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18禁太郎 Edition

X: https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame
Fansite: https://www.tsunomakipasture.club/

Original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Mini original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDfjOVqChEelXHyaDQBpA8m
Cover songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb

>Watame Night Fever!! in Tokyo Garden Theatre Blu-ray!

>Hop Step Sheep!

>News/Recent Events

>(8/24th) Watame performed as part of Hololive's first world tour "Soar!" at AnimeNYC! Next stop Indonesia!

>(8/27th) Watame released a one chorus cover with Aqua as part of her promise to keep singing 'Aqua-Iro Pallete'! Listen to it here!

>(9/1st) Watame won big at the lottery for those who completed this Summer's bingo! She took home 1 million yen to use on Hololive-related activities!

>(9/2nd) Watame released her version of One Sheep with wonderful art by Tumeki-sensei! Listen to it here!

>(9/5th) The Blu-ray for Watame's 2nd Sololive is now on sale! Grab yours before October 7th to support a 3rd!

>(9/6th) Watame released a lovey-dovey voice pack as art of the Hololive Dere Series! Buy and listen to it here!

>(9/14th) Watame and her other self took a trip to Mie for the latest はばない where they learned all about ninjas! Watch it here!

>(9/15th) Watame got to talk with lots of Watamates at hololive Meet&Greet 2024 representing Yonkisei for the IchiOshi talk!

>(9/19th) Watame will be singing the theme song for the game Etrange Overlord being unveiled at Tokyo Games Fes on September 26th!

>(9/24th) The panel for Etrange Overlord at Tokyo Games Fes will feature a lifesize panel of Watame and an introductory video narrated by her!

Previous thread: >>85796911
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Sheep soon
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My Sheepwife is still a police officer.
The server is truly dead...
It was fun while it lasted. I hope they do it again maybe next year with more custom assets.
I believe Miko said there will be a next time. This event was more of a test
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Mumei being bullied by the mini car was funny
Subaru abuse is not a crime.
I want to eat Watames pantsu...
Lamb vegas has a long way to go still
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It's difficult when it's a one man job.
The car gacha... There's no that was random if Botan got her shopping cart.
Watame wants a harem.
She already has one with Ui, Fubuki, and botan
You can always have more.
Watame can't choose just one person to love...
Watame... Stuck in too many love triangles...
Watame just sneezed in my mouth...
Watame YIPPE KAY YAYing one of the gang members would have been incredible.
Watame should play Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. The best racing game ever made.
It was to be expected.
>etrange overlord is a villainess game
I hope Watame can play this game on stream too.
That would be pretty neat
Is Watame cooking something up? Hmmm
I hope so.
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I will feed Watame British chocolate.
what the hell bacon nomochocho
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Apparently it's a 2ch meme.
what the fuck lol
I'm happy that Watame is happy her hijinx with the RC car and 18禁太郎 made everyone laugh.
an Akuwa crew has converted
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Very pretty.
I have never heard Watame make such a noise lol
It was an interesting sneeze.
Watame's grandad built their house?
really? Does her mother still live in that house?
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I might have to go back but I think I heard something to that effect. Not sure who lives there.
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everyone got to see Watame... I hope I can go to a meet and greet someday
Same. Luckily there seems to be and more opportunities for Oversheep. Of course getting to Japan is still a pretty hard hurdle to clear.
Pretty sure it was a talk about the house Ui and Watame went to at the start of habanai
Holy fuck my comprehension needs work.
Watamates turning up to meet and greets ripped.
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some Watamate's are just built different
I'm built to support Watame forever.
I lost...
we all did lol
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It was nice to have a nice long solo stream after a week of collabs. 2 days with no Watame will be lonely but I will use the time to try and get lots of work done.
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late おつのまき~
That was a nice chill stream. I'm going to miss this lovely sheep. her music talk part was interesting. the schizo in me is telling me that she is giving subtle hints about who will be producing new songs.
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Sheep searching for her next victim.
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Sex with a sheep
sexy sheep
I love my cute and sexy sheep wife
Thinking about Watame
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found this
sheep saikyou
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Watame went out to eat with an old friend.
Who's oshi mark are the lips? Choco?
Yes. Her and Coco are very close.
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Watame... where is my precious Sheep Goddess?
i have a sneaking suspicious that our sheep will be at the TGS venue in person
She said she wouldn't be on stream.
of course she would say that. no holo will reveal they are at something before going
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Watame has hooked a big one.
what is the grenade for?
Blowing up Subaru.
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I'm honestly surprised you kept the thread alive for so long despite Watame being gone for 2 days.
the voices in my head are telling me that something good happened to the sheep and she'll tell us about it when she's back
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the author turned out to be an long time watamate
That was a nice surprise. Their twitter feed has been fun to look at. Hopefully the anime won't be shit
it's a video game, they are at TGS for it
the original work is a web novel
How the fuck did i forget its a game. I even remember Watame talking about. I guess I'm tired, I'm going to bed
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>around elves...
Holy sheep!
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These threads have a much better chance at staying alive during the week since I wake up much earlier for work.
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Me in her right hand.
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Suprise upload to help you survive 配信休み.
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That was cute. I hope they go through with a Kyoto trip even if they don't make content out of it. It'd be nice for Ui to explore Watame's hometown and maybe even meet her family.
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GiriWaru with Polpol
Theft is bad.
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The madman actually wore it.
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I can't believe Ui and Watame is the same person, but for real this time.
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7 million!
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Wonderful news.
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Damn this waitress is cute.
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She would never
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Watame soon...
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