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Previous >>85793656

Important links:





>3D streams playlist

>Original and Cover songs playlist
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Listen to Elite Miko songs!

>Original Songs
- My name is Elite https://youtu.be/Y8o4goeVM0o
- Sakurakaze https://youtu.be/X9zw0QF12Kc
- Sakura-iro High Tension! https://youtu.be/HiLnCY9qjSo
- Kagetsu no Yume https://youtu.be/8ZVrn4lHLqw
- Baby Dance https://youtu.be/ixSjzx0Q5x4
- Bokura to Kimi no Uta https://youtu.be/4BP1i9UEvo0
- Otome no Susume https://youtu.be/SsLEYvwSwiE
- Heart Online https://youtu.be/BOkV6v4ClaM
- Our Tree https://youtu.be/7_DqIBHtxzo
- Attention Please! https://youtu.be/nR52jxDC_nE
- Kyunkyun Miko Kyunkyun https://youtu.be/WIZSYTAeoF4
- Nyahello World!!! https://youtu.be/XL1hFQ5EaE8
- Sakura Day's https://youtu.be/hjELFwXCRog
- DAIDAIDAI Fantasista https://youtu.be/7wEkDdBa4QQ
- Ikenie https://youtu.be/Q2b8Zsui_0Y
- Cherry Message https://youtu.be/gOgdK5Nk0-M
- SUNAO https://youtu.be/4ZafIoQ_g7Y

>Cover Songs
- Yukitoki https://youtu.be/z4Md4zHQWJ8
- Ai Kotoba III https://youtu.be/IZWuK1ljlS0
- Mikochi ga Yatte Kita Zo https://youtu.be/K57XcDsUl6A
- as x sist ~Amae Beta na Watashi Nari ni~ https://youtu.be/LaOo9OxKxPc
- allegretto ~Sora to Kimi~ https://youtu.be/YiQq1dHlKCo
- Darling Dance https://youtu.be/TXD4qJHN4ac
- Kyoufuu All Back https://youtu.be/U2jl3QIoVws
- Neoki Yashi no Ki https://youtu.be/zWFoVb2xGaM
- Motto Ichigo Au Lait https://youtu.be/Wy7kZSE4LUI
- Hoge and Hogeta https://youtu.be/Mp89gmu6ikI

>Collab Originals
- Nakama Uta (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/ESsV1gDBqYI
- Modest Wonderland (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/EJLCXoN3wvI
- Run or Run (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/YfcrIXp6-E0
- Unknown Fantastic World (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/YOPo1zMTb8s
- Scrap & Build (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/hABJ6skZeMI
- HajimarinoMahou-charm- (HoloWitches) https://youtu.be/sM1YO_FwZUY
- On Your Side (HoloWitches) https://youtu.be/aLrPFKO_aEU
- Frontline of Love Letters (Ayame, Fubuki, Mio) https://youtu.be/xP9AQmjqVGc
- DODEKAMBITIOUS (Pekora, Okayu, Subaru) https://youtu.be/3aWvr8iMwNw
- Hikari ni Nare! (Mio, Subaru) https://youtu.be/OMz6ZD7DfsU
- Happy Fever hololive (Subaru, Mio) https://youtu.be/sL2QMmSlRyU
- Sugar Rush (Suisei) https://youtu.be/gtgME6MJpk4
- PekoMiko Daisensou!! (Pekora) https://youtu.be/uRB1G0cKpIk
- Mosh Race (Pekora) https://youtu.be/_ZJ8MrEXIio
- Mikkorone×Showtime!! (Korone) https://youtu.be/GCUK_IyRTY8
- Maiodore! MaiMai Time (Sora) https://youtu.be/ITPpK7GXoEc

>Collab Covers
- Daily Diary (Shiraken) https://youtu.be/VVrsojWq0Dw
- Omajinai (HoloWitches) https://youtu.be/wnjuq2cX2JM
- Ojamajo Carnival!! (HoloWitches) https://youtu.be/BPI8aQ0xhQg
- Hapichoco (Marine, Luna, Kanata, Chloe) https://youtu.be/BCt3E-FJFdA
- Ray (Gen 0) https://youtu.be/-Jth3Vp85tA
- Blessing (Sora, AZKi, Roboco, Mel, Subaru) https://youtu.be/G9SWOk2J6aw
- Sakura no Ame (Aki, Towa, Polka, Iroha) https://youtu.be/D8pdSRs_C4o
- Shiny Smily Story (Ayame, Fubuki, Mio) https://youtu.be/pEWPb4ilzxY
- Valentine Kiss (Pekora, Marine, Matsuri) https://youtu.be/9nD7aQ_cKAM
- Umapyoi Densetsu (Flare, Patra) https://youtu.be/AaCFoBdpviw
- Shiawase Usagi (Pekora, Marine) https://youtu.be/UZzx9mvCaBI
- Animal (Suisei) https://youtu.be/9yBLZKFKXyg
- Idol (Suisei) https://youtu.be/4kCzI6xbQoo
- Snow Song Show (Pekora) https://youtu.be/dUGDaWkaKn0 (original video is privated)
- Poppy Pappy Day (Korone) https://youtu.be/MkSkQBIhGus
- Sakurakaze (Fubuki) https://youtu.be/iZIgj5zLhpw
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>my pov of a picnic date with mikochi
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Proud of my bebber
this MV is just beautiful
Miko looks so good
amazing how far she's come from her early scuffed design
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>my pov of a sunset beach date with mikochi
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Share your pov of the sex Suichan
thanks for baking anon!
u bastard i was gonna post this screenshot
its the shot that stood out the most to me when i first watched the PV
my new twitter banner lol
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>my pov of mikochi's bachikon
I want to see Miko's new pussy
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>my pov of our date in the city
What? I bet it's really cute..
Miko bought a new puppy? I wish I could give her one
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my pov of my gf being a mesugaki in a cafe
her family bought a cat
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>my pov of our date in aquarium
That cat's name? Sui-nyan
Among Us collab tomorrow
I'm loving the instrumental of Flower Rhapsody. It will be my new bgm while working
I miss Miko so fucking much it hurts..
I'm glad Miko streamed that long despite not feeling well, 35P must have helped her feel better
Time to loop the album endlessly on Spotify and memorize the songs so I'm ready for the sololive
I love Miko so much
I wouldn't feel well if my so called "friend" shit on me either.
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whoa, didnt see that coming
Fubuki betrayed Miko
she was in much higher spirits by the end you could tell
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>my gf and me chilling on a bench.jpg
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Flower Rhapsody is so fucking good. Anyway good luck for about an hour fellas.
The MV is doing quite well by her usual standards.
all me btw
It should be doing even better but, y'know
My cute beloved bebber, I'll always love you
mikochi cant sleep?
leave it to me, i'll fuck her hard enough so she cant get up for days
most to least favorite on the first listen
(I liked every song)
DAIDAIDAI Fantasista
flower rhapsody
Nyahello World
Sakuranbo Message
Are You Ready
Like to Hate
Sakura Day's

I'm really looking forward to the MV of Flower Rhapsody. (it's not confrimed but I'm sure there will be one)
Let me know how it goes Suichan
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>mikochi confessing her love to me on that fated day
Miko my beloved
>Sakura Day's

No animosity of any kind, just curiosity since I know this involves personal tastes, mood, and such. Why is at the bottom? I know is a non-traditional song and I think it lost some strength without the video element but still, I would like to hear your reasons.
Take care fellas
My love for Mikochi grows endlessly every single day
Added the rest of the songs to Miko's song list. Will replace the links if/when they all get proper MVs

- 1135 https://youtu.be/WsmadWSjKyY
- Are you Ready? https://youtu.be/ReeoHg159uU
- Like & Hate https://youtu.be/wEpW_wdvMlY
- Re:flection https://youtu.be/eSKwx5INp78
- Flower Rhapsody https://youtu.be/Jmy6gS7hG7I
i teared up early, i tear up rewatching it.
she's worked so hard
Thinking about the potential MV for Flower Rhapsody almost made me tear up, I will not be ready for her sololive
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thank you for your service anon
i had this cranked up today
great bassline in the bridge
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I cannot stop thinking about my beloved baby Mikochi
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So proud of Miko
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hello there father-in-law
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Good night fellas see you for the sus collab later
Will be at 22jst according to Okayu's frame
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Cute Miko cute
Love Miko love
Sex Miko sex
Take care of the thread fellas
Amogus frame!
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Message from Suichan
miComet love!
very supportive girlfriend
Miko onegai...
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Waiting for Mikochi
I love Miko.
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Miko soon!
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Miko very soon!!
Ayame got her revenge for Miko killing her 3 times in GTA..
miko has a trans flag...
*miComet flag
Lol I just woke up and the first thing I see is she's dead with the trans flag. What are you telling us miko.
What thread do you think you're in?
Migo bebi…
Bebi nooo
So she doesn't know the connotation? I fear annoying faggots on twitter will make something of it.
Miko Edgeworth
I mean, she obviously has no idea what it means, she just thinks the look is cute. This isn’t the first she’s done it either. She used the tranny flag in another game about a year ago. A few people commented on it but I don’t think she noticed or cared
Oh boy let's see how fast she gets voted off
She incriminated both of them lol
It comes up literally every time she plays the game. The only person who uses this stuff that clearly knows what it means is Towa (it's so crazy to think about what playing games is like to them since they clearly don't understand most of the things they are even clicking on or they'd be fully fluent in English like when she was clicking in GTA).
miko says trans rights
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Migo is just dumbass
and the people on twitter are so convinced that japan isn't behind when it comes to lgbt concepts
do not allow them to poison the holy land
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My sexy retarded baby with a plump ass and fat titties
bros... what the fuck is that tranny shit?
Too many Edgeworth's
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All the protein she eats goes straight to her ass and breasts and none of it goes into her brain. She’d make a wonderful mother but a horrible teacher
That she doesn't know what a tranny flag is
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Literally the perfect woman
I wouldn't know what a tranny flag was if not for this website and I've met more actual trannies in the real-world than 99% of people.
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Miko is not sexy
Miko is a man huehuehueheuehuehe
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Then why does she make me so horny?
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go see a doctor or sthg then, Migo is just not sexy at all
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nah I'll just keep fapping to Miko sex
>I've met more actual trannies in the real-world than 99% of people.
No need to brag about your hook up preferences.
I miss Miko so fucking much..........
I think Miko is gonna watch GTA clips tomorrow. I hope it will be longer this time. There is so many pov that it will take you months to watch everything
I miss fucking Miko so much..........
Yeah she wasn't feeling good yesterday so hopefully she has the energy to watch more
This is one of my favorite things about this GTA thing. I’m more of a casual viewer who just plays streams in the background, so this collab gave me an entire week of daily streams from like a dozen different Holos. That’s like a whole month of streams if you watch them all back to back. I’ve only watched Miko’s streams but I wanna watch the others later.
Miko truly is the magic gem that powers Hololive
I love my baby
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bebi doko..
Take care of the thread fellas
cuddling with me
Thank you for being there for her Suichan
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Miko owes me sex
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how sexy is that merch?
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I love Miko so much
Need Miko..
FAQ page10!
I like Miko's new loading screen
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Miko shows all her sides in this and its great
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micomet colors in the back
my daughter is head over heels
miComet threesome onegai..
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Comfy bebi
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Good night fellas
>page 10 in 30mins
/vtg/ when
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my wife
such a kino moment
u have a very beautiful wife suichan
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>page 10
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page 4 in 2 minutes?
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>too many shitposts when there isnt even anything big happening
i fucking hate this board
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Watching the amongus vod, miko's in really good spirits huh. The comet must have really pampered her after crying.
Love Mikochi
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It's GTA clip again
Nice Miko!!
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Miko soon!
Proud of my Miko
Miko very soon!
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Miko is probably emotional right now
>1 hour 14 minute compilation
There's a 35 minute second part as well..
This must hurt Miko's soul as someone who despises NTR
Korosan rarely joins these big company events, I'm glad she had fun and shined in GTA
so... kanata was actually marine daughter?
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I like this twist
Miko is so invested
Gen 0 is so over..
This doesn't even count the sales from Hololive official shop. So proud of Miko
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our bebi has come a long way
im so happy for her
Miko seeing the quick corruption of Azki..
Azki is a dangerous woman
So proud of my baby
The album really is great and I'm happy it's doing well
Friend had her hands full
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For you plebs that didnt buy the album, Miko has the full playlist on her channel.
I am still waiting for Cover to ship my limited edition, I will be listening on Spotify anyway
Miko wants to watch more tomorrow, she didn't realize how long she's been watching today
same, im hoping itll be sooner rather than later
i grabbed the digital on Amazon in the meantime
Gang and police clips tomorrow
Late to the stream, but if it's the same one that pekora watched, that one is missing major scenes as well. It's insane how many clips these streams generated.
Indeed. waiting for my super deluxe collector's limted edition EX super too. Totally bought multiple copies and not a pleb. Yup, yup.
She actually found another clip before watching the second part that had more scenes
That was a cute credit sequence, I appreciate all the holos that joined and made my baby happy
cover wheres my fucking merch u incompetent buffons?
I hope she gets to do it again
It was so much fun
it's also on spotify
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I miss you Miko...
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It’s just the micomet colors, anon. She has no clue what it means. But yes, big sigh.
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my wife
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teach ur wife how to apply makeup suichan
her new songs are fucking bangers
cover send me my album already u knuckledraggers!!!!!
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My beautiful bebber
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I don't care about your oshi, die you noufagi piss garbage
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Will Miko play the Dead Rising remaster?
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Hey man!
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Can't stop thinking about Miko sex...
Bebi doko?
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Notto bebi!
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how can you defeat such a boss?
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You can't
Do you guys think Miko rides Sui-chan's face until she squirts down her throat on a daily basis.
Miko does whatever Suichan asks her to do
What are they, teenage sweethearts? At their age, they'll be fisting each other.
daidaidai, sunao
sakuranbo message, ikenye, flower rhapsody
nyahello, kyunkyun, re:flection
>forgettable (but still cute)
everything else

rate my taste
For me move Flower Rhapsody, Kyunkyun and re:flection up, Ikenye down, 1135 and Sakura Day's added to ok. Only ones I didn't care much for were Are you ready? and Like and Hate
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Me and my buddy, Kintoki
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I love you Miko
Good night guys see you for more gta clips later
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