days a week to more live performance stuff. She's on the path to become EN's Suisei.
>EN's Suisei.
fucking lmao, we already have that, and if we didn't she would need to be a good singer first
don't project your mental illness, retard.

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