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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
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remwembew to take youw meds wuffian
fwmc is like level 100 mob boss giving level 1-25 lower "otaku" their first real idol experiences
thinkin bout big sweaty fuawawa hangers and mocobutt smell
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fwmc aren't japanese so they sweat and also have foreigner smell i wonder if they're constantly using gatsby because of that
Those wipes are so handy, I wouldn't be surprised.
Imagine the amount of sweat drops running down the crevice between Fuwawa's breasts
Does FUWAMOCO use fax machines? Heard that Japan is still stuck in its old ways and use those. Also, is their writing Japanese good? Have they talked about that at any point?
yeah admittedly i use them diligently as well though it is starting to cool down
They bought a mail to fax subscription
fwmc probably cannot write in japanese aside from kana and maybe some really basic kanji
it is true that japanese society is still heavily paper-based but that is more so the amount of paperwork you have to fill out at any office or government service. you have to go in person to fill it out and they will file/fax them for you
fear the giggles
Was Koro-san the one who suffered the most during this? lmao
s-surely all these JP tweets are inky temporary right and not the new normal right? So many tweets during jp hours in full japanese this week and basically none in English
I like these a lot
do your reps
do your weps wuffian!!
kys clique snake
Accept that they will do almost whatever it takes to get to 1m, or move on if it really upsets you.
why do they only care about the posts on the japanese tag? I posted the same thing on two accounts with the only difference being that tag and got a like on the JP one
take your meds
>having to do reps for EN members
if you actually loved japan you would understand
I'm just reporting what I found in case someone is curious. I would use that tag if you're posting your reviews and favorite moments of the week along with #FUWAMOCO
I get why they're doing it since but it is annoying
Time has passed, our trust grew, and we've become closer in unique ways. Alone time with you Fuwawa Encouraging each other Mococo Just like you two, this excited and calmed my heart… These were wonderful to hear [1/3]
You're so thoughtful, I'm never too busy for you. You're cute when embarrassed, too. It does suit you It's special to me, how we bond over sharing food like this, but just now wasn't on purpose! Campfire time… It's a promise.
One of my favorite students needs a little encouragement. It's cute, just like you, and your charm too. You make it easy to praise you! You can go swim To borrow some words… You don't need to trick me to help you …Gotta run!
Stop reading this thread you menheras
You have to do reps for all of them
If you want to watch FUWAMOCO you have to do some idol and Japan reps
If you want to watch Shiori you have to do autism reps
If you want to watch Biboo you have to do zoomer meme and cunny sex reps
If you want to watch Nerissa you have to do Twilight and Runescape reps

Your choice
>"What are you doing, FuwaMoco? Speak. Did you forget? The reason why you're here. Isn’t it to stream for EN ruffians? For your SC paypigs… for the attention whores, for the menheras… you have to stream for them. You keep speaking English. Even if its during the stream, and even after the stream. This is… the language… you were born with, isn’t it?”
posts all made by the sametranny
don't listen to this fag
Holy christ this is the third time they've retweeted the same clip post. are they fucking this guy? You will never measure up to him.
Sisters still seething I see
EWWW negative japanese guy rizz...
I hate what they are doing with the JP shit, it fucking drives me insane. It especially gets on my nerves that Fuwawa is forcing Moco-chan to behave like this. I'm too schizo though to leave them.
If I didn't know they were in holoEN and looked at their feed right now I'd assume they were in the JP branch. That's probably what they want though. They are going to have a lot of angry jp subs when they go back to doing normal English streams
This isn't right. They should be retweeting Phoenix clips for the EN fans.
It's reverse psychology, they'll just read the thread harder out of spite.
feels good being a longtime jp bro fwmc is like the best of both worlds

>when they go back to doing normal English streams
Kys pissnix. They are done with low effort EN clip spammers. Look at how much higher quality JP clippers are. No wonder they want to change branches
Besides Biboo, who will be the best TF2 player in Advent
You need to wait a few hours for that, but it's coming. Don't worry!
Not him but did you see how shit the clips were that FBK showed today? JP clippers are awful, they have no sense of when to cut stuff and what to (not) show.
>jp clipper appears
>pissnix gets ignored
japanese humor please understand
I had a really bad day yesterday and I watched some of the older pre Japan streams to cheer myself up. I feel sick thinking that we won't ever go back to those times again. Why did things turn out like this...
I wonder what game modes they'll play in the garry's mod collab. Last time was TTT and a little bit of death run right?
Shiori is a good gamer in general, she'll be 2nd best.
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more fuwawas like this pls
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why is she like this?
JP like spree. search "フワモコ" on twitter
y'all are delulu if you think fwmc is SEISO!!!
i don’t care about mococo
It depends on the clipper but I find the JP ones on average a lot better than the EN ones. JP clippers actually put on some effort with editing, providing context and also they make actually good 助かる compilations.
I haven't watched her play many games, I guess now is a good time to watch her recent L4D2 collab and maybe some Blasphemous.
can confirm. got one on my JP alt
No one can change my mind that this is all Fuwawa's retarded decision making. She should get the message from double pov streams and stop forcing Mococo do things she doesn't really wanna do.
What does that mean in this context?
It's gotten samey or it'll shift angles if one doesn't work.. Like majority of it have the same style. Just swap names, shift some text and GPT it like this one >>85976003 or it's one retard replying to itself. It's the same shit at around the same timeframes too.
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I need to take more screenshots of them during stream, I haven't done it much at all since the new year's outfits.
I wonder when they're going to update their hashtags to japanese?
The guy has been talking about killing himself for months.
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But isn't that what big sisters are for?
you don't need to confirm kek. there's a sea of JP screencaps
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it's fucked that they blanket like Japanese fans but pick and choose EN ones like they're limited. Shows off their true priorities
the truth is fwmc knows that vtubing is losing steam in the west and is jumping ship to jp while they still can where it is stronger than ever

I don't know how they pick the names either. it's like a chatbot gets a feed of the accounts they retweet and just fills in the blanks on the same loops
I'm going to start using deepl to reply to them I don't give a fuck if it bothers them or makes no sense this is all their fault. Fucking stupid jp cocksleeves
take your meds jose
Don't forget, the EN stream tonight has officially been cancelled. There is no replacement for the game they were going to play, just a free night.
oh I actually got a like from them but I missed it because they aren't verified
Why don't they follow random EN fan clip accounts like markchen
Hmm thread is being updated but no new posts are showing up. I wonder if it's bots, subhumans, or both!
do they really have favorite ruffians
>Just. Like. That!
The japanese ones yeah
yeah the japanese and overseas ruffians who have sworn their loyalty to japan
No it's just a coincidence that it's the same dozen or so ruffians who get 30% of all likes and rts
At first I thought this thread was getting raided constantly. Turns out sadly that it's actual schizo menhera ruffians.
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Will they retweet it
Like, I don't know, there are "あたし助かる" compilations, which would be you saying you were "saved" by a talent saying "Atashi" instead of talking about themselves in third person like they usually do. Sometimes Koro-san and other talents will slip up and say あたし instead of ころねは••• and so on
Did you miss the top 10 ruffians ranking in the members anniversary?
Fuwawa will
it must be tough on fwmc to be only real otaku in hololive
it really took them three generations to hire girls who actually understand otaku and idol culture
it's actually really sad how much they mislead EN fans when you compare the first 100 days to now. We had those few moments but now the JP tourists get them for the rest of their lives
is it just me or they are more JP than EN now?
Irys at least will always speak in two languages unless shes collab and speaking with JPs
>they mislead
They constantly emphasize those are temporary and don't think things for granted.
>idol culture
Until she oshihenned to kpop that is
One of them did, she just stopped a few yeara before joining.
Don't reply to it
how would you react if you found out fuwamoco had a boyfriend behind the scenes
They're the only like for some of those JP tweets. This isn't different from the egosa they've done before because a single like is enough to get someone to watch and pay attention.
In another timeline, Kiara and them will be pushing hard for idol culture together. It is what it is.
I ate some fish sticks the other day and my tummy hort was an 11 for a few hours but has been at a constant 1-3 since it calmed down
even the top en ruffian that watches every stream is ranked below the jp gray name that says they're cute and never watches again
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Emphasize EN streams will be temporary?
This always was their dream, kys anti
Some JP-niki won't even subscribe until they get a like kek
i think her case is different though, like surface level understanding following only the mainstream
fwmc has an understanding how idols down to the grassroots nature of it with their knowledge on the chika scene
that soul is the real idol experience if you ask me and vtubing is just another evolution of that kind of culture if you think about it

i'm talking about strictly en
That one retard here really loves posting that shit edit, doesn't he.
>wake up
>more jp only tweets
i might as well die at this point...
>three generations
Obviously that anon meant HoloEN when he said "hololive"
that's because they understand how things work
>i think her case is different though, like surface level understanding following only the mainstream
Lol no. FWMC and her are contemporaries. Kiara just decide to move on.
legacy of kain soul reaver 1 and 2 remaster got leaked, do you think they would like those games?
Yeah. She was hard in the 'scene' for like 15 years of her life. The only difference is she didn't research the history, and most of her knowledge comes from the time she was there.
I hope he keeps posting it. I love those stupid ugly edits and I get at least a small chuckle every time.
They're too old to do what they do
I'm kind of surprised he doesn't post the other one from the myth ttrpg
It's a pretty funny morph to be fair
yeah alright, you are delulu if you think fwmc and kiara and even close to being on the same level on the otaku scale
you can be in the scene for a similar amount of time but the amount of dedication and effort poured in is what actually matters
it’s funny
so I need to start being openly menhera and abusive publicly? I'll post I'm going to kill myself if I don't get a like soon if this keeps up. I feel abandoned by the FUWAMOCO I thought I knew and I should stop hiding these cloudy thoughts
they're perfect and i support them following their dreams
they are an inspiration to me l
I'm the favorite Ruffian
they don't game aside from novel games
you're right there's no comparison. Kiara was so much more successful than them it isn't fair to discuss. they moved like disabled elders even in their prime
What, like a give and take? I'd agree with that. Acknowledging your fans if they're earnestly supporting you makes them feel good and want to do it more.
Can you make it ao oni colored?
Who would have guessed, a shitposting faggot also loves dox shit
You sisters could at least attempt to know what they do
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Is this where I hit the "beg for mint" button?
Jokes aside, I am surprised they haven't collabbed yet.
same, they’re great friends
prerecorded dancing isn't that hard
collabing with that leech would be a red line for me. they are so far above her they shouldn't even acknowledge her existence
listen fwmc may seem like a novelty to you guys but there is no shortage of girls for japanese otaku to support in japan. the scene is incredibly competitive and fans need to vet in order to see if supporting someone is worth their time
I hate Mintbeggars so much
yet both ended up in the same company but only one is actually living their dreams of amassing a large number of japanese fans
their favorite ruffian dog strings is constantly asking both of them about it so it'll happen just for him. probably when they play mgs3
Is there a concert coming up? How come they are having dance practice now?
They should play Halo 3 ODST.
if you don't use it you lose it dancing is just a part of the idol routine
They got bored and are now shotting for Holo v Holo. The sad part is it works a lot better because half the fags here who actually like FWMC dislike most of EN for no reason.
>their favorite ruffian dog strings
I feel the name of their favorite ruffian changes according to your whims.
they're in the 3 weeks of practice for a 5 minute appearance on someone else's 3D live loop. This is the normal now forever until people stop inviting them which will probably be a long whole
i honestly do not see a mint collab happening sorry guys
They might be guests in some 3D live or recording an MV or shorts at some point soon. Or it's early FES preparations.
there's plenty of reasons to not like most of EN
Kiara is younger than then and significantly more successful even in hololive. Look how many songs and concert performances she has compared to them. don't know if you want to make this argument. even FUWAMOCO know they can't compare didn't you hear Fuwawa wishing she had fans like the KFP during the BD watchalong?
We haven't gotten a 1-on-1 with milkyqueen. There is no way they will collab with mint before that.
They just got their first 1 on 1 EN collab outside of Advent and Mori. Not happening at all, even though they are good friends irl
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Wuffians were going to play SAO coop, right?
Not liking and actively hating are different things.
The interesting thing is that they used to ask Kiara for advice in the past.
Timestamp on that?
Also lol of course Kiara is more successful than them in Hololive considering she's had a three year head start and the pandemic buff.
they already had an off collab with mint
If the game was $30 I would think about it but I'd be more willing to spend $60 gambling in TF2 desu
I'll get it if it goes on sale. If anything it just made me want to go back to playing PSO2
What makes the Japanese wipes different?
Throughout the Makai and Japan I alone am the favored one
You guys often do well at ignoring retarded trash leaving the fags to self replying, why the fuck is it any different for Holo v Holo bait? Do you really want to win some console fight with some retard looking for (you)s?
>Kiara is younger than then

>Look how many songs and concert performances she has compared to them. don't know if you want to make this argument.
lmao you're comparing a gen 1 en to a conbi that debuted a little over a year ago yet only a less than 500k subcount difference despite the three year gap

>Fuwawa wishing she had fans like the KFP
are you dumb she's saying this to tell ruffians to be as loyal to them

Let's just say that Kiara debuted with Myth 4 years ago and she still behind them. I don't wanna take a vacation so I'll just stop there.
i want fwmc to appear in taiko no tatujin
If I get my friends to try it, maybe. Playing the net test threw me right back in MonHun kek
"BAU"DOL in any arcade rhythm game would be so kino
How many days did it take for FWMC to get their reputation as the last medics you'd want in HoloGTA?
I was waiting for someone to make a chart for muse dash. I would do it myself but I'm not confident at all.
fwmc cooking is an idea the dogs have in their back pocket mark my words
Fuwawa soup...
I saw Lolikami from Ui at an arcade in Sydney
What arcade rhythm games have had Hololive songs added to them recently? I know Nene had Tetote Connect a couple years ago.
Wait, what if the Round 1 collab includes this?
They did talk about it, when filing their papers for the move it was all handwriting, and they said that they made sure to use kanji for everything, even though people told them it was ok to use kana since they were foreigners, that it was a matter of pride to them. They learned the proper way, which is why it took them so long too.
Also talked about stroke order and radicals when talking about learning japanese. Ignore this retarded nigger >>85975137
suspicion already there after mumei, but it's completely solidified after korone
Rather than Fuwawa, I want Mococo to give me a nursing handjob. I want her clumsy but enthusiastic paws on me while I suck on her mosquito bites and she goes "UEH, am I doing good Raffian? Am I doing it right?".
it would be nice considering that taiko is apparently going to america according to the stream but it is unlikely. they did have a niji collab on taiko a couple of months back

are you dumb of course they would opt to using kanji when it comes to writing important information like their address, less likely to have to deal with a big headache in the future. no chance they can write all the jouyou kanji nor do they have a reason to when the still they'll actually have to handwrite is the same stuff every time and so very rarely at that

>Also talked about stroke order and radicals when talking about learning japanese.
means nothing
So did anyone end up buying EDF?
Wasn't it Groove Coaster? I remember Bae playing her song on it, she also did some of the announcer voices I mean, it was a year ago, not exactly recently...
They could do a thing where other holomem bring ingredients and Fuwawa puts in miso so it's technically Fuwawa Soup by her definition. I think that's mochiyori or yaminabe or something like that in Japanese.
What stream?
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Is cute and dorky
What machine?

I just get sad because the machines near me that I like like Jubeat or crossbeats rev sunrise are discontinued (I think? I'm new to this)
Should I take a break until next April? Will things be better then?
FWMCNabe could be a good idea for an interview show. I'm sure they'd get bowls for that.
They will be worse.
Like a series with just one or two guests each time? I was thinking a one time thing with a bunch of guests all at once, but having too many people at once would be hard to stream I guess.
>giving a stream idea as a backdoor to get them to buy bowls
I want to play but even on sale it's too much for me right now and the sale ends just before I might be able to buy it
I don't see things improving dramatically from now till then so it's up to you.
I can't believe Shiori kissed a kissless virgin like me. I was saving my chastity for Fuwawa.
It's ok she kissraped me several times and after the 3rd time I started beginning to like it..
Doesn't have to be the newest one, 5 is perfectly fine and it would even be preferred before playing 6
If you want to go even cheaper then there's 4 but I can't guarantee you'll enjoy it as much as 5 or 6 since it lacks a lot of QoL stuff
I don't have a good idea of their living/streaming space, so I was thinking of one or two guests, yeah. But I can see it as a one-off with a bunch of people to play party games and eat being just as fun.
5 is pretty cheap I might be able to get it before the sale ends but no promises.
>schizos that denounced JP streams privately are getting mindbroken by the JP tweets
holy kek it's so hilarious. they also can't stop themselves from watching the streams because they would miss out on the small chance at a like or retweet! what a sad life
I like this idea. A while back, we talked about like a potential new corner in FWMC Morning where FWMC would give us a recipe to try out for the Ruffians. This sounds like it'd be a good idea to have every once in a while as a stream like this anon mentioned with some tweaks. >>85979450
the dogs need to go on longer walks
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alright I got 5
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Are you this anon? >>85979761
>no hearts
bou bou...
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wheres today's EN low effort clip retweet?
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Alright, now just to keep shilling it to see if we find 2 others and decide whether I use my main account or not
Hi leddit
should I put moon runes in my username? Will that make them love me more subconsciously?
i cannot imagine a worse humiliation ritual than being holostar en
Yes and make sure you're grey they love greys too
their style of japanese is very cute
Someone should do an experiment
Make a new twitter acc with some typical jp name and tweet something like "FUWAMOCO seem kinda fun, I think if they gave me a like I would sub to them www" but in Japanese of course and see what happens
You know they aren't ever gonna change. They'll always behave like this. If it annoys you so much then just stop watching instead of being full on menhera.
Love the FWMC wall
I've already done it on several accounts. it's not that hard but they have a good memory so you'll have to change names and profile pictures if you want to continue to bait likes. the JP makes it a lot easier though.
One thing I've been meaning to do once my newest is not shadowbanned is say I was introduced to then through the ASMR and wondering if i shoukd subscribe to see more of that content
why don't they make a Japanese tweet about born to be baudol to retweet?
you need help
fuck you you're gonna fuck around and get us more japanese asmr
Behave how? Cute and sweet?
We're never getting asmr
people who have done their reps, this come to no surprise that they favor a jp audience. they spent a good chunk of their lives doing so. the only reason they did english vtubing in their pl, because it was in demand, and they wanted in on the hype, plus the company they worked for wanted to sell vn to the en market. otherwise, they probably would have only done jp streams. it's ironic that thanks to en paypigs, they are back to entertaining a jp audience.
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how are those reps looking ruffians
have not started and never will
Haven't even started
>>85979096 (me)
>>85979450 (me)
I think gonna post this to #FWMChelp if it isn't too weird to post something there that came from here
Go ahead.
Thanks, Fuwawa.
I don't care to learn jap since it doesn't serve me any real purpose in life
go for it. but the only recipes they know are cabbage in a bag with chicken. soup. and raw veggies
I'm cumming~!!
i told you it's already in the back pocket
oh God yes Fuwawa keep going I love the fluff so much.. I exploded but she just keeps bouncing and bouncing and bouncing....
Get better hobbies.
That's what the other holomem bringing something is for
she knows how to drive me crazy oh my gosh my goodness the way she moves her body has me acting extra silly today. oh fuck she just blew in my ear my mind is starting to go blank
I would start but I asked that one day 200+ reps ruffian and he didn't reply to me... I just wanted to know if he'd do things differently now after being 200+ days in, maybe from his own experience he realized that if he were to do it all over again he'd tackle learning JP in a better, more efficient way now.
And what his overall approach to starting it would look like now with what he learned.
Haven't touched them for almost a year now...
how can she keep getting away with this? she has taken over my life and I am nothing but her wuffian to use as she pleases... I hope mocochan doesn't wake up and find us... this woman is dangerous
Is it autism?
the way her thighs and clenching... her legs pushing me deeper inside... she is taking everything I have and still hungers for more. I love Fuwawa so much. My fluffy princess
Learn the most basic of grammar
Learn some basic vocabulary
Don't even bother learning to write or read, just watch streams and get used to listening and the flow of nip conversations
Once you start being able to recognize the speech patterns and words spoken just look up any that you didn't understand
Keep at it until you have N1 vocab
anki is the best and most efficient method to get started with at the moment and even then it's good to keep up with if you can't immerse in your target language 24/7
200+ day ruffian probably didn't say anything because 200 days from zero really isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, probably couldn't even pass n4
there's no way around it you just gotta do it
I came for Fuwawa. Good night.
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good wuffian!! one more?
wan moa?
cringe erp shit kys
doggy paws typed this post
Stop objectifying them and misrepresenting their character. they are pure virgins who get horny from time to time just like everyone else but they doesn't mean they're whores or want to have sex with you
Congrats on 1196 followers tekzi! Almost to the big 1200!! thank you for the clips always. bau bau ##FUWAMOCO
i respect them as fellow japan enthusiasts. they received the greatest blessing and i am happy for them. i wish them luck in their continued journey
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nice that's good for 5th place in the pawprint twitter account rankings! no wonder he shows up on their for you so much
sub 50k to go
thank you GTA-sama
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Have they ever said sheesh? I have a vague memory of them saying that.
Honestly, purityschizo scares the shit out of me. He went from not posting about them to 10-20 tweets a day. And the tweets are the creepy kind.
i can hear fuwawa saying sheesh but not in the meme way
Pornographic sex with Fuwawa
It slowed down. FuwaMoco thanking mugetsu along with "thank you for always being there" for the same kind of ritual tweets that purityschizo does while its own tweets are constantly ignored must have hurt. That and its art not being RT'd or even used in Holo GTA.
Honestly, he is one creepy motherfucker and I hope he oshihens.
> I hope he oshihens.
Unlikely. I know this type of person; a two-faced snake with a long memory. if hurt, they'll show no anger, but will calculate and wait. They're usually cunning, cold and unaffectionate.
that's because there is a difference between the bulk of en fans and the type of en fan that they're looking for
there's a reason there isn't a whole lot of overlap with the fanbases of some of the biggest en indies and the en fwmc fanbase
How do we save the baubaus?
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Millions must bau
saw this a few days ago
if I guaranteed them 50k subscribers by the end of the month would they have sex with me?
bau bau will be sieg heil of 21st century
Fuwawa, probably. Mococo, absolutely not.
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i miss my wives so much
They don't miss you at all. Stop being a baby
delaying another EN stream is one thing but you're telling me they can't do anything tonight instead? They put this on the schedule already knowing it would be delayed... they keep coming up with new bullshit excuses to stream less at NA timeslots
India is an untapped audience they could hit 10 million subs in a year if they become their only vtuber
Anon, they also follow basically every single JP fan who clips them while they dont follow a single EN clipper(even tho they literally stalk all EN clipper's twitter homepage). They're willing to mass like and follow JP fans cause they know there wont be as much "jealousy" since they're still of rhe mind that they have little JP mindshare and very little overlap.
They clearly approach JP fans and EN fans in a different way.
it's called quality over quantity anon
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Yes they do, they told me so
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same desu
What's up, gamers? What are you doing tonight with the extra time? Don't tell me you're gonna read trannies looping retarded shit for hours.
baffling post. They dont need "excuses." If they didnt want to stream at NA time they'd simply stream at JST hours
NTA and I agree with all you said but they don't follow any of those EN accounts because they have paw prints and already are addicted to them. There's nothing to gain besides people being jealous or menhera. They use follows to try to get extra attention and art from the creators that don't really pay attention to them at all. sometimes it goes very well like hinatahirune other times it ends up like that lying whore koahri
Hoping more anons get EDF 5 or 6 to blast some aliens together, preferably 5
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>JP Weps
>finish Obra Din
>make handburgers
>end the night with Day 5 and more of my elfwife
Honestly my day is a bit packed, so I dont know why I'm wasting time here...
Which is exactly what they've been doing this month. They are still doing the money collection donathons at NA time because that's when piggies like anan and agri are awake. you saw how they specifically mentioned missing them in the early streams and guilted him to donate in the last holo gta one. Basically the only reason they stream at their old timeslot still is to keep the money flowing and fans in love
probably gonna watch anime with a friend
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Hey Ruffians, day 33 of fumbling my way through 日本語
Got like 250 upkeep cards at once and then did a few core2.3k cards but was sick of seeing the amount of cards waiting so I just marked them all as hard so they are pushed back a little but come back soon.
I'm remembering why I kept taking long breaks when trying to make my way through the core deck, the cards that have sentences on the front are so easy to remember but the majority of cards are just Kanji on the front with the sentence on the back. I could go through the whole deck and make the sentence on the back display on the front of every card but editing decks and cards on phone is a pain and if I'm going through that amount of effort I think it would be better spent on making my own deck anyway.
I'm thinking about keeping my new cards low but starting moewayN4 & ankidroneN4 at the same time while doing core2.3k, maybe set new cards to 3 a day that way it's almost 10 new cards a day but split across 3 decks?
That's all for now, FUWAMOCO LOVE BAUBAU!
with the recent way FUWAMOCO have been talking about wanting to see the Ruffians update about what they are doing while thinking about them I've been thinking about posting my reps on Twitter instead, but then I won't really have a reason to come /here/ anymore...
Are they asleep?
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, ojisan. They don't sleep until they retweet a Pissnix clip.
>Which is exactly what they've been doing this month
Yes while going out of their way to stream WAY too much during EN primetime when not a single other EN girl who's a part of HoloGTA has done the same. Honestly they're doing way too much and some of you refuse to appreciate just how hard they try for (you).
They could have easily only scheduled JST GTA streams and everyone would have understood, but instead you're bitching and moaning about them not streaming enough for (you) despite the fact that they're killing themselves for just fucking you when you dont deserve it.
Maybe I'll start on 100%ing Yakuza 0, the gambling games were a big blocker. I need to do start my gym and JP reps again too
That's something they'd love to see
retard stick to one deck also get the version of core that doesn't have sentence cards at all and then start mining as soon as you finish it
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I wanted to go to a yugioh tourney, but it might get cancelled due to heavy rains in my city rn :(
thats actually a good idea, and I've been considering the same, especially after they mentioned wanting to know whats up with all of us.
Honestly it.amkes sense theyd say that too. We're there with them every single day, shower them with love/praise, and have gotten to know them + become relatively familiar faces(even if youre JUST in chat) so It makes sense from their persepctive... Maybe I should start posting more walks and cat pictures? I have a lot of cats...
Sex 2 is finally out
too big
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NTA but the decks with full sentences are actually better for me cause its help me to understand not just the words/kanji, but also conjugation and sentence structure.
When I was learning through core2k it was brutal and completely unfun, and almost killed my desire to learn the language imo.
I think what FWMC said about "having fun with it" matters way more than going about it in a clinical way
Might farm some more components in Rust tonight since I got enough resources for the wipe.
have absolutely zero interest in receiving attention from fwmc or any vtubers for that matter
in fact i'd prefer it if they didn't knew i existed at all. once hesitated following a vtuber live on stream because i didn't know if they have follow alerts
Yeah I was thinking they would like to see it but I have mixed feelings about posting it to Twitter.
Is there a reason why you think it's better to stick with one deck? I've found a ton of overlap between the moeway and ankidrone n5 decks. Also I've found sentence cards to be way easier to remember so I'm not sure why you're advocating for not having them...
Good for you, I suppose.
The two hour Ruffian tier list was a bit much I thought.
I'm ready for my physical nurse Fuzzy
i don't recall ever asking
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Hand over your cat pictures, wuffian.
>Is there a reason why you think it's better to stick with one deck? I've found a ton of overlap between the moeway and ankidrone n5 decks. Also I've found sentence cards to be way easier to remember so I'm not sure why you're advocating for not having them...
He's just a /djt/fag from /jp/ who's trying to get you to literally drop the language through "recommendation overload."
It happens all the time. If you're noticing progress and having fun, that is ALL that matters
are there sexer versions in the patreon
>NTA but the decks with full sentences are actually better for me cause its help me to understand not just the words/kanji, but also conjugation and sentence structure.
your reliance on the sentence will come back to bite you in the butt. you're remember the shape of the sentence rather than the word itself and when you encounter that word in isolation you'll be less likely to recall it
there will come several times when learning isn't fun and you're just going to have to suck it up and get through it, especially if you want to break through and advance

>Is there a reason why you think it's better to stick with one deck? I've found a ton of overlap between the moeway and ankidrone n5 decks
that is exactly the issue, you're messing up the algorithm because you're encountering the same words too often. your pass/fail rate on cards effect how the algorithm adjusts intervals on cards you're learning, so you're screwing yourself by doing multiple decks with the same cards, especially with the newly implemented FSRS algorithm
Why does Fuwawa want pics of my bratty cat?
>and when you encounter that word in isolation you'll be less likely to recall it
how did you encounter a word in complete isolation in the first place
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I'm running a mothership session for some friends of my friends tonight, so I guess I'll stick around longer. Get them to buy me a pizza or whatever kek
by "in isolation" i meant when you encounter the word in any other sentence but the sentence you're familiar with it in
plus japanese words are in isolation (on their own) all the time, on signs, thumbnails, advertisements, etc.
I reviewed the VOD now that it's been a few days and looks like that faggot gorilla was full banned by YouTube. Entire account is hone and all the superchats don't appear in chat replays anymore
>mothership session
what's that
I assumed they'd cancel the Mimicry stream tonight, so I asked my parents if they were free for dinner on Saturday.
Its worked for me so far, so not sure why I'd stop and suddenly switch gears back to "level 0". So basically, I appreciate it but nah not listening.
Correcting "bad habits" is fine, but overreliance on constantly correcting habits before they even form cause you "arent doing things the ideal academic way" is exactly why SO MANY zoomers/millenials have a ha it of picking up and dropping skills before they even learn the fucking basics. I see it time and time again.
If you want to learn to draw, pick up a pencil and start drawing.
If you want to learn the Banjo, pick up a banjo with finger picks and look up sheet music for Non Non Biyori's first theme or the Outer Wilds theme(Basically something you WANT to play).
Will you form "bad habits" you may have to correct later?
Yeah sure probably, but you need to actually have the DESIRE to learn and slowly turn that into a daily ha it, and clinically downloading core2k and dreading it every single day ain't it chief.

Just my experience, appreciate the advice nonetheless
He said he did a chargeback so his account getting nuked makes sense
Why the hell did he do a chargeback?
So did I hear right that I should post pics of my cat on twitter and tag FUWAMOCO?
It's a scifi horror ttrpg. Pretty much an easy way to play Alien.
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you stupid bitch
Losers like him just want the attention.
they skipped him and terminally /here/ retards think being a faggot in public is ok. glad he got shut down
>when you encounter the word in any other sentence but the sentence you're familiar with it in
you're talking as if the card of a word is the only sentence in the whole deck that contains that word
>on signs, thumbnails, advertisements
not exactly complete isolation because you have the context that it's being used on signs/thumbnails/ads
Domt talk about yourself like this, anontama....
Speaking of that members archive, the thing they said no to that mane chan said wouldn't fit into their schedule has to be the week-long 7 days to die holoEN server that Gigi is hosting, isn't it?
I think I'll just do it my way for now.
Yeah he might be, might not be.
But I do agree with you saying to have fun with it, doing the core deck by itself was really bringing back the feeling of dreading learning Japanese again but I like the compromise I'm planning by doing it a little at the time alongside decks I'm having more fun with.
>dreading it every single day
it really isn't like that. you just haven't yet learned how to "learn" japanese yet (your brain hasn't developed the synapses for the reward system) so it's going to seem like a slog to you, but really doing your reps just becomes a part of your daily routine
it's better to experience this early on, because you will eventually realize that you're relying on the sentence rather than truly familiarizing yourself with the word and fix the card in the future anyway. i'm just trying to save you the time
also, by your logic, you should just go straight into reading a piece of media that you're interested in, which is a perfectly sound approach too and you will eventually have to challenge yourself to consuming something that you don't completely understand if you want to advance
these kids don't know sensei... they're too soft...
based fuck that retard
Another week-long collab, fuck...at least it'll be during NA primetime.
>7 days to die holoEN server
Is that the project GG was working on? I could see it being a big commitment yeah.
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Don't think, just postthedamncat.
>you're talking as if the card of a word is the only sentence in the whole deck that contains that word
that's exactly the case more often than not especially if you're making your sentence cards "properly" with n+1
which is another reason why you shouldn't have a sentence on the front, will mess up the algorithm ever so slightly
the only use case would be to figure out the context, which a hint toggle sentence can do
he probably deleted his account after getting skipped and laughed at by /baubau/. he sent a comment underneath the vod bringing up the fact that he was skipped, which was screencapped and then posted here which made more anons laugh at him and i guess that's when he decided to delete it. good riddance, fuck that unfunny tranny. it was an alt anyways
>which a hint toggle sentence can do
What are you waiting for, wuffian?
>it really isn't like that. you just haven't yet learned how to "learn" japanese yet (your brain hasn't developed the synapses for the reward system) so it's going to seem like a slog to you, but really doing your reps just becomes a part of your daily routine
Yes I agree, this is exactly what I said in my post. It became my daily routine for like 5 months and I began to dread it and skip days(which led to more skipped days for obvious reason), and that isnt the case with this type of deck.
Are their times I memorize sentence structure more than the individual words? Sure, but whats also true is I find myswlf understanding FWMCs JP streams infinitely more than I did back when I was 3 months deep in core2k. Maybe thats cause im actually learning how to speak first rather than JUST read words in a vacuum with 0 knowledge on how they fit into the greater language. Immersion is always key imo. Ultimately I'm watching Vtubers, not reading them, though I can read some background text in various JRPGs I play and anime I watch, so I must be going about things in an alright way

All end with this tho. There is no one singular "best" way of learning, so its best to have fun, enjoy yourself, and keep it up every single day, and to also HAVE A REASON for learning.
I know this because every single time you ask 5 people the best way of learning JP you get 20 different links to 100 different websites all saying "this is THE way to learn, take it from me a native JP speaker."
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i have a button on the front that toggles the sentence i mined the word from
the earlier word appearing in the later cards fits into n+1, what are you talking about?
>which a hint toggle sentence can do
Also to add to this, I appreciate the thoughtful post anon!
Why am I even considering adopting a cat just to get likes. Any suffering this cat goes through due to neglect is fuwamoco's fault for skipping me for so long. The cat doesn't get to week until I get a like in a week
what is this sorcery
Sorry Fuwawa you're gonna have to wait until I get home. I want to post a fresh picture
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>The cat doesn't get to week until I get a like in a week
just soft-adopt a stray
feed them enough to make them follow you around but dont let them into your house to set boundary
Adopt a Frog and submit him to be the Froggy of the Day
What was his SC? I haven't caught up with the mengen archive yet
I got a yearly busuu subscription for about 1.50
Apparently they have a choice to learn Japanese.
Has anyone here used it before? Its only to supplement reps anyway.
just adopt a family that has a cat d*de
oops I'm retarded. the cat doesn't get to eat until I get a like in a given week.
Busu is completely useless. It will just waste your time.
Read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead
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It's ok ruffian, I'm a bit of a retard myself.
Something about going back and replaying their VN streams a lot
He said he watches the members valentine stream over and over especially the marshmallow mania part
he referenced marshmallow mania
Whats wrong with that? Ive told them directly that I replay the final ten mins cause its made me cry before and they seemed to love that...
So which HoloGTA character did you ship FWMC with? for me, it was I didn't at all
Why did they skip that? Is watching marshmallow mania discouraged now?
it wasn't the first time he was being a creepy braindead coomer in his superchats
Ehh doesn't sound too bad
Wonder if he got skipped because of this one or because he was already blacklisted from his last one
because all gorillas deserve to die.
If that were a thing gbraga would have been banned months ago
OK purityschizo
he's a brazilian who no longer has access to twitter
He literally always sends SCs like that and used to send infinitely more explicit ones. They probably got tired of no-selling his schtick.
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I shipped Fuwawa with Mococo, but dont tell anyone...
I'm just glad they got shot. Retarded "jokes" like that should stay /here/ even if every person in the chat is here including FUWAMOCO
nama sensei, I hope you're happy where ever you are. He should of never stopped making "Put it in your mouth".
CONGRATS ON 1200 FOLLOWERS TEKZI! BAU BAU! Keep up the hard work.
Didn't that get reversed the other day?
In the spirit of Fuwawa Soup, some other Ruffians and I thought up an idea for a (potentially recurring) stream: FUWAMOCO Soup!

The idea is to invite 1-3 or so guests to make soup together using (possibly 闇鍋-style secret) ingredients they bring and chat about anything.

Kinda like the takoyaki/crepe Advent collabs, but with the prestige of having Fuwawa Soup heritage.

I made a mock thumbnail for fun, with the question mark for if you go with a 闇鍋 style (assuming I got the meaning of 闇鍋 correct) secret ingredient soup.

And of course you can always hold off on considering this idea until your doghouse is in a state that could support it (like having bowls).
based anan >>85981789
you don't have to sign your posts
Sankyu an(o)n
anal oh no is the best wuffian <3
Got it. Serves him right. He tried pushing a lot and finally got slapped for it. Shitty he's such a bitch about it that he chargebacked.
>And of course you can always hold off on considering this idea until your doghouse is in a state that could support it (like having bowls).
The real purpose of this, them finally getting some bowls
Hopefully he didn't even get the money back but I've no idea how that works. hopefully he's also dead by now
It's fun looking at it like a pitch, even with the effort put into making a thumbnail.
>like having bowls
It's perfect

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