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Thread #418
Previous: >>85665213
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I really didn't want OP to remind me about the awful ending but I wasn't able to make a thread...
Seems like they increased the colddown time to an hour, didn't they?
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what the fuck????
No wonder why nobody baked lmao
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Hag love
2 hags and a cake
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haggots have gone to sleep.... I should've just waited ...
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Fear not haggot. I am awake and will be watching the thread while I work.
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Eurohaggots represent
>bad ending
huh? the Fox is obviously a better man than the Dog
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we hate cheating here. masks fell off during the gta arc...
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Apparently holo and Monster Hunter are having a collab
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Also with how Mr Koro was like:

>damn my wife divorced me not even a hour after my red wedding, ah well lets go strip clubbing yahoo~

I'd say Mama dodged a bullet, and ended up with a dick bag that actually loves her.
The art is super cute. Especially Pekora's outfit.
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everyone was already finished with the RP the server had one hour of life left and everyone was just throwing grenades at eachother only Mio kept the act and divorced Korone for a retarded reason
>You havent found me on the sea quick enought!
it's just an insult to the entire GTA bakery family arc. I mean you could ignore the last 4 streams and the end would be the same.
I miss pochi
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new dog outfit
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Don't you mean best ending as it had Hags loving Hags.
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Cute Pol
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>beats you randomly while at work
>frequents cabaret clubs to cheat on you with younger women
>molests your daughter while you're not around
Papa was not a good man.
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>younger women
>beats you randomly
Mio does this too and the first thing Fubuki did was punch Mio
He only followed her friends and boss and dont forget that Mio was the first one to be there and obliged her own daughter to poledance and she cheated first
>molests your daughter while you're not around
False and Mio abandoned her daughter. There's a reason why Kanata stayed with her parent
with her dad*
And btw Korone changed herself for Mio, organized a big wedding for her and survived two asasination attempts just for Mio to go out with the killer.
And let's see what kind of dates do they arrange
Romantic date on the Pier and family bonding time
Gambling on the casino while yelling and getting violent for having bad luck
And dont forget half of the server was trying to frame Korone as a bad person
Fubuki, Polka, Okayu, Marine, Lamy all were working together to destroy the family
GTA streams were a big mistake
>And dont forget half of the server was trying to frame Korone as a bad person
>Mio initially wanted to have FubuMio time instead of the bakery family
>staff handed Fubuki the knife and triggered her lust for revenge
Even the meta world is against papa yet he survived it all and got the harem end
nah, they were fun and kino it just that the Bakery Family Story didnt delivered. The whole Subaru being a Mama to all the cops and Kanade being the problematic and retarded daughter was really fun that I hope they expand in other streams.
It's pretty interesting seeing Subaru, someone who has been looking for a mother figure in Mio for years act like a single mother with dozens of little shits causing more problems than what they solve
NTA, but I believe they are referring to them being a mistake because of the idiots in here arguing over roleplay characters as if it's a reflection of the girls behind them or something
>everyone was just throwing grenades at eachother only Mio kept the act and divorced Korone for a retarded reason
>You havent found me on the sea quick enought!

I thought Mio's reason for divorce was because she believed that Korone threw that first grenade that launched Mio into the sea. The funny thing is that the grenade that launched Mio was actually thrown by Koyori
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I wish to moisturize this dusty womb with my seed.
Korone papa was already hitting on Lamy less than one hour into the first stream.
"Muh wholesome bakery family" completely miss the point of her roleplay.
So Mio said she doesnt like the idea of male collabs. This explains the sudden surge of retarded posts ive been seeing
Korone wasn't even a papa on the first stream
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Why are they like this
I like my hags プニっと
Going into the meta a bit here, but even Koro-san said she intentionally played the character like a goof-for-nothing scumbag.
>Koro-san said she intentionally played the character like a goof-for-nothing scumbag.
Then she wasn't able to pull it off. because it ended up being an inocent, dumb guy that works a lot for her wife. And the last two stream was basically papa going on the grind to become a better man and doing stuff Mio would like, for example the wedding and him getting two jobs
But she was?
When Kanata was caught trying to rob konbini she and Mio immediately went
>You can talk to us, your mom and dad about anything
Miosha was basically the one doing all the work, whether it's bakery or "bakery".
Papa was working on the bakery and as a mechanic, Mio made him stay away from the secret bussiness
Only for the 6th day and let's be honest, it has more to do ketsu sensha than anything
It was for two days, and Papa did an amazing job. Also resisted the advances of slutty cat and literally half the server that flirted with him to make him look bad. It was papa vs the world.
like what? fat? or old?
That was towards the end and they stuck with it the next day, but during the first few hours Korone was still calling Mio tenchou and Kanata was just there for a part time job
That still counts towards
>RP-ing as family since the very first stream
this >>85984965 when Suisei came to recruit Kanata, Korone refeered to herself as an employee
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I had fun watching hags be silly in GTA.
yeah, but you're point about papa being a scum is something he did before she was a papa, when she was roleplaying as a single bakery worker
They obviously winged it, especially with the addition of Kanata. Doesn't change that Korone played as a womanizing scumbag from the getgo.
She also: killed random NPCs in front of the bakery, fought the police and got arrested, panicked when gang member Suisei wanted protection money and asked Mio to pay it, (involontary) commited incest on Kanata, peddled drugs (but everyone was involved),...
It was typical Korone dark humor. She was the bad guy.
Half of those were accidents/bugs. She was playing a flawed man, not a villain (aside from the random npc murder). Despite all the womanizing, he was emotionally faithful to his family.
>Despite all the womanizing
>he was emotionally faithful
more faithfull that the woman who called another man several times while she was married. Also let's not forget the whole becoming a stripper and making her daughter do it too
He was visiting strip clubs, not taking girls out to amusement park dates.
That is arguably worse.
It bears mentioning that Korone intentionally played the part later mostly to make it easier on Mio to break away from the family and do something else if she wanted to; the man literally had everything against him and he charmed viewers and almost won the girl anyway

My headcanon is that he's like a harem manga protagonist who's too weak willed to fight against temptation and easily gets swept by the flow, which is why he responds positively to the cabaret girls' advances and unintentionally does saucy emotes when prompted to, only resisting after getting some proper character development
>unintentionally does saucy emotes when prompted to
Most of the time, she was the one that initiate them.
not really since the Strip Club basically became a meeting place. A date with another person is much worse.
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Fuck that パパanti, talking to him is like talking to a wall. He justs want to keep sucking Fox's cock.
Now the real question is what is SubaBotan interrogation like?
You can have platonic theme park date.
You can't have platonic STRIP CLUB date.
>platonic park date with a married woman and mother
Now you're just not being serious. I wont waste my time anymore
I'm sorry, I thought we love hags?
Of the top of my head she was tricked into kissing most if not all of her "cheating partners". Smooching Kanata happened due to a bug and/or testing out emotes

Did you know a good bit of Japanese don't view visiting cabaret clubs as cheating?
Yes but that's only for high class kabakura where you take your business partner/office mates to wind down and talk to some beautiful women.
The strip club is not that.
It's much closer to soapland.
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Some of you guys are so autistic you don't need to worry about your hags age playing a factor in determining whether your kids have special needs or not. It's practically guaranteed already.
Even visiting prostitutes isn't considered cheating by a decent portion of the population, especially the older generations.
Ah, the yamato nadeshiko archetype.
>He was visiting strip clubs, not taking girls out to amusement park dates.
Literally called Marine "the woman she was having an affair with".
Korone was rude and antagonistic as fuck (on purpose), except when her life was threatened by criminals and she became cowardly and subservient.
I wonder if people actually watched the streams or are just making up their headcanon.
But... I don't want kids. I want the Hags to be happy.
Which is why the autism about the GTA RP in here is baffling me.
I love when the staged kidnapping happened, instead of negotiating from the 50 million demand to 44 million which she had in hands, she just gave up and said she didn't have the money.
Koro-san truly portrayed Papa as the scumbag that he is.
That was something Marine started. I didn't say he was a good man, but his intentions toward his family were good. It's also all in the context of GTA where murder and robbery are considered normal events.
She said she personally doesn't like watching male collabs since they make her go "ughh" but otherwise has no issues with the male collabs existing and she just prefers to watch female collabs instead. She even said her opinion might be weird and people will either get it or not get it, retards are trying to twist the narrative on this by clipping out most of her explanation.
He was negotiating a payment plan, but Lui cut it short by shooting Kanata.
Nope, she just said
And then Lui shot Taso.
That's mostly Japanese boomer cope for going into hostess bars/soaplands with their boss/co-workers.
Your average Japanese person doesn't tolerate that kind of shit.
He said that because he didn't have it on him but Lui kept insisting that he pay immediately. Lui had no idea that Koro-papa actually didn't have enough because she was used to very lucrative crimes.
But that's the thing, instead of negotiating she just...gave up.
That's why Mio called him a Showa man in her morning stream. Back then, salarymen were expected to work long hours away from family, so some infidelity could be expected.
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Luv me some Lui
His negotiation was clumsy, but not malicious. It's not like he was choosing money over his wife. Lui also shot way sooner than she probably should have, but it was funny so it worked out anyways.
Honestly, Foobs should've end up with Lui-nee.
Yeah I chose the wrong word when I said
should've used buffoon or incompetent instead.
Based walking atm.
After the gta stream, we can see which anon has the potential to be a cheater and possibly a wife beater...
yeah. the fox supporter.
>having wives they can physically touch
Pick one
So what do we think about Subaru becoming the mama of multiple holos?
>who is ssrb-anon
There's another guy who mentioned being marry. /hag/ is the self improving thread after all
Not me, I was rooting for Koro-Kanata end.
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I like when hags get surrogate daughters.
If I ever cheated, I would ask to be put in prison.
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Iroha roleplaying as a cuck felt way more disturbing than the goofy bakery storyline.
Are we talking about with Azki or Suisei?
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Azki of course. Gozaru freaking out about Suisei is a regular occurence.
AZKi lied to her daughter multiple times in GTA...
I wish holohags would play old Pokémon games like Patra has been doing. The wait for ZA is killing me.
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I miss those sponsored mini tournament they used to held on the whatever game they were releasing at the moment
I think they all have timed perms. Like they can't play a Pokemon game that's older than a year.
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>Iroha roleplaying as a cuck
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I wish she'd hunt me down
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Describe hagsmell B
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literal demon of sex
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very strong and addictive
Not Incest-chama...
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Darling Daily Dose
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isn't this on the thumbnail of her last chatting stream? Holy fuck
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Fuck the police.
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Horny pic aside I love Marine's singing so so much and wish she'd release more covers and originals
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Pekomama sex!
Subaru: "We've come to negotiate"
Botan: *headshots you*
Subaru: "Good negotiating"
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thank you but also fuck you
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Cute Pol

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Lap pillow
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He wasn't a good man he was a great man
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How is this thread not against the rules? Its entire point is everyone knowing Doxx type information about the streamers that they themselves very likely didn't publish.

I also just find it annoying, I don't want to be reminded of the real person behind the avatars.
fuck off, haggots who made it give me hope, this ain't your treehouse anymore oldfag
Based. You should report the thread and get it run off the board like a true chad.
>post history
great meme *clap clap*
Why didnt Mr.Koro just marry the slutty cat mechanic?
u tell me
>Why didnt Mr.Koro just marry the slutty cat
it's supposed to be roleplay, different than real life
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Mr.Koro immediately cheated on AZKI with the cat though
Congrats on winning in life but I also fucking hate you for having the only thing I want
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Luv me some Lui
Based walking atm.
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It was the final hour, at that point all RP was dead except for Mio
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Booba and pudgy tummy are my favorite things ever
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Luv me some tummy
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>ass fangs
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Darling Daily Dose
What's "ass fangs"?
Look at the gap between her thighs and you can see her butt from the front
Thats what ass fangs are
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seeing the butt from the front
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I want to have a threesome with Watame and Koyori.
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Oh that, I didn't know it had a name.
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Sex with Miomama
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Dora is a hag?
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Okay when did people finally realize she's made of sex?
Did she just need a new outfit or something?
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>finally realize
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Dios Mio...
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>brown botan
>brown SSRB
I don't know why I find that funny
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Smelly Pol
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Miosha Karaoke

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Zentreya collabs really bring it out.
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>finally gets pregnant from the gang rape
>baby is retarded
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>arguing about the ethics of a roleplay world in which a bunch of friends were pretending to be bad people for entertainment
Wasting the whole thread arguing, when it isn't even real. You know what is real? Botan's fat saggy titties.
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If they're real why are they being pressed up against my body?
>sea lion
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is this the thread to lurk if I wanna grab azki pics?
asking because I thought she had her own general
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I don't have an Azki folder specifically but I post her sometimes with Sora and Iroha.
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she REALLY needs marriage correction
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>I thought she had her own general
I thought she sort of shared the Sora one?
yeah I remember seeing that but current sora thread seems to be sora's exclusive
I think there was some... tension between pioneers and soratomos
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Sexual tension? What is there to argue about?
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Azki sex whether you want it or nor she is taking it
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idk, but a pioneer told ad that time that Soratomos didn't want to share the thread anymore so SorAZ broke
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It makes a bit more sense if you watched it from Mio's PoV, because the bug didn't just spawn her on the pier, it spawned her in the middle of the city. So she was frantically rushing back to the docks to catch the fireworks that started without her and when she finally arrived she gets knocked into the ocean by what she thought was papa's grenade. She missed the beginning of the celebrations, so she didn't realize that everyone on the dock was invincible and she herself didn't get that buff. Mio was already biased towards Fubuki in the first place as mentioned in her morning stream, so that grenade pushed her over the edge literally and figuratively. Would have been nice to have a fireworks end, but canon end should be with the helicopter at the black market.
Believe me, I watched it from Mio's POV. It still sucked, she was just looking for an excuse to get the Fubumio ending. And yeah, canon en should be the family laying on the floor together while talking about whatever
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