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2view and small 3view indies general
This one
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yt shilled me this
idk if it counts
you forgot the spanish part
And how do you know that?
Good maorning
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Dionne cute
Op fucked up
Saw a thread about her a few days ago and decided to watch her. I'm a sucker for sheep models too
Chilling and playing celeste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPR6zyDI30c
she cute
she streams?
I don't mind sharing thread with EN bros
Yes, she looks cute
Here's another sheep, she comfy
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If this fix our shitters problem, i'm ok with it
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What do you think about my sheep?
Tiene tantos estilos
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mao should play mu online
wtf retards stop hiring pajeet coders or is just AI
Can we modify the OP post to add en chuubas? Something like:
>2view and small 3view indies general. English and Spanish welcome.
Post Maos
It's hard to say this but... I agree with Silverk
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I don't know what they are doing but expect AI to replace pajeets soon, shit it's crazy
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Megajorn is so lucky
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You are obsessed, kid.
why don't go back to samefag in to your shit thread.
why do matrixfags shill megajorn whores
ok dropped
>instant seethe
Good god there's less anons that I thought
No shit sherlok, shit died with Akira retardation, fags moved back to the hololive.
What do you mean?
>last one is january 2023
I was today years old when I found out filename tranny is also maotranny aka a matrixfag and that matrixfag is the creator of matrix
>So he is the schizo?
No, he was seething because some fag dared to attack Yamu.
Should I care?
You shouldn't it's a nothingburger
This and the other thread are in life support by one "anon" bumping them
also yamucuc
By the mao jpegs you can tell its a matrixfag kek, they all have the same filename format
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These threads die instantly when the schizo is not around for his usual meltdown
there is nothing worth of a melty, or bait replies, but hopefully sylvie will deliver
The kid has been whining for like two years already
This reeks of jealous 2view, shitting in Kanita won't help you
No shitters allowed, not of any kind.
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What do you think?
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I found a pixelated chuuba
Never getting tired of pink chuubas they're like a drug for me...
Kotone wants to ditch twitch
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Oop! She goes here too~! Everyone does!
She should bring back her old microphone too for the nostalgia
What the fuck?
Never clicking that shit
What now?
Oh that looks cute
el que mierda es a donde vaya lo seguirá siendo, plus the chat is a reflection of the streamer, so fuck you cunt.
Seethe, parasocial vtubing will triumph
>sylvie will deliver
fuck off nigga
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1 word, porn, post lewds if you want anons.
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Is that Giftschlangen's daughter?
What's the matter, inviteanon? The people you send keep getting scared like pussies
This, everyone who joins leaves after 5 minutes
>anons scared of literal troons
Jesus Christ that's dire. Did they at least grief or troll or anything?
Why don't you go and check, or are you scared too?
I'm not an anon I'm from facebook
Send my regards to sacro
but i'm a Holopapu
we literally and figuratively rule this place
Natamochads rule this place
Holopapus rule this place Hail >:v
kek spantaron a los gringos
Can you guys spread this >>85995827
The matrixfags want more anons
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alright gentlemen im in need for something here
I looking for a vutber that's.. how do I say this.. "Based" as the kids would say
a vtuber who's not too faggy and piss/shit herself when there's something "wrong" on screen or chat, a good filtration system would be.. (someone who's racist and doesn't try to hide it)
not Filian for sure, I like Neuro-sama and somewhat pippa

is there's anyone worth TRICKLE IN her stream?
Yes, but this is the spic indies general, sir
sylvie ruru
Sylvie Ruru, literally. she doesn’t give a fuck. but she’s cunny
Sif Kamila
yeah but how about some english speaking vtubers,
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oh, my bad
Don't worry, OP is at fault for not including the spanish part anywhere
Michiyo Mao has the potential but she needs to be groomed into being more open with her basedness
Swedish loli 1view too
You're welcome to talk about EN chuubas too, we need more anons. I'll get informed myself on EN indies.
Her mods are a bunch of oversensitive faggots too
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its always ALWAYS the mods who ruined it
This is why i dropped Mao kek bunch of AW mods
The are literal homosexuals and cant help but AW
It was really bad during her first month but now they barely do it anymore
Once a mod annoyed her so much she told him to shut the fuck up kek
Imagine having mods
sylvie pls
I’m Yamu
Are kick Vtubers allowed if they are male?
this is true
I have a crush on my oshi
She is cute
qrd on v-idol
me too
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My cute chinese girl
Puta come vergas de peruanos
But enough about your mom
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Any girl that makes this supremacia puberto seethe is worth posting
we don't talk about ourselves here
>filename tranny desperately browsing for twitter pics to post
Very interesting indeed
Is the payasito still having his fit on her maros?
But my mom it’s not Mao
Supremacia Militar
He responds in 10 minutes tops before slipping back into diabetic coma
but enough about yamu
>fag posted timestamps but forgot the video link
at least we can rely in ole filename tranny to keep this thread bumped i guess
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>browsing for twitter pics to post
From where else people get their pics?
Nah, the supremacia kiddie woke up for his daily meltdown
IdolES are male collabers now. Who can I watch here?
Even Koa?
Not yet but the staff of that shit corpo are pushing their homo branches everywhere and organizing a lot of huge tournaments trying to make them collab. Even if she doesn't, that environment is gradually becoming more and more uncomfortable
Many people are saying this
Idol has an homo branch?
This happens every second

Is like looking in the timestream
What's the flavor of the month schizophrenia this kiddie brought today?
just watch Koa, she's safe as can be in that regard.
Expect Idolboys soon
Maochiyo Mio
you don't take screenshots?
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What about fanart?
Here I think none of them, all have questionable behavior or aren't 100% certain, except for shura and yamu, but shura is on twitch and yamu isn't streaming
fuck off Yamu puta esqueletica
Sylvie hasn't collabed with a fag on stream "officially" yet, and knowing he is an idolfag he is possibly searching for cunnytubers
Mao, Sylvie Ruru, Shura Hiwa, Yukine Olwin, etc
Sylvie will never collab with a male. She knows what will happen if that shit happens, also she keeps shitting on them
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>not male collabs and shilling
But she already received a free model from a male vtuber, she's not safe anymore, no matter how much the little soldaditos want to do mental gymnastics
Still dont know where that fag came from. If he were a soldaditos Im willing to give it a pass but thats clearly not the case here
nigga, it was a gift even shura received a gift from that nigger. Stop trying fucking anyaschizo
>ohnonono she can’t accept a free model
>But Shura and other ones can
Kys bunch of fucking faggots.
I like to watch
If this thread was more popular it'd rival /pkg/ for schizos
The thing is that this place is dead af and the schizo is the only one shitposting loudly
Maowing rn
that's why we need EN chuubas to drown them out
That's what I say too, if he were a fan, at least it could be called a fan project, but it's not even from their community, and for some reason, they seem fine with that
This is the shitter thread, the real comfy one is two blocks down the catalog
Is not a gift, it is a promotion deal, and it would haven't been a big deal if the dude making it was just a rigger, the problem is that he is also a male vtuber
What do you suggest?
And? that doesn’t means she’s going to collab with him, retarded nigger
>that doesn’t means she’s going to collab with him
I never suggested she will, so calm your tits
And a groomer
When did sylvie mention watching snk with her mom before yesterday?
Actually is the other way around but the shitters decided to move here this morning for some reason
In her stream she says her mom hates Eren
Which chuuba would make a full metal jacket watchalong?
That was yesterday, Im asking before that
I don’t remember, she only said that her mom watch anime with her
Why are you asking?
Pushit mentioned before she even say a thing about it
Seriously? What minute? And she only mentioned it yesterday and she didn't mention it anywhere else
I don't know but this was mentioned in the thread months ago
Not her to
She has mentioned watching anime with her mom but never snk
She mentions it at 29:10 but I couldn't find anything from Pushit mentioning it before that
I clearly remember snk and Sylvie being talked about
She talked about it but never about her seeing it with her mother
I remember her mother too
>Pushit it’s trying again
Cunny cunnyta
I miss Neon...
K anal meru
Muchachos, any Arg vtubers you would recommend? I came across two of them and it's cool to see a few local ones
Which ones are you watching?
Kunnita, the wachifurras gang, Aisu Kurimu
This doesn't even sound like Runa what the fuck?
Aurora and Nosfery, i saw them on ig
I don't know why I asked that was pure slop ewww
Really unfair Nosfery cucked her ES audience and saved the sex vampire model for anglos
based if you ask me
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Was Sylvie's voice so ugly?
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The only ugly thing about Sylvie is her community
he fucked the voice changer
What a shitty stream
Go to your thread
Sylvie is a small ES indie isn't she?
You're right, but right now you have a dedicated thread.
Fags using certain chuuba as OP pic doesn't mean is a "dedicated" thread
>dedicated thread
If you're not gonna say anything good, you better say nothing.
Watch out guys the hall monitor woke up
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Anything good
I can't listen to that justin bieber song without thinking about el bananero version
>se sabe las canciones militares en aleman
>eso no es bueno
I don't know if it's just suggestion, but I'm starting to hear her with a chipmunk voice
Is Sylvie using bots? It is strange that despite being close to 10k her average is still the same as when she was only 3k
She have one of the best cunny voices out there. kys fucking choripaner
La jirafa esqueletica celosa jajaja
try to stop me fag
Her voice used to be cute, it was similar to Shondo, now it's like listening to alvin and the chipmunks
Her shit commitment to streaming led her to poor engagement
The problem is that she has favorites, have you ever seen a stream where she doesn't give more attention to certain people?
ok yamu
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>everyone is Yamu
ok yamu
you sound like a poorfag
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I don't think she will play with bots after the last hacking
When they donate? yes
No, it's obvious that she have favorites just by looking at the interactions in X
Test is the only fan she needs
It didn't necessarily have to be her, there are managers who promise girls to grow and since they don't grow they resort to bots
>Sylvie space reading /here/ tomorrow
nigga she just have and endoscope kys. Also >>86085160
This, he's way better than pushit
she flanderized herself
Are you suggesting that Sylvie has a "manager"?
She’s fine, she needs to do more shorts and collabs, she’s growing fast
pushit is larping as her manager
If they fight, she will only ban Test
Ogey test
The cringe cliperro was too busy with meica to be on Sylvie's stream today
That shit never happens kek

That fag can't even manage his own autism to try to manage someone else
Like he did in Eru’s stream, kek
Enough about community fags, let's talk about me.
seething pushit?
It's quite strange how Sylvie acts as if someone is giving her advice
She will never ban Test, nigga. Test already was fighting with Pushit and she doesn’t ban him
Not now papas
hi mao
fuck off yamu
Anons are giving her advice, she came /here/ for it the other day and she'll come again later after the stream
She’s getting advice from Gifts or Shura. they interact too much lately
That would be her soldanons job, if she didn't close her maros
That was months ago, I'd like to see Test try again
Friendly reminder that pushi will never beat anons, he lost already two times.
I don’t want her to read that fucking jealous 2views insulting her cute and precious voice.
For example, she always made fun of the Argentine currency and suddenly defended the currency in a recent stream
>Test already was fighting with Pushit and she doesn’t ban him
holy kek you are right, and he was among the first ones to call him pushit sugay lmao
That was a matrixfag larping
Real Sylvie should have provided a simple proof it was her, like she did in the past
She will never ban him. it’s her favorite. He’s the only one who never leaves her btw
Yet she still listened to the advice
She said she doesn’t give a fuck about the currency of any country, stop trying piss shit
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>he believes that was Sylvie
this was fucking pathetic
its obvious she is with puchy
ok Puchy in your dreams maybe
>fake fan cant even recognize his oshi writting style
Everyone knows pushit is the one who shits on sylvie to hurt her selfsteen and groom her easily
sylvie escribe del orto aproposito xd tipo asi cualkier pndjo se creeria q es ella kek
sure thing test
This. Nobody has said anything about her voice or the rrat of the “voice changer” since her spaces or twitter audios, fucking obese cliperro
This, but I don't understand why she doesn't ban him
You do understand why but youre still in denial about it
Can these supremacia trannies just join the 41% already?
I love Sylvie’s cute voice. I love her laugh. I love when she’s happy. Please Sylvie, never think you have a ugly voice, your voice it’s perfect just like you and please, take care of yourself. My little gremlin princess
Just add 'xd' at the end of every sentence, and they'll believe it
Because that nigga has contact with meicaca
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Hi Sylvie, im epsteinfan here hiii helloooo!!!
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, that faggot has no contact with Meica
He is her "editor"
He have, he’s her editor
If she already have problems con mierdanisha imagine with Meicaca
Y porque crees que los cerró? puto retrasado.
>matrixfag larping
Who? Give me a name
Because your jokes where not funny anymore and she got bored of you, payasito
Hey Hanten
Nah. its all pettancuck and her groomers fault.
And what's your train of thought to assume that's why she doesn't ban him?
>le hanten boogeyman
Still better than Koa’s fake ass duck voice
That she's just an interested whore and Pushit must have promised her a collab with Meica
Because she is stupid and forgives fags easily
Just look at how she forgave that retad fer after he shittalked her like crazy back then
Do you think she doesn’t know that he’s the editor of meicaca, right? and that meicagona have contacts and shit like that.
You truly lack critical information
She doesn’t give a fuck. she just doesn’t wanna have to deal with another schizo like pettancuck
Specially this. Perdona todo, amo eso de ella, pero a la vez lo odio. Incluso perdonó a los Anons y sigue los consejos, Sylvie estúpida
He's doing far more damage killing her paypigs from the inside than what he would do as a buthurt schizo
She is not gonna forgive you petancuck
>Imagine taking seriously what Pushit say
Her paypigs are a bunch of maricones then
She may ignore him, but still treats him as one of her favorites
anoasado sigue enojado porque Sylvie le dio mute por 10 minutos hahaha
She won't forgive you harassing her and her friends, filisha.
She ignores him, that’s why he’s with Eru. he’s trying to manipulate her so fucking much. he even waited until her drawin appeared, only because he knows Sylvie would watch the VOD
Anons give way better advice than any "manager"
Or do you still think twitch is a good option after everything that is happening?
All chuubas are coming back to Yotube.
Yeah but she needs to read these shits? >>86080879 >>86081720 >>86082172 >>86084308
She needs to separate the anons from the shitters.
Also >>86085480 >>86086954
I prefer her to not coming to this shithole anymore.
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>blaming anons for what butthurt supremacia trannies that hate anons and our girls do
We're all anonymous here sadly, unless whoever's shitting on Sylvie suddenly decides to namefag nothing is ever gonna change.
Que tienen los de la supremacia con Sylvie ahora?
>Supremacia Militar
You come from there, so you tell me
Nigger she read all the stupid shit he sent yesterday in the chat
Last one for the day
Everything is very strange, but whatever the reason, she wants him close and will never ban him
they will never understand that they will always throw shit at our girls because of their insecurities. Sylvie luckily her voice is real and she's one of the most cunnys you can find, and that pisses them off kek, it's pathetic to throw shit like that, I'd rather they mention these assholes that ere in her community than attack her with her insecurities.
They hate anons and attack /our/ girls as revenge
Si Puchy Si
Can't you differentiate anons posts from shitters?
last for clona chan love
More like parroting physical traits and qualities those trannies assume are insecurities
Are they not?
No, unless you are projecting
she always says she hates her adorable voice
Being an anon is being a yes-man, sure
A threadwatcher like him would never know that
She just likes to play the vistima to get complimented, like most women
if you do then i suggest you stop taking this corpse of a general so seriously
>he keeps samefagging
uh oh pushit melty!
New thread

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