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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>85931342
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Bowson will return soon (tm), as Ame still has to finish up the Shivering Isles.
On Friday, she'll play TF2, Gmod, and Portal with the rest of EN.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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Oblivion tonight right?
dog detectives...
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Cancelling streams until the very end.
oblivion tomorrow
no oblivion tonight
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Nope, tomorrow
Rescheduling /= cancelling, shitpost-kun

Understandable, she's been getting so little sleep lately this was expected. As long as the collabs are unaffected I'm okay!
Yeah I bet Fuwamoco just gushed to her off stream and she broke down in tears
Bear with me, first time I make a soundpost.
I was going through my folder of ame stuff, to get the tears out of the way when I found this cute little audio I saved from way back when. Just wanted to post it, since it seemed... appropriate.
Yknow I had a bad rap of baubau, but after this collab and watching both threads I could safely they ain’t that bad, just very overprotective which is never a bad thing.
I love that this guy always draws her bra visible through her shirt. I think he should try peenk.
Only 2 days for Elden Ring isn't too hopeful... They'll essentially be Messmer and Radahn respectively, and for Radahn she'll need to rush through his shitty castle to even have enough time to learn it.
the %2F became _2F
I cant stop crying, why did you have to write a letter fuwamoco... that shit hit me hard...
didn't radhan get nerfed hard?
Please convince her to stay doggos...
That seals it for me that she will not finish Elden Ring. She should just do more collabs instead.
Chances she'll summon? I got my bleed build ready
Well, this gives me time to watch the last 2 and a half hours of Oblivion that I missed yesterday, so I'm fine with it.
You're using firefox probably, change the moe_2F to moe%2F and you're golden - checked it out in the soundtest player and it works.
Bold of you to assume she won't struggle with the centipede
I'm happy that someone in EN can openly and passionately express their gratitude to Ame, which is something I'm thankful to Kiara for as well. Even if she don't receive those well I'm sure she's happy inside.
they get taken for an anti thread alot because on top of being standoffish they're raided and falseflagged constantly like /ggg/ used to be, but they're not bad dudes
The ball already rolled anon, it is too late, even if she regrets she can't disrupt the Holo/Vtuber tradition.
This guaranteed. They blindsided her with the impromptu final letter. Guaranteed she at least cried.
summons 3 teamates to help her kill bosses would be kino.
Not really, most of his attacks are still bullshit, but one of them isn't 1 frame reflexes anymore.
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Or she could summon mori and bijou for the ending fight
Ame is having sex with dogs right now
The only way i could see her full on returning is if the stars alinged a certain way and myth remains together
Regardless I hope her and others can pull strings to get her to appear in more cameos besies like recordings and myth anniversaries
I know gg wants to do a collab just so ame can be back for it.
That would be sick as fuck
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Is the concept of time correct, gators?
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okay I listened to the fwmc member stream and I'm crying
Ame still wants to explore everything, meaning Metyr, Bayle, Scadu Avatar, and Gaius are still on the menu.
Also you aren't taking into account the time Ame will inevitably take doing side dungeons, and the required fight with Romina and the gank squad in between Radahn and Messmer.
Same. I've never hated having to go to work more in my life. Its making keeping up with this week so much harder.
not after I'm done with her it wont be
Can we SC Ame in a next stream telling her she cant leave till she finishes the Hyper Loop and Updates the New Years sign on the Pantsu Express? I
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>buy new game to distract myself from Ame for a while
>boot up game
>see this within 5 minutes
God fucking dammit
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Why the fuck does it do this? I've noticed on my pgone too that for firefox android whenever I try to save a soundpost, it saves it with the name after the % and you lose everything before it. It’s absolute shit.
Nah fuck ruffians, last thread I said I didn't want to sub and got called a fucking tourist of all things when I've been goslingposting since before this board even existed. No beef with FWMC they're just not my thing.
I know what she wants to do, but I had assumed she left 3 full days for Elden Ring. Unless of course she's doing Elden Ring tomorrow too and Oblivion is later in the night. Strictly speaking 2 days, no matter how much time she puts in, is not enough for her to do everything in the DLC. At the very least she absolutely needs to go fragment hunting.
yeah, there's no chance unless she pulls some koro-san tier endurance streams out of her hat over the next few days, and even then it's iffy, sucks
rrats are that the EN server got deleted/corrupted/whatever in an oopsie by management
might be worth an SC to finally get an actual answer on that question, but we unfortunately don't even get to go look back on the world she helped build
dont fall for the schizo shitposters anon, /baubau/ have at least one that crossposts to attack others.
NTA, but when they started mentioning Ame, they immediately began to cry. and so did I
You were called a tourist because you were posting like a tourist
She might have to skips some stuff then
Why would you be opposed to subbing from a hologirl? It's literally free
Chat will undeniably want her to fight Bayle for the memes, Metyr will take too long due to its quest taking quite a bit of time to do, Sunflower is a bit of a detour but it might be easy enough for her to blitz, and Gaius will probably be required because she will need every fragment she can get.
you sound like a fag and your shit is all retarded
Sure thing retard, sure thing.

I don't want to get notifications and recommendations from channels I don't usually watch. I'm already subbed to a shit ton of holos, since I don't watch other companies.
> Jesus H christ Please Dont say that. All the history on that server..
I have so many detective novels staring at me right now...
aaaaand crying again...
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farewell little gnome boy...
>the hat
talking about how hard it is to say goodbyes, breaking down immediately when bringing it up
just talking about how grateful they were to do things with ame, praising ame's kindness and helpfulness since predebut
it hurted them when they saw how the teamates cried
they don't know the details regarding the affiliate thing, they know as much as us
gave ame big hugs
pururin is really special to them
mococo could barely speak but praised the finale rainforest mc
want to see ame off with a big smile
I'm not hopeful for the next chapter if this is how she's ending this one. Since her announcement three days ago, that's already two streams pushed back, one cut short and she didn't stream the GTA finale. Like come on, put up with one more week of this torture and you're done. The finish line is in sight.
There's some github thread or something where a firefox dev basically said they didn't feel like dealing with it. It's obnoxious, but it's whatever. If you're downloading a soundpost at a time, remember to just edit->rename, or if you download a bunch at once, batch scripts are your friend
Bait thread doing poorly again?
You were called a tourist because you didn’t understand an extremely common thing from every hololive chat due to YT bullshit that happened in 2022 or 2023.
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please kill me
This stupid fucking brat. Making me cry...
GTA was geared toward the JP girls and whoever could interact with them, which is why Gura or Fauna didn't even bother with it. I'm surprised Ame even tried playing it instead of doing more Oblivion.
Oh no...

That song is actually sending to tears...
>extremely common thing from every hololive chat
I'm not subbed to Bijou and I can post in her chat right now with no issue. Same with Ceci, Raora and a bunch of other girls that I actually do watch from time to time.
who made this so I can kill them by drowning them in my tears
jesus she sounds so smitten. I kind of understand the shippers a little
Please don’t take my sunshine away I’m not ready. I thought I had more time with ame
im not a schizo shipper, but it would be a lie to say there wasnt at least SOMETHING going on in guras head about ame. theyre super close.
Gura is the one holo I’m not worried about, you just know they’ll still be sending each other messages weekly afterward. It’s the others in Myth, EN, and ID that I’m sad about. Today was probably the last day she’ll ever speak with the JP girls, and whichever ID girls aren’t joining the Valve collabs.
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Y-you guys will keep me posted when ame resurfaces in the new timeline right?.. I'll keep an eye out too obviously but it's hard to see anything through the alligator tears and gators also can't read so...
They're best friends, they're probably talk over discord every other day, even if it's just chatting about dumb shit and sending each other tiktoks.
Anon... just follow the "new" channels now...
just keep investigating the board, everything will be fine
I mean we'll be around, and when the time comes we'll certainly be doing a, uh, partial rebrand, you'll know
just dawned on me that this thread is going to change alot, huh
Just keep your eye out for an appreciation thread about a jerboa or kappa. Shouldn't be too hard.
I'm not too worried about the other Myth members honestly. I feel like all of them can still maintain contact with Ame even if it won't be frequent chats to her
the entire board is going to change
The catalog will still be as shit as ever
Only generals matter
and your call yourself an investigator?
Seafags please just contain yourselves for 6 days, let us have Ame for now
Oh I meant like her schedules or impromptu stuff or merch announcements. I already know she's Muad'dib. I just don't know how twitch works. I've never used it t b h. Plus I'm still crying from fuwamoco's letter...
>Seafags please just contain yourselves
That's a good one
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Super late to this. I'm so behind on threads... I've gotten over a dozen deliveries but picrel is definitely my favorite. I catboxed some other ones I liked too.
While I still think everyone should sub to the dogs for the memba stream, I figure I'd do a quick text recap either way on their Ame segment:

>They get really emotional in general
It's hard to say goodbye sometimes

>They didn't want to talk about it because they're just kohai, but it's not their place to be big voices on it, they didn't wanna be clipped

>Ame's been so kind and helped them so much, even before they debuted. She was constanlty reaching out to them asking them to send pictures of their issues

>Said how lucky they are to have a senpai like Ame

>It was hard for them seeing teamates be sad about it because they know the feeling

>They know it was a big decision, but they're really happy for her and support her, and they want to say goodbye with a smile, but it's hard

>They don't know the details, they know as much as us. They're happy they got to know her at all and are happy about this collab because of how valuable her time is in these last few days

>They're really happy they have spent more time off-stream than on-stream in New York

>They got Ame hugs because she proposed going around New York together

>They were super glad to be able to sing Pururin together

>They want to say goodbye with a big smile, because that's what Ame wants

If Ruffians need me to pay compensation for this info, please let me know how much I should supachat them to make up the difference
You just follow the Twitch channel and then make sure the bell is selected to get notifications (should be on by default). Twitch does have a calendar view for schedules but bigger streamers don't use it (I guess because they don't need to). I think streamers can also set up their software to tweet, etc. even if you want to limit your Twitch usage as much as possible.
There are some add-ons people have to see a wider selection of emotes, but you can worry about that later.
one full birthday set
>There are some add-ons people have to see a wider selection of emotes
Thats one thing I am kinda excited about. Ame always loved seeing the wide range of emotes on Twitch and how colorful chat could get.
Since there might be a lot of teamates that are mostly new to twitch, I wonder if in the next version of this thread, we should include in the rentry links a beginners guide to using twitch or something. That might also be a good place to have links to archived Ame stuff.
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Thanks man. I'm really gonna miss being an adorable little gator detective in a neat little trenchcoat and hat... Guess I'll go pre-register for twitch while I wait for ame's next final streams.
Ame said she would go through the old minecraft server and reminisce about all their old stuff myth and council built together. Did she remove it?
>we should include in the rentry links a beginners guide to using twitch or something.
This. Some teamates will probably appreciate that.
Man... I had a friend at an old job like this. We still talk sometimes but working at different companies is a big obstacle for two people who work 24/7. I really hope these two stay good friends.
Yes. Me. That's why I suggested it. I am dumb and change is scary please hold my hand bros.
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>pic related
I guess we'll see. Or we won't and she'll go on the adventure herself so we don't see or hear her crying. The latter being most likely but you never know with ame.
I wish she did multi streaming, since Twitch and youtube allow that in their partner contracts now. Twitch is touted to be better because of the chat but for people who don't use chat a lot youtube is miles better thanks to its superior player and vod system.
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Maybe we'll still be green again in the next life somehow.
I feel different people require different amount of upkeep and maintenance on friendships. I have friends that I'm comfortable talking just out of the blue to after years of silence but also people that I grew distant towards after just a few weeks.
I think until we know for sure she will continue her journey on purely Twitch, it won't be needed. Just my thoughts though, I wouldn't mind it.
Is twitch chat better optimized? A big reason I don't chat much is because having it open (even with hyperchat and stuff) is tough on my ancient laptop.
Only thing I really need to know about twitch is how to block adds. It's impossible to watch
Completely agree. As someone who came from Twitch and only uses YT for Holo I don't know how anyone can enjoy the YT chat experience. It's abysmal. But the Twitch VOD experience is likewise abysmal. I'm sure multi-streaming is a huge pain though.
Definitely. Someone gets like 10 supas and your YT tab is using 3 GB of RAM and the whole thing starts chugging. It's wild. Twitch chat can have like 10,000 dummies spamming walls of animated emotes and your tab won't crack 500 MB
I wish we could stay gators. We're just such a cool and kyut animal.
Yeah, but unfortunately chat is like 80% people spamming emotes, usually from an entirely different channel.
Not sure since I only watch Twitch for specific events like EVO so I don't really use chat but people like it because you can use more emotes, track replies better and a bunch of other stuff I think. Apparently streamers also can see messages better on it because youtube chat goes too fast or something.
All I know is if you have Amazon Prime you can get one free twitch sub to any channel
The Minecraft visit is during the charity stream.

Someone was on the EN server recently for the ID Cup stuff, more recent than those rrats.
The cover corp fax machine ojisans will never approve of that and could get ame in trouble in the future. Plus if she ever comes back, we can always devolve? not getting my hopes up though...
I dusted off the old twitch applications and reinstalled Chatty, a chat client that you could set up for notifications when streams go live among other things
though I'm not sure if there's anything better since I haven't used Twitch regularly since 2014
There's a Chrome extension called Purple Ads Blocker that always worked for me during the rare Ame Twitch stream. Who nose if it still works though, I haven't watched a Twitch stream since Ame's last.
twitch is infinitely better coded than youtube but it has honestly a garbage community. also it has even worse add than youtube. I hope that things remain on youtube
Imagine if she pulls a Selen and just calls us gators minus the investi- part. We wouldn't have the same hat and tie but it's not like a bipedal alligator is distinct enough to run into IP problems. Might be seen as a dick move to Cover though.
>killing ublock
only legit retards use chrome nowadays. if you still use chrome then you absolutely deserve to choke on annoying fucking ads that ruin whatever you're watching on it.
Doki is just based. She did all of that just to dunk on niji
Can you educate an illiterate anon like myself? nta btw
You don't get ads on a particular channel if you're subbed ($5/mo). You get 1 free sub a month if you have Amazon Prime.
There's also Twitch Turbo which is like $15/mo or something but removes ads across all streams. The docs say it still supports the particular streamer(s) you watch by compensating them as if you were a normal viewer who actually saw the ad.
There's always arms race bullshit you can do to get around their newest ad tech but unless you personally enjoy that kind of thing I'd just pay the couple bucks. (Or maybe you have Prime and only plan to watch her anyway so it's immaterial.)
jesas I couldn't get it to work on Firefox ok
I don't think investigators ever got official art/merch unlike bubba, so maybe it's doable.
you can't copyright gators. gators with that specific vest and specific hat yes. but i'm not worried i'm sure her inner creatividad will inspire her to make some funny dorky cute thing
>Might be seen as a dick move to Cover though.
This exactly was what I was saying. Cover themselves went out of their way to make this whole affiliate thing for ame and it would be a slap in the face. I'd rather transform into a different green thing than get ame in trouble and legitimately never come back.
I've been using Firefox since AOL started to die off and this last year Firefox has become complete shit for Youtube for me. Streams constantly buffer and I can't figure out why. A lot of the time I just open up the streams on Edge and they work fine.
We could all just be Kappas or Jerboas or whatever the fuck is going on in that account theme
Ame has no reason to do this since Ame and Gators are still technically around
Doki has actual bad blood against Niji so taking back what was hers was the right move
Edge uses Chromium as a base so adblockers won't work on it either.
Look I'm sorry ok, but Chrome/Google themselves have been trying their literal hardest to fuck over anyone and everyone that even dare to block their ads on their platforms that they went out of their way to drop support for ublock origin because its the best and most effective adblocker. They even made Firefox lag on purpose and bug out when watching youtube on it out of spite. Search about it and read up on it. It's all true.
This whole thing sucks ass, even if she isn't Holo anymore, she's still affiliated, if Cover catch her doing something relatively questionable or if she suddenly gets caught in some drama, Cover can just cut ties with her and the she really won't be coming back. She's not 100% free
>Streams constantly buffer and I can't figure out why
I have the same issue but I don't know if it's firefox because it still happens when playing the stream through VLC.
What's the right answer then
I can't think of any holoEN song with a video better than Chikutaku. Goddamn is Ame special.
Yeah, those are good points. I wonder if we'll become a round fat fuck like so many others. imo the best recent fanbase avatar I've seen is the grems.
>and this last year Firefox has become complete shit for Youtube for me.
It was on the news. Google it. Google themselves has been throttling firefox on purpose out of spite because FF and ublock origin has been blocking their ads and they want to shove it down your throat. The only time I use chrome is to open it when there's an ame stream and use an adblock DNS so that ads don't get shoved in my face while watching ame.
Difference is that ame fortunately left on good terms, selen is a whole different story. I’d sacrifice looking different for a while if it means a chance of Ame coming back
You gotta pay up. Or you can wait a decade for that Google monopoly court case to wrap up where they only get fined like... 1% of the money they made in the meanwhile
How about chameleons? Changing colors depending on the stream might be pretty neat. A maybe monitor lizard with an actual monitor head.
I tried watching a flesh streamer play Yakuza 8 to get my mind off Ame's graduation, and when dude got to a scene with one of the antagonists who so happens to be a vtuber, motherfucker said "I don't watch vtubers, but I know there's one called Amelia". Felt like reality was fucking mocking me.
Firefox + ublock origin for everything else, and chrome + adblock DNS for youtube and only youtube stuff at least until the Firefox devs figures out a workaround for Google/Chromes' bullshit video load throttling. It's the only way.
Get youtube premium.
why not crocodiles?
I would be ok with this, they're extremely stupid looking
How's that one saying go? A criminal fine is just the governments way of taking a cut of the profit.
I dunno, the otomos are pretty cute. They're green to like teamates.
Keep in mind that this should be illegal under net neutrality clauses.
sorry, but google has money and power
>Firefox has become complete shit for Youtube for me.
I had a similar issue a few weeks ago maybe a month. couldn't figure it out, thought youtube was throttling me for using firefox and adblock. I even went so far as to use a user agent switcher to make firefox look like chrome it still didnt work. long story short, flushing my dns seems to have fixed it so consider trying that
I don't really watch CC but otomos is indeed a great design, on par with takodachi. Grems felt a tad generic.
>giving greedy rich assholes that will go to the greatest lengths to make sure I have no choice but to choke on ads
hard pass. you can suck their cocks, I'll take dealing with the bugginess. Plus I only use chrome for ame anyway. Soon as she leaves the platform I'm FF full time.
Takodachi will always be one of the most iconic mascots ever. Fat fucks unfortunately are winners.
I'm a user of Opera GX + ublock. I never had a single problem with youtube
I cannot find a way to block adds on twitch. If I use Firefox + ublock for twitch stuff, It'll work?
>#1 search monopoly caring about legalities
lol. lemao even. the world runs on greed.
Maybe something more bug-y like bees? Amebee has always been a perfect ten cutie pie and I can't imagine Holo feeling infringed about that
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Ame made a pretty big impact
>Should be
Yeah and didn't they finally bring net neutrality back? Meanwhile her ISP still fucks her.
can the doxx tards go back
I'm not saying you should do it anon, I'm saying it's a fix.
I use Firefox myself but I don't have any issues with youtube.
>stream ends
>seafags start talking about shit that arent ame
like fucking clockwork
I've never used twitch ever. But I will finally for ame. But I've never seen ublock tackle an ad it can't block. If it can't block it completely, it'll be able to block it partially guaranteed.
I'm gonna miss that ass and those legs the most!
>Holo feeling infringed about that
Where have you been? They specifically blocked talents for a while from using custom models because of something similar.
Found it, EN server still exists.
I can understand feeling this way if Ame's streaming but it's dead hours right now and in the future the thread is going to cater to both identities anyways.
gonna miss this ame soundpost so much....
damn this sends me down the memory lane...we were so lucky to have them...
That was my point but I guess that's on me for abusing text communication. Anyway, they could eat a bag of dicks if they had a problem with her using an indie bee mascot (in my hypothetical universe)
It is not currently the future, have some fucking patience, just wait 6 days and then you can talk about whatever you want. Like for fucks sake, it reads like a catalog thread in here.
>it reads like a catalog thread in here.
not really
Honestly burgers are kind of fucked regarding that. ISP throtling is literally illegal in most countries with decent internet.

Yeah it sucks doesn't it. I can only hope their search engine being shit now thanks to AI and paid results end up hurting them in the long run.
Myth was fucking literal magic when it came to vtubing and holoEN. They weren't coherent much as a group because when they formed they were like wild cards, but in reality they were pillars that stood side by side so that every other en vtuber could grow big not just in holo but as a platform.
Whoops sorry that reply was for this: >>85953058
I think it's better to talk about it now so everyone's prepared and it makes the transition as smooth as possible.
They didn't completely block them, they were allowed for special events, and have relaxed that rule more recently, but you still need to ask permission and submit why you want to use them in advance, which has always been Ame's issue with Cover.
I'm not him but it really doesn't read like the catalog. I agree that we should wait but seriously you have no idea how bad the catalog gets
The old japanese ojisans are really really big fans of beuracracy and red tape.
Ame literally had to take the bee out back and shot it thanks to management.

Myth was lightning in a bottle. Genuinely entertaining streamers each with a different thing going on to stand out from JP or even newer gens. They might've been loners but they obviously cared a lot for each other.
One of the worst things about Japan sadly.
>Genuinely entertaining streamers each with a different thing going on
Right? And people always complain and shitpost that they barely act like a group compared to newer EN gens. It's like these newfags don't get the concept that Myth was a literal shot in the dark. A gamble of 5 different people with slightly connected lore with no quarantee that they would ever function coherently. And ame was the literaly wild card of the wild cards. The only "human" out of 5 non-human beings with powers. Peak lore.
>They weren't coherent much as a group
I think part of the magic is myth acquainted with each other primarily through the internet at first, so their dynamic felt truer to virtual/online friends: a bit awkward, a bit weird, but no less genuine and their bonds only strengthened through hardship of the early years. That made them a lot more relatable to me.
Man, when they were all rolling around on that VR stage and crying... That shit was too real. Like even ignoring Cover's pre-debut process nowadays, the isolation of the Myth members really captured the pandemic feel.
Let whatever happens in the future happen in the future, we don't know anything yet or even if there can be a thread about it, just talk about Ame while you still can. If you want to do something other than that go to the catalog.
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Realized I don't need to stay awake for GTA anymore
Get some rest gators
Literally me on the upper left in the mouse wheel. Running away from my problems and never getting anywhere.
Ina got those hugs, she got them real good. I bet she was all over Ame when she last saw her.
Ok but we are all in agreeance that if Ame returns to Hololive in a couple years she will have to get a hag model, right?
I watched that moment again recently and it still makes me cry. Fuck all those faggots who say Myth aren't friends, they love each other so so much and have been through a lot together in their careers.
>we don't know anything yet or even if there can be a thread about it
That's a fair point. How will the thread rules even work for ame's situation. This has literally never happened before. Ame's still ame but she's also not. She's not just related to time lore anymore she's a literal time paradox. Schroedinger's Ame...
gn gators
>amelia hagson
>milf material
It's not that hard. It'll be a thread for her. Both Ame and [____]
Cross that bridge in the future, Ame is the time traveller not us, we have to take the long way around. Speaking of, I wish ame and mumei could have done a atream where they roleplayed going to different time periods looking at shit, that would have been cool.
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If you ain't here to talk about Amelia Watson, you can fuck right off

I really hope people can push it to 1M by the end of the month. The song, video, and game all have so much soul. I feel like almost no one else in Hololive went to such lengths to build up their character. Every Ame in the video is memorable and the desert bus stop speaks for itself. That final, sad "Where'd the time go... How should I know..." tears me the fuck up.
I don’t think she’s releasing the schedule. I’d really like to know what I can and cannot watch this week.
>Cross that bridge in the future
No. I prefer to do it now before this place is swarmed by the worst of the catalog. I happen to be immensely ignorant about twitch and I know that, for the time being, there are good-will teamates here to answer questions pretty fucking relevant to the thread topic.
>And people always complain and shitpost that they barely act like a group compared to newer EN gens
This point was always funny to me because JPs have admired how much Myth worked together as a group and I think Flare even said Myth was more united than sankisei
Not really possible unless a whole bunch of people watch it quite a few times, 150k views in 6 days just isn't likely. Unless every girl tells their fans to go watch it
Ame isn't streaming on twitch, meaning its off topic. go somewhere else to learn about it.
Ame kayfabe is one of the few that I actually care about because she did fun shit with it. I never got why everyone makes sad fanart about the bus stop though when it was just a cool room from the anniversary VR stream and it also appeared in the kino ameverse video:


It's still nice fanart though.
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That's probably because Myth had amazing events organized by themselves for fun while JP just has the usual collabs and company mandated events. Also Myth, even if they don't collab a lot, are obviously closer than a lot of the JP girls, sans a few groups that aren't even from the same gen.
>when it was just a cool room from the anniversary VR stream
In my eyes it always had a sad undertone to it since the beginning. It definitely says something about Ame when her chosen design is a rather bleak desert at the end of time while other girls' rooms were much more colorful.
>Myth had amazing events organized by themselves
What event was not organized by Ame prior to council?
Another part of it is that Myth literally had no one else to collab with but each other, because of the language barrier. I mean, sure, there was an occasional JP stream with Ina or Kiara or Mori, but streaming in Japanese also meant sacrificing the bulk of your EN audience, who can't be bothered to stay up that late, learn a new language, or install a chat filter to see all of the translator's comments in chat. Myth had no other option but unity.
None, Ame carried pretty much everything event-related for the first couple of years.
Even now the best EN event of the year was the Spelling Bee she organized.
Ame mentioned that it's the end point for all Ames, to be frozen in time forever. Also, unlike the other myth girls, her "room" isn't labelled with her name and is instead labelled as the exit. Not to mention, her room is a desolate desert filled with broken down remnants of the past. It's melancholy. Here's Ame herself saying so.
That stream was 2 years ago? Holy fck time really went by quickly
>Ame mentioned that it's the end point for all Ames, to be frozen in time forever
I actually don't remember that. Also I think she probably retconned that when she copied the Rick and Morty city thing.

>It's melancholy. Here's Ame herself saying so.
It's definitely melancholic, that's for sure.
Putting Ame aside for a moment... I'm worried about HoloEN without her. I have the feeling that the whole concept of “group collab” is going to disappear
>The End of All Ames: A Case to Never Be Solved
Ah shit, I replied to the wrong person.
Gura organized the April Fools collab, but Council might've been a thing by then? It only had myth members though. She also did Big Brain games but that was way later and the only Myth member who participated was Ina.
Was the TTRPG before or after Council?
>the whole concept of “group collab” is going to disappear
Nah. Advent still does fairly regular group collabs. It's the events that aren't management-mandated that I'm worried about losing. I loved EnReco, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't have the soul of a project slapped together at the last second by a bunch of sweaty twitter artists commissioned by a talent with a vision.
Not to do a high school literary analysis but it seemed inherently sad, and in a cute-enough way that we can romanticize. It's not just the trope of the time traveler having to leave their home timeline to help in another; it's a destination where there's no one to help anyway. And yet the presence of Bubba and the implication a "bus" might one day come to help her stops from being totally hopeless.
I think it was before?
No I mean I can see it as melancholic or lonely, but not necessarily sad, specially because the Ameverse video seemed to imply it was literally a bus stop for when Ame is collecting rogue Ames and taking them to the Ame city.

But also apparently I forgot that at some point Ame said that the destiny of all Ames is to be frozen in time? I don't remember that stream the other anon mentioned.
I don't remember which stream was either but i do remember she said the "frozen Ame" thing
I guess I meant branch collabs. Massive events/celebrations with everyone involved
We took them for granted because Ame organized them. And we can see how in the second half of her career she drowned in Cover's corporatism, and no one was willing to even try to organize something like that until the spelling bee (honorable mention to Bae, although Ame was at least 50% involved)
Now with more people, being more complex, and with more and more restrictions and limitations. I think the only thing left are the management-mandated ones.
Spelling Bee was with Gura. I guess you mean the hounted house for halloween she organized with Bae
Gigi said in her last member stream that she wants to put together an Ame-tier event, but I'm afraid of putting my faith in her, because I remember Bae expressing similar interests in being the new event girl, only for that to quietly peter out after the VR Haunted House.
Didn't Mori said during crab game that they'll try to arrange some form of EN collabs every few weeks now that there's a large enough roster with Justice? There's also the Easter games by Kiara. Ame can only shoulder the burden for so long. I'm sure at the very least the Myth girls understand the importance to carry on the torch.
Fuck now I'm curious about when did I miss that.
I actually watched some Gigi today because she reminds me of early Ame with some of her hijinks, so if anyone could actually do it she might be the one.
we really didn't know how good we had it, enreco had it's high points and wound up being fun but the actual project and concept was so hilariously devoid of soul
I guess I am what the kids these days are calling a mythboomer, those good old days ain't ever coming back
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I will cosplay as Gideon for Ame's Elden Ring.
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Damn dude...
I don't remember when I liked that comment but I guess I did
A lot of people say a lot of things, sadly. But Ame DID them, oftentimes without even talking about it. She used to just dive into her projects. That's why she has so many "failures?" like Ame in the AM and so. Fuck, man, she really is irreplaceable
Me too, brother
I'm searching for it myself. I peeked at the myth 1st anniversary and that's where she mentioned it being an Ame frozen in time. I'm skimming through the behind the scenes VR members stream right now to see if that's where it's from.
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o7 I'm gonna miss my gremlin screeches
Found it. It's in the VR members stream. Bus stop Ame lore. Ame at the end of time. (just adding these phrases so it's easier to find in the archive later)
>"Here we have another Smol Ame um, frozen in time, as uhh, as is the fate of all Watsons... eventually... Anyways-"
>I never got why everyone makes sad fanart about the bus stop
It's literally called The Bus Stop "at The End of Time". What part of THE END did you not think was fucking sad? You're disgracing teamates and investigators everywhere.
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chiku taku... where'd the time go...
I actually watched that stream and I didn't remember that at all, good find.

>Oct 1 2021
Holy shit she will retire right before the anniversary of that stream. I hope her last stream will have some kino lore.
> What part of THE END did you not think was fucking sad?
I already mentioned it in another reply but it just didn't seem that sad when the lore explained later on that it's literally a bus stop for Ames time traveling/getting tard wrangled into the Ame city.
Personally I don't like saddling any specific girl the responsibility of organizing events or that they should strive to do an event like how Ame would, because it feels unfair to them to be constantly compared to Ame. Like don't get me wrong I would love to see the girls organize something on their own, but I don't like the idea of pressuring anyone to be the next Ame so to speak
I don't think a few silly cameos of the bus stop are strong enough to overwrite the original eerie melancholy of it, in most people's minds.
I can see that. I mean the scene is obviously melancholic but it's hard to remember it as sad for me when Ame was singing Pururin and Calli was banging her scythe in that spot when we first saw it.
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>frozen in time, as uhh, as is the fate of all Watsons...
I-It's just like her graduation... Did she know?
I can see Kiara stepping up since she's the other one that usually comissions artists and pushes for collabs but I don't think she has the creativty that Ame had to make events truly unique. Also Myth kind of only collabs with themselves or Council at most.
I also don't think it's fair to compare them to Ame (or anyone, really) and I find it annoying when people do it to me. However I hope someone or some people in EN are SPURNED to at least try to organize small-ish group project events like the ones Ame did, despite all the corporate bullshit. The journey of Myth really felt magical and these special events that Ame typically organized were wonderful punctuations for those moments and really, really gave me a sense of unity for the group Myth. As someone said earlier it would certainly feel a lot more genuine than the soulless collab event like enreco was, otherwise it's all just artificial and corporate.
ame out of all holoEN is the one that lives up the most to her actual kayfabe lore. Even better because everything about her lore that became real happened through almost complete happenstance and most of the time unintentional. Cover hiring and helping create ame was literal magic. We may never see it happen again.
The unfortunate fact is Ame is Ame and not every member shares the same priorities as her. It sucks but things are definitely going to be different after her departure.
I do feel the same burning drive behind her decision to step away and try out something new though, just as she scrambled left and right to make all these events possible years back. I'm excited to see what she'll achieve next.
>soulless collab event like enreco
I thought Enreco was pretty good, as far as corpo events go. I think it's similar to how Ame designed the Christmas VR world, in that it's designed to be a virtual space where talents can just goof off and hang out with each other, but also with some activities to provide some structure.
Anyone still listen to Holo Bass? I never followed the drama around him so my bad if he's persona non grata, but ever since the announcement I've been listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk2lgvfH-pY
>the soulless collab event like enreco was
On a sidenote, what did ame & kronii's revelations even do? I never understood it because they barely used it.
Ame doing her gremlin sounds leading to the smol ame gif and then the whole multiverse shit was so perfectly coincidental that it can't be replicated. Not to mention the time traveling thing also being just a small comment she made about her clock a few streams into her career leading to cool lore videos and fanart. I'm pretty sure she was originally supposed to be just a detective.
Wasn't the drama just him being mad that Cover didn't ask for permissions to use Pop on Rocks as a karaoke song? I think he nuked his channel and apologized for being a retard too.
Did you forget about loli ame already? It was supposed to be there on debut, Ame and Ina just didn't have it all prepared in time.
>I'm pretty sure she was originally supposed to be just a detective.
Probably, according to Cover. That said, it's a common misconception that the time traveler thing was improvised on the spot. Ame intended to be a time traveller since before debut but she couldn't finish the lore video on time.
The structure was pretty soulless IMO, but the event came forward to become quite memorable because the talents are frankly very talented. Like you said it's just a sandbox to provide structure for the talents to shine. The structure was flimsy and 'meh', and frankly I was surprised I didn't see a "HEY PLEASE BUY OUR MERCH FOR ENRECO PHASE 1" right after they finished the first event. I just hope that the talents still have that passion to want to do A Cool Thing for their channel and their fans and try new creative things instead of doing the 'same ol, same ol' that doesn't revolve around singing and dancing.
>The unfortunate fact is Ame is Ame and not every member shares the same priorities as her.
True. Her priority is not even fucking money, she has had her superchats off this whole past week even though retirement is usually a huge boost in revenue. But then again she has always been like this.
I just want to superchat her one last time god dammit.
>You're disgracing teamates and investigators everywhere
Ay, whoa - let's keep it civil
I apologize. That was too far. I'm just in a really bad emotional place right now.
No I know it wasn't wholy improvised, but I meant the original concept, not what Ame made of it. Keep in mind that all the pre-debut stuff and even the debut were completely devoid of any time traveling mentions.
I’m really curious to see what Ame’s last stream is gonna be. All we know is that she’s using her homemade studio that she’s been working on since forever actually come to fruition
She had her SC's on for one hour in the first stream after her initial "I'm ceasing streaming activities" announcement, then turned it to super stickers after getting like 800+ SCs as she was reading them. She hasn't turned them on since. It's wild because in that one hour since the stream started and while the waiting room was up she got like 20k USD. But yeah Ame hates money!
I think the dungeons and lore vids could've been better and the quests were dumb busywork, but I struggle to think of how they could improve the formula beyond that. You say the structure was flimsy, but I think a more robust structure would've been too restrictive.
I dunno. But if the songs are back and he apologized then I guess that's fine. Kinda funny since ultimately every part of that is just stealing from Dr. Seuss without permissions...
Yeah I thought about giving her a SC in that stream but then I thought about doing it in the members stream with less crowd only to notice she didn't enable them again.
Maybe I'm an asshole, but I want them to be pressured. I know Ame would be the first one to smack my sorry ass for saying this but, they owe her that. They owe her some headaches and sleepless nights, figuring things out only for the sake of a good group collab.
I feel like shit saying this, but I remember some of the girls laughing and enjoying the events obliviously while Ame was stressed trying to make things work, to the point Kiara forced Ame to enjoy her own event and talk to people... I... resent them a bit? maybe, for that.
Maybe it's not even their fault. Maybe it's just management and the never ending regulations. After all, not even Ame did Ame tier events since 2023
>I'm excited to see what she'll achieve next
Me too, very
>Maybe it's just management and the never ending regulations. After all, not even Ame did Ame tier events since 2023

What I hate about this the most is that now she'll have the freedom to do her events the way she wants to again, but not the usual friends to share them with. Fuck management.
he threatened to strike her charity stream
he's a piece of shit
>I feel like shit saying this, but I remember some of the girls laughing and enjoying the events obliviously while Ame was stressed trying to make things work
I can sort of see where you're coming from but did you not watch the holotalk? Ame literally said she finds it weirdly calming to be in that multitasking chaos. And giving the girls a place where they could have fun together was the whole point. I don't know why you would resent other girls for something that Ame valued and chose for herself.
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>Thought the P A I N - Ame video was the worst hit.
>This pops up.
I've seen most of the girl's revelations from clips, like most of them are
>attacks based on their powers or weapons:
- mori
- ina
- kiara
- gura
- irys
- biboo
- nerissa
- fwmc
- erb
- raora
- gg
- cc
- fauna
- bae (some kind of random effect dice skill)
>unknowns or I didn't figure out either
- ame
- kronii
- shiori
Yeesh. Not cool
>P A I N
Which one
Ame's Revelation was incredibly OP. It basically caused a damage debuff on enemies that made all attacks autocrit.
Guessing they mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INNkO4WnBT8
Sorry, when I meant flimsy is that the company-mandated event was a commissioned minecraft mod. That's something the girls could've done on their own. The Enreco thing they did was way more involved than what you normally find but still, fundamentally it was a minecraft mod. We will remember not the gameplay (mostly, scamming the lottery system was kinda funny, and gambling was also neat) but the storylines the talents created and the interactions with each other. Meanwhile the Spelling Bee collab had such memorable puppets that oozed with personality and love and care, and then their interactions with each other were great.

Again I'm just hoping the girls realize that their time in Hololive is finite and they get a fire in their ass to make events and collabs happen, Corporate be damned.

She has *PLENTY* of friends willing to do all sorts of cool shit with her, I wouldn't worry anon. Not to mention she still has that incredible good will from so many amazingly talented artists, coders, commission workers, etc. who would eagerly jump on an opportunity to do work for her (PAID WORK mind you, she is very insistent about that). I don't know exactly what her next chapter entails, as I'm still taking things one step at a time and enjoying Ame for another week, but I'm confident we'll be happy as she'll be happy and creatively free.
Man that's a trip back memory lane.
now I feel sad
Kronii's is mostly just a flashy sword attack and Ame's is a debuff that guarantees crit on all enemies in range
Yeah, the EN server is just abandoned.
Pretty sure COVER has a live or disconnected backup of every single pre-merge server.
It's just that some of them have likely not been updated or are in a state of abandonment save for updating assuming the servers are online all the time. Otherwise I can see them not even bothering with asking to turn it on.
Is that what it did? It was hard to notice considering she barely used it. I actually thought it was like a final fantasy "scan" skill that showed the enemies hp bar or something. What did kronii's & shiori's do? Whenever kronii used hers it's like nothing happened? And I only saw shiori use hers and manifest some kind of feather pen thing...
Maybe because they just take Ame's work for granted while we want others to value the work she put in. Our girl, love her, but hate her for willingly let herself be a stepping stone for others to a fault.
Where's the incentive to do so if she's not in a company with those friends, joined at the hip, so to speak? That's the thing about the Twitch future that worries me most; relationships between streamers can be so much more fleeting.
Selen did it to fuck with Nijisanji after they fucked her ovee. Now they can't even use the term Dragoons or have to carefully check every time they use the term Dragon because of the termination and then Doki making the word Dragoon radio-fucking-active with corpos but in the best way possible if that makes sense.
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>There's a "Call us" mental health notification under the VOD

ENRECO Revelations

Cerulean Cup
Bijou - Summons gems which she can then fire in her line of sight, It has a delay of 1 second, and two gems appears at the sides, it fires 6 gems for each side,
Ina - Summon a miasma, firing piercing bullets
GG - Equips gauntlets, then leaps forward and causes an explosive shockwave (no damage though)
IRyS - Stars combine to form a lazer beam which explodes
Kronii - Blue X-shaped slashes appear above nearby enemies damaging them. The revelation will not work if there are no enemies, with no visual effects. When it activates a ticking sound is heard playing. (Deals 5 hearts of damage in total)

Scarlet Wand
Cecilia - AOE Lance thrust, sends cloud of piercing damage past the target, it thrusts 3 or 4 times. (2.5 hearts of damage?)
Fauna - Summons a structure of vines which AOE Heal
Gura - Summons a directional tidal wave which is an AOE knockback, it lasts for 2 seconds in a targeted direction,.
Nerissa - Projects a sound wave forwards which expands and damages, instant for 1 second only.
Shiori - Summons talismans above her which then fire in a direction all at once (damage does not stack)

Jade Sword
FWMC - 6 AOE claw melee attacks
Mori - Giant scythe slash
Ame - In a 50 pixel radius, all enemies around her will be debuffed, all attacks dealt to these enemies will be critical strikes, which is 3 times the damage.
ERB - Sword slash causes AOE explosion, damaging enemies multiple times.

Amber Coin
Bae - Dice roll determines the damage of an RNG bomb explosion
Kiara - Ranged projectile summons pillar of flame + AOE fire slash at a single direction rannging to 15 pixels wide
Raora - Teleports arounnd a selected target and slashes 3 times, in east, north, then west, then returns to current position. (has also multiple damage potential)
Mumei - 6 ranged horizontal slashes at a targeted direction. (2 or 2.5 hearts damage per slash)
Debuff support is:
> Fauna (heal)
> Ame (guarantees critical strikes)

> Fuwawa and Mococo (20-25 hearts of damage, yes I calculated it, check their Stain killing, I think its also 5 hearts per slash)

A Revelation skill:
> Ina (5 to 7 hearts damage total)
> Kronii (5 hearts of damage)
> Nerissa (5 hearts of damage)
> Liz (5 hearts damage)
> Raora (invincibility for 3 seconds and 5 hearts damage)

B tier:
> Biboo (I saw Biboo+Shiori combined kill a shield guy, so that's 4 sword slashes worth, meaning... 5 damage per projectile if shot)
> Shiori (5 hearts damage, not sure)

C tier:
> CC (2.5 hearts?)
> Mori (2.5 hearts damage worth)
> Gura (never does a solo fight, but it can't one shot the little stains, currently it is making server lag)
> Mumei (2 hearts of damage?)

Shit tier:
> Kiara (for some reason it still took her 4 slashes to kill horse guy with stone sword)
> IRyS (yeah its 1 or 1.5 hearts damage)
> Gigi

Bae tier (worse than shit tier):
> Bae (absolutely zero fucking damage, I checked VOD myself)

- Little guy (wooden sword takes 5 glashes)
- Horse guy (Stone Sword takes 4 slashes)
- Shield guy (6 or 7 stone sword slashes)

Nerissa : Resonant Strike (Resonator Staff / Bident*)
Biboo : Shining Emotion (Gem)
Mococo : Fuchsia Claw (Double Claws)
Fuwawa : Azure Claw (Double Claws)
Shiori : Bookmark of Memories (Quill Pen)
Ame: Eye of Wisdom (Magnifying Glass)
Gura : Oceanic Terror (Trident)
Ina: Violet Miasma (Tome)
Kiara: Burning Phoenix (Sword and Shield)
Calli: Rest in Peace (Reaper Scythe)
Bae: Chaos Stampede (Dice)
Mumei : Winds of Civilization (Dagger*)
Kronii: Chrono Surge (Clock-hand Rapier and Dagger)
Fauna : Nature's Grace (Apple)
IRyS: Light and Darkness (Double Stars)
ERB: Thorn of Order (Sword)
Gigi: Gremlin Grenade (Double Fists)
Raora: Purrfect Execution (Finger Claws)
Cecilia* : Automaton Assault* (Spear*)
I was disagreeing with your whole post until
>I don't know why you would resent other girls for something that Ame [...] chose for herself.
That is ultimately true. That's not on the others but Ame
That said, Ame would never complain, she's an Angel, she will always put others first. Is it wrong for me to ask them to reciprocate? Even tho they didn't choose to receive the blessing of such a wonderful girl?
>She has *PLENTY* of friends willing to do all sorts of cool shit with her
I really doubt Cover would let any holo do events with her new persona, and that's what sucks.

>Not to mention she still has that incredible good will from so many amazingly talented artists, coders, commission workers, etc.
Oh that part was never into question, literally everyone that has worked with her only has praise for her in twitter. So many artists releasing fanart these days with messages of support or sharing how Ame boosted their careers. Ame is special. Kiara is probably the only one with that much networking done in Myth.
kek what the heck
Kronii slowed down every mob in a radius around her while also speeding up, like a haste + slow combo spell.
Shiori I can't remember what it did but Ame and Kronii's abilities were really really OP but they never used them properly.
I completely forgot to list mumei's but I had a guess it was a weapon attack based on her having a dagger but I was hoping it was more her lantern or some sort of civilization rune power. ENReco could've been 11/10 but the stupiditity of the intro and showing off their revelations but fucking it up by making the cutscene end immediately fade to white soon as they activated their skills was dumb as fuck.
>Ame has been reading the posts of the relapsing alcoholic-mates
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someone must of left some suicidal schizo comment lol
>Ame literally said she finds it weirdly calming to be in that multitasking chaos
I loved hearing her (and people in general) talk about this. I had the feeling during an incident at work today. You can see others around you panicking about something but you just have true self-assurance. You have the experience to not get shook while simultaneously having the knowledge of exactly what needs to be done. I don't think anyone should take any negative thoughts about anyone else from what she said.
...that said, it was funny when she said staff was trying to explain something to her and she was like "Bitch, I taught YOU that"
>I don't see anything
It's official, I'm retarded.
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YouTube knows what I’m gonna do on Ames final stream…
I don't see anything like that in firefox
>Ame: Eye of Wisdom (Magnifying Glass)
I really wished they called it the "Sherlock Scan" or "Detective Deduction" but I get the whole copyright danger involved with those terms...
i dont think there is nothing stopping them outside scheduloing issues.
i know not choco has showed a few times with kson.
>a commissioned minecraft mod. That's something the girls could've done on their own
I think you're underselling the fact that Ame likes to think about design and the other girls might not. Do you remember the bts stream for the Halloween haunted house, where Ame was talking about staying up so that she could be there to provide input and make decisions? In the hypothetical situation where the other girls commissioned their own mod, would they have a clear vision of what kind of minecraft world to make in terms of aesthetic, size, how areas should differ and their purpose, what activities to include, etc? Ame seems to like that kind of stuff despite it requiring a lot of time and effort, and it seems unfair to me to fault the other girls for having passions elsewhere.
You are being a bit senseless and Ame would rightfully smack you. The other girls are not Ame, they have their own set of skills that do not have to align with Ame's, they were hired for a reason. Just to drive the point forward, the closest thing we had back then was Bae, and during the Halloween after talk stream she said she was really impressed at how Ame was able to wrangle multiple people at the same time during discord calls and the like. And again this is Bae we are talking about, you cannot expect other girls to be able to do something like this, they have a fanbase to take care of, they have their own content and their own thing they want to do.
If you want to go through your line of thinking, this is an "Ame vs Management" thing at worst, not an Ame vs the other girls. It makes no sense to pretend the other girls owe Ame anything other than gratitude. And at this point every girl has been very thankful of Ame, even the ones that did not spend that much time with her.
I always loved that ending screen with Smol Ame running through the desert to the sunset while this bgm played, made me melancholic and sappy and as that dude said, reminded me that one day it'll be no more... And now that melody is stuck with me forever
I think all Sherlock books are public domain by now. It wouldn't really fit the fantasy kingdom setting though.
Hey guys please don’t kill yourselves.
Yeah Choco spends a lot of time with kson but that's Choco the person, not as a vtuber.
While Kiara and Calli have streamer personas much like Choco, the only one that actually has a separate vtuber identity is Gura (kind of).

And regardless, that's assuming Cover would even let them do it.
I am alone...
they could just make one. there is no need to put bells and whistles.
Like sharkandogirl22 is playing with ame and has voice we have ehard before
same for capybara girlxxx_khfan.

i dont need holos to play with notame, i jsuit need the girls themselves do it.
>Ame and Kronii's abilities were really really OP but they never used them properly.
Because the motherfucking management that regulated ENReco in the first place never explained to any of them what their actual fucking skills do and made them go in blind. Fucking had potential and wasted it. The animations and weapon designs were so good too. Even ame's "tink" was pretty fucking cool but funny. All the girls loved ame's "tink" but that's all they knew about it... the fucking funny sound it made. The Magnifying glass didn't even have a moustache on it like ame's real one does. Everyone else's was accurate.
Clear explanations might've been nice, yeah. But I wonder how many of the girls would've just skippa skippa.
>Even the server can't handle Gura's power.
But that's just playing video games.
Ame events aren't about gaming, they're about the girls -including their characters- interacting, and if they have to act like they're completely different people due to Cover being on their asses if they reveal too much about who they actually are then it just loses the charm.
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Honestly fucking understandable. Ever since ame's announcement I still don't want to wake up anymore and keep screaming to God in my mind, "please no", "please don't let her leave", "not you too", "it's too soon", etc. The only thing keeping me from completely sinking is the fact that she's coming back albeit in a new form.
Anon, if you're actually being honest, I think you should go to therapy. Ame is special to me, she was even more special when I was depressed and lonely and she had her debut, but that's just coping, the only person that can save you is yourself, and Ame would like you to improve yourself, like she said years ago. You can do it.
I think that, for the most part, she'll be a solo streamer
I think that too, and that's how it has always been even as Ame, but those events are part of what made her a legend.
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Hang in there man
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Are you the same teamate from back then? That one's my favorite too out of all of them. It was so melancholic. I love you man. no homo.
could've at least gone with michael_moose or door2dorkness.
New thread:
Live2D or 3D? Which do you perfer?
3D. Live2D's ok.
You’re not alone bro, for me ever since I started “oshing” ame there wasn’t a day of me not thinking of her. Losing ame drastically changed my mental health for the worse. But ame wouldn’t want me to think negatively, hence why I’m pushing throughout the days till I could see that toothy smile again, even if it takes years.
It's not surprising considering there might be a correlation between chuuba graduations and suicides. It's small but the Google A.I. probably says "what the fuck???" And decided to throw these "bones" around for the people who need them the most.

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