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Previous: >>85981801
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Kek he is trying really hard to be subtle
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Lap seems to have had a lot of fun during HoloGTA. Do you think she regrets not participating during the Rust arc?
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>Unarchived karaoke
Should be good numbers which means some homo should be getting a nice raid
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>state of play in 3 hours
What do we do when Pekora appears?
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>I feel like people are just having bias because of it being GTA
For the record my fondest memories of GTA are from GTA 2, the isometric one, I never particularly liked the 3D versions and I didn't even board the hobby on Miko's nigger moment.
It is just that the girls delivered such kino that it is hard to not to adore what they did and the fond memories they created between themselves and the audience.

>no no no fuck this shit
>It's more of that kind of primitive lizard brain rejection.
Come on, that's the long form description of "OOF"
Replace pic related meme with
>when I see one of the girls collabing with guys
>Nijisanji EN
They're still a thing?
>do you know what a girl is thinking
About as subtle as a truck to my front door
Bravo Kojima.
No if you watched other members that weren't police or gang. I enjoyed different POVs and interactions
>Medics Ina, FWMC, fubuki
>Civilians CC, korone
>Brothel lamy, marine, azki
I only watched at most Subaru and biboo on that part, but I still have more members left I plan to watch. I would agree need more polish, but for most girls are their first time playing GTA and a RP server.
what's your predictions on pekora's involvement in his new project?
There's no way she's actually in
My knee caps would turn in to dust and I'd be prostating with my face on the ground
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Thank you based GOD Miko for organizing HoloGTA
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This man is old enough to be her father. Wtf is he doing putting Pekora everywhere?
if conan can make it pekora can
Don't think too much about it, she said she was just invited to his studio, the same way Cover often invite people to their HQ
probably just a shilling stream or an emote
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Which homo is going to get raided I wonder~~~
make friends with the daughter and marry the mother
Grudgeposters, ready to screencap
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Why is mori looking at fauna like that
There's a new doujin dropped with this exact plot
A reference at most, if im being honest
Anon, they are overrepresented in this board, outside? Nah. 'Average branch graph anon' will add v4m and phase, let's see how they will fare with nijiSEA and homostars.
Iuuno, oof has been diluted IMO by trivial uses of it. She's not talking about a memey oof, it's like when you have a sinking feeling about something that might happen, then it does, that gut clench when it happens is the "oof", it's not just a "bro I locked myself outside" oof
whore respect whore
>even Pippa has said more about the upcoming graduation of the shark's "best friend" than the shark has
Mori likes the taste of Fauna's forrest
Froot supporters
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final stream predictions?
Idk man, she was physically at the studio was she not?
At the very least there'll be a reference to her somewhere
That's more likely. An actual cameo feels too weird, even for a Kojimbo game.
Wasn't he translating "NG" as prohibited? I think it's totally valid
Everything else is right but like come on... Yeah it's a shit translation but who gives a fuck. She said what she said and everybody understood exactly what she meant. Nobody is talking about how she's a big lesbo fan cause of "relationship" mistranslation
Yes it is worse. Which makes it even funnier
>until we meet again
Her karaoke numbers are on a downtrend. Her last one got 7k somehow which is actually pretty shocking for a singing specialist in her first year. Not sure if that had some giga overlap or something
Oh boy another Unarchived Karaoke
It will slip to Mousey's 45k.
its debuffson so probably 120k
She did it during primetime JST while overlapped by GTA for some godforsaken reason
you mean with peko and pekomama??
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I don't want to think about it
That didn't raised their average...in fact is keeping falling. They are so shit.
Does some have that image of Pekora starting her streams always after yonkisei's 3D debuts? This is so funny
Doubtful. She won't even beat Pomu's graduation, going by her announcement and graduation tour numbers so far.
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God I wish I was Kojimbo...
>the shark
oh duh, yeah that makes sense.
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Shiori and Haachama panel would be something
120k Youtube cap
maybe donchan will appear as one of the backpack charms in Death Stranding 2
We all know who is gonna show up lmao
Those coping they won't are setting themselves up to be angry
Too bad we’ll never know what CCV she would get if she graduated, since she’s latina
Haachama and Shiori?
Fine...I will watch because fauna is there.
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>homos in holoearth and indies
God its really happening
It's not a proper graduation so it won't be as big as it could be but it should beat Sana's.
This has to be the grimmest Holo lineup ever if it’s just them…
Yeah, but Fauna, Gigi, and Biboo being the participants cancels it out.
Weakish slate for tonight, maybe IRyS will show up later though
I feel like we're one decisive blow away from homobeggars completely breaking down.
Oh yeah, I bet one of those 5 guys is the clown KEK.
I don't like this, makes me think of when my oshi will graduate some day.
Well Shiori is defintiely one of the talents more attuned to the audience at this particular con so I guess it makes sense
Who is this cute cat?
Imagine if you swapped Mori with Mumei, that would be a sick lineup
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>Bibo killed Micomet
if ERB never debuted they would've already been mindbroken by Mio's recent statement
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Shiori THIS is one of the days where it would be smart for you to start at an earlier timeslot randomly
Holoearth is a more concerning matter desu
>three of my favorite girls playing TTRPG together
being a grem/pebble/sappling feels pretty good man
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Pomu is not hololive
To be fair her last karaoke was overlapped by GTA rp, this one should get at least 10k with the wawa raid
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Is it bad if the stream I'm most excited for is the Valve marathon? I never got to play with her during the TF2 stream she did and the chance is presenting itself again.
120K like another anon said.
>No if you watched other members that weren't police or gang
Yeah exactly. Even most of the police POVs were getting up to a bunch of different stuff a lot of the time.
The only way you can have the opinion that it was just gangs vs police is you didn't watch any of it, or if you only watch a couple of the gang members POVs
Homobegger this isn't healthy
What's the latest average?
Isnt it interesting how it doesnt say graduation stream but final stream. I'm really interested what's gonna happen effectively
Homos not featuring in Ame's stuff would be another blow but not the final one
New Year live. No girls on homo side.
I will miss the carrot car
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Oh shit she is going to travel back in time
>Get recommended clip of Mio talking about GTA.
>Turns out it's THAT clip
>Look down, 1000 comments.
As someone who never watched any streamers until hololive, i have absolutely no clue who any of these people are
it's a graduation, it feels like a graduation. refusing to call it a graduation doesn't really change much in my eyes.
I think this idea that ame will show up in projects and stuff going forward is kinda cope-y, I'm sure they have the best of intentions but that's going to be so awkward and weird to try to actually do. I doubt many happen but I'd be happily surprised if they do
This is the game she played with Kronii and dumb and dumber right?
I'm so thankful that I don't have any idea of who are these people(?).
I am so mad right now after watching
I'm gonna go high and say 200k, thus making it the biggest HoloEN stream ever.
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GG ass
I think I only know the bottom right because he got outed as a groomer or pedo or some shit...at least I think.
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everything is going according to plan
after watching what
They even cut that from the homos? I remember one of them said no more 3d celbration for them.
They look like reptilians
The only one of these who seems vaguely familiar is the girl on the center right and I don't remember her name. Also, most of them seem too zoomer to really be early YouTube.
Turn out it was
Then there would be no one to run the game
I've considered this for a long time and I've finally realized
One is that rapist faggot who ruined YouTube.
To be fair, the JP comments seem more locked into the difference between Holo GTA and VRC/Niji GTA and not so much on Mio not like male collabs.
butt stuff with gigi...
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What if in the next kojima game, there is a rape victim wearing a bunny shirt. And then the perp has pink hair?
Only 17? Rookie numbers.
They're gonna hold out for NotAme collabing with dumb and dumber or blue and orange's RMs
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Is kiara the vtubing queen of dead hours?
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Catshark is going to be tough to beat nowadays, even with a graduation, especially one that is purposely vague.
You know why
i mean, maybe. bae is swamped with recording, and i know none of us watch kobo, but she seems busy as fuck, too. that's their two biggest supporters occupied
Oh god you didn't watch streams did you?
Wasn’t Jenna Marbles one of the smart/respectable ones who saw the writing on the wall and chose to retire early instead of chasing content for clout?
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Daii-chi Life insurance x Nijisanji
I don't think mio went out and said what she said for the first time EVER just because...
It's a declaration after success if hololiveGTA
Soon other girls will start to speak out too
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I like how they call every woman who hates trannies a TERF even though the RF part means radical feminist. I've seen right-wing women called TERFs.
611? Right now I'm outside and have it on my computer. But there is an update of the graph from yesterday.
I also played it, does that count as 34? Can I also add up each of the holos that I watched playing it besides my oshi?
>2 days before HoloGTA starts
It's going to suck! Hololive is too seiso and boring! No unhinged boys, not enough talents! they don't know how to play the game or RP right!!!! I'm really "concerned" that it's going to horrible!
>A few days after everyone has an amazing time and it beats NijiGTA's record, proving that Hololive doesn't need outsiders or males to generate copious kino
B-both are good in their own ways... eto... be nice, no need to gloat...
60k average, 80k peak

Only 10k or so of that will be teammates, the rest will be corpofags and dramafags.
I don't think any EN except Gura can beat 200k for a graduation nowadays. That being said, I didn't think Aqua would beat Coco either, so what do I know.
Everyone decided she was racist and she just noped out.
"Sadly" my oshi doesn't like garbage like Harry Potter.
new song when?
most sane youtube commenter
(even tho "nijisanji goodness is kuzuha's dick sucking but still)
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Lies, trannies can't have kids.
this is one bizarre collab
where is cecilia
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You missed a lot of fun when the equivalent of "FEMINIZED MORI" happened in the UK with TERFS and internet "white supremacists"
>for the most part, blacks and browns ... giving birth to the "multiracial white supremacy" meme
ending up at the same side of the divide
>child rapistx9
Rowling is a real man-hating feminist though.
I mean they can adopt them or they can have kids and THEN change. Or just dress weird but not have surgery.
go back tranny
Should have taken some out for Selen
I thought Hex graduated are they just using his image?
I watched a lot of streams of it and it was good but the colour used in the game was a little dull outside of the magic.
The cozy wee place Hogwarts supposedly is isn't that grim.
kek theyre accepting literally anything at this point
for someone who hates men she made and named a book from a males name
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She hates tuesdays.
>Fauna and CC making Tuesday both their dead days
Yeah, annoyingly erotic!
Is she? Doesn't really come through in the books, most of her female characters are just background scenery and Hermione is, while not a Mary Sue, the least interesting of the protagonists.
I don't think it's a 3D stream so I don't know about this
She's just like me
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Me too CC, me too. Really sucks cuz Tuesday is my day off
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She's as feminist as your average college slut, which is much more than the average woman but less than your actual hardcore feminists.
Did they find a way to cuckpost holoGTA?
>Miko is such a choker she even slips her own post-event recap gold
Post the tally already. Or did tallyanon quit like clipanon?
Nobody said she was consistent.
Her female characters are also fucking terrible.
post the original jp comment
Crazy how the same company has people who did HLZNTL, ReGloss, Holostars, and Blue Journey but also Advent/Justice, ENRECO, HoloGTA, Holofes, and Breaking Dimensions.
It's not hitting 50k
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>JK Rowling hates men
this isn't the lie about hags thread
It's hard to say because she's such a bad writer. It's not like the male characters are much deeper.
I've seen several arts like this, how do you get a ski mask UNDER your hair?
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Here it goes
>108,506: Fubuki (Hololive)
>94,788: Miko (Hololive)
>50,711: Mito (Nijisanji)
>45,496: Korone (Hololive)
>23,587: Miko (Hololive)
>18,394: Patra (Indie)
>18,374: Koyori (Hololive)
>18,120: Cecilia (Hololive)
>15,124: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>13,537: VOLTACTION (Nijisanji)
>12,330: Sora (Hololive)
>11,957: Bijou (Hololive)
>11,777: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>11,288: Gigi (Hololive)
>10,698: Sendo (VSPO)
>10,617: Watame (Hololive)

Gold for Fubuki with GTA clips with Miko getting silver with ... GTA clips and Mito, bronze
>Hehe it would be funnier if there was cuck scenario
you cut it
Dr. Fox cucked Miko outta her gold like how he cucked Mr. Goro
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Those are some impressive numbers, Friend. But I'm worried you've started down a dark path with that display of pure numberniggery you put on today. Please reconsider.
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That would be so cool

wow, what times.... 99% of the chat is english
She unironically won't even beat Sana. Ame's announcement stream got the same that Pomu's did.
HoloEN fell off hard
3-11 win for nijsanji, hololive is dead
yeah, holoEN is on its death bed. The branch probably won't exist this time next year. Yagoo himself said they still haven't seen a ROI on EN after 4 years.
I'm expecting 100k, beating Sana's graduation (85-90k, thanks Z's) but +/- 10k. There's nowhere near enough momentum to get past 110k, she hasn't been relevant for a couple years now beyond two recent events that were more "GG pops off, thanks Ame"; sub-90k feels possible, but very grim.
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The fucking mongoloid has ONE SINGLE VIDEO in his channel
I 100% doubt he's Japanese either
u avin a giggle m8?
Why would Pomu graduate? she's the biggest nijiotaku in the west
its still funny to me that to this very day we still have people on /lig/ /shon/ and /nina/ shitting on hololive for taking away CC making her corpo and then shitting on corpofags while talking about how much better it is for CC to stay as indies and how she is not happy with her new fans, being idol, and the corpos restricting her, they still talking about CC rm everyday
i'm inclined to think the same
>simply put, if this cheating drama had been done with an actual male vtuber, in the end, would you say it was fun?
>i think it could be said to be fun precisely because there's the feeling of "what in the world are they doing despite both being women"
basically, the bakery NTR wouldn't have been fun if there was an actual male involved
kek of course
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rewatching this rn

in how much time do you think it'll reach 100 mirrion?
Since when did Ame's latest vod had a suicide hotline message? lol
We have been "one decisive blow away" for a long time. And they still there after countless blows.
Cockroaches never die
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I don't know, but maybe it can be because of chat? It was long stream, so it's possible.
yeah though the reasons its fun is a lot more simple than that. It's just because it's roleplay performed with sincerity, rather than irony.
Nothing particularly crazy about it, is basically the good old "try whatever shit you can and hope some stick in" approach many companies do. Granted the first tempus gen might get a pass because it was Cover's attempt at getting the luxiem crowd bit after that... Now they have more than enough data to stop homopushing because it's a absurd waste of resources, but they are yagoo protected so gotta keep trying to make them work somehow.
I hope someone calls her out on this and I hope she comes up with some shit cope because otherwise this is uncomfortable honestly
Nothing shows for me, screencap it
Grems going nuts in ERB chat
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Man, this was clearly one of those "pivotal" moments for Hololive where girls that wouldn't really get exposure at the "other side" of the fandom
>EN girls on the JP side, JP girl son the EN side
have all the time and opportunity in the world to shine
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What will it take to get a map painter Holo?
grems... not like this...
Yes, I watched like half of the first episode and the game itself seem cheesy and dumb, like a meme game. Like GURPS
I don't think any Holo would get an ok to play any Paradox map painting game (maybe with the exception of Stellaris)
>60k average, 80k peak
this but 30 50
Splatoon doesn't count you stupid sexy knife ears.

I could have sworn that Fauna talked about them having CK perms at one point and she thought it would be funny to play with Gura, but she had no idea at all how to play them.
25/40 is more likely.
ERB is baiting that she's going to copy GG's stream, but she's 100% not doing that. that's why the grems are going crazy
She's not gonna do it but she did lead with September
Fauna is probably the closest but doubtful it will happen depending on if fauna thinks it would make an entertaining stream
Nah, lots of games like TF2 that don't really get played, collabing with other girls she doesn't collab with very much, a lot of variety.
Should be a really good day
oh did she already start? had no clue.
9 minutes ago
Unironically different teams working on different projects
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Who will be the lucky winner of the erb raid tonight?
I have to say Neuro /here/ has a weird thread culture last I checked. It's full of shipfags and rrat posting.
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NTA but here
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You cut the top of the mask
god i tried watching kiara and its just cats and pop culture references in tv shows
i know, it's great right?
t. not kiara
This one, she always raids Genmates first
It's not even good shows. It's fucking Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Gilmore Girls, Rings of Power and a bunch of those "you're stuck naked on an island and have to date" shows.
It'll be Bettel because whenever he streams Fall Guys she joins his party in game
She has skipped CC multiple times
raiding a super reading?
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Is that a gay walter white on altare's thumbnail?
I really want to like Liz, I love her voice but the over singing makes my head hurt, songs have silent moment for a reason and she going like Yea Huh all the time is annoying
women have to be told what to watch and you shouldn't let them be influenced by anyone other than you because they'll just make bad decisions.
How much she has? If it's above 7k she will raid a homo.
Almost 8k
Almost 8k
If they can mod permissions, they can avoid politics. Anbennar would be cool. Old World Blues might be more accessible, but it could run into the politics issue. Issue is that it’s very hard for the audience to follow if they missed the first stream or if the streamer doesn’t have to learn the game.
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Weird that fag streaming at those hours. Did they talk with each other so he can receive the raid?
other things aside, the doomposting about ERB's karaoke numbers appears to have been pretty overdone
they seem fairly stable, not hitting Mumei/IRyS primetime numbers, but good for the window she populates
He can't get away with this
Minimum : 100k
Expected : 120k
Kneel Territory : 150k+
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Don't diss big dimes sheldon
My bro is propping up dynamite ratings every week
Anon, 10k for unarchived is really low.
>Global absolutely seething that FWMC passed Bae in subs
Why is this an Advent anti thread again? Genuine question.
Hope we go back to the Witcher soon
People were shitposting because she was going against a bunch of EN GTA streams. Same shitposters as always
cute twa
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15k or I riot
This is /#/ retard.
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I'm sure if I click global it will be one dude (you) spamming and being ignored, as is every "global is seething" post ever made here.
I mean the early stuff where people were estimating her falling to like 5-6k due to "overdoing"
Minimum: 40k
Expected: 50k
Kneel territory: More than Pomu
I dont see a many negative comments on Mio clip on reddit
Bold to say, homobeggars are either leaving or accepting it nowadays??
kill yourself
How much was pomu?
Delicious raid for clown 'senpai'.
It's been years and I still don't understand how people fell for Fauna's fake ass garbage of a personality. It is absolutely so manufactured it makes Ironmouse's illness look legit. Her streams are boring messes of poor gameplay where she just spends the entire time whining and doing absolutely nothing of value. Despite doing absolutely no real work other than streaming she can't even stream 5 times a week. She always complains about homework with nothing to show for it.

She clearly holds contempt for her fans but pretend she doesn't so she can continue costing off their retardation. I cannot imagine being enough of a dumbfuck to throw your money at someone who CONSISTENTLY hasn't done anything with the money given to her. She doesn't ever give back to her fans, no music, no MVs, she hires the same 3 people to do all her assets/music instead of branching out, and one is a fucking nepo hire. She can't even have the decency of getting more emotes for her chat, and I wouldn't even be surprised if she has nothing prepared for her 3rd year badge.

Fauna is a failure of an idol, a person you cannot rely on because she doesn't even attempt to connect with her fans. She takes and takes and takes and takes but never gives because she sees them as nothing but a means to an end. I wouldn't be surprised if she graduated in the next couple of years considering how she just hoards her money.
probably because they got downvoted to the bottom of the page
That's dumb, a competent singer is always gonna get decent numbers even if people just toss it on and have it in the background, there's never anything else to watch in this spot anyway. Hell you can usually get 3-4k for rebroadcasts.
holoGTA is not the company's thing
it's been 2 years
get some help anon
honestly, it's the first Myth graduation so I'd expect 200k+, but the unclear nature of all of it and lack of finality makes it feel less important
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uh oh melty hours
>ligger melty
uh oh
overdoing? I haven't heard anything about ERB for like 2 weeks I feel like
does she not talk about any anime? I thought she was a weeb
Probably will be after this.
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After much consideration this seems most accurate
I feel like it's all you shitposting trying to drag global in the mud for some reason
Not even that high, will be easily cleared.
yeah, it was dumb, I guess it just shows that some people really get a bit too biased with their estimates
Too fucking cute
There were Holo staff running the thing. You could literally see them.
I don't think so
for weeb stuff she will occasionally talk about idol music and cosplayers
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>the girl who prefers doing the idol performances and lives
>considering graduation
Kill yourself
>also Gura
Kill yourself
>until we meet again
see you gain in 2-3 years!
even the most negative ones are just from 1-2 retards
Fauna and Gura should swap
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I wouldn't put Kiara in that category given her recent statements. Made it sound like we're only safe for a year or two.
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why cant you help replying to bait
In an ideal world Fauna would be already graduated and in vshojo where she belongs
They seethe in okbh.
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How long until Ame comes back?
Why are you melting down today, fantafeet?
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I guess they at least have the self awareness that Mio isn't someone you can shit on
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They reply to themselves bro
Be honest, all that Faunaseethe is yours.
>she always raids genmates first
Do you just know how wrong you are with that statement?
>Considering Graduation
Moom wont even graduate from college
nigger is samefagging
are you fucking retarded?
>If they can mod permissions
Mod permission are ass to obtain
>Old World Blues might be more accessible, but it could run into the politics issue
They played F:NV with no problems, so OWB should be ok as well
They really don't show up on the main sub much anymore unless it's on a botted post they're raiding
They actually took the advice of the Helmite squad and started posting more actively in the Holostars sub so it's not entirely dead anymore
>10 hours 30 minutes
I see she did a short one for NijiEN standards
Yes. Mumei is considering graduation from College
Why are Brit vtubers the biggest nastiest whores?
Last time faggots said that Aqua would reach Coco's level and that got BTFO'D really hard. Ame will go past Sana's
> HLZNTL, ReGloss, Holostars, and Blue Journey
All JP management projects
> Advent/Justice, ENRECO, Breaking Dimensions.
All EN management (Jap sama) projects
> HoloGTA
Talent-led project

The difference is crystal fucking clear.
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She also did a relatively short run to graduation, 15 days from announcement to graduation, about the same as Ame?
>They actually took the advice of the Helmite squad and started posting more actively in the Holostars sub so it's not entirely dead anymore

man, I feel bad for the actual Stars fans, they basically just aren't big enough to push back against the sheer numbers of the beggars
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With my dick.
Those were two indies that were recruited to be 'staffs' it's why they had a lot of personalilty (and were shit drivers).
passing Sana is a given, it's 4 years of legacy vs like 4 months, also regardless of their general viewership, Myths are still the progenitors of the scene, dramafags and rubberneckers of all kinds will tune in for the tears and parting words of a vtuber Primarch
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Don't forget Holowitches
fucking kek
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>all burgers still at work
>still gets 10k
Kneel monkeys
Dont forget annual Marika, Super Pekora bros tournament, minecraft HC and Hololive minecraft summer fastival under talent led projects
reddit isn't necessarily the best place to discuss vtubers. It was good pre-homo era since the posts would reach r/all often but that's the only good thing it did.
switch kornii for mooms, and move mori up to at least a year
Shondo please….
If it happen can you remind me in 3-4 threads, im going to sleep now.
Anyone can drive properly on any GTA? For being a game focused half of it in cars the driving experience is always shit.
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Is this bait?
I've seen you try this post so many times in this thread grouping normal holo projects like regloss and bluejourney with hated shit like holostars and hlzntl, can't see this as anything but disingenuous
No. Thats my daughter wife.
check okbh they're all seething over there instead
Blue Journey was pretty good though
I am pretty sure that's cunny
And it would be disgusting to watch a male vtuber act like a sleazy and cheating pervert.
the songs, sure
the promotional campaign was fucking disastrous
>still 10k
Unikeks status?
That's all they do over there anyway
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I love sniffing 'em wtf is this sauce help
Oh it's real lmao
Sure but the JP guy said "what in the world are they doing despite being women" when Fubuki and Korone had me bought in while playing that they were male.
Must have been someone else.
yeah, there was one guy saying they should send her SC about how disappointed they are in her
floppy flop
I don't, they may be small in numbers, but they should have pushed against too. They are to blame for not even trying to do something, they expect the girls and their fans to deal with it. Fuck them, I hope more fund cuts in the future so they realize how good they have it leeching from the girls.
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Cutest Boy
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>Not the anti sub btw
>leddit screen caps
no one cares about your own posts, go back
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holowitches is an interesting project
it is much less offensive than the other shit but they still fucked it up by putting it in the middle of 300k box GTA event
I wonder what the concept for it was. Obviously they want to sell merch... but they gave them new 3D outfits, put a lot of resources into mahou shoujo larp (MV manga etc) and even made a free to watch 3D live. So it's kinda a lot of effort just for merch
gee i wonder if he's a shitstirrer
99% chance he's indo or flip
>only hitting 10k 37 minutes in
Why do these trannies use so many "/" in random places?
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Never lol
He will samefag on cooldown anyway
>They actually took the advice of the Helmite squad and started posting more actively in the Holostars sub so it's not entirely dead anymore
huh would you look at that
are they actually talking about streams or just bitching about how girls refuse to subsidize homos?
They hate each other after the aoe2 debacle
Seriously, if there was no major announcement or merch release during the 3D Live they should have pushed it back a week. At least Miko made it really fun by doing a watchalong in GTA.
>Samefagging ERB posts because nobody replied
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Reminder to check this out.
holoEN??? holoEN collabs with stars even less than JP...
how many calliu and kronni collabs with stars even was there...
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Holy shit, Towa speaks English so cutely.
what in the fuck
>these ratios
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About 2 comments on post talking about streams or the homos by themself and 200 comments about any form of aknowledgement from girls.
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Man, ERB is a nice background music
Holy shit, you're right. I'm starting to believe the rat that Mori has a crush on Fauna.
>That's why I'm glad HoloEN exists
>The girls have almost entirely ceased all mentions and interactions with the homos
>The very last homo collabs (minus erb) were in may 2023 over a fucking year ago
We're coming full circle with retards using "progressiveness" to justify forcing interactions with the homos.
okbh aka actual antisub
>I like watching nijiSEA back then
Ok, what have anything to do with hololive? You want that experience? Look it in another place.
It's funny that even JOPs know this while the "hololive fans" in OKBH don't, despite the former having a language barrier.
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Anon, it's still 1st Myth graduation. That's a big buff.
They need to stop going mask off when *checks note* a woman is voicing her opinion and exercising her choices
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Ah, I see. Yeah, the ratios make sense now.
Biboo is only there for the giggles, right?
people posting in that sub knows nothing about HoloJP and think they are all 100% unicorn friendly just because of
>Muh idol culture
How can someone be so out of touch, it's like he is basing his knowledge off of 3year old reddit memes...
in her last act of defiance against /#/ she decided to fuck everyone elses by hitting as many overlaps as possible before leaving
Which artist should I fund for this content?
see it really is just nijifags who want to turn hololive into niji
thats it
god nijien and its consequences have been disastrous to vtubing
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>Gigi Murin in chat is also a member of hololive, also subscribe to her but don't give her tequila
What did ERB mean by this
>According to this research paper, you not wanting to collab with males is wrong and you need to acknowledge that
That's some mental illness level shit
Watson is washed up. Real debuffers overlap multiple collabs.

>actually watching ERB
>EN is much more comfortable working in cross-gender groups
What does anyone arrive at that conclusion.
Harry Potter was great because the magic world was fantastic, not because the characters.
Not just Hololive, we're just the crown jewel. But they want to nijify every single vtuber who doesn't conform and become an accessory to male vtubers.
>ERBschizo redditfag is melting down
retard think we give a fuck about "some research" when we can see how hololive works right in front of our eyes and has been for years? crazy fuckers
Sasuga starmins, you useless fucks.
Beggars are that desperate huh
Debuffvella......I'm so behind on her monke streams and she keeps overlapping collabs making them hard to catch live
This dude was so butthurt he wrote a fanfic about Mio getting raped btw
but gigi is starting her stream in 10 minutes... ERB your genmates...
Blue Archive thread on ATF.
>Ame will lose gold 4 days in a row with graduation buff
When the fuck did Mumei talk about that collab?
>disrupt the harmony
That's only applicable if both groups NEED to work with each other.
Since it's not a case here, the entire argument can be thrown to garbage, because there's no need for "Holopro harmony"
imagepost? I want to see the melty
Posting reddit screencaps should be fucking bannable again
never, dude is making shit up
lap also said she's a unicorn lol but doesn't apply same rules to herself and doesn't give a fuck
>mumei felt a little bullied to join
any hoomans can confirm?
also, bare cunny shouldn't be bannable
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What is /uh?
Makes the conversation sounds so unintellectual to begin with at least for my eslness
State of Play is getting EN gold today right?
Patra getting above 15k is a rarety
>>85995622 (me)
I'm from okbh
Thank you.
based MAPchad
I'll forgive it if it was thematic like husband DV or a hospital director
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The fag who uploaded the Mio clip is deleting some pro-unicorn comments. I'm being silenced, bros.
This one not being in the negatives even in the okbuddy thread says a lot
Their version of "For real though". Funny how they are actual antis after dropping the mask.
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An hour until it starts grim
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>You have to have some frame of references into why her and her colleagues think that way
/non-shitposting mode
It's basically "real talk"
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Your silence is deafening, brother
There's nothing big on Wednesday, she could take it
11k are yes
Mumei memory-holed that shit even harder than we do.
>Suddenly overlap hell
Why she decided to make this game of all things a multipart series is beyond me. Then she decided to play it with the chink dub for extra debuff.
I hope fagoo is proud that more people are talking about the homos.... just for the purpose to attack the girls. Seriously, holoGTA really masks off tons of faggots.
>why did she say it >she should've kept her mouth shut >you need basic social skills, dammit! skills you only get through homocollabs!
CC schedule up
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Mumei never talked about that collab. That guy thread read someone posting about how Bae felt bad about dragging Mumei to the collab but somehow thought Mumei talked about it instead.
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What is the /uh /rh for
>gg 1k
so much for her incline
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>4chan siding with women
>reddit siding with sexpests
Grim sequence of events.
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mogged by rosemi. grim
Are these people teenagers?
beats me, this is the first time ive opened reddit in years, i just wanted to see the homotranny seethe
Friendo is sexooooo
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>No POV on valve marathon
She's doing a supa reading while overlapped by an unarchived karaoke and Ame's oblivion finale

Shes gonna be lucky if she hits 2k
Its gonna be late for her, it's understandable at least
Cool concept but she's not actually showing anything so it's a glorified audiolog.
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/rh means they're joking
/uh for reals
t. used to frequent okbh when it was still discount /vt/ and discount nfyco
Well this is Hololive not 4chan. We're basically bigger than this website.
God I want to fuck Shionne so hard.
just check any profile and you will find they also post in the pagpag land or indog subreddits
Why do you want her to undermine Ame's CCV?
they took it from the circle jerk subs that did the whole unjerk and rejerk
Fauna not doing POVs likely either, gonna only be like 3 POVS for the enitre thing
Is CC joining all 3 collabs (deadlock,TF2,Gmod)?
Did something happend to maddie been a while since this thread brought her up
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That's stupid.
Debuffvella is having a POV
Recently they are inventing their own stories, which one was the one that have tons of backlash because everyone corrected the fag?
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She got harassed or doxxed or something and privated her twitter idk, something like that.
>deadlock collab
>but no spess mahreen 2 collab
>1 minute
Really scraping the barrel today.
damn this dude saw a unicorn??
>Nijiniggers and post that aged like milk.
Accelerate edition
Shiori "being on the blue fags chat" when the comments beggars took were from her own waiting room?
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I want to cum on Mumei's big feet. /sx
It's like 1 hour after when she normally starts her streams.
>Ame sub 5K during graduation week
and people still believe losing her is the end of HoloEN
Okbh stands for “okbuddyhololive”. This is derived from the subreddit “okbuddyretard”. So,
/uh = un-“retard” - actual opinion
/rh = re-“retard” - banter/shitposting
It’s similar to circlejerk subs with uj and rj.
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that means he's a virgin kek
These faggots really worship their sexpests and see women as nothing but tools for their homogods
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It laste for but a second but Rosemi nearly tasted how it feels to be in holo
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>sub 12k ultra buff erb
Uhhh homocucks? This is your champion?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah why I wanted to watch how clumsy fauna and CC are.
it was a rhino
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Fourth from top, rigthmost column
Has Fauna ever streamed her own POV playing shooters?
>I realized there's nothing to be afraid to talk to them
If anything they are the ones who should be afraid of a big strong man like me
Who cares? Stop bringing her up, rider
>11k is bad now

>only virgins can see them
>they only post on 4chan and are otherwise invisible
I think she did for Fortnite
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Stopped caring about her ever since the homo duet/improve yourself but I do admit I was slightly saddened when I saw the announcement. It lasted for only a day.
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If she remains so involved what's even the purpose of graduating? Sounds like it might be a minimal change she was streaming more recently than she did in years when was the last time she organized anything of note Myth anniversary 2023? Not much in terms of solo streams either recently she would come back for a random karaoke every once in a while.
why would unicorns do this
Every time I've asked, it turns out that most of modern 4chan is actually oldfags from a bygone era who pine for an older style of internet.
The cold truth is that barring /b/, nothing that happens on 4chan is distinctly worse than anywhere else on the internet. It just looks worse because despite the anonymity, everything's in public view at all times; not hiding in the depths of Discord or Facebook groups or WhatsApp rooms or what have you. I'm not saying we're good, only that we're not really worse despite the reputation.
Spelling Bee
Oh, that's one of them. But I remember there was more. Lamy? Suisei too. Seriously, they already resort to invent made up scenarios. Too bad for them holofans watch streams.
I wonder how much ERB's karaokes get debuffed by most of them being made up of little-known songs.
Lets be real though this site format might be literally perfect for pictures of anime girls
i will miss her randoms karaokes
>it feels like a graduation
I am not feeling it.
Surely ERB would raid Ame right?
She is graduating soon after all...
It probably was Aku
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Most rational homobeggar.
I'm really curious to see if Ame still sounds so disinterested outside of hololive. And I don't mean just her normal disposition, she sounds like she's phoning it in.
Why didn’t you save Gigi
>Debufella changing her streaming time just so she can get overlaped by an Unarchived Karaoke

Im gonna miss her bros...
Is this her first karaoke?
its gonna be a homo this time anon
she has sounded like that since debut
Second, first was also unarchived
Surely but it's Oblivion...
Not as much as half the time being guerilla and functioning as glorified radio due to minimal talk
sapbro that level of answer is wasted on that faggot
Insurance in case she hates current twitch, handling things the indie way or randomly gets suspended lol.
I feel like this deal exists mostly because Cover REALLY wants to keep using the entire Myth gen in merch and marketing. Probably doesn't hurt that Ame is basically the best friend of their top EN.
Third, second was convention violin karaoke
was actually a beggar and i'm not even kiding
she's singing as many songs as possible
Her overlap is an SC reading and Ame. So yeah that's very fucking bad
Why did she change her voice so much since then
If you wanna count that as karaoke, sure
How was her singing?
N-not Rider, right?
Nah. Also look who is streaming right now. Yummy raid for clown 'senpai'.
Nigga who cares.
She's not even privated anymore btw, that type of person needs the attention to be privated for too long
it's the "boros is strong" faggot, think like Kris the holofag but even more of a retarded shit stirring nigger
To be fair, this is graduation buff Ame, not any normal stream
She got outed for (e-)dating a 16 y/o girl when she was 18 and people started calling her pedo
Gotta support the boys first
>raiding some useless, resource wasting homo instead of your beloved senpai who is graduating and this might be one of the only chance you get to raid her
Shes absolutely raiding a homo i bet my balls on it
Uhhh, mostly pretty bad, but very SOVLfull, she has a pretty voice but is terrified of singing, come back in like a year or so

Expect in french for some reason, where she sang mostly without issues
Fauna tier
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Honestly, I won't buy any Myth merch that has Ame in it after she is "affiliated". It will feel fucking weird.
voice changing over time + becoming more comfortable with us
you have eto specify which Fauna because debut Fauna, Year 2 Fauna and Year 3 Fauna are 3 different people.
cover is experimenting a way to keep the IP alive while allowing talents to quit
Nah it wasnt Fauna tier. It was Biboo tier which is also not very good but better than Fauna tier
She also moved way closer to her Microphone + changed her technical setup
Slightly better than debut fauna, but not by much
>I would just prefer if they collabed with the opposite gender
>fuwamoco in their flair
I can't with these "people"
all the small things
Don't forget that hebe she LDR'd calls herself a "boy". What a fucking world we live in.
yes but that was already in preparation for her goodbye, probably had this idea since forever.
I like it. Need more training, but I think will be acceptable in the future.
yeah, i sometimes forget about mics and such
From what hoomans have said before I believe she's made it pretty clear she won't join a collab like that again and is here to collab with the girls, but I don't think she's ever addressed that collab directly
>Hololive Music Studio
Really Cover?
grim numbers for amelia. this does not bode well for her graduation
I would really like to know what made her want to LEAVE the company even if it's for an extended vacation period where she'll try to go indie or whatever to eventually return after like 2 or 3 years. Like what exactly caused her to just willingly want to fucking leave? I understand Aqua even if others don't, I understand Coco and I definitely get why Sana left too. I cannot fathom why amelia would willingly fucking leave. It just makes me trust Cover EVEN LESS than ever before because someone like Ame has always been a company girl, extremely loyal to them, and even she figured that it's best for her to fuck off. That's just not a good sign at all no matter how you look at it. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm worried over nothing, but I can't help but wonder what japanese corpo autism they've increased to make some of their most loyal and long time members decide it's better to drop everything and leave. I'm sure it's not a case of "well, they wanna go their own way and try to do their own thing by returning to the cruel world of indies where nothing is stable". Ain't no fucking way all of them want that willingly.
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>one day!
>one day, FWMC will see the light!
>just wait and watch, chudcel!
so no amesame last stream????
She's literally in overlap hell and it was guerrilla

Cut her some slack anon
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Raid a homo erb, come on it would be so funny and helpful for dubois
Pekora would have daily 100k streams with the same buff.
depression hurt plz andastand
>108,506: Fubuki (Hololive)
>94,788: Miko (Hololive)
>50,711: Mito (Nijisanji)
You guys have to admit, the lengths those people go in their Human Engineering purely for the sake of satisfying their deviant sexual fetishes is admirable. I wish I had at least half their determination.

All of them still should be executed, though.
you're kind of a retarded nigger
>gura is actually mad at ame for wanting to leave, and she's doing that thing in anime where, after one character decides to leave, the other character gets ass mad and doesn't talk to them until the day of departure, before crying like an absolute bitch in the airport
She should have made it in.
Clara is perfectly happy where she is. Stop begging.
Why does GG like this fat bird so much...
begone phasekek
i hope there is one
if not there is going to be to much shitposting
First affiliation stream 100K is easy
Budget ERB
Certainly wouldve preferred her over erb but thats not saying much
It's weird how everything in the vtuber world is the opposite of the rest of the Internet.
>Female fans are the ones who mostly act degenerate
>Male fans want wholesome content
>Female vtubers are way bigger than males
>The Twitter activists support men and hate women
>The "incels" or whatever support women and hate men
Among others.
>even if she applied, she was considered not good enough for fucking ReGloss, advent and Justice
Idk man, seems like there might be something wrong with her
Anon? she actually made it. She's in phase.
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What happened?
Don't watch phase but caught her Grease stream. it was phenomenal work.
how did azki get a double tick in a day
I'm kinda sad she isn't going to do one last run through the EN Minecraft server either (that we know of), Minecraft was peak early EN.
I know it won't last but good job by Gigi this month
Final stream or ocean charity.
Azki coins to the moon
Hoping she has a segment on the charity stream
What do you mean? from the perspective of whom?
unironically clips
holofans got to see........a different side to AZKi
She does the same vocal flourishes that the jpop anons shit on ERB for, just with slightly less belting.
You think Biboo can ever pass Rissa again?
you mean hololive world
Vtubing is Hololive.
it'd take a prolonged period of biboo incline whilst rissa starts floundering, neither of which i can truly see happening
wait azki? what the fuck
Is erb belting again?
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