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A place for all Indie ES vtubers.

Spanish speaking indies only. Feel free to talk about japanese indies learning the language

Previous thread >>85816771
clona chan love
[insert your oshi HERE] is a whore
[oshi] LOVE
>other OP forgot to add spanish somewhere
>anglos think is a regular smol indies thread
OP clearly rushed it after seeing this one KEKW
I've made peace with the fact meica and koa fans are gonna post wherever they want, i dont get why divide it though
kek what a bitch
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Sylvie LOVE
Designed to ride ojisan argies
VN status?
But thats not Nisha
Working on it.
How's progress going? I saw the Sylvie drawing you did a few days ago and it looks awesome.
Keep going, VNbro
Actually I prefer the other thread, that way shitters will be drown in other chuubas discussion, I'll be posting there
>mfw is actually a VN sis
>mfw no face
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Join matrix with your fellow sisters there's actual women there
I miss Neon...
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The hag allegations had already been debunked with her
She's a cultured young woman...
You assholes were calling Mao a scammer for the same thing, fucking double standars with megajorn whores
fuck off Mao
Calm the fuck down genki
I love her so much
I'm not genki
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Since Giftschlangen hasn't streamed due to her poor health, I've been spending time wondering why I like her so much. Yeah, her content is nice, she's smart, she's interesting and all that, but there are plenty of chuubas out there that are just as well. She's weird, we know there are other girls even weirder. She's not the most parasocial woman, I dream about her more than she dreams about me.

But then, I figured it out: No matter what anyone says, she's not a whore. I'm serious, I love her because she's not a whore.

Giftschlangen could have been one of the biggest whores on the internet. She had the chance many times. She did hang out with radiofaggots, but even there, she didn't act like a whore. She has a sexy voice and an attractive model, but she didn't act like a whore. She's been offered money to show parts of her body, but she didn't act like a whore. Giftschlangen was in OWOZU, the ultimate academy for the biggest whores, but even there, she didn't act like a whore.

She's not a whore trying to look holy, nor is she a whore waiting to be a whore. She's pure, but not entirely.

She always says she's not a tsundere, because she actually loves passionately. She's a wife. A Slutty wife just for her husband.

I'm her husband.
I still don't have mommy issues
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not even ai could make this
I thought I loved her, but I guess not enough. I must try harder.
So your love for her is mainly based on your hate for other women? Not the best look.
shut up morenazi
twitch whore
Don't jinx it
Now that twitch is banning vtubbers we might have an exodus of twitch thots in yt
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>everyone is Yamu
Why would Yamu even write that
>10 minutes
Monitoring 100%.
This. Gift is only a tool for her “fans” to shit on other girls.
Hey bro...
Do you have a social life or are you in front of the screen all day?
Gifts is too wholesome and nerdy cute
why is yamu so shit? she ruined the whole spic chuuba scene!
I miss Neon
I miss Anya
captcha: ANYA0
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The QUEEN GI stream
Sylvie says that she can't ban because she's in vr and the person gets banned right after and she says she doesn't have mods KEK
Just how high is she

She truly lies as she breathes
wasn't the goal supposed to have been met? or did he raise it again? what a scam of “extensible”?
So sylvie has stress ulcers, well nothing that a little of clona can't fix
the most loliest dayyyy
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After Gifts karaoke i just cant even listen to her shit attempt at singing
I see Sylvie's onlyfans closer than her debut
She only cares about money so it can happen
a video of her playing the guitar
but that will never happen KEK
Sylvie says she have to save for some things, I wonder after Ko-Fi's tremendous scam she still doesn't have enough? Not to mention, her rigg was free
Goal it's above 7k now
She said that her rig is almost finished, yet the rig payment goal is still at 82%
How is that possible?
Because to begin with, her rigg was free, she just wanted an excuse to make easy money
she is so fucking high
Don't waste your money supporting Sylvie...
invest it better in Yamu's future goal <3
But that fag is not rigging the official model
I'd rather spend it on whores than on that fucking asshole
>Mexican filter
Have you watched his streams? He's doing the base rigg, all she said is that there will be several suits and each suit has its own rigg
she gets shy in the sponsor cute
But is that the official model she will use on her debut? I thought it was just a promotion project with that fag with another artist
What I understood is that this is the official body model, but the official suit is not made by that guy
S-She's so big... (;^ω^)but she can enter too!
>tfw those meica ai images getting railed by a dog pass trough your mind
fuck off morenazi
That's animal abuse
what you mean, those never happened
ano... she's already inside and if you don't know it's because you're a fake matrixbro
When did Sylvie mention watching SNK?
Sylvie goodgirl will help you
matrixsis here, who of all current members is meica?
>first time I watch Sylvie's end card
>lots of AI stuff included in the fanart reel
>none of mine are there
This is her way of telling me to fuck off right?
Feels bad man.
Thank You Based Mao

While my MEICAGOD does a stream with epic as a sponsor..
the choripanera suffers with the problems of her pc...
Today was a good day.
Explain why a community anon needs a maro account
Who tf is papas777
Still no papas gf
this meme is only funny with white girls
qrd on v-idol
yet another company that's gonna sink
I don't know about that
I do
Supposedly is the new corpo from the Sedai CEO
Is that one corp that was looking for jp speakers?
>Sedai CEO
It's so maover before it even started
>Sedai CEO
You mean magnus?
Magnus was a talent manager, CEO is another dude, equally disgusting tho
Me, what's up?
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whoa that looks cool
Did you made that?
>pixelanon really left sylvie
Cool mouse
Post Kanas
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I want her to touch my piton
I thought nezus were supposed to be high school students
2 motherboard in only a few months sus...
but talking about yamu, I am not surprised
now run to donate more kofi so that she will make more excuses in the future.
They're mice
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Post the rest
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Crayon my beloved
Join matrix crayonbro
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No thanks bro
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go be gay somewhee else
We respect trans rights here
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post her lewds
>asking for dicks
you don't like a cute feminine penis?
hi matrixfag
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The queen stream
>not even Gifts can save this karaoke
It's Maover
Where is that roped nezu pic when I need it.
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Yamu love
Courtesy of the other thread
I miss Mao already
I wanna vomit.
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I love her so much
may God bless flat flacas
Cover that mirror
like yamu does
You got any example of a flaca with big boobs?
Gifts, Aisu
Kotori is moving to YouTube
She hasn't committed suicide yet?
You don't have to worry because that will never happen
Supremacia trannies should be gassed
Send her them negroid
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>senseless battles
Don't anons get tired of doing the same thing every day?
meanwhile Meicagod is hanging out with the big leagues and getting better every day
Lo unico que tienes que hacer es venderte como prostituta barata, AYYY MI LOCO GODD
You talk as if youtubers don't have the batshit craziest drama and funas you can imagine
Just look at Meica's role model Nimu
?? if he was the one who proposed and was watching to her from the beginning
leave the traumas of the past anon
Imagine getting proud of your oshi getting in the fleshtubing shithole.
>complaining about drama and cucking
>post the biggest drama whore with the cuckest fan base
What kind of behavior is this?
Never watched her beyond her one duolingo stream as misora, glad to see her doing well
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MeicaGOD <3 let her cook
Irony I asume
Misopitas wouldn't allow this bullshit
It is coming
thank goodness they died
Fuck them
She ejected poor Sylverk collab because of those assholes
soldaditos are mentally ill
The clona effect is bouta kick in
Stop deflecting brocucksito
stop projecting sylvie
Not even the Jew thread wanted Brocucksitos
>average faggot here (You): spic whore as oshi
>me an intelectual: La+ as oshi
that's why your life will always revolve around the dramas of the whore you follow
Her flabby relaxed cunny must feel really good
Puchy is so lucky
Enya being cryptic in her alt
I can’t believe it Clona it’s Splatoon
Post screencap
He knows he’s trash also
>Otro intento de manipular a Sylvie
We need screenshots
He’s trying to groom Melkozito rn
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>grooming Melkozito
Why is he a trash bag now?
He wants to manipulate Sylvie
Like always, also he’s trying to make Sylvie feels like shit trying to groom Melkozito to play LoL with him
>if you go for a girl who is single you have to go against many men
>if you go for a girl with a [redacted] you only have to go against one
Shark mentality
His selfie
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It's the same faggot trying to get Sylvie's attention so he can manipulate her
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C'mon pushit, the number one fan already has a crazy advantage, you don't need to help him win even faster with your cringe berrinche
Test can save Sylvie.
Testbros we won!!!
He should be Sylvie's mod to purge all the trannies
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cuckchi sugay
what happened now why did pushit removed his oshi mark kek
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That number one fan is a matrixtard ifykyk
Damn, that explains why he is so overpowered
Fan... matrixfag... fan of Sylvie... it's epsteinfan isn't it?
>epsteinfan = test
>they are desperate to revive their dead thread
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*shoots xirself*
Oh no noo gorda traidora don't look
LOL osea OMG en plan Holyshit
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MeicaGOD does it again
Elite05 is canon
oh yes
what a chad
>wins by doing nothing
pushit sogay
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He is right, sadly
She asks for love and loyalty but the moment a streamer tells her to gape her ass wide open she complies
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Today on yet another groomVT scandal
Shit similar to crayon with the groomer saying they were in a relationship
>groomed only applies to U18 because adult women cant get groo-ACK
Also she should call Sylvie https://x.com/SylvieRuru/status/1838777055376183648
Stop trying fucking nigger
Raped. Fucking. Faggot
sylvie should give mod to puchad to make all the groomers seethe KEK
ok puchy, now go groom melkozito
>still nobody commented how much of a gigabrat Sylvie was in the collab with her mom Gifts
Do tell me again the ones posting negative shit of her are anons and I will fucking maul you alive.
alright dude
No one has commented on anything besides her voice and community anyways
Just her shitter shitting on her voice for some reason
It's a mix of her schizo plus her discord groomers.
I think that annoying faggot it’s Pushit
he is the most based because he makes everybody seethe
Si Puchy Si
I wanna kurimu her aisu
>fags watching over other fags
Are they gay? at least tsundere anon talks about girls
What happened to the other thread? Why did it got archived?
it sucked
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what video?
I aint reading all that crap
Good for you
Sorry that happened
Based beyond belief
Kek and all is forgiven for her, alpha female behaviour.
Based Meica
I didn't know Meica was so based...
The only based thing was taking advantage of Mai noboshit
ogey mai
Meica sounds like a brat... correction needed
>Can't stop thinking about Yamu...
ok yamu
I need Yamu microbikini
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OP forgot to samefag it
groomer nest in ruins kek
Would you join that shit?
This gay ass, aids ridden, pill popping, dildo having, queer nigger follows clippers KWAB
link to comments?
idk comes from twitter schizo who looks like nexcell
A 18 yo new rich brat taking advantage on a 30 yo woman sounds hot af
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Oh no no no
>Mai got blueballed
the faggot who wrote this clearly doesn't watch her streams
>se aprovecha de Mai, Mai paga todo
where the hell did this faggot come from? seriously, before Mai Noboshit grommed Meica and convinced her to leave her family and go live with her, she had an average of 10 viewers, worked 14 hours and ate only once a day because she was poor
We will ever get a Chubas this based
not even schizos agree on their narrative kek they are just a joke as always
(you) have sylvie
We have already
We have
That slut gets into a drama every five minutes to get attention
That's non relevant to this >>86129986
And she's also always crying for attention on Twitter, she self proclaims as a pick me in one of her two alts, she's also a /here/ chuuba
that will not end well long time
Mao Mao
So ture
afraid so
So what
Preach brother
I'm here to destroy my life. (Not really I'll save myself and my oshi, then we'll live happily ever after)
Mao , sylvie and yamu 100%
Hey slave, make another indiES thread chop chop
Are the rumors true?
small indies specifically
>Sylvie: involved in dramas every day
>Yamu: doesn't want to stream and constant suicide threats
>Mao:.....well, nobody cares about her.
Gifts is the only decent vtuber /here/ and she's not even GFE...
dónde está mi perra que hace los hilos???? ya se está tardando el muy bastardo
He asked for mentally ill chuubas, Gifts is not mentally ill enough
Wait for the matrix admin to wake up she makes smol indies
>Mao:.....well, nobody cares about her.
Harsh but fair
A mentally sound vtuber isn't going to go full no brakes two way parasocial
Maotrix cares
bludwick talking xirself
0 posts about mao this week

Maosistas... we got left behind
>He isn't in the Mao dedicated channel
How can u post here and not there nigga
I wanted to have a mutually destructive parasocial relationship with my oshi but I know that would hurt her too and I love her too much to do that, I want to heal her instead now.
3 rooms
Schizofrenic cage 1 and 2
That doesn't exist
Lies, Epsteinfan was posting low quality Maos as always
dats the /natamo/ room dumbass nigga
bro your sylvie? like literally

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