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Schedule!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7K6RInG3Dw

スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>85857065
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pJɴ poɴ pᴀɴ poɴ
I’ll have my Ina to myself all day for the 27th
takotime +2?
cute art
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Yeah, save for TF2 (Takotime-1) and the sponsor (Takotime+6)
I'm glad we finally got a bit of Luna on the last day, it was super cute.
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w-why are they playing Titanfall2 in 2024? also wtf is Deadlock?
I think inas new skill is being able to play 2 recorders with her nose
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Anyone know what was going on with iofi in this situation? I coudln't understand what they were saying.
My Ina has hooked another blondie, this time a Platinum.
She got a kiss from Sora and called in that she needed a medic.
Ina flew in to find her fine and, having put her noodles down for this shit, hassled her about slacking off.
Iofi pretended to be dying of happiness and Ina gave her a reason to need medical attention.
Oh lol
I thought she'd gotten hurt and glitched somehow
iofi got her penis stuck inside sora
Flare knows she is getting cucked...
also weird but I don't know what she is talking about since I haven't seen her mentioned in any comments on Ina's streams
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Tacos de tako anyone?
I haven't seen anything either but honestly I haven't even paid attention, maybe Noel or IRyS? The again she's very anal about shipping and lewds
Perhaps it happened more on the JP side of things with Hajime? I think I saw some comments about it on livestreams but those are the usual greys and clipfags.
Probably "people" mentioning her in the context of the Ina/Bancho stuff in GTA.
Flare's quick to try to address things like that, if anything I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.
didn't even think about that, this might be it
pretty good
Why is he shocked? Get him outta there and I'll switch places.
Keep it up anon!

Everyone knows, in lovecraftian cults the greatest reward is to be eaten first.
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sorry anon, takos are friends not food
missing my 6 hour Ina stream today
Ina meant to say squids
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This larp is even more retarded. Get back to the drawing board
Are you squidding me?
I saw it a couple times in Laplus' stream even when Ina rescued her on day 4. Stuff like "Flare will kill you www" "Flare will arrive on the scene in 3 minutes". I'm sure they were just joking around but it's not that outlandish that you'll get some autist like this that is actually taking it seriously.
Probably gets spammed so much it gets on everyone's nerves, you know how chatfags are.
I already miss the GTA arc...
that explains it, her fanbase is all clip watchers
Ame has really shit taste
It's team fortress 2
isn't that game bot-hell right now?
I assume they're going to be playing in a private server
>call zeta a cocksleeve
>no real life
>Fubuki praising Ina and telling her to take the reins
I am pretty happy she has a packed schedule this week, I kinda expected her to go on a bit of a break after GTA, since so much stuff happened in the last two months. I just hope she isn't overworking herself again.
doesn't titanfall have a hacker issue too or did they fix it
They shouldn't have cut out the part where they spawned 3 helicopters ontop of each other. I'm amazed nobody died.
I'm hoping the fact that she has a semi-regular schedule in Japan with somewhat normal human hours is helping with this too.
I'm amazed Banchou managed to take off in that situation. Her heli did crash but a lot later.
>packed schedule
>3 streams on the 27th
>Only 28th with no stream
This is pretty packed. Not sure what you are on about.
stream tomorrow, thursday, three on friday, and on sunday. Six hour stream yesterday.
their servers got ddosed for a while but its alright now i think.
the multiplayer has a resurgence every time the game is on sale. Sadly sweats who cant hold back always make sure the playerbase rarely sticks
That was great.
All of them were so eager to go save her they were tripping over each other.
>This is pretty packed
have standards really dropped so low?
New larp?
The medics arriving to the prison courtyard needed Metal Gear music.

Ina should have said 待たせたなぁ
>7 streams in a week
atleast try to put some effort in your bait
>counting the last GTA stream
>it's the bot
of course...
ah sorry i forgot monday isnt part of a week
super retard
the week starts when she releases her schedule
don't even know why I'm bothering responding to you retarded globalfags
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Nice new larp faggot. One day the ancient ones judgement will come for you and there will be no mercy upon your sinners soul.
galactic retard
I hope Ina collabs with Bae next week
To be fair it did start at around 7pm her time though. If she was still back home I’d imagine she’d take a super break after having to wake up at 5 or 3 am for 7 days straight.
I really like when Ina joins these arcs because she streams so much more. These past 6 streams were amazing.
Me when Ina
of course jptards would be the ones posting their shipwar shit on others' chats
wrong tab?
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The thread schizo is getting pretty fucking annoying, I'm gonna have to do something about it.
I can only wish Ina's next GTA character would look like that if she ever joined a gang.
She'd be better as a rooftop tako or a hitman, but a man can only dream. Maybe I just played too much GTA IV.
Important members poll
please let mostly talking win instead of mainly gameplay
No matter what she ends up joining, the probability that she becomes a rooftop sniper is incredibly high knowing her kek.
b-but anon... Baba is literally me...
I'm shocked talking isn't winning by a landslide, even more shocking that Ina doesn't get many gifted memberships so the retards choosing mostly gameplay are more likely actual takos
I'm voting for Baba is You, too bad
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I'm actually shocked by the gap. When did >we become like this? I swear back then most takos would have chosen to have a nice chill and comfy chat with her. Especially when she's in Japan doing lots of stuff with barely any time to stream. I'm kinda disappointed honestly.
Probably the
>still plenty of talking!
So people will think they get the best of both worlds
I voted for zatsu since there should be plenty stories to talk about, idk why the others voted for gameplay
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>Ina chatting about Japan and other things
>Ina overheating her brain trying to figure out puzzles in Baba Is You
Both options are good
it's literally not even a choice, people voting for gameplay are not takos
Probably, but there's a big difference between the kind of chatting she can have while playing a game like this, and an actual brain-dead game + Zatsu.
Honestly I kinda just want her to be more focused on us than the game... I know I'm being a needy menhera but I missed her more intimate member Zatsu stream

Let's not do the old "not a real tako" thing again. I'm just happy we get something honestly.
I will remove all the flaps of takos voting for gameplay
There's never been a shortage of retards.
I think it's time for a purge
A week ago I would have voted more talking without question, but now I feel like people will keep asking about the same thing even if she doesn't want to talk about it.
Anyway which option do I vote for more slay the spire?
I'd love more roguelike/deckbuilding shit in general
balatro, peglin, slay the spire
>but now I feel like people will keep asking about the same thing even if she doesn't want to talk about it.
Oh, that's kinda fair actually.
>overheating her brain trying to figure out puzzles in Baba Is You
is it an actually challenging puzzle game?
It is challenging for real dopes
>gap grew another 3%
It is so fucking over man. I can only hope (and I can't believe I am saying this) that the SEAtakos save us when they wake up.
The more Ina the better
I don't care what format she arrives in
Yes but it's also a special case in that the nature of the game turns you into blabbering retard speaking in tongues. Even being backseated is confusing because the backeating comes in the form of "do me is skull and do bug is me then drag the skull that came from the me to the me that came from the bug then do skull is keke"
honestly, yeah. Past the first few worlds Baba gets into some serious mindfuckery. I'm not sure who in holo could actually complete it without copious backseating.
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this except for collabs with whores
I don't think Biboo's ass is that fat
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Cute dopes
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Well, she has my attention for as long as it stays like that.
Her retarded baby voice and behavior coupled with her sexo in-game character made me diamond every time she appeared on Ina's pov
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I really love Ina
Conveniently timed:
is Hajime cool? I can't allow anyone who isn't at least cooler than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime near my Ina.
That's a high bar, but consider this

Hajime's pretty cool
Sora is an expensive whore
She's not doing collabs with your mother anon.
yeah no shit, my mother isn't a whore
by the way, when is the last time you talked to your dad?
6 months until new monhun arc
>35/65 disparity in the poal
I thought we were all one sided
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where are her sunglasses? she is kinda uncool without her shades...
Thinking about her
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would you guys wear this?
Ina and Biboo should really consider having an off collab sex stream
nigga you wear capes outside?
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a-are you saying you wear capes inside? that's kinda cringe...
I don’t have boobs so nah
No because the brooch was off-center, not in the middle like that.
It annoyed me so much that the brooch for the cape was the same for everyone instead of being their guild's symbol. At least Ina was in the blue guild so it was close enough.
maybe indoors
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Neither does Ina but she still wore it
Should I get a Samsung galaxy 24 ultra or a iPhone 16 pro max? I want to see my Ina in the best quality possible.
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you should get a pc with a 4k 60fps monitor
But Ina is a girl with girly bits underneath, meanwhile I have balls and can cum semen.
I already have a pc with a 4070 in it and an 800 dollar oled monitor. Meconopsis was very pretty to look at.
with me in the middle
I love all Inas
Just build a PC man
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1. Don't buy Apple trash products
2. Never buy the newest generation
phone screens are all kinda the same nowadays because of the high pixel density. Dont waste too much money on a phone, ina only streams at 1080p anyways
That bad boy can hold SO many liters of gasoline.
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Now that Iname is soon to be dead forever, what other member can tank getting raped by Ina's tigers?
why the fuck was this deleted?
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Ina's being cute with her pet rock on Twitter again
InaxBiboo monhun collabs next year confirmed
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did the release get confirmed for february? also are dual blades cool yet?
>did the release get confirmed for february?
Feb 28th

>also are dual blades cool yet?
I can't bear to look, does the combat still look flaccid like in MHrise?
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The cunny rock offers her "services"
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yeah, she can be Ina's whetstone
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>In between Ina and an empty week to play whatever
Imagine being this guy
I do not care about that guy.
Monhun seems so boring yet i've watched every Ina stream of it
I hope Ina uses cool weapons like DB, Bow or IG
I hope she uses the coolest weapon: Hammer
that's the lamest weapon...
no one looks cool while sharpening a hammer
Can you shut the fuck up already
Nothing is cooler than staring a monster right in the eye and smacking it in the face until it falls over.

This is correct though. I wish they'd make those low-sharpness skills less shit.
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>Game flops
>Ina realizes that Takos don't love each other as much as she thought
So the next arc begins...
it's world but more casual
Hearing the palicos actually speak is fucking weird
Is such a thing even possible?
why are women in MH so ugly
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surprised there's no gif yet
yo I just got the members post notification... 19 hours after Ina posted it...
I hope you voted the correct option
My Inaaa
what is this game about? it looks like pikuniku
It's a block-pushing puzzle game, but it lets you change the rules of how the game works by rearranging them like any other block.
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You're pretty good
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Ina is baba
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Most of the holo indie games cost money and unlike the AmiAmi merch she wouldn't get anything for shilling them.
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>Baba is literally me
>Baba is Ina
I am Ina?
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She would have a clearer conscious
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Ina Is Wall
This week's events reminded me that Ina is the only one that remains...
what happened to nabi
Nabi is back apparently. Don't remember where I read it, but she apparently stream occasionally under a new (similar) @, but deletes the streams.
The ameway....
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her last 2 tweets are from 3 days ago and 4 months ago respectively and there are no links to her channel(s) so I think you got lied to
deleting streams combined with not associating her main account checks out with wanting to separate the two, I don't know for what purpose though
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surely Lumina-san won't just dissapear one day and we will get to see Ina collab with her at least twice...
She will probably disappear into Ina's sex dungeon
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b-but anon, if that happens Ina will probably forget to feed her one week...
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I would like to apologize for posting the wrong link, I meant to post Ina's cover of I'm Yours.
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I saw that
*beheads you*
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We all have our retard moments, I checked if the link was right beforehand but it looks like I still failed to post the right one. Listen to that Ina cover though, I don't have the soundpost but if someone has it then it's a mandatory listen for your daily dose.
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It's fine Taquito, could have been something worse.

I wish Ina would stop avoiding unarchived karaoke
I don't care if it's just Semptember for 8 hours I like hearing her sing in english.
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Ina generally doesn't really do karaokes. Even when she does some, it's mainly to sing Japanese songs (which I do like, but I definitely wouldn't be against some English ones).
I feel like when she sings in English, it makes her lisp more noticeable, which I find cute.
First the takos disappear and now they hide their wall art?
Instead I will listen to
Either way she stopped doing en karaokes at some point claiming that she doesn't know all that many songs
But maaan, they were some of her best.
Still empty though
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The peanut truly is the tako car
Fat fuck.
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there will be at least 3 Ina references in Splatoon4, mark my words
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Honestly its really rough going from being on Vacation and able to watch GTAkino every day at 12:00 to being back to my regular schedule and having to sacrifice some sleep to watch Ina. I wish I was a neet.
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damn... eurokeks are back to taking daily Ls like usual
I wish I wasn't a neet but I also wish I had a comfy job with a flexible schedule.
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I watch Ina whatever the hour is. You watch the streams depending on a schedule, while I build a schedule depending on the streams, we are not the same.
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Work schedules and sleep schedules can be changed.
Ina is what's important.
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guys my takos keep gettig killed... I don't want to play with variants but it seems that's the only way to make my takos stronger...
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Rewatching Ina's daring Helicopter rooftop rescue for Irys
She's so cool...
Meanwhile, the other pilots...

This but unironically
IRyS and Hajime sort of got a handle on it towards the end, but the others were hopeless.
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Has anyone made a playlist of Ina's 3D streams?
Ina soon
is Ina smart enough for this game?
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She fell asleep, it's takover...
guys... my tard can't even peel an egg...
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they still have more things to record for???
ina training to beat ame up one last time
My noodle wife...
Ina is wearing a weighted suit... So cool
ina probably has a 3d live near the end of this year and they are also recording fes
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oh yeah, I completely forgot fes happens every year
is the herman miller actually comfy? personally I want something like a laz boy for my desk
I can barely lift 15kg right now...
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It is but I imagine it's obscenely overpriced.
I need a new chair myself I hope I can find something decent locally.
They're not meant to be comfy
You need to start lifting...
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>I imagine it's obscenely overpriced
I'll say
I bought a good imitation for less than 200 bucks that served me very well for a long time.
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sounds like a skill issue
I'd hoped we would've lost the fucks that whine about things being in Japanese by now.
don't jpigs get taught english at school?
ina you should collab with luna and just communicate by touching tongues
Me too
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Ina should start speaking korean so chat kills itself right now
in the 4 years since debut people could have easily learned japanese.
Fuck even just watching some jp streams here and there should make you able to get a decent idea at what a conversation is about
Holy shit she's just like me...
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks she did improve a lot
Ina's japanese sounds like neet-trash that must be removed from society...
I should really start learning Japanese
I've never understood the mentality of complaining that things from the Japanese Entertainment Company are in Japanese
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I will never learn japanese, literal dying language
I've tried a few times, and I'm trying again.
Taking it one day at a time.
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yo wanna go eat ramen datttebayo desu? *leaves a shadow clone*
Ina is literally an anime protagonist
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The trick is to find a white collar business that just went broke and buy it for pennies on the dollar
its because you get wet, but you dont dry well in the AC. Lowers the fuck out of your core temp
The purpose is Ina...
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when hololive stops being treated as a hobby it becomes soulless
Man I love this girl.
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based true idol soul
I don't like this conversation... Making me anxious
Same, but it's nice to hear her say she has reasons to stay
This should reassure you if anything.
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Ina is literally Hannah Montana
I need to take better advantage of the fact that I have no social life...
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Same, but she's also confirming she's committed and enjoying it, and that's ultimately a win.
oh nonononononono
I am too tired to parse if this entire convo should make me worried or happy/proud
I missed the first 40 minutes what has my Ina been doing
I don't recall, last time she talked about moving, did she mention how that would affect takotime?
The latter.
my Ina has sacrificed so much for me...
She finally got to the salmon in her onigiri
Time for me to move to japan
I get >>86074130 because it makes me feel like she knows what to do now because she is thinking of the end of it, when she's "done."
Felt the same when Aqua began streaming daily and when Ame began finishing games...
But moving to Japan is a pretty good reassurance.
I just came home and Ina sounds serious, what's going on?
I agree, it's a bittersweet feeling
It should, but my brain always goes to extremes, like "What if the hobby stops being fun?", "What if she eventually has to choose between her job or Holo" etc.
I'm happy for her, but I'm scared about the possibility of her having to make sacrifices Holy, she just mentioned it as I was typing this that would end up cutting the time we have with her even more.
Realistically speaking she's trying to reassure us that she's not thinking about leaving anytime soon, some people would say the fact that she's mentioning it at all is concerning but given that one of her genmates is leaving soon, it's a relevant topic if nothing else
Nothing lasts forever.
Ina's a smart girl, she's always been aware that there will be an end some day.
What's important is that she's enjoying herself while she can and doesn't have any reason to hasten that end.
japan >>>>> the rest of the world
The only thing worrying is her desire to communicate with normies. Its been a while since Ive heard her this motivated
Reminds me, I should start backing stuff up
more of the standard "hey guys less streaming more projects from here on out" with a side of "maybe I'll live in Japan permanently after all"
I'm glad she's able to acknowledge that being in Hololive has improved her life and also encouraged her to improve herself. It's something I feel we don't really ever hear when people graduate from companies, it's always about the negatives, so it's nice to hear positives
The blog stream was kino
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vlog content is cringe but at least Ina has fun...
Staff san W for once ?
Ina won't say it but it's the food what made her comfortable...
I just hope japan isnt rosetinted glasses. Would suck if she moves but then after a while she realises it just felt more appealing since its fresh
She's been there enough previously that she'd talked about the novelty wearing off.
What the ever living fuck is it with everyone moving to Japan? It's supposed to be Hololive EN, not fucking Hololive JP speaking EN. The whole point is to cover ALL the time zones of the globe. You can't fucking do that if everyone moves to Japan.
Well since she's going to be there for so long maybe she'll reconsider again
On one hand I am really glad she enjoys her time in JP. I want her to be happy, to enjoy her life, to see more, all the things she talks about.
On the other hand I am deathly afraid of her changing anything, particulary Takotime. In the end her happiness is obviously more important, but it feels kinda bittersweet to me rn.
The point of Hololive English is Hololive in English
Yeah some of what she mentioned comes from a fresh environment, but easier access to hololive resources is more than that
Given Ina's current "priestess" work Japan will certainly present her big advantages.
The point is for my Ina to have fun and get opportunities to do things she wants to do.
I don't care what time zone she's in.
she's streaming near her timeslot while in Japan right this moment
Ina wants to experience the things she can only do as a Hololive member and enjoy the artistic experience of living in japan as an anime illustrator, for that reason she is thinking about moving to japan.
Did you understand that or do I have to say it in apples?
She truly is an amazing person
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So this is the power of the "more thinking/gameplay involving stream"
nah its the power of her onigiri
real takos won in the end
Say it in apples anyway!
it's easier for interviews, events and galleries
Ina knew we wanted this, it's a mercy from the priestess.
She saw that I voted for talking.
She said it would be both, after all

Missing the point. Hololive EN is supposed to cater to the global English audience. Not just those fortunate enough to live in a timezone that can catch JP streams.

Ina isn't the only EN member thinking of moving full time. Koseki and a few others are as well. What's the point of having a global branch if there are once again massive dead zones no one streams in cause everyone is in Japan?
true but if she starts to live there permenantly it will most likely shift to later. She said this was the earliest she woke up in a while
I reckon it might shift to takotime +3-5
Just bait it is, then
She is not going to start speaking in japanese every stream, anon and right now it's literally 7pm in the human side of the world, literal prime time for NA
I don't care about Holo EN or what it is or isn't supposed to do.
I care about Ina, and a couple of the other girls.
>Reddit Spacing
Go. Back. To whatever shithole you came from
Ina is ready to think. Watch out
she's making me feel like a dad sometimes
baba is no more...
>died on the first level
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maybe I'll start replacing all gosling pictures I have with Baba since he is literally me
>I'm the wall
I really like watching her think.
Wall is certainly Ina.
I appreciate that we can see how her flaps move while she's thinking
its like listening to a 2 year old talking about his day
I hope she's not looking at chat
Baba is cool
but baba is not you
neal is poo
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I thought it said stink

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