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Cover makes Holos pay to stay at the company housing? And for their own airfare to record stuff in Japan? What the fuck?
Kurolive is real. Happy that Ame is getting out of there
>clipwatching thumbnailreader
If you watched streams and memberstreams, you'd have known the basic housing during work is free, however they can pay for a premium hotel room with all accommodations, physiotherapists, and male prostitutes.
That entire cope is immediately debunked by just reading what Zeta said. Not to mention Kobo having to beg Altare for housing
I like how you cut out the part where she specifies it's free for as long as they're there because of work.
If they offered free lodging perpetually certain people would absolutely abuse it.
Post proof or GTFO
Company time = official work = free
Outside company time = non-official work = you either negotiate for a subsidy or pay discounted rate
>If they offered free lodging perpetually certain people would absolutely abuse it.
And? Cover makes millions from stay at home jobs, AKA one where they're basically always "on the clock". Even fucking Pepsi pays for their peoples apartments.
No, I didn't. Show me where she says that.
Explain making 3rd worlders pay to fly to record stuff for your billion dollar company multiple times a year then?
That's free tho.

That's also free.
You're right. Ask your boss for free rent.
Just buy a house, they have many under 2 million yen
Not for foreigners
Go watch it again, monkey.
Kiara and Fauna have said multiple times that they may for your tickets when you come for holofes recordings and other official stuff.
She doesn't mention why she's flying back and forth. It's probably to join other members 3D.
>They didn't even pay for the plane tickets
KEKAROO. Hololive is a black company confirmed. They forced her to shell out her own money for the work they asked her to do
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She says its for "projects like 3D lives and stuff"
>It's probably to join other members 3D.
And why should they have to pay for that?
I guess members who don't make Holo a profit don't matter enough to get rides to Japan. Tragic for them
Because with current aviation prices she'd quickly rack up flight costs that would vastly exceed whatever fucking money she brings in if she joined too many 3Ds.
Why is this board filled with people that expect governments and companies to run themselves into the ground?
You think they get paid enough to afford a whole house in Tokyo?
Yeah and when actors have to shoot on location they should have to pay for their own housing and travel, right? Hell, they don't even do that for the crew
>certain people would absolutely abuse it.
Abuse it, how? By making it their semi-permanent stay?
Is that really what counts as abusing in your mind?
>Management asks her to join the 3D
>Doesn't pay for her to actually get to Japan
Fucking kek. No wonder Hololive still wanted to steal Ame's studio
Why are you talking about actors now? Are you retarded?
Because Cover doesn't require her to do that. If she did so, it was her own decision, not the official requirement.
>making up stories now
Bro, Iron Mouse isn't going to fuck you.
Management didn't ask her to join other girls' 3D. The girls did.
And you don't think they tell their managers who they want in their 3D? What are the managers for then?
You're right. They should spend 10s of millions of dollars on permanent lodgings in Tokyo for every member. The JPs would be entitled to it too else it wouldn't be fair.
Because they wanted to? You can't really force people to not pay if they really wanna do it.
>10s of millions of dollars
How did you even come up with that number?
Unlike Vshojo, Cover is run by professionals. They employ thousands of personnel.
yes because jap population is dying off so plenty of empty homes
You're either a troll or retarded. All you're arguments amount to "why aren't they making massive losses". You vastly underestimate how much all of this would cost. I suggest you look up tokyo real estate prices.
why oh why isn't cover footing the bill for constantly flying people in and hosting them to join people's optional 3d lives. this is so crazy it's blowing my mind.
vshojo management is competent tho
Zeta said she had to pay for her own place tickets when she'd go in for work and projects. She didn't even get free lodging. What is staff there for?
Vshojo couldn't even hold an audition properly or do an idol concert right lmao
supporting the talents people actually watch and like.
>And you don't think they tell their managers who they want in their 3D
They do. That doesn't make it Cover's decision.
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Indies have better 3Ds than Vshojo, you cuck.
because we are talking about paying talent to go somewhere to record something, which both holos and actors do? are you a bit slow?
If Cover doesn't pay for flights then that is seriously fucked up. It's so normal for businesses to pay for flights, even blue collar jobs.
Don't support them enough to give them a place to stay while they're in a different country working LMAO
For when they are there on mandatory official duty. Joining other girls' 3D isn't.
>They should spend 10s of millions of dollars on permanent lodgings in Tokyo for every member.
They don't have to buy it, but it would be nice if they covered rent for it for as long as they work at Cover.
that was a 100k concert btw kek
sure and the ~80 talent who actually make their entire company have value deserve better treatment than the average fucking office drone
Hololive has better 3Ds than Vshojo that's for sure lmao >>85961032
>They should spend 10s of millions of dollars on permanent lodgings in Tokyo for every member.
Even assuming rent is 100k a year that's not even 10 million for 100% of Hololive.
That's work. You crying about it doesn't mean it isn't work anymore. Other corpos cover that shit all
So Cover doesn't take any of the money from these optional performances that the girls pay to join, right?
They clearly do seeing EN girls have been getting full support on travel and living expenses when they had to under Cover's requests
10m/60/12 = $13888 per month per talent, enough to rent a 3 floor apartment assuming each talent has 1 husband and 3 kids at least
why the fuck are you talking about VShojo? what do they have to do with literally anything?
Why is notNina's head so small?
Yeah but then the homos would abuse it too and they don't make the money to cover it.
Joe Blow Forklift Driver entering a forklift competition gets his flights paid for bro.
Don't you trannies have livers to harass for eating burgers?
Read the whole thread.
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>If they offered free lodging perpetually certain people would absolutely abuse it.
Holohouse was a retarded idea but Cover can absolutely fucking should put travel and lodging expenses under their employees contracts. How much money do you think it costs to lodge 80-some peo--
>10s of millions of dollars on permanent lodgings in Tokyo for every member.
so one Gura birthday superchat reading
That's optional work, not official - and clearly Cover agreed with me as well
>Other corpos cover that shit all
Citation needed.
Uh, yes? Like, how do you even know what kind of money those performances bring?
They only take their cut, mainly SC & merch, from the main girl of the 3D event (either anniversary or birthday) - who they DO cover expenses for
So are ID just second class citizens or do they pick and choose what trips to pay for arbitrarily?
I did and you just went "unlike VShojo" out of no where
let's replace cover with anycolor in this sentence and imagine the 50 holobrony replies
Anycolor doesn't pay. How are they even comparable?
Do SEAtards really?
Totally different. It was mandatory that he had to travel to join the competition so obviously the organizer paid for his expenses.
In this case, it'd be more like if Joe wanted to bring his friends with him and expect the organizer to cover their expenses too.
>t. vshojocuck
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Vshojo employee here. Vshojo doesn't take any cut and pays every members their rent, transportation costs, food expenses and vacations.
The reason members like Mori don't immediately jump ship is because we don't want them.
okay but if she's so broke do you think Zeta would be interested in a rich American boyfriend?
>It was mandatory that he had to travel to join the competition so obviously the organizer paid for his expenses.
Now look at the OP. Would you not say a 3D debut is a mandatory thing?
Does the organizer get to profit from his friends performing in the competition and also they are under contract with them too?
Not if your name isn't Axel
>Totally different
Wrong. A fucking warehousing logistics company will pay for an employee to go participate in a compeition that they don't profit from. Cover should 100% cover their flights when flying to participate in work that Cover profits from. Obviously they could place a cap per year/quarter.
Even esports teams that can barely stay afloat from tattooing logos onto their players foreheads can afford to pay for flights and homes (albeit streamer house bullshits) so why can't Cover?
90% of those were funded by crypto scams and have since collapsed
If you are required, by Cover, to join the event (i.e: official events like HoloFes or Breaking Dimension), they will cover your expenses
If you are not required to join the event, but decided to, you have to cover your own expenses
It's that simple, anon.
>That's optional work
So if they're spending their own money for optional work, then Holo makes no money off them, right?
I'm open to a rebrand
>when that's done
>I have to pay for that
Idk what's even getting argued about everyone knows cover doesn't cover unless it's mandatory
It's people hosting the thing that foot the bill so by being in jp she will get more opportunities the end
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She's literally talking about her required 3D debut in that stream and in the OP you dumb fucking faggot.
They don't have to live in Tokyo, good thing their public transportation system is good
and yet Cover would be fucked if all of the talent decided to not pay for these "optional" recordings
If all their talents earned like Mori they would. But indogs would be freeloaders. Same with m*les.
Zeta can stay with me instead.
Yes, as long as you don't use Cover's IP and resources for your project.
you now remember the janitor yab
>Cover should be like esports teams and have sponsorship ads all over streams to pay for everyone's rent and transportation
Yeah I'm sure you won't complain about that either.
Also I'm glad you pointed out that most esports teams are collapsing because they're unprofitable.
And why would that be? If a talent doesn't use Cover's resources, why would the company be negatively affected by it?
>Cover should be like esports teams and have sponsorship ads all over streams to pay for everyone's rent and transportation
How the hell did you get that reading from my post? I'm saying people significantly below them whose only money is from sponsorships can afford to do something Cover isn't.
>Management asks you to join 3D
>Pay for everything out of pocket
>Make no money off it because it's not on your channel

Great. I guess they get paid in exposure
do you really think indo 3D events are what's pushing cover's bottom line?? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
oh yeah cover is barely making ends meet
>some idiot clip subs that have completely different meaning if none of the words change just the syntax
so a talent living in japan could bankrupt all the ID 3rd world streamers by constantly inviting them to offcolabs? based
It's not. It's mandatory for the girl who is doing the 3D debut, but it's not mandatory for anyone else.
I.e: Zeta isn't required to be in JP for Kaela's 3D debut. Unless Cover decided that she *has to be* part of Kaela's 3D debut, it's her own decision to join and travel over
Cover doesn't really profit from the Zeta (or any other girl) joining *other girls'* 3D either
>A fucking warehousing logistics company will pay for an employee to go participate in a compeition that they don't profit from
Large majority of time they profit from their employee joining those events, though
No they wouldn't because the vast majority of the members just need to get on the subway to get to the studio.
Are you suggesting everyone should pull a Fuwamoco?
Enjoy no streams because the vast majority of EN and ID will be unwilling to stay up.
This kills the Holokek
>in that stream
Understand the meanings behind words by mentally processing them, my friend of african descent, understand the meanings behind words by mentally processing them!
because 3D lives and other projects with no guests immediately lose a ton of interest and cross promo
>make stuff up
No, you're wrong.
guys it's so over, pekora's anniversary live can't have ID members because cover won't pay for them to come and host them for a month. how will pekora get any viewers now
oh man those ID members bringing all thsoe viewers (oh wait ID just leeches as hard as they can from every other branch lmao)
>Holokek proceeds to admit ID are second class citizens
At least you're honest
Jesus, you're fucking retarded. Stop replying to me.
A 3D debut isn't a mandatory event? And Cover doesn't need to pay for it? Are you sure about that?
You mean one boot camp location that can accommodate 10 people? Yeah, it should be a lot cheaper than housing a dozen of talents separately. Also, esports nowadays have Saudi blood money and betting sites sponsoring them.
Yes? That's how personal projects go. Holo isn't there to fund a single talent, they're there to fund every talent.
3rd after EN to be fair
... Why? Those were considered "optional" for a reason - Cover didn't feel like they needed the optional girls to be there.
ID girls don't have to accept those invites and travel over. Why do you think most EN girls only travel to JP once or twice per year and try to get all their recordings in on those occasions?
They didn't ask her to join 3D. They'd have covered her expenses if they did.
>You mean one boot camp location that can accommodate 10 people?
Coco was able to kinda do it and she's not even 5% of Cover's networth.
>no argument
>calls you names
literally a child and not in the sexy way
wow, Cover really is holofags oshi.
>They didn't ask her to join 3D
Did they show up uninvited?
do you want 3D lives to have no guests?
Reading comprehension, anon.
>It's mandatory for the girl who is doing the 3D debut
>it's not mandatory for anyone else.
It's only mandatory for the debuting girl. For example, Kaela's 3D debut was only mandatory for Kaela, not everyone else. Cover would be responsible to pay for her, but not any other guest she invited
Why would guests pop up if they didn't want to be there? Holo can't just force them.
She had to pay to stay for her own 3D stuff. She also confirmed that she has to fly back and forth with her own money for work. Holo is funding the trips at all
i'm gonna apply for janitor at the cover company town
>It's only mandatory for the debuting girl.
So then why did she have to pay for her own 3D debuts trip?
>screenshot only certain parts of a clip that was already edited in bad faith
>Don't link the stream or clip
>Ignore every members statements about how lodgings, flights and 3D lives work
>Ignore people that point out what other members have said
>Keep insisting members pay for the air they breathe in the studio
Nice thread.
Of course she would have to pay for her own stuff. It's HER project, not Cover's.
You fucking retard.
>ITT: Nintentards argue why it's a good thing they don't pay for tickets of the #1 most important part of the companies
Imagine being so fucking tribalistic you start defending cheapskate salarymen. Talent shit on management all the time but you guys are falling over each other to defend them screwing over your oshis. Bravo
>It's her project
Didn't know a 3D debut is her project now. Guess IDs gotta pay to get a debut
They were asked by the main girl(s), not Cover
I wouldn't mind?
I like my job a lot too but I wouldn't pay to do it.
The stream is ITT, retard-chama
>most important part of the company
Right here, retard: >>85960165
Will I shit on you whiny nigger here in this thread about these topics? Yes.
Will I criticize Hololive if my oshi were here and could see this? Absofuckinglutely, lmao.
more important than the 10% they're employing for holoearth lol
Do the girls side step management now and invite people to 3Ds out of nowhere? Does management not know who's showing up until they start recording? They're cheap as fuck
>his oshi isn't /here/
>not Cover's.
I hope Cover doesn't take a cut of the profits on that video then.. Oh wait.
That's like saying the talents that fund their own merch production don't get the biggest cut.
At the end of the day they're using Cover's IP, they own a cut of the profits.
Yes, Cover is my oshi as well.
We are going in circle. The management greenlit the decision, but it's not their request - it ultimately was the girls' requests and they only gave the "OK, go ahead". The management only pays if it's their request.
didn't read the thread but I do know 3D showcase travel and housing expenses are made by Cover while other stuff like personal 3D lives aren't, just in case some of you were genuinely wondering (which I doubt)
Holos should unionize.
Again, since when is a 3D debut a fucking project? Why do you have this idea in your head that it's something Cover doesn't pay for? They DO pay for it, they didn't pay for lodging or flight tickets, which is the problem here. That's some Niji shit.
I would 100% shit myself, throw the poop at Cover Corp building, and go on strike for giving talents better treatment if Fauna could see it. In the mean time I'm just gonna argue with these fag about this while defending Cover, mind you.
She wasn't talking about her 3D debut. She was talking about doing 3D lives
>'Cos if I want to do projects like 3D lives and stuffs
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Wonder If this only applies to the ID girls, because staying in Japan isn't really that expensive if you're getting paid with overseas currency.
Foreign Streamers that live in Japan have said that everything is dirt cheap there thanks to the Dollar/Yen conversion and I'd imagine that applies to the girls but I don't know how well the ID currency is doing against the JP one.
Even Niji pays for Japan trips. Their new wave got to hang out in Japan together for a month to bond and record covers before debut
The most shocking part of this was hearing her manager warn her that she might not earn enough money to survive in Japan. A HoloID doesn't make a Japanese living wage? That makes Cover making them pay their own expenses even worse, too.
>Management tells member to go to Japan to guest in 3D debut
>Pay for everything out of pocket and make no money
So many businesses pay for FIFO workers and office workers (not just managers either) to fly every week and you have cocksuckers in here saying Cover shouldn't pay for flights. lol
Now you are just being retarded on purpose, sister. They didn't tell members to.
>Management asks if member can go to Japan for optional thing but they have to pay for themself
>They turn it down and don't participate
ID makes pitiful amount of money compared to JP and EN. It's rather obvious if you just look at data on their SC and merch sales
Oh, my bad. They asked for them to waste a shit ton of money for work and they agreed
Not anywhere near central Tokyo you won't
The places where you can get cheap(<2 million, sometimes <1 million, sometimes even free but these usually require north of 5 million in renovation cost) houses are the ones with the biggest surplus, so rural mountains in Shikoku, Kyushu, and Nagano prefecture, and it'll be a 20-40 minute drive to the nearest train station, which will likely also have your nearest conbini right next to it.
If you're looking Tokyo-ish, the cheapest 20sqm studio condos with thin walls start around 3 million yen all the way in Atami, anywhere closer to Tokyo and price increases fast, looking on athome similar condo will be 11 million in Kawasaki and 39 million in Shibuya.
t. seriously looking into moving next year and living off remote work
>they have to pay for themself
Imagine going to a country for work and having to pay for everything yourself because your bosses are cheap cucks. Plus you're not getting paid for the work you're doing
If holos have it so bad why aren't they all joining Vshojo like nijiENs are doing?
Why would mikeneko kill to get back in?
Why is kson now a 3 view?
What do you call a company that asks you to pay to do unpaid overtime?
Imagine not living in the country lol.
They don't have to if they don't want to. It's not like that would hurt either them or Cover
imagine wanting to be paid in yen
This stream was about her moving to Japan, retard.
>Unpaid overtime that actually costs you money
Holy black
Welcome to things that are normal in Japan, faggot.
But if they have decency they should give generous discount or rate to show they're not the average corpo.
They are paid in Yen no matter where they live. If anything, living oversea screws them worse because there is exchange rates involved now, too
Mikeneko mogs EN in a landslide. Make a profit then come back
"Overtime" implies it was mandatory
Yeah Cover is barely making ends meet...
*gestures wildly at HoloEarth*
>weak yen
I mean, the IDs beg to differ.
I work for the US branch of a Japanese game company and when we fly there or they fly here the company pays for all of it (except alcohol for some reason).
you do not understand Japanese work culture even remotely
Japanese work culture has no choice but to change, the youth aren't putting up with the usual crap.
I don't see ENs having to travel to JP for other girls' personal projects
I wouldn't be sad and gloomy for the ID girls most of them are making bank for someone who lives in Indonesia, probably placing them in the top 1% without having to work their ass off for 20 years, like most of them. But moving to Japan do sure like a retarded move when your name is not Fuwamoco.
Apparently you also know nothing of Japanese politics
Fuwamoco are also flopping in Japan. Anyone who isn't JP is considered a flop in Holo
yes the famously successful and issue-free FWMC move to Japan, good example
>holoid could bought a house in jp
>niji could only buy a car
Honestly the person I see never moving would be Risu. She's too poor and her family leech on her. Leaving is basically disowning
lmao I cant believe Cover is on the same level of incompetence and cheapskate shit as Doug and the staff of TGWTG when they were making those anniversary disaster productions like Kickassia. At least Doug had the excuse of being a complete amateur and autist not even trying at all, aren't these supposed to be professional japanese producers or some shit?
We're here talking about money, right? Not FWMC bad luck with all this moving stuff. In less than one year, they’ve already received about $600k in donations, not counting the merch sales, which we know they always on top. And this is post Myth vtuber boom.
Good thing she has this pretty nice hustle and isn't out there slaving away as a wagie while her family is leeching off her. At least...
alright all you genius business who apparently know more than Cover: if HoloID is so worthless why do they bother having an Indonesian branch at all?
>We're here talking about money, right?
No profit in EN. Zeta's manager thinks she can't afford to live in Japan. Is it unironically over for the side projects?
You think Tokyo's rent is cheap? Bae brought 10mil and it vanished quickly
living in japan is cheap as fuck, how grim is it in HoloID
More and more Holos are moving to (or starting in) Japan, I can see it becoming mandatory for anyone wanting to do it full time in the future
>The average monthly salary in Indonesia is around IDR 5,000,000 to IDR 7,000,000, which is approximately USD 350 to USD 490
Failed investment. It happens to the best of us.
Wait so one aka supa is literally 1/3 of their monthly salary? The IDs must be rich as fuck now.
Why is Ame graduating to be a Jerboa?
you are assuming they get USD akasupas with any sort of regularity
I remembered Kobo had to sucked homo for pocket money when she ran out of cash
Not rich enough to survive anywhere outside of their shit hole despite the ultra buff of having a world wide audience
I know it's the heckin' reiwa era and we need to censor dragon quest more
that happens if you frequent the host clubs
if Zeta is living in Japan can she wear a swimsuit on stream now?
I like the ID girls, they are real chill and just do whatever they want. I hope Zeta does well.
She had to beg Altare for a place to stay while they were in Japan and he paid for everything basically.
Nigga, Kaela earns around $300k, and she debuted in 2022 March. Now, do the math regarding ID wagie salary and her total dono. No merch $$ btw. She's fucking loaded for an Indonesian.
Nijibro, why your company don't support your nijiliver? This is so sad....
>playboard exist.
Nijinigger won't attack their own orbiters, this thread smells like Vsholomo
post it then
Why in the fuck is a Holo girl leeching off a Homo and becoming their cumrag? I thought the Homos didn't make anything compared to the girls
idgaf about any corpos besides Holo, I just care more about the talent than the suits. shocking concept, apparently
They get paid enough to afford a new house every year retard
Good for you, but the others glows. And you should maybe make a thread reddit or twitter post because shit flinging in here won't change shit.
Whatever you say, faggot
you there for work sanctioned by company?
can't offer free housing
can hire bots and defenders
Yes. You think that Holo guest appearances aren't sanctioned by Cover?
I accept your concession
Always has been. It is a cult first and foremost.
its just nintenshit and apple all over again but for fake anime women
Kaela is the top ID earner, that's not the best comparison. Try homocollabing runts like Iofi or Ollie. Even then it's above their minimum wage.
What did I miss? Where's the orgy, and how do I improve my rank??
its the same law in every country, you can pay for temporary housing if its work-related, but otherwise it counts as a taxable bonus, taxed as income. its not cover that decided this
How come every other corpo is able to have members stay for a month sometimes for work?
Even the small family business I work for pays for business expenses on trips. This is kind of sad. I guess that's just the nature of Japanese corporations. Penny pinchers. I don't blame anyone for leaving them after they have already achieved fame and have a fan base to take with them.
>have a fan base to take with them
that has yet to work.
Why are you confirming Holodrones only watch for blue Dorito?
>Not to mention Kobo having to beg Altare for money
I don't think you understand how fucking poor kobo is or how poor ID is
theres no set time limit, but it has to be work-related. its expensive if a company gets audited and has to redo accounting and pay backtaxes. some countries are more strict than others
Mel is doing fine. Rushia is doing more than fine considering she can afford many lawyers to lose in court with. Aqua and Ame will do great. Coco is doing fine. Even Sana is doing fine. Aloe barely worked and she is doing fine.
Her follow up endeavors are no where near Rushia level.
>that has yet to work.
Because Holofags are the apple retards of vtuber world
>Even Sana is doing fine.
Really? How is she? I miss her.
How is showing up for work not work related
>Where's the orgy
Go to any holofag general, they jerk each other off 24/7. You are missing out.
Still making lots of money off of gacha illustrations last I checked. Whenever she decides to stream at least 3 or 400 people show up.
>they jerk each other off 24/7
So like, every general about a certain vtuber like ever??
>So poor she has to leech money off her american brother boyfriend
I think Altroon is more like a sister
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>YFW other corpo drones do it too, but only Hololive gets the backlash.
>others do it too so it's fine
This is not and never will be an argument. If you are making the entire corpo your identity and running defense for free at the first opportunity every time, you are equally retarded.
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I'm amazed this bait actually got over 200+ posts. Either this had been another coordinated discord raid, or someone's really bored. The OP is an absolute nothingburger that shouldn't have provoked anyone.
why doesn't she just stay with Alex? He has family there. She can pull the senpai card like when Kobo crashed at Kanade's
You're calling 99% of this board retarded? Dare I say, based?
lmao retarded shitposter
How does this work? Assuming she works there 8h per day, does that mean only a third of her stay?
>1.5 million dollars for a new house, because Japanese people don't sell their old house to foreigners and they can't get big loans as contractors
Are you sure?
>tranny op cutting out important parts yet again
>This would be spammed on the catalog for days if it was Niji but because it's Holo, it's a nothingburger

She gets paid in pag pag currency of course is going to be expensive. NA CHUUBAS easily make 2k per stream in usd as their default contract While ID makes like the equivalent of 400 dollars in Indonesia currency every 2 weeks
What the fuck is this
ngl are people aware how affordable a really nice house is in Japan. I'm talking about their suburbs not a country thing. It's like a tenth of most first world countries, granted that's because the real estate market is a machine designed to milk people dry and work their ass off for 30-40 years if you are low income.
Yeah and buying a house in Japan is a fucking gamble you, ochin chin Japanese cum guzzler retard. If you aren't getting fucked in the ass by floods then you're getting fucked in the ass by earthquakes and the usual tsunami. Meaning you'll be spending more than what YOU ORIGINALLY paid for in the long run due to repairs.
Aren't American houses paper mache?
Yes, bricks are a foreign concept outside of metropoles.
They're paper mache because they're easier to rebuild since natural disasters in the US aren't in baby mode. Basements and panic rooms exist for a reason
Sheet rack but that mainly for affordable housing aka poor families.
plus real estate in japan actually depreciates over time
The economy in Japan is tanking right now. The yen is weak but Indonesia's economy is still a million times more shit
Isn’t cover broke from quite literally over paying their talents? Where did “billion dollar company” come from? This the new narrative now?
Are you idiots unemployed or something?
Never flew on work trips?
You always pay for your own tickets and the company reimburses a certain amount of it.
Big companies with smaller staff numbers can afford to pay everything, but 99% of companies that have like 500+ employees just cover a certain flat amount of your ticket.
It's why some holos like Ina prefer to fly back and forth because she's nearer to Japan and can get cheaper flights, but why some holos like Bae or Zeta prefer to move since they want to do far more 3D Lives than other members and so their costs add up.
>Overpaying their talents
I think you mean
>They're broke because they're throwing all their money into HoloEarth
Hope the developers are worth it because that money isn't going to the members plane tickets
That is still pretty bad, anon.
Billion in yen not usd.
In usd they're worth $798.74 million a simple internet search would've answer this.
Holoearth is such a waste of money.
>thousands of retards working under cover
>girls still feel mismanaged
Bravo, Cover. Your retard is showing
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This was known years ago.
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True. You won't convince Yagoo to scrap it though. His real dream is to become the next kojima
>Black company then
>Still black company now
Wow. Cover did not improve themselves.
Based. I hate 3D lives. My oshi barely streams for weeks while she's recording some bullshit 3 minute part of a 3D live.
So HoloEarth has nothing to do with it. They've just always been shit
>anyone who catches on to my cult behaviour is a "insert another cult"
That doesn't make your case any more acceptable drone.
i think so. of you willing to go a little far from the city center, you'd find pleanty decent price houses
maybe your indogs should try make some money first
No wonder Ame left
kys thumbnail cutter op
>male prostitutes
I can confirm, Zeta hires me everyday, and has recently offered to hire me to stay full time in her new apartment.
I'm not sure where you've worked, but that has not been my experience. You just buy it with your company card and the company has guidelines like business class or preferred airlines.
Hololive is a black company...
Stop posting here, Axel
>You always pay for your own tickets
This faggot got scammed
Are you a fucking retard?
They're being forced to go to a different country for work, shit head
It's in the contract retard
some youtubers get trips to disneyland for writing positive reviews of shitty games while Cover doesn't provide basic needs? I won't believe that, must be mistranslation.
I'm completely fine with the accomodation, but it's an L for Cover if they actually make them pay for the tickets themselves. That's fucked up, and we should do something about that as fans if that's actually the case.
Right. This needs clarification because it's 100% unacceptable if that's actually true.
If it's a problem the girls need to stop paying for it. If they all stop Cover may change their policy.

You do not understand, a single rule change from youtube/twitch can deplatform/demonetize and kill hololive as whole very fast.

Holoearth is not a "game", is supposed to be a multimedia platform holo can live on.
Will likely fail but they must try, and try again.
Why do the 2 earn more money than the average holomem?
Why do those 2 make more money than the average holomem?
This what Ame is negotiating for (the 3D stuff) she said it on holotalk
She's speaking English and she speaks it better than half this board
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They also make the talent pay for music videos which Cover then owns and profits off of, so...
It's easy too understand. Foreigner has a debuff because they have pay for themselves if they need to do projects like birthday 3d. Kronii's lost money in her last 3D because supas from it is not enough too equalize her expenses. If you wanted to do 3D stuff, Bae fuwamoco and zeta's move is the right option.
It was a bid retard kobo stayed at one of the jp girls house
Fourth post best post
why don't you point out where in the stream she says that, then?
It's common knowledge tourist-kun, it's obviously not from that stream since we know about it from other Holos
Keep up
why is the bug lady a png
Funny seething angle today
It's almost as if JP guests don't have to worry about this particular issue because participating in someone else's live involves a subway ride instead of a whole-ass flight and blocking out a few days for travel.
That's literally how it works in most cases; you buy the ticket with your money first, then you put it in an expense report, and then your company reimburses you for it later. Hololive just cuts down on the process sometimes by buying the tickets for the talents themselves (distinctly remember Kronii getting kind of antsy because she was waiting on management to get her ticket for the 11bit Poland trip and ended up cutting it real close).
Good, homowhores dont deserve shit
Write in English the next time you feel tempted to spit out a comment regarding a topic you clearly know nothing about.
Roboco is a shitter and she owns her house.
Doesn't this literally say their housing expense is covered while they're there for work?

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