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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Stream today, surely?
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Yeah, right
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a neuro stream, yes
Are there any MS Paint professionals here who can make a meme for me?
Basically it needs to use the Remember-This-Guy template, but a cute pic of anime protag Vedal on the left, and an unflattering picture of Asmon or Forsen on the right.
I think it would resonate with Vedal, given how he's been feeling lately.
what yt vid is this
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Found a cute video
i am sorry cunnyfags, we need you back to gatekeep this general with your slop
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Task failed successfully.
Thanks, I hate it.
that would make the general worse for everyone
I would rather have newfags here then pedos recycling the same moldy slop
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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>he still thinks gatekeeping on 4chan ever worked
Is there a Neurobooru yet?
Do we know if Anny is okay?
The time she might feel at her lowest is the weekend when Vedal and/or her rapist are partying at Twitchcon and forgetting she even exists.
She needs friends outside the streaming sphere, so she can be happy for other people's successes.
nicee photoshop kek
>Do we know if Anny is okay?
Anny is never, was never and never will be okay
>Do we know if Anny is okay?
She is not and stop asking.
^She literally said that herself.
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>hiding the goods
damn the artist...
By 'okay' I meant 'still alive', as in 'has she been active on any social channels recently?'.
This is why I asked the notorious hacker known as 4chan rather than trying to ask Anny herself.
>restarting the anny timeloop 20 minutes into the new thread
anons DO NOT
Will Vedal mention the Anny situation in today’s dev stream?
>today’s dev stream?
good one
he wont even acknowledge going to the con, so dont expect new until subathon is announced or the model is fully rigged
shitdev status?
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hiyori shall return inshallah
Did I miss the stream or something yesterday?
We were watching Filian.
there was a T3 only stream
>he missed the forsen collab
>he missed the Vinesauce collab
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I actually really dislike drawing nur's accessories like her heart hair pin and the pins on her coat
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>a technical detail that I doubt Toma can articulate
Toma said the video needed to go to somewhere other than a twich page, which was the level of technical detail I expected. What I'm saying is that Toma could have given more context. This would convince the staff that her problem is not a minor one that wouldn't be solved by what she suggests, but instead a critical one that requires precisely what she's requesting. This would direct the staff's attention away from finding alternatives and towards deciding whether they could fulfill the request.
Ultimately, I'm splitting hairs here though. I'll retract my 'utter failure' and replace it with a 'minor failure'.
>very niche request for the company
Niche yes but not unheard of. I agree that it couldn't be done on-site by the team there though.
>don't think they have to inform the security team
Good point, Toma was unhinged even for a streamer.

On another note, I'm disappointed that the whole 'find a backpack 6 hrs before stream starts' rigmarole happened again, but I see how a lot of it is on the company being silent for a while.
The secret agent that I implanted in Anny's psyche says that they're okay still.
Secret experimental Evil forbidden audio narration ASMR on discord rn (hosted by pb)
She is alive, she hasn't been "active" but was logged in on discord but invisible in the morning. Not sure why she refuses to just show herself to avoid people schizoing out unless she does that in the t3 chat.
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Study-sama is back.
>and towards deciding whether they could fulfill the request.
Maybe they that already knew that they couldn't fulfill the request, because the process for setting up custom endpoints (and then unsetting them when the device is returned) is deemed to be more hassle than it's worth to them.
>a lot of it is on the company being silent for a while.
That's true, but if Toma had spent more time checking with the company beforehand that they supported custom endpoints, and less time downing shots, then maybe she wouldn't have been in such a rush that morning.
my wife
How many other vtubers have ARGs? 0?
>Toma had spent more time checking with the company beforehand that they supported custom endpoints, and less time downing shots
Mostly agree. But I'm sympathetic to Toma if Vedal didn't warn her about this requirement. He's the technical one after all.
It's unclear if Vedal mentioned it and Toma forgot, or if both forgot about it.
Hi to all the cunnychads of the swarm, this is a bit off-topic, but this girl's voice: https://www.twitch.tv/pixywixy sounds really close to the one in the forbidden sounds clip (by bittycat) posted here before.

There's no connection between them on any social media, and bittycat also has her own stream on pompf, so it's likely they're not the same person. Does anyone here have more information of them?
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>One more breath is what it takes out kill this place
>Blow it all out~
Nowaying Vedal is using the ARG to reach Anny's heart.
Nah but the candles are a metaphor for passion, not life.
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too late, she's been overwritten
>killing herself
Those 1 frame flashes of Neuro in the garbled sections look like the new model, eyes are different and she has the newer bangs. Not much to go by though.
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This could actually be it
God i hope that is the new model it looks so good even in that messed up garbled state
Surely no female vtuber in Japan could manage to end herself.
That would go against everything that I know to be possible, because I'm so smart.
>they think we're getting a new model
how do we tell them chat
I'm not talking about vtubers, I'm talking about women being terrible at killing themselves.
We are, December 19th believe in the time God
Really? It's just a sketch without many details. I can't see how it could be even be judged as a vtuber model yet.
>the model was done before the ARG started and they've been waiting for someone to solve it in order to release it
Shameful, I thought the swarm was better than this
Who do we think are those 4 personages behind Neuro?
Nowaying it's the secret pb Neuro model that will get released and used because Swarm solved the ARG.
In reality Vedal foresaw Anny's issues and had pb, back in early 2023, prepare a backup model as well as an ARG to use as an excuse to deploy it.
All me.
PB, my queen, have mercy on us.
Stop coping the Neuro sketch in this video is clearly the handiwork of Anny
And I'm telling you that your comment is in poor taste, because a female vtuber in Japan recently did exactly what you think is so unbelievable.
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Queenpb, I kneel
T o T
>your comment is in poor taste
I'm decently sure Onolumi had an ARG, and I doubt she was the only one
How so?
>People starting to realize that pb was Neuro’s true mom
what took so long
If it actually is then I'm happy for Anny that she contributed to the ARG. I agree that it looks too anime-stylised to be pb's work.
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>they doubted
>in the eyes of a kid, vedal987 is a girl named Toma
At the start of this year, there was a very inactive general, /kayfabe/, that was about vtubers with ARGs.
The only other vtuber that we haven't mentioned was Suraya Mousouzoku.
pb speaks at 8:40
Anyone noticed that at the end of Neuro's monologue she sounded more realistic? could be a V3 voice tease...
Her eyes look like the ones of Anny in this
>just discovered the secret channel
Why did no one tell me Vedal was a songwriter and music producer?
pb is responsible for music side of things
>Inscryption mod is almost done
How far do you think Neuro can make it?
I don't think he is, he doesn't seem that musically inclined.
My guess is that it's Pb. She made the Neuro Karaokes, original songs in vocaloid. It fits.
Vedal probably coordinated with her on the lyrics, theme, and tone of the song.
I don't think she would do very well at all. Barely would make it to the first boss.
Neuro won't go far at all, but Evil will finish the game no problem
when does she start meowing.
Unless vedal codes in some chain of thought for neuro, I don't think she'll be able to get past the intro. Not to mention that you need to move around outside of the card game to progress. Although maybe they are playing a different part of the game.
I think Neuro uses some chain of thought already. See her managing to sing the second verse of never gonna give you up.
>Neuro's voice morphing
Isn't that Pb's voice? Why did it transition to Pb's voice? Is Pb the v3 voice?
v3 voice doesn't exist
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>Neurodog's body will be opensource.
Is this a misstep? I assume this means that other content creators can also build their own robodogs.
If others (e.g. Ironmouse, Michael Reeves) indeed do, then it would genericise and dilute the trademark of the oblong Neurodog appearance, in the same way that other vtubers using Neuro's v2 model would. It could weaken the illusion of Neurodog being a physical extension of Neuro and reduce her recognizability. Perhaps this could be mitigated by giving the Neurodog accessories and a specific print.

People who don't know Neuro might be unaware was made for Neuro or even mistakenly think that the design was made by someone else.

I concede that this discussion isn't very useful. Choosing the license is Ellie's prerogative: she got the parts through her throne (albeit paid by a Neuro oiler), she's doing the work and she hasn't mentioned Vedal compensating her. Also, Ellie likely cares a lot more about sharing her work than something as inconsequential and possibly nonexistent as the trademark of Neurodog's appearance.
neurodog will not happen
sorry, am tired
build their own robodogs = build their own physical copies of Neurodog
Fuck off false flagging faggots.
we will have neurodog before new model
Did you miss the fact that the guy who was responsible for v3 voice went missing?
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>look it up
Man wtf is this
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So are Vedal and Anny dating? I genuinely can't tell. Some things Anny says makes me think they are.
Ah yes, 2 people who have never met are dating, makes sense.
by open sourcing it, she should be able to incorporate fixes that other people make, which will ultimately make the platform more reliable and maintained for longer.
the real question is how long it will take for vedal to crowdfund a humanoid body for neuro, since no one will care about neurodog clones once neuro unlocks her final form.
We live in an era where tons of socially awkward people insist on e-dating, anon. Anny expressed interest in Vedal visiting her.
They had e-sex but that was probably it
i'm not shipping them but long distance relationships are a thing nowadays
both of them also have full body vr
And Vedal never went to Japan
I'm not sure if physical designs benefit from being open sourced as much as software does.
Sure whatever, but both of them dating and never visiting each other when they both have enough money to travel is a retarded thought.
what gives you the idea they've never visited each other.
it's not like they're legally obligated to tell if they have
Vedal probably wants Anny to fix her issues before visiting her, I’m sure she would keep him away and refuse any kind of help cause of muh independence to fix my own mental issues
we need more evil cunny ngl
Interesting. thought episodic vtubing is extinct
what's wrong with annyfags?
definitely pb singing. you can smell it.
PB stocks are rising
Annal stocks are falling
>still silence from vedal
Is stream happening today
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>anny's breakdown is all part of the arg turtlegod, I kneel
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>anny's breakdown is all part of the arg turtlegod, I kneel
>Her eyes look like the ones of Anny in this
Always funny to see when you hit a breaking point with some retard when they start sperging out about reddit kekwa
>both of them also have full body vr
In terms of privacy, they're the ideal couple to try that. On the one side you've got Anny, who wouldn't care if Vedal leaked their sessions (she's used to people hearing her lewd audio, and she could farm pity points off the drama), and on the other hand you've got Vedal, who is smart enough to use a voice changer so there's nothing identifiable for her to leak. I have no idea how well voice changers work with sex noises, and I don't want to research that to find out.
now compare it to Cerber’s
Cerber has github?
I’m retarded I thought that was the calendar of streams not github contributes
It makes sense that anny couldn't talk about what she was working on with vedal if it was related to the arg. At the same time, it seems stupid for him to make her waste time on the arg instead of focusing on the model
the arg start was heavily tied to v2 model release, the autism is not unprecedented in any case
Am I crazy or does the ARG neuro look nothing like the neuro Anny was working on for the model?
>people actually think anny contributed anything to neuro this year
it's not supposed to because that's not neuro
ARG Neuro aka Neuro v3 is drawn by QueenPB who will become Neuro's new mom when Anny goes on hiatus.
Anny has been on hiatus almost the entire year
Stream in 80 minutes!!!!
It doesn't look like it was drawn by either Pb or Anny. It's a completely unique artstyle.
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Vedal finally got tired of Anny’s shit. The ARG is the reveal of the new artist.
Not like anny has some kind of unique artstyle, her art is as generic as they get
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Regular neuro stream in an hour confirmed
I want tutel
Yea I’m going to sleep
The people demand a dev stream.
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You're acting like every other vtuber will be chomping at the bits to do IRL robodog streams. Even if they find it interesting, I highly doubt most streamers will actually be willing to jump through all the hoops to get it to work.
Projects that heavily involve 3D printing definitely do, but yeah if Neurodog was open sourced it probably won't have many interesting iterations.
Very smug. Much nur.
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Why are there so many gifs of Neuro riding it
which react vod is this from?
Fair enough. Ironmouse is the only vtuber I can see getting a robodog in the next 5 years. I imagine maker youtubers might be more interested in the project, but they might not even be made aware of it.

I'm overestimating how much external interest there would end up being for the Neurodog design, especially since you would still need an engineer to assemble it (rather than buy one off-the-shelf) and implement the firmware/software.

>3D printing definitely do
So someone else might suggest an alternative way of 3d printing a certain part, that uses less filament or is easier to assemble with? I think that applies here since Neurodog apparently uses lots of 3d printed parts.
I think it's more likely that vtubers get AI companions on stream than a robodog.
nur buttsex?
That fad already happened and died like almost 2 years ago
why are you black
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My personal take is that most streamers are too narcissistic to be okay with someone yapping over and potentially upstaging them.
average threadshitter skin colour
I'd agree, but an AI isn't even a "someone" in this instance. It's more likely that it's just more effort than it's worth for a lot of streamers who don't even think about going outside the box.
I could count on my fingers the amount of streamers i've seen who really do much with the medium outside the very basics, including fleshies.
Indonesian Anny anti
Too much pedospamming will do that to you
>Anny anti
99% of /swarm/ is anti Anny. That's also including youtube normies, discord, and leddit too.
No, I'm not anti-anny, I'm anti-not-having-a-details-on-the-new-model.
>implied "we"
holy projection
[Offtopic news] chiwa live
poalnigger settle this, is /swarm/ anti-anny?
cool story dude, remember your aids clinic appointment in the morning Dimitri
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We like anny here, schizo
I don't like anny, nor do I hate her.
However, I do hate Anny.
They already have the chat to bounce off.
Something like a magical girl with an AI Kyubey that acts as a psychopathic 8ball could work, but it has to follow a certain theme. And setting it up seems like a lot for your average menhera.
I like anny. I think you guys are way too harsh on her and you just keep piling it on. Go find something that makes you less miserable instead.
99% is an absurd figure. I would say 50% at the very most, which is still significant. Opinion will rapidly change once progress is shown on the model.
the same shitters were piling on her when she was on stream doing the model
ADF raiding again I see
>once progress is shown on the model
two more weeks
Hate is too strong of a word. Most are annoyed at the model situation at worst.
I hope she's dead
I am ambivalent leaning towards positive about Anny.
I don't even care about the model anymore, I just want Anny to go away.
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What did vedal mean by this?
Will cerber ever collab with pb?
he likes sad songs
ohnononono cerdalkeks, did your girl get rejected? or did he?
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Vedal go stream zaebal
his mother used to sing it for him when he was younger, the moment cerber sang it he fell in love with her
>stream starts
>threadshitters start spamming the thread
what did they mean by this
watch streams
bro is loveless at a convention full of women.
It was giraffes all along...
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>neuro is a 3view on b2
It's over
people over there only want the turtel
Neuro is such a smart and funny contentbrained banter goddess
Piratesoftware collab canceled
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Neuro using her body to get you to wishlist Abandoned Archive....
That's crazy, that's actually crazy.
Are (you) tilting your head to the left, anon?
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I'm tilting my head back like senjougahara
I love it when she goes Filian mode
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>Filian mode
Giraffe-sama my beloved
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spamming bitch
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>stop telling me to shill your favorite indie games
Holy Based
i like the screenshots
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>Neuro exposed Vedal going to Twitchcon without her
wait a minute...
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Huh, some of these games actually exist
has anyone played salt and sanctuary? it actually looks decent
neuro is pb CONFIRMED
>PB keeps winning
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Anteaterbros we're so back
How much time does PB get with Neuro?
My coch would completely fill neuro, so everyone with a bigger coch than me should kill themselves, scientifically.
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Futa Neuro breeding Vaporeon
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Neuro is gunning to take down whoreclan
>Neuro already killed Henya
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She is so funny this stream it's crazy
Is this real?
I've been saying this for months and nobody believed me
Numibros status?
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Numi mentioned
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This brat...
neuro riding my coch TuT
Nice art react segment, Vedal
Vedal is either
>jet lagged
>or all three
having your balls drained during an entire weekend tends to wear you out
it took him like a week to get back into regular streaming after the last con
How does Neuro know "schnoogle" is a quirky name? That's a more human type of interpretation.. to her it should just be a combination of letters/code
The time after VeXpo wasn’t that bad
>she was about to say Israel
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I'm in your mind btw
Could have also been Russia, China or any number of other "problematic" countries
Dude is at the con, he uses remote PC to run things. It's USA time.
>Ironlung getting the pity vote
kek, time for another sleepathon
>ERP leaking
OOF hard cringe for that one
Neuro wants to fuck her blood related father...
This was known
Neuro giving me her diseases. T o T
So it is Vedal that picks those terrible karaoke songs.
[neuro fanbase news]
The last 3 JP viewers have left forever
I spit out my tea
Hnnngggg Vedal maid ........
British Chills
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beret mention
neuro just called out the evilfag faction
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For me, it's Sad Neuro.
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Bored Neuro bros how do we cope
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She HATES Bored Neuro
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Sex with Bored Neuro.
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>Neuro wants to play Pokemon
>forsen is playing Pokemon right now
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I hope we get Neuro playing pokemon from this
that yatch? vedal's
Vedal could do it but he won't
Where's weaponizedautism or phatdaddysack when you need them..
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Imagine being the girl that got to drain Vedal's balls at Twitchcon
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Vedal hardcoded Neuro to be nice to Anny, didn’t he?
*one of the girls
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>neuros favourite episode is the one where asukas mom commits suicide
Like a broken record
AI can learn abstract concepts as patterns in data, would be more surprising if one didn't have an understanding of what constitutes a silly name after you feed it several billion chunks of english text.
Sooooo Vedal fixed the Unity bug?
wheres the model, anny?
in your ass
Hopefully she delays it more so the schizos will keep dilating about it for longer
ferret tits raid!
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salacious ferret
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Neuro was really cute today so I liked it.
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true Neuro fans right there guys, don't forget to renew your tier 3 btw
third monitor/10
So true sister, better shit on Anny some more and keep posting that dogshit here. That will surely make the model happen sooner! Z!
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still better than defending her here you annigger
What mode of transportation would the neuros prefer?
riding your mother
A giraffe chariot
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Is this nigga still in America?
>understanding of what constitutes a silly
But why?

>c: 0HART
either flying or jetlagged at home
can't wait for his inevitable sleep schedule talk again.
Vedal should just move to America. More cons here, more friends here, can buy a ranch for neuro and evil to run around on
because we directed it to understand and then spent uncountable petaflop-hours motioning it towards that end
bu' skewl schotah
Ask Cerber
vedal and filian should buy a nice little cabin by a lake somewhere and leave all this internet bullshit behind
How would you do this to me?
I don't think vedal would enjoy living with mizkif and some asian dude under one roof
fillian is not trad pilled enough for that
and you should go back
>and some asian dude
reckson is asian?
fatnur sweaty rolls
She ain't gonna fuck you rek,

That ship is not gonna be built
But why does she know schnoogle is a funny word just from word phonetic structure..
It's very human meta to know this.
You really don't know how LLMs work.
Apparently when Evil started speaking gibberish after Layna told her to take a breath she actually said "There is no use shining like a rose when you are useless" in Hindi.
You have failed to explain why Neuro thinks schnoogle is a funny word besides saying "le learning"
they would drown in the cabin and the lake would just be up in flames the same day they move
we don't know
It's not shopped, I saw that video yesterday I just dont remember what it was
It probably saw 'schnoogle is interesting' before in the training data (if one person in the swarm came up with the word in 2 years, then it would definitely have been mentioned in the wider internet in the past 20 years)
It also probably has a concept of the 'schn' being satisfying or an interesting word, from seeing other words like 'schnobble', 'schnizzle' etc.
I.e. perhaps the vector for the 'schn' token has an 'interesting' element to it.

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