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It took a while, but she finally reached this milestone! She truly deserves it! #Millie500k
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>her numbers ping-ponged
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Council didnt do as well as expected.
that's so weird, I don't think anyone has lost so many subs like this before T_T
did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before losing a year+ of growth?
This explains the Holokek meltdown
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Holy shit it finally happened!
Omedetou LMAO
this your mans?
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I'm kinda surprised ngl, it's been almost nine month since the whole ordeal and they still suffer its consequences
Congratulations millie !!
I think it's mostly dead account cull and lack of new subscribers at this point.
If it was a culling that slide wouldn't keep tumbling down, it'd dig a couple ditches along the way.
It's 100% lack of new subs and people unsubbing.
Nice, let's see Ironmouse's card.
The issue is that they aren't gaining any new fans, it's literally just the same dinosaur-level freakshows and twittertroons that care about niji, they aren't grooming new blood
the current sub drops probably aren't even protest drops anymore but just remaining stragglers cleaning up their sub list
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what did holos do now
Why did 1.5 million people watch Luca in august
I mean, they literally never apologized or tried to do anything other than confirm the suspicions that they were bullying selen by the company putting out the negligible statement and then elira and co putting out the black stream to interrupt doki's first regular stream since returning. the black stream's still there, they have still never tried to undo any of the massive damage it caused etc. they had months to observe the fallout and even half-ass a mulligan/redo on it and at least try to cover their asses on it, but no, they just sat on it and spun as their bad reputation continues to fuck them in the ass to this day.
Luxiem 3D debuts iirc
All they had to do was say sorry for handling the situation the way they did. Not even apologize to Doki or anything, just a simple sorry and say we are moving past for a better tomorrow
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Zeta just confirmed that members have to pay for their own trips and hotels in Japan. Ame is graduating and is confirmed to be reincarnating because Hololive is shit. GTA autists are complaining about the RP
They just need to open up fantias/fansly/OFs/patreons, money solved.
is she going back to her PL?
I think she renamed it. Couldn't actually tell you without Holo jannies sniping. Look in the archives and you'll find it
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Nijisisters viewfarming the Luxiem 3D group song video from his 3D debut that he uploaded as a separate video to his channel.
Is this why the nijis are seething hard? Are they also false flagging as vshojo fans as well? Boards been more of a dumpster fire lately. I'm assuming it also has to do with holo GTA wrapping up as a kino success.
Yeah. She seems like she'll focus on 3D stuff, and she's mutuals with Doki already, too. So sisters can't even use her to shitpost without propping up their enemy #1.
Not hard confirmed yet that she's completely coming back, but soft confirmation that her PL will at least be semi-active since her PL YT mentioned some new upcoming content to happen next month. We'll probably find out more then if you're planning on following.
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Congrats Millie <3
See you on your next milestone at 400k!
>Luca still has more subs
What is anyone supposed to be seething about, exactly?
Tribalfagging aside why are you even shilling for luca out of all people? That guy is scum and a sexpest.
>Are they also false flagging as vshojo fans as well
That would be the Holos that really thought Mouse was done so because retarded trolls abused Youtube's retarded copyright system, and were then quickly shut up when that obviously didn't work, then they tried the Froot thing but even that also turned around and even Asmon ended up privating his video after realizing he didn't know shit.
>the vshojo antis were using sister tactics
>but it's TOTALLY the holos who were instead watching a kino full hololive event, not the sisters who have absolutely nothing going on except for screeching at everyone to distract from Kunai leaving and Holo/Doki thriving.
Didn't froot become the laughing stock of the vtubing industry? That google doc was supposed to address her cheating accusations and then she confirms it lol
I haven't seen a single person other than her clique of friends stand up to her and everyone defends him instead
Now now, most people hating on froot were /k/ fags coming to shit up the board. Let's not fight amongst ourselves for those faggots. Idk about the mouse channel. It was a obvious that it is only a matter of time until the channel was restored.
Oh that's explain this thread
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Opposite, actually. As more people read it, they realized that the guy was full of shit. Several of the dramatubers like Asmon and Jehtt or whatever privated or deleted their videos (by their own hands, as if it were a DMCA it would clearly state that.)
Asmon even went on stream talking about how he hates vshojo/froot or whatever still, but after being forced to actually look into it, he couldn't find any evidence of cheating no matter how hard he looked.

But none of this is relevant to Millie hitting her new milestone! Hope she keeps going! Maybe Elira will hit that magic half a mil too one day.
Damn no wonder they're trying to deflect so hard
Holofag here, I was too busy enjoying HoloGTA to care about the stupid drama about Mouse's YT channel that you sisters were so desperate to shitpost about
Give Rosemi her milestone back you pluckers
She can get it when she leaves. Hell, she'll even get her own real play button that she can put on her wall.
Jehtt the Sonic guy? How's he involved? And no, I'm not doing VShojo reps
oh no, not him.
WestJett or some shit. Some other dramatuber.
There was a list of froot drama videos that got deleted. His was starting to gain traction too and it's gone now.
i saw you niggas go out your way to defend how retarded youtube is just cause ya oshis there, for the record, twitch is retarded too. blind corporate worship is cringe and slave mentality.
>OP (who is a fag) making some retarded deflection thread
>someone (who is also a fag for replying) fires back
>"le nijiseethe" picture that still shows someone from niji in the lead by a big margin
>"uhhhh why are you shilling"
>collabing with the opposite gender in a company where that is the norm is "sexpest" behavior
I thank God every day for not making me born in a 3rd world country full of """people""" that have literal trash as a luxury dinner
>>collabing with the opposite gender in a company where that is the norm is "sexpest" behavior
You don't know anything about Luca
>>"le nijiseethe" picture that still shows someone from niji in the lead by a big margin
Anon, it was literally 3D debut month of the strongest organ they have left vs a random mid tier holo who hadn't streamed much that month.
And in the current month, she's nearly double him. >>85960198

So once again, NIJISEETHE. Millie will continue to drop. I hope she got mane-san's permission before losing those subs!
Holokeks have to bump their deflection thread somehow now that they're also supporting the CCP. Hope losing Pokemon perms was worth it
Where are you from?
The Phillipines. I don't need to eat shitty holotrash when Niji's mogging them daily.
Oh thank jebus, the only drama I want to hear from him is him fucking all the VAs he hires
this is like comparing Gura to twisty lmao
But phillipines is a third world country. Why would you lie to me?
Such a nothing burger compared to Ame leaving and whatever the fuck froot loops is doing (Idgaf). This “yab” that everyone saw coming for months was a gift to you losers.
Nijinigger deflection post
This isnt a yab, this is karma
Holobronies and Vshoujokeks have to try dragging Niji into a giga yab to distract from theirs.
>They spoke Doki's name
>They apologized because fast food
>Muh noombers

All of this has happened before and no one gives a fuck anymore. False has now been forced to neck himself to defend Froot. It's okay to lose, faggots
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NIJIEN stands with froot. Don't you dare talk shit about her.
>Thread about Nijisanji
>Vshojofags desperately trying to hijack and derail it to be antihololive
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Never gets old
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which only makes this so much funnier
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He also posted it 3 other times
*2 other times, the top one is from this thread
>False has now been forced to neck himself to defend Froot
Just a typical case of sisters screeching "YEAH WHY DIDN'T FALSE COVER X"
before immediately being shown a video of False covering X.
No idea what that fag is talking about, False recently shit on his boss Asmon on stream pretty hard for his Froot video and Asmon privated the video shortly after that
I have zero attachment to Ame and still dislike you nijinigger and vshotard, though. Why should I feel bad about Ame leaving? Lmao.
False went on an autistic tirade about how much he hates Asmonbald because he shit on Froot for cheating
Maybe but that road goes both ways.
You don't get to brag about reaching milestones then and also say "lol they're just dead subs" when you lose them
>flase defended froot
so that pretty much confirms she's in the wrong, good to see some hard confirmation
I read on sunday here that Fauna was at only 900k and was shocked. Thought she was over 1 mil ages ago.
Not that I really care, loved the comfy Pikmin and Arctic Egg streams recently.
And then Asmon himself said he was a retard and walked back his statements.
He was right, sister.
Unlike Millie when she decided to be a horrid cunt back in February.
You mean he was forced to walk back after he got harassed by VShotrannies including False himself calling for his head for wrong think
Subs are pretty much meaningless since every holo gets there eventually, they're good to shit in people who actually care about numbers though lol
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I watched both and they were both very entertaining.
And that's why we are shitting on nijisanji
No you didn't
Funny, why didn't he walk back his statements that he said about Nijisanji, then? You girls harassed him far worse than purple man calling him a bald idiot who doesn't do proper research.
I still think this is hilarious even more than being the organizer for Nijisanji ENs demise trying to own this place.
>the massive vtuber drama stories right now are froots doc and ameliam watson leaving
>to this assmadgald wannabe those are side stories while some whatever niji comemnt is a huge story
Because no matter how much vshoujokeks and holofags want to pretend, Niji enjoyers are passive and don't want to harass people into hiding.
It's funny as shit too because apparently after Selen and Pomu left, Millie and Finana of all people have apparently attempted to fill their shoes with organizing shit (and failing horribly.)
They kept making "Please thank Millie/Finana for their hard work!" tweets after each attempt.
Shitting on nijisanji pays the bills baby
They just harass their livers if they ever touch McDonalds for political meme
I don't have to go on a reddit subforum to lie about my enjoyment of things like you.
As opposed to holofags single handedly destroying an entire branch because they said Taiwan
He made a video about Ame already and he's apparently still working on the Froot video
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>don't want to harass people into hiding.
>noooo how DARE they make a comment to let people knoe who organized stufff
>grrrrrr be angry about niji greeeee I am not a bot
But you just did
Cope. Uki stands with Palestine.
retard can't even get his facts straight lmao, what can you expect from someone who doesn't even bother to do that with their own oshi
I honestly don't have a strong opinion about that entire situation. I do wonder if one of the Holo China girls really did a typical bitchy streamer rant or that was just propaganda. If it was the former good riddance.
>chases out the two people who actually were able to run successful events
>nobody competent left to run events
>surprised pikachu face
Isn't that whole scenario about a Jew who owns the McDonalds franchise and was doing his own stupid shit. Nothing to do with the brand itself in the end or do you feel that's a cop out despite the truth of it all?
Well since this is a /#/ containment break thread we might as well note how massively down his views are from when he could milkfarm redditdragon was using drama to propel her career. There is no way you get more views and metrics with this dumb nothing story about uki than A HOLO FUCKING EN LEAVING and your balding roach company boss having to private a video wher ehe said massive dumb shit and lies about froots doc.
WTF is the endgoal here? To swoosh into the altright talking show and get kreml money like those recently exposed turds?
They did far worse than that. They were active supporters of the harassment and one of the spearheads on VGA.
Artia in particular was a hell of a snake.
The only ones who were apparently "safe" and stayed out of it were Spade, Yogiri, and apparently Civia.
Dude, just call us holonigger like the usual, it's way better than pretending to be a turbo retard like this.
>loved the comfy Pikmin and Arctic Egg streams recently.
The Pikmin series has been a lot of fun. Haven't watched the Egg one yet, tho(got a backlog of vods from multiple talents).
Yeah I really don't have a comprehensive understanding of wtf went on at that time and Kson's sacrifice / push out of Hololive?
Only that you have the JP fans, EN fans, SEA fans, throwing in CN fans would have tipped the toxicity levels to unbearable.
Whatever makes you seethe harder
>Nothing to do with the brand itself in the end
Yep, the Israeli franchise was owned by a company named Alonyal Limited, not McDonald's. The CEO of that company was born in Jerusalem
Yeah try the former instead of that schizo rambling, you're just making me scratch my head instead of seething, do better.
People go with trends. But you are an idiot if you think uki did drink the koolaid of boycotting Israel. And what do you mean he got harassed into making them statement?. Appeals are not harassment.
In case you haven't noticed, False doesn't like Nijisanji.
And that's good, as expediting their downfall covers a multitude of sins.
Basically Coco was getting harassed by chinese bots. Originally the bots were attacking every single Holo, but they started to lose steam so they harassed any holo who showed support to Coco, but then they continued to die down until you had one or two schizos who'd only harass Coco specifically and anyone who'd collab with her (but only during the collab).
There was just a whole lot of running around because Holo had no fucking idea what to do about a fire that big, and they couldn't handle all the bots. Coco tried to cope as she could, but they'd even use ARS to buy memberships and spam bots in there, too.
She apparently was willing to stay on, but not being able to handle the bot situation was apparently the last straw for her as she was feeling stifled or whatever creatively anyways.

Coco was never really pushed anywhere or left out, as the members tried to show support whenever they could, (which was fucking hilarious after Aqua and Fubuki showed support, as it crushed the chinks' morale because they thought the girls would choose them over Coco), but she was scared about how the bots would sometimes spread and she didn't want to burden the others with collabs or anything, which is likely why she never approached Myth until the very, very end.

I think the "sacrifice" thing is because Coco wasn't the only one to say "taiwan." She actually had her analytics "oopsie" a short time after Haachama did the exact same thing and started getting harassed over it, which caused some people to think she purposefully did it to tank the antis away from her, which would make sense with her saviorfagging, but she herself has denied this.
>reddit dragon
>reddit spacing
>Watching Luxiem
Tits, now.
Hololive won, simple as.
You either eat Hololive or eat pagpag, there is no in-between.
>actually formatting a long ass explanation to be legible on PC
>sister shrieks as she still refuses to acknowledge the terrible state of her branch and attempts to deflect.
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Das right!
>reddit spacing
Why does no that complains about this ever actually understand what it means? Reddit spacing is when you put 2 new lines between paragraphs because that's how their formatting works

if you're incapable of summarizing your thoughts you've already lost, like with that 90 page document
He has no choice BUT to shill Vshoujo and Phase. Notice how he only cock sucks Vshoujo and ignores all phase yabs. If he makes a video on Froot, it'll be him cock sucking and trying to go for round 2 of failing to disprove that Froot's a whore
>ignores all phase yabs
What phase yabs can he even talk about? He explicitly avoids anything related to IRL shit unless it has to do with the company itself, IE terminations, mismanagement etc.
He's not gonna report on Pippa fucking a spaniard outside a texaco or whatever.
That is a summary, are you so retarded that you're incapable of reading posts that are longer than 2 sentences?
They always do that.
The holofan I know eats pagpag daily
Yuri getting fired and that guy Pippa collabed with saying he'd doxx all of Phase is one. Tenma's model getting leaked is another
We know that Millie
I understand you don't like him for going too hard on niji out of his own bias but he is absolutely right in supporting froot in this one.
No idea. Ask him yourself the next time he streams or something.
I don't know shit about Phase and I really don't care to keep up with them either.
What's there to ask? Anyone worth their salt knows he's just there to push the agenda and to weaponize drama for money
Not as funny when he was doing it to Holo too, dramafag?
Not sure about the other two but his co-host did talk about Yuri getting terminated (because he was on vacation) and then he talked about it in another video. He also talked about Lumi using other VTuber's models without permission
>for money
His serious videos aren't even monetized and the channel is just a hobby for him, not his real job.
Right now though he definitely is justified in wanting to help smack Niji, and he's doing a pretty good job of it so far
If that was the reason, channels like Sana's or Coco's would see a similar trajectory. But they don't. This is people actively unsubscribing.
But does he tho
>Doesn't mention Pippa almost getting everyone doxxed
>Doesn't mention Yuri's model being stolen
>Doesn't comment on all of Phase nearly mass quitting
>Doesn't comment on Dizzy being a manager and a member
>Doesn't mention gomene senpai
>Doesn't mention Tenma's model getting leaked by Eimi
>Doesn't mention the Kirsche Phase scandal
>Doesn't mention phase at all during the Hogwarts yab

Interesting journalist there
Yeah but what does that have to do with killing nijisanji?
>Doesn't mention Yuri's model being stolen
The co-host actually did talk about that in the first video
Anon most irl journalists are like that too.
>Doesn't mention the Kirsche Phase scandal
I assume this is Kirsche getting kicked out of OffKai? Because he did cover that
That only makes him more of a faggot because he's doing this out of his free will when talking about vtubers instead of just out of fear for catching a bullet to his head
Phase Connect is irrelevant.
Oh great. It's him running to defend Phase and Offkai. Only proving he exists to deep throat phase cock
Killing nijisanji is it's own reward
>Retards ITT think Phase Connect is relevant enough to get covered by YT channels.
>Doesn't mention Pippa almost getting everyone doxxed
>Doesn't comment on Dizzy being a manager and a member
>Doesn't comment on all of Phase nearly mass quitting
>Doesn't mention Tenma's model getting leaked by Eimi
>Doesn't mention gomene senpai
all of that is explicitly either interpersonal drama or not actually newsworthy.
/vt/ is the only one who gives a shit if someone makes a NTR roleplay asmr or whatever. Dizzy being a manager or whatever doesn't matter, and boosting Tenma's model leak is just not a good idea to begin with.
I don't know what the phase hogwards thing is unless you're talking about pippa, in which case it's seriously not relevant to anything.

Seriously, you're just screeching that he's not being dramatuber enough for you and including shit that's either doxx or completely unrelated to their vtuber activities.
>This is all not newsworthy
>A Niji interacting with 39daph is
>This is more important than mikeneko killing herself btw

I see
The difference is one is a direct smear campaign by Niji to attack their victim again.
The other is Mikeneko being Mikeneko and faking suicide for the 18th time this year. Nobody gives a shit. She didn't do anything. She walked it back almost immediately.
Plenty of journalists will go after individuals or groups or corpos out of personal grudges. He is not special.
The kike has more of a grudge than keemstar and any other dramafag
Well he does so he does. There is nothing to be done about it. Him and riima have managed to score a very good reputation amongst the normies to the point they frothing at kuro for "harassing" riima.
I think a streamer threatening to dox all of Phase is pretty newsworthy, retard
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sisters are working overtime because of you OP
Unless said streamer actually has the ability to do it or phase proper takes legal action against the guy, I don't think so.
Or do you just want False to be hero hei or rev just screeching about random twitter schizos?
I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a little note of Millie's milestone as a throwaway line, though. That shit's just funny.
>Millie's milestone as a throwaway line
Definitely, it's too irresistible.
True. The faggot made Uki kneeling to Palestine the thumbnail instead of Ironlung getting her channels back after days of trying
I also noticed he stopped putting the names of Niji members in his titles and stopped including them in his thumbnails after Niji started threatening to sue. It's a faggot and a pussy
The saddest thing about all of this is that realistically, she'll probably be the last one who matters to drop below a milestone from all of this. The only one left near a 100k mark is Ren, and nobody cares if he drops below 500k.
For Elira, even if she never gets a positive sub gain again, at the pace she's going it'll take years, and I doubt her channel will be alive long enough to reach that unless another major yab happens on the level of a second black stream.
Oh OK but why is it sad to you?
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Because it's funny to reuse old tweets like this after the shit they pulled.
I grow increasingly convinced that nijiniggers are the dumbest beings to have ever had the opportunity to live on this planet, and they deserve to be taken that right, to be purged for their retardation, to stop them from tainting humanity's gene pool
Ah yes, I remember that lovely passivity you all showed Zaion/Sayu. Yes indeed how could anyone forget how much love and support you gave her during her final graduation stream.
Now that's sad.
Nine months later and you're still seething about Niji being on top
Maybe don't joke about raping kids when you have a normie audience
Funny, it never seemed to bother Vox, Enna, or Elira.
Yeah, making a small joke means that she deserves to be hard doxxed and endlessly harassed
Ah yes, whoa you got me.
She was doxxed before that. By herself. Because she's a retard
How does requesting Traditional Chinese translation services support the CCP you absolute bell-end?
Always has been
Stop pandering to Zhangs, Yagoo. You said you didn't care if you lost the Chinese market
Do not engage the sayubots here. They are too schizo even by the catalog standards. Next thing he'll personally blame you for all her mental health problems and start spamming.
Oh I'm sorry is the all out war getting a little too hot for you?
Not as hot as the burning bullet that was Yagoo admitting HoloEN made no profit in 4 years
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Damn, the Sisters are really in full force today. It's funny how a little numberfagging gets them this incensed.
Illiterate retard, he said that EN was "not as profitable" as JP, not that it didn't make any profit
>Holobronies already typing in their ESL copes
You love to see it
Where do you Nijiniggers get off on this line of deflection when your company is balls-deep in the Chinese market?
>make a bait thread attacking niji lover
>huh why are people mad
Smartest catalog vermin.
>he calls me ESL while being unable to understand English
I'm not the one that's unable to understand what the phrase "not as profitable" means
We've always played nice with our BilliBilli siblings. You faggots decided to sink your entire Chinese branch. We are not the same
If you played so nice what happened to vox?
Oh my dear Nijisister, where is that wonderful passivity you were so dearly preaching about earlier? Surely these types of statements are beneath you, you aren’t like the other fans as you claimed right?
It's a good thing those words were never said and the real words were "In hopes that we may see a return on our EN branch"

>ESL af
Thanks for proving my point mudhut boy.
Did you miss that he was a part of that BilliBilli concert? Did you Holokeks think you have any kind of advantage after burning your bridge?
Most normal people hate child rapists. Only holokeks harass people into hiding and kill a branch over saying Taiwan
"While Hololive is no doubt an international success, Tanigo shared that the North American group is not as profitable as its Japanese counterpart"
The return on investment part was referring to the new Cover office that's being opened in the US
Zhangsis doko?
I noticed you didn't quote the part where he says the American branch hasn't made a return. Are holofags afraid?
>calling me a mudhut boy
Go back to your rice farm, indog.
>The return on investment part was referring to the new Cover office that's being opened in the US
hololive doesn't have an american branch
Are the indogs in the room with us right now?
Ah so rules for thee, not for me is your mantra.
Ok Hypocrite
Why do you think we call them nijiniggers?
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It seems like you have trouble remembering. He said he hopes to see a return on his North American talents. No profit, holofags?
Retards will respond to nijiniggers post at face value
NTA, but wasn't there a thing about Luca that was released a few months ago that showed him as a legit sexpest? I know that term gets thrown around to the ponit of not having much of, if any, meaning anymore, but what I remember was Luca sounds like one.
get a life faggot. how long is nijisanji going to live rent free in your head? every second of every day its all you can think of. You spend more time thinking of niji than the sisters do
Whats the matter, isn't this what you wanted?
>SEA projection
Here's a little typology 101 tip to all of you "niji lover" as to how to stop exposing your brown hands.
nah, the Luca thing was that he was having some desperate fangirl do his work for him, then when he told her to fuck off she went all menhera sperg and released a novel about all the things she did for him out of the goodness of her heart, and how he didnt care. And no one else cared about what she said either, long forgotten.
You are deliberately ignoring the beginning of the sentence where he said "upon opening the North American office for hololive (Cover)"
She was also trying to groom him and kneeled to him afterwards while admitting she lied about most of it
that was started by Pomu who cut and ran, not really fair to blame other members for one traitor's words. Starting shit then dipping was such a dick move
that's why nobody is watching him anymore
>Begin to see a return on NA talents
it was honestly pretty pathetic, she wanted him so badly that she'd do anything
Yeah, and then Sayu was part of the bigger bilibili event that happened later, with no Niji in sight.
Fucking Sayu, Filian, and Saruei was invited, but no Nijis. How curious.
he's going to be getting more views than Watson in about a week, kek
She knew him before he was Luca. I wouldn't call that being a fangirl. She probably did work to get him into Niji EN with the resume/presentation.
And the sins of the nijiniggers grow ever larger
I wonder what brain bug makes someone so pathetic that they go after highschoolers and have a meltdown when they get rejected after a failed groom attempt
No, the luca thing was he made raziel do shit for him and then ghosted her. Raziel was older than him and was accused of grooming him so she tried to show as a sex pest. Basically showing mutual things as one sided, like ERPing on discord. Also claimed that girls messaged her saying luca sexpested them, but no concrete evidence on that regard. He has deceived his fans and is a glaring example of nijisanji's double standard in enforcing rules, but a sexpest? I am not so sure.
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And no one watched that because a bunch of irrelevant Indies were there. Thanks for the info
Saruei, who openly shit on China by calling their president Winnie the Pooh got invited but Niji didn't
still a fangirl though. I mean I guess you could call her a desperate friendzoned sidebitch if thats better
Why would the Chinese know about that? No one watches her and if they do, they can't even understand her third world accent
>This is the new LARPer rrat
Hooo boy another week of ESL retards shitposting about something they comically miscomprehend.
She went viral on bilibili actually for some comments she made about Xi.
Filian makes a Tiananmen square joke once a week.
A fag stands with the the guys who would throw him off a building for driving the hershey highway? Interesting thought process of these bunch.
Nah, antis quickly tried to take control of the narrative and they got a few good shots in with reactionary retards like Asmongoloid giving a good example of how not to behave, like he usually does.
they fucked up like no vtuber company has ever fucked up before. to such a degree it's difficult to imagine how they could have possibly handled the situation worse.
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I wonder why august specifically
Like I said, who would actually watch some third world snail muncher and an autistic zoomer enough to give a shit about them? No one watched that concert, they can't even sing
Yes, she did. She dug up almost a decade old drama and decided to expose herself for literally no reason other than to try one upping Doxxsagi
Filian's already bigger than Vox on Bilibili, anon.
Apparently they find her blatant anti-china jokes funny instead of offensive for whatever reason. She truly is invincible.
was the original anon >>85966215. In case you had no idea what works in 4chan. Wall of text gets spacing. 3 paragraphs at most. Topic stays on point, simple and short form.
In addition, bias is reinforced by points and references. Any agendas are laid bare open to debate / rebuttal.
Should have done more hat streams

Realistically though, Niji needs to prostate themselves and beg for forgiveness and openly punish those who acted wrongly for there to be any chance of recovery. They tried the "wait and see, hope things cool" approach and it isn't working, because the story is so pervasive people will quickly learn about it once they become interested in the scene.

This won't go away with time, and the longer they wait the less effective an apology will be.
too late for that, after that black stream nobody is going to accept anything except Elira's head on a pike
>not the sisters who have absolutely nothing going
Lol. The thread had a gender war, guess who women that watch Niji EN supported?
Who the fuck is gonna take some retarded zoomer seriously? She's their monkey in a cage and she hates them. I'd be full of shame if I were her
>they fucked up like no vtuber company has ever fucked up before
I don't think they're at the level of WACTOR, but they're definitely #2
When were holofags so homoerotic? Do they crave Nijicock too?
Black Company label sticks. They had antis in /vt/ and Niji gave them nuclear weapons with clearance codes after blasting a hole into their reputation missile defense network.
Isn't that like how Russian Burger King isn't even owned by the main company but some random Russians
Seethe more about it, holocuck. Looks like Council didn't do as well as expected
Oh it's still possible, just not as effective as it could have been if they immediately went nuclear.
>We will find out what happened and act accordingly
>After some weeks/months publicly punish the people involved and show receipts (exceptional, but this is exceptionally serious)
>Boot Riku from the company for his abysmal management

Possible in theory of course, because Riku is never going to take responsibility for his ineptitude. It's a black company after all.
Gomene, senpai
No one is gonna get punished for fictional harassment. Fatlen just wanted her friends to mass graduate with her then they called her dumb then she cried bullying. Should have booted Selen year one desu
Russian Burger King is owned by 3 different parties, the biggest one is some businessman named Alexander Kobolov
*Kolobov, sorry
Always a bit sad to see starving nijiggers trot out months-old bait in an effort to get attention. Have a pity (You) anon.
Why was this deleted?
Stop false flagging phasecuck
Hoeh? Why did she celebrate more than a year early?
Aaaaand we're back to square one.
Holofags keep bringing up the black stream but don't want me to give the make a wish kid the attention she wants? Curious
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>after each attempt
Takes a special kind of schizo to assume Reimu is talking about Doki and not the food she literally took a photo of. I know that usually food and Doki go hand and hand but she obviously wasn't talking about the piggie in that tweet
Cry more, Nijicuck. Surely it will restore Millie's 500K and reputation.
It won't restore Fatlen's -90% CCV either
I really should have known better. One oblique mention of le evil bird and they completely pivot to her. They tried so hard after exhausting all their other red herrings but couldn't resist the vindictive impulse. Talk about rent-free.
Damn when was Selen getting 30K average CCV? I thought she was negligible.
Imagine proudly using a Filipino sexpest as a "gotcha" moment
Ollie was not mentioned in this thread yet
Sorry, Holobrony. All SEAfags are the same to me
>dead subs now matter in my narrative
Can you imagine if Sisters put as much effort into supporting their Organs tangibly as they did into playing PR for them on a Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order microstatemaxxing forum.
nijisisters are poor please understand
I don't understand how Elira is even still employed. Or Luca for that matter.
Consider how harshly they dealt with Zaion or Selen for minor infractions, meanwhile those people get off scott free with everything.
nijisanji corporate doesn't want to be seen giving in to their audience and admitting that they've been full of shit
Ah yes redditdragon famously known for alway slistening to management and no just trying to force her retarded way all the time anyway.
It's a wonder she was employed so long. Any company with proepr management would havr torpedod her pretending ass out a year before.
Not paying for your talent's travel is fucked up. Vshojo offers to fly everyone to every convention they do despite it being unnecessary for their virtual meet and greets.
Talking about raping kids and blackmailing your boss isn't a minor infraction, retard. Nobody cares that Luca got groomed and why would Elira get fired because Selen threatened to post her information online?
But Cover clearly does and did pay for the talents travel and accommodation?
ID1 talked about this durng their 3D debut month, Council talked about this, heck they even paid for homoen during their 3D preparation months.

This Zeta's case is similar to Bae's moving to japan earlier this year.
covr not pay for me house covr black :'(
Moona and Zeta already said that they have to pay for their own trips when they do concerts and 3D work, holodrone
The fuck are you talking about retard, they were reimbursed for their travel, provided with accommodation, AND got some pocket money.
Which goes exactly against what they both side. Are you living in reality, Holokek?
>against what they both side
Proof about how they were forced to pay for their own travel expenses for their 3Dnext thread?
It's in that thread, holocuck. Kurolive is real
>what they both side
Kek. No wonder.
But that's not for her 3D or other works, retardsis.
She wants to try to live in Japan with the added bonus of more studio time and maybe sponsorships.
This is the exact same scenario that Bae had earlier this year.
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You mean her and iofi vacation last year?
Area15 3D was in 2022 retardsis.
You didn't read your own "proof" huh?
>The company did cover our living and traveling expenses for our 3D debut
Topkek. Holodrones are the gift that keeps on giving
>The company did cover our living and traveling expense for our 3D debut ealier
Gomene senpai <3
>they cover one single trip out of the dozens that are required to work in hololive
oh ok
How about you read what she said in that image first, third-world sister?
>If you ignore the rest of what she said, Hololive is generous enough to pay for the 3D debut and nothing else
Amazing job, Holofags
Hmm who should I trust on this matter, the seething nijisisters or Moona herself?
Truly a dilemma
>Hey I want to do a 3D show using your studio on my own
>The fuck we never wanted that?
>Yes I want to do it myself
>You are paying for it then
Poor pipptards keep getting cucked
Congrats indeed, the amount of nijisis seethe in here really adds to the celebration kek
Subtlety eludes the nijinigger, as always
Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning
Yes. I imagine they are. People will no intelligence lack the capacity to distinguish things. Thanks for your confession I guess?
It definitely eludes you, cataloschizo
funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say
You didn't even understand what i said, did you?
moona literally said they have to pay themselves for every trip other than 3d debut.
it's the second panel
I dont know why nijifags still exerts an effort to defend their dying branch
they do enjoy producing nijiseethe
this makes my peepee hard
If only there was some way to harness it into a renewable resource of energy. Like if we could get hundreds of troons yelling into a mic that they're real women we could move a car an inch.
Conglatulations Millle D:
>That guy is scum and a sexpest.
w*men like bad boys.
Holodrones keep losing
no wonder holobronys are deflecting so hard
>billion dollar company
>can't pay for employee travel
truly a black company
God forbid you make a long explanation readable.

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