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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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/vrt/ LOVE!
We get it, you're a schizo
when will you stop
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/vrt/ LOVE!
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Ongoing Streams

Michaki is playing Final Fantasy 1

Indie princess baby with tits is plauing SaGa 2

Ichigo Shark is shiny hunting in Pokemon Sapphire
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Three whole streams!
Yuno Soono
Why are you posting it twice?
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Yuno cute
Magnificent, Dominant, powerful.
I am so happy to see Yuno collabing with Kiki. Hopefully 1 on 1 after this unity collab?
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Their time zones don't work out very well for collabing either each other I think unless it was a late night Kiki and mid-day Yuno collab on one of her days off.
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Threadly reminder that Riona has a form open for the Retro Game wheel of suffering if you haven't submitted your six game suggestions yet
Hopefully she will put out a list of already suggested games so people know what not to suggest, unless she makes the wheel with multiple entries for things requested multiple times.
That's true, according to Dianko's schedule the actual collab will be at 7PM CEST, that's like in the middle of the night for Kiki.
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True. The mystery censored spot on Dianko's schedule is revealed now that Kiki made the announcement.
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I hope we get ohoho luck today.
Honestly I didn't expect this, but I guess that makes sense why she censored the spot at first.
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Lumi Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade in 30 minutes
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Mr. Mosquito
Cute doodle
I wonder if working on it is one of the things that has been delaying Lumi recently
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This game sucks
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Isn't this the game that killed Karin's controller?
I believe it
Yes, the very same.
Early to be late
I don't think it was the game itself that killed the controller. Just bad, bad timing.
Meche agreed to draw Tiddo kiddo!
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This one will be extra interesting
Ami hasn’t made all her stream waiting rooms in advance already, that is unusual for her.
Whomever fix Mozzu's diet, shhot yourself. 900 calories per day is idiocy
Not getting enough carbs can really jack with your mental and emotional state
Oh, it's even less usually...
>4 miles
That's baby numbers
She's a lost cause.
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She's really cute, I should watch more.
Her model is very pretty. I don’t know much about her corpo’s situation these days but it wasn’t good before, hopefully things are going better now.
I think they're close to closing up shop. But even if that happens she'll probably be able to continue as an indie so not really a big deal.
I gave her a chance before but dropped her when she started going on EVIL PARASOCIAL FUCKS rants
I watch her here and there and she rarely mentions corpo stuff so I am guessing things stabilized. It's kinda funny how we have pon retro chubas and she's the first one I've seen described as pon because of how clumsy she is.
After seeing the schizoing that happened in maros over the past months I'm starting to think that she's right.
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It’s still Super Meche’s Shmup September and she is continuing it in 45 minutes with Castle Shikigami 2
She raided a chuba playing Chrono Trigger now:
You /vrg/ schizos took away my oshi so fuck you.
Idk why people do diets like this. Just lower your portions by a little bit, cut alcohol or sugary drinks and lift
I know her, Yura Rikudou, she’s been getting posted semi-regularly for the last week or two for her Chrono Trigger streams.
She should play Yume Penguin Monogatari
Whole fitness industries work only because women love meme-diets and exercises.
Lifestyle changes take effort, women want a crash diet easy solution
Jowu will come back, I know it. I have a good feeling for October. But even if I’m right it doesn’t give back the time that was stolen from her or the pain that was caused.
b-but fat penguin is easier to play if I remember correctly. Is that an architect sponsored game?
And then the schizos still have the gall to come here and shitpost as if they dindu nuffin. Like you can immediately tell that the /vrg/schizo is here because no one else posts about Mozzu or complains about sisters.
You can only win if you stop being an unlovable fatty
Nice eyes and booba
I liked her button up shirt outfit more though
This is how male vtuber fans behave, they false flag and target innocents
Lumi ate all the batteries so her keyboard doesn't work...
>complains about sisters
first day on /vt/?
only sisters act like """parasocials""" are evil
Kill yourself /vrg/schizo. Do everyone a favor and neck yourself.
It felt like the most baffling thing, he complains a phantom antis being against her because of what she said about men but the only people that talk about her are her “fans” who anti her constantly.
Looks like he knows he is being a schizo though and trying to use his antiing as a way of attacking other vtubers and viewers too. Again.
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This probably has them extra riled up today
based mio
The diets take more effort though then just not drinking starbucks
Better than macaron pizza at least right?
I love the quotation marks. Antis are her fans, we’re not ironic about it.
It’s a sign of how much this site has regressed that you’re not allowed to have a negative opinion about someone you otherwise like. We might as well be the Holo subreddit.
it's worse here, at least you can freely shit on the males in the holo subreddit
Oh course he knows he's a schizo. He obviously doesn't actually like any vtubers, his only likes complaining about stuff and being a doxxer.
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What I can't understand is why does he bother doing the whole "you're newfags, this is how /vt/ is" to try to "prove" that he's not alone when his posts are so different from how the thread usually is that they glow like the fucking sun. Like if you're a regular you can immediately tell when he appears.
Key word is “preference”. Forcing them one way or another is cringe
Don't reply seriously to the schizo, you might as well be talking to a wall.
Not watching male collabers is also a preference, because male collabs are gay and cringe
Yeah. If you have half a brain and eyes, its easy to see the schizo. Like the thread worked in a certain way for a year, then suddenly all of these certain topics pop up at the same time the schizo migrates over. Totally a coincidence.
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Reminder that this is the first Joru anti post in /vrg/ after her first collab with Lumi
i want to give yuno a book report
man you're trying way too hard to blame everything on the male haters and acting like everyone who doesnt like males is the same guy
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I'm really look forward to fantasy art. Really curious what party the artist chooses for the girls
Regardless, doxxing her is a bit too much, isn't it?
im not schizo enough to doxx or harass vtubers but if i was, my target definitely wouldnt be joru or any other girls
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Meche live!
What did you commission?
Well the culture of the cesspool you call /vrg/ where you would race on who can anti the vtubers that they don't watch the hardest lead to Joru getting doxxed so that proved that a thread built on that kind of culture is objectively bad.
Here >>85946025
To continue this, you're still acting like this is still just a spat between threads localized entirely on /vt/ when in reality a line was actually crossed and there were real life consequences.
dumb faggot me and the other guy(s?) are just saying that we dont like male vtubers, you're the one connecting that to jowu, doxxing and thread wars because looks like you still cant accept that most people just dont like male vtubers
Should be great.
You mean spamming the thread with the same timeloops over and over again, timeloops that have barely been present in this thread for the past year I might add? If you're not the /vrg/schizo then congratulations, you're his useful idiot and you're dancing to the tune of someone severely mentally ill.
If she's like 30, only 5ft tall and otherwise rather sedentary then that may be an appropriate amount
Love that little latebutt.
I miss Clauvio
How long until her debut?
Next month
That's too long.
Oh hey, they're remastering Soul Reaver. Are we headed towards a Legacy of Kain arc?
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I would eat her ice cream if you know what I mean.
Freya and Meche offcollab ice cream making stream when?
cow tits soon
But Meche is on right now...
Only a few days until October!
tabs exist for a reason, gotta watch all our girls
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trolling time is upon us
get a snack
No, I mean you have cowtits live right now...
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Momonga Ys IV: Dawn of Ys
Almost like forcing fake "unity" between femchuubas and males is cringe schizo behavior
If they are uncomfortable then yes. Did you not read my post?
Ignore the schizo, he just wants to shitpost the same things he always does.
I would like it more than the Kingdom Hearts arc we have been in.
The absolute COW Ushimei Momoka is live with Harvest Moon 64. She's partner pushing so let's give her the view.

I wonder what it will look like
Riona yeah yeah yeah
I wanna know ya hey hey hey
I’m gonna miss shmup september
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fellatio queen
I hope it goes well for the moohou shoujo
Looks like Eira is going to try Link to the Past again later today.
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Ami streaming in 45 minutes
She had two stream attempts at it yesterday, was she having technical difficulties or did she get distracted?
Technical difficulties.
When is the collab she has with Hicky?
Meche still wants to finish Pepsiman but she isn’t ready for it yet.
When is she doing the wheel stream
I'm still tickled she played Bloody Roar and like it
Minus the flashing lights. And maybe minus the final bosses even on super baby mode.
But it is nice that she enjoyed it so much. She might play them more in the coming months, she mentioned plans to retract fighter Friday new games because of costs and availability.
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When is the next baking stream
>she mentioned plans to retract fighter Friday new games because of costs and availability
She could always replay the ones she has and just try to get better at them and beat them on harder difficulties. I would welcome that, at least
Cool now get that pig and bring it back to the farm
wheel of the baking collab with hicky
>And maybe minus the final bosses even on super baby mode
kek she did NOT like gado as I was anticipating
How? It's a SNES game
Technical difficulties with her vtubing setup.
how's the screeching with this one?
are the pixels raw or well-done?
Boo, get better material.
Meche doesn’t geddit
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I'm asking how you have technical difficulties streaming a SNES game, what went wrong
And I'm saying the game wasn't the problem. Her vtubing setup was having issues and she had to troubleshoot it.
Smart leet computer whiz sheep
>Her vtubing setup was having issues
I don't understand what this means, was her mic or model not working?
Her model was lagging.
Slowmo sheep tits…
Momo's parents stole Harvest Moon for her. They rented it from Blockbuster and "forgot" to return it.
See now Couldn't you have just said that to begin with LMAOOOOO
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i think that was probably covered already by the first post saying "technical difficulties", dunno why it was so interesting to press the issue for half dozen posts

unrelated but captcha knows about the hag experience
Does Momoka have Battletoads?
retro video games are free
video games are free
Bigoted against hardware fleecers much?
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Finntuber girl ghost Marlie is playing Oracle of Ages
Anything is "free" if you steal it. I'd like to think our girls are above the though.
why are people like you posting on 4chan
He is a shitposting schizo of course, you can see it from him using certain phrases he always does.
are you sure that wasnt your post anon
https://www.twitch.tv/bonnipaws Star fox 64
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"lewd"tuber is playing Thief Gold
>not lewd
>not a potato
Peggy is a tricky taffer.
It feels like she's been playing Star Fox 64 for months now.
Pretty sure she has
yes stinky brat though
I was just having some fun (which I thought was obvious)
>you can see it from him using certain phrases
If you're referring to the usage of "our girls" then holy shit dude you're insane. Like, soviet thought-police levels of deranged
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Tenshi Mishie is playing Silent Hill 2 after yapping.
submitting only sesame street games to riona
You can probably find 6 easily enough.
No one actually cares about real hardware
I thought it would be funny to recommend 6 Nancy Drew games but there's like only 1 that's not for Windows or newer systems.
Yura gone…
someone should submit only bill and ted games
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we can do worse
Are those supposed to be the Olsen twins?
Anon any game with the avengers girl isn’t going to be retro
I’m sure there are plenty of terrible olsens twins games like that to fill out a selection if that is how you want to spend your submissions.
How about a submission of only Barbie games?
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Garin schedule out
Lumi focus on your stream or go to bed!
Lumi collab with the Barbie Girls when?
Bill and Ted doki doki suki
She doesn't know who any of them are
Meche gone…
I fucking hope not because it looks like shit and I'll lose respect for anyone who plays this garbage instead of the original
REmakes and the Dead Rising remaster ruined so many chuubas for me already
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Stole this from /lig/
A daring synthesis
Spidermom is reading and showing the pictures to buckos. She’s so sweet.
Sad seeing joru associated with that cretin in any way
Where is she
Where is the finntroll
agreed but it's a cute pic
It's not cute because it's associating a good and sweet girl (Jowu) with a wretched miserable creature
Nina forgave Bat so you should too, shibe.
Maybe they could collab or something at some point when Jowu comes back. Their time zones are very different but Batto is no stranger to strange stream hours and both are great retro streamers, there are probably some games where a race between bat and slug would work well.
it has jowus boobs, pits and tummy
I was thinking Lumi was going to start getting better sleep after she ended early a few times recently but I was very wrong.
>tongue click
Bat has raided Joru several times in the past and they seem to be at least on friendly terms.
you're doing that thing where you talk to yourself to force "unity" and act like two unrelated vtubers are friends again
trolled again
That checks out to, Moriko does all night streams enough that Jowu can become available for retro raiding.
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Why you little...
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Amora's been playing Curse of Monkey Island for the last couple hours.
It's part of the OP at this point, this thread is cooked
Neat adventure gaming
Ami gone…
Another EIEN? Good that retro gaming is going strong over there.
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uuuuu... where's yuno-nee-tan... i miss yuno... uuuu... bweeeeeeeeh
uuuu I miss yuuuuno
Yuno where
Lumi still going…
I’m starting to think there won’t be a Yuno stream today either.
I just stated what I observed when watching Joru's streams. Bat has raided her several times and Joru had a positive reaction and was really interested in what Bat had been doing during her stream. Here's a link to the last vod where it happened.
Ignore him, he is a cross threading schizo that hates /vrt/.
I know, I just wanted to flaunt my knowledge of Joru streams, unlike him who doesn't actually watch any.
>he's still talking to himself
actual schizo
>Space Channel 5
Jowu did a great job on that stream. The Jowu vs Joanna drawn dance off was a thing of beautiful. Thank you for reminding me.
I kneel
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KK Cyber is playing ChuChu Rocket
Lumi is doom tomorrow!
lay down your channel points
it is not too late for the difficult platformer stream
Lumi gone and doom…
Too little sleep, gamed too late
I spent too many on redeeming fat lizards
She will be a Coffee achiever tomorrow.
I hope that anon’s dabbling into making a Yuma text adventure will be able to see it through.
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Ami is playing Riven in an hour!
Me too and I think that was the idea. Maybe not the harder difficulty though.
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Momoka is complimenting her viewers for watching her
She is still hopeful about her goals, good to keep her spirits up and keep pushing to achieve her goals.
>Oracle of Ages is Marlie’s 2nd 2D Zelda after Minish Cap
Seems odd to play it before Link’s Awakening.
Some later Zeldas feel like they take for granted you have seen or played earlier ones with things like the tennis ball magic fights. The originals give you hints about it but later ones expect you to recognize the style and pattern of the attack so that you know to knock it back.
Average of 75 seems pretty hard
Agreed. She is a way away from that currently but if she pushes for it, doesn’t get discouraged and lets friends know she is trying it then perhaps she can get steady growth to get there.
Which one do you want?
Yeah by harder difficulty I meant anything above where she was, so even Normal Mode would be fun
Maybe possible next year
A bunch of our girls are getting close, so I think Momoka and all of them can do it
With repeated replays and if she is replaying it anyway rather than trying to show off everything in the game in one stream I think that Normal should be a reasonable option for Meche.
She is able to go above it with some games and some stream times already. The bigger worry is that 75 is the minimum, she would likely need closer to 100 to be sure.
Also Twitch is notorious for randomly rejecting partner applications and streamers having to apply for several times before they get accepted.
Charlotte took a shockingly long time.
Over a fucking year
It felt like there were a large number of chuubas that got accepted around the same time but even she didn’t get it with the others. No idea why they would’ve been rejecting her when she had the performance needed and was a sweet, harmless streamer.
that's why us lurking helps Momoka and the others to increase that goal, all of our retro chuubas will get there with time!
>all of our retro chuubas will get there with time!
Well, not all
You're right. Alker the sourpuss will never apply for partner.
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Eira the sheep autist is trying her luck again at streaming Zelda Link to the Past
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this ditzy welsh sheep's streaming A Link to the Past!
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Morrowind after yap
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Cecihime is playing Morrowind
More twins!
It keeps happening!
It's just spam after a point
Two or more people posting the same chuuba stream at the same time (or within a minute) independent of each other is more of a funny coincidence than anything. Cute even.
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Purple retro bear Hochii back with more Conker’s Bad Furday.
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Lum chan is playing Thousand Arms. Looks like she was posted before a couple times a few months ago.
I saw that but didn’t recognize the game and hadn’t bothered looking it up, I should’ve.
She has a new model from when she was last posted playing retro. Before I think she was still using that same type of model that Runachuu uses.
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Oh god, you're right. It's Runa Rojo.
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They’re completely covered, twitch is completely powerless against her.
Her customization of it involved bigger booba and horns as opposed to Runa’s spots and antennae.
i miss runa forma de vroid, just a little
Vroid models are all ugly imo
She is full of esoteric wisdom
yeah and all nissan cars are ugly but it's an option
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Runa had an in-between after she got her current model but before she had finished customizing it to her liking.
Beep beep with the sheep
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Joruroid was pretty cute
Chibi Jowu is still my favorite
Two very different looking retro vtubing sea slugs.
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Chibi-Joru is the best. When she mainly used the chibi-model, thats when I really started watching her. Fits her personality real well, emotes well, looks cute.
It will be strange seeing her switch her main model for that new one but if I remember and understand correctly it is because she wasn’t able to get additional support for her current normal model so no new outfits or other changes.
Apparently the artist for her current model ghosted her for long periods of time so she didn't even know if he was still working on it and commissioned her upcoming model from another artist.
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Yapping done, game starting
I wonder if that ever got sorted out with the current model artist.
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game beginning shortly
Does this port keep any of the changes from the GBA version or only the original SNES.
Virtual Console games are emulated as far as I know, so it's not even a port
is that what they call a foompa (fumpa?)
It isn't a port it's just the SNES emulated
The term is "fupa"
oh ok...
is that a fupa?
Fupa is fatty upper pubic area and that's not fatty, so no
whatever it is, i think a body suit is a good way to have the naked layer on your model
I think she should be visibly chubby
she seems rather adept at 3d platformers actually. i've seen chuubas really struggle with this part
What happened, Eira’s was breaking again?
>ceci mad there's no fishing in morrowind
>demanding to see a fishing mod
call yuma
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Retro Riona is starting her 1st playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons!
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Fujo jumpscare
that was a fun stream...
New bake
>she seems rather adept at 3d platformers actually. i've seen chuubas really struggle with this part
I saw her paying Banjo Kazooie before and she was alright, her twitch page says she already streamed and beat the 1st three Spyros.

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