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Now that it's over, how was it?
Is it better than ENreco?

ENreco was obviously the best hololive event to date.
Yes, I liked it more than enreco. en+jp collaboration made it really unique and I'm happy en got to actually hang out a bit. I hope En grows from this. Don't like all the staff sticking their fingers in everything. Little too present. Maybe that's the corporate hololive of the future idk. I think en and Jp had differing expectations on what this experience was going to be about which changed stuff up. FuwaMoco were a cannonball that flew by and made the rp hard at times. I would say giving Foobs a heads up about them would've been helpful. But it seems like it was overall fun and that I am happy for.
Way better.
Way worse.
Way better
Fuwamoco turned hospital drama with fubuki into a sitcom and the whole thing was hilarious.
The Red Wedding could have been better.
Fubuki got shot/ got violent way too quickly and the random explosion came out of nowhere.
It had to be that way cause Koronie was bugged and immortal,they played around that really well though
She still won in the end, which is all that matters.
Nothing after the immortality mode was turned on is canon.
They both had their advantages and disadvantages.
A huge disadvantage of holoGTA was that there were huge periods where nothing was happening in the food establishments because people didn't need food. And the gangs spend way too much time practicing shit. In Enreco there was no downtime.
Enreco's disadvantage was that members like Fuwawa and Gura were too autistic to roleplay and basically spent their time doing jackshit.
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It's better because it has more members in general and what makes these events work will always be the amount of people that get into the roleplay.
If anything ENreco was more like a training arc for the EN girls on how they can get into roleplay and not act like an awkward mess when they get invited into these types of events, so it worked out in the end for both of them.
Event training wheels is an excellent way of looking at it actually.

If they hold another HoloGTA event the ones that were in it will probably play better characters next time.
Weren't the staff actually stgr streamers there to help? They weren't hololive
It was Polka of all people who suicide bombed the wedding lmao
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JP and JP events will never be better than EN.
>Koronie was bugged and immortal
No she wasn't
I think that it's good that ENReco preceded HoloGTA (maybe on purpose), because it gave the EN girls a chance to practice their yuri RP chops
>Is it better than ENreco?
That was a very low bar to clear anon. holoGTA was actually planned really well and it shows while ENReco was random dungeon clearing and people trying and failing to roleplay with zero framework because they weren't given one.
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ENreco was played out in minecraft which, while fun, is not particularly immersive. And I really can't take the fucking blocky graphics seriously. So HGTA was definitely more entertaining.
The last 2 days were a clusterfuck and I love it
EnReco had more consistent roleplay across members considering it was in Minecraft and a fantasy setting. But HoloGTA was way more entertaining because well, it's GTA and there is more people interacting of course.
Pochi-sensei said one was one of her vtubers friend.
Gta had all Holo branches involved which made it way more kino.
I do not give a single shit about Minecraft and the Enreco storyline was bland fantasy garbage, and you could tell half the girls were just going through the motions when it came to the dungeons. GTA on the other hand was pure kino, absolute chaos, hilarious, and lewd. It was so powerful that it even gave us new PekoMiko content. I hope they do another one, or better yet, make it an ongoing thing where they open the server for a weekend every month.
Why not compare it to NijiGTA since theyre more similar?
en recollection was worst. nothing but yuri baiting and cringe shit
>Don't like all the staff sticking their fingers in everything. Little too present.
nah.. staff was adding kino all the time they were there
>nothing but yuri baiting and cringe shit
I don't think you watched holoGTA
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>Polka of all people
I mean, if you watched her stream at all it was totally expected. She tried to give fubuki a gun earlier in the stream, and basically gave her a ride or die speech. Fubuki turned her down, since she obviously had her own thing planned, but Polka wasn't about to leave her fox friend hanging regardless.
>nah.. staff was adding kino all the time they were there

I liked when miko summoned a SEA npc to beat up staff
As much as you think this is a brown board with all the Phase posts, it's really not so post context in EN arigathanks
just for you, friend, but i think that id guy's clip is better

There was Ayame, that already makes it better than anything else
>all the doomposting over how JP "doesn't know how to RP" and it would be a failure
>JP makes all the kino moments while the ENs stand around in the background
ENsharts keep getting those Ls
>EN vs JP
this isn't nijisanji
JP sucked
The bakery arc gave it the needed value to top ENreco, see all that the GTA experience was missing was to have something more than just a bunch of funny situations play out and actually have a plot, a story to follow and the bakery did it, plus friend, korosan, 'taso and mio were all fantastic with it.

So yeah, regarding interactions, world building, creativity, hilarity and surprises, GTA was better than ENreco all around.
enrico gonathan arc was the best rp. gta had more funny moments, mostly by accident
both games are complete dogshit at their core
>Fubuki's prison sentence is up
>Walks out to the courtyard with arms behind her back
>As she exits 2 Medic Choppers land right on cue to pick her up (they wanted to stage a prison break)

Fubuki stole the show and the rest of the medic team, while not really great at roleplaying, were at least fucking hilarious.

>20 players RP vs 50 players RP
Not comparable, give ENreco the same amount of players and you'd get even more kino arc
Why does the number of people matter? If you took out all of EN and ID as well as the JP who didn't do anything you would still have something pretty similar.
Not that guy, but if we keep the ratio of people doing nothing the same, more people still equals more kino.

I think GTA was much better for roleplaying though, minecraft isekai wasn't really very immersive even though it did produce some good moments.
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>2 medi choppers landing as Fubuki walks out
>fade to black

Literal movie ending with sequel bait right there
There is no storyline in GTA, just a one big Family Guy season
Someone should have gone full bdpd vigilante
Now that I'm thinking about it, what happened with Fubuki after the wedding? Last I saw her was Lui carrying her out for some reason, then I only caught her again when thye "broke her" out of prison.
Fubuki really felt like a main character. And the rest of the medica staff were great too. They didn't have their own long-lasting arc, but they played their part well, stuff like OP was perfect timing after perfect timing and RP.
Fubuki literally just saw the twiX as Mio called, and right after that, Fuwamoco hits wth the "Are you in love?".
Their clumsiness even almost kills Korone at the church, doing a flying runover with a burger car.
None. 2021 sports fest is the best
better cause it had JP in it and wasnt minecraft
Because no one gives a shit about Kurosanji outside of shitting on them for the laughs
All I know of the Niji GTA thing is the entire EN branch got banned from future roleplay collabs.
This is Hololive, retard. Go back to the Nijislums.
i hate mega collabs so didn't watch
i'm just happy it's back to normal streams that i still won't watch unless it's nintendo
I didn't have high expectations of both and ended up having a lot of fun being invested and watching both, so for me it's just all wins. I hope they keep doing all kinds of these events occasionally, because variety is king and even if one ends up being better than another I don't want them to spam the one they perceive as better and it losing its magic for the viewers and the girls.
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My oshi had fun I had fun, a lot more fun than in ENReco, though that was enjoyable for what it was too.
The heists weren't any different from the dungeons in terms of being this scripted thing they just kinda did. There were minor crimes that were more fun, kino and chaotic with the holos being more involved than those huge heists (like Suisei kidnapping Sora or Kronii trying to get away with rice fraud).
It is a janky ass game, their tranny-looking character filtered me so much, didn't watch a single second of that shit. I'd rather have my oshi with her lore accurate minecraft skin fucking around the game and do cute things with her friends instead of being a whore in GTA
Ey Lui remember that time when I went to a wedding?
>Lore accurate
>Ina is a guide to ghosts for some reason
JP doing the same thing as ENreco with 20 people would be better. It was never about the numbers.
I really wonder, EN Reco felt really limiting.
god i am fucking glad i'm not you. Thank you jesus!
Love it when chuds forbid themselves from having enjoying silly fun. Soulless behavior.
I don't know who your oshi is but she definitely had more fun in HoloGTA than in ENreco borefest
Aside from the family arc from Gamers the JP barely roleplayed in comparison bro don't kid yourself. You just want to shit on EN as usual. HoloGTA was more fun because it's fucking GTA, it's always going to be hilarious and chaotic.
Considering how fucking lame a Minecraft map can be, and since it's essentially impossible for any funny thing to happen in that game compared to GTA, the EN girls knocked it out of the park with the RP.
I greatly enjoyed both.
If JP was so good they would have a yearly concert like EN does.
The big heist is a poor grinding mechanic. It requires over half the server to participate while offering limited interaction. Whenever the heist happens, the rest of the server becomes void of content. It should be limited to one per night.
As you mentioned, smaller but highly engaging crimes offer a much better experience, requiring less effort from the parties involved.
>nooooo it's not REAL roleplay!!
ENkeks think RP means you need a full tabletop character sheet and 30 pages of background lore.
Overall yes, but it I think Gonathan was the best character out of either of them. It's a shame GG wasn't able to play more and chose a grandma as her character. Wish the Ice Cream shop had had more episodes.
Tell em ken-sama, okayu shaking her ass was peak roleplay
That's not what I said, have a (You)
At times it was...
For me, it is pineapple girl
Yeah, the EN girls came up with some pretty great stuff, despite being trapped on a scripted minecraft map so restricted they weren't even allowed to destroy or set blocks. It's also silly to talk shit about them being the problem, when even the jp bros liked those that took part in HoloGTA for what they added and did.
Well, she basically won and was proven right.
Oops wrong clip
Fubuki's clipwatching and there's just so many small stories I missed
The event was out of this world.
The first two days of holoGTA were lame, it peaked around day3-day4 and the last day was extremely underwhelming. Overall it still managed to be better then ENreco thanks to sheer amount of kino happening in the middle of the GTA week.
HoloGTA is a refreshing throwback to the old days where chuubas could do what they wanted to (within their self imposed RP rules) and mistakes and funny interactions happened organically.
I don't know how she was proven right, koyori threw that grenade and fubuki was cheering korone on when she was bombing random groups. Koro-papa was framed by a third dog.
I see someone is talking out their ass about which even had more yuri.
All of the JP plots sucked ass.
ENreco better for EN audience and was the target audience

GTA RP better for JP and ok for EN but the audience was targeted more on the Jp side.

This depends only on what audience you ask.
>ENreco better for EN audience
Hard disagree, since plenty of ENs played.
EN didn't play to their full potential in JP because of language barrier and needed most of the time someone to translate, is just facts.
Not wrong, yetit was still a great time and better than ENReco.
>EN audience
More like EOP audience. GTA was better for those that can understand both.
I can't speak nihongo and it was still better, I did have to check clips afterwards for some scenes.
GTA RP was definitely better in terms of RP
Enreco had clear goals and direction which gets in the way of RP.
GTA RP is pure sandbox letting them stretch their legs.
EOP is most of the EN fanbase just like JOP is most of the JP audience, but true if you speak both languages which is the minority.
>EN didn't play to their full potential in JP because of language barrier
the passion english/passion japanese is always peak content though. mumei + towa was especially hilarious.
As a EOP I would say GTA>ENReco. I don't care if I could only understand the EN streamers because the game itself was way more fun/organic to watch stuff happen in than ENReco. It was pretty obvious the talents themselves were having way more fun playing GTA because there is just a lot more stuff to do in it than some shitty minecraft mod. I guarantee you there would have been more EN turnout for this event than ENReco if it was done at "normal" EN times. Anyone who says ENReco is better is strictly just some Minetrash merchant or some retard that freaks out when they hear any bit of Nipponese all the while posting on a fucking Chinese basketweaving forum dedicated to a hobby started in Japan itself.
Polka was the one who set up the FubuMio romance (and Subaru/Okayu). She fed the cops heists info she got from the gang. She joined the gang for the last heist, did not wear their clothes and shot Laplus from behind. She got killed by Botan, but after behind revived she got away just pretending to be a regular citizen caught in between.
Polka wrote articles to protect Holos Santos' citizens, but behind the scenes she was actively creating chaos and corrupting the city.
I don't know if the RP was better (seemed a bit more loose) but there interactions were and made it more fun.
Papa beat her up, divorced, and then married a "18 years old" AZKi.
He was even caught kissing Okayu after that.
Korosan just says
>lets go to the cabaret club
after Mio dumped her too lmao
Based, I liked that she got to hang out with Ina after so fucking long, I've been dying for Pol/Nene interaction since their first minecraft collab where they asked to be beaten with sticks.
Same, I'm so glad Mumei decided to stream her POV after getting flung out of the ambulance by FUWAMOCO on the first day. I think a lot of EN girls were nervous about the language barrier before they saw how kino it would still be.
The doggy ambulance continued to be such a great gag all the way to the end.
The Matsuri POV of the ambulance passing her by and all you hear is BAU BAU BAU BAU and Zeta groaning Tasuketeeee~ had me dying.
HoloGTA was much better than ENreco. The variety of interactions, the side missions, the specific roles of participants (doctor, cop, gangster, support), and the use of weapons and vehicles added a lot to the experience. ENreco's infinitely lobotomized, empty story made participants shift from roleplay to a yuri romcom within just a few hours. In this sense, HoloGTA was much more entertaining because there was actually something for the players to do.
I'm glad my oshi didn't join this trash
Also I thought Fubuki's "FUWAMOOOOOCCOOO" rivaled Subaru's "Kaaannaaaadee"
i think towa might have bedded my oshi
I think this is somewhat true because Rust Arc had a lot of kino moments in it too because there's just more to do than minecraft.
She would have been annoying anways.
nice cope sapling
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GTA was better than ENreco even if you speak no jap because there are simply more people playing it. ENreco was largely mid because too many members simply suck at RP. With GTA, because of the sheer numbers in the game, there are enough people taking RP seriously that you get a ton of worthwhile content to watch.
Minecraft was great early on, but they've already exhausted all the content.
What the fuck even was ENreco? Like, what was it supposed to be? What happened? What were they doing? All I know about it is that it took place in minecraft.
a hypothetical JPreco with 19 random JPs is already better than ENreco
ENreco was better in some ways and HoloGTA was better in some ways. Simple as. Overall I enjoyed them both but I think they both could be better. What really hurt both for me is the lack of stakes. If you die you just get revived and keep going about your day. There is no penalty for losing or dying.

What was the point of the boss fights if there was no lose condition? If you die you just respawn and keep fighting.
The moment that everybody is talking about was killed and made totally pointless when Fubuki was instantly revived. Also what is the point of the cops if you just get released from jail basically as soon as you get arrested?

Hopefully they can find a way to add higher stakes to the RP for both ENreco and HoloGTA. Otherwise a lot of the stuff happening just seems completely pointless.
Big heists take like 30 minutes maximum start to finish. Complaining about them is retarded. The problem lies with the girls not knowing what to do or the game itself bugging out. Considering that a whole streaming day was around 6 hours, 30 minutes is not a big chunk.
No, the heists are awful. You're not talking account the prep time and clean up. Also 30 minutes is a long time were you're not allowed to do anything.
The last one was particularly egregious with the medics being stuck in the hospital because they were not allowed to move until the end of the heist. Meanwhile they couldn't even revive regular citizens who were stuck being dead.
People are forgetting that during ENreco and immediately after it the entire thing was being praised as the most kino thing ever on this board. Fast forward a month later and now it's shit, lol. I wonder who is responsible for the posts saying it's shit? Can't help but notice some things. Just saying.
>Polka was the one who set up the FubuMio romance (and Subaru/Okayu).
She didn't set up either, she just helped push them along. Fubuki started the whole twix posting about being sad Mio wasn't in the shop when she visited, Polka just brought it to Korone's attention, and then later help Fubuki when she wanted to try and get a date with Mio. And Ssuba asked Polka to look into Okayu to try and find out her true feelings.
>she got away just pretending to be a regular citizen caught in between.
That was a great moment, especially when she was walking down the street singing and ran into Miko, who asked what she had been doing, and she just responded with "Part time job", and continued to stroll away singing.
>Fubuki started the whole twix posting about being sad Mio wasn't in the shop when she visited, Polka just brought it to Korone's attention, and then later help Fubuki when she wanted to try and get a date with Mio. And Ssuba asked Polka to look into Okayu to try and find out her true feelings
That's literally what setting up is. Polka was in everyone's Twix dms.
JP x EN x ID collabs are what I like hololive for. It's peak. So for me, better than EnReco. It's also more playfully chaotic because it's less structured.
THAT SAID, I don't think it necessarily has to be better than EnReco. The immersive experience, engagement with lore, the merch tie-in and all that, all of that is good and welcome. I just think expanding to have it be multi-branch would make it better.
Also minecraft puts me to sleep.
Again, thats a problem that is on the girls themselves. Lets even double it and say for whatever reason it takes an entire extra 30 minutes for prep, which is ridiculous when all they need to do is buy a gun/ammo + armor/hp then go to the place, but just for this argument lets say a heist takes 1 hour total. Thats ~17% of the total playtime that's streamed, if its a 6 hour day. That's a small chunk dude.

The reason the final one was bad was because they couldnt figure it out. Also idk what pov you were watching for the medics but I was watching fwmc for a good part of the final day and they werent contained to the hospital, they were out and fucking around the entire day because nothing was happening. Thats how they ended up with the burger car and they then went around showing it off around town.

The gang decided to not do any small jobs from their own volition. They spent most of their time hanging out at home then at the heist location. This is what I saw from Bae's pov.

Again, none of this is a fault of a big heist.
I want someone to do a compilation of them with the director and actually adding a laugh track for ambience
Some of the medic POVs were the best during the last day. I was watching IRyS and she was great showing the other medics how to buy guns, hunting animals while also killing her fellow medics, the date with Reine. The medics made good use of that time where there was nothing to do.
Polka bombing the wedding cause the drama ended too fast for a sensational article was great with the way Korone just tanked everything kek
Twix is public though...
If they didn't allow them to respawn none of them are good enough to beat the bosses without dying.
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We were robbed of the medics attacking the police station to avenge Fubuki because of the heist.
I get that but it also kills all the drama of the fight. There needs to be stakes. Fauna had a very powerful healing skill but it was basically made useless because there is no penalty for death.
This goes for HoloGTA as well as I mentioned in my post. There is no drama when you just come right back. Even the Fubuki moment was ultimately pointless because she just got revived.
DMs were obviously not.
I was praying...PRAYING that right before the wedding Fubuki gets on coms with her medics and says "I need all of you to leave the building immediately". Then they walk out, she hands them all guns, and they all walk in and shoot up the wedding.
You can dm anyone as long as you know their twix account.

That would be wildly out of character for her to do.
FUBUKI FOX >>>>>>> Yung Dab
>while not really great at roleplaying
Anon, the medic team was the only team that was actually role playing aside from a few EN members.
Their troublesome subordinates added so much character, one by being a lazy piece of shit abd the others by doing their job a little too hard, so much that people were afraid of them when they approached and they couldn't get away on their own
Medics are potentially the strongest faction (control the economy, can revive people,...), but they are gimped by the rules because of that. Basically not allowed to have weapons or commit crimes in fucking GTA, which sucks in a sandbox game.
It's incredible Fubuki did so much with so little.
Why did you leave out Mori?
They left out plenty other members like Aki, Ao, Lap-sama etc
I was watching IRyS and she absolutely did have guns and did kill multiple people (especially when they were hunting). So I don't know about all that.
She wasn't supposed to and only bought it from the black market secretly in the last hours of the 6th day.
Not Shu and Meloco, the JP disguised as EN members.
Okayu was the low-key instigator of so much shit.
She bought the gun on the stream before the last day.
Is that all the members you can count up with your fingers and toes or something?
>over how JP "doesn't know how to RP" and it would be a failure
Who the fuck was saying that?
By secretly, I mean she lied about having bought a gun and goes to extra length to hide the gun and the bullets.
>before the last day
So, the 6th day.
Fuck that's absolutely hilarious, thanks anon.
That's not the Director, the Director would not put his crew in danger, specially not sweet, dumb, sweet FuwaMoco... Dumb FuwaMoco...
I don't think it was shit, but it was severely limited. It had really kino moments, but they were despite the game they were playing, not thanks to it.
Not as interesting or their POV already covered by better POVs
i really liked gg's gertrude rp. sucks we didn't get more of that. think she would've made alot of funny moments with the jp girls had she played more, like when she was in jail screaming TASUKETEEE.
as for hologta is better than enreco? i don't think so. where's the relationship chart?
each time i tuned in to a gta streamer there was dead air.

but i do agree enreco taking place in Minecraft does deduct points overall, if it was more immersive like gta with all of the kino drama it would definitely be elevated to the best holo event.
Ok, same thing with GTA. The entire week the game was a buggy mess that they seemed to be playing against half the time instead of playing with.
>Putting biboo in S
Opinion disregarded
Those weren't DM's though, just public stuff she noticed and pointed out. Don't get me wrong, she had some serious shit stirring moments, but both of those were started by their respective participants, Polka just pushed them along at points, usually at the request of someone involved.
It has nothing to do with bug, it's just GTA is more entertaining than blockgame
I was pissed that the moment Reine proposed to IRyS was kind of ruined because Reine couldn't display the ring because the game was bugged.
Anon, Polpol was literally sliding into everyone's DM
GTA is awful. The game is nearly a decade old and it's still a buggy mess. You think they would have fixed it by now. I've seen amateur unity games that are more stable.
Biboo was one of the best POVs. Not just for police but overall.
I hope for your sake this is randomized.
I didn't watch this besides the clips because there was just too much of it. I did catch some EnReco but only two or three people really carried that with everyone else riding their coattails. GTARP just had a lot more experienced entertainers so there was always something going on... except that fucking annoying sheriff Mori bit. Please fucking stop the sheriff shit already it's so annoying.
Absolutely delusional take
That's just how it is with multiplayer open world game.
You either love it and think it adds to the charm or hate it and think it hinders the immersion.
I think the biggest failing from the blockgame was that everyone was doing more or less the same things in more or less the same order. The members did their best and some did throw a wrench into things by taking up special roles, but overall the setup was extremely constraining. GTA gave players a lot more freedom and a large variety of possible objectives, which makes it incredibly fun not only from your oshi's point of view.
They were still not allowed and got a "gun permit" only for the last day. They were also supposed to only use it in "self-defense" (so never).
They wanted to shoot up the cops to close Fubuki's arrest storyline, but didn't have the opportunity because they were preparing for the heist.
Idk where else could they roleplay as their character outside MC? ENreco taking place in GTA sounds retarded
And then Mio is the only one who survives. Then...we get a Kill Bill remake...
I'm not hearing a counter argument, so I accept your concession. Biboo was kino and fun.
Not saying she didn't, just saying she didn't instigate those particular relationships, just helped them along.
I disagree.
Unironically, I think blockgame offers too much freedom and that basically give the players too much executive decision on how to mold their characters.
Conversely GTA outright assigned people into jobs and basic storyline so players could just build up their characters from there.
ENReco and HoloGTA is an interesting comparison more because of the underlying games than how the talents behaved. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. They were both great fun, though, and I’m looking forward to more.
GTA has a LOT of things you can do or customize. How you look, what you wear, your vehicle, how your vehicle looks, multitudes of weapons, tons of minigames like the casino or tennis. FiveM adds on top of that with calls, profiles, the in-game social media, customized restaurants and menus. Even if you’re shit at RP, you’ve got a lot of ways to express your character.
At the same time, FiveM is HoloGTA’s downfall. It’s VERY clunky and buggy, and laid on top of an already in-depth game. No matter the POV, there were likely more bugs per stream than you can count on both hands. The roles can also be somewhat limiting due to everything being quite loose, which limited the cops and criminals the most.
Minecraft is VERY flexible. Surprisingly so. All the Revelations are done with data packs, internal customization tools that allow you to alter the attributes of nearly anything. Maps are bespoke, in-game cutscenes, all of it can be very immersive.
Key point is CAN, however. There weren’t a lot of anchor points for those with weaker RP in ENReco, which made it difficult for some. More minigames can assist greatly, and Astonishingly Kaeotic showed that they’re not super limited in what’s possible. Put simply: There needs to be more to do!
i didn't say enreco should've taken place in gta, i'm saying it was limited with things to do by being minecraft
I think GTA was just better organized. If you didn't know what to do then you just focus on your role and RP would grow organically from there. EnReco was basically just "Go do these dungeons, besides that you're completely on your own. We will give you no other guidance."
top fucking kek
Next event, HoloESO.
And the no guidance thing was great. The no guidance thing is what gave us Gonathan and IRyS being the Whore of Libestal. Nothing in GTA could quite measure up to that because the roles were pretty limiting.
Or Wreck it Ralph
But that was just a single storyline out of how many players.
Like, I love Fauna, but Fauna Mart is essentially a failure both storyline and character wise.
Did ina ever get a WAHmbulance?
>Nothing in GTA could quite measure up to that because the roles were pretty limiting.
Regular citizens were free to do whatever they wanted.
Yes and it's name is Peanut.
Heck, even the police force and medic could theoretically take side jobs.
Worse than no guidance, they gave them guilds and then did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITH THEM. I’m not saying they should’ve separated them or something, but everyone on Jade Sword should have something they can do that nobody else could, something that makes them go “oh yeah, I’m Jade Sword, hell yeah”. The guilds were almost completely superfluous.
A faction of black doctors meant to extract and save gang members could be amazing
Fauna created the perfect setup, and then spent all her time trying to defuse it.
Unless there are rules which we dont know about. Nothing is stopping a player, like say, Ina, from not clocking in to work and holding up a gas station.

I mean we saw Lui doing this where she went from cab driver to drug dealer. Kronii was supposed to be a mechanic but decided to steal. The bakery went into drugs as well when theyre just supposed to sell food.
They laid down some pretty basic rules like how medic and police force can't be in gang/involved in criminal activity.
ENreco2 needs more mods, wider map, JP/ID guests, and a well-written RP script to match GTA kino
>i don't think so. where's the relationship chart?
Missing Towa's wife Aki.
ENReco is an event spanning many different games, from what I understand. I think next one is a WoW server of some sort?
In the HoloGTA announcement stream.
How many of these storylines were pre-planned, or was it all spontaneous? Obviously individual members could have an idea of how they wanted to play, but did they also receive directions from staff or talk between each other off-screen?
That's just Kiara fucking around, ENreco season 2 is still in Minecraft
>Not even complete
>Not nearly as interesting
It's all spontaneous according to FBK, Korosan, and Miko, but they do ask involved holomem some things beforehand like when FBK planned on disrupting the wedding she asked the Bread Family for permission beforehand.
I'd say GTA was better because there were more girls in general, the JP girls have better chemistry than EN, and the Fubuki's plotline and performance was superior. As a Grem, I love Gigi and Gonathan's arc, however it was muddled by the other girls and Gigi being too willing to go along with them. If she stuck to her idea, it would've been the superior bit, but GTA would still be better outside of that.
Who play wow? The girls only play ff14.
What can you do. I'm sure it'll be fun in its own way anyway but I doubt I'll be hungrily seeking other people's POV like I did in GTA.
Conan Exiles. The game has a ton of mods for RP, better looking characters, custom maps, and systems for creating quests and dungeons. Also has the best building out of any of the survival games.
I see, some of them seemed almost too good to have just evolved on their own.
The only thing people were worrying about before the event was language barrier issues which didn't matter at all because all the ENs that don't care about learning another language fucked off and didn't even try to play. Most of the kino was EN/JP interacting with eachother
Only mococo was actually into the lottory, and single handed destroyed it. The moment that she refused to use the coupon, making everything awkward. At some points, fauna just ignored her and hided in her library.
Fuwamoco have to learn that you can't just bau bau your way out.
GTA was better, but ENreco wasn't bad.
I think a wow classic guild could be very funny but nobody plays WoW and it's a huge time commitment
Honestly the fact that most of the girls rejected the lottery was pretty whack.
Because it was an obvious scam, lol.
>The moment that she refused to use the coupon, making everything awkward.
That coupon was another scam to make Mococo unable to sue her. Fauna did everything to kill that storyline.
>Fubuki literally just saw the twiX as Mio called, and right after that, Fuwamoco hits wth the "Are you in love?".
One of my favorite bits. The perfect contrast between Fubuki's dramatic roleplaying and Fuwamoco's comic relief. Also Fuwamoco asking if they can be director as Fubuki is being taken away by the police.
Sometime you have to act dumb for the content.
The problem was the mococo refused to cooperate to settle it down and nerrisa had to sacrifice herself before thing turns ugly. It almost reached the level of ame raging on gura in rust.
And what do you think the whole bakery storyline was? Meta-gaming?
That was added after the first day which probably hindered that a lot. Would work better in a second season with rules learned from this one.
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Language barrier kino
What's this about
>Lap proposes to Towa
>Get's hard rejected
>Biboo starts cheering for her anyway
Laplus proposed to Towa while they had her detained in the police station. She was in the midst of despair as Towa turned her down and returned the ring to her. Bijou walked in to see the commotion at that moment and then in the perfect brief moment of silence she used the clapping emote and shouted "Congratulations"
you got it wrong
ENReco was the pure sandbox: everyone were on the same cleanslate memory loss background and the same jobs even if they belonged to different factions (with the exception of Myth that had those dungeons).
GTA RP had micomet game masters, team leaders and jobs. Which offered much more variety of backgrounds for the talents to work with and favored the RP.
The only team that barely did any RP was the gang because they had to play the game really hard and set up the stage for the heists.
The JPs are funnier than the ENs so it's better than ENreco by default
I really liked the whole Police Academy thing that was going on. Subaru just being constantly worn down by her team's negligence and the other cops just being incompetent in general until it was time to actually go fight the Million.
Mococo didn't want to settle it down. She tweeted that she wanted to sue FaunaMart the day before.
Fauna actively tried to kill that plot line and Mococo spun her wheels awkwardly. EN doesn't have anyone like FBK, Pekora or Korone to carry that kind of roleplay.
It was good but I can't understand much japanese so sometimes It was frustrating to watch, that's just a skill issue on my part though
Fuck that comedic timing was impecable
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it was rather refreshing, normally Holo projects have single storyline but now it was all branched out(tho Gamers clearly planned out the storyline the best and it stands out)

and yea if you only watched EN perspectives, you didn't get much out of the week honestly...
Shut the fuck up, the very peak of the GTA RP "roleplay" was a extremely scuffed wedding where the villain got shot in the head ressurected and beaten up, and left screaming "WHO HEADSHOT MEEEEEE" like a dumb slapstick comedy, and then the married couple that had the only character arc in the whole server ends up separating 1 hour before the server ends because the husband throws a grenade at his wife, like, shut the fuck up, retard. GTA RP was pretty fun but they absolutely didn't know how to RP.
There were lot more moments compared to ENreco, even there were tons more plays and tons more interactions and the game featured more character freedom than minecraft(ironically).

The bakery family drama was pretty good, the setup was pretty good. The cops v gangs were pretty funny. The various subplots/interactions were wholesome.
Fucking lmao
>Subaru as chief police officer
>Everyone is retarded or incompetent or both
>Botan, the 2nd in command is too laid back to help Subaru
The cop department was doomed from the beginning and it was hilarious
Which police is the best POV in the final heist?
Did Botan kill them all or Iroha?
Hilarious for the cops, at the detriment of the gangs.
Botan or Watame.
It would've helped the gang, if the gang wasn't autistic and played it like it was co-op payday, doing nothing but heists all day. Pekora ending words about the event just being "gang gang gang heist gang family" was sad, they interacted so little with the rest of the community.
Holo GTA was pretty fun, but there's a lot of room to improve, as well. Hoping they do it again next year.
The balance between cop and gangs was a big issue imo.
Gang had all the gta vcr veterans + the fps players while cops had fucking kanade and lap.
Sure cops had Botan but she hides her powerlevel all the time.
Doesnt help that gang actually organized and got guided while cops kept fucking around

HoloGTA have narcissistic staff ruining the immersion, fucker appear too much on the screen
I stopped watching the gang because they ran into so many bugs and the heists were a bit boring.
Really, your big "no" about the event is just that the staff was around helping people?
Gang tried to have a storyline with Lui but it came too late, also Lui involved herself with the bakery who had their own storyline already.
Cabbaret or mechanics were also kind of irrelevant.
Cabbaret pretty much interacted with everyone, though, I don't know about that, I think the biggest issue with Cabbaret was the lack of Povs. Mechanics were completely short-staffed, so they did end up becoming almost NPCs, I'll give you that.
Cabbaret interacted however they didnt really a no storyline other than slutting up Sora and Azki.
As far as storyline goes, there really was only the bakery, Lui and Polka did try to do something on their own, but it didn't work out, that's where their lack of RPing came to punish it a bit, but I rather see it as just a massive collab with hijinks.
Lap spent the last two days trying to marry Towa, it had nothing to do with anything in the GTA week, and just her general obsession with Towa.
When Pekora climbed into Ina's car all I could think of was how much kino could be had if you could actually hold people at gunpoint inside vehicles, forcing them to drive.
Lui was relevant to the bakery plot as was the cabaret. Obviously not a central character but the drug side job added situations where things would happen.
Mechanic wasn't relevant outside of Ao forcing Marine to pull out of the gang at the end out of nowhere without any prior plot reasons, which made Lamy and Sora leave the gang.

They were the ones providing Korone with girls.
Mr.Koro should have married the slutty car mechanic cat after his divorce.
Even without a storyline, the interactions were really fun. Almost feels like it can work like minecraft where there's no real rp, but you still get great interaction anyways.
Lui was a better and more dangerous criminal than anyone in the gang. Her relationship with Fubuki was great.
>they didnt really a no storyline other than slutting up Sora and Azki
Do you really need anything else though?
Other than the bakery and Kronii, nobody was RPing. It was just a big fun collab
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>Fubuki watches a twix video of Mio twerking infront of Mr Koro
>Almost immediately after receives a call from Mio rejecting Fubuki
The entire hologta were blessed by stream gods for these timings not only in this scene but many others
My favorite thing about gta was how many things were going on at once. Like you'd be watching one storyline play out and it sort of brushes against some other complete chaos happening completely independent. Especially loved whenever there was just complete chaos in the background of a phone call with no context.

Lui was really underrated imo. Her bits with Marine and the mechanics early on was gold. She was also great in the baker drug negotiations and the fake hostage scenario. It was a shame the cabaret and mechanics weren't more entangled in bigger plotlines, but any interactions with them were still hilarious. They still worked great as background characters.
is there a collection of the loading screens somewhere?
>Mori chases down and finally corners Subaru while she's in the pineapple disguise
>Subaru calls Okayu for help
>At the exact same time Ame coincidentally calls Mori
>"Are you the pineapple?"
>Like you'd be watching one storyline play out and it sort of brushes against some other complete chaos happening completely independent
Yeah, that's why I tried sticking with Korone's POV the whole week and only switched to multi POV when the heists started or Mio was acting sus. Trying to figure out what the hell was happening alongside Korone was really fucking good.
The pineapple incident was hilarious.
>keep catching Kanade slacking off
>get cornered by everyone during the pineapple incident, including Kanade
>"Why of all times are you doing your job properly NOW?"
Subaru is a comedic genius.
The pineapple standoff was kino as well, visually. Right at sunset, on the rooftop, calli goes up the stairs and finds the pineapple holding the phone like it's a bomb detonator. Then the call comes in.
If they're doing this next year, I really think EN needs its own GTA client that has english in the UI, and some training on how to play it. The EN POVs I watched had a lot of failed unicode squares everywhere and too much time was spent trying to figure out the controls and how to navigate the UI, it's distracting
Compared to EnReco it was barely RP. HoloJP doesn't care about RP
>and some training on how to play it
They trained for a whole month
I thought it was quite funny to see JP holos go from "awww Fuwamoco is so cute" to "AAAAAAH FUCK ITS FUWAMOCO"
The leaders did. The players trained for less than that, which is why you had Towa explaining heists to people as they were doing them.
They were barely running big heists though. The server just needed slightly more rules. I havent watched GTARP in a while but I remember that whoever was robbing a store needed to wait for cops to come and then they began a chase which could lead to shooting if they didnt get away after 1-2 minutes.

There was a couple of issues. Docs offering to rez people on the spot for twice the money instead of forcibly taking people to the hospital is one that sounds annoying but it would cause more interactions to happen because it would make the hospital a central hub.

The northern part of the map shouldve been off limits for doing any activity simply because theres not enough people playing to be able to support having both of the police stations in a meaningful way.

Honestly the civilian jobs besides the mechanic shouldve been scrapped and have them be another gang probably. Food jobs were pretty meaningless, idk if keeping the cabaret would be good or not
Enreco had more consistent content to enjoy but because of that its hard to watch and catch up on. GTArp on the other hand was very easy to consume even coming in late. But Most of En werent there so it was limited in interaction. but the scale of the kino that did was epic.
just take the L buddy.
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it was arguably the best of the box servers and I would gladly love a 2nd round of this. HC Minecraft was great, ARK was so so, but this was really fun.
>It was a shame the cabaret and mechanics weren't more entangled in bigger plotlines
It was a mistake to make Marine the head of the cabaret when she wasn't interested in playing in the first place. She was the one who made sure the cabaret itself doesn't get involved in anything because she won't do crime for whatever reason.
>ENreco is better because.. it just is okay?! reeeeeeee!
We accept your concession.
>Honestly the civilian jobs besides the mechanic shouldve been scrapped and have them be another gang probably.
Just the ones that were tied to a location honestly. Stuff like Polka's reporter and Lui's taxi service was fine, because they were still free to move around constantly without neglecting their job.
(Almost) the whole medic team was great at being a supporting cast. They got to interact with literally everyone in the server. Other than Fubuki is not like any of them really care to be in the spotlight anyway so to that they played their role perfectly.
>Ina pulls up to a random gas station
>Towa pops out and politely asks if she'd like to be a hostage
>Towa gets shot during their robbery and asks Ina to save her instead
>Ina the hostage walks away with more money than the robbers
I lost it when she was fooling around at the mechanic and got the photo of Mio being held hostage, only to find out that the whole thing was fake.
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>singlehandedly killed your antistaff coup
Kinda based really. Especially compared to the forced conclusion the ENReco writing team prepared that ignored every development the talents went through
Not to mention Okayu deliberately attempting to blow her cover, and then eventually throwing her under the bus when she was being arrested.
>Honestly the civilian jobs besides the mechanic shouldve been scrapped and have them be another gang probably. Food jobs were pretty meaningless, idk if keeping the cabaret would be good or not
I think those are important for chubas who didn't want to play seriously. Marine never really wanted to play GTA as it was, so the cabaret worked perfect for her because she could just fool around with other players without participating in all the violence and heavier skill gameplay. Likewise I think somebody was saying that Korone had never intended to be committed to the game, which is why she was a baker in the first place.
Fuwamoco probably could have exercised a little more restraint, but they were consistently hilarious enough that their shenanigans were worth it. Biboo was also pretty funny in the opposite extreme with just how well she went with the flow. Was losing it when she mistakenly got sent to prison.
>Likewise I think somebody was saying that Korone had never intended to be committed to the game, which is why she was a baker in the first place.
Yeah, she confirmed it today. Basically, she wanted a random job that she could drop at any time if she needed to stop playing for some reason
The crazy ambulance driver RP aspect of it was funny, but the BAUBAUing is probably wearing a bit thin for real with some of the members.
Yeah, maybe, but "you can't bau bau out of every situation" was funny as hell as a direct result of that.
>Fuwamoco runs over their dog when they get to the hospital
>Start screaming and crying over it
>Meanwhile Kanata is still dying in their ambulance
>Kanata finally returns to the bakery only to find the tv playing Fuwamoco's song and immediately turns it off
Here it is in clip form https://youtu.be/07v4_yCublU?si=yasa3gPGfg1A-PZR
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It's neverending cinema

Nurse squad killed it
Fucking lost it when they picked up Zeta
>You need to make sure you put your seatbelt on, okay!
>In this state? I don't think it matters if I wear a seatbelt or not.
>OHHHHHHH Yes it matters!
I love her so much. And then, in the end, the best relationship she could get was Lui as a gambling friend.
>Lui was really underrated imo
Lui is great. The baker's story wouldn't have happened without her telling Kanata about the happy drug.

Lui, Polka, and Suisei are underappreciated. They mostly work behind the scenes, but their roles are important for keeping the story moving forward.
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I mean, she had the perfect opportunity to go for Fubuki when they ended up alone at the ferris wheel, before Mio left Korone. But I honestly don't know if she is capable of making the first move ever, so... she panicked and just asked Foobs to go gambling instead.
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KEK gonna use that from now
and kanata was like heck yeah
best shit ever
This moment from Matsuri's POV is funny as hell
>tasukete nee-san...
Fubuki screaming "FUWAMOOOCOOO" was more her jumping in the bandwagon of Subaru's "KANADEEEE"
I have no fucking idea what ENreco is but yeah Holo GTA was EASILY the best Hololive Collab event in all these 4 years I been watching. Shit was funny as hell no matter what POV you were watching.
why are there so little clips, there should be enough content for clippers to feed themselves for the next 3 months
Honestly there was no way she could compete. the way Subaru's voice almost turns into a growl when screaming gives each KANADEEEEEEEEEEE so much soul
There are a shit ton of clips already, and given that there are like 40~ pov's, there's going to be plenty more coming out for a while.
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HoloGTA is more entertaining because JP, EN, and ID was there, and they all played with each other.

ENReco is more useful, because it introduced a new format to Hololive. It can be used on different games (even GTA), Cover could use it to introduce different characters, new gens, new IP, shill other project, sponsors, etc, even small EN corpos replicate the format.

GTA for entertainment
ENReco for utilization
They did Barney Miller with anime girls, it's a concept that works.
I really need to make
my text notification sound
Oh no! Watatwist
Suisei isn't underappreciated, she got plenty of her own clips.
I liked that Botan had a hero moment where she turns on her FPS powers at the end
there was only about 5-6 clips per day, I'm not counting overlapping events and storyline, or those 2 minutes clip where it's just somebody crashing their car
ive read people in this board say holoJP was incapable of Roleplaying. glad they did this and proved them wrong.
JP could never come up new ideas like ENreco.
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Suisei was underappreciated because very few understood that her role as a host was to incite chaos and break people out of their repetitive routines. She did this brilliantly. In fact, she wasn’t even there to be part of the results, as she switched to help the struggling part of the server.
I agree. She and Lui essentially kickstarted the whole drug bread bakery storyline when they dragged Kanata into crime, and was calling around small business owners to extort them into making money quickly to pay them, which worked amazingly for CC as she was desperately getting into weird situations to earn enough money. I only wish she had done something to shake things up for the gang, imagine if she had done something to really piss them off and now they were hunting for her head in a similar fashion to how the cops were putting a bounty on her capture.
>Chocosen didnt join
why? she's played gta before.
ENreco was much better. JPs just don't understand how to create interesting content in games.
Doesn't matter, it was amazing.
She couldn't do anything to Marine and Lamy.
timestamp or clip?
Do you only get your clips from the Holodex menu? Twitter's fucking flooded with HoloGTA clips.
Botan always hides her power level, in the first heist she didnt hide it and succesfully stopped the truck all on her own.
>rams the truck
>stops it
>shoots anya
the truck then got bugged however after that Botan just decided to become a heli driver instead.
From what I saw Watame did her best in the truck chase even if she did flip over in the end.
I'm glad she didn't push too hard for that one, since "FUWAMOCOOO" doesn't really roll off the tongue as funny as "KANADEEE" and FBK just can't do it like Shuba. Instead, more things like "no fucking way I'm giving you the director role you morons" while she was being taken away or things like https://x.com/coffee_usagi/status/1838120437743792184 were much, much better.
Not everybody want to do it, but she did try.
But she literally yelled FUWAMOOOCOOOO in that clip too.

It was a really good bit that paralleled Subaru's well.
I wish they would try to fix the heist problem by having Suisei brought some gangs out with her petty crimes, instead of her joining the police, which doesn’t help.
but it's not the funny part of the clip. you could survive an entire day off a clip of nothing but subaru yelling KANADEEEE
Look, no one's gonna argue Shuba does it better, but Fuwamocoooo was the perfect counterpart on the medic side.
now that you mention it, I wonder if the other factions should also have their own dumb fuck person the leader can get frustrated at like that. like towa yelling MUMEEEI or something.
Nobody in the gang cared for EN and they were not part of the plans.
that's not my point.
>even small EN corpos replicate the format.
Before that lets see ID, JP, and Stars versions

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