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>he doesn't know
>akshually she collabed once in a pvp group collab back where Fubuki was the host like 5 years ago, get owned!!!
I don't think that's what anon means...
No wonder why she's a childless woman in her thirties.
based barfing wolf
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She doesn't dislike male collabs to cater to unicorns, she dislikes male collabs because she's gay and pro-yuri

Some unicorn anons here should at least see the distinction
No wonder why she's a childless woman...damn you beat me
She would be cancelled for this if she weren't Japanese
I mean, westfags tried to cancel Pekora for her McDonald shilling campaign
Damn this is real??? Every time one of these clip screenshot threads hits the catalog it's always some kind of anti-unicorn clickbait, the one time it's anti-beggar it's actually real
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With Mio you never lose
yeah the rm collabs with the males and the offline collabs with roberu
You see, it's really not the same as 1-1 collabs, since most of them happened on NND Shows were they invited multiple people
>anti-unicorn clickbait, the one time it's anti-beggar
It's neither anti-unicorn nor anti-beggar. Mio does not agree with the radical unicorn take of "no males in any capacity," she simply doesn't want to collab with male V-tubers, nor does she personally enjoy watching that content, but she's supports her friends choices to do so nonetheless. She herself isn't even "NG" with working with males and happily does so in things like the radio show she was on. Literally no one begs Mio to collab with males.
>>85947454 this anon's got a great summary.
Did you even watch the clip?
>she doesn't purposely cater to unicorns, she just has the same mindset as them
You know that's even better right?
>>she doesn't purposely cater to unicorns, she just has the same mindset as them
>You know that's even better right?
Laplus checks both of those boxes, and I'm guessing you hate her. No need to jump through mental hoops about this, anon.
Unicorns really make you angry, huh.
Unicorns are literally people who doesn't want to watch male vtubers when clicking on their favorite chuuba's stream. That's it.
You have a radicalized view made up by homobeggars on twitter. The same that harass the girls and haet on fuwamoco for not collabing with their failed 2 view homos btw
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Literally wtf are you talking about. Laplus literally calls herself a unicorn. Watch streams.
>Unicorns are literally people who doesn't want to watch male vtubers when clicking on their favorite chuuba's stream. That's it.
No, that was probably the original definition. It's since evolved to be the name of morons who harass people like Bae, Mori, ERB, who dare to acknowledge that men exist in any capacity, despite being clear about it from the beginning.
All those containment breakers in the comments.
Who cares about laplus though? And she might call herself an unicorn but she streams e-sport tournament slop with random e-celebs. So not really someone I'd watch or care about
>It's since evolved
*Now it's used as an insult by homobeggars on twitter, nevermind that the japanese still use the original meaning and doesn't aknowledge how westfags use it. FTFY
Did it work?
>Unicorns are literally people who doesn't want to watch male vtubers when clicking on their favorite chuuba's stream. That's it.
No, that is the definition that applies to Mio. Unicorn (derogative) is what applies to the autists in here who take it to the N-th degree and turn into antis when a holomem so much as replies to a male on twitter. Unicorns /here/ are so far removed from the original intention there should be a new term for them.
>*Now it's used as an insult by homobeggars on twitter, nevermind that the japanese still use the original meaning and doesn't aknowledge how westfags use it. FTFY
Apparently you care, too. Since you're bitching endlessly about being misgendered or misunicorned whatever the fuck you're off about.
>I'm gonna use words wrong and if you correct me that means you're seething!
Your worst enemy is a dictionary.
You do know that unicorns dislike any kind of relationship besides their own with their oshi right ?
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Do you have the other barfs? I lost my soundposts...
That's not what unicorn means retard-chama... Falling in love with their oshi applies to pretty much all of vtuber fans.
>retard who can't even read english tries to explain how language works.
NTA, but
>Bae, Mori, ERB
All of them interacted with males outside professional settings
You don't see unicorns shitting on IRyS or Kiara or collabing with the male VTuber MC during a con before, or Pekora for collabing with Hikakin, for example. Generally everything that can be *interpreted* as professional activities get a pass from unicorns
Those who shit on the girls for interacting with males even in professional manners are more schizos than unicorns - even more so if they directly harass the girls for it. Most unicorn just vent and leave if the girls don't provide the contents they want.
>Language changes takes decades and centuries
>Today I decided unicorn is an insult, tomorrow I'll change another word's meaning because lole
Not really helping your case homobeggar. Why don't you go and watch your fag's streams instead of being here? Maybe they'll finally get 4 digits that way
>All of them interacted with males outside professional settings
Amazing. Your logic is about as sound as, "They ate at starbucks! THEY MUST BE TAKEN DOWN."
Truly, holo and niji are not that different after all.
>everyone who hates bitching manchildren who harass chuubas must watch holostars
Brilliant deduction. Clearly. Tell me, why weren't zatsudans called "yap sessions" back when Myth debuted, yet it's being used now regularly even by holomems?
Did they really? Any examples?
>Who cares about laplus though? And she might call herself an unicorn but she streams e-sport tournament slop with random e-celebs. So not really someone I'd watch or care about
>Laplus checks both of those boxes, and I'm guessing you hate her. No need to jump through mental hoops about this, anon.
Yeah, so you're just a retard who couldn't understand my comment. Your moral grandstanding about that being "better" is completely countered by Laplus' existence.

>*Now it's used as an insult by homobeggars on twitter, nevermind that the japanese still use the original meaning and doesn't aknowledge how westfags use it. FTFY
Anon, not only can you not speak Japanese, given you didn't even understand an EN clip, JP unicorns have the same if not stronger mental retardation that the antis here do towards holoEN talents. Japan didn't even coin the term, we did, retard. Labels, of all types, are applied with varying levels of severity. The Mio unicorn is completely removed from the /vt/ unicorn, except for the base definition.
Based misandrist
I like how the anti-unicorns ignore that most of the harassing is done by homobeggars (who's are Nijifans btw). These so called "unity fans" spent like months shitting on Fuwamoco when they debuted.
Also they really like to ignore that they're "martyr" chuubas haven't collab with a homo in a lot of times and doesn't seem like they'll do it again. They're running out of copium

>yap sessions
I have never read that term before. Maybe try stop being such an ENshart and watch JP.
Literally go to her tweet announce it and look at "Quotes".
Like 3 guys on twitter who were ignored. There were more schizos on Moona's twitter when she retweeted pekora but they got ignored too.
>I have never read that term before. Maybe try stop being such an ENshart and watch JP.
>ESL has never spoken english to another human being outside of a mongolian image forum.
Why am I not surprised they have no grasp on the concept of language? Run along back to your niji safe zone, sister.
lolno. Japan doesn't give a fuck about western twitter activism. Neither does the rest of the world really.
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You literally just mentioned a chuuba that unicorns don't care about it and think you did "le checkmate". Man, you're obnoxius and really retarded. Again, people stopped caring about La+ when she became a Twitch tuber.
>Noo, you have to watch my ENs!
Kek, why would I be a nijifan if they're the ones demanding for homo collabs? Are you even trying
>You don't see unicorns shitting on IRyS or Kiara or collabing with the male VTuber MC during a con before, or Pekora for collabing with Hikakin, for example
...you're kidding right? Literally every example you gave happened /here/ (and elsewhere), on this board, be it ironic shitposting or otherwise. In Kiara's case, especially, it was very much not ironic.
>Kek, why would I be a nijifan if they're the ones demanding for homo collabs? Are you even trying
You're the one attacking holos, sister.
Maybe you should try being less obvious next time.
Saying you see other holos aka not herself doing that to be "yuck" doesn't seem like she's supporting others choices.
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>You're the ones attacking holos
Please, post screenshots where I going into holo's tweets and VODs commmenting and saying that their work culture is awful, and that they should change their entire persona and collab with people they don't care about. Wait, that's what homobeggars do.
if you checked on Japanese Twitter, they also use the term unicorn to make fun of VTuber fans. Usually they used the emoji instead.
>You literally just mentioned a chuuba that unicorns don't care about it and think you did "le checkmate". Man, you're obnoxius and really retarded. Again, people stopped caring about La+ when she became a Twitch tuber.
Again with the mental hoops, anon. Do I need to break out the coloring paper for you? And no "people" still care about Laplus. It's antis (like you) who couldn't understand Mio's message, who stopped caring about and/or hate her now.
>He thinks the people freaking out when those things happened were serious
Nigga those were /qa/ discord trolls. You can tell when unicorns are actually serious when the chuuba in question takes a gigantic hit in her viewership like what happened to Ame after "improve yourself". Irys and Kiara never lost viewers or SCs over that shit.
>gigantic hit in her viewership
This. All unicorns do is maybe leave a comment saying they didn't liked the stream and then unsubscribe
>still avatarfagging, begging to be acknowledge as a holofan.
Grim. Maybe you should be watching your boys instead of attacking the holos, sister. They're losing viewers every single day without you, you know.
Holo raises everyone up. They don't tear each other down like they do at Nijisanji.
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walled garden status?
obviously they act different in their VTuber persona. The person behind her is probably fine with it but not Ookami Mio.
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>posting the chuuba on the OP is avatarfagging
Wow, you're really desperated
that's a big cope
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God Imagine the sex.
This one is awesome because you just know that she vomited the entire thing in one
what the koyo doin
>Saying you see other holos aka not herself doing that to be "yuck" doesn't seem like she's supporting others choices.
I personally wouldn't have used "yuck" in the TL, but did you even watch the clip. She literally explains in the next sentence that it's totally fine that they do collabs like that, and she has no right to stop them nor would she want to, but for herself *personally* watching collabs with men "is a bit..." Mio is a CGDCT things enjoyer, nothing more, nothing less. She has zero ill will for those who choose to do those collabs.
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The seething will never stop
homonigs keep taking L's left and right
See I don't care if she tries clarifying that she's totally cool with even if it gives her the ick. Just say what you're fine with for yourself and don't comment on others. I have zero problems if she doesn't want to do watch or do those type of streams but once you open your mouth on others preferences or actions you are not being professional
I'm a unityfag who hates beggars with a passion, personally, but what sucked the most about Mio talking about this topic that day, for me, was that I knew retards /here/ would just use her for shitposting material (just like this post). If she could see what you autists write about her she would be extremely disappointed.
Luv me wolf.
I cannot tell if you're agreeing with my reply, or trying to refute it. I'm literally explaining the clip to you, since you apparently didn't even have the 3 minutes to watch it.
NTA but you're the kind of fan that keeps me coming back to this company, anon.
I just wish more people could just enjoy their own chuubas and accept that different chuubas cater to different tastes instead of constantly bitching about why X is the enemy of Y.
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Disappointed to learn that Mio feels this way, but I'm glad that it's for her own preferences that she chooses not to collab with men, not because of pressure from idol "fans." As long as she's not giving in to the unichudcels, I can respect her decision. She's definitely missing out, though, since there are some really great characters in Holostars and great male vtubers in other agencies. The many Holomem collabs with Roberu, for example, have produced some absolutely legendary content! It's a bit of a shame knowing that Mio will almost certainly never be one of Roberu's guests. But again. it's at least a matter of her own preference. And that's important.
kill yourself retard
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I won
>All of them interacted with males outside of professional settings
When their job is streaming and that already counts as a professional setting in the first place, not to mention they are interacting with coworkers who are also professionally hired
Say what you want but I've never seen Bae or Mori invite a ojisan to molest them on TV live like Pekora did, call it professional as much as you want but I'll always laugh at the whimsical logic of unicorns as to what counts as professional or not
The sentiment behind this post would have been great if you weren't an ironic shitposting autist.
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>literally copy and pasted some beggar from the comments section
>male VTuber MC during a con before
He was the host of the con. Ina and Gura also had a male host for their panel. I don't know why Kiara and IRyS always get shit for it when Gura and Ina had the exact same situation.
>I like how the anti-unicorns ignore that most of the harassing is done by homobeggars
This. When Tempus first debuted the most of the EN girls who didn't interact wirh or as much as acknowledge them got harassed by homobeggars for months. Incessant collab begging in superchats, insults and harassment in VOD comments and harassed on Twitter.
Not only was FuwaMoco harassed when they debuted but also for not acknowledging the homos when they were watching the expo thing and went silent when the homos showed up.
Homobeggars are way, way worse than any unicorn.
Unicorns are mythical creatures that are beloved by women. Naturally, Unicorns treat women very well.
Professional molestation rumao
Unicorns don't look. A male host for a convention panel.
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Hag love!
>Not only was FuwaMoco harassed when they debuted but also for not acknowledging the homos when they were watching the expo thing and went silent when the homos showed up.
Nothing unicorns or beggars say will ever change my mind on the fact that this was simply a really weird and retarded thing to do. All it did was give the invisible gun more credibility. They could have made literally any sound and no one would have batted an eye, instead we were left with this shit show.
>Homobeggars are way, way worse than any unicorn.
I agree, up to a certain point. This shit is only bad when it's put into spaces that the chuuba directly sees. Which is something beggars fucking LOVE to do on twitter in their replies and on their YT VODs. I couldn't give a shit what autists post /here/ on a clip. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you going on your personal account and saying "man I wish [female vtuber] never did that collab with [male vtuber]" or "it would be really cool if [my favorite female vtuber] could collab with [my favorite male streamer], I think they'd have good synergy." People expressing opinions on their personal accounts doesn't mean shit, especially if they make the effort to avoid having their tweet show up when a chuuba egosurfs.
Love Hololive. Love Holostar. I enjoy both of them. That said, i hate collabeggar and drama hungry tard that likes to purposely trigger fanbases for their retard war. I just want to watch chuuba doing things. Its just that simple. Forcing collab is cringe, doesnt matter if its male or female.
>instead we were left with this shit show.
There's literally nothing though.
this thread
>but you see in the past
>n-no u
>get owned chud!
>simply a really weird and retarded thing to do.
You're wrong and no one cares what you think
The clipper got a couple of things wrong:
The "Yuck" part is more of a sign of disillusionment or disappointment than repulsion or disgust. Like a blow to the heart.
The "Relationships between women" part refers to friendships and interactions inside a social group purely made up of girls.
Understanding this as "lesbian relationships" or sexual matters is completely missing the point of her speech.

Miosha is not anti-male, she is pro CGDCT.
>constant shitflinging /here/ between unicorns and beggars ruining threads left and right
>FWMC getting tons of SC and comments about the incident in question
>Something that they will never live down still shits up threads to this day
Yeah, literally nothing wrong. Good to know you're just a threadshitter.
>You're wrong and no one cares what you think
Not only am I right, I will never be proven wrong.
feminist sisters...what is our response?
Kiara didn't get shit for being with that host.
That happened at the peak of ORANGE WOMAN HATE. Basically any Kiara stream was enough to spam 10 threads about it
You're not supposed to make a serious post anon, everyone in this is either retarded or just pretending to be retarded.
Wtf ok Mio, based though.
>he "Relationships between women" part refers to friendships and interactions inside a social group purely made up of girls.
>Understanding this as "lesbian relationships" or sexual matters is completely missing the point of her speech.
I think you're the only person who thought he translated it as anything but CGDCT
Love how many "fans not watching/giving money to male collabers is an invisible gun" type arguments there are in the comments.
What am I supposed to do? Finance content I don't like because homobeggars all happen to be poor and don't watch streams?
unicorns are gay and pro-yuri
and then she'd get a boost in subscribers
Anon, the point is that you should keep supporting your oshi and not drop her *if* there ever did come a day where she went against your feelings. That is the invisible gun argument. Oshihenning because of "males on stream" is retarded.
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No, I saw it. My point still stands, she is a talent and entertainer, not a fan. She should not comment on others, even if you follow it up with meaningless bullshit
No it isn't. Feelings either matter or they don't. If they don't matter then it's all pointless to discuss.
If feelings do matter, then however that person feels is how they feel.
You can't decide what is justifiable for someone else to break their heart over.
>she is a talent and entertainer, not a fan.
Wtf are you talking about. These are not mutually exclusive. Mio is as much of a holofan as you or I. She's completely within her rights to comment on this.
>FWMC getting tons of SC and comments about the incident in question
They got like 2(two) whole SCs about this shit. Seems like you're the threadshitter here.
Anon, you're not supposed to do shit. Vtubers aren't entlited to your love and fidelity. It's "entertainment" or at least that's what they all say when the GFE backfires
>They got like 2(two) whole SCs about this shit. Seems like you're the threadshitter here.
Anon, they literally went out of their way to write in their chat addressing the SCs and then give a response to it. This was something they were forced to talk about.
I mean, she is right, Okami Mio is a character in a CGDCT reality stream show, like most of the members of hololive, if you like mix gender interactions you can watch holos that branched out to that type of content at some degree, like ERB, Bae, Ollie, Zeta, Iofi, Risu, Moona, Mumei, Ame, Mori, La+, Akiroze, Towa, Matsuri, Ayame.

But the same people that interact with males, can decide to go back to CGDCT just like Mio, Subaru, Miko, Fubuki, Aqua, Shion and Choco did.

Their line of business now is to sell a pure story and space for lonely people, but only a retard would think that the girls are pure, most of them have boyfriend or are married to males, we have only two lesbians in hololive Polka and Reine, the rest are ironic lesbians.
Sane people may or may not like certain things, but rarely will they make their opinion known through an autistically long comment; they'll just leave quietly if the content no longer interests them. Only the most extreme schizos would go to the comment section of a clip from a youtube stream and either gloat that "their side" is winning or complain that it's losing, while demonizing everyone who doesn't share their opinion, including the streamer themselves. Coincidentally, being a schizo is common among both unicorns and beggars.
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Meanwhile, in the beggar community
> like ERB, Bae, Ollie, Zeta, Iofi, Risu, Moona, Mumei, Ame, Mori, La+, Akiroze, Towa, Matsuri, Ayame.
A good portion of those don't collab with them anymore
Yes they are, that distinction needs to be made in a professional setting. Those are her coworkers she's saying she's either disgusted or let down by. Those other vtubers are not there to cater to her.
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>unicorns never do anything but just silently leave
Why do you still try to peddle that? Sure, some do that. And some make it their schizophrenic life mission to be an anti. Picrel happened when ERB was in his chat, btw.
You want to know why (You) likely come across more retarded beggars than retarded unicorns in the girl's spaces? Because if you're a sane unicorn, you don't frequent male chuuba spaces, unlike those who go hatewatching to get bait.
Although there has never been any real example of the "unicorn schizo"
Feeling nauseous is part of the menopause process. This hag is dumb and her eggs are rotten
This is based tho. Whores need to know thier place.
>Literal flip phasefan who got caught larping
>he thinks that's not a falseflag creating screenshots to make threads about it.
Literally jannies did it with ollie. see how there's no comment or explanation about his unicorn mindset, just trolling. Perfect to post a screenshot on /vt/ and twitter and get (You)s
Nuh uh. Mio is a pure innocent virgin hag who has never seen a male once in her life.
>fake doxx
That guy? Me
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>threadreader gets the events mixed up
They never addressed this at all because nobody fucking cared.
And the begars harass them because of it... It seems that they can't respect others' collab choices either.
>Yes they are, that distinction needs to be made in a professional setting.
It's the zatsudan portion of AsaMio you dumbass. Anything goes for chatting topics. You don't get to decide how Mio runs her stream/what she gets to talk about.
>Those are her coworkers she's saying she's either disgusted or let down by.
She is saying literally neither of those things. I will repeat: did you even read my replies? It is *Mio's* personal preference to not see males on stream. She, however, does not think that *her personal opinion* should apply to all holomems. That's it. Full stop. You're the one whose reading into this from some really weird angle.
Off the top of my head. Gabe, Kronii's whale. "condom money for conner" schizo. The schizos who broke containment and went to the holosummer stream to gloat to their uniGODbros about how FWMC were based. JP autists when ZA HANDO happened.
Both sides are bad, and their stupid cculture/console war is only damaging holo's reputation. Don't try to whitewash one of them, now.
Gabe was well known before he sperged out, was never a unicorn.
The rest are imaginary
This is why vtubering only succeeds in Japan and fails in the West.
Nobody is entitled to my time and money faggot.
The yuri baiting in hololive is getting exhausting...
No. But it does prove your real oshi is the concept of being a unicorn, and not the chuuba themselves.
And is their decision based on their CCV, donations and their fanbase reaction, you could bet your ass they would interact with males again if that benefit their monetary and popularity in a positive way, like Akiroze or Towa.
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>There has never been any real example of the "unicorn schizo"
>Examples provided
>"Well those are falseflags, you can tell because of the way they are"
Your flimsy convictions are extremely retarded, I agree.
You have no examples because Unicorns will never do anything wrong.
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t. Kson
People can fuck off for whatever reason they want. It's just a fact of life that unicorns have massive heaps of disposable income and endless free time because they tend to be loners with well paying jobs.
Kson's retardation doesn't prove my post wrong. You will never have an oshi because you're unable to accept anything that doesn't fit your rigid standard.
>if that benefit their monetary and popularity in a positive way, like Akiroze
LMAO, come on, she's always been known as the literally who from Holo thanks to those collabs. All of Japan is talking about how the VCR event failed and she was part of that
>Examples are literally people who got doxxed and proved to be trolls looking for (You)s
Not the same person. But yes, he was right and you are retarded.
As an example, there are very clear differences in what people believe to be adultery.
For some, cheating is the physical act. For others, it's the emotional.
To some, it's at the extreme where it's not a big deal if their partner has sex in exchange for money.
To some, it's at the extreme where it's a big deal if their partner tells another person "I really enjoy spending time with you"
What is clear, is that adultery is the only thing God himself considers a justification for divorce.
If Hololive fully implemented branch segregation or even better, if they erased the Stars branch, the numbers of all the girls would go up, old fans would come back and the stock will rise.

Additionally the vast majority of beggar threads would disappear and the population of the Philippines would drop by 1% after the suicide wave.

Profits all across the board!
>God himself considers a justification for divorce.
Divorce a new invention made to destroy the family
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>I dont watch Holostars
Why do holostars beggars think this phrase helps their argument
Funny since Joseph considered divorcing Mary until God convinced him that she wasn't a whore.
>Man wants to divorce
>God convince him to not do it
And that's helping your case how...?
>convinced him that she wasn't a whore
I think they think it'll make them look impartial
Aki and Kobo's numbers would definitely go down. But they cater to demographics that most other girls don't want to touch: E-celeb fags and underage tards.
They chewed up and spat out Matsuri when she got that E-celeb banned from twitch and now she has the worst ccv in JP. They're worse than beggars and unicorns because they go hardcore on the harassment if you piss them off.
"' But now I tell you: if a man divorces his wife, for any cause other than her unfaithfulness, then he is guilty of making her commit adultery if she marries again; and the man who marries her commits adultery also."
-Jesus Christ, aka, God.
Aki used to be in the low tier of HoloJP getting around 1k-2k CCV at best now day she can pull 7-8k in average, putting her at the top of 10 of the most watched holos, she is doing great in comparative to before, and she is killing it in Twitch
You can only get away with this because this is a catalog thread and it's unlikely to be pointed out that ennaschizo bots her to make a particular /#/ anon annoyed
Post those timestamp
>they LITERALLY went out of their way to write in their chat addressing the SCs
Yea, what now, nothing? I thought so.
Whatever you say anon, you are delusional.
>Anon, they literally went out of their way to write in their chat addressing the SCs and then give a response to it.
Holy retard It wasn't for the exhibition thing
Who? Gabe or ernoul? Or babski that caught sc on niji.
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I have hundreds of images like this if you want me to start posting them
>Things that actually happened in real life were in fact, imaginary
And this is why you get called a schizo anon. Are there more examples of beggars? Yes. That doesn't mean unicorns are not free from autistic schizos either. They absolutely exist.
I believe in holo old guards
>instead of proving these imaginary events happened Im going to seethe
Is your best example really Matsuri rm being harassed by nijiniggers?
I'm not digging through years of archived threads just to prove you're a retard. Containment breaking happens every single day. Just because you don't consider those people schizos doesn't change the fact that they are in reality, schizos.
>still seething
There has never been a unicorn behaving badly
>I close my eyes to the world around me
Whatever you say, blindchama.
>They absolutely exist.
They do. They are however much, much fewer in number.
Are you seriously implying ZA HANDO didn't happen? Or the male voice in Towa's stream sending schizos into a frenzy? Those aren't one and done, shitpost on 4chan for a couple days then move on kind of events. Those defined their careers and audiences for a long time, and are exactly the kind of schizo unicorn behavior you insist has never happened.
>no stream date
>no stream name
>no CCV
>No bits from her twitch
>No indication or anything or source of anything

Not only you are delusional, you are also retarded
>He thinks only unicorns hated Matsuri because of ZA HANDO
>One of the most parasocial chuubas in holos
>Really big parasocial fanbase
>Multiple male voices on background at evening
>She says it's her manager
>Covers goes out and tells everyone managers don't go to talent's house because duh.
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how I'm gonna sleep tonight knowing that my oshi destroyed these faggots delusions
>there is not one single example of unicorn schizos
>is given direct examples
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You heard it here folks. Mio is unpopular because she refuses to collab with males.
Retard. Those NND streams were from before hololive even existed.
>no proof
>empty accusations
Unicorns are perfect creatures anon, we wouldn't harm the girls.
>One of the most parasocial chuubas in holos
>Really big parasocial fanbase
And? That just means that she had more unicorns in her audience. How does that disprove that unicorns have gone schizo in the past?
Your Towa counterargument isn't even one. It just recaps what happened. But it doesn't disprove that unicorns sperged out.
They weren't pissed about out the events themselves; they were pissed at the blatant lies. One of which got exposed by Cover.
It doesn't excuse it but no one likes being lied to.
>t. not a MioFa
Anon, before today literally 0 (zero) people beg for male collabs with Mio. The only reason any beggar is talking about this is because Mio decided to bring it up after 6 years of literally never talking about it.
when will this forced meme end
>doesn't recognise the sarcasm
Unicorns quietly fucked off, that's it.
Also nice job outing yourself as an EOP threadreader. Matsuri lost most of her viewers because of an event that most of this board is completely unaware of even though it basically made mainstream news in japan (yahoo news, etc).
Does this homobeggar even watch the girls he's using to seethe at unicorns with?
It's text only, I'm sleep deprived, and autistic. I was never going to, sorry.
What I'm saying and you're falling to understand. That unicorns weren't the majority part of the people who disliked those acts.
and btw, the holos deserved the blacklash.
>great characters in Holostars
>have produced some absolutely legendary content
Homobeggars spent all their time on twitter and F5ing Holodex looking for a mixed collab to start shit. They don't watch streams
? She decided to bring it up because people were asking her to collab with homostars
>>great characters in Holostars
>>have produced some absolutely legendary content
Neither of these are incorrect, you're just not the intended audience for it, anon. Get off your high horse. Even when it comes to co-ed collabs, the example in the comment that anon pulled, Roberu, is a fantastic collab partner. The bar streams he's done are really interesting.
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Roberu is a charmless bore
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> I don't watch HoloStars
>three fucking letters made you sethee
Nigga, go outside fr
It's not that shit popsicles taste bad, they just appeal to a different, smaller audience.
Not all unicorns are stalkers, but all stalkers are unicorns
And other things homobeggars tell themselves while they harass girls
A stalker is a stalker.
>I don't watch HoloStars
They should begin with that so that their opinion can be discarded from the get-go. Being completely honest here, as someone who actually watches the guys' streams, I vastly prefer unicorns over beggars, because they don't give actual stars fans a bad rep and they actually watch their oshis. Beggars just fail at both and then have the gall to say that they're the real fans and everyone should cater to them.
Holy retard. That's not how that started in the slightest, also are you illiterate? You didn't even read my post. Mio herself was the one who initiated this entire discussion after reading a comment wishing they could have seen bigger gang wars.
>Mio opines over the issues caused by server size, saying that hololive isn't big enough to support something like that
>A commenter posts that inviting other corpos (箱: lit box, in JP) would solve that problem - note, not specifying who or what talents, other commenters then mention VCR and holostars as well
>Mio then goes on to cover this topic, saying what's in the linked clip
No one was asking her to collab with holostars before this moment. It didn't come out of the blue. No one was begging Mio to collab with the stars before today. I watch every one of this woman's streams live, I would know.
>when it comes to co-ed collabs
>fantastic collab partner.
A tale as old as time with homo leeches. Funny how it's always about the amazing collab with girl/girls, and nothing about the solo content or internal homogroup content.
Wrong, the situation with her stalker is well documented and goes back for years.
Stalkers don't care about the relationship status of their victims, only the fiction they have written in their heads.
Kek seethe more sister
It's a comment talking about male/female collab streams, you retard. Maybe learn how to read a reply chain next time.
I'm not going to read your post since you're lying.
Mio did a professional collab and homobeggars went to ask if she would collab with homostars.
Yet another example of why I ( >>85951873) hate that Mio mentioned this at all. You fucktards are hopeless. Learn Japanese, anon.
Anon, stop lying on the internet if you want your posts to be taken seriously
>Anon, stop lying on the internet if you want your posts to be taken seriously
Doesn't change the fact that it's their most popular content.
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wasn't it a singaporean who also watches legal grifter and the horse drama vtuber?
Anon...do you even know what type of content Roberu makes? Collab chats at his bar are a large majority of the content he creates.
I dunno I thought singapore was a city
their most popular content doesnt mean its a legendary content which is the original argument
>not a holostar
>the radio show had been known about for a week before with absolutely zero people on JP twitter taking issue with it (ENs weren't and probably still aren't even aware the live recording even happened yesterday)
>directly addresses the radio show in passing, after starting the conversation due to holoGTA, as an example as to *why she's not NG about doing collabs with males in general* despite the fact that she doesn't like to watch content similar to VCR
Yes, thank you for showing you're disingenuous, do not watch streams, and have literally no idea what you're talking about. Truly the perfect retard.
Remind me again why notfagni cried on strean.
kek retard didn't realise you proved his point
>? She decided to bring it up because people were asking her to collab with homostars
>I go on to prove that holostars were only brought up *after* the topic had started
Good to see you're a retard as well
You're seething way too hard. You've only proved that you're an emotional mess, which is strange for a fan of Mio.
see >>85951873
Yeah, I'm not happy that Mio's going to be used for shitposting /here/ for the next few weeks. Outside of /here/ no one cares and the MioFa are very happy with where we stand.
>>85958372 (me)
And no, if you refuse to believe I haven't proved that anon or (You) wrong, you are the exact type of shitposter I despise.
what? she streams a lot with men and her oshi is towa
And why shouldn’t they? What happens when they hit it off and that male becomes a recurring character on her streams? Listen you fucker I sat through my oshi collabing with the same fucker 3 times in one fucking week last year and ever since I have never been the same. I still watch her but I haven’t spent a penny on her since. On the third stream her ccv was literally 40% of her average so I know I wasn’t the only one majorly pissed off. Fuck this stupid “support all their decisions” mindset you’re peddling. I will not support shit content.
Yeah and that post shows that you're a seething creep.
The whole "if she could see what you post" is a manipulation tactic.
And again, you did prove his point.
He said that Mio was doing a proffessional collab and that homobeggars arrived to ask for a homostar collabs.
He then showed an image of exactly that, then you seethed and acted like he was trying to do a gotcha.
There's this whole thing with La+ saying she is a unicorn but anyone with sense can tell she's being a snarky cunt
I don't watch male vtubers so don't care about collabs but also hate lesbian femcels so probably not watching her again
No, you're an autist who cannot follow a timeline of events.
>Anon is happy that beggars got owned after Mio's comments during her AsaMio stream >>85956204
>I question his claim of Mio being his oshi, since it's a fact that beggars have never been a problem Mio's chat, only coming out of the woodwork due to this and other clips >>85956346
>Anon attempts to claim that holostar begging was the start of all of this >>85956627
>I then explain the clip and stream that he clearly did not watch >>85957316
>Autist goes back and forth with me
>Posts Mio talking about her upcoming radio show with Masayoshi Ooishi, something 0% of chatters complained about in chat, with exactly zero mentions of holostars after this >>85957730
>He is then called a retard for not knowing any of this >>85957967
>enter you
There, did the sparknotes help? Both you and him are retards who are trying to twist this into some weird narrative when it is anything but. The only reason beggars have entered this at all was because of that one comment being sad that hololive isn't large enough for large scale GTA gang wars, and the Mio responding to it.
Watch streams
I keep seeing that name get thrown around what exactly did he do?
Anon, you were wrong and he was right and your links prove it.
Homobeggars entered her stream and asked for collabs with homostars and you have established that the professional collab was known ahead of time.
Holy fuck, how can I make this any easier for you to under stand. The claim being refuted here is: homobeggars are what started everything
This is false. Never once do I say they were not in the chat. How are you this stupid.
>you have established that the professional collab was known ahead of time
Once again, was never an issue. The "homobeggars" who replied to Mio's comment on the holobox being too small were her own members, active chatters. Do not comment on streams you did not watch.
All you have to do is disavow the homobeggars anon
Anon, I genuinely cannot fathom how you got this stupid.
How many time do I need to tell you to read this.
=============> >>85951873 <=============
Before the drama, kronii's general was full of namefags. They kept track of each other in weird ways.
I don't know exactly what he was like in those threads but other namefags were jealous of him.
After the drama he kept going to those threads talking shit about her etc.
I don't know how it goes exactly but last I heard he was oshiing a literal whore vtuber that went from that EIEN company to starting her own company.
I read it and its you telling us how much of a faggot you are. I don't know what you think it says but that's what it says.
>I read it and its you telling us how much of a faggot you are.
Once again proving you're nothing more than a disingenuous shitposter. Keep my oshi's name out of your mouth.
>Keep my oshi's name out of your mouth
How can you say this and not immediately feel like a bender?
You’re lucky he didn’t walk across the stage and slap you in front of a live studio audience, Anon.
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>she doesn't agree with unicorns
>she just shares their stance
Uh? What even is this thread about?
>he's unironically British
I should just stop replying to you here frankly.
>telling a retard to stop using his oshi to push his autistic narrative when she herself doesn't doesn't support the type of shit you see on /vt/ is some how a bad thing
Truly boggles the mind.
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Even the way you wrote that mate, gay as fuck, you're just pretending to like Mio to hide how much of a cum gargler you are
Where did you find this schizo?
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Post your membership then, anon. Put your money where your mouth is.
Based unicornmommy
Definitely just riding the current yuri fad. Everything needs to be gay now for some reason.

But chances are, irl, she's married with kids. Don't care if all them have kids and multiple husbands. I only see the them on the screen.
Why would homobeggar care what the girls think, they can't stop jerking themselve of saying "erb telling unicorn to fuck off in her prechat" when we have objective evidences it's them that shit on fwmc in her chat and she told them to fuck off. They just gonna create any narrative just to support their headcanon.
they pretty much admit that they're not Stars fans but people still lumped them together. It's annoying that they were tweeting about Stars not in HoloGTA when a lot of them were streaming playing in VCR server.
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I'm saying you're using her as a beard.
My oshi is Okayu.
The irony here is that, the post was directly from homobeggar comment of that clip. Kek
>majority of fans aren't even fans
how does this happen, are they that unappealing to watch
whats that brown thing? why is it sideways? whats that white thing?
Sorry anon, nothing you say will make your retarded ad hominems correct. Nor will I respond to them seriously. The reality is that Mio has never had issues with beggars. Full stop. They did not brigade her because of holoGTA, nor did they brigade her because of her radio show. You are simply using them as a strawman.
Now, will she have issues with them moving forward after these comments? That is an entirely different discussion, but at the moment I take issue with autists /here/ waving their banner in Mio's name without even listening to what she said.
The reality is that homobeggars went into the stream and asked for collabs and you've been in here seething about anonymous posters instead of simply saying that it's wrong to do so.
>homobeggars went into the stream and asked for collabs
The reality is that this did not happen. No one was asking her to collab. Saying that examples like VCR solved the problem of "the holobox being too small" is not, "asking Mio to collab." You will never win this point.
Yes it did
>unending autism
I accept your concession. Glad we can finally move on.
>literally SEA
>wont disavow homobeggars in his "oshi" chat
helmir and kris already war on the comment lol
But that's the thing, they're not even fans. They're just people virtue signalling, most people just watch whoever their preferred vtuber is, male or female
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>nobody questioning how Mio just shit on one of her genmates because it's been shoved to the side due to "muh homobeggars"
>feels icky when she sees male collabs
that means she agrees with unicorns anon
She's absolutely in her right to do so and I respect her for it. What I don't respect is being unprofessional to the point you treat even the mere mentions/pictures of male talents as if they did not even exist and were not worthy of even a second of consideration, like FWMC did on that summer stream. That was mean behaviour to the fullest extent.
>literally SEA
USA, the country that dicked yours into submission.
>wont disavow homobeggars in his "oshi" chat
I refuse to continue self-quoting my post, so I'll give you this instead: Retard
If beggars get uppity in Mio's chat, then I'll bitch about them. Until that time, they are not an issue. I have already agreed that there are beggars in the replies on the clip in the OP and they are the retards who have jumped on this whole thing after the fact. But you, once again, cannot follow a thread on /vt/.
>If she could see what you autists write about her she would be extremely disappointed.
I've seen this kind of lines so many times in various topics and I've always wondered - "You aren't her. Why do you know that she'd be disappointed?". How can you be sure that her values wouldn't be more aligned with yours than the other way around?
If you want to push your arguments, do it yourself instead of hiding behind the girls
>I accept your concession
>I'm not a brown btw, im an american
Buy an ad grimmity
>he still doesn't know
do your reps newfag
>her values wouldn't be more aligned with yours
would be*
Yes, that was my point. Discussing whether or not she agrees with a tiny fringe of unicorns on other, more specific subjects is irrelevant. The only relevant point is that she dislikes male collabs as content.
>continues to have a melty over the boogeymen in his head
>still completely unable to refute any point given because he did not watch the stream
>still arguing and seething
Thank you for continuing to prove my point.
Anon, you didn't disavow the homobeggars in Mio's stream. You used the term "I accept your concession" You've called yourself a unitycuck.
You've certainly proved something.
lol, lmao. They maybe watch one or two collabs from homo perspective for self-insertion, and maybe a few clips
This thread makes me sad.
>milking this many yous from the retard
10 baht has been deposited in all your accounts tank u very much
>Stalkers don't care about the relationship status of their victims, only the fiction they have written in their heads.
So how unicorns behave?
>no true scotsman. Unicorns treat women with respect like the male feminist I am, because... we just do... trust me bro
I always love how beggars manage to come off as even more deranged than the evil unicorn boogeymen they make up
like I said, the people tweeting about those are not even Stars fans. Mostly just casual VTuber fans who have watched Niji GTA or VCR GTA before.
There is nothing more deranged than seething because a man breathed near your oshi.
Most of these beggars on /vt/ are 1view male vtubers
Which vtuber are you referring to and how did the man breathe on her?
>on /vt/
step outside, they're all the same everywhere if not even worse, here at least you can give them the benefit of the doubt of being trolls but on twitter and youtube you can see their deranged histories
>Anon, you didn't disavow the homobeggars in Mio's stream.
There is no sense in disavowing something that did not happen. No begging took place, therefor it's autistic to screech about imaginary boogeymen, like you continue to do.
>You used the term "I accept your concession"
I'm sorry your autism flared up when I used wrong speech anon. You'd fit right in on twitter with your language policing.
>You've called yourself a unitycuck.
That's correct. Because I'm completely fine with both the holos and the STARS existing, something /vt/ unicorns are not. Some holos choose to do co-ed collabs, some STARS choose to avoid co-ed collabs - and vise versa. Neither of these stances are wrong (something Mio herself literally says in the OP clip, something you again failed to recognize). The only wrong positions that exists, are the positions of both unicorn fans and collab beggars who try to bend the talent to fit their retarded ideal mental image. Unicorns who quietly drop a talent when they start doing male collabs (or better yet just avoid watching that stream, yet continuing to support the talent after the fact, like Mio) are fine, just as collab beggars who talk in fan-only spaces about wanting to see collabs with X, Y, and Z, without ever forcing it on the chuuba unprompted, are also fine. Answering a question on stream to point out the that other events have solved the problem of low numbers by including other corpos/groups is not "begging".
Stopped reading after you said you're not going to disavow the homobeggars.
We know you're arguing in bad faith, that was established a long time ago. No need to repeat it.
arguing in favor of the homos is already bad faith
I understand you're gay anon you don't have to tell me in every post
Baffling how you fail to notice the glaring difference - she's a woman, you are wannabe trannies. You are not the same
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>check comments
>all that containment breakers
jesus christ
nice projection sister
>once again proving my point
It really is sad you'd call Mio's stance "bad faith", since she supports her coworkers choice to do collabs with said homos.
alternate universe anon?
Anon. When I give money, its completely arbitrary. Thus when, who and why I give that money, is also arbitrary. Do what I like = you get cash. Don't do what I like = don't get cash. Simple as.
Miofa stop shitposting and make /Mion/ or /OKFAMS/ already. I need my homes back up
attacking mio of all people is low even for beggars, this is why nobody likes you or the homoparasites you claim to oshi
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If this is what you paypigs actually believe, I'm quite glad many of you are ruining your lives.
meant for >>85961740
I'm one of the /mion/ bakers and honestly I didn't want to bake for a while cuz I don't want all these autists on both sides shitting up the thread. Mio's better than this console war faggotry.
The funniest thing about this guy that "isn't a homobeggar" is that he's still here after arguing for 3 and a half hours... At least.
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Show me 1(one) comment where I beg for Mio to collab with a male. Don't worry, I'll wait.
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Mio’s fluffy ears…
show me the comment where you disavow the homobeggars in her last morning stream
Read this in his voice
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Probably should've ignored this thread while you were at it. Nothing good happens trying to fight Der Homobeggar
Just saying that "I don't want to collab with male vtubers, simple as" is one thing, talking about how she doesn't like seeing other holomembers collabing with them is another
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I'm not a unicorn either anon, so I don't give a shit about your fight. I just want to watch my comfy wolf and make threads about her.
Why is it another thing, does it hurt the agenda too much?
Same, I didn't even read this thread, I just knew it was shit at first glance
>he can't find my a comment because none exist
>continues to ignore that there were no beggars in Mio's chat despite this being explained to him numerous times
Sister, who are you trying to convince? The homo teasing a tarot reader coming to his stream and the beggars all shouting "ITS MIO, WE GOT HER!" is a very fresh memory.
If you don't believe there were homobeggars, it should be even easier to disavow. You can't disavow people you don't believe exist? And you think people are taking you seriously right now?
Because it's openly admitting she's into the unicorn thing too that people are so desperately trying to avoid. Mio isn't unity at this point and in doing so, inadvertently or otherwise, shat on Fubuki who does these collabs
>shat on her
Are you trying to imply you love and care about Fubuki more than Mio?
Are you trying to suggest Mio doesn't know what is better for Fubuki than you?
>people are so desperately trying to avoid
who is trying to avoid it? almost the whole branch caters to it
I'm not the one who feels validated by the opinions of middle-aged women.

Noone gives a fuck about you wars. Unikeks and beggars should just hug it out and go rope themselves together.
I'm not the only one*
This poster has schizophrenia.
>she's not with us that means she's against us
>only thinks in black and white
least HRT'd homotranny
>calls me a sister
lol, lmao even
>The homo teasing a tarot reader coming to his stream and the beggars all shouting "ITS MIO, WE GOT HER!" is a very fresh memory. If you don't believe there were homobeggars, it should be even easier to disavow.
Way to move the goalposts. You asked to find them in Mio's last AsaMio stream. There are none. Case closed. No one is speaking about what happens outside of her stream, not to mention none of those people came into Mio's chat to bring that up even a single time. So to bring it up is yet further proof that you're arguing in bad faith.
>You can't disavow people you don't believe exist? And you think people are taking you seriously right now?
Your autism seriously knows no bounds. The only unserious person in this conversation is you.
You're creating arguments that never happened.
You can't disavow homobeggars, even if you don't believe they exist. That's because you know they exist and you were one of them.
You never fail me with the depths of your mental gymnastics, jesus christ /vt/ really has warped your brain.
>You're creating arguments that never happened.
The argument: homobeggars made Mio make the comments she did in the above clip
The truth: Mio acknowledged the issues a small GTA server has, then responds to the existence of co-ed servers
You'll never be able to twist my words, but do keep trying though.
>You can't disavow homobeggars, even if you don't believe they exist.
>even if you don't believe they exist
Never said that, in fact I'm quite clear that should they cause problems for Mio, I will be the first one to tell them to go fuck themselves.
>That's because you know they exist and you were one of them.
Again. lol, lmao even
You can not reasonably argue with unitroons, anon. The hormones fry their brains.
That's because Aki is based and raw unbridled sexo.
>The argument: homobeggars made Mio make the comments she did in the above clip
The argument: homobeggars saw that she did a professional collab so they entered the Morning Mio show.
This post that you have claimed ownership of multiple times >>85951873 was 4 hours ago.
You've been here defending homobeggars the entire time.
>I will be the first one to tell them to go fuck themselves.
so why haven't you?
You lost the culture war, beggarsisters, just give up already.
Mio is on our side.
They should just be honest and say it's because of money.
They're seething because she's not on their side, not because she's on unicorns' side. Ever heard about neutrality falseflagger?
>The argument: homobeggars saw that she did a professional collab so they entered the Morning Mio show.
This is, once again, false. The collab had not even happened yet, and as I've already explained to you, no one on twitter wrote anything negative about it. In fact, for your logic to even make sense, the people who would have come into her chat after learning that it was going to take place should have been seething unicorns.
>This post that you have claimed ownership of multiple times >>85951873 (You) was 4 hours ago.
And here you are, replying to every post I make.
>You've been here defending homobeggars the entire time.
Again. lol, lmao even

If you're NTA, then you're a retard who simply can't read. We have nothing to speak about.
>should have been the seething unicorns
you are retarded
you have fully exposed yourself as a homobeggar
meant for>>85962934
>t. seething unicorn
Sorry anon, you have schizos on your side too whether you like it or not.
>you have fully exposed yourself as a homobeggar
Again. lol, lmao even
How many times must you make me sound like a broken record.
>feels literally disgusted by males collabs
>went out of her way to mention it several times
Uh huh.
Getting desperate I see.
we've had nothing to speak about for hours yet you're still here obtusely trying to defend homos
How many times have you not disavowed the homobeggars in your "oshi"s stream
The problem is when they collab with men or a streamer they get viewers because people want to see the ride for the first time so they think its accepted.
Then they keep doing it and then the numbers slowly dwindle and then the old fans leave and the bystanders who were never really fans but watched to see a man and a Holomen collab to cause drama fuck off when something else interests them.
How is saying "yuck" when they collab with males supportive?
>How many times have you not disavowed the homobeggars in your "oshi"s stream
Do they not teach you the concept of "existence" in those British schools anon? You all practically invented this language yet you don't understand it. Show me an instance of a homobeggar in her chat, and I will immediately disavow it. So far all we've established is that the most recent AsaMio stream had none, and that for some reason you felt it necessary to bring up something that happened inside one of the EN stars streams, despite Mio likely not even knowing that guy exists, and absolutely not knowing that event ever happened.
You continue to harp on this point, so the only thing I can take away from it is that you're so desperate for Mio to get hounded by homobeggars that you can't help but seethe when you're told that the reality is she never has been, and has a small likelihood of it happening in the future (which, as has already been explained to you, should that day come I will be the first one to tell them to fuck off).
That's alot of seethe to just say "there were none"
If there were none, then it should be easier to disavow them.
So go ahead and disavow the homobeggars in her Morning stream.
300+ comments now
That's crazy, it was 4 when I first seen it
see (yuck isn't a great word for this as an EN TL)
The critical point you're missing is that this is Mio's *personal preference*, and is something she *will not force onto her coworkers.* Instead choosing to support their right to make their own collab decisions. Hopefully this clears that up for you.
deaf ears and all that, if you're not a unityfag you're hitler to these people
>if you're not a unityfag you're hitler to these people
Who are "these people"?
That's generous
Probably you since you were bothered by it
>deaf ears and all that
Ah, so this applies to you. Got it.
>doesn't understand the accusation
>Mio said yuck, that means she doesn't support male collabers
>Anon explains to him why he completely missed her point, and is an EOP on top of that
>This falls on deaf ears
No, I think my accusation got across just fine. You should reconsider yours, however.
Imagine if people put this much effort into actually watching the homos rather than advocating for them leeching off hologirls
>all of that seethe
You were offended by>>85963533
So I pointed out that you were offended.
None of what you said has anything to do with that.
beggars pretending to be unicorns have to be the funniest subset of retards from that community, literally larping as a caricature of a minority of fans even smaller than themselves
I mean, if you take random homobeggar from Twitter/YT/Reddit you will almost always find Luxiem/Vox praise, it's like nearly 100% chance
No anon, that was a genuine question. I have you an honest answer and you respond with a vague answer. I assumed that you were talking about homobeggars, but you realize the "deaf ears" I'm responding to is you, a unicorn who did not understand what Mio was saying (or you just didn't even watch the clip). The homobeggars are the deaf ones here, so you use those two concepts in the same sentence is oxymoronic.
I'm not the same anon? I replied to your post because you were offended and pointed out you were offended.
That is the post.
Disappointment or disillusionment is still pretty bad. A neutral reaction would just be a simple "not for me" and be left at that. The difference between that and disappointment is like the difference between seeing a friend playing a game you aren't into and seeing them start hanging around a bad crowd. It's at best back-handed support with some passive criticism of her coworkers choices.
>That's alot of seethe to just say "there were none"
>If there were none, then it should be easier to disavow them.
>So go ahead and disavow the homobeggars in her Morning stream.
You're really making my brain hurt with your stupidity, anon. I'm really struggling to find new ways to explain the exact same thing to you over, and over, and over again. The reason I don't disavow the homobeggars in Mio's stream that day is the same reason I don't disavow the mimes that where chatting there. It's impossible to know how many homobeggars or mimes were there, and thus it is an exercise in futility to disavow that which did not cause problems.
If you want to now change the question to "disavow all beggars in Mio's streams" then I have already been very clear on that. They can fuck off, but I'm not playing your games to counteract the reality of her chat that day.
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>still not disavowing the homobeggars
Please come back when you learn how to read. I'll be right here, though you're running out of time given the thread is on page 10. You truly were autistic until the end.
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>using that image when Mio, the subject of that thread, doesn't even hold that hardline stance and was quite clear on not being fully NG
Beautiful cope
>bringing Mio straight back into it
>not a homobeggar btw
She's the tread topic, you fucking retard. Did you forget where you are?
>>not a homobeggar btw
I'm not, but you are the biggest retard I've had the displeasure of interacting with on this board.
>members for 5 years to homobeg
>diligently doing his reps
>she finally does a professional collab again after all these years
>I can homobeg in chat
>she says she hates male vtubers that day
That's exactly what I'm saying anon, you brought her right back into it immediately to talk about male vtubers
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>>she finally does a professional collab again after all these years
>>I can homobeg in chat
For starters, I had to google who that guy was (the composer of a bunch of anime, but 死んだ!, a song DoroKen covered). You, along with that other anon, are completely illiterate given you've failed to read any of the posts I've made saying I do not tolerate *actual* homobegging. You are a retard.
>>she says she hates male vtubers that day
Get out of here with this retarded hyperbole. Never once does she use terms this harsh. She simply states that it is her personal preference to not watch the holomems do those types of collabs, and as such wishes to do content (i.e. game streams) that avoids it as well. Never once does she speak about hating males/male vtubers. Completely asinine post.

I didn't "bring her back into it" because I was never finished engaging in this topic. Your reply simply failed to address the point. So I called you a retard and brought it back to the topic, pointing out the irony of your post.
>all that text
>wont disavow homobeggars, even if he says they're fictional
>wont disavow homobeggars
Not what you asked of me.
>even if he says they're fictional
This is what you asked of me. Can't disavow something that never happened in a stream.
Whatever you say /u/ troon
Both were asked.
You refused to disavow homobeggars in both cases.
You've even went on to be a homobeggar in that post>>85964395
your justification?
> I do not tolerate *actual* homobegging
>You refused to disavow homobeggars in both cases.
Since your short term memory and or reading comprehension skills are that awful, I'll recap. Again.
The AsaMio stream in question: No homobeggars existed. Nothing to disavow.
Mio's streams in general: Homobeggars fuck off and do not post, ever.
See how the second also covered that AsaMio stream? Talking about the existence of VCR is not homobegging, and you should seek help for thinking otherwise.
>You've even went on to be a homobeggar in that post
>your justification?
>> I do not tolerate *actual* homobegging
I have already made it very clear what I mean by this. Leave it out of the chuubas channel/SNS and I don't care what you fantasize about in your personal space.
Please, keep posting disingenuous bullshit though.
If there was no homobeggars then disavow them, it should be easy.
Just disavow the homobeggars that were in the Morning Mio stream.
Elaborate on how you think this is a logical thing to do. Answer this one simple question: why are you so obsessed with something that didn't happen?
>not disavowing "imaginary" homobeggars
>not a homobeggar btw
Based Miosha
>imaginary boogeymen occupy 100% of his thoughts
>lashes out when said boogeymen are not acknowledged
>not a schizo btw
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I don't even know what disavowing is but I think its suspicious that the anon won't do it
It was a simple request, made around 2 hours ago. Not disavowing the homobeggars, regardless of whether you believe they exist, is all that is needed to know.
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tl;dr that anon wants me to claim that homobeggars are the reason why Mio felt it necessary to speak about the clip in the OP. Said homobeggars were never in the chat to begin with. That's it, that's the full story.
You're not under any obligation to continue supporting/funding a content creator if you don't like their content.
On top of that, most Vtubers who aren't retarded (and even some who are) prefer to know what causes fans to leave.
You've clearly never experienced the sensation of watching your oshi do a complete 180 on her content/personality slowly over the course of several years
>that anon wants me to claim that homobeggars are the reason why Mio felt it necessary to speak about the clip in the OP.
homobeggars were in the Morning Mio show, because of a tweet made before that show.
You know this. You won't disavow it.
Did ame ever disavow the collabs she did with male vtubers?
That is the term for what is going on inside your head, I'm glad you know it.
>It was a simple request, made around 2 hours ago. Not disavowing the homobeggars, regardless of whether you believe they exist, is all that is needed to know.
And I will continue to tell you that you are an autist for thinking this a anything other than a schizophrenic request. The homobeggars are in your head anon. It's time to let go.
>homobeggars were in the Morning Mio show, because of a tweet made before that show.
>You know this. You won't disavow it.
Anon, you didn't even watch the stream. You have no idea what went on before, during, or after. You only know what you saw in this clip, clearly. There was not a single person in Mio's QRT of the initial announcement, nor the announcement posts themselves that supported homobegging. Only the usual MioFa, happy to see more content from their oshi. On top of that, during the stream itself exactly zero mentions of males or stars was made until after the topic regarding GTA had begun.
I know this, because I actually watched the stream, and chatted during it. Therefor I cannot disavow something that did not play a part in any thing that happened before or during that day, but I will absolutely disavow it moving forward, as has already been explained to you time, and time again.
>still not disavowing the homobeggars
>still a retarded schizo
>he says after homobegging for 5 hours straight on a 4chan thread
>he says after attempting to support a headcanon for 5 hours straight on a 4chan thread
Homobeggars seething KEK KEK KEK
>went into 5 year old mode
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Poste Mio lewd you retard
Seems to be about the only thing you understand given you're completely unable to wrap your head around anything that has been talked about the past 5 hours.
The homobeggars did not exist that day, they are a figment of your imagination. They do, however, exist in the comment section on that clip, and as already stated, should they spill out to Mio's channel, they should be banned on the spot and fuck off forever.
So yes, please, continue to show that you lack any sort of object permanence or reading comprehension skills and I will continue to treat you like a child.
Oh wow, do we have actual Miofags on /vt/?
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>still not disavowing homobeggars in his oshi chat
>someone said post lewds and he's seething too hard to even do that
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Thanks anon
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>still doesn't understand the definition of the word disavow
>someone said post lewds and he's seething too hard to even do that
I didn't refresh the thread until after posting het another reply to your retardation.
Anon if you can't even disavow homobeggars that you don't believe exists, why would anyone believe you would disavow homobeggars you believed exist
There's plenty of them, they're usually all in /hag/
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Because I'm not a schizophrenic retard like you, anon. It might be hard to believe, but there are *some* mentally sound posters on /vt/. You just aren't one of them.
>mentally sound
>too autistic to answer a question
>argues about the question for hours
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>anon asks a nonsense question
>is forced to spend hours explaining why that anon is retarded, and that there is no sense in accepting his fictional reality
It's a simple thing. Disavow the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
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>It's a simple thing. Disavow the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
Schizophrenia is not a "simple thing" anon. You should get yourself checked out.
So, no? You won't disavow the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
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Show me the homobeggars in Mio's chat. Screenshots of their comments.
Also what happened? I thought you watched Mio. You have me so much shit for not posting pics an here you are, 4 posts (and counting) in and you've already run out. Further proves that you're just a shitposting anti who doesn't actually care about Mio's chat environment.
I barely said anything about the images, you're seething too hard about literally everything at this point.
You're not able to disavow the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
>I barely said anything about the images, you're seething too hard about literally everything at this point.
You felt it necessary to bring up, and you're continuing to not post more.
>You're not able to disavow the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
>You're not able to disavow
That's correct. It's impossible to disavow something that doesn't exist. I'm really happy I'm finally getting through to you!
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This has to be one of the weirdest slapfights I've seen on /vt/ so far.
There's a simple reason im not posting images, the folder is supposed to sort by most recent and it takes from 30 seconds to what feels like forever...
It isn't impossible to disavow something that doesn't exist, you can literally include it in your disavowal.
Why can't you disavow the homobeggars in her morning stream?
Why do redditors come to this board?
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>It isn't impossible to disavow something that doesn't exist, you can literally include it in your disavowal.
>Why can't you disavow the homobeggars in her morning stream?
Because I'm not a schizo who worries about things that didn't happen.
You clearly are a schizo if you can't disavow the homobeggars you don't believe exist
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>You clearly are a schizo if you can't disavow the homobeggars you don't believe exist
You you even realize how retarded this statement is. No, really, sit there and think about it.
Are you capable of thought anon? All you've expressed so far is emotion.
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>Are you capable of thought anon?
The only one unable to think here is you. The only "evidence" you have for any of your claims is a personal headcanon.
Sure, use your brain your formulate a disavowal of the homobeggars in Mio's morning stream.
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Use your brain to formulate a reason as to why anyone should have to explain why imaginary boogeymen are the reason for Mio talking about things in her stream.

Still no photos anon. Very pathetic showing.
If you had a functioning brain you would be able to disavow even something that only potentially exists.
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If you had a functioning brain you would be able to explain why doing so is somehow *not* a schizophrenic post.
How the fuck do you niggas even know eachother
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It's a simple thing anon. Disavow the homobeggars in Mio's Morning stream or you're a homobeggar.
I've already explained why im not posting images, I have plenty.
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>can't even answer a simple question refuting his retardation
You first anon. I've already explained why it's useless to do what you want. Now you answer my question.
Repent and disavow! Wtf even is this thread?
>not disavowing the homobeggars
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>still not beating the schizo allegations

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