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Okayu: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCKnvC2XMqiXatNTK0N50LqA
Korone: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCsfHkc4iFBGmfFGRS8M5YHQ


>Latest song releases


>previous thread
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Thank you to whoever placed Koropapa in invincible mode.
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>no 3D live again for birthday
I know she's busy with Sonic and she just did a bunch of dancing for Gamers Fest, but I really miss seeing this dog have a stage to herself. At least she promises next year will be an actual 3D live. Now back to my cage to finish the rest of the GTA vods.
Well I guess I just complained in /okfams/ for no reason but thanks for baking.
It made it more obvious that their whole thing was scripted but lol at them forgetting to turn it off.
It was only really the fireworks ending where he was invincible. He spent a lot of time dead with his family at the black market.
Yeah, everybody turned invincible for the fireworks because there was a huge massacre that took place on the pier.
Also they didn't want the doctors working at the afterparty.
The running gag of Kanata shooting papa in the fucking face was hilarious
NO!!! DON'T GO!!!! And to think that she joined the bakery because she thought she wouldn't stick around for long...
No prob. It’s the usual baker again this time. I still love catto and doggo and I bake when I can.

Lol, I didn’t even know there was a complaint in /okfams/ about a lack of okakoro thread since I didn’t read their current thread yet. I just made this thread because I saw we needed one and I had a moment to spare.
Sorry I was too busy discussing dog in /jp/.
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The パーン is so simple yet so exquisite.
What exactly are you sorry about?
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Korosan has band practice, but will be at the collab (Among Us?) around 2200.
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In case you didn't see, the draw for the VTL7 knockouts happened Sunday and /doog/ will play the winner of /uuu/-/hfz/ in the Round of 16 at 21:00 UTC on Saturday.
Need mechanic Okayu and Nyan Nyan Car Service jingle for /mogu/ in the future.
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She is so cool...
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Been walking for about 9 weeks, recently moved from 2 hours of walking to 4 per week after I noticed myself slimming.
Once I'm satisfied with the lack of a gut I'm thinking of transitioning to 1 part weights 3 parts cardio with 1 day of swimming.

Pic not rel I don't have any gym Okayu art.
Thank you for your contribution.
>0 minutes to hit page 11
I think we need /vtg/ at this point
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Guys I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I think she's pretty cool.
Post that one really cool Okayu pic
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Here's that cool new girl!
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I gotchu bro
I hope to go to a cosplay convention with a bro like this (I get to be Korone)
>okayu left alone laughing sadly as korone goes to pole dance with korone’s new wife
Okakoro is over….
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She is so cool...
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Why is there a large Among Us collab all of a sudden? And so soon after the GTA event? I thought they finally let Among Us die.
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Just wanted to let everyone know that the June Bride voice pack featuring Okayu is still on sale, but sales end on Sept. 30th.

amogus will never die as long as there are sussy bakas like you
Cat chat is starting right now

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I'm only learning now for the first time that Kronii was a mechanic who worked for Okayu briefly. I missed that whole chapter of the Nyan Nyan Car Service arc.
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new dog men only emotes
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Thanks for the reminder! I'm definitely getting the Okayu ones. Is there a difference between the regular voice pack and the SP voice pack?
Among Us has begun (10 minutes ago)
Korone flirting with azki in amongus... She's having trouble adapting to life outside of los santos.
Fuck, I meant Ayame, looks like I'm having trouble too.
Mr. Paradise...
What will happen to Mikkorone now?
What do they mean
>Yes happy bread
>No happy bread
>At least she promises next year will be an actual 3D live.
Ah hell yeah, I had to miss because of work bs. Hopefully shes not as busy next September and can actually enjoy days off instead of what seems like packed tight weeks of work
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Dang that is pretty cool
Excited for Cat's Zelda on the 28th. Wonder what she'll end up doing tonight.
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I wish we got to see her play Breath of the Wild. She played that entirely off stream, didn't she?
now that the dust has settled, was the ass car wash worth the trouble?
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does this answer your question?
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nice rare korone ass car wash
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love this cat
I got basic tastes. I will die restless if Korone or Okayu never do a gen 1-5 Pokemon.
OkaKoro doing a red-blue endurance race and then facing each other after beating the games would be ultimate kino, but it will never happen because Nintendo is absolute shit with the pokemon perms
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>page 10
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What did korone have to say in her post gta stream?
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domestic violence bad
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fatto catto
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>page 10
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Would make a good buddy cop movie if they're joining next time.
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Okayu wants to be a gang member next time.
nice rare korone belly
nice rare korone belly
I haven't had the chance to check her PoV yet, but the mechanic shop was super busy with not enough people, so good job on her for holding down the fort. Hopefully she gets to enjoy the other facets of GTA next time.
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They definitely should have had more people, at least 4. Instead they made due with 1-3, and cat also made deals, posters, and a theme song. Next time she deserves to take it easy.
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board too fast, must slep
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I'm so addicted to the bakery family, but there's so little discussion in English, that I started reading Japanese Youtube comments. Never thought I'd get this emotionally invested in GTA RP of all things.
I love this style of image
I love when Kanata, in a cry for help, blurts out that she robbed 10 convenience stores and Korone’s just like “that’s cool”.
Or if they playes HGSS doing dialies and exchanging mystery gifts
As in the coloring or just some goofy stuff?
I think the law abiding citizen facade ended when they discovered the black market
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Korone realizing at the very end that Mio was the only person still marked as "not set" in her contact list hit way harder than it should have. The whole bakery saga is legendary.
More info on SoniKoro show incoming
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Surprise Koro-san appearance(voice only) during Sonic Station Live.
It was for her event with the Sonic Music Team. She was recording vocals for a new original song and you hear a few seconds of it. She was also praised by the team for her singing.
Timestamp link when SSL is over.
Also there will be streaming tickets so it's not just a live event. Tickets go on sale in about 2 days. All live event tickets have sold out.
Additionally Jun Senoue and Ohtani are confirmed to be appearing at the event.
SoniKoro Event part starts at (1:10:35) https://youtu.be/BumL_IN1ijc?t=4235
Special video showing Korone working with the Sonic Sound Team https://youtu.be/BumL_IN1ijc?t=4370
You'll hear a few seconds of Korone's new song(no vocals though).
i’m so happy she’s constantly getting the recognition she deserves and i’m even happier and proud knowing that she’s worked incredibly hard to get to where she is no instead of using her status as a hololive vtuber to get what she wants like the other ones
she’s the fucking greatest of all time, there will never ever be anyone as good as her
the day she’s gone is the day vtubing dies for good, simple as
I think Jun and Ohtani were confirmed before but it's still awesome this is happening.
I can’t believe Ohtani is taking a break from baseball for this
Sega Composer Ohtani not the Baseball player.
I don't remember honestly. I knew Kaminari were confirmed and that was it at the time. Maybe I missed it?
Nah I asked baseball ohtani and he said it was him he’d never miss any of his wife’s events
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Reminds me of the first day in GTA where Korosan saw a fat black woman approaching and thought it was an EN member.
cat is retweeting art at 4 in the morning...
How come when you praise Korone you have to compare her to other vtubers even though, to you, she’s supposed to be beyond worth comparing to others?
And how come you do it in a way that’s like you’re insecure and overcompensating?
>2 hours
>there's still stuff missing
I'm not complaining because you would need to literally translate every single minute of Korone's streams to get the whole story
insecurity is the only reason people ever talk like that.
new york and la really made her realize just how horrid the african is
Cat finally done working at 6 in the morning.
so i can’t praise my oshi for her achievements anymore because apparently i’m “insecure” if i do it?
sorry to break it to you oniggeryaa, but society doesn’t work the way you think it does. yes, you can parvenu your way up the ladder but even so people will see through your mask and realize just how much of a fraud you are. you are the insecures ones here, not me
comparing her is part of the praise. she’s unique, literally one in a billion. the fact that there has yet to be someone who is a quarter as good as she is of a vtuber amplifies my points
>Verification not required.
See? It's hilarious.
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Mate, just be happy for Koro-san, don't do the whole drama thing, you're not helping her with it.
Your real oshi is secretly Fuwamoco or some other EN.
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it was hotter with the previous outfit
>I'm not complaining because you would need to literally translate every single minute of Korone's streams to get the whole story
Sounds like a job for Vtuber Bits, his SMOK 1BLOCK clip is like 4+ hours
NTA but you're the one that started the drama by bitching and defending other unnamed vtubers.
Seems like you feel attacked by his comment
Even if they manage to clip the whole story, they'll still miss half the comedy. There really wasn't that much downtime.
That post you replied to was my first one in this thread. I think you need some sleep, anon.
you need some thicker skin
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I don't think you understand what you just said. Why are you so angry, anon? Doesn't it get tiring?
you're the one angry another anon complimented Korone using "some words" that make your fee fee hurt
Like a year ago this dude almost gave up because the youtube algo was screwing him, glad he didn't.
He was also getting lots of hate from other translators for inaccurate subs and clickbait. But his subs aren’t half as inaccurate as most shitclippers who hardly even know enough English to properly translate shit, and I can think of only like two times he used a clickbait title/thumbnail while most other clippers clickbait every single upload they do.

The discord/twitter translators who hated him were probably just jealous that he got lots of views and they didn’t. They eventually all quit making clips anyway.
Nah, I remember this dude making really obnoxious baitclips and mistranslations one or two years ago
We've had this discussion a million times and you're just wrong. Jin, the Okayu translator, praised his subs. It wasn't until he got popular that suddenly people got pissy, probably because he isn't in the discord superfriend club.
No idea who's Jin or the Okayu translator (I don't watch Okayu). But I remember all of their clips related to holomembers talking about Coco graduation or other events or "dramas" were really misstranslated and full of clickbaits
>>86141126 (me)
I don't know how are his clips now but I understand why most people put him on a blacklist
You don't even know who you're talking about because he only translates Korone clips.
Oh and you're also a newfag because you don't even know who Jin was. Fuck off. Why do people talk so authoritatively about shit they're clueless about.
Sorry I don't know about your discord drama, retard.
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