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I love Ina!
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hey man
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I hate Ina!
once again, im the most ethical and moral anon in this thread because no previous replies could deny this
Your lack of capitalization and punctuation is unethical and immoral.
How do they take out bones from kaarage?
I'm offended by this post therefore it is ontologically evil
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no holoGTA News today, but Miko will be watching clips from the final day
I want to kiss Kaela and more
i won't contest that if that's what you value
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Biboo is a treasure
you want to shake her hand?
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I love Towa!
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I love Bibi
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Why would ever let Biboo be the driver?
Biboo is learning how to drive!
Why are they playing LC for so long
as is your right to and there is no reason to dispute that given its effect on ourselves and each other
It'll be REALLY funny when she crashes into some shit
>all this shouting
they're getting killed
I don't watch Raora much, does she usually do long streams like the other two?
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do you perhaps see who is in this collab?
Wow me too!
Zeta lives right next to me now
I think she did the chattini thing recently but besides that no
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I just polished off a mickey of vodka
she goes for a moderately lengthy amount, like 3-4 hours on average, she'll do like 5 hours on MC though. nothing insane though usually
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i miss staying up for japan time like i miss sc korea time era
Maji de?
I think they're over the 10th quota by now.
They're getting through big planets and making progress
why is towa such a crybaby
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Raora usually does four hour streams but she's got the Pink Holo hustle.
Lappu has grown on me to the point I want to have sex with her voice
Does she know?
MEPPAS, Weine wants clips to show!
>wow, so much time saved!
towa is way too popular with the women
once again, i am the undisputed most moral and ethical anon
yes i cook vegan food for myself, but i will eat meat if offered since it should be appreciated if given
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the relationship chart is wild
Kaela is such a good mother figure
I'd like to help her give some
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Bae cute!
is this the farthest any of the girls have gotten in terms of quotas before?
But she sounds like a boy
how much is that?
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Bae a shit!
She agrees
12 oz for 15 loonies
If I'm not mistaken that one JP group with Anya made it to 1000
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the girliest of girls are usually crybabies
They don't know Ame also loves Miko?
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Lappy has loved her even before joining, it's pretty funny how she keeps leaning into the bit in good humor
It's impressive how they're carrying Raora who doesn't know anything
I don't think it's quite the same...
My grandparents, my parents and now I raise chickens. I give them love, respect, safety and food. And they give me eggs and occasionally broth. I give them painless, quick death.
We raise pigs. They're given freedom, food and ear scratches. But in return, their time is limited and I get bacon and sausages.

It is unethical to take flesh of another animal without caring about it. Man up, raise the animals yourself and kill them and live with the consequences of your decisions.
Ame's love for miko is general, as in she just loves the Hololive girls, migo loves blondes like no other, Ame especially
so that's like half of a fifth? props for drinking reasonably!
um acshually kaela it's not copyright infringement it's transformative
Biboo your bloodthirst is leaking
ummm where are the cows
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normally I just invest in vanguard etfs but should I be investing in etfs from other companies?
Biboo sneeze (Cute)
I don't know why people always talk about the twins and their kayfabe as if they're impossible to talk to and collab with. Ame managed just fine, and lord knows she isn't the most socially adept holo.
desk -50hp lmao
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She really is made to be bullied
my childhood friend's family is a small scale chicken farmer - it's who I'm gifted eggs and chicken ends to cook and make broth with respectively
i won't do that but they do and i respect that since they respect their food and it is their livelihood. they also have a kick-ass garden where i get a lot of my alliums and peppers
Too much work. We're not farmers by profession. But we trade meat and eggs with other farmers for milk and cheese and honey. Skipping the filthy banking system and money. Small communities are where it's at. You get to eat the best food without antibiotics, GMO and other shit. You fly under the radar of banks and government. You get to drink 74% moonshine made out of pears.
Wonder what Miko thinks about the soft graduation
They're just strange, not really impossible to talk to
>as if they're impossible to talk to and collab with
They are
They're extremely autistic and lack any social skills
But so does Ame so that makes it fine
For me it's the random finger click between the desk smacking
All it takes is 1 nutcracker
Korone would not shut up about Mama lmaoshe loved it
japs typing wwwwwww in twitch chat instead of using emotes is kind of sad in a way
its like watching a caveman make fire instead of using a lighter
>it's who I'm gifted eggs
Bro, if another person gifts you eggs, they're into you.
It wasn't meant to be.....
Laplus... ganbatte...
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My brain woke me up early for GTA again, but there is no more GTA...
What do I do now?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
They're all scared of the initial awkwardness which there was since of with Ame too
700 in 2 days, one of em stormy...yea they got this
watch MiComet's roundup show and Fubuki's clip reaction stream
Believe it or not, we're just tight like that. I help around the veggie farm when I can.
Watch this surprisingly long LC collab that's happening right now
Totally got this
Biboo seems to handle them fine and she's not autistic
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Azki is so cool she's on it in multiple places. Not bad for only playing three days.
that's nice. i don't do that at all (too much of your typical suburban working class fag), but my friend's family owns a ranch and they've got cows, chickens and so on, and i buy/get gifts from them sometimes.
Would you be fine with HoloGTA as an annual thing or is it better as a memorable one off
She's gifting you eggs so you'll fertilize hers, dummy. Take a fucking hint.
>and she's not autistic
Whoa whoa let's not be crazy here. Biboo's definitely got some kinda tism
so is raora only there as an emotional support cat?
Raora are you okay, will you tell us, if you're okay?
well gta6 will be out next year (on console)
did biboo just reference that devo song?
i dont think so?
>not autistic
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So did Shiori have decent numbers?
If Mori can do one on one collabs with the twins then anyone can.
Yea, but not like the awkward kind for talking to people.
It needs some tweaks and I think they have a good idea of what works and what doesn't for content now so I'd like to see more.
So how autistic is Mori?
>2 Nutcrackers
>1 Braken
What the fuck lmao
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Fubuki does just fine too.
shes not very good at games, but everyone fucking loves her
In all likelihood she probably doesn't really understand. As a matter of fact I don't think anyone really understands, even Ame herself.
Not sure what you mean by that, Mori is specifically suited to deal with their type of autism which is probally why she is the only one the dogs have collabed with multiple times with 1 on 1 outside advent.
Mori could be a 1 on 1 collab with some that only drools and makes noises. I don't what you mean by this when she can collab with anyone really.
That's all you've got? An 'I don't think so?'
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Graduate this, Graduate that.

Why don't you post your degree in college since you love talking about graduation so much
primary school
The fox is very socially adept so that's not really a good example
I love ESL women bros
what else would i say
my family and theirs get along fine as it is
Mori is literally an autist whisperer
Fubuki was great at tard wrangling the twins
It's one of the few things you can shit on them for that's why
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So only autists and people who are very social can wrangle FWMC? You realize how stupid you sound, right?
hi guys, it's late so please be sure to use your indoor voices :)
5 hour 17 minute mark, gotcha.
Gura is the best stress test for a solo FWMC Collab. If she can handle it, then anyone on EN should be able to.
Mori can collab with anyone on EN no problem.
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Well fwmc is VERY rigid and it's up to the people around them to adjust, sadly. That's why they don't really make good collab partners.
They're also very dumb and sometimes not even in a fun way
Inb4 not even staff understands and they just keep her around on the discord with the Hololive affiliate role
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Yeah. Normies can't handle them
depends on your definition of collab I guess but Bae did too
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Mio isn't fit to be a mother...
They should all have tentacle sex with the boss. That'll satisfy the quota.
It's also kinda hard to decide whether to address them as a duo or as an individual or just avoid that. I notice Nerissa tends to individually address them while biboo uses fwmc
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I'm playing as Terry Bogard in SF6.
>I wish my body was more valuable
So literally no one in Hololive, then.
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How many 1 on 1 collabs do they even have with each Advent member?
everything will be fine as long as gura and ame gets married and grow old together
All this time we've been living a lie...
he sucks no?
IRyS isn't autistic or super sociable so it might be hard for her to go it
Raora's giggling heals me
God these two laughing together is great.
>Biboo and Raora fucking blew up and Kaela didn't notice because she's doing math
Did Kaela even notice?
is she too autistic?
>IRyS not super sociable
is shiorissa THE en ship?
at times when Raora is laughing it sounds more like she's crying
we all know that's the end game, you just gotta trust the plan. they'll have a weird off-grid ranch together where Ame has her animals and fish tanks and terrariums and Gura has her garden plots and greenhouse and Gura bakes new breads every day that Ame can't eat and then she gets punished (sexually) for eating them in front of her.
She never initiates collabs
zero with Shiori after over a year
Kaela is so fucking autistic my sides.
I honestly didn't like kaela until tonight but she is CUTE
i assume he was making an rm reference
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many such cases!
He's not great, yeah.
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They should stream that.
I love adding Raora to any collab, cause all she does is make a great laugh
I prefer my ships a little less hetero
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>Want to keep going
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Biboo trying to KEEP GOING
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waku waku how...how should i...BWEHHHH
JESUS just how fucking resilient is this little girl? she can jsut keep going
graondstone is becoming one of my favorite groups. they're just such a perfect fit for each other
if they ever move in together I firmly believe that they would never tell us
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why does irys call it gurame? is she /here/?
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thi rooka rike a job foh me
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why dont they just give Towa the job?
What are we then? We don't even have access to emotes?
holoHK or holoTW?
Basically they're trying to connect with their Taiwanese audience.
doesn't traditional chinese mean they're talking about Taiwan
would you let biboo pick your nose?
yes, next question please
*obligatory convoluted mental gymnastics to deny it*
note this is likely for taiwan
>Traditional Chinese region
That's a diplomatic way of putting it.
that depends, is she eating my boogers too?
Absolutely yes
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her and mori are two of the most obviously /here/ ens
Ame hid that she watched the Olympics opening with Gura so I believe it
Either that or she remembered the Gurame weekend bit from Myth 3d debut
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Kronii sure loves horror games huh?
she said keyboard autist
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[Sad News]
Watame is trimming her bush
>traditional chinese
how did that happen? one would assume the main land yould stick to the traditional language, not the other way arround.
gawl the shart
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so "ame-chan desu" means "it's candy" instead "i'm ame"?
t.didn't do my reps
Yeah, there's no fucking way they're letting Gura graduate traditionally. It's gonna be another notgraduation if it ever happens.
Raden has such a beautiful outfit while Ao gets stuck with the outfit that makes her the butt of a joke
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>work in 2 hours
hahaha hell yeah dude
Sexo (elegant)
communists and radicalists have a way of completely reshaping society then they take power
they have discord phone sex all the time
I still wonder if Mori got 'rainforest' directly from here or if she got it from herebeats in her chat
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Lets go Raden 3d movements!!!
Wait a minute, I just realized... HoloGTA is a social experiment that reveals all sides of all holos. Like, what happened to Mio's motherly nature, Sora and Azki's seiso nature, and all of them had been corrupted. Which is exactly what I like and I want to see their sides in the future streams, especially Sora. Hope she sluts up.
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Now what do I do...
She likes it so it's okay
kind gets old seeing towa cry for the 100th gta rp "family" though
Not really. Colonies tend to keep with tradition, like how the USA still uses imperial units of measure, even though we really should've adopted metric ages ago.
I think during the cultural revolution in china mao pushed to simplify the language. supposedly he was even considering moving chinese to use the latin alphabet but stalin urged him not to to preserve that element of their culture
I just know that she's gonna be so hot, I can't wait!
dude im still confused if we are pro kronii or anti kronii
for Gura they're gonna use graduation 3.0, never say she graduated so they can push merch and sponsorship but behind the scenes she's long gone
Chowa... it's your time probably.
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Festival is just singing casually in the afternoon.
I read that as SEX YOU NEXT TIME
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desu can be whatever
"it's Ame" works as well
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that was fun, now I'll die
no, irys is just retarded
it's just being cute the same way you would say desk-kun
I like it too but it would nice to see Ao in an outfit that fits her body too but that might make her overwhelmingly feminine
>hide boobs kronii
>show tits kronii
I love them
These three work really great together, what a joy to watch.
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no streams so rate my astartes
i miss biboo
The mainland was taken over by the CCP and the previous government fled to the island of Taiwan. The CCP revised large parts of mainland culture through censorship and propaganda.
you do know taiwan is where the OG chinese government went right
mainland are just who won militarily
that's REALLY fucking gay, especially when they're like 3 time zones apart
Give him a pebble head.
Won't they have to explain no fes appearances?
this will be the only shiori x ame interaction we get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3indYYE-i0
Definitely her weirdest outfit. I prefer it without the weird headband and maid apron.
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>waiting for Gura's thoughts regarding Ame's Not Graduation
>Even a tweet
I legit love grindstone. I have loved Biboo and Kaela's bond since the 12 hour raft streams.
Roara is such a perfect fit with these two that I'm shocked it hasn't happened sooner. These three together is just the best content.
It was pretty fucking legendary, though.
schizobrain on: they're gonna use a skinwalker and AI voice synthesis
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Imagine Gura doesn’t even show up for the myth collab
my pebble head is already buried deep inside beebs
>off-topic image
>dogshit post
For a hag, Matsuri is pretty cute.
my favorite one is she killed both Kanata and Marine in cold blood in the changing area so she can solo dance for Korone for herself. this woman is dangerously skilled
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i dont have to imagine real life
>deadbeats are off-topic now
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Her silent retweets speak more than any words would

...yep, still insanely depressed about Ame leaving.
come on man, don't defend that shit
are you setting up for a grudgepost?
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no you arent
Same. Still doesn't feel real
grow a dick, pussy
Look at her go!
He wants to eat his cum, the naughty boy.
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that's what it says though

14 hr stream with GTA in a day.
>how did that happen? one would assume the main land yould stick to the traditional language
When Mao took over, China had a crazy low literacy rate so he/the party pushed an initiative to make Chinese easier to read/write
The KMT/Chiang Kai-shek keep it the same, in part to be different and in part because most of the wealthy land owners who fled were educated
If Mori has to wear 4 sport bras when working out, how many does Kronii have to wear?
Reine and Kobo should kiss!
i had a gf that had to wear 2 and i still don't understand why she got so mad at me when i said 1 would do the job
Ohhhhh, I get it. Gigi names her superchat reading stream "Ketchup" because it's funny play on "Catch up". Ahahaha
Holy based
this anon will never understand "rabbit"
Do you guys think that Anya is a hag? I can't get a good read on her but I'm leaning towards that she's a cake or so.
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Yes, gigi is unoriginal, news at 11
>Sora and Azki's seiso nature
desu ame is the first holo i didn't watch whose graduation is hitting me hard
>When Mao took over, China had a crazy low literacy rate so he/the party pushed an initiative to make Chinese easier to read/write
I don't often defend Communist China (jesus christ what a way to start a sentence), but isn't written Chinese stupidly complicated compared to other languages?
Genuinely welled up the first time I saw this

Why is it ame of all people fucking hell this sucks
sis please, this is embarrassing
Don't care
From HK
Learn traditional
Now a Leaf
It's time for the citizens to stand up
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Due to HoloGTA, up till yesterday I had 2 Lethal Company collab VODs in my backlog.
And now, thanks to these... dorks, I have another 6-hour one.
cockney rhyming slang is insane
>dog means telephone
Nonsense. Low literacy rate was normal for most country outside of westernized countries. Mao didn't change that. It was infact Deng that changed it. Mao wanted a peasant farm society because of commie land ownership nonsense. He didnt realize the society was moving towards industrialization. His planned economy didnt work and led to close to 50-60M deaths during his rein. When
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right? probably the least original Holo. she literally just sang the same song for 8 hours. MIX IT UP YOU LAZY BITCH
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>no more ame sitting there saying nothing
>no more mori mumbling to herself like a schizo
>no more ina only talking to people when shes telling them some gameplay mechanic
>no more gura clearly not wanting to be there
>no more kiara screeching in my ear
how are we going to cope in a post-myth era?
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This is Biboo taking a rest week too! :D
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I suddenly really missed Aqua
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I miss my wife Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, also known as the Scarlet Queen, the Harbinger of Order, Leader of Justice.
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i'm i weird because the only (seriously ONLY) holo i would want to fuck is suisei?
Yeah, that's what spurred them to simplify it
Initially they were going to over-correct really hard and switch to using a latin script (kinda like what the Vietnamese use) but for a variety of different reasons the idea was shot down in favor of what they have now
So as a joke
why didn't she participate in GTA? plenty of holos overcame timezone issues
has she ever sang that song?
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Bancho is unironically a great fucking song.
Suisei is hot. I still can't believe she decided to hide her pure sex voice for years. Japs are dumb.
I don't view any of the holos as sexual beings desu.
I just wanna say
that slide over the car was clean
she doesn't know how to play video games
Focusing on singing covers that haven't been released yet, or so I heard.
bibbidiba was the start but this vid solidified it
The Director has business to attend to
How does Fubuki do it
I am in awe at her coolness even if she got killed twice over and failed at killing Mr. Koro
So you can rabbit over the dog?
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I miss 3d karaoke, why did Cover ban it?
The prison escape with the medic helicopters is crazy well-timed, too.
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Y'know, when I saw the art I just sort of assumed she has but now that I think about it I don't think she has yet, unless it was in the last unarchived, I missed that one.
Their studio is just so overbooked they would rather use it to record a 3D event than something silly.
>Deadlock over Garry's Mod
My Ina...
I love how in the cluster of Holo vehicles parked outside, there's a bunch of black cars presumably belonging to the criminals, a colorful van or two, some police cars clustered together, a goddamn piano, and then FWMC's fucking Patty Wagon from the Spongebob movie.
Mao definitely tried to change it, illiteracy rate felt by half right before the Cultural Revolution.




>not ina
>not kiara
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There's really no reason why they can't have a smaller studio for holos to fuck around in. Not everything needs 57 top-end 3D tracking cameras.
bummer, I unironically love that song
Not sure about the rest but Bibs is in tf2 and gmod as well
no thoughts, just gush
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They literally got the worst of both, a script that is still retarded, and young people can't read old text anymore.
>VOD has 1M views

I quit smoking 3 months ago but i started vaping 1 month ago. I was free but i am suffering from modernity
I think sadly most criminals were stuck preparing for the bugged heist, so they couldn't attend
>they hired a korean woman
>they put her in a japanese branch
>they named her kanada
this company is fucking nuts dude
are they gonna fill a 12v12 in TF2?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Kanade really feels like a completely different person when she sings
as far as ive seen nobody has been deconfirmed from tf2 yet so they could theoretically do 9v9
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what I wouldn't give for one more day
>tfw when no holo will sing https://youtu.be/szeXkBYq5HU?si=JxK6NHELLRh2yzq_
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>I got goosebumps www
Kek Miko
They'll need to have their own studio for that, and other than Ame and Altare, which are limited in terms of usability due to the location, no one is that determined to setup one. Using mocopi is the closest thing.
>Fubuki wants a Day 8
Foobs... it's over... the world of HoloSantos is finished...
you guys think way too much about race imo
>Getting shit by a baby you delivered
Peak kino
SEA hours
The song I really want someone to sing is Combat Baby
Yes I am a leaf
Is this Monster?
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>young people can't read old text anymore
They consider that a good thing.
Mr. Fubuki will forever be the coolest.
>Fubuki as Kanata's real father
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Only way to do it without the Communists getting pissy.
pretty average but nothing that I'd want to listen to again
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My Ina is going to be so tired on the 27th
Myth last 5 collab...
Uhhh the implication is that he's the real father, so Taso killed her dad
so is the joke with the Amerissa collab that Ame watches Nerissa act like a retard in the puzzles
she WILL fart
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And the only real loss was Kermit's giant tits.
>white hair on Taso
Holy shit, it all makes sense now.
>Fuwamoco crawling up to a depressed Director
>"are you in love"?
my fucking sides
Fucking tragic.
Probably, yeah. I assume Ame has at least a passing familiarity with Portal's multiplayer already.
Should they use Chinese Taipei like all of the big international sporting bodies?
Taiwan has always been our brothers
Imagine if Ame's last song is My Dick
That picture is way too good
Man, that would be a short last song
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This was a great scene too
I'm seriously disappointed that the only holo to sing a kessoku band song was Gigi
we don't watch JP in /here/
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hey girl
keep your shades on, stevie
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Didn't really watch FWMC during HoloGTA but god do I love Foob's "FUWAMOCOOOOO" scream
Seriously, why do you come here? It just baffles me at times. If you just want attention you could visit your local mall and yell penis until you get punched in the face. Surely that would be enough to get your rocks off.
bau bau...
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I mess Peanuts...
I could ask the same thing to JP watchers
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Is this song actually inspired by mexican music? I can kinda hear it.
Festival gone...
I wish Towa had a member of her team she was comically exasperated with to have a a perfect trinity of that dynamic (Subaru with Kanade, Fubuki with FWMC).
you seethe because you aren't well adjusted
correct yourself
here's a special gift for "parents didn't care about them" watchers
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Ina's Pinattsu will make a big return next year
The Director really had his hands full
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Peanuts died on its way to the garage, hopefully.
just like what investigators will be left to eat after shes gone
scrounging up clips to watch that are released at ever increasing intervals
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Bae and Mumei kind of. But Towa babies them so different dynamic
the greatest holo cover is Nihon Break Kogyo with fwmc
Kill yourself
I do like that song.
Would it be bad to repeat the same game for the next box collab? GTA was hella fun. I mean, they several seasons of Rust back then
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Has Biboo talked about why the fuck she said "OMEDETOU" back then?
A lot of them are saying they want to do it again.
But maybe something inbetween would be better than doing it back to back
so poetic
they'll be on twitch though
Towa, let the Mooms free!
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Tomorrow is AI Koyori's 1st anniversary
I've heard many of them say they want to do it again. I don't think it would be a good idea to do it back to back but it could be a yearly event. Unless, of course, there's enough Holos requesting it to be repeated sooner.
A fate worse than death
I think it has been considered a huge success. We'll see it again someday. Maybe next year.
ame... like dust in the wind...
yeah, leaving it for a year would be a good idea. rushing the Rust seasons out too quickly killed it, especialyl with all of the additional rules after season 2.
I'm not happy about it, but I'll come back up for air every now and then to watch the remaining holos.
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sex with AI Koyori but not real Koyori
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Why does Ui-Mama have so much aura?
did Kaela, Raora and Biboo learn about fleshlight
She pivoted to talking like a baby way too fast kek
God I want to fuck AI Koyo
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Smug Brat archetype.
That's sick
bros where's the news
Sex with Blue Koyori
>Up there with big hitters like Fubs, Korosan, and Mayodog
Ya did good, Kanadi
I'm pretty sure there's a Koyori doujin out there with that exact scenario
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Mayonnaise is a drink!
click for a quality lappy laugh
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what did they say about Kronii?
this damn shota
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Any idea what's going on with Mr.Koro?
That's mio's thumbnail
I have a few ideas
how was DetectoDogs
Is there a clip putting together all the times Fubuki yelled at them?
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Fuck the rabbit
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I am dorink
Didn't they already have their 3Ds?
yeah here >>85965262
Subaru meant to say Nerissa, just misspoke.
oh shit i'm fucking blind today
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Can't blame her.
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>I slept a ton
>back to sleep
cute girl bunny
das rayciss
But how the fuck did Foobs manage to type poses so quickly?
Luna, sadly I don't speak Japanese so no idea what she was saying
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Kinda expected but it is funny to see how few JP streams there are tonight after this whole week of GTA.
>Sora wants to do Karaoke with Polka
>Polka can't wake up
>gta is over
>girls who never played gta v before won't play the single player campaign that is at least worth a try
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Yeah you can see her using it a couple times.
Biboo says she might try it iirc
Who hasn't play it?
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You guys don't want to admit this but GTA has more good moments than ENReco, but nothing in GTA is as good as Biboo's corruption arc let alone Ame x Gigi love story.
Koyori though as expected, will never stop
That moment when Fubuki is just getting out of prison and the 2 helicopters land still fucks with my mind, it's just so perfect
I miss Kaela...
I hope Sora twerks in her next 3D
Who was your favourite person to watch during the GTA arc? Mine was Ollie, surprisingly. I was really absorbed in the police force
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I dont speak moon so I clicked on ames vod and then searched the comments for timestamps of her interacting with mori and stopped watching the second she stopped. I have seen nothing else apart from this and I dont plan on seeking it out.
Why is nobody streaming GTA? Is it starting later today?
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i really liked cc shilling her ice cream to everyone
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I need more whore azki
Anon... GTA graduated...
her chat dissuaded her and told her to play Max Payne instead
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Mumei was interested too.
Mr. Koro.. I miss you already
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this fucking foxz and his emotes lmao
>day 8
CC mentioned, CC is blessed by the Dog God
to be honest i liked hardcore minecraft the most
Both events were good at it's own. Now I need holos to make another week long event. NOW
ames graduation is basically a weeklong event
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Damn those wenches.
Give me a week to catch up on sleep first, please.
>I'm gonna pretend that I'm not responding to a glasses ina post but I still am anyway
How would you guys feel if at the end of the weekend Ame decided that she had a change of heart and was going to stay after all
Events are meant to be happy, not bittersweet
fuck off
>I hope I didn't cause any troubles to Azuchi when I ate her panties
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"Oh that Ame."
All the girls seem so happy about how the GTA event came out, Miko and Suisei really did an amazing job planning everything.
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Is there any future for ReiRyS after their awkward date?
Nah she said the ball is already rolling. It's all about her coming back after that.
>For those who were hoping for a happy ending for the bakery family... I'M SO SORRY
My brother in Christ learn your history, communist has always been against tradition.
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JPfags got mad at her...?
They were actually going to have a happy ending... Until Koyori bombed Mio with a grenade, sending her flying into the ocean. Which Mio thought it was Korone who did it and divorced lol
Mr Koro is talking about that moment where she gives a special panpanpan set to Ayame
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I thought this was a gimmick song at first but its actually grown on me.
and Ayame doesn't escape the cute allegations

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