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The last bastion of the "no males" policy has fallen.
Hey that's me right there!
who is that green rem
Oi is that Monarch from my boat game Azur lane in the bottom right corner!?!?!?
They have always been sluts its just the unicorn money is drying up so they are finding a new niche to drain
I'll be honest. I don't recognize anyone there. Why don't I see Jurard or Flayon?
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Don’t worry anon. Holo EN is healing and now days all the male interactions are contained within the red whore.
nobody besides shiori was collabing with males anymore anyway
I don't know which one is Kawaii. Not like all of Kawaii is anti-male anyway.
kawaii was always okay with group collabs thoughbeit
>not gen 1 or 2
Nothing new
No sure how to feel about this. Seems like a large leap of faith on their part, and if they drop it you better believe someone is behind them to use it against them. And males in tubing? Don't make me laugh, no one believes such a tall tale. You never know who would hate someone just because of some identifier, male tubers need lawyers. Who knows who is sceheming for what.
Why the fuck he looks like dolheim from tales
>Hiyori in there
It's over
isn't that one below Rin a niji? Bandage I think?
Also is that Geega? Surprised she's even allowed in there considering she dwarfs pretty much everyone else put together.
It was literally a rule but it was never followed and now doesn't exist
the no-male rule always allowed group collabs as long as female:male ratio is at least 1
It only changed due to Reina being a whore
Its always Globie and denauth thats involved with these heelturns. Its always theme popping the homocollab cherry
Jesus I'm not watching this they invited someone from NijiEN
brave group and its consequences have been a disaster for the small corpo scene
The rule also wasn't a thing when they debuted and got added later - they should have probably introduced her before assembling gen 1.
Japanese jews. They pulled the same stunt with the GTA RP server, and never had any of their own talents on.
I'm sure it's a coincidence
Isn't V&U and V4Mirai part of Brave Group or did I mistake them for something else
>Lala's first male collab
V4 is but V&U isn't
I can't find nene, is that the entire line up?
I think the fact that they're collabing with Peony and Aletta is much worse than collabing with males
Are the guys rich?
The only one who still plays Fall Guys is the Clown Homo
They think they can garner the niji crowd like v4m thinks with their new gen. As if this hasn't already been tried a million times over and it always ends up the same way
Oh they don't know that money is from chinese fangirls? They don't care about female vtubers.
it's crazy to me how hololive culture almost completely took over western vtubing
No shit, they make the rules
hololive doesnt even follow what made them such a success nowadays but they can tank the hits by going away from it due to sunk cost fallacy
Airi Viridis
why are they trying to destroy every small corpo?
>ASMR tuber
well I'm in fucking luck
The newer Kawaii gens don't want to be ostracized from the small corpo scene because of a conflict they had nothing to do with
With how its going theyre fucking up the company culture as bad as what gen 3 put everyone through before they all stole the money and ran
It's the consequence of Brave owning most small corpos in the industry. Now they're pushing their shitty branches everywhere and constantly organizing huge events. The rest join to not feel left out thinking they can boost their numbers
Brave is playing from the same book as hololive, kill off competition by attacking their weak points. Brave and holostars serenade GFE and CGDCT chuubas by promising numbers and exposure and end up not giving them numbers and killing off their existing fanbases by sexpesting
vtubing is starting to become uncomfy for me
if you're lucky she'll do cuck asmr for you
>and never had any of their own talents on.
Is this real? Why?
Literally no one watches Brave males. How do they expect numbers by collabing with them? But yeah, especially the small corpo environment has become really uncomfy. I would drop vtubing entirely if my oshi wasn't safe
These collabs are pushed by Brave to target GFE rivals and take them down. Them faking the DNI rule on the RP server to lure in kawaii and other indie GFE/CGDCT chuubas and then letting males and holostars loose on everyone is part of their plan
Brave is a fucking black company unironically, their history is darker than nijisanjis
Your Hiyo sure is getting shaked kek
Why nijimale#140 instead of Rosemi? Bleh
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>corpo with literal nijisisters as founding members
>plenty of male collabs in the past
>last bastion of the "no males" policy
I guess after 3 years as literal who 2views they are trying to branch out and see if adding more male collabs can do something for them (it won't)
all your holo oshis are nijisisters too, you just don't know it.
I'm positive they sponsored the GTA RP server so their new gen can play in the next season of it to network.
Mari was listed as a participant but she had health issues.
The fuck is Rin doing there? I thought she quit Idol?
She is stuck there until November
Do you think she will stop homocollabing after leaving Idol?
I hope she will stop collabbing with Niji males. Any other homos are none of my concern, to be honest.
Why are so many male vtuber models brown?
see the EU
good point
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why watch holo rejects tho?
because they're literal friends, sorry but your sony ms war doesn't matter to your oshi.
As a neutral that sometimes watches kawaii, I can say that this is a really forced drama
1. Kawaii always had "no male collabs EXCEPT in big groups" rule. Drama trannies forced a narrative where this is eventually added by the management to damage controll Reina collabing with some of her twitch friends that were literal who 2view shitters.
2. "Plenty of male collabs" this is also false because most of those "collabs" were either big game collabs or karaoke relays (that some kawaii inceloids also consider as "collabs") where girls, AGAIN, never interacted with males.
3. Hiyori recently went on her friends dog charity stream where 2 guys were there, and this was also considered to be a "male collab" by these drama fags.
4. They have been saying how kawaii was finished after every single one of these collabs in the past and yet they are still alive.
5. >>85976279
One of the dumbest things ever posted in here. "Founding members" and he posts Reina that no one gives a shit about, and Nami that is more like a tech support vtuber that streams barely 3-4 times a week ever since she debuted, than an actual talent that kawaii relies on for growth. If you said Nene or Lua or even Isla, then maybe I could take you seriously, but none of those girls male collabed.
>Gen 2
>Founding member
How can she be a founding member as a gen 2 talent? Do you know what the meaning of "founding" even is?
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if there is a male vtuber playing with them it is a male collab, "it doesn't count because it's a big group" is such a pathetic cope lol
It feels like its true because it's ALWAYS them involved in these collabs
You notice that they constantly say "that they are doing it for the connections".
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kawaii is a nijisister company, unichuds fell for the grift
ok cuck
>As a neutral that sometimes watches kawaii
lol kawaii cocksucker shills are not sending their best
Like them or not, normies want to see this. Any smart corpo will see that that's where the money is
Where are all those normies?
I mostly watch Jelly and Uruka and sometimes a few kawaii girls when they stream something that I like. I always liked kawaii even since the early days. But keep trying thread shitter.
I doubt that this brings money. Collabs with big flesh e-celebs might bring you success but collabs with literal who shitter male vtubes only brings in shippers and fujo trannies that almost never ever donate. Their "strenght" is giving you a lot of likes on your twitter posts, and maybe buy some merch sometimes. And that is where their support ends. We've seen how holo EN males perform ccv and money-wise after overwhelming support from "fans" on social media. 10k likes on twitter = 700 ccv kek
V&U isn't but the all male globie have attached themselves to a few girls from the corpo.
there's nothing like seeing one of those faggots raid a collab between two girls only to start calling a member who DOESN'T collab with males cute in chat. pure sex pest behavior.
Sanest catalog reader
calling me the threadshitter gives the kawaii shill status away since its how you faggots cope in that dead thread when someone says something you dont like beautiful self report you lying fuck kek
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you didn't have to tell me you were a cuck but you did
This would be true if kawaii's thread wasnt always super slow and one very recognizable guy spams the thread all day every day for years. Even guys that watch other small corpos recognize him and he also shitposts in other generals since a ton of his posts got removed at the same time, more than once.
He used to falseflag between phase and kawaii like 2 years ago when he got found out and also all those posts went missing "mysteriously" in both generals kek.
>when someone says something you dont like
Having a negative opinion about some talent is fine. Spamming the thread with implied blacked shit, cuck shit, and other retardation like that is literally a /b/, /trash/ or /r9k/ tier type of a thread.
This kohaku guy is a massive sexpest who lied about where he was from to get in to globie. He's not even European, he's a fucking Canadian chink. He's a constant reply guy sexpest who openly lusts after girls on twitter who almost never respond to his creepy shit. It's honestly just a matter of time till something comes out about him.
It's never been more over
Cry to someone who cares one threadshitter this one threadshitter that you dumb retard how many times do people prove that wrong oh wait "they are spoofing multiple IPs DoNt YoU KnOw" retard
this time for sure
Seethe. You just hate him because he got in with your oshi and you didn't
yeah they're going to fuck in game in fall guys
uh oh ESL melty
I didn't know Daiya was this antisocial
sucks to suck send better next time shill
Now say that without crying bucko
The brave males get like 8 viewers each but management really wants them to organize these cross company events
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>no retarded male collabs
>so far only a high profile collab with FGC e-celebs and big vtubers
>they plan girl-only events involving other companies
>great management and support
>they purged their only homoloving whore
Pixel Link is winning hard
Kanna was literally in voice chat with Shine from the FGC. You don't get to talk.
Stop shilling my favorite small corpo on the log fag. You are gonna sic the sisters on us
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High profile male collabs are worth the damage, can't say the same about getting a conga line of 1view male vtubers sexpesting your oshi
>High profile
do you even know who Shine is before this? he's a bum, he's never won anything important and he's a 2view on TWITCH. that's like single digits on youtube.
FOH with fgc shit you know nothing about
Still averages below 15 viewers lmao
the event itself was high profile, you can cope all day with your literal who fall guys collab however, at least geega isn't a complete who...I guess
What I never understand is why male vtubers don't realize this is a debuff for them as well. I'm starting to think vtubers only do this for fun and don't care about having a large fanbase or lots of money. Honestly that's good for them, it means they're not a grifter. But still. I wonder why it's so hard for men to stay away from women. But I guess I answered my own question there: they're men.
They got her name wrong.
I once watched a random globie male play fall guys. I wanted to see what the chat looks like. The guy talked about going to some anime con and putting on a fake voice so he doesn't get recognised. I pissed myself laughing. There were like 11 people watching and chat was filled with like 5 mods, weirdest thing ever.
One of them has a birthday right now with 75 ccv at 13k subs. Being a globie homo looks like a death sentence.
It's impressive how he got basically every corpo but v4mirai, phase, pixel and holo
And it's bullshit and almost completely kneecapped the medium. When it got exported to the west, it should have been an extension of normal content creation mixed with anime mixed with early 2000s net humor ala Newgrounds. Instead we got nothing but Love Live and one of THE most schizo fanbases I have ever seen for a single medium.
post tits whore
This is the most retarded take I have seen this week and I don't even know where to start
I don't get it. Why are they doing this?
vtubers playing games together and streaming it, can you believe it?
A girl asks another girl about a collab and they all agree without thinking much about it. The men get tagged along the way by some homocollab enabler without asking the girls who already signed up who are busy with their own affairs and set a date on their Discord calendar and forget it.
They all have boyfriends and actually hate anything related to idol culture or seiso content. Unironic "own le incels" women corpo that joke about their tinders on stream
>one of THE most schizo fanbases I have ever seen for a single medium.
Anon thats EXACTLY what happened to Love Live too but thats not for here.
Yeah kawaii only believe in orgies.
Then why don't all you faggots support the shit you want to see. YOU are the fucking invaders here, the same sort of people that devs make Concord and Dustborn for. The problem is you don't buy, you don't consume product. You just bitch and bitch and bitch. Then when the time comes to show up you'd rather be bitching about something else. Fuck all of you.
Imagine thinking you will appease idol fans by saying a 1 on 1 is not allowed but a girl being in the center of a 5 on 1 circle jerk on stream is encouraged and in line with "being kawaii" KEK pixel stays winning
Actual content creation would be a difficult task for a majority of vtubers. Pandering is much easier and more profitable as long as the schizo fanbase is tardwrangled.
brave > ph*se
>unicorn newfag tries to rewrite history
every. fucking. time.
it's traitor whores' fault
and two of them are also in collab. these women are vindictive
>with early 2000s net humor ala Newgrounds
Thank fucking god that's not the case.
unicorns always lose lmao.
this corpo is cucked by fate

Nijicock always wins. You can stop crying about it now

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