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https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
sex with anal only!!
I think reading this every thread is helping me. I don't get why fuwamoco are the only girls that make me like this, I've had oshis before but I've never gotten jealous over other fans getting noticed. I don't know if it's because fuwamoco do it more, or whatever.
I feel like submitting something for FWMC Morning, but I don't know what. I do have some old walk pictures, and I might be able to remember some forgotten questions I've thought of for them if I think hard enough, but nothing really jumps out at me.
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i miss my wibes bwos...
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But anal is GROESS Raffian ueh....
Submit whatever you feel like. Just don't be like me and plan to submit stuff but it get's too close to the episode air date so I wait till after because I think it'll give it better chances, but I end up doing the same again. It's a retarded cycle I'm in,
being close to the episode is better for getting picked they always do it last minute. Posting ahead of time will just get it buried.
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Every day I'm incredibly disappointed at the lack of FUWAMOCO anal lewds
I'm not really interested in maximizing the chances of it getting picked though
It really is a shame. It's also the only realistic method of intercourse with them to preserve their idol dreams and dignity.
Do people have notifications on for every ruffian? How do these people instantly like everything I post
I know some do. I used to
Youre one of the Ruffians I regularly stalk :3
jesas how do you even live like that? Wouldn't that be thousands of notifications?
It was a long time ago when I didn't follow as many Ruffians
one second
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go to sleep you stupid fucking dog
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Did anyone else masturbate in the hotel room during breaking dimensions weekend? I don't usually do it on trips but I was so fucking hard after each day that I couldn't ignore it
That's nothing I have people who post my tweets here instantly.
I was so nervous and autistic that my cock literally shrunk into my body like a turtle the entire weekend.
[MCC] One second.
[MCC] Just one second, please.
so when is their next big thing? i'm getting bored since we got so much kino back to back recently
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I'm sleepy I'm hungry my tummy horts I'm bored I miss them
I want a schizo just once to notice me because that means I've made it and FUWAMOCO love me if others are jealous
You really don't.
I masturbated in the King's Theater restroom before day 1 after seeing a really hot Nerissa cosplayer
Tf2 and garrys mod are going to be pretty kino
I think we're gonna get one relatively quiet week(thank god) before the GG event/collab
it's not like they do anything dangerous they just loop about you here which is nothing and easily hidden. unless I'm unaware of some horrors
Damn I wish I had the freetime to be bored since Im still catching up with GTA...
I hope you're kidding because the lines were so long I almost shit my pants and was nearly late to my seat for the concert start
Wait until a schizo pretends to be you and argues with himself for hours after attempting to "emulate your posting style."
Why does this happen, you ask? I have literally no idea.
You forgot posting every tweet of yours immediately and then samefagging to ask WHY ARE YOU POSTING YOUR OWN TWEET HERE?
I was just thinking recently how it's funny that I met face to face people who hornypost here anonymously. Maybe I shared a table at bauger king with someone who fills threads with images that stop just short of the line of being porn. Maybe I sang karaoke with someone who begs for paygods to buy content for the mega. Maybe I stood in the meet and greet line with someone who goes into detail about glazing Mococo's like a toaster strudel.
I don't believe you. Not that you wouldn't be degenerate enough to do it but because there were no hot cosplayers.
you don't even need to get attention for a schizo to latch onto you
These eyes are getting a bit heavy, so I must rest. I hope the remainder of homework went well, barkers are recovering nicely, and you both could receive some extra comfy sleep I'll hold your paws close in the busy new day

I love you both
Sweet dreams tonight
I think GG's thing is a little further out
why didn't anybody in Advent organize anything in a year
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I write long sexposts sometimes and post lewds of FWMC. I'm not the content beggar. I have talked about glazing Mococo though.
it's somewhere in october
Trust in sioli
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have they talked about watching a spooky movie for holloween yet? If so, which movie? The Shining was pretty kino last year.
A Ruffian got a photo with Small Fry Pussy, I don't even know how he found him. It's like that old Japanese meme "through dick, unity"
None of you will ever know who exactly I am, but I post about Mococo's butthole and FWMC's hagsmell almost constantly with barely any breaks at all.
small fry was everywhere, he posted a picture of himself leaping in the air at times square
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I feel like there was something beyond the Advent collabs but I'm not sure what. Maybe Biboo's anniversary off-collab karaoke duet relay?
I think they should watch Tremors for October. It's a great movie and also a monster movie, while not being too locked into Halloween so they don't have to watch it directly on Halloween if they have something planned.
she doesn't even join existing events
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erm i can see an areola and nipple
I think they mentioned Princess Switch 2 and School Days in mengen, but nothing about spooky moobies. They might be a bit too busy for a watchalong... We'll have to wait for next year to watch THE THING
3DPD. And she's mid anyways.
a tremors marathon would be kino. part 2 was good as well.
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>B cup on her right
>AA cup on her left
Perfect. Mid is my middle name
Yeah but after that they fall off a cliff. I haven't even seen any past the 4th one.
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>have they talked about watching a spooky movie for holloween yet?
we should watch return of the living dead
breasts are rarely the exact same size, but yeah that image is a tad bit exaggerated kek
oh, it's luna
she's pretty great
We should watch Hausu
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I give my daily heck yeah to this. HECK YEAH.
>we should watch return of the living dead
Based taste. I love the Tar Man. Probably my favorite designed/executed zombie from cinema. plus we get some good nudity shots in the movie too
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here you go. better?
Tremors made me afraid of the ground for a bit when I was a really little kid.
One of the few good zombie movies
That's funny. It was my favorite movie growing up alongside Evolution.
It's a perfect movie. Not a single line of wasted dialogue, everything is set up perfectly, the payoff is gratifying and makes sense. '
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Worms are gross
I loved Evolution. So many images of it are burned in my mind. Fire making the petri dish thing grow all over, the worm in the jar, filling the starfish's ass with shampoo.
I think the Gorilla aliens at the end would scare them they scared me when I was a kid
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Burt Gummer is what made me want to own firearms. In a way, Tremors is responsible for my hobby.
Seeing practical effects like that makes me want to watch The Thing
We should watch Mama. It has sisters in it, so it's perfect for Fuwamoco
>>85992628 (me)
Good for you Ruffian. You've got the chance to actually be happy in life, rather than pretend to be a guy who'll only accept Tyra Banks or higher ladies.
I will only accept FUWAMOCO.
I'll accept a femruffian. Having our sex interrupted by the FWMC tweet shock collar so we can both reply is the dream.
Women who are "mid" are unironically out of my league and I'm not joking.
I wouldn't even trade FUWAMOCO for Megan Fox in 09 Transformers at this point.
>Having our sex interrupted by the FWMC tweet shock collar so we can both reply is the dream.
This is unironically a hilarious mental image.
People always told me that as I got older, physical attraction would matter less and I always thought that was cope for old people but now I see. I want FUWAMOCO and only FUWAMOCO. I'm sure the sex with them would be the best sex in the world.
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>People always told me that as I got older, physical attraction would matter less and I always thought that was cope
Zoomers think its cope cause they yet been wittled down by life, but at some point all you care about is coming home to a woman who loves you and wants whats best for you, and thats that.
Most of the time, the people who claim looks/height are all that matters are people coping with the fact that theyre too scared of rejection to even try at all. Eventually that fear goes away and you no longer fear rejection, or youve been rejected so many times it becomes funny
>People always told me that as I got older, physical attraction would matter less and I always thought that was cope
How would that be cope? That feels like the wrong word.
They’re attractive though
Probably one of the people that showed up hours before and got in the theatre right when they started letting people in and security wasn't clogged up with checking itabags and oversized stuff
To he fair to them, they do try really really hard to maintain their youth, which gets harder and harder as 30 passes you by.
They really need to drop FWMC morning, it got old and stale.
Bumping uglies
Bait so dull it killed the thread with boredom.
They need to drop FWMC Morning because it takes 3-4 hours to make and they can't spare that time anymore. If I'm going to have a single stream on a day, I'd rather it be a full stream than a FWMC Morning.
They said a couple times they still had plans on changing it or it still wasn't what they wanted it to be yet, but never really elaborated on that.
dey need to dwop FWMC Mowning becawse it takes twee to fow hours to make and dey caynt spawe dat tiyme anymowe. If I'm gowing to hab a singow stweam on a day, I'd wadder it be a fuww stweam dan a FWMC Mowning.
Are the ridges the problem?
has Mococo ever climaxed imagining getting penetrator by nasty slimy tentacles?
Why are they like this?
Mococo likes tentacles as long as they don't have veins.
They wanted to do a 3D FWMC morning. The first one after 3D debut was originally titled "Starting the morning with our new bodies."
Why is McDonalds like this...?
She cries at the thought of her hymen being penetrated.
God damn that's hot
Just imagine, there are people who didn't witness all the kino moments in holoGTA with them.
Imagine missing out on all that.
I had more fun watching Biboo and saw a lot of ruffians there too. I don't know about the rest
That would be good I really like Michael Gross that man is a legend
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Thanks for reminding me, asshole.
I miss GTA. Those interactions with korone, rapu, suisei, Friend etc. and them messing around with duck boats and shit.
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I dont mind that i missed out live cause I'd rather prioitize my own health/well-being like they asked me to.
I'm just happy I can experience it all now and have a ton of fun, especially since they're off today!
I dont care since I am a permentant VODfag. So long as the VODs are up, I am daijoubu
I think it does matter less over time because looks don't stick around. Most everyone has imperfections mentally and physically. But things like status and income matter more... Or at least not being a deadbeat. You can get away with that when you're young since potential and all that, but not so much after 30. Then you're dumpster diving with the other deadbeats. Unless you have great genetics and charm. But obviously that's easy mode relationship-wise. Then this >>85993729
I'm not waking up at 3AM when I have work. Also the majority of the streams were in Japanese, I'll just wait for a multi POV compilation because lots of things happened outside their POV.
They barely interacted with the criminals
To be fair it's gonna be pretty rough to catch up to all the GTAkino. You'd have to watch all FWMC streams AND a few other POVs here and there on top.
oh boy I can't wait for another 20 minutes of shilling, probably 10 minutes of it in Japanese about gta and then the 20th puptalk about waking up and taking care of ourselves from a sleep deprived retard followed by sucking off the usual favorites in the submissions
Shut the fuck up wicho.
Again, I dont really care all that much. If they choose to stream an autistic amount, I'll simply be behind for a while and prioritize the streams I can warch live while relegating myself to watching whatever clips they repost to stay in the loop(which are a GODsend, especially the parrot who translates now for some reason)
Watch the bakery arc with Korone/Mio/Kanata and Fubuki at least, I think you can find the whole arc spread out across like 4-5 10 min clips
I never usually mind being behind, even if it isn't the same as it being live, I still like watching
They should try to incorporate a corner where they do a short game challenge.
Got it. Is there a compilation out there somewhere, or just clips? I heard people talking about it in these threads
What is there even to shill? It will probably be about GTA and Ame.
First game: How much wuffian cum can Fuwawa squeeze out in 60 seconds
Sorry I don't cum for whores that betrayed me
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 413: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched their holoGTA day 6 stream.
I saw a guy that reminded me of a very close friend of mine, the shirt he was wearing, the way he was talking, it was just so similar, the guy was a bit older though.
It just kind of reminded me of how me and that close friend used to speak with eachother, the things we used to talk about.
I know you wanted me to be best man at your wedding, I know you wanted me to be there as a part of your family, to see you all grow and raise your own family, and... I'm really sorry I won't be able to be there, like I said I would back then.
But I know your doing well, and working hard towards that dream you shared with me, so I hope you live that life you wanted, A. And stay in contact with M and J too, okay?
>a fucking deadbeat
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>M and J
everywhere I look I see his smile...
>And stay in contact with M and J too, okay?
Is this code for weed
why did this appear on my for you a d what the heck does it mean?
>Also the majority of the streams were in Japanese
But the times where they did speak English were with it imo
guess they finally are done with the trash EN clippers. thank goodness
Traitors. All of you.
I'm sorry that I wanted to watch a stream in a language I could understand
I never watched or even opened anyone else's POV
Do you like Mogotyan's butt, anon...?
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I love everything about Moco-chan, especially her cute butt.
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I love moco-chans butt very much. It makes me feel so good
Try as I might, I can't seem to get myself to appreciate asses like a true ass man should. All other parts of a shapely figure ankles up, yes, but asses specifically in isolation? No
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Yes I do it's one of her best ASSets
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Rough anal with Mogotyan
They should have taken to the pole like Azki and Sora did. It would introduce them to the JPs as just beyond "cute", might get them out of the Watame zone, and would clip a ton/get a ton of art. I'm seeing so much Azki and Sora stripper art.
>It would introduce them to the JPs as just beyond "cute",
They are known as mad dogs now.
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Thats okay, its not necessarily about the butt itself, but the girl attached TO that butt.
You may not be attracted to butts, but as long as you're attracted to mogotyan, her utt becomes the cutest most beautiful thing in the world.
Its sort of like Fuwawa's big jiggly floofies. I'm not really a titman, I love flat chests, but Fuwawa has slowly MADE ME a breast man, and thats entirely because of her and her silly bubbly fluffy personality.
Good plan but the biggest issue is they don't want to be sexualized at all
>They don't want to be sexualized at all
That is for year 3, not year 2.
They sometimes do, they sometimes don't. The trick is to catch them during the rare moment when they do, but to not treat them any differently unless they explicitly want you too. Rare moments like Marshmallow Mania will never happen all the time, and should only be referenced sometimes in passing, but only when THEY want to make a cheeky reference.
Its not something a casual fan will ever be able to parse, and gorilla WAS a casual fan, its something youll only understand after watching them for a long time, but even then you wont fully get it cuz women amirite?

TL;DR: Let them take the lead and learn to read between the lines, if you're autistic god save you.
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>They should have taken to the pole like Azki and Sora did
haha yeah
they are autistic too
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There will always be a portion of fags within any fanbase and they can be safely ignored. Like all the "Hoshiyomi" complaining about the guests in Suisei's sololive.
This time for real. FWMC should get a PS PRO.
That applies to JPschizos too...
If she thought GTA looked like real life I don't think she can handle that ghost of yotei trailer
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Very true, and I love my autistic wives very much. Remember to always be patient with them and dont get too frustrated bwos.
They deserve lots of love, praise, and headpats
mococo begs to be....
Mococo is autistic. Fuwawa is just an airhead.
If you wouldn't lick them from head to buttholes to toes, you don't deserve them.
I swear Mococo almost said "my autism" during the member stream but interrupted herself to say another word
Thank God there's two homework days this week, I'm gonna die.
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Fuwawa might become an even bigger weeb...
Ghost of Tsushima 2!? Nice, my PS5 will finally get some use again
>They deserve lots of love, praise, and headpats
They sure do.
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You guys should all stsrt posting cute things to their tag(or even untagged/soft-tagged)cause it would make them a happy. Post your breakfast, walks, froggy of the days, and just random dumb slice of life stuff that they would love to see. onegai onegai I promise theyll love it even if they dont immeditely hand out likes and stuff. PLEASE dont be likeschizos, just post random stuff everyday to the pojnt it becomes somethinf familiar and comfy to them to check in on every now and then. They've mentioned how they like seeing that stuff and WANT to know whats up with all of us, which really makes sense cause they're probably feeling distant... All that should matters is sending them dumb or silly daily stuff thatll make them smile for even half a second. If youre worried about "flooding the tag" then leave it untagged, or putnit in FWMC Morning as a submission, but dont worry at all cause they mentioned how much they love it and there reaaally isnt that much posted every day. Its notmally the same few users. Remember when Mococo talked about how "the ruffians always say they want to protect our smiles, but thats not their job..." well I'm here to tell you that YES IT IS (if you want too...) and its as easy to make these silly hags smile as it is to make them cry or tear up. They love it all and really adore seeing cute things silly thomgs and even your passions even if they dont "get it" entirely like painting warhammer statues and stuff or posting about gundam or posting wrestling clips, or random food youve been cooking, or indie idol shows youve been too, or random walks youve gone on, or musical projects youve been working on, or japanese practice youve been doing, or what streams youre watching or catching up on, or maybe your gym progress cause some of you have posted about that before, etc!
But uh dont dox yourselves dumbffians, BE SMART and SAFE!!
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no my life is very uneventful
Why has the dogtor still not fixed Mococo's 3D's eyes yet?
Go outside and look at the sky, take a picture, and call it a beautiful "fuwawa sky"
I wasn't watching it just now and I don't remember what they were talking about when she did it. I was just reminded of it with people saying they're autistic.
I was posting stuff constantly for months. Never got seen or liked by them. You can call me a likeschizo or whatever, but I only want to share that stuff with FWMC, anything else will be used by a tracker Ruffian to doxx me and a schizo Ruffian to shitpost with and then also doxx me. If they're feeling distant, that's their own fault. They could make time for us if they really wanted to, just like they found 50 hours to play GTA. But the voicepacks and meetings and other homework are more important to them.
It has to be fixed at home so it costs double
holy schizophrenia
Me and Mococo on our first date
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I post my slice of life stories in /baubau/
Newissa is pretty cute when she wants to be
Newissa should tell Fuwawa and Mococo that I wuv them more than anything in the world
Everyone thinks of FUWAMOCO as these super accepting angels but they're human at the end of the day. They will have likes, dislikes, favorites, preferences, just like everyone else. And because a lot of that is hidden for the sake of kayfabe, you never know if something you post will be something that makes them think less of you. I mean there's the "Ha ha Mococo hates veins" shit but a lot of Ruffians own guns and I'm pretty sure that's something they would hate and disapprove of since they've been braindwashed by Canada.
This is a classic. This bastard is infinitely more confident than I am while also being infinitely more autistic. How the fuck does that work?
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>posting about gundam
Why must you call me out like this... I was thinking about this after the mengen, while I don't feel comfortable being out /there/, maybe I just never gave it a fair chance? All I do is post fanart and call it a day, but sharing stuff with you guys and by extension them sounds fun. I might try it soon.
Too bad all she wants to be is sad.
skippa skippa
I can fix her
Super accepting? Nah. Theyre super UNDERSTANDING and empathetic and love people who love them. That's very very different from being outright accepting of everything. Its clear they dont tolerate people who shit on the things the adore, loke idol culture, their own fans, and each other(one of the few things you can get outright banned for.is shitting on Fuwawa/Mococo and their senpai/friends in chat).
They find a lot of autistic men to be incredibly cute and endearing
Because gundam is fucking BASED and you shouldnt hide the shit you love, especially when you have two cute hags bau bauing at you who know nothing about Gundam
They tolerate their friends/senpai who shit on idol culture pretty easily enough. Also the "you can think of us however you like" seems pretty accepting to me.
Very few girls actually do that, and the ones who did are beig converted by the light of FWMC. Plus theyve already talked about how there are different types of Idols, and its not a one-note thing
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Very true
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I'd say that all types of Idols should follow this, putting the fans first and above everything. Whereas there are quite a few ENs and some JPs too who have actively shit on and disparaged their fans, and think of them as a sadly necessary burden to being in Hololive, instead of the main reason.
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Fuwawa sounded okay with protecting your loved ones with guns based on what she said in GTA, so idk. Of course people could say it's just RP.
What does that mean?
Guns was just an example. What if I really like pizza? They hate pizza. What if I really like Rance games, they hate Rance. Maybe I'm really into EDM and they think everyone who likes EDM is a fucking moron because it's not cute.
Oh was it just an example? You seemed pretty sure and came up with your own reasons.
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It's okay to have wrong opinions, as long as you know they're wrong
Damn, anon. You keep giving shit examples, it's kind of impressive. Do you even listen to them?
anon i'm pretty sure they have made it clear before that they're okay with you having differences in opinions from them and in fact welcome that type of thing. in fact it's those differences they think make you interesting and they want to learn more about you. it's not a make or break type of deal here with them
They dont want someone who's literally a fucking CARBON COPY of them cause they already have each other. They want you to have an interesting and different perspective than they do as long as you aren't an asshole who shits all over them for the things they like/enjoy.
This HAS to be the single-most autistic thread on /vt/.
Liking Yuki in White Album is the ultimate test if you just copy FWMCs opinions because she is so bland
What if I think that black licorice is a trash candy?
sorry i'm a manachad and i always make that known in chat
I'm a YUKIGOD but I'm also a GeminiTITAN, so I have the most interesting and varied taste that they respect infnitely
The fact that you start White Album in a relationship makes it too awkward for me. It just feels wrong to break up with her because I like the other girl more, it feels like I'm not respecting the established relationship between characters. It's not a blank slate for me to project myself into. But I also don't really care for Yuki myself. Any other route feels "non-canon" but the canon one also feels unearned.
The streams are amazing, but I would probably drop it on my own.
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They would say they'd eat it all for you, then. I'd eat all their onions (I hate tomatoes too though)
Sorry, you meant to write ManaKEK. Breaking up witn Yuki for a LITTLE GIRL is cringe
Little girls love anal sex, Yuki loves NTR. I know what I'm choosing.
real men leave blank canvases like yuki and go for sexy little girls who're in serious need of correction. you'll understand when your older
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It was just a joke about the medical team charging double if they fixed people on site, gomen
I really feel like Yuki COULD be an interesting character but the fact that she starts out in a relationship with you except the relationship is barely there just rubs me the wrong way. I don't like NTR or even NTRish things so the fact that you have to cheat/break up with her to pursue literally any other woman is bullshit. Also like I said, the relationship is barely there, "We've been dating for a while but we don't know anything about each other and we've never even kissed or held hands and we don't see each other often" it just strikes me as pointless.
>biboo: please don't charge me i wanna buy an rpg
>fuwamoco: what rpg?
>biboo: i need a rocket launcher
>fuwamoco: but you said rpg (game genre)
>biboo: ... yeah, an rpg. an rpg is a rocket launcher
>dwagon quest
What if I don't like Newissa Wavencwoft?
then you are homosexual
Yuki being such a blank slate is the point. It's to tempt you to NTR her with the more interesting choices
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then pewish
why don't you like newissa wavencwoft
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Yuki is a whore that's dating a guy while being an idol.
That's the thing, I wouldn't cheat on someone because she's boring, I would just never even start dating her. Having a relationship at the start means the character is the character, he isn't me. Clearly he saw something in her that I don't. Her route is the only one that makes sense, unless you're actively looking for NTR content, but in which case you should probably find something a little more exciting than all ages console ports.
I feel like a better setup would be having a forced breakup with Yuki as part of the first chapter, and then you start exploring your choices, including the possibility of mending your relationship with Yuki.
Counterpoint: You are a ManaKEK
>Any other route feels "non-canon" but the canon one also feels unearned.
You need to play more utsuge. No matter what you do every choice is wrong.
Eroge is eroge, real life is real life. I wouldn't fuck a real life Mana, but in White Album I'd rape her until she becomes nothing but a butthole. Doesn't make sense to be a moralfag about just one thing.
I did turn down the idol who falls in love with you in Judge Eyes, though, it felt wrong, so it's not like I can't relate, but still.
I have better taste than MC, I'm doing him a favor
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>sharing badly translated misinformation
>believing misinformation

ruffians.. you wouldn't... not know how to speak JP, right? My fellow holojp chads
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Reposting the holy scripture:

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.

The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;

Yet were they too remote from humankind.

To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,

Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.

A beast they wrought, a semi-human dreck,

Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a MANAKEK.
is the EDF anon here down to play in a little while?
I don't mind depressing stuff, but it needs to be earned, and I don't find White Album either earned or depressing, really. I didn't even know it counted as utsuge.
not another meltdown
Speaking of FWMC's likes I just watched the first episode of "Old Enough!" on Netflix and The kid's mother dies of breast cancer at the end, what the fuck FUWAMOCO I thought this was a happy show and now I just feel sad
I just did the intro missions, I'm gonna take a short nap though because I'm not feeling great but I'll be up for it a bit after that.
Its mogogo melting down cause she HATES Mana
sounds good, im eating right now while its downloading, just post again and I might see your post
No, I mean you get used to the "no matter what I do everything is wrong" scenario after reading utsuge. WA is just drama much like school days.
what the fuck, I don't want to watch it now...they did mention it made them cry but I thought it was about wanting kids.
Alright, and just to make sure again it's EDF5 right?
Yayoi is the oldest woman available in White Album so she is the best.
baused and underrated
uhhh I was downloading 6 but i guess ill buy 5 too
Ah, I thought you were the anon earlier today that I told I got 5.
>I'd rape her until she becomes nothing but a butthole
Hmm, the School Days comparison made me think that it was a mistake to remove the RNG elements from the remake. School Days worked for me because a lot of the fucked up things that happened came as a surprise. That "what the fuck, how could I know that choice would lead to THIS?" element made it fun even when it was stupid. If all of the routes and NTR in White Album were a bit less predictable, it would probably be more exciting. I would look forward to whatever bullshit comes next, instead of asking myself why would I ever not choose Yuki.
Did they do something to Youtube chat recently it's lagging like hell.
Remember when FWMC were fucking PANICKING cause they thought they were being NTR'd in Sakura Wars heh
Newissa is having another fast food mukbang stream...
She recorded it 3 years ago
She is going to town on this quesadilla
Hope she isn't stress eating or anything like that
She's been nice and I wish the best for her, but I already have my hands full with FUWAMOCO
She should start feeding my wives, cause im really worried about how skinny they might be right now....
wissa please share your love of culver's with FWMC... they need food
While she was in Japan she was basically the only one feeding them. She's the one that kept taking them to McDonalds and other restaurants after dance practice. without her or advent FUWAMOCO just go alone to practice, spend all day there, then go home without eating
Rissa is a FAT FUCK
He was an architect...
Bless her midwestern heart. They need to eatablish that Advent house already so they can get babied by a woman who knows how to cook(and eat). Reminder that its a goal of theirs to live with other Holo girls. Maybe my best hope will be biboo, cause she seems like the most likely candidate...?
Wait how long has dislikes been back on YT? It shows up on the mobile version for me.
Biboo is the best bet but she also doesn't eat. So they'll just all die together in that house. they need Rissa or Shiori who would never move in.
I like when Fuwawa says Banana and Burger. Duck as well.
it's always been there it just doesn't do anything
No.... All of Advent BETTER move in together and fast. God imagining them actually eating well, having actual dear freinds with them, and all the nice off collabs they could have is super exciting... I hope it happens sooner rather than later imo
What about someone outside of Advent?
I can see the number of dislikes though.
She could stay at their doghouse temporarily after securing a place. Biboo seems pretty independent so she wouldn't live with them forever.
>post video on twitter
>realize my hands look incredibly vascular
its actually over aaiieeee deleting now
The only acceptable outside of Advent person I'd want living with them is IRyS.
Id be fine with any of the hologirls, tbdesu famalam, but all the rest of them seem pretty entrenched with their own lives and I'm not sure FWMC would want to feel like they're "intruding" which is why I suggested an Advent House.
FWMC really mastered preventive medicine
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Do you prefer them being depicted as silly happy gremlin dogs or sexycute hags? I feel like I go back and forth between which I prefer
theyd speak japanese to each other
Sexy cute hags by far.
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I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real

The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become?
My sweetest sister
Everyone I know goes away
In the end

And you could have it all
My empire of fuzz
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of burgers
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are Fuwawa
I'm still Mococo

What have I become?
My sweetest sister
Everyone I know goes away
In the end

And you could have it all
My empire of fuzz
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
needs more workshop ping, Mococo. Should be twin instead of sister to start
silly happy gremlin dogs with an occasional hint of sexiness. But honestly, image can evolve over time. Okayu wasn't that openly lewd in her early days.
There nothing wrong with idols dating
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2 steps ahead
>Making money off of the misery of bastard kids
The producers can go to hell.
why does everything need to have merch
I thought this had merch already
First thought was that it was retarded, but I'd buy a cute FWMC Nurse outfit + glasses acrylic stand.
Yes there is, unless they're open/honest about it or theyre dating their own sister which is always okay cause incest is wincest.
Nothing wrong with being honest like AzKi, but we've discussed this topic to death and at this point its basically just bait so im not sure why i even replied
Nerissa news: FUWAMOCO are stinky
I love my appropriately stinky wives.
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Mococo is NOT stinky, she smells like peaches and roses.
t. Mococo
Whatever you say, mogotyan
No morning tweet...
one second
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not stinky…
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Got on MHW and man I'm a lot worse at this game than I remember For the anon that was curious it's safi that's up right now
I would accept Mococo's stink if she accepts my veins.
Her compromise is that she'll at least push them in for you
I'll push her stink in with my cock. Just kidding, I'd make her do an enema before anal.
> it's safi
Sick, I'm currently on with a friend making my way through Iceborne still
Got the black Odogaron and the other Glavenus hunts next
Is this real? What do they smell like?
As long as they're honest about it, then I suppose there isn't. There will still be some fans that wouldn't mind.
But most fans assume you aren't dating because that's the standards for idols, similar to how you assume a doctor has a medical license. I feel like an idol that dates goes against the concept of what an idol is. It's wrong to mislead others and lie to those that are there to support you.
why aren't they in the ttrpg
cause they're too STINKY and SWEATTY
This was in the context of all dogs are stinky and Newissa doesn't want to own a dog as a result
Not a baubauer, just curious. Why did they play with a single character in holoGTA instead of individual ones?
It's kinda funny they are fusing and everyone calling them "fuwamoco", just like Chris and Greg, but I'm still confused
because fluffy dont want to play veedya and she is too retard for that, although she learns fast
also, they dont have a proper audio setup for it since their pcs are besides each other instead of being in separated soundproof rooms
I think we can only speculate, but their setup had some problems during ENReco, and the constant backseating makes it more interesting overall in a game that is pretty much intrusive thoughts simulator
>just like Chris and Greg
>just like Chris and Greg
not sure. they were probably too nervous to do it separately. It's a little surprising because one of their biggest stresses and worries is that people think they're just one person so playing as two voices in a single character doesn't really help clear that up at all.
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have in mind that fuwawa thinks gta looks like the sims
Them having separate streams is a very recent thing and only started after they moved to Japan and got a second computer. Mococo always used to be the one that played games while Fuwawa backseated.
If I had to guess, the reason that Fuwawa didn't play her own character is because this was their first time playing GTA and so Fuwawa didn't feel confident enough to play it herself yet.
biggest reason is the blue fluffy one is retarded and can't do proper audio when dual streaming so the background mic noise would have been a huge issue like it was in EN reco
What is Chris and Greg?
>he doesn't know
>he lacks the critical information
>the collab tomorrow is only happening to shill a cover
will FUWAMOCO ever do another collab that isn't intended to shill themselves or something? what happened to doing it for fun
why didn't they release them at the same time
nice floofies
My assumption based on what I know of them is that since It was a BIIIG JP event collab, and theyre more comfortable together, they decided to stream sitting next to each other irl instead of separately so theyd be more comfy. It actully really worked out for them since they were probably the best theyve ever been in a big collab and im really proud of them.
The whole reason. they brought back Advent collabs is because.of how much they missed them, you silly boy.
They are going to mog the shit out of Regloss, meanwhile Regloss cover of Rebellion was terrible. Nerissa is just unfair.
because this cover is intended to leech advent to advertise regloss 3d this weekend
1 hour of EDF is a little short, but it works out, I need sleep...
where is mogo John? haeh!?
I can't even get hard to Ame but I want to give her one send off tribute like I did Mel and Aqua. There's just no sexy art of her. Fuwawa would be disappointed in me
>There's just no sexy art of her
you haven't been looking at all have you
can you help a doggy out?
That's gonna be great! Shunkan Heartbeat has a really nice flow and some great chill trance vibes.
There is a lot, da fuq are you talking about? Also, Ame isn't sexy. Mococo is more sexy than Ame
Because by themselves they are retarded and their personalities missing parts. Together they are complete.
KINO. Can't wait for more Advent gold. Sex with Advent!
mococo is not sexy in the slighest we’ve already had this conversation before
Shut the FUCK up, dumb nigger.
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Did they go with the original outfits instead of ReGLOSS because Advent is very booby?
even jaywalking?
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>First air date: September 22, 2005
I'm 34. What the fuck is this zoomer Drake and Josh disney channel shit for darkies and why would I be expected to know it?
We did so much jaywalking at BD.
I kinda wish they had commissioned them in the regloss outfits like in >>86016092
>Chris Rock wasn't the shortest kid in school
I call bullshit.
You know what? I forgive them for the Japanese streams. Even if I get tossed aside I know they are only following their lifelong dreams. Don't hate, appreciate.
I dunno man, I'm 32 and I've seen it
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I just want them to be happy man... thats all i care about now. ill learn jaapanese
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Man, when will Advent get a goated MV like feelingradation...
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I literally cant look at Okayu or Marine anymore without getting rock solid.
those are some fat titties
>Fuwawa thinks ruffians are more important than the senpai
>Mococo thinks the other way around
uhhhh, Mococo-loves-us-more bros?
Fuwawa existed to buy the Ruffian bike in GTA.
Mococo was unsure and wanted the fastest bike.
Forgive me Fuwawa for I have sinned

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