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Previous: >>85943288
I love Fauna
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>Kronii is gonna try to make an album next year
This really was not on my bingo list
Biboo Yab!
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How's Biboo getting most views?
Apparently, it was boring.
Those collabs are only seen as "legendary" because of the CCV and it was a wing against the Unicorns in their eyes. ERB(and Bae) saying she was fine with the homos on debut crippled the amount of views those collabs will ever get
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Kronii is not very good at singing
press 9?
>No anniversary stream
>No acknowledgement for Ame graduation
>Did not join HoloGTA
So where the hell is the shark?
Just look at Flare, how she locks in on an instant. She knows it by heart.
You just KNOW she was dancing that shit on the daily back when she was in Highschool right when Haruhi was Airing
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Gozaru is NOT sexy.
Her covers are great if you judge her going by karaokes where she mostly have fun acting like a goof then you're retarded.
>Wants to keep improving her singing
>Wants to make an album one day
Is kronii actually in it for the long haul?
Go to her video and press 9
I think she picked the wrong guys for her first collab. Flayon definitely shouldn't have been there when they were trying to convince new fans to watch something different. Even /MANS/ get uppity when he's involved in collabs. It's honestly weird that she didn't schedule another one after that and I don't know what to make of it.
Biboo is popular with the JPs because she has a cute model and a cute voice. Same reason Gura is big with them. Shiori and Nerissa are pretty much completely disconnected from JP. FWMC just aired and they'll almost certainly pass Biboo in the long run.
how do we defeat storyarc schizo?
Kronii sololive would be something.
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Biboo’s growth over the past few months has been amazing
She went from toilet meme zoomer to the gem girl everyone loves (Just like her lore)
She's cute & funny and hardworking
Pebbles love her
Her genmates love her
Her EN senpais love her
Her JP senpais love her
Even 5ch love her now
She's the new face of HoloEN
Kek. Youre right. She was a bit ruaty but she knew it
I mean Aquarium 2 was announced. You don't know when it's actually over.
Whats there to defeat. He won. Its over
it wasn't even fucking lethal company it was the other one about making vines
i watched some of it i remember nothing
the chapter is very... Biboo
and 9
I know you're posting that to indirectly shit on FWMC but
Yeah 2 more years sister
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Do you have any example of her singing an English language song well? I mean maybe her album will be all Japanese in which care I doubt many people will care much about it.
most of erb collabs are like this
People expressed the same sentiment he did many times, it was always true and people randomly called it schizo
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is 4chan being funky? a post i didnt make was flagged as mine
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If you can't beat em, join em.
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>the shark
I don't like this game it's fucking boring
>lives in japan
>not knowing tenga
>draws smut shit all the time
I'm not buying it Raora
I can't post those without eating a ban, yet you should worry about your English before worrying about her singing prowesses you shit naysayer
If she's good in JP she's good in EN simple as'
IDK but it was acting weird on mobile today, I was making posts, it said they went though, they just never showed up in the thread.
Of the 4 V4Mirai debut2.0 streams today only 1 of them managed to 4view and just barely. Looks like all the ad spending didn't lead to a ccv increase
Sounds like cope
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How did Doki watchalong do?
it was called content warning
such a fucking shit game
V4M is a low 3view corpo.
From what was said last thread, they're DoA
Sounds like you're shitting yourself about her being motivated, why is that.
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>threadshitter hiding behind kromei
Every fucking time. Feels like /who/.
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top 2024.09.28 hololive DEV_IS ch. 20:00 JST
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>快晴 / Kaisei (cover) *new*
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
I guess money cant buy you viewers
It'd be funny if the homos thought she could be used to boost themselves only to get shit numbers and her being a charisma blackhole they don't want to schedule another collab with her.
kronii has some decent covers why some fag shitting itself about that?
if bae and nerissa can put out mediocre music projects why not her
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Cute pair
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The one she did it for was the one with the highest peak (6.7k or so)
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in what universe do you live where people wouldn't care about their Oshi's music album because she would be singing in japanese
That fucking model of the hyena cheerleader is so...unsettling? I couldn't believe the screenshots I was seeing.
Has she said anything about hitting 1M subs?
Enreco 2 starus
pearls are boring looking anyway
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dont lie anon we know youre samefagging on cooldown
It's very unconventional for a vtuber. The mouth rigging is also not synced right, but maybe that's fixable.
She looks busted
beggars dont care about erb, the same way they dont give a shit about mori or bae when it happens, they only care to own it to the unicornchuds
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>kronii gonna try to do an album
>but what about nerissa
do jailbirds have confidence issues like their Oshi?
their previous gen was a big success by small corp standards, phase/idol #s and "holo reject" type talents
and one of their girls making it big has brought some extra attention from a broader audience lately
they squandered all that by debuting two vtweeter/sister type cunts in one day
it was the one minor company that had *completely* avoided that
instant brand suicide
Yes it's fascinating that more of them aren't happening.
If a year from now she only ever did that one holostars collab it'll be such a complete what the fuck moment. Debuffing and shaving your career right at the start for one. single. collab. I mean holy shit, she's already fully paid the price, and now she doesn't even seem interested in reaping the reward? Have all the collabs you want, no one cares! No one will get mad! It'd barely get shitposts even in the catalog. She went to so much effort to buy this scenario... paid a real, unironic, monetary and career popularity price...
>Koshien declining
>NijiGTA mogged
>Female chuubas graped
>Mcdonald's sponsorships nabbed by the competitor.
How can niji recover from this?
Why didnt anyone tell me that dooby was following coni
Fuck off
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>beggars dont care about erb
>>NijiGTA mogged
Higher average
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ERB doesn't fucking stream half the time too
maybe she wanted to get it out of the way so she can do song covers and the occasional coed event without drama. maybe she doesn't even like collabs? maybe they saw the response wasn't there and decided to wait until they had a better idea to draw attention that could benefit from a novelty buff?
Soon with
>New world
>New mods
>JP/ID guests
I wish she would get on stream and explain what she's thinking!
>JP/ID guests
No ID please, just JP
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Not counting membership streams these are all the streams she had post-ENReco.
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I think she legit joined Hololive without the intention of becoming a streamer and wants something else out of it(content/career wise).
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Whoever asked for a Brave company chart last thread, it took me a while to track it down but a Globie member made this chart
it's conventional on twitch. I swear the fucking nip suits at brave were like
>hmm yes gaijin-san like kono kind of people
>we wiru give them rocarized contents
and that's how we ended up with this newest gen
Mori still makes holofags seethe and I can't wait for the double ttrpg
It's smart of her to stream sparsely, otherwise the culture warriors only watching her to own le unicorns would get tired out fast.
>I can't wait for the double ttrpg
Me too! I bet it will be a really good stream, I love the group
>they had a better idea to draw attention that could benefit from a novelty buff
she should just join the bara guy's dnd 5e campaign, seems like a no brainer. RP and voices and such are one of her major strengths as a streamer, from what i saw during enreco. And no need to play boring video games.
kek please put them out of their misery
last i heard that's not happening because no one the homos did their homework
4 streams since ENreco isn't even least or second least in branch who cares
Seems to low res for twitch, maybe at the very bottom tiers? You wouldn't find Shylily or Numi or Bao caught dead with a model like that
lmfao that's grim
no wonder fuwamoco get no high ccv daily but have high mindshare and merch sold
No wonder she went all out for GTA. She doesn't even usually participate in box events.
hello ennacuck, done fighting in vshitshow threads?
Well I mean yeah she's technically beating Gura but that's really not anything to be proud of in your first year, let's be honest. call me in your 4th.
Who's second least?
Whats that mean?
no that's pretty shitty when you're not even at your half anniversary, while your genmates are putting in the work
That means the retards didn't bother prepare shit he asked for to start the campaign lol
Stop trying to pretend to be Squirmbeat, it's not the same...
I like Mori. I'll be enjoying her taking over DM duties so I can watch Fauna be super cute
I can't enjoy bancho since someone pointed out that she's very clearly pretending and she doesn't actually peak like a stupid baby
I never understood why fanbases like you come and go yeah I'm the rare fan of her look at me. Fuck off
>plans a West Marches campaign, one of the styles of ttrpg that depends the most from player prep
>his players don't do the fucking prep
Should've done a oneshot with pre-gen characters.
I find it confusing that Vshojokeks in the catalog seem to blame /us/ or Holofans for the massive shitstorm that happened to them when we've been mostly preoccupied with HoloGTA and Ame.
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>Who's second least?
It could be good with the right group but look who's playing
yeah no fucking thanks. I've wanted to see a west marches campaign since Mori started talking about RPGs but not with those players.
Small dog syndrome.
>le retard de ennacuck the botnigger
I feel like I have PTSD from announcements, even if it's just a small one.
aside from when they've had a clear target, when do they not blame
half of holos do that, like korone and luna
Its Ennacuck who has a massive ball of hatred on this thread
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is true that Zeta moves to Japan so she can live closer with Axel? saw this rrat in ID community
Like they didn't come up with a character? Guess that means they didn't really want to do it in the first place
I am 99% confident it's ennacuck trying to stir up vshojo vs holo. You can tell by how a lot of the time bait threads will get a samefag first reply immediately blaming /#/ out of nowhere, or just mindless rants at /#/ in general.
RIP Mr. Koro is graduating. Can cover really withstand a string of graduations now that girls can get the Affiliate contract instead of straight up giving up everything to quit? ........ wait why is Fauna doing all these collab suddenly too.........
It's true. Hajime is a fake. But she tries harder at being a retarded baby than a real retarded baby would, so she is of greater value. In her deliberate attempt to be real, she's more real than the real thing.
>yeah, thank
>Bancho yeah
And that's all that's needed for two people who don't speak the same language to make the other understand that they're comfortable around each other, and somehow Hololive is the only company that has made it so their international groups are friendly with each other
If they added 1 JP to the event, then the entire event would become Japanese only.
kys sellenfag
It's about sonic
my dick goes in there
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PTSD triggering but Sonic has an annoucement tomorrow so it might be related to that.
Go the fuck away you retard.
955k SUB
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kiss of death that it only got the newbie filipinos and Axel
I guess Bettel is probably too busy doing other stuff to make any sort of commitment like that.
In retrospect the original Mythbreakers was a pretty big achievement, wrangling all of Myth for however many sessions we got, a good amount. Many real life friend groups don't get that far.
I mean is it really a surprise? afterall, Vshojo's M.O. is pretty much the opposite of Hololive.

You know, snatching Hololive's retired streamers, and the whole "talent freedom agency"

its kinda funny to think, Vshojo tries really hard to one-up Hololive. but Hololive could only care about their direct rival which is Nijisanji...
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What will their 1 mirrion wish be?
Sololive or in their case duolive, I dont know
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Mumei 1m wish doko
biboo anniversary merch
Bae and BauBau will probably ask for a sololive. Kron is impossible to predict
since it's west marches he might be able to replace them with outside vtubers (female ones if he's lucky). It's a pretty good idea for vtubing content I gotta say. Statting out fanbase mascots as mobs was clever. The girls should hire a professional DM to steal the concept and run it for them.
>chill out fuwamoco
Do you thi k they get one one million wish wash or do they have to split it in half?
>update downloading
>°。⋆⸜(˙꒳˙ )future full time streamer
3D emo outfit
It says 重大告知 not お知らせ, it's fine
>professional DM
How about no?
Kronii? A sally slave clone
Kronii: bigger tits
Fuwamoco: to be surgically attached to each other
Bae: to not be Australian
anon the wishes are just dumb meme shit
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Does that even work? Can you just use your 1 milly for that? I thought it was too big of a wish for 1 million anymore, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work.
If it works, sololive is the only smart option. It comes inclusive with a free 3d outfit and many holos are likely to never have the chance otherwise
Can't believe Kiara asked for a robot litterbox
Bijou has gotten so much better at this since japan arc started
>Bae: to not be Australian
Would Bar have more or less subscribers if she did an extremely exaggerated Chinese accent from debut?
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God I fucking hope. I wouldn't even mind waiting until the next fes.
Sexy Kirin
Kiara got her dirndl and german channel I thought. Still a weak wish, they really need to refund her if they didn't already. Robo litterbox was from a gacha collab, no?
>fuwamoco sololive
yeah, probably they can in 2026 if they start working on an album this year
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One sololive, PLEASE Bau Bau
what's the issue? I don't play online. It seemed like a good idea...
Bae/Fwmc will be some idol stuff or 3D stuff. It's difficult to guess with Kronii honestly.
A lot more. She could have been the Borat of hololive. Imagine if she constantly spoke like a character from that Chinese city manager Sseth reviewed years ago.
I wonder if vesper got his wish
The litterbox is from the Azure Lane collab
1 person cooking it, be patient anon.
There’s that, but she could have just streamed and collabed first to the point her audience won’t mind her working offline more
that dude was around 2 years ago? doesnt sound correct
Considering she just mentioned wanting to one day releasing an album, anything is on the table really
Professional DMing is the most soulless thing that happened with ttrpg in recent times.
They need proper songs first. LTST and its sequel BAUdol barely count as proper songs.
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It didn't take that long for them to build up a bad reputation, huh?
July 22nd 2022. Over two years ago.
Has Fuwamoco really only released 2 orisongs this year?
Sorry only Ame gets to refund her wish multiple times.
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>What will their 1 mirrion wish be?
Yagoo will finally give in
mister donut collab?
I like this one. Adds a bit more context to their shenanigans.
Holosantos best medic
guess its tough to judge time when you only see the happenings through shitposts
2 Orisong and 5 Cover yeah
>1M wish
they really did tell those dude that they would be as popular as the holos
>holos will be the bosses
>they will fight with this mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PirDyKqxELM
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they weren't the only ones lol
I think this dude is legitimately Rider-levels of insane, i saw him spam like 6 separate responses to one of Helmite's post
Scam people with medic bill kek
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So that why the homosister are so mad about they hitting 1 million
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We have a lot of Rider tier schizo now
even ignoring all the ridiculous numbers goals that betray comical expectations for holostarsEN, why did his management let him list as one of his goals joining a hololive-only multimedia campaign that was essentially winding down by his debut anyway
so stupid
I searched the keywords and found the tweet chain that you didn't link (rude, btw) and he's talking about the time ERB told beggars to stop shitting on FWMC. Beggarcord has decided she was actually talking to unicorns and telling them not to say rude things about holostars.
Did ERB do something? I thought fell off the face of the earth already for the last week
the second top comment feels like its translated from japanese
i dont think she will get 60k ccv like the nijis
None of that will happen. Maybe the singer one since he got to sing with Suisei once.
Omegatroon's delusions of grandeur
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When Fubuki does buff streams, the world trembles
this is react content btw
>a hololive-only multimedia campaign
DYRBI? They probably planned to add GUILD TEMPUS to their fantasy universe before everything collapsed.
nice, was getting boring around here
What if her new wish was for whatever the fuck this holo affiliate non-graduation deal is
Management really tricked themselves into thinking that they could make ALL the EN girls accept the homos
there were unicorn friendly talents in all of those pvs and comics, a lot of them, really important and powerful ones. he was never going to get integrated into the project
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Is he seriously talking about when the beggars couldn't help themselves from shitting on the girls?
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>that was essentially winding down by his debut anyway
It wasn't really winding down in 2022 to be fair as it came out in may 2021
Also what the fuck happened to hololive alternative we just literally never got anything from it? I remember being really excited for holoalt and holoearth, i knew holoearth would take some time to cook, but what was the point of releasing 2 promo videos 3!!!! years ago at this stage if we never got anything from it? Jesus christ i hadn't realised it was 3 years already
Will they make Ririka shill this one too?
You fucking idiots need to learn basic Japanese words already
プチ already feels like something like new accessories, cover, whatever, it’s something small
We’ve had two instances already were a girl will post similar words along with a thumbnail of them smiling. Look for shit like THAT at least
お知らせ, or more like お話, chat, etc
Honest if it comes with a free outfit it might be worth it
Seems random
well, fair. Do you think JP management just doesn't check those slides at all? Would explain Jurard bothering Pekora on debut.
Hate how Mumei is always included. Just one stupid collab is all it takes...
>clip react stream
I thought Pekora would've been the first to do it
Gura stopped streaming after like 2 though, same with Ame who actually showed burnout as a streamer in first half of 2021 after 6 months at most and went really bad during the summer. Gooba was somewhat revitalized after Council debuted and half of the members sucked her dick on discord.
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Kronii is the anti-numberfaggot

I dont think she cares that much
you got two pvs and a couple mangas, the last thing was may 2023 but most of it was in 2021 and 2022.
I think it was part of the reveal campaign for HoloEarth, and holoearth is now mostly launched. also the ichimin schizo mangaka derailed everything and the project never really recovered, right?
>Loli right wing
>Yuri left
Explains why the BA general hates yuri
The T in THD stands for total for a reason
Otherwise homobeggars will use anything they can to anti the girls, only complete victory is good enough
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Really just replying to a tweet is all it takes. Shiori and Kiara still get that. Only IRyS gets excused from her own Holostar tweet ages ago because she went out of her way to say she'll never collab with them. Kiara did too but people conveniently ignore it.
Is this four different artists? This looks below any standard
977 days
That's supposed to be Noel anon
That would be amazing
>2 orisongs this year?
Since debut not just this year. And technically only the short version of LTST has been released, the full version is only available on their 3D debut stream.
How can 2view girls resist this?
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>no actual muscles, just "trust me bro"
>giant cow tits
i will raugh without ceasing at the steamcharts numbers and neither god nor man can stop me
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homobeggars really follow picrel and if you call them out they cry about bullying
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Nobody but homos like that shit.
I know but I thought someone might have mentioned it in the chat and she might have replied
>yuri left
>traps in middle
yjk who did it
If it is, it makes the comment even better.
>couple mangas
I mean i've read and really enjoy them but yamato releases one chapter per month, which is alright but a bit too slow (for something like this, 24 chapters in 3 years is not enough to really really build a story) and academy is dead because mels gone
I mean just look at the website man https://alt.hololive.tv/holonometria/en/ I remember really looking forward to stuff that was going to happen in hololive (and then 2022 happened, and these projects kind of fizzled out)
Also holoearth is "mostly launched" but its not really "playable" yet. There's like 12 hours of playable content in it if you are generous and don't mind mindlessly grinding, and again its been 3 years
It might! be in a good state in 2 years, so again like i don't know. IT's good that they announced holoearth like that, but holo alt feels like a complete and total whiff with them just moving on to other projects like holowitches and stuff
To be fair its recoverable if they release more stuff and a proper story for holoearth whenever a big gameplay update comes out but until then i feel odd about it
she's a sister they're dumb, probably bought into the idea of filtering your fanbase because that's exactly what fellow homobeggars would advice her. She's also deeply autistic and probably doesn't know how to actually talk with this dudes not from position of a fan but someone vastly more popular where the whole dynamic she had in her head is completely flipped on it's head and now her idols treat her as some celebrity that can help their careers and whatnot it had to freak her out at least a bit.
I wish there was a way we could get english karaoke vod numbers, I just know they would be great
pretty sure the graduated homo is literally just a screencap
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I swear the beggars are somehow getting worse
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I'd fuck the shit out of Noi like there is no tomorow you fucking queer
>Beggarcord has decided she was actually talking to unicorns
Good fucking Lord, beggars really do twist everything into oblivion.
holoearth is definitely a whiff, no doubt. can't all be bangers.
I think it's probably dead in lieu of more current projects like ENReco and holowitches as you mention
I will never understand this /pol/ shit and will never intend to
I want Noi to fuck the shit out of me like there is no tomorow*
>>85957259 (me)
*Alternative, not earth, kek
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I don't see the appeal of that at all. Looks way too masculine.
>muscles are masculine
Things like the HoloX and Shiraken manga should have been onboarded as part of HoloAlt, no need to change anything about them, just pretend that they're part of it so the project looks a little more full, It's pretty funny how Holo alt barely has enough content for a complete volume
>real women closer to trannies than traps
starting to get real tired of homotranny "femboys" who are literally just trannies who kept their dicks
I can't think of a likable vtuber that has a model like that.
KEK you're right, I bet they aren't allowed to spend any budget on his image
The appeal is that no matter how strong she is she is still a woman and she will cum and curl her toes like the submissive woman she is
I'm watching IRyS' VOD since I couldn't watch it live and did she really just create another NTR situation at the end there? How does she always get involved in NTR?
should have just done that for the rest, at least that way you have professional grade art
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fauna anniversary merch ends in less than 3 hours
I wonder what their cope when people post those screenshot of homobeggar shitting fwmc in her prechat.
That's a child
They don't understand it either. None of that has anything to do with economic policy.
>one account called elizabeth true fan
>other account called homostar fan
yeah, wonder why they thought that
She really needs to be slapped into shilling her merch on twitter
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You can cope about it all you want but it happened and you can't make it unhappen.
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>>one account called elizabeth true fan
beggars do be like that, yes
I've been part of a lot of yuri generals and can safely say it attracts a fuckload of trannies. It's why I stopped going to those places. Madoka /vg/ one is a perfect example.
IRyS is an NTRtist and a matchmaker. She was the one responsible for Director Fubuki and Mio finally getting together in the end because she randomly picked up Korone while going to pick up Fubuki. She inadvertently corrected the timeline and gave us the best ending.
that example is a /vg/ problem specifically
Troons invade everything they can, it sucks that something so wholesome and pure attracts such parasites, but it is what it is
>watching gigi grembership yap
>towards the end she's literally just showing us memes she finds funny and keeps laughing at them
Is this GFE
she stands out so much in that group of girls... it's the like some of the worst Hololive has to offer, and Mumei.
based quads
>IRyS was also the one inadvertently responsible for Ame and Gigi getting back together in ENreco
Holy fuck you are right, lmao
It's unintentional GFE and it's great
I asume you have never actually been to /u/ then, because it's by far the board that hates trans stuff the most in the entire side, hell even on /lgbt/ lesbians have their own "no trans" allowed thread
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Do you trust Cover to deliver on that? You might just get something like this
what the shit is that model
Lmao, /u/ was the worst one. But it's been ages since I've been there so no idea if anything changed.
Mumei clearly had no idea what she was getting into at the start or she would have handled things differently.
NTA but its fairly tolerable
Dear god, Enna's fans are unironic cucks.

if she wants to make some more music, maybe she'll use her wish on an album.
obviously a solo/duolive, they want the most fame possible
probably also a sololive, unless she already has one in the works. already has a bunch of music out and it's performing decent
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qrd on twitchfags hating vtubers? seen various tweets about it today
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this is actually atrocious
That's vspo tier shit. Why would Hololive lower themselves to that?
I like Gigi, but after September 21st, I'm also scared of her.
IRyS 1.0 happened
It's a fanbase problem. BA is all girls in the game, yet it practically has zero yuri presence.
The only yuri threads I'm exposed to are /#/ and some /a/ threads, both of which are moderated and tranny free. Makes me think the tranny spam is by shitposting schizos, because I know for a fact that there's a long time anti yuri schizo from /a/ who shitposts yuri across the site including even going to /u/ to shitpost in there.
Will never not be funny how she ended in V4Mirai originally, whe she's as far away from coomer GFE as you could get
is magni screencapped too? that looks like custom art.
>/#/ is tranny free
Isn't it a full on self insert harem game? That's not really surprising.
I think we need to nerf the color green
WTF are those eyes?
Is that the same schizo that would constantly shit up the lycoris recoil threads with majima cuckposting?
Out of 9
that 18 hours old clips got only like 1k-ish views 2 hours ago, it got bumped to 3k after it got posted here and on the catalog lmao
Early EN was weird in regards to the homos, like they didn't quite know what the boundaries were going to be at the time. Even IRyS replied to them on Twitter a few times back then.
Last tranny (real) I saw in here got unanimously shat on, and I never see pro-tranny posts/agendas in here.
>tranny free
im so sorry anon but dont look at a mirror
somebody definitely drew that fucked up face for this
I tried watching a professional dm on two seperate occasions to see what the fuck a professional dm is even supposed to be.
The first one made a toilet shitting minigame and a chicken tendie eating minigame in the middle of his campaign but was a relatively normal game overall. The second one made reaction video where he couldn't keep track of a 50 minute dougdoug video after starting out by talking himself up about how he gets paid to run games.
You people literally know nothing about FWMC. It will 100% be a VN. There is no debate about this. Only a dumbass who knows nothing about them would say anything else.
Yes, one time he had a giga melty and started linking shitposts he was making on /u/, the fag is insane.
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>wanting yuri in a korean game
LMAO, there's a reason why it has nothing
i doubt they need to spend a wish for that
>dont look at a mirror
but enough about rider
It would be like Aquarium with an actual professional quality like it. And that is 100% what they're doing. They've even said how much they want to make a VN like it.
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Unfortunately it's not just a schizo thing. Yuri does attract those types of subhumans. There's a reason why a lot of generals try to gatekeep against yuri. A shame, but understandable.
Kronii : Sally 3D collab
Fwmc : VN game
Bae : Roberu 3D collab
I like how both CC and GG are inexplicably smitten with Raora, it reminds me of early Gen 5 when all of them wanted a piece of Lamy.
JP wasn't hated like this back then. I never wanted to see them collab but I didn't outright want them to die before 2022.
That's like saying we should stop talking about anime, video games, and vtubers, because 0.000000001% of the population also likes them. Better abandon this thread too because there's an unironic tranny around here.
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Speaking of FWMC'S 1m wish, will they get a mega wish or two slightly weaker wishes for the milestone?
Guys theres a collab going on, what the fuck are you guys talking about
no one really gave a shit back then because no one had a reason to, stars was just some group of fags you saw occasionally at best when bossu did a flip or roberu played amongus
needles to say that changed
>Early EN
Anon, that stream was in January 2022. Mumei had already been in Hololive for over 6 months. Hardly a rookie anymore. You are running out of copes.
Otsuray anon is a tranny, we kinda like that fag. Haven't seen him(her) in a while though
They will ask for the same thing more than likely, and it will more than likely be a VN where they're both heroines.
Literally who? I'm referring to that one kenzotroon who posted a selfie.
Justice the 3 person gen my beloved
>Fire Emblem like game
Is this Rider's game?
Gatekeeping is the exact opposite. I don't care either way, I've no interest in yuri.
damn, i think we should gatekeep fuwamoco and aqua from here because they are tranny colored
JP had the benefit of irrelevance, they could be idiots (and they were) but since people generally didn't pay attention to them it went unhread, some real "If a homo says something misogynistic on stream but there's no one there to hear it, where they really misogynistic" but after EN ruined all the goodwill people had for the brand, added with their stupid bullshit being displayed to more people due to them joining every single VCR server, people realized that the JPs were just as bad
lol he wishes he could make something even of this low quality
The good thing about Fuwamoco making a VN is that they will push for it being as lewd as possible
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Who's on? I haven't seen a single post about any streams in the last couple of minutes.
Fucking newfag i swear. Literally one of the biggest story in this thread.
No, you're talking about abandoning discussion of a specific topic because you're scared of a minority that is more likely to kill itself than take over a thread.
Yeah. It's gonna be nice. Aquarium was also pretty damn lewd too btw, but it's a shame it can't have full blown h-scenes. Also, I hope Pero gets some kind of joke bad ending or something.
I think it mostly came because of the homos, like they acted towards EN as if they were another ID, so you had homos openly tweeting at Irys and shit like that. It took a little more for them to understand that ENs stance on them was a lot closer to JP than ID
Man, I love Yamato Phantasia's OCs
There are many great girl designs there
You're doing a bad job trying to act superior to me when you're praising some literal tranny.
I'm watching graondstone. it's a little boring though. at least they're cute.
Blue Archive is lame since it isn't nearly lewd enough. After playing Azur Lane for so long if I'm not getting borderline porn from my pulls I couldn't care less. BA is way too tame despite being a waifu game.
not even a collab or tweet, just the concept of males = okay, even when those circumstances are super specific, means she's "one of the good ones" to them. yes I am bringing up how beggars act like nerissa has an invisible gun because COME THE FUCK ON, THAT'S SUCH HORSESHIT
Aren't so many girls there thirsting for Sensei's cock?
i forgot that that was an option
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Recent clip numbers
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Blue Archive doesn't NEED to be lewd. There's a reason why it mogs Azur Lane in porn.
Yeah it's for self inserting
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>123,580: Miko (Hololive)
>86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji)
>63,987: Fubuki (Hololive)
>54,070: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>41,820: Subaru (Hololive)
>39,472: Korone (Hololive)
>38,617: Miko (Hololive)
>38,335: Pekora (Hololive)
>26,167: Chiroru (Indie)
>23,761: Kiara (Hololive)
>21,757: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>21,533: Kaisei (Nijisanji)
>21,014: Botan (Hololive)
>20,252: Towa (Hololive)
>19,785: Yusei (Nijisanji)
>19,297: Ayame (Hololive)
>18,992: Mio (Hololive)
>18,586: AZKi (Hololive)
>18,162: Aki (Hololive)
>16,682: Watame (Hololive)
>16,521: Mio (Hololive)
>13,989: Ame (Hololive)
>13,565: Suisei (Hololive)
>12,909: Iroha (Hololive)
>11,364: Okayu (Hololive)
>10,982: Salome (Nijisanji)
>10,871: Nozomi (Nijisanji)
>10,316: Fauna (Hololive)
There used to be an anon who listed streams near the start of every global thread, and he included the homos. This was in 2021. People also used to livepost Aruran periodically before he morphed into a fuckboi. So yeah, it was different back then. The Mumei collab didn't even raise much ruckus in those days.
That Mio clip has 242 comments now at only 3.5k views
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery [29]
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King [23]
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko [19]
>4) 42,818: Miko (Hololive) Happy Announcement [19]
>5) 40,548: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die Holo7DTD Finale [20]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE [17]
>7) 155,940: Hololive (Hololive) 3D LIVE Gen0 [23]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement [30]
>9) 54,530: Miko (Hololive) SUIKAWA LEAD [20]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary [20]
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart [20]
>12) 86,852: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King w/ Fubuki [14]
>13) 61,436: Miko (Hololive) Best of hand-drawn clipshow [12]
>14) 91,258: Miko (Hololive) Holomem ranking w/ FubuMiko [25]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!? [27]
>16) 94,497: Subaru (Hololive) 6th Anniversary totsumachi [27]
>17) 54,796: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA day1 [21]
>18) 85,775: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [23]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [18]
>20) 86,288: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [24]
>21) 93,084: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>22) 108,427: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>23) 123,580: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS

21x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

11x: Miko
3x: Siusei
2x: Hololive, Subaru
1x: Rika, Nijisanji, DEV_IS, Mio, Marine
it kinda looks like some of it was traced and the finer details are drawn in thats what makes the wonky facial expressions look so retarded
>86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji)
>63,987: Fubuki (Hololive)
Hmmm, I can't be the only one noticing that the "CINEMA" that everybody is freaking out about lost to a Niji stream. Nope, nothing to see here other than the fact that everybody was wrong about the decline of Niji.
People used to livepost Astel's karaokes in hlg. The change started *before* Tempus but that really accelerated it. Ame singing blue homo's song and the Kronii collabs hypercharged everything.
It's fine. Not many 1 million sub wishes feel as grand as Aqua's was.
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>1) 92,146: Miko (Hololive) Gen0 collab + announcement
>2) 48,526: Miko (Hololive) Minecraft holoserver tour
>3) 44,784: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die #Holo7DTD
>4) 36,591: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>6) 52,107: Lauren (Nijisanji) New outfit
>7) 59,914: Hololive (Hololive) HoloPro 7th anniversary
>8) 50,503: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui Day2
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL
>10) 33,862: Miko (Hololive) Doraemon dorayakiyasan monogatari
>11) 39,433: Marine (Hololive) The Bathhouse Re: w/ Koyori
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>14) 58,666: Subaru (Hololive) BIG3 Koemane King
>15) 95,815: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA explanation
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>17) 44,314: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>18) 51,682: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>19) 40,444: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>21) 40,085: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA Day 5
>22) 44,336: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Fresh vs. veteran Quiz Show
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live

12x: Hololive
11x: Nijisanji

7x: Miko
4x: Kuzuha
2x: Lauren, Subaru
1x: Hololive, Gura, Marine, Roco, Ibrahim, Akari, Nijisanji
I still remember people were making fun of dramafag and shitting on Ollie for being too loud.
You guys are using the word People wrong
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>1) 46,719: Pekora (Hololive) Pekora minecraft server w/ 100 nousagi
>2) 48,191: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>3) 42,515: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>4) 28,087: Subaru (Hololive) Super Mario Bros 3 World8
>5) 39,103: Pekora (Hololive) Monster Strike
>6) 46,029: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi
>8) 37,814: Subaru (Hololive) Dragon Quest IV
>9) 40,113: Fuwa (Nijisanji) 1M sub endurance stream
>10) 31,642: Fubuki (Hololive) Koemane King
>11) 26,418: Oga (Holostars) Street Fighter 6
>12) 22,874: Toya (Nijisanji) something*
>13) 44,215: Marine (Hololive) "Something" is c*ming!
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>15) 67,476: Hololive English (Hololive) myth4EVER Myth 4th Anniversary
>16) 48,436: Pekora (Hololive) McDonald sponsored stream
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1
>18) 38,698: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY2
>19) 38,389: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY3
>20) 32,582: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY4
>21) 38,098: Hololive (Hololive) HoloWitches 3D The Stage
>22) 39,504: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY6
>23) 63,987: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA DAY7

17x: Hololive
4x: Nijisanji
1x: Holostars
1x: Indie

5x: Pekora, Subaru
2x: Kuzuha
1x: Miko, Sora, Fuwa, Fubuki, Oga, Toya, Marine, Chiroru, HololiveEN, Hololive, Fubuki
>The Mumei collab didn't even raise much ruckus in those days.
Nah, it still created some ruckus because it would be her first collab outside HoloEN
Of course, she did a guerilla collab stream collab with Haachama before that
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There was a 35p, two actually, but the original was linking streams in late 2020 in global before that ayamefag ever did and he omitted the homos
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not beating the narcissist allegations...
Yeah, and I also remember anons rating the homos performances in global. Shit is wild to think about considering how things are now.
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko
>4) 26,133: Lui (Hololive) talking collab [4th]
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14 [S]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi [B]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL [S]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY [S]
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut [S]
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball [B]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!?
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft [S]
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1 [B]
>18) 15,501: Korone (Hololive) holoGTA Day2 [9th]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [S]
>21) 36,353: Toya (Nijisanji) New outfit [4th]
>22) 29,427: Riri (Nijisanji) Niji Overwatch Tournament
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live

12x: Hololive
10x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie
narcissus used hate marketing....
>clip viewing with high ccv*
fixed, even runts in niji got like 20k just by watching nijiGTA clips
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>1) 1,144: Anya (Granblue Fantasy: Relink)
>2) 4,567: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>3) 3,483: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>4) 3,386: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 2,385: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>6) 5,377: Kaela (Minecraft)
>7) 6,315: Reine (NEW OUTFIT)
>8) 1,722: Risu (Coral Island)
*>9) 15,999: Reine (3D Birthday Live)
>10) 4,669: Kaela (Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions)
>11) 4,826: Reine (DRAWING COLLAB w/ Gigi)
>12) 3,214: Kaela (RUNGORE)
>13) 4,092: Kaela (Lethal Company w/ CCGG)
>14) 3,193: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC 24)
>15) 4,098: Kobo (BeAT x Kobo Kanaeru)
>16) 2,438: Risu (M.M.M.)
>17) 2,195: Ollie (holoGTA day1)
>18) 6,279: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>19) 2,826: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>20) 4,834: Ollie (OMUSUBI)
>21) 1,936: Ollie (holoGTA DAY5)
>22) 3,606: Anya (HoloGTA DAY6)
>23) 2,842: Zeta (Guerilla Zatsudan)

10x: Kaela
3x: Reine, Ollie
2x: Risu, Kobo, Anya, Zeta
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It was 10X or 20X less of a fuss than if, idk, Biboo tomorrow randomly decided to jump into a homo collab out of the blue. Different times. Like 3 days of mild shitposting over the Mumei thing then no one cared.
>23 days in the month
>Miko has hit podium in 19 of them
She has been on a freaking tear all year to be honest. I wish the overall tally guy kept total golds for the year and points and stuff like that. I bet Miko is beating Pekora this year.
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Be the change you want to see in the world
I'm a 2021 newfag so I don't know what it was like in 2020, but the 2021 global streams guy definitely included homos.
>I wish the overall tally guy kept total golds for the year and points and stuff like that.
I thought he did. Also, don't Holo vs Holo, you wretched cur.
People are too extreme on both sides of the debate. While the hate towards the JP homos and super early on in the EN homos wasn't a thing, that doesn't mean they were liked. The JP ones were ignored and they mainly stuck to their own places to discuss them. At most, it was passive indifference because it didn't affect the EN side and the JP holo fans were typically fine with just ignoring their collabs.The EN homos were met with hype at first because it may btfo NijiEN males, but that hype was so short lived it was basically murdered shortly after debut. The hatred wasn't too long after. But to say they had actual fans here is complete and utter revisionism, and to say they were always met with hatred is also revisionism.
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Retard management, homo and even some of the girls just earned for those faggot their biggest anti horde ever.
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>09/23 TALLY:
23,761: Kiara (Hololive) | Holotalk w/ Amelia
13,989: Amelia (Hololive) | Oblivion
10,316: Fauna (Hololive) | Pikmin 2
7,790: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | HoloGTA
7,557: Bijou (Hololive) | HoloGTA
6,766: Ina (Hololive) | HoloGTA

1) Bijou (Hololive) - 18,866 - ENReco
2) Bijou (Hololive) - 22,491 - ENReco
3) Bijou (Hololive) - 36,137 - ENReco
4) Gura (Hololive) - 18,093 - ENReco
5) Bijou (Hololive) - 28,611 - ENReco
6) Mori (Hololive) - 18,838 - Outfit Reveal
7) Nerissa (Hololive) - 16,154 - ENReco
8) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,221 - Unarchived Karaoke
9) Gura (Hololive) - 43,189 - 2.0 Reveal
10) Gigi (Hololive) - 11,110 - ENReco Behind the Scenes
11) Cecilia (Hololive) - 9,579 - Rabbit and Steel Collab w/ Bijou, Gigi, Ina
12) Mori (Hololive) - 20,589 - 4 Year Anniversary Karaoke Party
13) Ina (Hololive) - 20,055 - 4 Year Anniversary Celebration + 2.0 Debut
14) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,385 - Left 4 Dead 2 Collab w/ Mori, Mumei, Shiori
15) Hololive English (Hololive) - 67,476 - Myth 4th Anniversary Live
16) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,732 - Call of Duty: Black Ops
17) Gigi (Hololive) - 11,5276 - It Takes Two w/ Raora
18) Kronii (Hololive) - 12,131 - HoloGTA
19) Kronii (Hololive) - 11,953 - KronIII
20) Amelia (Hololive) - 15,045 - A Short Talk
21) Amelia (Hololive) - 27,506 - Chatting Stream
22) Gigi (Hololive) - 20,802 - Unarchived Karaoke
23) Kiara (Hololive) - 23,761 - Holotalk w/ Amelia
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>Council Baby
I feel old
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>Comparing numbers is bad if Pekora isn't the winner
Nice cope
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23x: Hololive

6x: Bijou
3x: Gigi
2x: Amelia, Gura, Kronii, Mori
1x: Cecilia, Hololive English, Ina, Kiara, Mumei, Nerissa

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
49p: Bijou
24p: Amelia
18p: Gigi
17p: Fauna, Gura
13p: Kronii
12p: Mumei
11p: Mori
9p: Nerissa
8p: Kiara
6p: Ina
5p: Cecilia, Elizabeth, Hololive English
3p: FuwaMoco, Raora
1p: Dokibird, IRyS
biboo should go to sleep she streams too much
There absolutely were Vesper fans here. In this very thread. Most of them stopped after the suspension but they existed.
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Anons... I have a confession. After pinning this image on my screen my work productivity has increased exponentially.
i like miko more than pekora personally, the issue is any Holo vs Holo. too easy of an in for any threadshitters.
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Fuck off listener-san that car explosion was pure kino
If you're referring to the Ayamefriend guy than sure he did, but the 35p link posters wouldn't
Yeah, with me
Councilfags have been around longer than fans who started with Sora when Myth debuted at this point.
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Hard working Ruffianbau bau
Perhaps I should reiterate that normal posters are who I'm referring to. Any Vesper fans who posted here were not welcome shortly after debut (maybe a month or two at most). But afterwards, they weren't what I would call "normal" posters. Heck, we probably still have former Vesper fans here. They're the ones who shit up the place, but I'm talking about actual, proper posters.
This thread is built on comparing numbers. Grow a backbone pussy.
they should kiss as a joke haha....
While there was some annoyance with the faggots doing collabs with the girls early on, Vesper getting suspended and then throwing out new homos after the girls were struggling and begging for new girls lead us to the level of hatred we see today. It’s completely Cover and the homos’ fault.
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How nostalgic.
>he thinks the numbers thread is about numbers
Real "Cleopatra is closer in time to you than she is to King Tut" energy.
Yes, so you decide the best course of action is to shit up the place beforehand? Interesting.
>we should do Holo vs Holo
Kill yourself
Thats kinda a No True Scotsman thing. Anyone who posts something I don't like must be a raider or a schizo everyone normal agrees with me on everything.
I mean, the later Egyptians literally uncovered ruins from their ancestors themselves, and then they became tourists attractions for Romans (who graffitied them).
Yes, actually. People can post whatever they want here. But the general sentiment is what dictates what the thread likes and doesn't like. Someone could right now make a positive Vesper post, but that doesn't mean he is liked here.
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That and the homobeggars that were jeering on Hololive fans when they were asking for a new gen. “Just watch da boiz! We don’t need new girls when we have da boiz!” And those faggots don’t even watch them.
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>Miosha graduation
Not like this...
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>09/23 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.886: Cecilia (Hololive) | holoGTA
3.452: IRyS (Hololive) | holoGTA
3.327: Mint (Indie) | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
3.093: Raora (Hololive) | holoGTA
3.072: Bae (Hololive) | holoGTA
2.557: Dokibird (Indie) | Poma Pon (V4Mirai) Debut Watchalong
2.469: Calli (Hololive) | holoGTA
1.838: Fulgur (Nijisanji) | Thank Goodness You're Here!
1.423: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Violin Karaoke Stream
1.357: Meloco (Nijisanji) | エアホッケー
1.205: Jelly (Phase-Connect) | Bloons TD 6
1.150: Reimu (Nijisanji) | Black Myth: Wukong
1.021: Uki (Nijisanji) | Animal Crossing
I think that just about everyone who regularly posts in this thread has been accused of being ennacuck, a sister, a flip, and 20 different holo fanbases at one point or another.
she wanted a peaceful life of being a whore like subaru...
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1) Bae (Hololive) - 4.933 - Just Chatting
2) IRyS (Hololive) - 4.739 - ENigmatic Recollection
3) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.820 - Sponsored Stream
4) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.950 - ENigmatic Recollection
5) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.928 - Just Chatting
6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.867 - ENigmatic Recollection
7) Raora (Hololive) - 4.610 - Minecraft w/ Cecilia, Kaela, Matsuri, Towa
8) Calli (Hololive) - 4.301 - ENigmatic Recollection
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 2.922 - Breaking Dimensions Watchalong
10) Meloco (Nijisanji) - 3.737 - ASMR Stream
11) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.706 - Black Myth: Wukong
12) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.836 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 4.842 - Elite Exorcist Miko
14) Mint (Indie) - 4.190 - Karaoke Stream
15) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.982 - Sheepy: A Short Adventure
16) Mint (Indie) - 3.301 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
17) Mint (Indie) - 4.876 - Fears to Fathom: Woodbury Getaway
18) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.776 - Pico Park 2 w/ AmaLee, Bao, Juniper, Limealicious, Mint, Rin, Snuffy
19) Cecilia (Hololive) - 4.384 - Black Myth: Wukong
20) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.527 - Balatro
21) Dokibird (Indie) - 3.827 - Sponsored Stream
22) IRyS (Hololive) – 3.919 - holoGTA
23) Cecilia (Hololive) – 4.886 - holoGTA
I wish I was one of those 5 guys...
you are no true scotsman, you fucking schizo raider
Well I didn't say everyone liked him, but multiple people in this thread were liveposting and discussing his streams daily for months. Comparable to say the level of discussing a minor Holo like Bae or Nerissa gets when live. Eventually tailed off and then died with the suspension.
Maybe Khufu but Tut was like 1300bc, around the time of Ramesses and the bronze age collapse.
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3x: Gigi, Mint
2x: FuwaMoco, Kiara, Dokibird, Cecilia
1x: Bae, IRyS, Shu, Elizabeth, Raora, Calli, Meloco, Shiori, IRyS

>SEPTEMBER EN COPE POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)
29p: Mint
27p: Calli
10p: Kiara
9p: Dokibird, Gigi
6p: Meloco, Shu, Cecilia
5p: Shiina
4p: Airi, Uruka
3p: Altare, IryS, Fuwamoco
3p: Rosemi
2p: Vantacrow, Lia, Reimu, Kilia, Wilson, Uki, Bettel, Vox
1p: Millie, Shinri, Enna, Narin, Elira

>POINTS PER STREAMER (Small agencies/indies) (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)
37p: Mint
16p: Dokibird
9p: Kanna
3p: Kilia, Nihmune
2p: Miori, Nene, Narin, Rin
1p: Jira
And like I said, this is revisionism. That was not what happened.
I've been accused of being from literally every fanbase and being every schizo that exists so I'd tend to agree. I think sometimes people just do it at random.
>with that said, im pretty sure the nijiGTA RP also had this energy of familiarity, yet it seemed like there was zero discussions or traffic about it. i cant imagine that the sole reason was the lack of EN livers that joined, but also the only time it reached the western eyes was because of the EN livers announcing that they'll step away from the server, which caused some uproar
Yes, I don't know where this weird revisionist narrative that hololive fans were upset by his suspension came from. When they first debuted the assumption was that they would be mostly separate and EN3 would be coming very soon. As it became clear that neither of those things were true, the attitude changed.
Your take is the revisionist one.
kanata was an unwanted pregnancy...
are you the person who complains about the meido samefagging in global when the split was announced?
The sole reason is...like .05% of this board watches Niji JP so without EN no one here would care.
>EN livers announcing that they'll step away from the server,
>meloco kept playing
honorary nijiJP i kneel
I've been accused of being Aku. How do you recover from that shit?
Watamate already converted them
Let me put it to you this way, any Vesper discussion that was anywhere near his suspension was viewed at the same level as Faunaschizo/Ennacuck/any other schizo we have. They were unwanted.
You'll have to break that down in a different way so I can understand what you're asking. I don't normally post in global, so probably not.
From Samurai Jack?
The fat bitch who hates FWMC and got her pics leaked here.
That's rough
i got a memory unlocked fuck you
There was some positivity toward them for a few reasons for the first month or so
>They provided a contrast (in theory) to NijiEN males who were the main thread enemies at the time
>They made a big show of forging their own path early on, which seemed to imply not leeching the girls
>Some anons treated it as the great experiment to see if brotubers were possible
It didn't last as long as some anons were saying though, it pretty much died when the September of homo collabs killed any lingering illusions.
Is that Iroh's VA? Never watched that show
I remember someone posting an IRys timestamp that the 1M can't get a sololive
People were thinking he did something that deserved termination rather than suspension. Especially when something like that never happened before. It was the assumption of preferential treatment which many hololive fans were beginning to suspect that the homos were getting.
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Fwmc gain 17K sub during GTARP
This event was really good for them

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