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Twitch really REALLY does not want vtubers on their platform.
Even larger indies like Merryweather have been advising people to start their careers on YouTube
Is the end of reaction content upon us?
Twitchtubers should try not defaulting to dogshit reaction content and being whores
Vshojo is working with twitch to cancel all the competition. It's scummy but what can you expect from a grifter company.
It's actually a pretty fucked up situation. Hopefully it gets fixed quickly.
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Who the fuck even watches and listened to what Merryfag has to say? He's the most obnoxious wet faggot I've ever seen and heard. Pure cancer.
Wtf does the bits thing have to do with vtubers? It's affecting everyone, did you just take merryfag's tweet at face value and assume it's only vtubers?
>Using botted accounts
Ah, its all starting to come together now isn't it?
I get it. Don't get me wrong. Merryweather is a hack, but he's a semi popular one.
During twitch con other vtubers have been doxed, harassed, had up skirt videos taken of them and even those who aren't attending twitch con are experiencing bans for getting too many bits during one stream.

The past month we've seen a massive uptick in vtuber bans and harassment from twitch. I think it's safe to say that if you're a vtuber, you should consider moving platforms
The fuck? I've been sort of out of the loop for a week. I didn't know twitchcon ended up that way.
Any specific cases?
At this point, I'm expecting any space that originally was taken up by e-thots to be unsafe for vtubers, especially after seeing what happened when Melody took over chaturbate early on and had a bunch of girls and guys trying to fuck her over because she was getting too popular for them.
>this is completely out of your control
Well, shit
>Any specific cases?
yeah preferably with videos
Not just that but other people are reporting being roofied at twitchcon this year. It's been a shit show.
Admittedly I've looked for any videos but I can't seem to find them
Shylily, who is too big to "randomly" get bonked for existing, is interviewing Dan soon. Hopefully her interview will draw his attention to the problems vtubers are having with his platform.
The bits thing is affecting IRL streamers, but most of the other things aren't. Merry's advice to vtubers is to have a backup plan so that so that they don't need to worry about losing their income in case Twitch randomly decides to ban them and not give them an "official" reason until after the fact (or at all)
Remember that Twitch has a publicly-available TOS that all streamers must abide by; but they also have a second, non-public TOS that vtubers must abide by (in addition to the first set of rules) that they are not allowed to see. It's difficult for someone to play by the rules when they're not allowed to know what the rules are; the rule "nipple exposure and underboob are not allowed, but cleavage is okay" is a very easy rule to comply with, but "cleavage is okay, except when we randomly decide that it's not" is nearly impossible to comply with - especially if the rule is "cleavage is okay, except when we randomly decide that it's not, and covering your cleavage with a PNG asset doesn't count as covering your cleavage"
People will just react to stuff in YouTube Livestreams. Given how huge react channels are on YouTube, there isn't much that would work against it.
>Merryweather is a hack
Grooming pedophile, but yeah sure.
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>Hopefully her interview will draw his attention to the problems vtubers are having with his platform
I dont get it
raora must be so sad
>you should consider moving platforms
I don't know how you can say that with a straight face considering Mouse lost her channels two weeks ago in a doxxing attempt. If a smaller vtuber who can't afford a lawyer decides to stream on Youtube and they have a stalker or hater, the guy could do the exact same thing and then the vtuber is permanently done on Youtube, and even if they move to Twitch afterwards they can't have permanent VODs because they can't have or be associated with a channel on Youtube.
For indies, Twitch is your primary and Youtube is your backup option right now. You can't put all your eggs in one basket, you need a presence on both in case one gets take down. I'm hoping Shylily will get somewhere with her interview because the vtuber targeting is blatant and undeniable at this point but in the meantime the best thing vtubers can do to protect themselves is to stop doing ASMR of any kind (even clearly non-suggestive stuff) and cover up their models. Don't give them an easy reason, you can be banned for bullshit anyway but the situation could change and the person(s) responsible at Twitch could get booted.
oh no no twitchkeks?
Dan Clancy, the CEO of twitch, is a massive coomer who only cares about big titty streamers. He's only letting Shylily interview him cause she hung out with him in person.
Has he even spoken on the VTuber shit, or is that below them and leave it all to automation?
>Even larger indies like Merryweather have been advising people to start their careers on YouTube
For the non-readers in the thread what he's actually advising is for everyone to diversify their online presence and revenue sources.

Which is advisable for all creators on all platforms at all levels in any circumstance, it's the sensible thing to do.

He's not claiming people need to switch their main platform, just that they have other options in case one of them goes tits up.

>the end of reaction content
Reacting THRIVES on YT. Multiple vtubers are currently riding the algorithm with react videos.
"obiously" some error
that fag changes his opinions every other day
She's uhhh, securing her future.
Raora maybe?
>who only cares about big titty streamers
But Lily IRL is... not that
Yes, but those big titty streamers are not there to make his geriatric dick wet, so...you take what you can get.
Shes asian and kind of cute, that's a huge buff. I mean if i was him i would be hanging out with 10/10 korean girls straight from Seoul but hey he likes what he likes.
God damnit that’s aweful. Twitch should be the whore containment zone.
>she's asian
How new?
He noticed when one of them got bonked for the bit thing

As for the bans/suspensions/warnings, that's a broader thing that might be a bit more complicated

>Shes asian
You might be mixing her up with some of her friends, Lily is German
No wonder twitch bots the CCVs and subscribers from the crippled
Whoops, i confused her with Onigiri. Point still stands.
>convention centered around a culture where selling sex and abusing coomers ends up with a lot of sexpests and rapists
>Being a vtuber basically makes you a target since upper twitch staff wont care if you get molested
>Being a vtuber and going to an in-person con without full opsec
Gee, who would have guessed? I bet AV conventions are more civilized than this since the people know are upfront about it being sex for cash.
That tracks
This is why I'm hopeful that the interview will get somewhere, Clancy does pay attention users of the platform he's in charge of and clarifies policy changes like the DJ program to individuals asking. Some things like pulling out of Korea are obviously out of his control but this is likely a situation that he can directly affect if he finds the cause and I don't see why he wouldn't want to fix this when people being banned means less revenue for Twitch.
>trying to derail the thread and twitch being shit because of some random
A lot of vtubers are getting banned
Merryweather? The writer for my little pony episodes is a vtuber? Damn
They had members get warnings as well anon
>Hey, this type of streamer is very popular right
>Hmm... no, I do not want them on my platform
Hmmm yessss, simply epic. Very cool, very Twitch-like. Fucking faggot ass platform.
Raora has nothing to do with him these days. She effectively leeched Merry to get Holo connections then wormed her way into EN.
I've been telling people to multistream for years. These faggots are slow as shit.
>Is the end of reaction content upon us?
I fucking hope so.
If they actually wanted to oust vtubers they'd just delete ironmouse, she's the source of the vtwitcher cancer. They won't because they're pussies though.
she's made them over $360k this month so no it's not because they're scared to
based fuck Vtubers
The problem with these retards is that all of them stream with heavily copyrighted music so youtube would kill them mid-stream if they were to do it
How do you leave out all the roofied vtubers lmao? Twitch con is heaven for rapist because twitch is never taking any measures.
I mentioned it in a later comment
> If a smaller vtuber who can't afford a lawyer decides to stream on Youtube and they have a stalker or hater, the guy could do the exact same thing and then the vtuber is permanently done on Youtube
Literaly what happend to Taiga.
Yes, but not sudden and immediate bans.
Yeah I read after.
Good. Maybe they should learn to make their own shit for once.
why not just stream on pomf though
if you go to twitchcon in person you're not a vtuber
You'd think the progressive pro-lgbt hole that is twitch wouldn't have ANY issues with vtubers, this is hilarious, while I'm at it, you fucking retards with a “just move to another platform” I swear you couldn't be more brain-dead retarded, LIKE IF THAT MAGICALLY SOLVES ANY ISSUE. Fucking Odysee, Kick and Rumble and better places to upload your VoDs
YouTube is based, that shit doesn't happens. Mouse deserved it
go shill twitch somewhere else
>cause she hung out with him in person.
quite a euphemism lmaooo
What did he do?
shylily is loaded as fuck already
the last time I checked they had the most retarded restrictions on format, length, file size and all that. don't even get me started on the crypto bullshit
holy newfaggotry do your homework or keep your retarded mouth shut newfag
But not enough yet. If she was then she'd be throwing out allegations.
Why stir up drama for the sake of drama? She isn't the one getting banned, it's all low 1view 2view shitters that are
>already unbanned
>didn't take a week like ironmouse
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Looks like they reversed it and are still working on reversing it for others. I wonder what caused this in the first place?
Some vtubers are speculating that there are some rogue admin on twitch that for whatever reason have beef with vtubers
>During twitch con other vtubers have been doxed, harassed, had up skirt videos taken of them
Solution: don’t flesh it up like a whore
you do actually sound muslim lmao
tbf reports of roofies going on at twitchcon extends to previous years as well as other anime conventions
an automated system when a payment is reported fraudulent
While some of you niggas do be doomposting, Shilily has been chilling with the CEO of Twitch lmao.
>indies switch to youtube
They cant farm a parasocial audience on youtube thats why their viewership gets cut by seventy five percent when they go live there
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anyone got the clip where the twitch CEO is scrolling through his apps account and its just camgirl after camgirl?
If the Merryweather stuff was true, then Shilily was like that Samuel L. Jackson character in Django Unchained, lmao.
Welcome to youtube, I had enough of holotrash on my timeline. Can't wait to see some proper vtuber on youtube.
Post tits
do Shilily fans care that she's working that old man, I never watched her
also fuck you for making me post shilily instead of shylily
They have bigger problems to worry about.
oh yeah, he knocked her up too
yeah her "manager" (bf) (me)
So is Shylily untouchable just because she rubs shoulders with the Twitch CEO?
Do holofans think pekora is fucking yagoo?
They are clearly two different people
There isn’t exactly proof of that, though. It’s not as though she has more liberties than the average streamer, but perhaps she doesn’t outright catch bans for shit that chuubas have been scrutinzed for (under false pretenses, most likely).
if anyone is fucking yagoo it's one of the homos
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I don't know him
just dont steal content lmao
Obsession is a treatable illness, anon.
This is really funny when you consider that one Vtuber called Bub and her bandwagon who (as a partner of Twitch) got caught hateraiding another streamer after losing a game of DbD actually got banned but was reinstated after 2 days.
Twitch not only weirdly enforces rules when but when someone is actually such subhuman garbage to invade and harass another stream over losing a game of DbD, Twitch actually takes back the ban.

What in the fuck.
Oh and just to add: She is still partnered too. So some people get legit unjustified bans but bitches like that not only get their ban revoked but keep their partnership too.
A woman had sex on stream
Well, good for her. Meanwhile, my point is when people actually are being malicious which I find more worrying than sex.
Axel would probably fuck anything that hasn't climbed ontop of a tree at the count of three.
if someone really wanted to they could lease AWS or Google's servers for a vtuber exclusive livestreaming/video platform.
RIP VStream
More than one holo does lol
"r-retard!!" the cuck says defensively while fighting back tears
retard (2x combo!)
>be a whore and wear short skirtsin public
>complain about upskirts
Woman moment?
Anon, I'm going to stop you right there:
There's only whores on Twitch. They'll fleshstream if they have to, it's all the same shit to them.
that's bullshit but i'll spread the word
pointing this out counts as sexism, anon-kun
Imagine still using twitch
Fuck Merryweather with a rusty fork, faggot piece of shit. That being said, it's an absolute shame that alternative vtuber centric streaming site didn't take off since this would have been a perfect time to jump into that.
>alternative vtuber centric
doomed to fail, they're not called vstreamers for a reason
Everyone seems to forget the other GOATED streaming platform, TIKTOK LIVE!
What does this even mean in this context? Is he offensively moist? A swimmer? Some manner of crab fisherman?
wtf I love islam now
It may have been reversed but it did massive damage to those it affected. Every single auto renewing sub is canceled which is a huge hit during subtember.
Here's your twitch CEO btw.
Maybe he means wetback?
pls don't.
You know what would fix kost of those problems you listed? If vtubers stuck to being virtual and didn't go to cons in person like retards.
why would some old grandpa want to watch some brotuber
Also something is going to Youtube soon. Several non-vtuber related content creators ive seen have dropped hints about i, mostly seems to be ad related. Also goes along with the increase of Ex-Twitch streamers that migrated to Youtube, going back to twitch once again.
More people need to ask him about the Discord server he closed down last year.
What about it?
My only wish is for IronMouse to be banned permanently on both Youtube and Twitch due to her fans using stolen Credit Cards/Debit Cards.
Ad Revenue is the safest way to get money it seems by streaming and plenty of the *lying diseased virtual e-thot of a whore" has plenty of simps that fell for her lies sitting there just fucking watching the ads stroking their dicks and beating off to her as she calls them "family".
No, you sick fucks. You aren't "Family" you are just fucking "PIGGY BANKS." Get it through your thick head for once.
Twitch is going to face a overwhelming lawsuit from their *streamers* due to this depending on how many were affected.
theyll be ok
>Twitch really REALLY does not want vtubers on their platform.
Can you fuckers stop necrobumping this thread without anything new to add?
twitch is shit anyways

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