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Horror Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is playing the Casting of Frank Stone planned to draw after maybe.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/rinrihime/status/1838290602322215084

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r
Pixels - https://canvas.kyubae.com (Ended)

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>85938548
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Look at those thighs
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One day we will see the Monke panties I believe.
I'd would just like her to use it without the sweater one day.
eufags really edging it tonight and idk why some fags were using the time as bait for solo vs collab fucking dumb.
sperg vs sperg
Most Eu wasn't even awake. It's like 11 AM for central EU rn
There is a chance this same base is used for another model. I think a toggle on that one with them showing clearly in a transition is the only chance we have of ever seeing them. I still doubt it though they are for Mouse or those who watched Nano draw them to know about and no one else.
I think it might happen. Mouse seems to really like decora and it is only a matter of time before she toggle it off for a bit. The panties are much less likely in comparison assuming the toggle to see them actually exists. Just because we know they are on the model doesn't mean there is a way to show them.
a lot mouse porn incoming
mouse calling out coomers already kek
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Mouse will be public use when we hit last year's record
season 2 prayge
Mouse is making it sound like you'll be punished for using it for porn but I'm pretty sure she's not talking about that.
>f at 6 minutes
Stop edging it or we're not getting to the 26th.
why is there no category for 3d on the model index?
she is though
seems like we fi-
>stream crashes
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No she's worried about people impersonating her.
>mouse figured out she could kill OBS with task manager to "crash" the stream and scare chat into not edging
Clever rat, but I'm not sure it will work.
Game is caca
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hopefully we get this model
That's just the demon queen 3d
it's great isn't it?
Yes but I would love season 2 or the swimsuit season 2
I don't see anyone who mentioned it but it is specifically a 3d model which is an interesting choice. I really do wonder which one will be chosen.
>Still no spicy daki goals
I'm sure they'll be soon.
season 2's sleeves look stupid in 3d
So the swimsuit one then.
I doubt she cares about that.
Would Mouse ask the artist if it is okay with them to release it to the public? Technically she doesn't have to but if she does that might change which one it could be.
if anything mouse would love it to be used for porn just don't @ her with it
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it's cute
>season 2's sleeves look stupid
This. all the more reason to get her nsfw tag on twitter again.
>would love it to be used for porn
to a degree i assume but tards will @her with it
>Another new model that will undoubtedly be used for porn
>Stream dies multiple times
Why would Gunrun do this?
Mouse now is a perfect chance to work on those solo goals
TTS it to her she might respond
Doodle, karaoke, react, solo goals.
Kill yourself man
she's moody now for the rest of the night
She already said she was thinking of bringing it back.
why does Mouse's chat like sim games so much
Go ahead, anon. Tell her in chat.
chat reflects the streamer
I thought she wanted to try draw after that game.
I wish mouse would mention when she makes a poll more often
Yeah i did not even know there was one.
It was all gaming unfortunately so I'm happy with the crime game.
i ran out of tobacco :(
so a no
Any stores open?
they choose games that will calm her down like lc, mc, simulation now
and you believed her?
thst one anon that was certain got BTFO so hard krk
>you believed her?
I always will
I'm sorry that must be difficult for you
Not really I'd rather look at it with hope.
>time to feast barely getting new views now
It's still doing better than I expected but damn that drop off sucks man. Fuck who ever striked Mouse right when it released.
Personally I find most of them boring as fuck, they just don't have the magic of the bodega anymore unless they're something wacky like Gas Station Sim or Priest Simulator. Crime Scene Cleaner isn't too bad but the levels take forever. TCG Sim on the other hand is just boring to me though and it doesn't help Mouse has had the sfx turned up too loud every time she played it.
You are stronger than most hope your hopes get rewarded sooner than later
I believe we might get drawing or react or karaoke before bed
fuck you, now it's not happening
I think the Dexerto article about Mouse passing Kai is misleading people into thinking she passed his record.
You had to jinx it didn't you.......
>didn't forget to move him onto her crotch
you idiots believing, kino bf though had me acting up earlier.
monke setting himself up here for big gifting, good
And he instantly back peddles kek
bro already spent 1k on mouse this subbathon on gifts
nah it's a fair disclaimer that if people cheat by mobbing him he won't keep doing it
the trick is to mob him on the very last round so he has to do maximum
Idk that was pretty stingy of him to only donate 1 when he could have done 10-15 there. He's a millionaire and it's for charity.
you will notice he never puts up much of his own money but always expects everyone else to donate instead
>Gives 21 subs
>Taps out
kek but some is better than none.
unrelated I saw a message in chat saying >You not passing Kai
I want us to get 1st place so bad
Only 100k more to go.
he's spending too much time with lud for sure, I've never heard that from connor before but lud pulled it after the time to feast premiere
Is that even realistic in 7 days?
Part of me wants mouse to get to first just to see people on twitter seethe
If Mouse talks about trying to get as high as we can and we do a power multiple hour on the last day we might have a chance or at worst its worth striving for it.
Mouse when you pass your old goal please put all of the top 3 numbers on screen if we only push for 3rd we don't stand a chance at the others.
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I'm gonna put my dick in here
no, not in the slightest
From some quick dirty math we are on pace for around 50-70k more including the 20% extra gift subs.
Genuinely no. She'd need to be averaging 16.6k subs a day.
Mouse is currently at 190814 subs.
306621 - 190814 = 115807
She needs to get 60% of her current subs, in a week
Honestly much closer than I would have expected. We might just have a chance if Mouse really pushes in the last several in days.
We have no idea what the final push will be like.
I guess oilers need to flex hard if she wants a top 3 position.
So realistically we are on pace to at least take 3rd and with a bit of a push take 2nd from lud
Well there you go confirmation it is plasma
Why is Mouse so scared to just say she got plasma.
She did the same with Monke who knows why she does what she does
If Mouse sets it to 15 second on the last say and really rally them we could have a chance. People will drop subs to keep her longer.
No singing no react no drawing :(
And stream with Connor tomorrow so probably non of it tomorrow either.
Mouse I know you aren't that assertive but you could be a bit more forceful when you try to rally chat
At 15s I think it would be about an actual week of extra time needed to get 1st. At that rate it might be better to stay lower to make people sun more to keep her longer.
She's fine but I really want her to push the idea of beating all the other records once she passes her own.
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games with chat
solo games
I don't care if you're a sperg or sincere, die painfully and quickly so I don't have to hear a word more out of you
I think it being 15 would be a bigger encouragement for them to drop every last sub the can.
you might as well forget those exist. you might get another karaoke but she can’t stay out of a call long enough to accomplish much anymore
Game game game game game
Nice rally
Mouse is slowly starting to believe or at least act like she does
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She still too scared to move her eyes up like she did during the first subathon kek
Its never enough
no one wants more collabs with him he will focus on the game ignoring mouse as always and mouse will zone out bored out of her mind doing work on the side like always weve seen this same story before we need candii back so mouse can laugh and have fun
I never said any of that sperg I like Connor I was just looking forward to drawing and its been a few days since karaoke or react.
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you didnt need to we all think it
Fuck off connorsperg
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I agree with this. Lowering it will just crush spirits when we get to the end when we've been struggling half the month. A bonus would be better.
But she really needs to get it out there that she's shooting for top 3. Tweet about it. Do a YT community post. Hell make it about her pushing for this as a Latina, woman and vtuber like she's said a few times when rallying the timer. Kai's community certainly made it about him being black. We've still got the Witch model debut coming up, get that shit on the front page when it happens.
So we all agree that no one actually enjoys Connor?
I only think she should up the time for part of the last day and really push and rally chat for a few hours to beat whatever records we can.
I really want her to tweet when she beats her old record and includes going for the other 3 records.
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She does, and that's all that matters.
Wait I wasn't watching is mouse still not playing vods?
Chat voted on ducks for some reason
Of course they did...
I'm a retard for saying she should actually advertise she's doing something instead of keeping it just to those residing in chat at the time? What's your idea, dropping it to five seconds and milking her viewers harder when they can't keep the timer over an hour at this point?
Sorry man my mistake
Did Mouse leave no music on?
Damn I didn't expect 2nd place to be a possibility.
But it's actually doable.
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Anything is possible if you belieb.
I belieb in a cb goal
Raise the QUACK volume, dumb QUACK ass.
Yeah I hear it now. its almost impossible to hear on speakers.
Did Mouse's phone "die" again?
let the poor woman sleep without you being a cunt
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Some things are possible if you belieb.
not a sperg btw
Anon its not a good thing.
ffz audio compressor is very useful for this kind of thing
You see how mouse's model moved just now? this mean that mouse is this and that. you cant refute me i will shit myself
Mouse has often said
>I even keep the tracking on while sleeping
She know the shit people say about vtuber subathons why reinforce their criticisms.
disingenuous retard
>timer getting edged as hard as it was earlier and Mouse isn't awake to call attention to it
I don't feel too good about this
I rebuke thee.
No I'm not.
Do you know how many times people have tried to criticize Mouse's subathon with the same stupid thing and people defend her by saying she has the tracking on while sleeping.
you're right im sorry
Good morning
Still ducks I see
Chat voted for it
just shat myself
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Take sketch commissions, Mouse. Subs will fly in
Happy sleepy rat
Assuming we make it to the 26th, Mouse doesn't money from the bonus subs, does she? They just raise the timer and count towards the record?
They should just show up as gift subs from twitch and will probably add to the timer and her record.
Mouse must have just wanted to jerk off before bed the put her tracking back on.
Did I just see 1:15
The edging is getting worse.
One more time please
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The lady needs her alone time even during subathon
NTA, buddy seems to believe that the additional subs that are given from subtember bonus subs are just added time, not added money. As in, donate 5 subs, get the +1 sub, mouse will not see additional money beyond her split of the 5 gift subs and the +1 sub will amount to only added time.
Oh got it
Mouse says she can't any more because of meds and if that was a lie to not talk about it, it would be pretty dumb since saying you can't jerk off is still talking about jerking off so you might as well admit you do point, not like she needs to go into details.
She never said that. She's mentioned her libido is lower because of meds but that doesn't mean it is gone entirely.
She said her meds killed her libido and so don't do "dragon time" any more.
Cry more
ignore me im just bumping the thread, kill yourself faggot
>ignore me
Which one do I listen to
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What's Zen got to do with this?
The stuff she looks at on Twitter suggests otherwise.
Even Connor admits he jerks off why would she lie.
Who knows why she does what she does.
Connor's a fag
Shut up fag
*demon time
Bro I would sell my car for this
Mouse is planning to draw for subs so go find a buyer.
Its not going to be full drawing like that just doodles and digital art.
I missed it what did it go down to?
Wasn't that bad, like 2 minutes or so. But the edging is real today.
I think IronMouse
Odds that anonymous gifts are coming from staff? We have seen the mods donate, so it's not them.
Jesus dont scare me like that
I'm surprised to see people still showing up and dropping prime subs or manually subbing (actual subs not the sub renewal message). They haven't watched the subathon for more than 5 minutes, otherwise they would already have a gifted, but they still show up and help.
Miss lala is here to babysit!
Watching doesn't guarantee a sub
Kill yourself
Anon the last 2 subathons I had mouse on a permanent tab and both times didn't get a sub until the last week. They are very random.
The ADHD is strong in this babysitter.
It must massively downgrade your chances of getting a gifted if you don't have the tab active. Assuming 10k chatters, everyone but you constantly rotated out so that no one is ever ineligible for a gifted, (i.e., extremely unrealistic assumptions that make it much less likely for you to get one) you have a 99.995% chance to get a gifted sub by 100k subs, i.e., a 1 in 50,000 chance. Under realistic assumptions you will get it much sooner than that.
It doesn't only go to current watchers
I got a sub for a random mf i have never even heard before. you're talking crazy anon
Oh, if it can go to anyone who's ever clicked on the stream, that makes more sense. I still find it weird not getting a gifted for weeks though, I've gotten one on the first day every time. Think it took me like 30 minutes this time.
It seems pretty arbitrary though I've seen some people speculate you might have better odds if you yourself gift subs.
Feisty latina energy.
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How do you want me to react?
Wow… I didn’t know you owned the site … please forgive me for all my transgressions
most of them are thanks to Kai being unfunny.
Oh no its over, im killing myself
Don't think I've watched her more than six hours this whole month and I still got gifted a sub.
this but with monkesperg
2 minutes is the new 5 minutes
I gotta a feeling its gonna be like that until she gets close to her last goal
It'll be like this until the bonus subs kick in. That's gonna be a turning point. I'm sure.
there's a lot of oiler who are waiting for the 26th I think
Unironically we need a pete speech at one point
I've been feeling the lack of Pete this subathon
I love Lala so much
I have enough to gift 20 more but yeah holding till the 26th or the timer goes under 45 secs
Not a big oiler but I will double my relatively modest donation to break records yeah.
This article was so damn late when it came out. Now it's just irrelevant.
Yeah I have an emergency nuke too. I'm in about 800 of my 1000 limit and just got paid so I can drop another 500 if I have to.
go watch him on his channel
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Well deserved dirt nap.
Heavenly joined Miss Lala to babysit
You people hate everything
If it isn't solo one-on-one-esque Mouse GFE, I don't want it.
Same. If Mouse's attention isn't solely on me I'll be very upset.
how long has she been sleeping for
like 6 hours
I'm going to assume this is one of the twitch projects that was leaked
If we can make it through the night, we'll hit 200k tomorrow, and then beat the previous subathon later in the day. Anything after that is just gravy.
We won't. It's over.
I think IronMouse should
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continue being cute
Send more kisses to chat
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Keep being awesome
Kill me
change models, decora ugolee
gayest post here
You're ugly. Inside and out.
I'm not a fan of the default hair but the space buns and palm tree toggles boosted it into the top ten ranking for me, along with the fact that it seems to be one of mouse's comfort models like wonderland
Decora is like... my 7th favorite Mouse model. I really don't see the fanaticism some of you have for it.
It's better than her Geega cosplay that was supposed to be the main model for the subathon. Anyway, they like it because they're coomers.
Didn't expect Lala to stick around for so long . Also seems kind of random, given they're lack of interaction. Although, mouse did appear in her charity thing, so maybe this is Mouse reclaiming the favor.
I'm not a coomer I just think it's cute and fun and suits her and space buns are my weakness
Lala also appeared during the twitch con walk sround
The cinnamorol hair with the short hair toggle with it is adorable
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hey anons guess what time it is
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You cant rush greatness
let her chill she's on her ghost period
9 hours almost right? She's been asleep before I went to work.
A little over 9 hours atm. She was just moving around a second ago.
nah it's been less than a month since the last one, it's plasma hangover
Sure, bud
go back
Random question. How many of you have donated plasma? Why or why not? Do you get paid for it in your area?
I haven't but it's because it's a four hour trip for me to the nearest donation center, which is also the only donation center in a city of three million people which is pretty fucked up. It almost makes me wish my country paid people for it so there would be an increase in people wanting to donate and thus more demand for places to donate but then it becomes an ethics issue.
anyway how about you guys
its not a donation if you're only doing it to get paid
I agree that it's messed up to pay for it but like I said it would certainly get more donations. Greater good?
How is it messed up for people to be compensated for their time? This isn't like a blood draw that takes seconds. It often takes 1-2 hours for the process.
I get 80$ and a juicy thicc Latina to do it iam on 40 donations last 2 years
>it would certainly get more donations
It doesn't and it might actually lower the quality of donations because it will be the same poor people over and over donating again lowering the heterogeneity of the donations.
To answer your question I've done it about 100 times the past two years since I watched Mouse. Why did I do it? I wasn't employed at the time and Mouse convinced me to at least get off my lazy ass and do something good and the money is nice for groceries or in my case giving back to Mouse during her subathon. I had $550 in subs just from plasma donations saved up that I contributed in subs. Here in the US we do get paid 115 - 135 if you do two donations in a one week timeframe, at least in my state, and it takes 1-2 hours to complete. Now that I'm working again I can't donate as much but I do attempt to do one or two every two weeks.
Meh. You'll generate more.
Mouse wakey wakey!
>You'll generate more
you don't though
I've donated before, I'm not doing it right now but I've considered starting up again because it's $100/session where I live. Even if I just did it once a week, that would be $5200/year, basically a part-time job.
Is mouse still “sleeping”?
I thought you meant generate more donos.
Why are you dumb?
>It doesn't
Objectively wrong. The US produces most of the world's plasma specifically because it pays people well for it. Countries that disallow payment or only provide nominal payment can't keep up.
>it might actually lower the quality of donations
Maybe? The article is about blood, not plasma, and in the only mention of plasma suggests it's not a problem.
She was awake still at the start [for a few hours.
Then she woke up 45 minutes ago and turned the tracking off
Yeah I caught that. Better remember to turn it back on this time.
she doesn't usually turn tracking off unless it's for a good reason aka she's puking or feeling so ill she wouldn't be alert enough to stream, we know she just got plasma and felt sick last night
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You may want to read your own article. Even in the conclusion it states the impact of incentives that are larger than those used in the test is unknown. The tests in your article offered participants incentives of t-shirts, gift cards, etc with a value ranging from $3 - $15. If you got on average $60 like Plasma you may certainly see that incentives would provide more.
bf waned sexy time
>She was awake still at the start [for a few hours.
How do you wager that?
Tracking was off then she turned it back on.
It was off for 45 mins, where did the hours come from?
If the other anon with the 4790k happens to be around again I can happily say that the
Thermalright Peerless Assassin works great with it as long as you make sure the brackets are as far apart as they can be.
Anyways anything crazy happen this last weekend/3-4 days? Being stuck on mobile sucked and I didn't bother watching as much because of it.
She's moving again
Yeah you are right it was about an hour.
There's another anon holding onto a 4790k? I have mine in a living room console PC with my 1080ti. I just can't bring myself to junk either.
She's back.
Saiiren's here.
Rip solo chatting before collabs
She could have let her get up and talk to chat for a bit.
There was one anon when I mentioned my desktop cooler dying. If it isn't you then I guess there is at least 3 of us. It's a damn good chip.
Drawing's today then games with Connor.
Drawing, Lets go.
Wait did I miss Mouse wanting to play mtg? First hearthstone now this who the fuck is getting Mouse to try out these games?
Why does she flip flop if she's ok with saying dick.
If I have my numbers right, we should clear 200k at around 9AM tomorrow.
It's cute how excited Mouse got that heavenly dropped by
Mouse keep spamming your song please it is the only chance to get that going again.
People invited her, the only one that has a chance is hearthstone because she find out connor also started playing. He was invited to be part of some competition that mouse also was invited
It's soft retired, not in my main PC.
Joining just as she wakes up is a real leach behavior.
Saiiren has been hanging out when Mouse goes afk probably wanted to entertain chat when Mouse leaves to get ready. She's been hard carrying the subathon way more than she needs to she has really impressed me.
Mouse was just starting to have a morning talk with chat.
Apparently the reason the pool never filled up with ducks is that one duck became insanely powerful and killed all the others.
she's not candi shilling her stuff
King shit
I like Candii more
Okay, I'll bite. Saiiren is the opposite of a leech, she's kept the subathon alive. I wouldn't mind if she sticks around most of the night again just to keep doing that.
I hope Mouse doesn't keep polling chat and we get ducks every day. Its fun for some days but I really enjoy watching the vods while she sleeps. It's cool to relive those moments with chat a bit.
The chatter can control their duck.
Mouse wants to draw so I hope not.
Candii is like one of Mouse's best friends.
candii is by far the nicest person to mouse no competition we dont allow candii hate here
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You guys are weird
You are already making into a competition by saying she is the nicest person to mouse.
Being there when Mouse is afk is like free advertising
its not a competition if it is a fact
replaced candi already by not making her personality revolve around mouse
I'll believe it when she does irl events for her
candii carried the disney irl
Like it or not Candii is one of Mouse's best friends.
Despite Connor's efforts to destroy it.
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She does that with a lot of things. I wish she would just say what she's going to say sometimes.
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Not you again fag
link clip mouse saying it
being mouses yes man is terrible 0 personality no self worth
This is from the W community if you look up Ironmouse in the community section of Twitter
You can see them freakinig out she passed Kai and the only way she as 190k subs with 7-9k views is money laundering
nta but mouse has called candii her bestie multiple times now but mouse calls many people her bestie including connor and r0xyy
oh okay I was just wondering if she actually called her best friend but idk if bestie counts though
Where is Mouse?
Why so dark
mouse tends to use best friend pretty liberally. she also likes to toss around "my favorite' about many things it's just how she is.
>idk if bestie counts though
What? bestie means best friend
not for girls
I just opened chatterino so it is previous messages that are darker and deleted messages are also darker so you get extra dark messages. I need to look into changing a setting for that at some point.
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I'm late but here is mines
nice bla
>best friend pretty liberally.

only nyan, roxy, monke has she actually called best friends, bestie seems just friend plus, and you would assume she would say her vshojo girls are best friends but aren't.
But she didn't pass kai? I thought his record is like 300k?
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Mouse back
Mouse back from her daily dose of bbc
current subs
>She bought pins and got a couple autographs
Oh wow how nice when Mouse paid thousands for all of them to be there. Buff did more for that stream by being actually entertaining.
Remember when Candii pitybaited her way into the collab during the Yokai Hunter debut by whining in chat and joining the call while Mouse was in the bathroom so Geega suddenly had a meeting to attend? Maybe I'd like her more if she didn't do shit like that or act like an attention whore in Mouse's chat subbing multiple times in the month to announce her presence and then interacting with chatters as if it's her stream.
god I wish we could block people here
So has Mouse officially given up on the model changes now?
If Mouse does doodle for subs it will help us hit the last goal.
she's autistic but she pushes it a bit much and she's a die hard mouse fan so a complete yes man with 0 personality
user ids per thread would be a god send easy filter
as long as it is min 20 subs any less would not be worth it
I would be upset if it was not decora but I'm happy with decora.
go to her discord then pussy
>as long as it is min 20 subs any less would not be worth it
This maybe even higher.
Mouse to make up for using decora so much you should remove the jacket and mesh. Maybe even flash the monke panties. It is only fair.
>should remove the jacket
This, please Mouse.
20 is already around $150 with tax more then that might be pushing it
>0 personality
Your wrong and just being a cunt.
I think you underestimate how many will pay that for a doodle but we shall see.
she has 0 personality when on mouses stream, I do enjoy her autistic ass when she does drawing only.
I would watch Mouse play Astro Bot.
candii makes mouse happier than anyone who cares if you dont like her personality
so is she not changing models anymore?
oh it's you monkesperg noone cares what you have to say kys.
If Mouse plays a VR horror she will cry.
Seems like she is sticking with Decora for now
mouse can't even kneel or bend over let alone stand much so 80% vr is useless to her.
same its a very solid platformer and its cute
That sounds good to me, I would love her to use it without the sweater sometime for more than just a few seconds.
anon? you know mouse actually exercises now right? now for crazy long periods but still.
Which will make some banger clips
nta but playing a standing vr game is way more than what she's doing right now.
She's walking on a treadmill for like 10 minutes at a time
This looks like a game Mouse would be sponsored to play.
Right and since when does she only play a game for 10 minutes?
She's not there yet but hopefully soon.
New Thread
exercising 1 time every few months don't count
Mouse doesn’t like the new woke dragon age game, she’s a chud confirmed
Peloton is in her room. Probably walking during these extended breaks.

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