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I'd happily watch ERB if she stopped that weird Mori-like voice narration thing. I'm guessing it hasn't stopped and she genuinely sees this job as a VA role? It seems like the homo shit has calmed down as well.
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Heh I get it
My favourite trio gen.
I genuinely don't even know what her gameplay stuff is like since I only actually watch her karaokes and sometimes collabs, which are fantastic. I keep hearing I should watch her undertale playthroughs, so I guess I'll put that on my list.
If she wants to focus on voice acting as a thing, she should play more games where she can flex that. She's got a hell of a voice range and can totally lean into that. One of the things that originally drew me to people like Reine was how they voiced all the little characters in fun ways.
>I genuinely don't even know what her gameplay stuff is like
In Undertale she unlocked the secret ending where Papyrus takes pity on you after you lose to him too many times and just lets you win.
That's because she's practicing with being Ame's replacement VA
OK that's actually hilarious. That's even something she can lean into. People don't really care if you're good at the games, just that you can make content out of it.
I'm reminded of stuff like early game grumps where they'd fuck around on the same area for an hour because they were too awful to actually clear the section.
I give ERB another 1-2 months before her genmates start passing her, the gap is closing between that initial boost
>All the Ame we've seen since the announcement has just be ERB
That's why she wasn't in GTA she was too busy pretending to be Ame
Anon, early subs mean jackshit. She's the least popular EN in terms of ccv when ignoring unarchived karaokes.
Kaela had the least subs in ID for a very long while yet is the most popular ID by far.
Twitter tourists just sub to whatever design they like then proceed to never watch streams.
What is her end game? Why did she join Hololive if she's so anti social towards women? Is she Nina Kosaka of Hololive?
Maybe eventually but I can't see it happening this quickly unless we get a second enreco. Most of the boost was from that.
I really wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a shiori situation eventually where she's just off in her own world with a dedicated fanbase that's relatively isolated.
>when ignoring unarchived karaokes.
You can't ignore them when they're basically her main content.
>You can't ignore them when they're basically her main content.
They're not even doing that well anymore, probably because of viewer fatigue. If it wasn't for Shiori she'd be deadlast. And Shiori's played some games which have mass appeal instead of obscure indieslop recently
ERB screwed her gen mates by debuting first.
She sucked up all the hype and early subs, then bombed with her homobeggar autism. This killed the vibe and that's why all the other girls have worse numbers than expected.

Gigi got the short end of the stick by debuting right after ERB, at that point everyone was talking about what ERB said and forgot about Gigi.
Core issues with ERB is that she was casted to be a leader and center but she has no such qualities about her. It's just an RP, but they actually need someone to be the glue like CC is.
>Gigi got the short end of the stick by debuting right after ERB, at that point everyone was talking about what ERB said and forgot about Gigi.
Gigi's debut wasn't very good, but she's gaining a shitload of viewers since enreco.
You can recover from bad debuts. See Fauna and Kaela.
She's the tardwrangler In-Lore, but they don't need wrangling that often.
Gigi might have the lowest sub numbers but her viewership and fans are dedicated. She's had the best merch sales of all the Justice members. Her ENReco acrylics sold out across the board by day 2 even in the JP store, I don't have the screenshot of metrics but it was dark green in every slot for her.
Anon? That's clearly NOT just-ice
kek nice one.
I'd happily watch and listen to her songs if she stopped shitting on songs. I was watching Hwikky's vlog of New York concert and when i reached the end segment i was rolling my eyes and thinking to skip it. I caught myself and realized that she is singing the song correctly and i was actually thinking that maybe she is doing good. Last 20 seconds was a travesty of her literally yelling and screaming and i realized that people just never change. I am tired of giving this girl another chance....i am literally cringing every time people say she is the "singer" of hololive and how she is somehow better than others at singing. People here excuse her behaviour by saying that she is "having fun" but its not fun, its grating. She can sing songs clearly and wonderfully but she just doesn't want to so i will continue not giving her a chance until she does that. I hate being an anti but she really really rubs me the wrong way when she does that
Just say you hate fun, faggot
Sounds like you hate fun.
Woe is me for actually giving my actual opinion and not parroting what the unicorns are screaming at her. Should i go "she bad cuz she likes men?" Fuck off,retard! There are genuine things to critique about her shit and what i said is one of them
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Cope and seethe
I guess you'll have to wait for singles and concerts where she'll lower the fun factor.
>I'd happily watch ERB if she stopped that weird Mori-like voice narration thing
i'd happily watch ERB if she promised never to sing again
Socialblade says that will happen in Dec/Jan 2025 but take those projections with a grain of salt, Raora is in the lead by all metrics
good joke, anon
>People don't really care if you're good at the games
Maybe regular people don't, but /here/ it matters a lot if it's to shit-talk a bit, anon, come on
>They're not even doing that well anymore
Define "not doing well", actually asking, her CCV during karaoke is always average (11k-15k) but the thing is that that's basically all her content, so technically speaking "most of her streams are 10k+ CCV". I hate that she's a fucking weirdo that makes it hard to measure.
>Mori-like voice narration thing
Btw, what happened to Mori that now she speaks like a shonen protagonist from a badly dubbed anime?
I like all of them. Holo antis HATE this fact.
>another wave is hitting next summer
its just going to get worse
wasn't her karaoke hitting 20k-18k+? What happened to her to cause her to drop so low for a karaoke? Shouldn't it be at 15k? That's what Mumei gets on her random ass late nights karaokes.
Lmao, who else would you compare ERB with, Fauna?
isn't ERB supposed to be a good singer though? Is she Fauna tier now?
>moving the goalposts
>bring up fauna
>brings up football
well at least we know there is a Euro Audience to be had

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