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>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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Don't reply to bait and off topic posts! Just report and hide!
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3D Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY
To continue the discussion from last thread, isn't it great when Fuwawa says "Haaaaah"
here we go!
>"Ame-senpai, are you good at rubix cubes and stuffs?"
FWMC rubik's cube for next birthday merch where it's either only 2 colors or just different cute images of them for each side
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gn ruffians
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good night
The fact they had to say any of this shows a lot about you guys.
two of the sides will be manipulated images for each of them
I love them so much and just want them to look my way for even a tiny bit...
What ever, I got my heart'd comment and monthly FuwaMoco like. I don't need this.
this will be the first /baubau/ to die under the bump limit
It's gotten really close a couple of times so I surprised it hasn't happened already
There's really nothing to talk about right now
GTA was great, the members stream laid a lot of brainworms to rest, and they finally did the right thing of warning beforehand of a stream that might be canceled before canceling it
Not it's just sleep or catch up on vods until Wednesday morning
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MJ bro has a better chance getting a song from biboo
the fwmc burger jumping into police HQ incident looks even funnier from their pov kek
When are we having a vidya night again
no stream later tonight
Tonight would be nice but I'm not sure how many people are willing to join games these days
As in, right now (4am in my time) or later during the day?
'Cause all my stuff needs updates so currently I can't, also I intend on sleeping tonight
later during the day
Sounds fun. What games exactly do you have in mind? There's been a few mentioned before: Halo, Fall Guys, anything other than jong?
Those can work, I also saw someone mention goldeneye source and TF2 a couple times too. The latter could be nice with the collab coming up.
EDF is on sale so if other people are down then Ill buy it
She’s going to still eat it while drinking rat king tea…
I already own 4, 5, and 6 so if anyone is ever down for it I'm up
There was some other anon that was waiting for it to be on sale too, unless that's you
What do you guys think they're like off-stream?
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HoloGTA was big for FWMC's subs. After adjusting for streams where their sub count actively increased while they were streaming (all #shorts streams except for HoloARK and their 3D debut), the next biggest sub growth event was Golden Week.
Game likes to crash so I'll pass unfortunately. It's also why I stuck with single player
Today is probably our best shot of getting the treasures picture, since no stream
Not beating the numbermonkey shitposter allegaitons with posts like this anon. I suggest not bringing it up right now unless you actually want their stink to stick to this general. If so, then fuck you and go back.
>Game likes to crash
Which one? 6?
I never had an issue with it but yeah it did crash often in online for some reason for a friend
that was me, if another anon want to join then ill def buy it
I know it's bad, but sometimes I just get sucked into the autism hyperfocus
He probably stole that chart from numbers to begin with.
another huge W for their fsve
Hopefully they do some sub farming streams in October to keep the momentum up, if they can get another 20k next month they should reach 1 million by the end of the year
Real bad monkey hours so early in the morning
I wish I got it from numbers and didn't just spend 6 hours fucking around with tables and charts because my brain decided to fixate on it. The sun's going to rise soon
They're all in on jp sub farming. In guessing they hired this mark Chen clipper or they should have it they're smart
Watch this too


Weird raid, I hope all of you die very soon!
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Goo goo gaga Laffians
I'm getting cloudy feelings again...
>my oshis
that list is double digits, does it even mean anything to him?
the final GTA news will be in 2 hours
I need some friend sex posting to forget the fact that I haven’t gotten a like in three months… Why can’t I just be happy to support them? I crave their attention. Otherwise, I feel like I don’t exist for them…
What's with the numberposting this early in the morning? And it's about someething that anyone with 2 working eye balls and above room temp IQ could tell even.
seethe more fag. He's funnier and more loved by them then you ever will be. You despicable hateful stalker
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Fuwawa eat the cookie.
Numbers are interesting, kind of like stats for baseball nerds
If the recent examples of who got likes are anything to learn by you should remove your paw prints and start talking about other girls you're watching. It also helps to complain about your life, real or made up and insult them privately a lot while being a yes mans publicly
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I want to play that shitty SAO game with the Ruffians when it comes out
They aren't interesting to talk about considering there's a name showing how annoyed others are with you people
It's just globalfags who hate number talk and they wouldn't know oshikatsu if it pissed in their thread so don't worry about them.
I'm not doing any of that but I will take the rest of the week as a break to try to calm my declining mental health. I can't stop feeling inferior when even dumb contents like that or every single superchat he sends makes them laugh the hardest they ever have. they read his oranges for fucks sake
go back to your containment thread, monkey
Don't care go back to your containment thread, monkey
Just be a better ruffian it's not hard to make them laugh or be loved unless you're fake or boring as heck. They love silly retards most of all
Those events are probably some of the best ways to get subs. They beat out shit like FES and even 3d debuts if you can get enough clips that get popular with other branches. Honestly it might be good to go do one of the ID big multi branch encompasing things if you want another quick shot.
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Getting featured in the news so often helped a lot, their CCV increased as the week went on so they caught the attention of a lot of JP viewers who hadn't seen them before
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even if their sub growth reverts to the shorts-adjusted mean immediately, they'll still reach 1M before December
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I'm happy for their success but uneasy because it means even more jp content is coming that I'll be alienated by. I doubt they ever pay peroTL for solo streams and they ignore EN fans completely during those streams so it's hard to think we're going to lose even more of the already limited time we get tii spend together to this
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they tell me to stay strong and not compare to others but when everyone else is constantly getting love and attention from them she they pretend i don't exist at all it's hard
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Also for reference what that rate looks like
Can they beat Kronii to 1 million?
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And even if they drop all the way to 500 subs/day, they'd still make it by the end of the year, and they'd need to take weeks off at a time to get down to that level again consistently
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I can't read
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I doubt it. They'd have to have HoloGTA-level growth for the next three weeks or so to beat her to 1M
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Why is this creatura
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>match in flowerpot
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Im menhera and I wish I wasnt
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Stop coming here and take a break from tweeting and commenting
I don't even necessarily hate numberfag stuff, but give people the reandown, idiot, nobody wants to look at graphs except for the people already using your monkey thread.
they only care about ccv horserace shitflinging, not stuff like this
>t. Never passed highschool maths
You're kinda special, aren't you? It's simple enough, their two biggest moments of growth were when they did large, week long events that attempted to reach out to the JP branch and their fans. Well, outside of shorts streams, which were just free subs for a hot minute.
They SHOULD also do some shorts with their 3d in the studio, because those still have some decent traction, and if they manage to get 1 hit one, they could get their 1m goal pretty easily.
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I am convinced I said or did something wrong in the meet and greet because the energy they have with me feels way different and it makes me want to kill myself and save everyone the embarrassment. There's no way to ever fix it either because it would be retarded to send in a SC and I probably will never get another chance to talk with them. God how did I fuck it so bad... they even mentioned the fuckup and said it made them cry vaguely during the members stream and I want to slit my wrists then throat
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too obvious
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They didn't mention crying about ruffian stuff in the members stream, only about frustration with their bodies not working like they want them to
I wish I were joking... I cried during the members stream and lose sleep about it every single night. It's going to haunt me for the rest of my life and if that's the case I don't know if I can't take it
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paizuri from Fuwawa would make all the cloudy feelings of menhera go away.
they said they cried when ruffians left at the timer end without a full good bye
I want to blow my brains out I was scared of getting banned from all holo events for staying late
try a fan letter? idk bro hope you feel better I am sure it's all in your head
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bro is conjuring up demons from thin air
Oh, if that's what you're worried about, don't be. Any negative feelings they have would be directed at the shitshow that anime impulse was and not at the ruffians they met.
That reminds me, I need to complain to Cover about how poorly ran impulse was.
It just makes me sick to my stomach every time I think of it to the point it starts to ruin my time with the current them because I remember it. I want to lose all my memories because I fucksd it all up. Imagine knowing your retardation led to your oshis personally crying and feeling so bad they mention it even a month later. how do I even live with this?
It's over, you spilled too much spaghetti
time for some Fuwawa milk and cookies.
the cookie tweets made me get cookie dough from the freezer to eat raw...
just k yourself then if it's such a big deal you fucking crybaby
>they said they cried when ruffians left at the timer end without a full good bye
I'm going to laugh when the next anime con Hololive has a panel at isn't pay to enter. Whoever decided that shit needs to be killed.
Guess who's got an upcoming event?
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thanks for the holomeet
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Yeah, I don't see how you can hear this as anything other than them blaming the event organizers.
>the timer was scary
>we're gonna ask for there to not be a timer next time
>we didn't know it'd be there
>it felt like "do your thing and get out" kinda feeling
>that was the first time there was a timer
>nowhere else had a timer
>no wonder the ruffians were running away from us
Still not sure if it was Cover who put that stipulation or if Impulse did because they are a smaller con and it costs money to get Hololive there. Given none of the large cons had a pay-tp-enter panel for Hololive talents in the past, I'm willing to put the retarded blame on Impulse until proven otherwise.
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Sometimes I'll want to vent about something on twitter to get some genuine responses and encouragement but then I remember the last 3 times I did it none of the ruffians that follow me cared even though they're quick to help out others
The whole fiasco with them changing the m&g raffle terms and price last minute should tell you enough, but even the artists I talked to said that Impulse was run poorly.
I should interact with others more on twitter. I used to do it all the time
I used to be very active then slowly distanced myself to the point where I don't feel welcome or comfortable to be back
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I just joined fubuki stream, any fuwamoco clips yet?
>to get some genuine responses
Aren't really gonna find that on twitter very often I feel
>none of the ruffians that follow me cared even though they're quick to help out others
I probably follow you but I'm likely not in that group since I rarely use my timeline ever, still though, sorry about that
I like this Fuwawa a lot.
It's just so very "Fuwawa"
I remember you complaining about this before months ago
my dms are always open if you want to vent to someone specific to break the bystander effect
Fuwawa is a miracle of the universe
im willing to talk to you on here. I only use twitter to like art and tweet to fwmc so I probably havent seen anything of yours granted I dont follow that many ruffians anyway
You niggas are really pathetic holy shit
Go find a therapist you can yap to
Not being welcomed comes from others getting a lot closer so I feel like I'll be interrupting something, uncomfortable from seeing some of the stuff a few people I thought were cool have said or done and having my social anxiety get worse isn't helping.

No reason to feel sorry about something like this

I probably have but I tend to forget stuff I post here

I appreciate the offers but DMs are too personal and I've already caused a lot of off topic posts already
kill yourselves faggots i’d rather another jp loop than your cringe self help group session talk
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Blow your brains out already insufferable tranny
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Wow the sisters really are riled up this morning, did your loops not work?
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It's really funny how "angry" they get over something so stupid
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There there. Not sure if I have you added but sometimes I'll see people vent or just talk about random stuff. Could just be timing too. I mostly use twitter for art and FWMC stuff with the occasional, random fgc shit.
Still won't forgive the bullshit answer I got from the staff about the raffle after they pulled the shit with the last minute changes to the raffle. I asked them if when we applied to the raffles initially when FWMC were separately would be counted towards the lotto for the combined set. Got no answer and said there's not much else they can do so I honestly feel they trashed that pile but I have no confirmations if that was case or not. It's such horseshit because other cons have had a better system. And let's not forget that it DID NOT require a fucking con badge and they check verification with social media of all fucking things.
>wake up
>another day without any likes despite multiple higher effort posts about them and their GTA adventures and other things FUWAMOCO

I'm just tweeting into the void..
You’re the one with a shit life seeking consolidation from anonymous people, bro

No one gives a fuck lmao
You're getting angry over anonymous posts
That was my first post ITT but keep on seething sister lol
Kill yourselves asap. You’re more sensitive than actual women, and more insufferable too. But at least they have sex to offer, you offer nothing besides being a waste of oxygen.
how funny would it be if they shilled the clip stream and no fuwamoco ones made it in. Would they finally realize holojp fans don't care about them at all? they're good for baiting for sub numbers in events but they'll never support fwmc
Calm down sister I'm sure the discord will shit out another loop in an hour for you
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Your anger at 4chan posts only makes me feel better about myself
Fucking die already retard if your life is this bad to the point you’re crying to all of us for virtual hugs
No wonder you’re friendless, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near you
There, there they still saw your posts I'm sure. They are weird about giving likes and it's frustrating at times to see but what can you do? trust that they still care about you
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No it doesn’t because you still know how worthless of a human being you are in your lonely dark apartment and you’ll go back to crying in a 5 minutes, implying of course you aren’t crying right now from someone telling you the truth instead of coddling you KEK
What 'clip stream' are you talking about?
Nigga you’re the one desperate for friends lmao you’re on discord as we speak.
We know you’d stoop that low. No one likes you
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Lol he sure is assdamaged
Thank you Fuwawa
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keep them coming d*de, surely the next one will make me kill myself
Seeing stuff like what?
And you're not interrupting anything. It's a public forum, and we're all ruffians. It's like going to a club or meetup for a hobby and feeling like you can't talk because everyone else already knows each other even though everyone else was in that position at some point and you have the hobby in common to talk about from the start anyway. Obviously this isn't applicable one to one here, but the point is to not let anxieties get in the way.
No need to samefag sister
You're an ugly person, both inside and out
the fubuki one they tweeted about begging ruffians to submit clips to get them even more numbers. they haven't had a clip focused on them yet and it's halfway over
Super thread reader god super thread reader here.
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Why are you so mad there isn't a loop happening right now? This thread only has a few hours at most each day where ruffians can genuinely vent or try and talk to eachother. Your looping hours will come back whenever your friend wakes up so just chill out for one second
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I’ve seen replies like this before from people who were actually on the verge, which means my posts are ACTUALLY affecting you which, while pathetic on your end, is unsurprising given how thin-skinned you are. I bet even FWMC find you worthless. You’re not a man, and you’ll never be a woman, so you’re just… sad. That’s all your existence is - sad. Meanwhile, people like me abuse people like you because you take up space on this planet. Good for nothing. I find solace in knowing you will never reproduce on this planet. Once you go (which will probably be soon), that’s it. Now be honest with me, how often do you think about that? Very, right? Tell me.
I did make an attempt a few months ago after the move made me feel horrible and now I feel the same cloudy feelings rising up again... I'm sorry fuwamoco and ruffians for everything I've done
All I know is they said submit a new entry again and I submitted a new entry again. Who knows how fucked up their system for organizing this is behind the scenes
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FUWAMOCO mentioned
In a "oh please no they'll be expensive and kill me again..." way
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Stuff like actually thinking FUWAMOCO have favorites, the people that will judge so much of what they do and hate stuff like japanese streams in private while publicly lying to their faces.
Thanks for the rest of your post too, I'll think about that a bit more later but I already feel a lot better seeing how angry this one retard got
Well well well, the regular favorites got their FWMC likes today.
kek sounds about right.
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fuck off
Not your discord, tranny. Kill yourself. Go find help in the form of a bullet to the roof of your mouth.
>Stuff like actually thinking FUWAMOCO have favorites
Can people even argue against that when they routinely retweet and like the same few people way, way more than others?
I mean it's one thing whether it bothers you or not, but I'd find it bizarre to deny that yes they absolutely give some ruffians way more attention than others
It's really clear that JP fans and senpai daw the true FUWAMOCO in this event and now know they're annoying shameless attention and number whores. It's what fuwamoco wanted i guess but they would have been better off staying as the cute twins. now people actively dislike them instead of viewing them as an unknown neat curiosity
Don't latch onto my post with your feces
Just like I can't get rid of you, you can't get rid of me, so unfortunately we're stuck here together
Funny how quickly they flooded in lol
>Stuff like actually thinking FUWAMOCO have favorites
I hate to tell you this, but they do have favorites. And that's fine. Everyone has favorites in something. I have favorites. You have favorites. Well, so do they. They like the same people, retweet the same people and read the same people over and over again. It's apparent. Who cares?
Better than your therapy sessions, tranny.
People try to ignore their actions and stick to their words because they're worried or something. Whether it's favorites or them saying they were going to start finding balance in May/September 2024/May 2025 there are retards that will treat their word as the absolute truth and attack anyone that voices any complaints
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Halo bro you here? If so can you set up a lobby tonight?
Nah, I have confidence you’ll an hero soon enough. I just need to wait patiently.
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What happened today to piss them off so much?
17k subs in a week from GTA.
It's cultist mentality. Very concerning, but very common. FWMC will confess to not being perfect and Ruffians think of them as goddesses free of flaws and incapable of doing wrong.
Is this what it feels like when people can mentally and unconsciously tune out sirens and gunshots in their neighborhood because they're so common? It's funny how the cosmic microwave background of shit flinging here is just... there
Is this because they passed Bae?
I hope one day these people can find an oshi that they're proud of so they aren't filled with so much anger.
You seem very hurt by the words being said to you. I’m glad. When you finally kill yourself, I won’t know about it, but I know it will happen at some point and knowing my petty words on an anonymous imageboard contributed to that will be great, kek.
None of the people you think are favorites are, they're pathetic losers
actively hates holo JP and every JP stream. he was suddenly ok with hologta despite trashing it when announced because they retweeted him multiple times a day. he has gained 300 followers
spams low effort shit clips, spams chat constantly. they read him a lot because of the spam but it's always just a repeat of what they already said. he has no unique thoughts and is a certified fag from bd
despite him leaving them they still check his profile constantly and boost his shitry memes. proof you can traumadump and go full menhera when ignored even if you're a favorite
she deserves the love and is a cute menhera femruffian so no one should be mad here
speaks jp, lively, travels to all their events, never menhera. probably their top ruffian even if they don't visibly interact a ton on Twitter. also spams chat to an unhealthy degree.
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i prefer when the thread is like this desu
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Anon if that's what you're thinking you're probably half my age at best. I come here to say goodnight to ruffians and just give anonymous headpats when I see some genuinely struggling. Hopefully in a few years you'll be able to look back on all your time spent here and just think it was kind of silly
Well put. Ruffians need to realize, fuwamoco are flesh and bone just like them
kekaroo still no appearance on friends stream. I hope they're crying over it. All that shameless shilling and they're seeing every single number they got was nothing and doesn't care about them. it may as well have been botted
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Has friend shown any clips from the wives yet?
I don't watch JP streams.
It wouldn't surprise me
Well FBK talked about FWMC a couple of times and how much fun they were but didn't show a clip
They don’t know Tezki’s hatred for JP streams. They still read and retweet him all the time.
They absolutely LOVE Phoenix, so there’s no point in denying that unless you want to cope.
Pillar has been forgotten for the most part by, well, everyone.
Sobbi, eh. They have other, better artists like that hinata person.
Now Andy? Come on, man. They LOVE Andy.
You could look at it charitably and say that oshikatsu is a performance in both directions, and all performances deviate from the truth in some way or another.
Nope they didn't show up once. Even after they publicly begged for people to submit. Turns out they alienated their EN dedicated fans for JP tourists that already forgot about them. kek
There was a clip of Subaru reacting to Garibaldi running towards them. Besides that there hasn't been any.
It's pathetic how invested sisters are in FUWAMOCO just to shitpost about them here
well the only performance I want now is Fuwawa bouncing her massive sweaty post practice floofies on my cock until I explode
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We're desensitized to the smell of piss getting off the subway and all the rats roaming around
Read tweets
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Friend mentioned the wives!
FWMC in FBK's chat replying to her talking about them
I could be younger than you, but honestly makes your life twice as pathetic. I’m not the one coming here crying because I’m a friendless lonely retard - that’s you. I’m not the one who wants virtual hugs and headpats because no one responds to my menhera tweets - that’s you. See how sad you are? Me, I’m telling you what everyone /here/ and people in your life, if there are any, are thinking: KILL YOURSELF. You’re fucking annoying and you have no worth.
FUWAMOCO about to be shown on clip stream
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It's all they got in life it's pretty pathetic isn't it?
nice try piasnix. notice how they have never thanked you for your shitty clips despite you trying to bait it in two superchat readings in a row now? You're a fucking loser and they know it more than anyone. They'll gladly take your money even if it means having to pretend to care about your boring empty walls of messages but they have no love for that thing and it's unofficial spokesperson bs
Stop samefagging, tranny. And stop crying while you’re at it, too.
I look at twitter once a day, usually after work. I know some of you here live on there though, so it's probably a hard concept to grasp.
I assumed someone replied to FBK's tweet with it, but I hope she shows the compilation of her yelling FUWAMOCOOOOOO
Ummm.... sister.... how you feeling now? Are you okay?
( ^w^)b
KEKAROO they were there the whole time hoping a clip would get submitted and they saw firsthand how little JP fans care. I hope it made them cry lmao so pathetic
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That’s right. Let it all sink in, BITCH.
You just lost, they were on stream. You should have watched it before posting. Now you look like a fool.
Nah he's still assdamaged
>still samefagging
You are a sad tranny.
(>_< ;)
all the shameless shilling for a 10 second clip that she played because they were in chat. I sure feel assblasted at how pathetic it is
Proof, sister?
erm, what?
Still on stream again. You double lost. Jesus, I'd end myself i I were you.
Thanks for taking the time to write so much. Like I said before, I'm here to offer just a little anonymous support to ruffians I see genuinely struggling, much like I try to do with the people I know by name too. I've gotten to know a lot of different people over the years, and I've been a lot of different people too with the way I've behaved and changed. I'm sure in a few years you'll change too, and I hope whatever life you lead outside of here is treating you well
wtf? maybe it's a mistake?
Oh shit, they changed it to tonight? Nice.
senpai = the IRyS, Gura and Mori singing statue things
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haha no, gottem
Just a mistake on FWMC's part, Nerissa has a member's zatsu, Shiori's got more monke, and Biboo has a TTRPG character creation collab with Calli today.
I forgot this moment kek
Complete trauma, demanding death penalty, and Subaru saying "do you know how little that narrows it down" to FWMC saying "Marine acting strange!"
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I love you headpat anon

FUWAMOCO have shown up in half the clips Fubuki has been watching kek
>is bored
>decides to shit up /baubau/
>open thread
>it's mostly dead aside from maybe 3-4 ruffians talking about something (it's one guy, and the others are showing a basic human function 'empathy')
>decides that the best course of action is to fake anger to shut down what was a mostly dead thread
>doesn't work and gets found out instantly
>is now trying to switch to a men loop
>doesn't go anywhere
>tries the JP tourist loop
>gets BTFO'd by the gods pretty much instantly
I just don't get it. How does someone end up so low that they have nothing in their life other than making everyone else's worse?
How do you even reach that point as a human? Going against biological programing to such in insane degree would normally mean you've given up, but if you've got this much gusto you could still "make it" in life and are just floundering a genuinely rare talent

It's sad, honestly
it's got to be exciting for them to only have a few more months in the shit branch that is EN. I hope the transfer goes quick after they hit 1M although I don't know which gen they'd join. it'd be nice if they were in JP officially before the Mario Kart tourney and new year
>is bored
>decides to shit up /baubau/
>open thread
>it's mostly dead aside from maybe 3-4 ruffians talking about something (it's one guy, and the others are showing a basic human function 'empathy')
>decides that the best course of action is to fake anger to shut down what was a mostly dead thread
>doesn't work and gets found out instantly
>is now trying to switch to a men loop
>doesn't go anywhere
>tries the JP tourist loop
>gets BTFO'd by the gods pretty much instantly
I just don't get it. How does someone end up so low that they have nothing in their life other than making everyone else's worse?
How do you even reach that point as a human? Going against biological programing to such in insane degree would normally mean you've given up, but if you've got this much gusto you could still "make it" in life and are just floundering a genuinely rare talent

It's sad, honestly
You seem genuinely mad. Looks like I actually broke you. Good.
because they're annoying whores who make everything about themselves.
>is bored
>decides to shit up /baubau/
>open thread
>it's mostly dead aside from maybe 3-4 ruffians talking about something (it's one guy, and the others are showing a basic human function 'empathy')
>decides that the best course of action is to fake anger to shut down what was a mostly dead thread
>doesn't work and gets found out instantly
>is now trying to switch to a men loop
>doesn't go anywhere
>tries the JP tourist loop
>gets BTFO'd by the gods pretty much instantly
I just don't get it. How does someone end up so low that they have nothing in their life other than making everyone else's worse?
How do you even reach that point as a human? Going against biological programing to such in insane degree would normally mean you've given up, but if you've got this much gusto you could still "make it" in life and are just floundering a genuinely rare talent.

It's sad, honestly
Uh oh! The menhera tranny is having a melty!
>is bored
>decides to shit up /baubau/
>open thread
>it's mostly dead aside from maybe 3-4 ruffians talking about something (it's one guy, and the others are showing a basic human function 'empathy')
>decides that the best course of action is to fake anger to shut down what was a mostly dead thread
>doesn't work and gets found out instantly
>is now trying to switch to a men loop
>doesn't go anywhere
>tries the JP tourist loop
>gets BTFO'd by the gods pretty much instantly
I just dont get it. How does someone end up so low that they have nothing in their life other than making everyone else's worse?
How do you even reach that point as a human? Going against biological programing to such in insane degree would normally mean you've given up, but if you've got this much gusto you could still "make it" in life and are just floundering a genuinely rare talent.

It's sad, honestly
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We broke him
>he got btfo beyond belief with his "they wont show up on this stream" angle
>withdraws for 3 minutes and thinks
>comes back with the "en vs jp" angle
menhewa twannies get the wope!
>dude borken
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DEATH to all menheras who aren’t FWMC
>my post actually broke him
I'm at a lost for words
Oh, they translated this into JP?
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what is going on here
Miko also showing some clips
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>Try to genuinely talk to someone on a human level
>They just start spamming
Alright man, good luck
Troon mad
>Sora: I'm car
FUWAAAMOOOCCCOOO I swear it was like just comedic timing when they always rolled at the right time and Fubuki just being able to emote perfectly to the situation. What got me in stitches with those two is when Fubuki rolled in on a go kart or the helicopter crash in the mountains. It's very Alvin and the Chipmunks in the yelling, it was great.
KEKAROOOO!! The menhera tranny who got told to kill himself is spamming now.
blud goes dud
Is there a different taste to japanese semen? why are they so obsessed with sucking off random men that pass by in japan but refuse to even tell their long time ruffians that they love them? Why did they get ASMR and EN fans are completely forgotten? They don't even mention that it's coming anymore because they have no intentions of doing it.
...this has no business being this cinematic
reine out of nowhere
why aren't FUWAMOCO doing an English clip watchalong of hologta? it would get them lots of subs and no one else is. I thought they wanted to be a bridge? don't tell me they only care about japanese fans...
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Nah I'm going to be catching up on yesterday's gta vod.
>hide behind elevator
>evades the whole police department
what are they doiiing
It's alright ruffian, don't mind the sisters. They get pretty pathetic when the loops no longer work.
kronii was great both in enreco and gta, sadly she stopped after like day 1 in gta
I had no idea Reine speaks japanese
All of ID speak english and japanese
This stream has been buffering quite a bit for me. Neal please.
She hid in a bush when she was being chased and Biboo walked right by her. The cops were Police Academy-tier buffoons
will they have an EN graduation stream to say thank you before they switch branches or will they just one day be in jp without a word
Moona can't speak Jap to save her life. Go check out Axel's new cover song
not moona
I just wanted to give it a shot. I've been a teenager before so I wanted to see if there was any way to just kind of normally communicate. I really do hope that their life outside of here is going okay and this isn't just their only outlet
garbage day tonight they're sad that mane chan made them cancel a stream so they'll go where she can't stop them
Be real, how much have you actually watched of her? In any big multi-branch collab, she's usually doing some Japindolish and likes to joke around in collabs sometimes about using the fusion of the three in one sentence.
I don't think Kaela knows much other than a few words either, no?
enter rapu
>23 minutes
wait, i only rember the en clips being 17 minutes long
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>how much have you actually watched of her
10 minutes, and it was the clip Fubuki just showed
Are fuwamoco racist?
I get you, I've tried on occasion too but sometimes these threads are too archaic for pleasant conversations as seen above.
I want ro taste the japanese cum in their pussies after they have had a fun night with their jo wuffians
god i love miko's laugh
This danmaku chat pretty neat
Tho I wondee if it'd actually works in chat as fast as FWMC
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Watching the GTA streams makes me wish I had friends to play GTA online with.
yeah... it would've been fun to mess around or go on heists with friends back when I used to play (and when hackers went so bad)
God it gets me hard knowing how little they care about me. they're spending time watching a Japanese clip show instead of spending it with their EN fans as they work on more limited Taiwan voice recordings. I feels so good to be deprived and belittled like this by the hotter cocksleeves money can buy
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I had some before and did heists with them and all but I ended up ghosting everyone and now I'm alone
Just me and FUWAMOCO
Any of the anons that play MHW want to try playing tonight at normal stream time since there's no stream?
do you have like, 20 friends in your beck and call or something
for me, it looks like it wont be fun unless you also got frens in opposing faction to clash with
Do you still believe every word they say?
Normal GTA Online is plenty fun with just 3-4 people. RP servers like this obviously live from them being very active (and good. random RP servers out there always have some people who just try to start shit and who randomly shoot everyone disregarding all rules)
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every single one cause they have never given me a single reason to doubt them
Less than 5 friends can make the online a lot of fun if you stick together or are doing missions. You don't need 20 people.
Most of the people here don't even have A friend, let alone enough to play a full heist with.
is it weird to get sexually aroused when pushing a massive log out
If /baubau/ is still around in 2035 when GTA 6 releases would ruffians play together?
Miko showing better clips than FBK right now imo
are the missions really that challenging
its gta, so i got the impression that you can just cheese most mission if its against npc or smt, so the only way to spice it up is to have actual human opposing you
You got the gay
Why do you fags send them so much money when they give you nothing but empty promises in return? What are they spending all of this money on?
I'll probably never buy a rockstar game again desu
The heist missions can run up close to an hour and are pretty challenging. Think of those missions like raids.
The heists are pretty fun actually. I really think they did a good job at making you feel that "I have a role for this heist and must do it properly so the rest of my team mates can do theirs and we all make it out with loadsa money".
Oh, so this is the origin of pineapple and grape duo
I can try to make it. I'm currently running through Iceborne with a friend because he never finished it and we just got passed Shrieking Legi. If the timing lines up nicely I'll try and unlock the Guiding Lands before it's time but I might be late
Also do you know if Safi is in rotation this week? Or is it Kulve for a while?

Assuming I have a machine that runs it, if I ever even buy the game, I'd be more than willing (I'm also assuming the game is good)
Oh shit never noticed its actually that open in front
I'm down for some MonHun, would it be just hunting things or trying to beat something specific?
>missions really that challenging
Heists, specifically Facility heists are absurdly difficult. If I remember right, the enemies in Facility heists can headshot you with assault rifles while you fly around in a jet
They get a little tough
I haven't checked yet so I'm not sure. I'm sure I'll get on some hours before though to refamiliarize myself with things
I'm mostly just trying to play to get myself ready for Wilds. I never got much further than getting myself a decent safi set. Whenever I play I'm usually down to hunt whatever though, I just enjoy the game
I guess youtube shittiness is all-encompassing
I wish they weren't so autistic about exposing their body or whatever. They tried the tattoo place once and it scared them so much they didn't even get a nice outfit for Korone's wedding.
FWMC were in Fubuki's clip stream and Miko's SUNAO premiere chat.
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would you have been upset if fuwamoco pole danced
A bit yeah
It would feel a little out of character, but I don't think I'd be upset by it
not at all but they would never do it anyways
More dissapointed but yeah
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It was strangely hot when AZKi went from clueless country bumpkin to pole dancing queen swimming in cash. The Pioneers were crying though.
No, it's RP.
Not very unless they also acted like cheap whores. If it was just ingame only and they did nothing but dance a bit and compliment the holo girl customers then fine.
i still don't think fuwamoco would ever do anything like that because of the art that would invariably be produced as a result and even though it's roleplay they don't wanna be seen as those kind of puppies like how they didn't retweet picrel or the recent kissing art hinatahirune posted despite retweeting both of these artists pretty often
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no, it's a roleplay server. I haven't fully caught up but the cabaret story arc has been kino too.
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Sometimes I forget how old I am and how unhealthy I am until they mention wanting us to be healthy, but then I'll forget when the stream ends and do nothing about it.
Hell I was shitting on you fags for wanting them to do it and told you to go watch other whores for that content
oh I missed menhera confession hours
Jesus Christ that is honestly fucking sad. That Sora can’t act in such a way, even for funny reasons because she is pure and seiso and thus anything not within those parameters would be considered out of character and an insult. FUWAMOCO would never do that but my god would I feel like shit if they had to apologize for having fun because of a bunch of people that cannot take some dumb RP…
FWMC wouldn't appreciate you calling Korone, AZKi, Sora, Lamy, Biboo, and Nerissa whores.
if you want the benefits of cultivating that image you have to accept the consequences too
roleplay or not I just wouldn't enjoy seeing them see them in that kind of setting.
It's just mentally ill control freaks. We have them too >>85972762
Well I didn't appreciate them acting like whores so I guess we're equal
It'd be funny because if one decided to do it the other would have no choice but to do it too since they shared one body
I know they're boomers but I would really like to see FWMC perform Mesmerizer
No because it's RP. Anyone who takes RP serious is a retard.
FWMC were REPULSED by Marine’s whorish advances and didn’t stay long in the strip club
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/baubau/ are my friends.
They probably wouldn't, but it's funny seeing people get upset over nothing.
Within limits, obviously.
For example, I wouldn't mind them having played the role of a pole dancer and entertainer / cute hostess girl who chats up customers.

But if they had said outright revolting things even ingame while RPing like talking about the taste of cum or how they're experienced in sleeping with guys or anything like that, I'd find that disgusting even if it's all within the realm of "RP" cause it would sour me hard on them.
I thought react content wasn't allowed
React content is only not allowed because people usually don't own the stuff they're reacting to
Who's gonna copyright claim Fubuki? Cover?
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Sex with friend.
feels good being able to read fwmc's japanese posts
their output isn't as strong as people think it is though
That's depressing.
I got reminded what the regular obsessive fan (or anti) is probably like in the real world at a local anime club meetup the other day. Most people there are either chatty or quiet, a decent chunk autistic. But one guy just would not shut up about how lonely he was and how he had no friends while also just being completely negative about the anime we were watching. He got asked to leave the room and unironically threw an autistic fit in the hallway yelling and screaming for like 30 seconds.
Of course most of the ones who can make it to something like BD are going to at least be slightly well-adjusted, but it just reminded me that there's plenty of you fuckers who are insane sitting behind the screen.
How many times are they going to retweet that tweet?
Until the japs get them to 1 million
every day until 1million
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until I like it
What do you mean output?
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I'm not like that kek. I'm pretty social around people at my work, I just don't have any real friends to chat about my hobbies with like I do with other /here/. Sure I got others I hang with from work, but I don't consider them friends.
listening, reading, writing and speaking a language are all three separate skills. listening and reading is what you consider input because you are receiving content from your target language. speaking and writing are what you consider output because you are constructing sentences and ideas in your target language
fwmc definitely understands japanese and they can articulate themselves enough to get by every day life, but i don't think they can express themselves to the same extent that they can in english. they also do make mistakes from time to time when they have to respond fast or on the fly to unexpected situations or input
all four separate skills*
why don't they love me anymore... I'm still here waiting for them whenever they do return
Ok that makes sense. It reminds me of yesterday when Fuwawa couldn't figure out how to say an expression so she just left it english lol, or they don't know how to describe "silly"
just as a reminder to the sister before 404
>you will never be a real vtuber
>you will never be FWMC
I’d be disappointed but they will never do it anyway considering they can’t even bear to see their character naked to pick out clothes for Korone’s wedding, much less pole dancing
It keeps fucking happening
You're too normal. Have you tried insulting them with backhanded compliments or by making untagged disappointed tweets about them?
Did you even try to hint at yourself changing oshis or becoming suicidal?
Fuck it way too tired for this
are japs fucking stupid or what
actually really interesting observation because i'm not sure that there is a real 1:1 translation of silly in japanese
i think the closest word would be 愚か but even then it doesn't really capture the nuance of "silly" and feels closer to foolish
The RP excuse only works when you're actually RPing and not acting like you normally do 99% of the time

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