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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous Thread: >>85937014
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I love my wife so much!!
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Day 16! Give it up for day 16!
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I hate this world so much!!
Sex with a fembud.
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Does Gawr Gura want to go out with me?
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
Your samefagging is extremely apparent as usual.
I hope my cute little erotic shark wife is recovering well.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
Apparently we are the same people, are you guys rich? Can i get some of your money my fellow clonebuds?
Are we all creepy perverts?
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sadly, I or we I guess, are not rich, I can borrow you a couple bucks though
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boring setup
I want to breastfeed Gura and change her diapers.
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Gura approves of thin shark tail.
Hmm, she's been very distant lately. It might be time for me to start drawing up plans for how I'm going to get myself killed. Suicide is forbidden by my religion so I'll have to figure out something elaborate and dangerous that'll kill me in a reasonable amount of time. What do you guys think? Crab fishing? Logging?
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Not as long as I live.
Free solo El Capitan, like that crazy dude did
>it's a phasecuck
Like clockwork
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Rock climbing is a good idea, but what if it doesn't kill me and people start paying attention to me?
Oh hey it's that tranny pedophile who shat up HoloPlus and got doxxed. Always funny to see that people who hate Gura are actual mentally challenged subhumans.
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Gura at the end
Does ggg smoke?
I don't and I don't plan on starting, I hate the smell and I hate that my mom refuses to give it up, because her coughs have been more violent recently and I'm goncerned
Are you a chumbabooey?
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oh I remember that channel,
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ye, I'm crying, shidding and pissing out of my eyes
I am actually in love with Gura.
I want to correct some of my earlier posts where I wrote that Ame said she told myth she was graduating around holofes. I went back and watched the stream and I had mistakenly combined two separate things she said. One was that she said everyone knew by Breaking Dimensions. The second was that she worked extremely hard for holofes, breaking dimensions, and myth anniversary live.

So to get a better idea of when Myth found out, I went through the archives to look for things they said around that time.
1) https://youtu.be/lYsMNMiZmzM?t=1020
Kiara said she organized the Myth one block collab because she knew Ame was leaving and wanted them to do something together. The Myth one block collab was on June 14.
2) https://youtu.be/kG49hl7Eno4?t=14280
Kiara decided to pitch the idea of the one block collab to the rest of myth during this stream on May 21. She even wrote the discord message she sent to them on stream.
3) https://youtu.be/kG49hl7Eno4?t=16440
During the same stream, Kiara said she wanted it to be with Myth because they hadn't done much together recently and that the only time they could do it would be in June because she would be in Japan for months starting in August. (found via >>76321796)

This most likely means that Myth knew about Ame graduating by May 21 at the latest, but it was probably earlier, given that Kiara wouldn't be as composed as she was during this stream if she had learned the same day.
It may or may not be related, but May is also when Ame finished moving into a new house she bought for her and her family, and Gura was complety missing for most of May.
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What the chumbies up to today? I got a dinner that I have to be at later.
thanks for providing the timestamps I asked for
I'm playing wc3 customs.
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gonna play more Halo 2 soon
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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Watch Ame with the gators to keep them company in these trying times and then maybe some xcom later.
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Yes but I've been trying to quit and failing
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I sniped 6 pounds of ground beef for 30% off
I keep refreshing my subscription feed hoping for a Gura frame.
Have fun sisyphus
Don't do this. It will kill you
frame time is over, you can stop now, and I don't expect to see a solo stream this week, she might be in one of Ame's extra collabs, the TF2 collab and she will definitely be in the myth collab on sunday
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i'm playin the new zelda
but chumbies are making me want to play halo again
I don't know how you could be doing it these days but I was in an unironic state of >any minute now last year so I kinda get it
It would be funny if the hurricane knocked out her power for the weekend.
It would bee funny if you shoved the hurricane up your asshole
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Goob on the 29th
that would be quite a feat
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I’ve been playin limbussy company again and reading the losing heroines manga. I might even give the LN a shot after I watch the anime
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Lets do the procedure
no gurame collab?
I'm gonna make some egg salad sandwiches but i am so tired that i don't think i can bother toasting the bread. How do you like 'em? Toasted or untoasted?
Unless they surprise us like they did on Gura's birthday
I like them untoasted. Its comfy
What makes you guy think Gura will show up for the myth collab?
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I never had an egg salad or a sandwich of it, what's it liiike?
Not to show up for a final Myth collab would be strange ever for Gura
I have a functioning brain, and my frontal lobe is not underdeveloped, like yours seems to be.
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I wish you luck Halobud
You'll be coming up on H2's rough equivalent to The Library from CE soon, though thankfully it's not quite AS much of a gauntlet
High hopes
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nta, I'm not sure how I'd describe egg salad to someone who's never had it other than "tasty"
Where do you hail from bud? Do they have egg salad at your local supermarket or deli?
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I am finally close to done with wiping/encrypting/backing up my drives and upgrading desktop hardware. After this I just need to add a PCI-e NIC to the desktop, upgrade the laptop drive, reinstall Manjaro on the new laptop drive, and then finally, FINALLY install Gentoo on the desktop
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Eggie weggs in between bread. A bit soggy but good.
>Do they have egg salad at your local supermarket or deli?
I remember seeing it, I just never tried it before
Did you really still think Gura would?
While archive diving, I came across these two impressively accurate posts that predicted everything, even around when Ame would graduate.
Gura sobbing uncontrollably for 4 hours straight during the collab, i'm with the incredible smart & very handsome anon; Gura may not want to show up for that, well, maybe she want to but can't for the previous mentioned condition
I wish she'd just take some time to talk about random shit. Make a member post, anything. She obviously could write a tweet despite health hort so it's not like she's in an iron lung or something
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Of the buds who have played the Bungie Halos, which is your favorite? What are your thoughts on Infinite?
I literally can't pick a favorite, that might be a copout answer but it's true. I have too many fond, unique memories of my first time playing each of the four. For 2, 3 and Reach it was on release night, splitscreen co-op, with my brothers... God it was so magical bros. And Infinite was pretty okay too, I could have seen myself exploring and fucking around with my brothers for hours if we had the chance.
I believe you may be in the wrong thread
Wrong thread, teamate.
I don't think Gura's sick. I think she's depressed because Ame's leaving and she couldn't mention that on the 13th.
I just wish she'd talk to us, even if it's just crying together in a member's stream.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
That picture reminds me of something, where is it from?
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>>86000099 (Me)
Fuck damn it I need to pay more attention
From the memory hole.
playin 1 with my friends, the memories carrying the hueg xbox with TV to a LAN party, makes it #1 for me
Notice how that first post was literally only a couple days before Kiara pitched the one block collab in >>85995682.
I think Gura might have learned about Ame graduating right after this member's stream on April 23. https://youtu.be/ld0-CgXtkfE
Because after that she completely vanished for a month until the Subnautica stream on May 25 and never said why.
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It happens chumbud. Trust me
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Disappearing for a month isn't anything unusual anymore.
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I ate so much I feel like a fat fuck
Next time just one egg salad sandwich.
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aww ame fangirling gura is so cute
Nah. The Hurricane isn't hitting her part of the state. She's good. S
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MY wife
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MY Gurandma
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Girls in a hoodie & underwear is peak sexo, nothing beats it, not even close
Ame has sniffed Gura's braps
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I've been looking for a new phone after I completely shattered the back of mine
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Why are you posting my wife then, idiot!
I hope it made her feel better
"Boys ARE confusing" - Gawr Gura, Bully, anno 2022. What did she mean by that?
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No one loves her more than I do.
Literally nobody. It's impossible.
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i love ai art
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oh it's literally the same kind of library too, except their sentinels have blue beams and bigger versions this time
I assume it's for gameplay reasons, but the flood seem very easy to get rid of, are they fire resistant in lore or something? because they seem very susceptible to fire
I have ~10 big spiders in my house and counting, they don't move around much and they are killing all my flies that is swarming around the kitchen. Shall i keep the spiders?
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Keep them
Spiders are your frens.
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Sign a non-aggression pact with your spiders like I have. My one stipulation is they stay out of eye level and they can life. If however they go below this threshold I will squish.
>put out a fly trap to kill all flies
>spiders leave
>flies feed the spiders
>spiders feed the centipedes
>centipedes feed the wasps
>get stung and die from allergic reaction
sad we arent getting a last AmeSame collab.
yes, I leave my spiders alone unless they get too close to me, I saw one trapped in my bathtub the other day because it couldn't scale it's slippery ceramic walls, I helped it out and put it in a corner, then it skittered away
Believe in amesame
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i would
We don't call it "Amesame" here, tourists
I call it Amesame instead of Gurame to piss off Gurame purists.
you'd be even more sad if they did one
Probably just a Teamate being sad, cut em some slack.
It was called AmeSame before Gurame.
No, it'd definitely be better if they did one, at least for the sake of closure.
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Is this true?
gura has TWO nipples
I'm gonna need proofs
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Wife soon?
What if you did a surgery to swap nipples, your left nipple to the right boob and vice versa, would you become left-handed? I don't know how women work
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
I'm glad Gura's precious little time will no longer be wasted on Gurame or Myth.
men have nipples, too.
or her fans
Gura is my oshi and i still always call it amesame. It sounds much better that gurame first of all and its more common in other spaces like twitter.
Why do you know such a thing? Have you been checking men out? Stop look at naked men dude
Goob ebening retards
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I don't use anywhere else but here so anything other than gurame is sus
Only females is doing this "shipping" thing, are you guys fembuds?
>*Le touché*
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I don't know how to spell axelottel
>*Li touchí*
>*Lo touchõ*
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Gura cute Gura cute!
i always used AmeSame because i like the A name first..
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where's my wife?
Everyone cool?
Halo 1 is my favorite. I could play The Silent Cartographer over and over again. It’s the best level.
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You cheated, didn’t you
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is this really the case? It's not even necessarily a ship just those two together in any capacity.
Halo CE or Reach have the best campaign. I lean Reach but the mystique of CE the first time you play it is really something. Halo 3 is the most fun multiplayer. I dont like infinite. The game feel isnt right at all and other than that having a grapple is always fun the campaign sucks because it all looks the same. A lot of what makes them good is varied levels
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Yes I am mister
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Gura ugly Gura ugly!
Gura x Fauna is the superior ship anyway.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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It's been a looooong time since I read any of the Halo books but I don't think they're resistant to fire in lore, could be wrong though
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Maybe, i know it looks gay but been using a vape lately.
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im gonna give gura shark pups
Too much.
Is this an appropriate way for a child to dance?
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no, just familiar with how nahuatl words are usually written
Baguraette honhonhon
bud, that meat is going bad in a day or two
throw it into the freezer instead of the cooler.
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My condolence
That's a child
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That’s ok. I already ate it.
but you can speedrun the library even on legendary, it was never a painful level to me save for the few times i got sniped by a rocket flood.
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out of 10
etc etc
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La basé
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What’s a nahuatl, mister?
yeah I always put fresh meat into the freezer unless I use it the same day, maybe I should have mentioned that
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fat fuckbud...
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>wake up
>see this
that bud doesn't look fat at all, the opposite in fact, looks long and lanky
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na hualt deez nuts in yo jaws huhaha
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Oh nyo!!
enjoy and wish I had woken up sooner
squeeze her like a roll of toothpaste
T u T
Proto-Mexicans back when they were cutting eachothers' hearts out and eating them.
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i lose my gallons
That shit was so metal. They also used to shave their teeth into points so they would look like monsters.
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gura is like a large displacement v8 engine
i lose gallons to her
That is pretty resourceful, i've been buying chicken hearts now when meat is expensive, it's only 3 dollar per kilo
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What's Ina doing there?
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last one
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thread became based again
NTA, but that's retarded. No one wants it to end like this.
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god she is perfect.
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Stop looking at naked pictures of my wife
Why did she call my oshi a whore?
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a true hero...
Pooping in my cooler when she thinks I'm not looking >:C
Pinch her chikubis!
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Don't worry Gura, I'll treat fembud prime right...
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>Back when
Damn, the cartels have been around longer than I thought
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didn't read the thread
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For King and Cunny!
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didn't love the thread
don't fall for it chumbie!
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I made this post, those pictures are for my eyes only
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This is my wife
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
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For s’ghetti too!!!
I wanna eat s’ghetti again!
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forgot pic, was thinking about s’ghetti...
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What do you call a fake noodle?
An (im)pasta

Please laugh
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Humans were very silly back in the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9Yww9LG3gw
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Stop posting extremely lewd drawings of my daughterwife.Thank you.
I'M DYING SO MANY TIME ON THIS STUPID ELEVATOR RIDE (as the arbiter) and I don't even know what killed me sometimes, also energy weapons don't seem to work at all
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they were mad men for attempting to fly at all, insane.
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LOL I was just about to ask you for a status update Halobud
Don't worry you'll get it eventually, I believe in you!
It's almost october. I hope Gura is preparing another scary cooking handcam stream. I miss looking at her cute childlike hands.
Gura isn't potty trained
100 years ago looks like modern day Africa :D https://youtu.be/0h_cqTCT5g0?t=32
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her child like fingies wrapping around my cock T o T
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funnily enough I made it right after I posted my frustrations and had a talk with the Gravemind. I wanna know if it formed recently or if it hid at the bottom of the lake/sea for centuries
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>>86010338 (me)
also the "hello there" moment right after was pretty cool
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halo 1 for sure, the best one and the one i got the most LAN party memories with.
HaloCE Demo made me love the Silent Cartographer mission, never got tired of it.
I remember being blow away as a grade schooler by a map that big, with stuff like the cave next to the cartographer main entrance full of dead marines, and how you could straight up skip first going to the main entrance and going on top to unlock the door before it got locked.
me and the boys would use our computer lab to play multiplayer, full 16 blood gulch stacked with other classes wanting to play as well. sure the class bully would kick our asses in real life but in that game we got our revenge. i miss those simpler times.
it's a bit of a spoiler
the gravemind is an ancient being that has hidden in that halo ring for a long time, the flood lore is quite interesting. you should watch some lore videos after you're done with the bungie halo games, ignore 343i games for lore. only the books are good in comparison to the games.
halo infinite is ok as a stand alone game, like a different timeline type of game.
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Woohoo, gratz chumbie!
The Flood/Gravemind lore is pretty intense and epic, I won't spoil it if you're interested in reading the books, but let's just say it wasn't kidding when it said "There is much talk, and I have listened, through rock and metal and time..."
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background: none !important;

For those that are tired of the fucking autists in this thread

it also wasn't kidding when it said
"i am a monument to all your sins" (forerunners specifically)
Interesting, I probably won't read the books, might listen to lore videos, I wanna find out how it got there in the first place.
we love halo in this house
halo lore is amazing.
the drama between ancient humanity and the forerunners because of the precursors decision on whom would take the Mantle, the cain and abel archetype and so many others. its so good.
wish it were as extensive as WH40K
It's not a filter, dumbass
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Based. The demo is how I first played CE too. I was so young and stupid that I didn't understand that it was a different game than 2 and I was confused at why that level wasn't on console, and why the game looked different, and why there were "unique" weapons that didn't appear anywhere else in the game, etc. etc.
I also fondly remember my older brother finding a mod utility, 343 something or other, and using it to edit the assault rifle to fire everything from tank rounds to plasma grenades. The marines would accidentally kill themselves constantly after battles by taunting and shooting enemy corpses "Get up so I ca- WHAAAAAAAAAGH!". Then he increased the plasma grenade fuse timer to like 2 hours while the assault rifle was changed to fire them so that the beach was full of npcs running around and screaming like idiots without ever actually dying...
Then we killed them all and painted the warthog with grenades until the game crashed
ohh I can talk about 40k for hours... and I wouldn't consider myself very knowledgeable about it because there's simply SO MUCH of it
i hope Gura is still alive
if you're done with halo 1 watch this
after you're done with halo 2 watch this
sneak peeks at some lore points relevant to what you saw in the games
The only good thing 343i did well was to have Sequence animate these bonus content for the Anniversary remakes.
If Gura said she hated you guys how would you feel?
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Rapey and murderous.
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look at her nipple
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If something happened they would tell us, surely
Depends on the reason why. If she just hated the thread for constantly being flooded with SEAshitters then I would kind of agree.
I would revert to full time kulturkampf krieger instead of just part time shitposter.
would you impregnate gura or would you hate the idea of having kids
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I love fucking with memory addresses to do silly shit
she fell off ngl
I would fertilize her with as many children as humanly possible and trust in the Lord to enable me to provide for them all
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I hope she tells my wife to stream
I would fertilized every single one of her eggs and raise a huge family
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i will do my upmost to give her at least 10 kids, one kid a year.
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Oh nyo the shark has been eating glue again
I meant fertilize
She doesn't have to say it. Her actions make it clear every day.
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I would just reply, "I know".
interesting tail
i honestly didnt notice since my eyes were on the cunny
>how would you feel?
No different than how I feel now. Because I've known she's hated us for over a year or more.
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She hates all of you and she loves me.
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she hates you all, but she loves me the most
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fuck your shit samefag
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You dumb little bitch. Give me those!
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The concession gif.
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I want to protect this creature and provide for her.
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be thankful i am just taking them away instead of also raping your ass
This but rape this creature
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Hey, that's not very nice!
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she will stream tomorrow i can feel it
my village shaman told me
same desu
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The declaration of being a shitposter image.
I hope not. I'm busy.
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great view, I didn't know they had cities inside (looks like one anyway)
Every day I thank jesus I do not work for free
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that's exactly why
i never gave thought at how a covenant city would look like given how it's all a fighting force under the covenant in those ships.
do the elites and grunts go out buying stuff like we do?
do they have quality time indulging in hobbies and stuff?
it never crossed my mind until now.
the impression the games and some of the lore gave me is that they all fought for their home planets so they operated like sailors in submarines. long hauls where they only knew work and their 3 meals a day.
it might me a city but maybe those sky scrapers are full of office grunts and elites running the whole covenant operation.
you would think they would have AI to deal with all of that so what's the deal with that city looking hub
if she does, I will sacrifice a baked grocery store chicken in your shamans honor
if she doesn't he's a gay retard
great effort, i will tell my village shaman about this
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I read on the wiki that the grunts are particularly good with language and spend a lot of their time collecting and watching human soap operas
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and now this will never happen...
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are humans the only ones with soap operas?
i know it wasn't lore accurate but that one animation depicting the sangheli made me think they had similar depictions of drama
don't fucking remind me, i wish they played a co-op halo game.
I would say "I told you so." It's so obvious she doesn't like or care about her fans.
Jackals are known to engage in space piracy. The Covenant is a huge theocratic confederation of species conquered and/or assimilated so I expect they have recreation, trade, etc. just as humanity would. Do keep in mind they are heavily stratified by race and caste, so the upper class are made of the warriors and priests while the lower class are the more primitive member species.
you work for free broski
your opinion is invalid
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i do get that but on the little i've been exposed to the "current lore" around the halo CE-2-3 and reach in both games and books they never touched on covenant dynamics like that, the furthest i went were the two first books after 343 took over and they covered bornstellar and his palls.
not gonna lie i am more interested on this "pre-history" lore that the current lore after ORION project
*than the current lore after ORION project
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now i wonder if the LEGENDS animated series we got from halo was like stuff Grunts would have loved as content to watch in their off time.
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Halo legends Prototype always manages to break me.
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The worst part is that I know Ame streamed Reach with other girls once. I forget who, I think Mumei and Calli?
Nope. Day 1 member
I still remember the halo 3 ad campaign "Believe" one of the greatest advertising ideas ever.
It hit the same vein as "the war to end all wars" from WW1
That's what's why it was so successful and epic even.
There's no reason she couldn't have said something to us by now. She knows we're devastated, but she doesn't care. She's moved on. Gura from a couple years ago would never do this to us.
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You can say that again. I showed a zoomer friend of mine the ad like a year ago and she was absolutely blown away.
They really don't make 'em like they used to...
(for Halobud and anyone else who is uninitiated, imagine seeing THIS on TV: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3rridXskgWg )
T u T
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>Nope. Day 1 member
The best thing you can do, is end it all and leave forever.
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the horrors of war are all the same regardless of whichever party engages in war, perspective coming from either side shows two pictures but the horrors happen in the frontlines and trenches.
The melancholic approach was always the best. Fighting even if you know defeat is upon you. ODST also had a great ad. I hate ad I have ublock but man Bungie knew how to do it correctly.
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Every now and then i come back to this film to remind myself of how good we have it these days, but then i see the footage coming from drones raining fire on top of unaware soldiers.
We live in a new age seeing horrors we never imagined and we only see a part of it through the AI powered thread shitters plaguing 4chan and by proxy our thread.
I hate kids, expensive, useless, and time consuming. They'll also get in the way of having Gura all to myself.
I genuinely enjoy Halo 2, you were not exaggerating huh, I thought the arbiter would see the truth and rebel, didn't expect the hierarchs to throw his entire race under the bus instead
Luv shark girl
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I tried to make fries in the air fryer by cutting up a potato and tossing it in oil and it turned out really well and cooked like 3 times as fast as baking a whole potato did. I love my small oven.
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who remembered the ODST ad too. God I wish I could go back...
we all who remember wish we could go back to the good days.
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I am very happy to hear you are enjoying yourself chumbie! And yes, the prophets are devious bastards
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Prepare yourself, chumbies. We must fight to hold on to that which is good, for future generations like my children with Gura
Enjoy your taters bro
Same desu
At this point I would be glad she at least feels something towards us...
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tatters you say
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T o T
you work for free dude
Am I the only one who thinks her silence is not related to both Ame's graduation and her health conditions, but rather to the upcoming big ass project she is about to drop for the anniversary? like, she had to do a bunch of JST leant meetings in preparation
I liked that anime. Post apocalyptic adventures are comfy.
shut up anti
yes you are
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I love gura
Sleep well chumbie
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I slept all today. I just woke up with a headache…
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