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She's being supported by people who matter and /vt/ chuds can only watch and seethe
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Froot love
>Twitter freaks
Im not gonna watch your twitch whore.
Well most of the rrats are completely unsubstantiated, of course they aren't going to last with normalfags that don't care about /vt/'s console wars
Happy for her.
Hopefully this can be some closure and the seething schizos will finally be drowned out for good.
tiddies are shifting
i can only watch and sexe
doesn't matter, vshojo showed its true colors by FORCING Kson to delete her tweets. talent freedom my ass.
roru. rumao even.
asmon was the only one who was against her, everyone else including the normie dramafarmers like turkey tom side with her. and it seem like he is only doing it for a vendeda to white knight silvervale like a simp.
Anon, vshojo are the ones being hired and paid for. They can't make Kson do shit.
She hired managers, and she took their advice because that's what they're there for.
Nigger, nobody fucking cares about this whore. People are shitting on her because it is funny and she bite the bait like a fucking retard. Do you really think getting support from other vtubers is going to make people stop calling her a cheating whore that fucked 5 guys and scammed a charity, even if it not true? No. She is going to be called a cheating whore forever, because at the end of the day it is a funny meme and she is content for people that are bored with their lives. Now shut the fuck up.
>People who matter
Twitterfags defending cheating objectively don't matter. Glad people are finally starting to see that she's a filthy cheater who after getting exposed decided to write a smear piece on her ex husband. Free K-son
>"nobody cares!" -man posting in 100th bump limit froot thread in 2 days
>several days of nonstop threads throwing smears
>suddenly it's a problem now that they've lost the popular opinion
I see
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6.9k likes, out of which only 10% might watch her or support her in tangible ways. Oh boy, that ought to show them aNoN cHuDs!
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have fun convincing the VC people of that. without their money, your shitty corpo is dead.
>Lost the popular opinion
Where? You think whore Indies and her own gaggle of retards that decided to kill Nux with her represent the majority?
so vshojo is useless and just taking money from kson to do nothing
>shando poster

you are just pippa fans who are closet pedos.
bad form shogga
>management did managing
>"so they're useless"
This is what shoujofags actually think is a good defense
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Maybe people wouldn't have to harass if you wasn't a cheating, lying whore that avoids accountability for your actions and you have your army of simps to shield you from criticism.
So they did force her to delete her tweets. Thanks for admitting to it

Nux killed himself by being friends with shadman and making creepy videos about bigger youtubers like they are dating. not even pajeet moist want to talk to him anymore
Deleting the post caused nothing but a streisand effect tho. Deleting wasn't the brightest ideas since people can screenshot and will talk about it on various platforms. Her handlers are retards.
>People stopped doing the same thing after farming for days
Congratulations anon, you figured out that people got bored.
I have always supported her against /k/ trannies. Kiwilards can all go to hell.
>He thinks anyone cared about the shadman shit or the click bait
Rormao. It's the same people backing up Froot that tried to cancel Nux. They're not fooling anyone
What the fuck did she even do? Why are these threads always so fucking vague? Nobody on this board even watches vshojo.
>everyone shitting on the cheating whore
>but tranny twitter has our back :)
Go watch AntHime's video, shoujocuck.
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Her doc was trash. Yes her ex was a retard but so is she. Avoided all responsibility.
Im not playing your game. Blow it out your ass.
Why was she such a passive aggressive child with the whole "manage told me to take it down" thing?
She cheated on her husband with at least two different guys and cried abuse when she got dumped while never actually denying that she cheated. What's vague about it?
Because women.
so she didn't cheet. go jerk off to pippa knowing she isna balding incest baby.
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hell yeah
Why is it that every time I open the catalog I see a new 'vt lost, Froot won!' thread? What are you trying to achieve with this? Nobody I know even watches Froot, and anyone who finds out about her for the first time from all of this won't want to, because battered, crying divorcees aren't where they go for entertainment.
>froot's defense didn't even read her document
Anyone wanna make wagers on how many more months before she drops another side to this story to drum up more sympathy again?
>release a 90 page slander doc of your ex
>"n-no harassment tho"
ok, say hi to silver for me
She's such a slut
Proof she cheated?

so no proof then, all you people seem to do is deflect
damn, those tiddies are shifting
will she let me sexe?
I repeat: blow it out your ass. Faggots like you are part of the problem why women do what they do because you idiots keep shielding them for their behavior and stupidity.
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I don't know when your discord decided this was the new narrative to spam, but lol.
which side, the third guy's? kek
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if she were a slut she would've done more streams with this model
>slander is when you show people what I said
Go watch AntHime's video
twitter support is only outdone by the modern audience
It's even more retarded to go after someone based on something that doesn't exist.
>Proof she cheated?
I was the bed.
Verification not required.
You mean the person who made fake revenge porn of Froot? Seems like a great source of information, coping retard.
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what exactly do you think the expected outcome of that doc is?
she wants to be pitied, which means showing the ex as a piece of shit, which means people will harass him
Froot is a mega whore, to no one's surprise. It's not a shock that her army of faggots are the one's solely denying she cheated despite her never even denying it in the first place
the dude doesn't exist on the internet anymore retard
and the cinna retard only exists on a literal doxxsite run by blackjack himself
I'm sorry to tell you this, but no one gives a fuck over sexting..
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Surely it's all in context and presented with the utmost grace and honesty and not at all malicious in any way.
Cope, thats one of the sluttiest vtuber outfits anywhere
>search /k/ archives about froot
>whore you can pump and dump
despite being a "literal who" they really like pointing fingers at this ant hime for every single one of their yabs
>vhoekeks STILL seething
total dramafags victory
why? Shondo hates every vtuber corpo.
You really want to continue spamming this when it proves she cheated on him because they got into a fight after they got back together? Kek
furthermore it keeps going to "she didn't cheat" to "it was justified" by these idiots which just goes to show they have no leg to stand on.
I'm sure she is spontaneously disavowing harassment for no reason at all out of nowhere, because she had another random woman moment
Shondo had 2 close friends join Hololive. Fauna and that other green girl. Funny that they are both green too. Many coincidences.
they can't even choose a narrative kek
nothing about anything in this image implies they were back together lmao
he's literally suicide baiting again
Hope she secretly sabotages 3am in some way.
Guys you dont understand you need to be upset some fag from /k/ had his girl sext with a literal who. ITS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY
>try to prove she cheated
>post the guy being a shtzo talking about suiside baiting

you are retarded, go to wal-mart and buy a chair NOW
do you really think that made her hate corpos less... or more?
>many coincidences
another one: another green holo who got fired ended up at your shitty corpo.
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All these fags are completely psychotic. What is wrong with /k/?
Guys you dont understand you need to be upset some whore from twitch got abused by a literal who. ITS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY
I think it's more of a fact that no one likes cheating whores and they always get away with with their actions.
Roru. Just give her time and she'll script some new traumatic event from the past aswell
No one buys your bullshit anymore. They were together here because they're arguing about their relationship. Nothing here proves they're still broken up.

In short, she cheated on him because they got into a fight
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>beta incels simping for a woman who willingly rejects nice guys for abusive bad boy cock
damn I guess putting on an anime avatar really makes weebs accept everything, no wonder so many grifters go for the vtubing route these days
You've never been in a relaitonship kek
fuck off geega
You don't even read your own "proof" even as it disproves all of your points
What the fuck is that discord screenshot? Did they just had sex or what?
Thanks for the fap material, fren

>"hey ma, you have a good voice for voice acting"

"american hero"
>This random tranny responding in a Twitter thread without evidence is a reliable source! Trust me , guyz
Dudes girl sent a discord text and you think that thats equal to actually fucking someone...
You're gonna need newer evidence for that
>She's being supported by people who matter and /vt/ chuds can only watch and seethe
Froot is based beccause she scammed /k/
I am seething because you vshitter retards are posting twitter threads- you are literally 100% of twitter threads. Get a clue, newfaggot.
You believe everyone else's word without evidence.
Yes. stop fucking with others when they are in a relationship you dumbass. This is common sense.
I guess you're okay with me having your girlfriend's nudes and having plans on meeting up with her for sex then
Wait until you guys find out couples talk outside of text
it is
It is kinda funny that she'd rather fuck any of these dudes that she actively dislikes over the fans that shower her with praise and support
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best thing to come out of this is finding out that this guy is a literal lolcow
>without evidence
froot gave us the evidence, read the doc and stop embarrassing yourself please
How did we go from texts to photos and pretend that is even the same.. Im beginning to think you guys might be retarded
He's a vshojofag. He'd be dissapointed if you didn't invite him in so he can watch from the chair
He broke up with her in that doc.
She's the epitome of 'alpha fucks beta bux', and this board is the only shithole on this site who would actually simp for such trash women (and /lgbt/ too I guess)
The doc that shows him breaking up with her before the alleged cheating occurs?
Boo-hoo an e-thot cheated on her boyfriend. This happens every other week. Why can't you retards stop spamming about it?
If you wouldn't break up with a cheating whore I don't know what to tell you
nta but she has had nudes leaked by neither of the 2 guys who are always mentioned so there's definitely more going on
Cool. Now prove they weren't back together like she said they were when she cheated
If she had actual nudes people would be posting them..
the one's Ant-hime's discord made up
Is she hot?
"Supported by people who matter"
..oh wait, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder.

But she didn't say they were. Prove that happened.
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doesn't count, there are messages a few days later where he threatens to cheat on her again and even later threatens to kill himself (again)
You'd have to prove they were back first
She's average
I think it's pretty funny that people are bringing up ancient drama and shitting on an innocent guy who moved on ages ago and they still have the gall to claim moral high ground
He would never do that. He doesn't have a history of cheating. It's not like he cheated on his first wife.
Ikr, these fags keep crying about infidelity. Who cares if she fucked some other dudes? Military cucks deserve it.
She should've fucked even more in all honesty, they deserve it
I've seen a large support from /vt/ actually which is refreshing.
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>prove that this evidence of something not happening exists
>spend time doing what you enjoy
what does Froot enjoy doing?
So she cheated the nutjob /k/tard with the jester of that was way before him?
There are no nudes. A schizophrenic man named Simon made that up a couple years ago in one of his vtuber fanfics.
If he defamed someone with a lie spread around for years, that's quite very far from innocent.
he fucked the bad girl out of her so now she's ready to settle down with a nice guy like one of her fans!
>shitting on an innocent guy who moved on ages ago
He used his new business account to cry for sympathy during the trans charity shit.
so did she not cheat or was it justified, I don't get it
And that shit right there is why women have their way with men and get away with everything.
she didn't cheat, he made it up because he was embarrassed about divorcing her over a yuri anime
Why /vt/ supporting a /k/ faggot? Do you guys not have any sense of tribalism?
Cause once you look into it, you realize its fucking retarded. You got two retards screaming at each other on discord and some people desperate for drama are pretending this is the biggest thing ever...
if the e-thot hadn't dropped a 90 page document about her whore ways they would still only be shitposts in vshojo threads
Anyone except her partner
No one provided anything; I'm waiting on the friend dude to say something.
his cuc/k/ friends have been spamming here for years at this point
If you seethe at guns and support whores then you are in fact in an opposing tribe to myself.
>he broke up with me everytime things didn’t go his way to mess with my emotions and force me to change for him

Then in the next screenshot, he tells her that he doesn't want a useless wife so she should continue going to college. Your proof that they were broken up?
I wonder if his ex is part of Guardbro's child rape parties. /k/ is a tight bunch.
I remember at one point in time anons were embarrassed to write her name and bring her up because of how stupid and autistic she is.
They weren't together when she discord sexed with the other guy. But now anons are saying there are other messages implying they didn't actually break up and it was just a fight. Of course I do not believe these lies.
the only evidence of her cheating is possible discord e-sex at a time when it can be reasonably inferred they were separated by the supposed cheatee's own will
I really don't care if they were seperated either way in the first place it's fucking discord e-sex and the guy was a raving lunatic who sperged out about yuri anime
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who cares? this'd be a nothingburger if vshojo didn't force Kson to delete her tweets... but they did, further proving that every corpo is a black corpo, no exceptions.
>if you send your ex texts insulting her and calling her useless then you're together
tourists seething at her for no reason seem to have no such qualms
He met Froot when she was underage and he was already married
I don't seethe at guns but those guys are fags pretending to be tacticool and shit.
She cheated. She cheated with two dudes. Her husband initially forgave her but broke up with her over it afterwards. Everyone involved agrees this is what happened
Typical cuck response or maybe you're a sympathizing whore
That's literally what most corpo vtubers do. sexting while being in a relationship
if we won why are we still seething vshojobros...
>expecting vshojo to be any different
I raugh
how come the amount of dudes changes with every post
>>he broke up with me everytime things didn’t go his way
So she's saying she repeatedly kept coming back to his alpha dark triad cock? I really don't understand cucks simping for stupid bitches like this. Find yourself a nice girl instead of dedicating your life to an e-woman who would go dry at the sight of you because you're unironically too nice for her.
Yes. Management told her it was a good idea to delete it.
If they had real power, they would've deleted it and barred her from mentioning that management made her private the video, like Nijisanji did.
As far as I can see, Kson is still working with them.
wait, if I want to fuck vtubers I should be posting on /k/ instead of /vt/? why did no one tell me? do I need to own a gun?
No no you see. the thing is. I dont care. Now lets watch as you spent the rest of day trying to argue i do and waste our time.
It's at least two dudes, you're right. It's probably more than that because her nudes were leaked on /k/
This kind of incident just further solidifies that hololive is the only corpo capable of hiring good people
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you left this one out buddy
>you either deserve my dick
>or you don't.....
Because most of the people here dont lurk 4chan. They read his side of the story from kiwifarms or discord or facebook or something and never bothered to actually look into him and find out that he is a known and despised tripfag who has a history of lying about everything, and the only 'evidence' of her cheating is a facebook post where he claimed that she betrayed him an excuse for him pulling a cut-and-run with the money for merch he was supposed to ship.
Cheating on your spouse… le good?
So are all 90 pages actually relevant, or is it just padding so nobody will actually read the damn thing, just skim a little and then say 'well she has 90 pages of evidence, obviously she's innocent and pure and good' without bothering to see for themselves? Is this the new meta with big relationship drama and outing people as abusive or creepy, and should we expect to see it again soon?
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yeah, we suspected, but now we know for sure.
bake a thread gachi king
bro he's irrelevant, all of this is happening just because froot admitted to cheating after years of burying/denying it
no they weren't
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You know she deleted everything including the posts she said she'd leave up right? It's pretty clear they told her to delete it, she got sassy by naming management in her follow up, then they told her to delete fucking everything and she had to kneel.
>be e-whore with platform that reaches hundreds of thousands
>make a private matter public
>send mob of followers to your ex
>all with dishonest mischaracterizations, embellishments, and borderline defamatory comments
>oh yeah also harrassing people is bad
ex would be justified in killing her
the ex is the one who made a private matter public and made it follow her for 6 years already
I dont care of its 2 or 10. froot is a bad person in general that keep getting away with shit and ontop of that is a whore. I do not understand the mindset of defending these dumb bitches when they don't give a singe solidary fuck about anyone.
thankfully he's not a psychopath like the guy she cheated with
you know it was her decision right
>all with dishonest mischaracterizations, embellishments, and borderline defamatory comments
We have his actual message in this thread, why are you fags so dishonest.
she's perfect then
prove. it.
emotionally charged messages after getting cheated on with multiple guys? I thought you guys supported women moments?
no, most of /k/ don't have any guns. don't accept any snacks from them
Why exactly would she be upset with him talking about wanting to fuck other women if they're already broken up? Make it make sense, Frootcucks
Thats a big forehead.
Prove it wasnt. Now lets watch as you throw out every mental gymnastic you can.
It's not even consistent with her own actions on the same day. First she deleted the wall of text, let's say it was her own decision, and she put out a follow up post explaining her decision to delete it. Later she deletes everything including her first message to Froot, with no follow up explanations at all. The only noteworthy thing between these events is that she shat on management. Use your brain for something other than gooning to cuck porn.
>froot is a bad person in general that keep getting away with shit
>i tried to cancel her on twitter after she didnt donate fifty thousand dollars to a questionable trans charity, but she just kept streaming with a cute voice and pretty hands. i hate her i hate her i hate her
but enough about happenings that never existed
who or what are you referring to?
>emotionally charged messages after getting cheated on with multiple guys
LOL the dude admits to sleeping around >>85954946 they both fucking suck. But you want drama, i get it, your just like every other gossiping woman.
someone post the picture of her ugly roast beef
I don't need to, we've seen this with other corpos before, yours isn't any better.
if you really cared about her you would know the truth
If your next reply still has no argument then you concede and I accept.
Froot was trafficked.
>i dont need to
because you cant...
I wanted to bring up the charity stuff
there's nothing to argue she literally said so lol
Fun fact about this random person. A couple hours after her post Cinna randomly decided he would stop posting on the vtuber dox forum he's had an account on for 2 years. But not before he told the people there not to believe anything they hear about him
>supporting whores is 4chan now
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Do you niggers actually give a shit about froot or are you just using her to dunk on the groups you don't like.
>she shat on management
How? Hey guys i took my managers advice. Oh in case you didnt know this means im shitting on them. Really broadcasting your mental illness
when you see some whore using her platform to smear you out of nowhere years after an incident I'd do the same
i never miss an opportunity to shit on whores
She dispelled the "talent freedom" branding which is a massive blow.
>dragged across the pond by military /k/ucks forced to play with all their demands
baka these women
Wasn't he the one who brought all of this into the public when he scammed /k/ and pinned it all on froot with the cheating allegations saying it was her fault that they were getting scammed, despite him being the one who owned and operated the business, and all she did was draw for it?
It's sounding more and more like the only reason this "cheating" was even a public issue was because he needed an excuse for why /k/ wasn't getting their products and they couldn't be refunded.
I never miss an opportunity to shit on people with no proof.
she literally posted this document in which she admits to cheating years ago for no reason
Amazing. Just change her to his and this post could also be about Cinna
only for esl tribalfags
How is taking your managers advice, dispelling talent freedom? Isn't that the entire reason you hire them? This is also a person who has already gone through this drama themselves.
this. indieCHADS just keep winning.
Is there a tldr screencap?
I just like shitting on vshojo
what page
tabs, we're not talking about your mom
>"people who matter"
>none of the people involved matters
Vshits are actually this retarded?
having to take back your dislike of cheating is not freedom
So it was either he broke up with her in Jan for good or that his mentally abusive ass would 'breakup' with her every now and then and she would grovel in front of him. Either way I cannot blame froot for getting close to another guy in her emotional vulnerability.

The cheating allegations was just because the abuser got a hit to his ego as his victim dared to get out of his shadow and get intimate with another person.
Quote where she said "I took management's advice", because she very clearly wrote "management told me to delete it".

Ironically, only an ESL would argue it means "le advice". If your boss "told you to flip the burgers", he's not giving you a """suggestion""", dimwit.
>For good
Or that they broke up and got back together, which is how a lot of abusive relationships tend to go. I'm sure anyone who's seen a family member get involved in one can say they've seen it too.
Bets on whether he gives Marine a pass?
>I can't blame her for being a slut
Of course you can't, you're a retarded fucking cuck, nigger.
should've listened to her family and not cheat, maybe
only a tribal retard would ignore what kson herself said in order to get mad at ghosts on her behalf
You're supposed to shame whores not defend them.
She wanted to continue the relationship but he was the one who kept breaking up with her.
The DMs were specifically in that period where she was forced to be alone.
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Yes. Froot was literally just the artist. You can still find stuff in the /k/ archives of people blaming Froot for it.
>"management told me to delete it".
See the problem is, she's ESL... But of course you ignore that because you know you have no actual talking points..
>i was going through tough times
those tough times: watching citrus
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her response btw
which lines up basically exactly with everything we have evidence of lol
including the separation period and mentions of the guy on the doxxsite
I see plenty of picture proof of her tweet saying management told her to delete it, and zero proof of this alleged alternative explanation. This is your last chance to provide your evidence, otherwise you can keep spamming your narrative by yourself hoping to trick retards who'll believe anything without proof (which is just your fellow ksoncucks).
Are you just retarded or do you not know how twitter works. They will ignore that whole bit and just attack her because they dislike her for trying to end the drama. Which is also entirely why you yourself are here. Im sorry sister but we sorta see through it.
Everything I've been learning about these whores have been against my will
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guess not huh
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and her not shitting on his cock
So your argument is now "I'm a mindreader and I know what she actually meant"? I guess since she's ESL she didn't actually mean to write up a feel-good post but she was actually massively shitting on Froot and cucks like you, she just didn't word it properly because she's ESL.
if you cared you'd have a membership. dumb ape. fuck off and go back to counting.
After silvervale incident, yea.
I remember seeing this exact screencap from someone on youtube talking about froot years ago. I don't remember who it was but i remembered he was into feet. It made me skeptical what the hell was going on so i kept a close eye and now I see she is nothing but a whore.
Do you have a date for it? Was this after May?
>the proof is locked behind giving her $5 ;)
lmfao shameless cuck, concession accepted and you will die a virgin, last (You)
they actually hate Froot for her crime of not disliking trannies
> shitting on Froot
You didnt even read the freaking tweet, incredible, good job. Not sure why i expected intelligence from a woman
>If you don't let me fuck you from behind I will kill myself
>If you watch yuri I will kill myself and you're gay
sounds like a good lad
racism is not an argument.
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June/July by the looks of it. I tried looking through the /k/ archives but most of the mentions of this stuff are from 2019, not sure what happened to the threads because I have no doubt it was a shitfest
i accept your concession you poor concernfag.
>"you ignore that because you have no actual talking points"
Retard. You're quite literally the one ignoring reality by coming up with a speculation and exhibiting it as fact. Please kill yourself.
Prove management forced her to delete, come on now
>your head
Yikes, it was a self-hating ESL all along.
I like Froot Loops
should note: this is just assuming that that post is referring to his shop closing announcement. It's entirely possible it's not. Like I said most of the threads I found of this stuff in /k/ was from 2019. It's a bit hard to track down nowadays and I can't pick up anything of their trips
Why are you hating on Vshojo when it's the next home of Ame. I thought you loved Ame...
Prove management didn't force her to delete it.
I have the tweet as something I can cite. What do you have, faggot?
>deflects to esl after getting btfo
Lol, lmao
If kson is so against cheating whores, why did she invite Mikeneko to join VShojo?
her own words typed with her hands
what else did you expect from an amerishart? most of them can't even speak english properly, let alone another language.
Sorry but you objectively fucked up here. I recommend reading my previous post again, slowly, then shutting your third world mouth.
nta but yeah Marine gets a pass
No no, you said she was forced by management. Come on now. Show me your apparent inside scoop you got for this.
>picking the worst agency to work with after graduation
sorry but she deserves getting fucked
I see you brought out the thesaurus thinking its gonna make you look better. I'm afraid its not going to work.
Marine isn't a whore though, she makes zero mentions of her relationship status.
I highly doubt Ame is gonna appear in Vshojo unless she ends her special deal she got with Cover.
Ame is joining the /lig/ crowd, not your shitty corpo
she shakes her ass and tits for millions of random men she doesn't even know
The fact that you think any word in my post is some kind of niche word that requires a thesaurus says it all. I really was talking to a self hating third worlder all along lmao. Thanks for the laugh.
Trix are better imo
dont you talk down on my oshi. Marine did nothing wrong and is not like froot.
the fuck is lig?
Meaning he is referring to completely different cheating incident that's supposed to have happened during his 'deployment' not the discord erp because they happened between Feb and May I believe.

Or he made it up. Remember the guy she ERPed with is also a piece of shit and was salty about not getting to fuck her. He probably exaggerated things to her ex too.
>future fulltime streamer
Crazy how this is your standard for what a "whore" is yet love froot. Cucks like you need to be gassed.
True. Froot actually streams.
Wrong. He did the patches and she'd do the art for them. He was too busy being in the army to run the business so he left it to Froot who proceeded to neglect everything and he was forced to give most people refunds
So does this mean people aren't gonna shut the fuck up about Froot for the rest of the month?
froot doesn't shake her ass for random men in paid nnd streams. also don't care about the past. blank slate bitch get fucked lol
No one wants to see that
Him making that undated facebook post around june/july would make sense because it was in April when she dumped the doxx guy. Give em a month and then he flies off the hinges and it makes sense to me. I'm looking through the patch threads around that time and I seriously can't find anything though, it's weird. The timeline is bizarre
/lig/ - Large Indies Global
Funny, that's literally not what the post says.
You'd think a niche small agency like vshojo would have less retards than holobronies but no, they somehow managed to outkek the holokeks
he didn't give anyone refunds he stole the money
Nah, its already dying. Look at this thread. The people trying to pretend its serious are just getting clowned on.
holy newfaggotry
I'm sure getting plowed in real life by an abusive bad boy is so much better. Well I guess for a cuck like you, it unironically is kek.
of all the holos to bring up to use to call froot a whore, you use the pirate hooker who on stream said she wanted to rape and groom a boy and offer sex work to her chat. why not bring up noel and matsuri while we at it.
before vtuber activities aren't real
I gotta say that this whole thing has been great for me.
As a staunch hater of both froot and asmongold it's been an joy.
Froot inadvertently exposing herself as a whore and having her pity parade blow up in her face was a pleasure to watch unfold and asmongold making a fool of himself by luring in all of the vshojo Troon hate is fucking funny.
I hate both of them. I hope asmongold blows himself up this time and I hope froot cheats with the wrong guy this time and gets herself murdered by him
So Bizzy was the first guy and Cinna was the second then the guy who leaked her photos was the third. Full blown whore
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I've decided to do /vt/ a favor and summarize the entire document so people too lazy to read it will get the gist. Ahem
>I supported you when you got molested. How are you not grateful for that? I'm going to kill myself
>You don't want to do anal? I'm going to cheat on you and then kill myself
>You have dyslexia? Liar. Oh you got an official diagnosis? Well you're retarded and I'm going to kill myself for dating a retard
>You watched a yuri anime? You're gay and I'm going to kill myself
>You're not sucking my dick on command? I'm going to cheat on you and kill myself.
>Marry me or I'm going to kill myself extra hard
>You have friends? I should be your only friend. You hate me so I'm going to kill myself
>Your mom said it's a bad idea for us to join bank accounts? Cut her off or I'm going to kill myself
>You were gone for a half hour to make dinner? You could have been killed by a terrorist! I'm going to fucking kill myself you're so inconsiderate
>Your stove is broken and you asked a roommate to fix it? Even though I'm across the planet right now? You think I'm useless so I'm going to fucking kill myself
>Oh you fixed the stove? So you don't need me after all. Guess I'm killing myself
>You don't want to shoot a gun at a firing range? Guess you're homeless for 2 days now
>Listen babe I'm sorry for kicking you out of the house because you didn't want to shoot a gun at a firing range. But if I didn't kick you out I probably would have killed myself
>You want to keep calls between us private? That means you're ashamed of me. I'm fucking killing myself
>You had a call with me on speaker phone so it wasn't private? Your friend thinks my voice is nice? He's a faggot and I'm killing myself
>You're comfortable enough to call me in the morning before you get dressed and put on makeup? Well don't be. You're ugly and I've married a monster so I'm going to kill myself
>You're going to school so you can get a good job? Guess that means you're planning to move out. I'll kill myself so you can have the house
>I fucking hate my ex-wife. You're a shitty wife too and you make me want to kill myself

Anyone who's read the document can verify this is a 100% legitimate summary
Probably because only retards would support Vshohoe
Froot i can understand but why asmond?
nice thread faggots
Anon she's playing an anime character. I know this is hard for a cuck like you to comprehend, but that's simply how it is. She isn't going around talking about how she wants to rape little boys in real life, it's all for a laugh. Try watching real vtubers instead of whores who blend their real sex life with their streams.
The fact the guy threatened divorce cause she watched a YURI ANIME is fucking hilarious. How the fuck can you defend this guy?
What makes you think that? they are the AEW of vtubing.

Yes. I believe her.
>go back to your ripped military husband for some rough chokehold sex versus meet up with some simp virgin that cums in his pants just thinking about a woman
game was rigged from the start
>not filtering ph*se
when you put it like that, it suddenly makes sense why cucks love her
Name your top 5 favorite Froot moments right now
He's a lazy cunt who hasn't earned anything in anything he's ever taken part in
I'd feel like killing myself too if my wife wouldn't let me have actual sex with her but would try to fuck all my friends instead
You can read his own words
1. When she almost killed herself offscreen
Idk who bizzy is. And dysnc is clearly talking about cinna. Clearly you can see from their conversations that froot only discord ERPed with him after getting "dumped" by her ex.
I put dumped in quotation marks because her ex and so many retarded people only see this as a fight.
so now we know where she got the idea
froot didn't collect any money
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>You could have been killed by a terrorist!
Underrated moment of hilarity. I get why everyone laughs at the yuri or stove thing, but this shit had me in stitches
All you need to see is that she was still married to her husband and on the same day, she's sending Cinna nudes and sexting him. Confirmed whore. All I need to know
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his rant about her making noodles on her broken stove was the funniest thing in the doc
>Froot discord ERPs

Why do people support these retards? All discord ERPers are mentally deranged. Fucking find someone who's a functioning member of society for once
She think she's Pink Guy now?
Cinna stalks women
Asmon had to walk back his statements on froot because he realized that there was actually no evidence against her.
It's fucking hilarious seeing him eat his words and just end it with,
>Yeah, but I hate her so if any evidence DOES show, I'll make a video on it.
>Fucking find someone who's a functioning member of society for once
Anon did you forget where we are?
>Clearly you can see from their conversations that froot only discord ERPed with him after getting "dumped" by her ex

Did you miss a page? Your retarded cope that they were still broken up is dead. He's still calling her wife and was trying to get her to move in with him not even a week later >>85954740
If a man this pathetic got to be with her maybe I have a chance with her too.
Just gotta make sure I'm the best fuck out of all of her side options so she prefers me
1. rough sex with her violent chad husband
2. makeup rough sex with her violent chad husband
3. breakup rough sex with her violent chad husband
4. makeup rough sex with her violent chad husband
5. jealous rough sex with her violent chad husband while she shits on the beta she was stringing along on the side (10/10 kino ntr doujin material)
The only thing that I got from all this drama is that Froot is still an unpleasant cunt, that most vtuber have to tolerate if they want any chance in Vshojo, no idea why Gunrun still have her on the agency, she is a PR nightmare.

Vei, Nyanners and SilverVale were right about her, a snake that posion everything she is related to.
>trying to get her to move in with him
while threatening to cheat on her in the same day
I believe you. all those donations after the charity announcement were just a coincidence
I dont understand why asmon even talked about froot. he's not heavily into vtubing and topics like this is never on his radar.
All while she was actually cheating on him. Truly a story of many twists and turns
that just got her more wet, you just know she saw him as a high value male who could easily fuck any girl he wants
Vshits will never comprehend that vtubers were never about the person behind character. It's acting. That's why Holos understand the novelty of Holochubas showing a glimpse of themselves, and Vshits don't, because Vshohoe chubas are 100% as fucked up and deranged as they make themselves out to be
He is heavily into incels and anti-woke shit and assumed that this was an extension of that.
his retarded subreddit posted it and it got a lot of updotes
Apparently one of his friends just got arrested for violently assaulting his girlfriend or something and I guess the story hit close to home.
You're on a Holoboard, yes. We support professional chubas here, not sluts who air their dirty laundry in hopes of staying relevant
That's lit what he did. He lit groomed her. She was 17 when they got together. He lit groomed her. Separated her from her family to another country and abused her.
Vshohoe thrives in drama so actual retards like froot and terminally ill ironlung are assets and not liability
holy buzzwords
She said she was 19 and he was 21, retard. No one got groomed
I'm sure all froot's streams helped with the irrelevancy
i love ironmouse but hate froot dont lump them in the same category.
He basically put too much faith into his incel retarded chud of a subreddit. He comments if left would have made a lot of his colleagues and commercial partners like his co owner uncomfortable because they are close to vshojo.
>"muuh im dying and can never have human contact muuuh no making out with cannur muuh i need a sterile environtment muuuuuh i have an artificual lung muuuh cant go outside muuuuuuh streaming irl with cannur is a dream come true muuuh"
Not drama
That's when they got married. They were together way before that.
They're Vshohoes. That's their category, retard.
I recognize some of this word salad. I used to shitpost like this 4 years ago on lolcow.
I still don't know the controversy. Froot has a cute voice and she draws. That's more than enough for a vtuber.
by that logic all holos are farting whores
Anon froot is not a robot that went beebop "relationship over. Time to talk to cinna". She was clearly mentally vulnerable and exhausted by this piece of work. If saying shit like "you're single now" over small stuff was normal in their relationship then there was not much of a relationship in the first place. Also there won't be getting back together in May if they weren't broken up in the first place.
Yes, your nonsense follows the same logic. Bravo, little guy.
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The "controversy" is that she proved everyone who's been hating on her wrong, and they've been reduced to trying to piece together a timeline that exonerates all the harassment she's received as deserved.

Side note: Albino read the whole document on stream and came to this conclusion.
Ironlung doesn't bring drama, she used to bring pity views and exhort emotionally her viewers, a complete different thing. Now day she is established big streamer in twitch, so she doesn't resort to those tactics anymore.
>used to
>proved her haters wrong
So, she's not an ugly slut with a loose pussy who'd rather ERP and sleep around than have a divorce?
Why didn't she just dump him instead of cheating?

Answer: she wants both rough fuckings and also an emotional tampon.
Yeah, instead he gets into a fight with her and she goes
>Beep bop, time to moan for Cinna
How cucked are you to think cheating is okay if someone threatens to break up with you enough?
No idea who the dude is, but he looks like a caricature made by a right wing comic artist to depict a male feminist millennial.
>"muuuuuh guys *sniffs* im in so much paaain"
Not drama
>Twitchtard reads one side of the story and comes to the safest possible conclusion while dismissing everyone else immediately

Imagine my shock
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He's actually a Phase orbiter and a 1 mil sub andy on YT
>you're single now
Yes thats exactly what happens in relationship fights. The only thing I blame her for is not dumping his ass sooner. Him pretending to be a Heckin lovable soldier who was fighting for his country but got betrayed. My ass, this trailer trash would have ended up doing something physical to her at one point.
Why would Tenma's friend do this...
I also have no idea who that is but this is hilariously accurate
>Phase orbiter
Thanks for proving his input is worthless
I misread the thread title as "the tiddies are shifting"
She's not gonna fuck you
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>ITT: Moving goalposts, olympic level mental gymnastics, and just straight up delusions

Just admit she won
trying too hard chud
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she won
Nah, she's going to be a weird recluse who doesn't hang out in any crowd.
Not only she won but Phasekeks taking massive Ls with plappa and Holobronies have a graduation to prepare each month kek.
My favorite moment ITT is when the cope about her and him being broken up got disproven so now people are back to saying he deserved to get cheated on and abused
I want Froot to fuck my husband
>saying 'she's not going to fuck you' is a delusion
He's not gonna fuck you too.
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Albino can be based sometimes
She's much worse than froot. If you don't hate her then you can't hate froot.
Our bro Nbinted put the Froothaters in their place and is gonna take down Pippa next.
He dumped her, retard. Imagine being so invaluable and so much of a mental case that your chud husband is the one dumping you instead of the other way around
He watched DepressedNousagi's video after. He called Nousagi "A creepy motherfucker" that he's "Never watching again"
Sounds like he went into the video sounding very impartial and open minded. Thanks for confirming that Albino is a retard
>irrelevant e-celeb came to a conclusion
Based Albino rapes all the Froothaters
Well reading from this it seems that the Jester is probably the last on the pile in her kill count. One that should be in the double digits.
so it's not only phasekeks and holobronies chuds abut also the homo sisters joining the hatemob.
he did but was weirded out by doxxsagi constantly calling himself "bunny fucker" while having his blush emote active
well it seems she is just unlikeable
It'd be funny if Albino went after pippa next
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>Completely impartial third party reads the document and also comes to the conclusion that Froot's innocent
Keep the cope coming. This shit's funny as fuck
How much money have you given froot, simp
Sounds like he came into the second video sounding very impartial and open minded to the factual information in it. Thanks for confirming that he's retarded and only giving the safest opinions
doxxsagi isn't gonna fuck you. you aren't a bunny.
being hated by those three is a badge of honor
>Forces her own friends to delete messages implying she did actually cheat
She sure is innocent. That must be why she tried to get Vshoujo lawyers on people talking about her cheating
How much money have you given to the kiwi trannies, /k/uck?
No shit. The cheating thing is just a drop in the bucket of shit that shows much a backstabbing bitch she is
So everything is just about tribal wars.
All you can say is no u
Froot simp IQ on full display
>he thinks eating pagpag makes you a certain race
nice projection
froot won
>/k/uck can only call others simp
Just say you don't have any arguments, retard.
Froot lost
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Yes, that guy seems like a gigantic manipulative faggot. "I'm killing myself, by the way, in case you didn't get that yesterday" I can get why Froot does it. But will I show support? No, fuck you, Vshojo nigger.
The tides already shifted. VShojo and Froot won. Asmon kneeled. WestJett kneeled. Everyone else was already in support. And the few people that aren't have revealed themselves to be complete retards https://files.catbox.moe/vbjm5h.mp4
The entire situation is he said she said, wirh froot dodging a lot of responsibility. At least I havent given anyone in this situation money, unlike you with the BPD whore
>he said she said
OK then why are you even jumping the gun and calling her a cheater and a whore. If it's all conjecture to you why not entertain the possibility that perhaps froot is not this horrible person you think she is? Do you that much faith in that desynch guy?
embarrassing, classic vshojo brainded anti
Froot is wrong

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