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I'm still so unbelievably angry about the Sora/AZKi thing
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skinny cat
Stop being a little bitch
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>kiara thread
Are any of the JP girls actively (like actually putting in work) learning English? I wanna watch one of them journey from JOP to fluency
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Hololive memes Kiara is obsessed with
>Kronii's flower
>Korone's turtle house
Hello! I am in need of images of holos where they are both sexy and stinky!
t. Homosexual
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It's over

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I find it amusing that 12h after Fauna asked Ceci what her MBTi thingy is, Raora revealed that she's an extrovert adn hers is ENFJ-T
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What are they looking at Anon?
>inb4 your penis
Kiara thread
Kiara board
>ocean charity
Marine and Korone
but why?
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Ame has flowers in her schedule
Biboo has flowers in hers too
A-Chan did...
Ririka was already quite good but continues to get better as she interacts with the EN girls
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Bae a cute.
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yeah, all mine
Nice psudeoscience.
I understand it now...AmeRyS was never fated to happen because IRyS doesn't post schedules
prepare for the smell
not the point, nerd
Does Biboo do any solo streams anymore? It's so many collabs recently.
>1 solo stream
what a terrible schedule

I am really really not doing well with the finality of all of this. It still doesn't feel real.
This, but squeeze her butt and spread her cheeks instead.
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there are losers in this thread without a uni degree or trade cert
This image is great, because you can easily remove Gura and Ina for the next 2 graduations.
The point is MBTI is a pseudoscience for women, just like astrology.
She talked about this
But you don't know because you don't watch her streams
So what's the point? Fuck off
thoughts on nyan nyan car service?
Seems like most mems are collabing this week. Fauna mentioned she'd mostly have collabs this week and Kronii's schedule is full of them as well
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Fake pebbles lol
yeah, me
No you aren't.
The what? What happened?
When did I say I was a pebble? I can't reply to a post about her schedule if I'm not one?
so TeaLeaves is officially never happening...
the dream is dead...
Who ready to feel sad about someone who can't mind up her mind if she quitting or not
Yes, Fauna literally made the same comparison.
Sora is SEXY.
I'm looking forward to never seeing mogu spam on these threads
Oblivion soon!
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>until we meet again
So her last solo collab will be with Nerissa?
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Oh god...
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Don't give up hope tealing... There's still the +2 collabs under the Charity stream
Fauna is in the valve collab though?
Ah, that feeling of "it's over, isn't it?" just hit again
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Did Fauna even realize Ame is leaving yet? She doesn't look at other holo stuff sans Gura
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there are others who will pick up the torch. I believe.
There are still 2 collabs that have yet to be decided
and the only 1 on 1 collabs that have happened/are confirmed to happen are with
Ame invented Heavenly bodies
Nagi won...?!
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I just read this, ignore me
She streamed 60+ hours last week, this week she's mostly resting up with collabs
Calm down, anon, he was just asking.
she talked about how this week is nothing but collabs and she felt bad about it.
Next week will be a lot of solo streams and then she may take a small break
She don't care about you the walk ATM
where's my last ameRyS collab
From who?!
A ship name implies a 1on1 collab, retardchama
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That would imply there was a first
Kiara's anus...
So it's Nerissa plus one more then? Since the other two already happened.
>until we meet again

I think I'm gonna kill myself after this week is over
No point in anything anymore
You act like I care if she does collab or solo streams. Just from the looks of her schedules and streams its been lots of collabs.
Fauna has been in a lot of group collabs with Ame, but TeaLeaves never really happened except for that short Minecraft thing
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>that's Sat-TORN
How long before people forget her because i have money on two weeks after the 30th
IRyS was too lazy to ask for one
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Some purist retards from both sides of the earth spergged in twitter and below the VODs because SorAzki had fun in holoGTA because muh RP and the pole dancing thing
Most of them are going to join the Valve game marathon and treat it like it's their last collab with Ame, sadly
Kiara, kids learn that shit in kindergarten
nobody has any fucking clue
The only hololive members streaming right now are Kiara and Flare
guess who, threadereaderGOD
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>I will never forget
why does my fat fuck cat drool so much
she's quitting to become a twitch streamer
Kiara... your planets reps...
shes coming back for big projects but neither her nor cover knows what that means. when asked about enreco she said she wants to and will try
do you remember?
Name all the planets in order without looking it up then
will fauna interact with kronii in the valve stream?
Seriously? This is how she wants to end her Holo career? Suits her I guess.
So you won't be seeing Ame coming back?
No please, not you too, don't make me remember
she hates streaming
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Wow that sure is a lot of collabs huh? Wonder what could be the reason for wanting to do so many collabs suddenly hmmmmmmmm?
mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune PLUTO
No, it's those three + potentially 2 more
But they may be with multiple members and not just one on one
See see! Do you like what you see?
Get ready to have to use Twitch
>Flare ending now
you did this you fuck
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This tweet could be about anything.
I dream about Kronii giving me an unenthusiastic blowjob
kronii is a gym slut now?? wtf why since when
I hope they're all wearing their seat belts
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I'm meeting Amelia for dinner after her last stream
>ur anus
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It's already the 24th you stupid slag.
>Ame's last stream is on the busiest day of the month for me so I will most likely not watch it live

Fuck this gay fucking earth. Fuck you, fuck cover, fuck Ame's mom, her stupid brothers, deadbeats and my boss.
oh true my bad
hopefully the other Mythgeezers follow suit
heh I already use twitch
is this supposed to be hard?
They're not soratomos and pioneers.
She'll probably sing it at opening and ending but she's not doing the Gigi bit. she did say it's one of her favourite songs though.
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Do you think Ame will really come back?
I'm talking about those future appearances. Earnestly asking now.

Do you think that's just for stuff Cover is already working on right now? Like games, holo events, voice packs and other stuff they already got in the oven.
Or do you think she'll also show up for future stuff that isn't even planned yet at all?

If it's just the former that's kinda sad and disappointing to me personally. I'd like it to be the latter and see her make "wwe legends" style appearances here and there for years to come, beyond things she's already included in as of right now and just wants to finish up properly.
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where's the last gurame collab...
>Streams more in her last week than the entire year combined
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>he can't take the day off
Sorry anon, I'll cry some extra tears for you
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>We'll meet again
>don't know when, don't know when
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>fuck Ame's mom,

gym sluts are the only reason i go to the gym
This day came far too soon
they'll go out with a bang
Why would you have your final stream be on a Monday by the way? Not very convenient for anyone
>There is no excuse for a native german speaker to fail this.

Mein (Mercury) Vater (Venus) erklärt (Earth) mir (Mars) jeden (Jupiter) Sonntag (Saturn) unseren (Uranus) Nachthimmel (Neptun)
I really didn't want this day to come
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Gura stopped caring
I'm surprised she hasn't announced her soft graduation yet
because when they were a kitten you tried to be a "responsible" pet owner and fed them on a schedule and then realized too late that you arent built for that and now you tried free feeding but after having been starved for the beginning of its life the kitten didnt learn to not eat until it couldnt and now its a fat drooling cat that is dieing. It will die and it willbe your fault
>Ocean charity
>blue color
>2 collabs
So one is obviously Gurame, what's the second collab?
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>Amelia doesn't give a fuck about Gura

ogey then
She'll show up but it'll be for stuff like myth merch/collab cafe or when they get added to a gatcha game as a gen
You guys don't actually think "until we meet again" is referring to the Twitch part of the ordeal, right
Like they wouldn't just let her blatantly advertise that on her holo schedule
The song is talking about the 21st of September in the past tense anyway. it also says 'now it's december' so singing it specifically on the 21st never made sense anyway.
Gura announced she's partially retired
German is such a silly looking language.
She is going on a break because this what that just what the bullshit word salad is
The best thing about Ame graduating is that she didn't really stream in the first place so it won't hurt as much
he's a motherfucker
>I'd like it to be the latter and see her make "wwe legends" style appearances here and there for years to come
I think that's what everyone has in mind. This happens with IRL graduated idols too where they'll do reunions occasionally or make special guest appearances
ill have you know that I studied English in the American University of Cairo
2 more weeks nijisis
I wouldn't be surprised if she makes at least one or two appearances in the near future. I do wonder if she might come back totally but I somewhat doubt it. If anyone is gonna do it it'd be Ame, though.
Wahh wahhh wahhh so sad wahh wahh
Cya on twitch in a week lol
i refuse to internalize this shit and will continue loving my fat fuck cat
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Moona and Haachama?
what song is that
i laughed
otomos waiting for her oshi to return in a year too huh
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la creatura...
Sucks that this artist soft dropped Hololive. His gifts were cute and great.
Lmao and what are they gonna do? Fire her?
Isn't that Shiori?
Isn't it shiori on the right
this actually isn't that far from being a reality
she will probably wait until the dusts settles about Ame and then announce her graduation afterwards
aren't those things called "autism creatures"?
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>What is the origin of "la creatura"
extremely gay
Keep seething SIMP that she won't milked you out of your money by lying to your face
Nah, it will be the same as Coco, Ame will die and whatever comes after will be some other creature.
There are really only 2 vtubers who didn't change much after their reincarnation, and both came from the same black company.
it's unfortunate that fortnite has the best use of the unreal engine
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how did you guess THAT?
No one expects her to come back full time as in really back back, it's just about whether or not those future appearances are all things already worked on or more.
The wording she used with "planned to release" somewhat implies that it's just things already in the pipes.
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>Ina, Ame, Gura: Wherever you go, I'm gonna follow
I'm gonna rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttttt
how is this connected to yippee exactly?
>the last Iname collab will be the one offcollab from 1.5 years ago that made Ame lose her shit and go on an anti ship rant
>you see Kiara, there was that one infographic on /pol/ making fun of mixed races of americans...
>Chammers and Shiorin hosting an event
Everyone will have to roll a san check
mercury venus earth mars (ceres) jupiter saturn uranus neptune (pluto, eris, and a bunch of other dwarf shit)
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It's 100% shiori dummy
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Goodnight! Remember to enjoy Hololive!
Ew. If I wanted futa on male, the male had to be a cute trap or a shota.
Ina is an actual hololive fan shes not leaving
I don't watch myth
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I am 99.9% certain she won't show up for "real" stream content, which is what people are obviously the most hopeful for.
>Like games, holo events, voice packs
I think it'll mostly be things like this. At most, maybe a short main channel appearance for some thingamajig or other.
This also just feels like the sort of thing that would fizzle out over the time. Sure, over the next year, a few things will happen with her. The year after that, will Cover and/or Ame extend a hand to continue making things happen? The year after that? 4 years down the line? Frankly, it's hard to imagine.
But (you) aren't a cute trap or shota.
It's here
i think people like to call creatures "la creatura" generally so the mutt meme probably doesn't have a lot to do with that meme
can some one post the img of shiori with runny mascara and drool that def doesn't make her look like she just got facefucked
Coco acts the same after graduation, and I doubt Ame will turn into some extrovert giga stacy outside of Holo
>Nah, it will be the same as Coco
So she will become a flesh streamer who seethe that she no longer have the view count she did in Holo and bend the knee to a cheating whore and whatever else the fags who ruling over her tell her to
>self inserting
don't care
I just like seeing big dicked chicks fucking little shotas
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in 20
Circumcised or not, you're going to be raped.
I enjoyed the cat laughing at Ina's small peanut.
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My biboo
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It's not. but La Creatura broke containment and became mainstream just as a caption for any strange small creatures
No. The sooner you realize this, the better.
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everyone is cute besides 2
No, a ship name implies 1 on 1 interaction, doubleretardchama. You can check literally any large collab thread and see plenty of posts talking about how much of a "ship" there was in a collab.
>Cute Faumei in this Party Animals stream
People dont like Kson because it exposed that shes a fucking retarded lolcow when she doesnt have business men in suits treating her like a misbehaving pet
Shiori should laugh at my dick (not because it's small, but because she thinks it looks like a droopy elephant trunk and she wants to prop it up and make PROOOOT :D noises)
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hehe I paid a tranny to fuck me and it was wonderful, you're missing out
Literally all these retards just need to let it go. Your favorite entertainers have to retire at some point, your favorite franchises have to end. Stop clinging to the past and find something new to enjoy. Idiots like them are why Hollywood only ever makes sequels now.
Based and same. For me I like seeing futa on loli.
Yeah? Unironically. They have this whole nebulous deal that nobody knows the meaning of from which they could cut her off at any time if they so desired.
Yippee kid's audio is paired with the DESU creature, but people forget the "DESU" part and they just remember it as "The Creature", and because it is funny to say things in Spanish, people reffered to it as the "la creatura", which ended up overlapping the /int/ shitposting meme
Moona in the washer
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>your oshi
>what you are listening to rn
So no Iname, no rainforest, no anyone else and only possibly Gurame? Why not announce your fucking graduation at the beginning of the month like normal so that you can have time to collab with more people? Genuinely fuck Cover, I bet they didn't want her "ruining" the mood of their shitty MC project that was designed to sell plastic stands and keychains. Rot in hell, yellow jap fucks. My grandad burned you fucks to a crisp for a reason
She wasn't the same even before she increased the flesh streaming.
The whole dynamic was completely different.
Just as it is with Mel.
It's just a fact that Ame will die on the 30th, no matter how they try to sugarcoat it.
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All my favorite entertainers should die at their peak before me, so I can imagine how good life would be if they were still alive.
Why do you act like this Twitch E girl won't just go back to being a Twitch E Girl while being paid by cover on the side
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>no EN has done a K-On watchalong
In the context of hoping for a collab, it's obviously about 1 on 1, autistchama
Stop pretending to be retarded
>Still no Haachama twitter activity.
Go to bed
>Hag taking care of your needs.
>Washed up hoe trying too hard. also a fuckin elf
>Fell in with wrong crowd but was a freak all along.
>First rate in service but no investment and just does it to finance her own cafe.

You can only afford one.
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we haven't even reached bump limit yet newfagchama..
when will Kiara tell us her opinion on Isreal
FUCK, I forgot 2 Bee aytche was filtered.
Aren't filters supposed to be turned off after a while?
It's been 10 years
Beside everyone saying she can return whenever she wanted
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K-on fucking sucks though?
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A Collab heavy week, but it's a good thing since normally collabs take around 2 hours, so she can get a lot of rest from last week that she went all out
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I'm listening to Kiara's stream
Why are you even here
Cant wait till Gura is next and these two twitch streamers who never met before suddenly reemerge as best friends wowie zowie thats craaaazy dude
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She hates em
Sea salt is such a meme. Imagine paying extra for eating even more added microplastics and other ocean pollution.
well, she is boycotting Eurovision...
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She can come back in 3 years like a really tardy Jesus, but she's still going to die Nanora
I hope you ready for her to become a flesh streamer on twitch who seethe that her view count went down
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not the anti thread btw
She's going to draw Ame
people like you used to get banned in these threads
>she's going to draw Ame even if she said that she wanted to draw Iofi
Not him nor an anti, but not only has Gura objectively already been in a very low stream output mode for a long time now, she has also voiced annoyances with how perms and management works and such.
She's not the "I need to always come up with new creative stuff" type like Ame, sure, but it's fair to say she's also had her grievances with things not being greenlit or possible.

Now her best friend in hololive is leaving not long after one of the girls she really, really looked up to left.
Couple that with "'Gura"' having no activity in a long time except for recently when she started following a rigger and a model artist.

I don't want to sound overly negative, but if any other EN feels like she's one foot out the door already, it would be her. This type of "you get to remain as an eternal mascot and make money still" style soft graduation also feels like it was tailor-made for her and Ame is just guinea-pigging it for her.
oh, you're one of THOSE
Yeah and Ame needs to earn money for her giant deadbeat family so she's literally totally never leaving now, trust me. You faggots always say this shit
By Antis you mean people not being fooled by the word salad
Where do you people come from
I dont care for collabs
chiara shouldn't worry, its impossible to draw an ame which isn't cute
ESL monkey...
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>convinience store
TTRPG collabs are usualy long, same for the ame collab on friday, it'll be 4-6 hours if she participates both on TF2 and garry's mod
She was so adamant about shilling Stars for so long I wonder why she wouldn't include them in her final week
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Accidentally napped for 3 hours...
>Caring about numbers
*samefag reply*
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After the rundown that one anon gave about Austria and friends, I wonder if Ceci in this moment laughed because she found it amusing, or was fearing the bonk hammer.
Either way now I wonder is she has a killswitch in her setup roru
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this is true!
This is an AI isn't it? Fuck off, sis.
She won't ever be allow to quit less Cover lose their money making mascot
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They'd never fire one of their top superchat earners.
konbinience shop
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It still doesn't feel real man
JOP you are lost
Sorry but ever since we left /jp/ we all agreed to only love Mecha anime.
Ina can juggle her artist career and being a hololive vtuber
Ame cant juggle being a nonstreamer hololive member and running a real life 3d studio
Big difference
its been 2 years anon
Don't come crying when she end up becoming just that
The character creation will probably be around 2 hours, but the actual session will be 4-6
Just a few things...
1. She already teased things to come in 2025, so if she actually leaves, it won't be for another year at least.
2. Her dream is to be like Miku, she can't exactly do that on her own outside of hololive.
3. Her best friend might be leaving, but she can still keep in touch with her whenever she wants and it's silly to act like she has no other friends.
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I get you anon. People are quick to say "the person is still there", but are they really? Amelia Watson is the sum of all parts and many of those parts are what comes with being in hololive. The name, the model, the collabs, the appearances in holo events and concerts, the idol stuff, all that goes away.
It's NOT the same and I as someone who was a fan of two former holos I can absolutely attest to that.
I would argue that because she's already pretty much getting Ame's deal without leaving, and has no great desire to stream as her old self, there's no reason for Gura to soft graduate. She can just sing songs and do voice lines and make fat stacks of cash, and open youtube twice a year when they beg her to dust off her streaming setup.
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Someone explains to me, what was Polka thinking to go back?
>and running a real life 3d studio
You mean something that barely get used
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Hololive is literally a CGDCT anime retard. If you think K-on sucks what the fuck are you doing here
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Tbh losing Gura probably won't significantly hurt Covers bottom line. they'll still sell merch if her without her around. Their profits will probably skyrocket for her graduation
People who hate idolshit really are dropping like flies huh? Fauna, Kronii, Ina, Bijou and Shiori are next.
I'm gonna cum
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Yeah, but today is only character creation, so maybe 3 hours max. Advent Collab is always around 2~3 hours. And if a Collab goes for around 4~5 hours it's still short by Biboo's standard
K-On is only good dubbed.
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Lapsama my friend
t. black guy made fun of his k-on shirt which fueled his racism
>1. She already teased things to come in 2025, so if she actually leaves, it won't be for another year at least.
I mean, Ame still has stuff coming out post affiliate-a-ning as well.
they're figuring things out for future activities. It's up to both sides whether they're willing to make it happen or not.
You suck poop
Did you know that less than half a year ago Ame talked about the far future with teamates and things she's working on and got planned as well? Was a youtube post of hers. Just saying.
Do you honestly see Ame as someone who actively seeks popularity
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can someone post that one weird shiori picture that everyone seems to like
>they're figuring things out for future activities
Why didn't they do it before they tell everyone
Hololive actually has a plot though
>she wants to and will try
please god please please please
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I'm not baiting. All the voices fit better than the JP ones
Hey not my words since its supposedly what shes quitting to do
Good morning
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Idea: she does all this but keeps streaming normally like nothing happened and we stay happy forever and nothing changes and she doesn't have to go
That's literally why this new type of graduation exists. She'll continue to make them money and earn money herself, both sides win.
If the last years have shown anything it's that she doesn't need to actively stream a lot to work as a mascot or merch seller for them.
Character creation also doesn't involve too much talking
I guess. But she got a 2.0 unlike Ame.
I'm pretty that was around 9 months ago, unless there was a more recent one than that.
probably checking to see why it hasnt blown up yet
I'm not black though
bretty good idea
>That's literally why this new type of graduation exists
So just code for what Gura have been doing for years
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I'm on board. Let's just pretend it was a bad dream
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I didn't remember being this bad holy shit
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Why is Towa in love with Mumei?
because it's her initiative to make it happens. Cover didn't even have a concrete plan, they're testing it alongside ame.
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Ogayu's butt emote always makes me thing of a cat's prolapsed asshole
Mumei has a big round butt
Why aren't you?
There's not really a big reason why vtubers would have to all die around the 4-6 year mark, actually. If you know of any please do tell because I fail to see why you'd suddenly be unable to do this job.
Ritsu's dubbed voice is especially superior to the original
more people will feel sad about this internet streamer's not-death than anyone at your funeral if you even get one kek
Who ready for the other members to stop acting like they cared soon after she left
actually looks like she'll blow you in a back alley for 25 euros
Towa loves having sex with foreign women
Sex with this Clock
This. Also all schizos hang themselves.
Why are EN anti posts almost always ESL?
Man this feels like the first real EN leaving. Sana was never around long enough to make that many connections or impact. This is real thing and it's happening. The end of an era
fair enough. no one would threaten to kill themselves at my funeral
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> we look forward to working with you again in the future
She already literally talked about next Fes several times and has her 2 year project in the works. Plus she just got 2.0, she's not leaving no matter how much you continue melting down, sis. No go back to your dead company.
I'd rather not give it another view, Youtube might get confused and put it in the algorithm and some pour soul might happen upon it.
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The plot of K-on is them practicing, performing on stage and then it ends with a big graduation. It's literally Hololive
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Anon you can't say that because the Janny will ban you
they'd probably kill you themselves
I like this way you think
Yes but also allowing them to become a vtuber elsewhere in other ways.
If they don't graduate, they can't. PNG is the max they'll allow.
Fubuki's yab e mention
It's baffling, I don't even like shitting on ESLs on their own but almost 90% it's a fucking ESL
they can fucking try
Yeah but Hololive is actually funny.
Right after Coco comes back in 1000 years.
EN is fucking dead without Ame anyway
Nothing matters anymore
They do not need a reason to stop. You have no claim to their time or their attention, they can do whatever they fuck they want. They don't want to do it anymore, so they quit. Same as any other job you gigantic autist. Move on and stop crying
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It's 500 you RETARD!
This Iroha girl is very kissable
Should've gone to Pasha London School
why don't you just kill yourself already then
>Please keep in touch!
makes it sound like the onus is on her to keep in touch and make potential things happen. probably reading too much into it though.
investors do love their short-term profit hikes
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Cross your fingers, the week isn't over yet
Or very soon at this rate
thats 60+ hours in 7 days, some koyori tier shit
Ame has literally not mattered since 2024 started
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She has nice mooms
I hope all of Myth graduates so we can get the next EN gen sooner
Why am I not surprised?
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Thoughts on your local police?
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I don't know why you're so angry, but people don't all quit their jobs after 5 years. A lot of people work a job for 10, 15, 20 or more. Acting like every vtuber will leave after ~5 years is stupid.
kys doxxnigger
JP moved on from Coco and are already moving on from Aqua. EN will do the same.
Yagoo is too shy to ask for a collab...
The same reason why even big youtubers retire. Some people just want to move on
It would be pretty crazy if Coco actually came back.
The correct term is keekirikki
>imagine the smell
I want to kiss the dumb one
wormy wormy worm
you should kill yourself
fuck you
now instead of watching ERB, I'm watching K-On
2 more week Nijifag
I don't think I'll me alive in 3024...
They've done everything they wanted to do and want to move on to something else
>A lot of people work a job for 10, 15, 20 or more.
Only boomers in this day and age - I'm coming up on my 2nd anniversary at my job and ready to jump to a new one in 6-8 months so I can make over 6 figures.
They could leave after one year or after 20, it doesn't matter. Move on, it's just a job. They're just an entertainer. They play vidya and make retarded noises on the Internet. They don't even know your name.
I thought the animal butt tier list collab with Shiori was this week?
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Kiara is the only one streaming right now
watching her at this moment doesn't make you a KFP
If you are here right now and you are not watching her you are either a shitposter or someone too bored with his life with this thread as his oshi
Right, but not all. That's all I was saying. I'm not stopping anyone from wanting to move on, I'm just saying there's no natural expiry date to vtubers just because they hit ~5 years.
Hell for a lot of girls it's literally their ultimate dream job AND it comes with great income. It's like winning the lottery for many of them.
She hasn't been gone for that long though
I literally forgot ame existed most of 2023 and 2024
Coco was irrelevant and she only existed for like 1 year. Plus she was always kinda a shit person, just like all the ones that left before. I would argue that Aqua and Ame are the first actually good people leaving Hololive. This is the beginning of the end
Coco is a bit complicated now that she signed elsewhere. Ame's special affiliate contract that leaves the door unlocked makes it an actual possibility even if its unlikely
>random nijiseethe
go back
New Vegas radio about to start
JPs have literally talked about hanging with Coco this year. They still see Aqua at their office because she's STILL signing
Kys sapling
Keep seething about it I guess man.
>he didn't consume the heart of a deity yet
You sound like you just want to convince people here to not give a shit about anyone leaving. Do you even understand the concept of being a real fan of any of these holos or are you just a tourist with "uhh they're just entertainers lolz why do you care" takes?
That's right, anon. I changed your schedule
everything will be back to normal by next week already, sorry to say
2 More Weeks Nijifag
she averaged one stream a week in 2024 and that's with the buff of ENreco. she's been checked out for a while now, trying to pretend like she has been relevant as of late is nonsense
She's still the same cute dork with she same personality regardless of name or avatar
but I get it. She won't be interacting with the holo girls in ways that we can see (although she'll still make some sort of appearance occasionally,)
Everything will be alright in the end, trust ame
no one cares about you
ok, so why are you on this board?
3 years is pretty long in vtuber time.
You expect the shitters to watch streams? There's still random homages to Coco to this day
fake teammate
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I'm here because Ame posted a schedule, I'm not obligated to watch your insufferable oshi, kfp. Stop fucking begging
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thanks ai
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Coco's still 5th in superchats even after being gone for 3 years lol
Pray for advancements in cryonics.
>now that she signed elsewhere
Unless she get fired for wrong think and speak
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I miss Ina
I have a strange feeling this poster is a NEET or a third worlder (or both)
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This bitch only content is sing lmao
Erotic Red Bitch on the telly
She hasn't been relevant since 2022 and EN seems to be doing fine though
This anon has never heard of the concept of VODs.
Ame is graduating so they can be reincarnated into a holost@r
Kiara is the only relevant EN
100000000 years of waiting....
What the fuck was it about her that made people hand over so much fucking money, anyway?
Ame implied that its is up to Cover herself so who nose ? I think Ame would go ever further with the notGraduation deal from the way she talked about it desu because she answered all of the "would you participate in this event" questions as she would if it up to her but probably wouldn't be allowed to
To be fair, Hololive is a lot more than just vtubing
Eigo wa muzakashii, ne?
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4K viewers is not relevant.
Why are Nijifags like this and trying to turn Hololive into a shithole like Niji
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Pikamee said the same thing right before she reincarnated in Vshojo btw
>who nose
OK but who ear?
Azunyan is the best K-On
Vtubers are fun to watch, but it's not a core part of my identity. It's an anonymous women doing funny shit in the internet, why should I care if they decide to quit their job. Plenty of other funny retards around
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>niji niji niji niji
can you just go back to catalog already
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Nice game Todd
yeah but I used to say that to my grandma and she died before I got to meet her again.
checkmate AI
Vtuber is not a real job. Even twitter artists taking commission are more of an employed individual than vtubers as those commissions can be used on their portfolio. If you stop being a vtuber from Hololive, who the fuck are you? Nobody knows.
>Gigi above Kanata
fake list
Aqua has been a popular holo for 6 years and recently graduated, but she's still behind a rotting corpse? How?
I've noticed people really gloss over the ratio number of supers to amount earned for Rushia. There was some serious whales.
Maybe you should do that Nijifag
Holy fuck, what happened with Bae?
it's Josh who did this but nice memes
they are bitter people with severe moral failings and mental deficiencies

they're just chasing the (You) high in a self-destructive cycle
actually that would be Yui
No one will dispute that
>literally zero discussion of Kiara's stream
Where are all KFP at?
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Yeah, even Biboo is calling this a rest week, poor girl must be drowning in homework and deadlines
catching up on vods
anyone else see a suicide hotline message here?
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Ame's tweet really attracted a bunch of catalogniggers to the thread
>it doesn't necessarily mean a set date or time is arranged
AI knows of her shenanigans
I'm not saying this to be mean to her or anything, but Ame's always been the sort of person to go "oh yeah, that'd be cool to do" and then forget about said cool thing not long after. I'm not saying she'll forget about this whole deal obviously, but a lot of those things she was asked about could easily slip her mind as time goes on and she's just doing her own thing.
A good chunk of it is from people who sympathize with her and hate chinks.
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what fucking world we livin in where the top two are religious figures (Now this is stupid) and the other three are fucking vtubers (This is a different kind of stupid)
Fandead and Kiriyukai were actually insane.
On the flip side, Coco used to get a lot of small ones that added up
all me
I am playing with my cat and listening to the stream
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Yes lemao
Guys what the better way to act sad about a streamer fake quitting a job
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Me too...
What a weird argument. That's like saying being an author using a pen name isn't a job either. Or working for the government and having to hide what you do.
I mean, Hololive turning into a black company like Nijisanji is a big deal
this is the beginning of the end
>Ame won't finish Oblivion shivering isles or the ER DLC
Lizzie's live! My ears need something good to lift my heart today...hope she finishes Undertale eventually too.
>they know
More oblivion today dude.
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Ame hasnt given a shit in 2 years so the feeling to her is mutual
When was the last justice jam?
teamates actually on suicide watch...
It's not about the numbers, it's about the power.
She liked to rp as a yakuza boss and make superchat gimmicks. She is the one who popularized rainbow superchat
Shove it up your faggot ass attention whoring schizo. Be a man and quit hiding behind other fanbases you pussy
She's finishing Oblivion today, about 3-4 hours left
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what the fuck
are Teamates ogey?
yeah. reminds me of the old coronavirus messages on korone videos from 2020.
I'm gonna argue that Kiara is probably next. The fact that she's been more or less constantly depressed since beginning of the year, constant doomposting from her and that she's been extremely active on her RM should be extremely worrying.
>I mean, Hololive turning into a black company like Nijisanji is a big deal
>this is the beginning of the end
She'll finish Oblivion for sure. ER DLC is very doubtful, I don't know if she has it in her to get through like Messmer and Radahn.
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Kiara is being very ESL today.
esl retard
I will not eat ze bugs
It was coof times anon, everyone had money but couldn't go spend it outside
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Kiara is depressed even when she's happy
it's insulting that restaurants keep giving me 2 sets of utensils
>They think they can stop me
Skippa Skippa
I would very much like to fill Shiori and Biboo with my cum.
good afternoon
I love karaoke streams. I'm literally subbed to some vtubers solely because they are nice and I like all the singing they do, always try to tune in for karaoke streams from them.
Sadly I don't like ERB at all
To get fired from Vshojo she'd have to say something absolutely unacceptable. Something like "cheating on your husband is bad".
Kiara will be the last EN remaining, she will still stream at age 50+
did anybody tell Kiara that whatever she did to her mic settings sounds worse?
I don't even watch vtubers lol I'm just here because you can farm (You)s so easily even if you do the same shit every day. You guys are truly braindead.
it's ok to cope... luckily I'm out of this sinking ship
If ERB sings september I'll lose my mind
no one cares about you dude
except Kiara probably knows she can't make money outside of hololive. So I doubt it
The Fox wouldn't ever quit even if Hololive become Niji 2.0 because she is being paid to look the other way
me on the uhhh
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I remember
Wait, I do, why though?
liz......... no........... my PTSD.......
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Kiara will forever keep streaming, but people will forever not watch while Mori's viewership consistently rises
Kiara is one of the few ENs that actually has the talent to be more succesful without Hololive
nice, what do you plan to spend your (You)s on?
damn this red bitch can sing...
Were the rules about superchats changed at some point? Did Holos get a larger percentage back in the day? It feels like they mattered a whole lot more, at least to the thread. Superchat readings were a lot more frequent, and numberfags in the thread compared SC numbers more often than they do now, pitting holo against holo for SC totals, as gay and retarded as that was. I don't remember when or why the change happened. Did we just get better at running those fags out?
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This you?
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Everyone is moving on once October 1st comes and things will keep functioning in hololive, wipe your tears
Better go catch it
Even more so if said member who did it is one of the founding member of the group
luckily she's not in Hololive, so she wouldn't get fired for something controversial and harmless as showing "Taiwan" on screen
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>Biboo is streamed only 9 hours less than Koyori
I'm actually impressed, that rock girl is a monster
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Pen name still gives you networking access and secret agents are trusted to go up the ladder or similar jobs. A vtuber has neither.
I don't want to remember anymore
It means to watch follow her indie channel. Also you Teamates need to stop coping. Do you really think that Ame, one of the ENs who have been vocal about hating all this permissions shit and being in restricted in general, will someday comeback to Hololive after having a great wonderful time as an indie doing whatever the fuck she wants? If anything it will just solidify her decision even more.
>>85992621 >>85992659 >>85992685 >>85992734 >>85992739 >>85992785 >>85992859
real talk: suicide jokes are harmful and some nonnegligible percentage of out of her 1.78 million fans are probably medically/clinically depressed. a suicide pact meme is very poor taste and it might be enough to push some over the edge.
no more heroing
Worst case scenario, she'll just have to summon other players to beat it.
What month is it?
someone mentioned it's because you can spell out "suicide" from her stream title and the regex isn't working properly
They started getting more sponsorships and better merch and those pay way more
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Nah, KFP is 100% one of the few fan bases that would transfer over at a high rate.
She is really good at binding her fans to herself, no matter how much anons like to seethe about her.
Yeah and Ame's staying forever because she needs to feed her family
Gigi made me hate this song, fuck
okay ? that still means she is okay with the idea of joining a potential enreco 2 but also knows Cover treats this more of a graduation than she herself would like it to be therefore its probably not going to be possible so she lets people know the position she stands in so they wont think "Its Ame who doesn't want to join not Cover!"
Cover discovered merch and concerts are far more profitable than giving youtube a big cut.
I am a retard who missed out on the Connect the World BD. Do I just have to hope for a used copy to turn up somewhere?
i'm not gonna do it or anything but if something happened I probably wouldn't try very hard to survive
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>ERB copying Gigi

Meanwhile Kaela's stream hours have plummeted. If that's not a sign that they're getting too much behidn the scenes work then I don't know what is
>a suicide pact meme
What are you talking about?
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Gigi copied Kiara's idea anyways
so the 3 biggest numberfags are the ones who pushed for a 1on1 collab while the good ENs get some mass multiplayer slop
ok, doesn't change the fact that no one would care if you died
why send fat supas when you know there is going to be merch several times a year and actually get something in return.
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We love ERB now?
maybe take a break then?
after rewatching the episode where the K-On's clean out their closet and sell Sawa-chan's guitar, I literally can't believe anyone not liking this show
Fuwamoco is close but they had double POVs for ENReco so they're kinda cheating
I don't really think "September" is that great of a song. It gets old quickly.

And doing this meme every year would be very lame anyway. Just my 2 cents.
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When she comes back I will too
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I don't remember SHIT
I've literally never seen Kiara do what Gigi did, specially with that much effort
everyone should kys
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Whats even on the Blue Ray?
Is it just the show or are there any special features?
Why is there a bonfire in her tits?
Why is it blue?
>reference to a garbage show's even more garbage second season
Holotalk kind of had to happen before Ame graduated.
That's the point.
It's meant to be annoying.
Ame invented September
not now, nijisister
Nah after a year or two, being indie will become repetitive for her again and she'll come back to take on corpo with things she learns from indie period.
you sound tech illiterate
i dont' even know how to codegolf a regex so bad that it can match both "suicide" and "cheeSe acqUIred"
If someone wants to kill themselves it's their right to do so. Stop trying to control people.
It's 1 week until October!
>rings of slop
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suicide is based
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Better camera.
gigi copied erb
They recut the camera angles
Of course they clipped this
September is Gigi's song now regardless of what you virgins say
>stopping insulting my black corpo!!!!
>they didn't do anything wrong, we are the good guys!!!!
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That's my Wawa!
At least she enjoys it and it makes her happy.
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>Crisis resource panels only surface if:
>The current video is related to suicide or self-harm, or
>Your search term is related to certain health crises or emotional distress.
>These panels are not triggered based on your watch and search history.
Me thinks someone mass reported it.
we already seethed enough about it earlier today, fuck off
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...okay I was gonna post the Kanata hanging webm but fuck it, didn't had the balls because at the end of everything, you are right
>berryz kobo
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I thought Mariya Takeuchi invented September?
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nice cock
oh my god
read the fucking books already
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I'm making myself an apple pie
What spices should I put in the filling?
Ame invented singing September over and over again.
Which one?
Ame did it first
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You mean Ame. Ame was the holo known for always singing September before.
As so often, all the roads lead back to Ame.
>singing this while im drinking vodka
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biboo is my fleshlight
Moona still does the best rendition of this song
it's not even Earth Wind and Fire's best song, but that's the point
Erbs voice/accent are so fucking hot
she is dead move on teacuck
Uuu cinnamon
I'm not a virgin though.
doesn't matter. it's gigi's now
Cute Kiara and Shiori
Bro please fuck off. I know you're just trying to be edgy but if this was your oshi you probably wouldn't be laughing so hard. AZKi's pure image is part of her appeal and having her take a giant shit all over that is just a huge slap in the face to her core fans and genuinely uncool of her. I know it doesn't matter to you but that doesn't mean you shouldn't care about how it makes others feel.
go away you smell
Lol grow up faggot
This but horny as fuck
The Hololive Amongus event should be yearly
I wanna snuggle with Iroha in bed and give her a bunch of kisses.
AHh fuck maybe i need to member her
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Suicide is badass
I'm becoming white from this song
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Did Ame invented the Gregorian Calendar?
Erb's setlists are so weird to me, I've never heard 80% of these songs
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Has any Holo ever sung that? EN, JP, ID, I'm not picky.
From this clip, it seems that Kaela is the one that knew what it meant which is kinda surprising
Probably nutmeg?
>your oshi
>your favourite K-On song
The idiot that kept crashing without their belt on
We need some EN originals that are folk songs
Finish Undertale ERB!
I somehow don't think this post is genuine!
How can Kiara not get basic LOTR lore when she has seen the movies so many times now?
Ahh yes the 9 Ring chicken wraps kek wawa
I vaguely remember her going through a similar situation before with chat
Gohan wa Okazu
any warming spices will work depending on how adventurous you want to get on flavour profile.
you are a gigantic fag and I hope AZKi does more lewd things

i will turn her into a slut
The soul who encompasses Amelia Watson isnt qutting her field so theres really no reason to feel sad, you feel sad shes not going to talk to her friends anymore in front of you

Id only feel bummed if someone legit quit the medium to become a normal person
So how long before they pull Ame out of her break to shill something with Gura
I haven't watched erb since her debut. Could you post more noises?
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Which holos will play this?
You gonna mention that Gigi specifically said she took inspiration from that guy who did it yearly for a bit, and she in fact never mentioned Ame?
You will forgive the 9/22 incident?
>the pure holo in question
Kiara just found out the stuff everyone knew for decades
some people just don't have the best memory
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She was also in quite a few collabs not on her channel
staggering lack of self awareness
She is a woman who barely just four years ago learned how to read a clock face.
i'm not happy
if nothing else, the title is easily the best
I did a search in Japanese and couldn't find a single Holo singing it, only EW&F September, or Plastic Love by Mariya.
Which is a shame, it's my second favorite song on that album.
repetition is futile if there was no effort to remember
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It's nice to see we have a handful of oldmates here still for now.
All the way til the end yeah bros
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I think I'm in love with ERB. Dorky hags just do it for me every time
It's pretty refreshing
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I know it wasn’t real, but the NTR storyline made me look at FBK and Mio differently
Iofi is in her branch who is almost a tenga mascot lmao.
look at the top comment, Kaela clarified she didn't know and was worried about her accent...but she has now googled it
What the fuck are Gimli socks?!
I just showered fuck you
cagayake girls
Bae in 2028 once she finally has time for it.
Fauna being there is impressive
Azki literally uses variations of pornographic art for her thumbnails.
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>watches JP whores
>surprised they act like whores
>I was wearing Gimli socks yesterday
I doubt they'll pull her out but wasn't there Gurame figurines that were being teased
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who would ever push someone over the edge that would be very rude
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I have a mature handling of this situation unlike you seething shitting your pants, hope you signed up for Twitch
when is the gun collab
It Youtube shorts and TikTok playlist
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ERB should have been a silly stupid oppai loli
Fellatio you little slut
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I'm going to rape you
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Based anon. I'll never forget the nurse on a crisis hotline who saved my life with two magic words: hehe jeb
People will shit on you but you are right
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Baeby 100% becuz she loves the retard, maybe Kiara if anything just to continue the story
mmmm bait nomnomnomnomnom
Haa, fuck you! My dad killed himself and I was cut from a rope and I'll never miss a chance to make suicide jokes.
Not a teamate but I'll be with you till the end brother.
see >>85990374
yeah they're totally boinking irl
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I guess I should start watching Youtube shorts and TikTok
This song is great
This is a recurring thing for her
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FubuMio teetee is indeed very cute, glad you finally noticed
ok now watch Shit Days video
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She didn't mean it and she cute!!!!!
She took a giant shit? That's hot, got a link?
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I'm not leaving until they make it impossible to be racist here
This right here is the primary reason for this not graduation. Cover is too greedy to graduate Ame properly because it means they will lose profit from merch sales. Black company behavior
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ERB really sings shit no one else in EN would sing in 1000 years
This but I am insanely fucking horny oh my god thank you Sora and Azki for giving artists more motivation to lewd you, rest in peace my balls
Tonight and Thursday
I hope Mumei managed to get her collab with Ame planned... I'd be so sad if she missed her chance
you are a bad person and you will make the people in your life happier by dying than anything you've ever done for them alive
What are you Anon gay
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Biboo became my Fleshlight
Koyori, she's basically a Yakuza representative these days
mmm yummy we eat it up so good yum yum
What does the XX necklace mean?
>your oshi
>do you dunk your sushi in onions sauce
I'm hopeful that the soul who encompasses Amelia Watson does even half as good a job with her next role as she did with "Ame," but it hasn't gone well before.
yes and she left the door open so we could hear her shitting and farting over the microphone
why are the Brotherhood quests so boring
oblivion seems like a huge waste.
t.teamate since debut
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People care less about SC totals in this thread these days because the fanbases who used to shitpost using SC no longer do as well as they used to
wishing death on people makes you the bad person I think
Kiara you said you would read superchats and it's 10pm
Pls I can only get so hard.
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Are you a 15 year old from twitter, log off retard
Why does Gigi have the belly laugh of a circus clown?
No idea
That's what Legolas wears?
Contrary to popular belief, Fauna streams more than half 70% of EN.
Gimli is the least impactful member of the fellowship
Deadbeats enjoying a soak
that's because she's BRITISH and not AMERICAN
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My condolences to SorAZ fans. I'm so glad my oshi (Kiara) doesn't dance like a whore.
reading comprehension retard
>onions sauce
Not a teamate but I'm here crying with you brother
Would be perfect if she was flatter
is ERB cute?
Kiara said she would so her
Hydra Dominatus
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you know I'm right
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no, he has his own pair
It's always astounding just how much FWMC are making, even in the year to day chart I saw once they were way way up there together with Koyo.
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Yes, she's very dorky.
sushi yes, sashimi no
Gotta love a 4:3 stream, unless she install mods, but she would need perms for those as well.
Same. NTR makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t know what the fuck broke in nips heads to push that shit so much
Azki is so god damn sexy, her voice alone would make me cum and faint if I was handcuffed and blindfolded and she whispered into my ears
Yes but she's over the age of 12 so we don't fantasize about her
you literally said his parents would be happy if he died. do you think that's something a good person would say?
(shitpost reply)
Why is teamup anon so fucking slow to add inas schedule
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Biboo is this rock too
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am i wrong?
how long until we get breaking bad memes about ame's graduation?
you know, that one scene where mike confronts walter about how they had everything and could've made as much money as they needed but walter and his ego ruined it
who should be mike here? gura?
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ba dum tssss
That why Gura won't ever graduate if they allow her to stream to shill whatever slop they pay her to shill
How can I become as cool as iinchou?
god damn i hope the ID girls are living well
Did any porn come out of it?
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>log off
What the fuck is an onions sauce? Did you mean onions sauce, retard?
I don't think so, the model looks like a low quality xenoblade model to me and she just looks weird next to any other holo.
Streamed more than Fauna this month so far:
Biboo, Fuwamoco, Gigi, Cecilia, Raora, Mori, Ina
Can you check if thats 70%? Fauna usually streams between 40 and 50 hours, she's very consistent with her amount of streaming
>Mori still in that top cluster of ENs despite having SCs off for 4 months
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4:3 isn't a problem really.
all parents would be sad if their child dies dude
thinkin bout sweaty and stinky gigi spats
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Yes, case in point: >>85993632
EN popularity here
Kiara > Gura = Ame > GG > Bae > Biboo > Ina > Mori > IRyS > Shiori > Fauna > CC > Mumei > Kronii > Nerissa > FWMC > Raora > ERB
Yeah, she she even retweeted them recently
She's a cute old lady.
lol, lmao
what would happen if i SCed this chemical formula to her
Her model is a big downgrade from the art we initially saw of her for sure.
that SC begging stream she did can feed her for days
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For real, the 2.0 gave her a real nice glow up
Pray for Advent and Justice to get theirs next year
he said half 70%, so 35%
Her Papyrus is perfect.
fleshlights are unironically amazing
Fauna too low retard
I like seeing the lone leaders, like: go Fuwamoco, you sit up there with all the jps; go Ririka, be in that red block; go kaela, holy shit.
We called this mumford and sons core or “Indie Ho Hey” in 2012
The Lumineers and Mumford and Sons pioneered this cancer
>Area 15 below the OG homos
Just hurts
>is very poor taste
I think my taste is pretty decent
Gura haven't done a shill stream in like 3 years, the last one was some rhythm game kusoge from 2022.
she's been playing Oblivion for over 3 years
she has to end it
You don’t watch Azki or know Japanese
Kinda sad to see Ame at her weakest and still outperforming that many people when she did jack shit aside from Elden Ring, Oblivion, and the Spelling Bee in the month of August. Are those homos even trying?
They have some of the biggest schizos piling money on them to hear their name being read. It's fucking wild just how much a chunk of like 10 people are willing to spend.
You mean is the tenga mascot
dont worry. Also, several live with their parents, with their own incomes, so they're fine
i'm sorry you had a bad relationship with your parents anon, hope you feel better.
If it's any consolation, both my parents love me
Mamma mia, that's a lot of shitpost
holy fuck okay I have now membered you ERBS
I've never heard a female do a good papyrus voice before, this is a surprise
new gens already start with 2.0
Been here since before /vt/, I aint going anywhere as long as Mumei is in Hololive.
so she didn't copy Kiara?
seems like most teamates oshihenned to GG?
I hope you never have to lose a child
yeah? what's your favorite manga and your favorite cut of steak
huh how is it bad? she even has next level dynamic animations on her model
>this is real
What the hell
It would be funny, do it
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>this makes that anon mad
Yeah, windows button, power symbol, log off
Its a thing you can do
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If you don't count all the Hololive stuff she seem to not care about
Im so sick of this series at this point.
this might be a shock to you but most of the people making and consuming NTR are women. This isn't just japanese people mind you. Just look at most romance novels, movies, tv dramas and telenovelas. Most of them are literally NTRshit.
Myth was the last gen in Hololive to get it
I still don't get what this face is meant to convey
it looks very lewd
She really needs to play more games where she can voice act
zeta moved to japan like a fucking idiot
she could've lived like a queen if she stayed in ID
holy crap ERB might be the best singer in Hololive
i should have never listened to the shitposts, she's great
Wait till next Comike for the doujins. Don’t care for fubumio ones but I want SorAzu ones and some horny mechanic gato ones
Anon the Sendai stream was very much a shill stream, she got sponsored by an entire fucking prefecture
Any dude that hasn't tried a fleshlight is missing out
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It makes this anon hard
It's through to august, presumably the start of the year. That's why mel has an entry at all
Dragon ball and carne asada
Fauna is as popular as IRyS is smart
>People dont like Kson because it exposed that shes a fucking retarded lolcow when she doesnt have business men in suits treating her like a misbehaving pet
Yes anon, that's the point.
>People dont like [...] because it exposed that shes a fucking retarded lolcow when she doesnt have business men in suits treating her like a misbehaving pet
I miss when Hololive wasn't Niji slop
kek Kiara
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Takanashi Wifeiwawa
counterpoint: she gets to sleep with JP members
What would be Chloe's role if she could have participated in HoloGTA?
yeah, they're really bleeding it dry at this point. The series should've ended with 6.
For real?
well, shit, they better give Liz some amazing 3D
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>holy crap ERB might be the best singer in Hololive
You're not seeing it? She easily has the worst model in EN right now. It's not old IRyS tier but it's not good.
anon SEA is one of the poorest places on earth. the amount they make is enough to make them ultra rich there
He's right
The men seething about hologamers drama story have no idea cucking is what drives most J and K dramas
on TV in their countries that women consoom in droves
Shiori confirmed they're still readying some stuff but that it will be next week.
How is Kaela going to survive without constant access to her sexy catwife?
counter counterpoint: now she has to whore herself off on the side to make ends meet
your parents must be pretty shitty to love a scumbag like you
then again apples don't fall far from the tree
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>Ao and Choco will get to compete for Zako queen this year
I'm so fucking hyped
My friend tried it. He said it sucks
there are some JP members who probably can't remember her name
Mori should do a second cowboy karaoke with ERB
Bae, Irys, and Nerissa exist
so no
i'm sure the JP holos pay her well
>that moment from the Collab when Raora and Biboo destroyed the car while Kaela was deeply focused
I just about died
Gang member stress relief.
ERB is so fucking good, her setlist is amazing too
he's a liar
pretty decent indeed spicchama, good job
Koyori, maybe Kiara, I want to say Bae but she has so many games to get through first, she honestly might just skip ahead for it.
It's literally just Skeletor
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I'm a bit sad that not more people appreciate my oshi(s), I think they're great holos and really love being in hololive, but maybe more people will see how nice they are in the coming years
I want Ceci to sing 99 Luftballons and then hear Liz do the English version.
Bae's mid
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>spends 7 days playing gta with Matsuri
>suddenly decides to move to Japan

Matsuri WILL sodomize Zeta. It's already set in stone.
Yes in my first world profession we use windows
Kiara is too dumb to turn computers on and press buttons that she ends up just shooting stuff
you don't even need to press to shot stuff button for this one but she's still doing it
Wawa really struggling with this one.
We used to share a board with onahole threads...
I never thought about it you’re right. Growing up all novelas had infidelity. Nips just have a way of portraying it in the most hurtful and evil way possible
she can turn her house into the holo ID hotel. then whenever other members fly over they can sleep in her room instead of paying cover for their overpriced dorms
Aka the voice that the fanbase used
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she said she was going to be a cop but had to pull out late because of recommendation from her manager and throat problems
Kaela was able to purchase a property on Singapore if I'm not mistaken
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I've always been baffled that this thread doesn't love fuwamoco more
her Phantom of the Opera is peak
If you're into the, I dunno how to describe it, "fat opera lady singing style" then I guess yeah. I get why that would seem impressive to some.
Lucky, most people need to pay for that
Actual list
Ame > Gura = Kiara > Bae = Fauna > GG > Ina = Biboo > CC > Mori > IRyS > Mumei > Shiori > Kronii > Nerissa > FWMC > Raora > ERB

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