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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush
>なかま歌 / Nakamaka (Shiraken)
>アニマル / Animal (Cover)
>アイドル / IDOL (Cover)

>Collab list:

>Previous Threads

Previous thread: >>85807260
thanks for baking nye
iroha's weakness is being a gachikoi hoshiyomi and we all know what suichan thinks of gachikoi
mikochi started out as coworkers and then friends and now inseparable not to mention how cute mikochi's roommate is
and suichan loves cute things
i think it was an EN or ID holomem who met micomet and first thing she said was how cute mikochi is and caught herself by saying suichan is cute too
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yeah Miko's new MV..
with the POV every so slightly from above her eyes...
really makes you think
That is the magic of girls love, everyone will just say they are super good friends, best friends, etc. because girls are allowed to be close and still say it's just female friendship. And I say this as a lesbian, it's not that hard.
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but seriously
what did she mean by this?
>we all know what suichan thinks of gachikoi
she never said anything negative about gachikois, nor never rejected them.
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correct. she just doesn't pander to them.
and that's completely fine.
Depends on what you mean by rejecting, I guess. Like she simply won't ever, EVER reciprocate, which can mean reject in some way, but she also doesn't hate them, but won't listen to them, so it's like… you know.
that's not a bad thing.
look at where we are lol we want them to be together not pander to us.
and i'm saying this a gachi of both.
as a*
no one will truly reciprocate though.
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Right. We are sane lmao I would say I am a gachikoi for Miko but also a bigger himejoshi so I WATCH FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEM. I AM HAPPY WITH THAT.
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It's kind of amazing, I don't think it would have been possible for them to find someone else who understands them as much as they do each other
thet have had pretty unique and similar struggles in life and at work
even if their personalities and interests don't match, it's not a surprise they bonded so quickly and so strongly
and most importantly for it to be a successful relationship, they are on the same level and deeply respect each other
it's rare to find two people who can push each other's buttons so hard yet always know the limit
I believe in miComet Soulmeism.
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Gura thought they were both cute
>Suityan in a dorky sense
Also Bae but we know that
Soulmateism*, but A for effort
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my cute oshis deserve to rest after this incredibly amazing week.
i'm so happy their project went well and that other holos enjoyed their time too.
She will be in an Amogus collab tomorrow so she isn't resting yet
sigh. miko really needs to rest...
i hate when they don't stream but i also hate when they jeopardize their health.
suityan has a very hard stop when it comes to her health, i hope mikochi learns from her one day...
Miko knows her limits, she'll be fine
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You are saying that about the person her new manager went to tell Suichan to tell her own concerns over Miko's workaholic tendencies?
illegal magutako fanart
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i've been watching old micomet clips and i think i have a theory. so, obviously they don't felt that close during that time, but i've noticed that despite that, suichan would comply to a lot of things that miko asks her to do, but that wouldn't make sense since they were starting to know eachother, you don't act like that with a new friend. moreso, suichan would follow miko around and start conversations more often that miko would.
if you've been here since at least 2021, you'd know that things really started to advance at a really fast pace since 2023/2024, and that's where my theory comes to try and explain why their slow burn was so… slow. unless suichan was chasing miko romantically for 2 whole years withouth much reciprocation, the thing that makes the most sense that could've happened is that suichan tried a romantic advance early on and got rejected, and not a hard rejection but one of the "i'm not ready yet" type.
that would explain why suichan was so insistent from the beginning, she got rejected but never gave up and with time formed a strong frendship with miko that remained that way until she was ready to try and then after a couple of years they'd start dating, and that's why the last year or so we got so much advancement.
i think this theory makes somewhat sense, but my sources are old clips and delusions, so take it however you want.
I'm curious what brought you to this conclusion
it always seemed like Miko was the one crushing hard early on
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like i said, i've been watching real old clips, early 2021, and it does feel that suichan is the one with the iniciative.
if i do remember correctly, miko seemed more interested after the first half of 2021, but remember that the one who initiated everything was suichan so i think it does make sense.
as for specific things, it just feels like it, i might be completely wrong, but for example, their date at holo summer fest in 2021 had mikochi dragging suichan around, suichan imitating miko's voice, trying to make her laugh, all while miko wasn't giving the same energy back, honestly.
but both thing aren't mutually exclusive, it could easily be miko not being interested at first but quickly falling for suichan, while still not prepared for a relationship.
I think Suichan didn't get rejected romantically but felt rejected as a whole because of how guarded Miko was early on. Suichan said her type of character to chase is the challenging kind hence why she liked to hang around Akutan too. I felt the difference with Miko was that she found a more affectionate, amusing and comfortable presence to the point of being able to banter so easily, also someone who she couldn't help wanting to protect and support. Miko wasn't crushing hard early on actually, she admired and respected Suichan, she saw her as everyone did, a hardworking and amazing singer. I think they took a while to get an established friendship and then best friends with romantic undertones. Personally I don't think they are dating, but I think they are aware they have an interesting chemistry. I dunno, I have been in a situation where I had feelings for a best friend but didn't feel we were in a place to date, so I waited... Those two are professional and focusing in their career, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the slow burn of their own creation.
their dynamic always seemed to me like Miko was the one who goes all in once the coast is clear, Suisei is the one who breaks the ice
hell you can see their as early as their awkward hug at the first VILLS thing
Miko was more careful and cautious that you guys seem to read her as. She is very caring and will go in for her friends, hell for Hololive, but a guarded person can be that, they don't need to be cold or socially inept. Miko herself admitted how back in the day she had a hard time opening her heart, she is a lot easier to read now for sure but back then...
Miko was very shy back then yeah
You can actually tell Miko still has some tendencies too. In the MariMiComet collab she said Suichan is the reason she goes out, either with just her or with groups. The GTA day she was all gloomy and grumpy, she was gonna go alone to kill time and needed a lil push from Suichan to recover. Suichan also can show tendencies of lost puppy.
isn't it funny how right their couple compatibility thing was?
why did that stream even happen, anyways?
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Doing one was something of a meme among Japanese streamers at one point. I recall Suisei doing one with Toko at least before that.

Clip of the Post-Ark dinner with Aki where GTA was proposed: https://twitter.com/tomo_momoda/status/1838629456405237990
I somewhat agree and if anyone remembers my PekoMiko timeline if I recall I brought up the turning point of Miko basically was sports fest. That even though people thought I was full of shit I honestly think Suityan was pouting during it because the Peko stuff and Miko made her choice and moved on and picked Suityan at the end of it
And now how we know how Suityan is totally solidifies this for me more. And I will go as far as saying after that point I think that's when they both started realizing how they felt.
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everyone was teasing them so much because they were forced to watch suicyan do menhera maintenance on miko during the leadership meetings and saw how much she loves miko and takes care of the baby
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Unironically business, as is the case with almost everything they do. They were shilling the Cinderella Switch stuff.
They weren't even close back then (2021) which is why they were more liberal about this stuff.
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I wonder what these colors could mean..
have they talked about how suichan became part of the GTA project?
did miko pull in suichan or did suichan ask to be a part of it?
considering suichan was never a big fan of GTA, i wonder what her reason for becoming an organizer instead of just a participant
i know suichan talked about miko trying to do everything and her having to forcefully wrestle work from miko, so it could be that she joined as organizer just to make miko's burden lighter
thats so sweet if thats the case
Ah, thank you, I meant to ask why no one had gone insane over it but forgot.
isn't that the outfit in sugar rush too?
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suichan will be meeting her future mother-in-law for the first time at miko's sololive
for the first time?
what? have they actually said that suichan's met miko's okatan?
if they havent then it's a first time
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i make this post almost every week itt
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Cute supportive girlfriend
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? Why do you think Iroha is gachikoi?
Like she is a fangirl but I don’t think she is in serious love with suisei
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I got this recommended to me
To think that just a few months later Suisei would actually have a Miko plushie on her streaming setup.
Anon she already had a Miko doll before this. Anemachi hung her on the Christmas tree?
Pretty sure she got it from Miko after Singapore because Miko received her suifrien "accidentally" so Miko felt bad and gave her a Miko.
That time again for people to shitpost with Miko's choice of flag in Amogus because she likes the miComet colors lol
It happens every time.
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>Miko forgets to fine Suisei before sending her to jail.
>Suisei calls her clumsy.
>Suisei forgets to fine Dr. Fox before sending him to jail.
>Justifies ir by saying that the story is interesting so it's fine.
I know it's probably because everyone hyper focuses on the two but it's funny how often they end up sharing the same fate even when they aren't together.
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they share half a braincell (the only one they have) and take turns with it
it's so funny
this suicyan is so hot wtf
Meanwhile Miko looks like a fucking clown, kek.
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I love the fact miComet also encourages people to put these two together... It's absolutely adorable.
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But a clown with a nice ass lmao That scene with her stuck on the sofa was chef's kiss.
she knows what Suisei likes
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the same rules apply: do not separate
i remember when we started calling them magutako jokingly
only for micomet to also start calling them magutako and treat them as a set lol
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love this
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Was this posted already? Translated 20 minute clip of the day they spent as buddy cops.
I love miuki so much for this
How many times has Suisei watched Miko's MV?
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nekotail teasing suityan about her message lol
>suichan think these songs are addictive
>35P will be happy to hear them
>QED suichan = 35P

logic checks out
she's the most powerful 35p
she's by far the luckiest 35p
who also gets to be a 45p
oh nekotail also talked about the the sharing expenses part
man....... i adore them
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im sure they have a joint account to pay for expenses
just typical married couple stuff
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Based based based!!!
mikochi watching gta clips today!
i hope suityan is feeling better.
lmao i have one of those but i use it to relocate snakes
good to know it can be used for gay shit
>relocate snakes
Tropical micometchads...
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I just had the weirdest not MiComet, MiComet dream I've ever had.
>Dreamt I was staying at my ex's parents house not dating because weird conversation about it while I was giving her a piggy back upstairs
>Go to different room to sleep alone excited to watch MiComet special live
IRL wake up check time 215
>Start watching random MiComet pre live where they are underground in the studio laying on a bed facing a bed with two other holomems interviewing them about GTA all white room bed the works
> Go on Twitter see one of my OG favorite YouTubers tweeting about it and his love for MiComet
> See it get posted in thread by OG streamer himself think about fanboying about to when I see a cat in my bed.
>It's one of our cats but he wants out doesn't usually sleep with me
>Wake up because I hear door knob rattle think oh it's the cat. There's no cat in my room.
Grab phone 250

All this and more happened in 35 fucking minutes and I had the bgm Suityan in my head the entire time and it felt so real.
Don't mix night time allergy meds with night cold and flu meds.
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Someone knows if the vods of the radio show are saved in youtube or nico nico, i try the nhk page but it seems i need a vpn to listen to the show, does anyone knows other way?
me, nevermind i found the pastebin on the sui thread
I am experiencing miComeds withdrawal
god i love gom's stuff
so many holomem watching GTA clips yet none of them watched any micomet clips
im disappointed
chad is cooking

hi ravi i love your tweets
only ones i could kinda expect to watch any are friend, iroha or polka
that cometchan is driving me literally insane. hatehate please. cometchan on mikochi action. i need it.
friend already did her review stream and there was no micomet
i know, i just said the most likely holos i could expect to watch any
except friend didnt so shes not most likely you could expect
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Yura doko...

based animation
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Those lipstick marks... What was that cop doing to that poor innocent criminal...?
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I had completely forgotten than Iroha had a thing for Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura.
In her eyes Suisei is Sakura-chan and Miko is Syaoran-kun. I think it's more related to her feelings about the characters than her opinions so I'm not sure if it can be contrasted with Suisei's opinion.
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was it polpol who said the opposite?
all i remember is micomet as madohamu and kawoshin
Nope, that was Suisei herself who said it all the way back in 2022 >>37241430

>Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan, eh?! You're a magical girl? Sakura Miko-chan?! That's so nice~ So nice~
>I'm fine with (being) Syaoran. His strength is pretty good already. Right, Mikochi? Right, Mikochi? Pretty good.
>[She sure is Sakura-chan] Right, Mikochi is Sakura-chan.
>[Suichan is Syaoran. Mikochi is Sakura-chan]
>Wait, the otakus will burst right now because of that
I bursted
i might be developing dementia. at least i can still recognize my posts in that thread. i'm not too far gone. for now. lmao
or am i...
but anyway. i swear i thought polpol had commented on that as well. she keeps picking popular anime ships and assigning micomet to them.
Gozaru, we totally disagree here. Suichan disagrees too. LMAO
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suichan sent miko a voice message on line despite her voice being gone
nothing major but it was cute
They do this a lot, I think I remember Suichan saying Miko sent her a voice msg back when she was sick before Suichan's hiatus and their collab
spaded is a based Mikotop chad
I choose to believe discord call in gta day 1 is not scripted and that's actually the voice she sent in the voice msg
it's 100% how she talks to Miko normally
which is insane to think about
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ero https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122711336
I think Iroha shares the consensus that Miko is a cruel woman. At least she coped by compartmentalizing HoloSantos as non-canon.
Also "adult bibideba." Chat has no chill.
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KEK Why?
My reps aren't up to par, my apologies.
I'm lacking as well but here's what I got.
Iroha started by almost saying something about Miko-senpai, stopping herself and calling HoloSantos a different world (she says more but I didn't get it).
She described the last minutes of the server that day, how Miko called her right before the server reset for the day and how she got to see a Suichan (not Suisei-senpai because different world) shaking her butt despite being unable to pole-dance. She kept crying "painful/distressing" in the middle of her coping and the clip ended with her telling chat "stop it with the adult bibideba" with a stern voice.
Miko flexed on her
Yes. And I don't think Miko was doing it to be intentionally mean even though it kinda was. I think Miko honestly wanted to give Gozaru part of the private show because she thought she would love it. Miko thought of it from a dudes POV. While she thought she was fulfilling every hoshiyomis dream she was accidentally flaunting her relationship with Suityan. Suityan hates being lewded but I can get her to do lewd things for me. Basically.
the real question is why suicyan is willing to do lewd things for miko
Love makes you do things you'd never think you would do my friend.
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That's an interesting way of interpreting the RP.
Yeah, sounds like she's coping hard. Gd Iroha. It's just a joke lol. Suityan was the "affected" one and she doesn't care at all. Mikochi cried when SorAz did the thing but she had lots of fun with them at the strip club anyway because, in the end, they were just having fun.
Thanks for the summary anon. Have a nice day.
Mikochi was based as fuck and did something I know Suityan would never kek
She's too possessive to consider sharing Mikochi with anyone.
Right Suityan would never flaunt Miko pole dancing I honestly bet they went back alone and gave eachother real shows.
Also I wonder if Miko in a way was internally getting annoyed with happenings in the force with Shuba separating them and getting Gozaru involved and she marked her territory without trying. Because they were both seemingly off when they weren't talking all the time and seeing eachother.
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FBKchad replied
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what the fuck KEK
>no words
>friend still found it
>...and replied to it
micomet saw it 1000%
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Does anyone have saved the image of the two of them in yukata in a festival setting. Miko is sticking out her tongue to Suisei to show her shaved ice changed its colour to blue. The POV is from a couple steps back as a respectful MiCometchad
Thank you incredibly

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