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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Previous: >>85990028
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Does Moom have the best ass in EN?
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Yes, her entire lower half is pure perfection
ERB is gonna redeem herself by raiding Ame giving her the gold

I believe
>White women
>he doesn't know
>GG is already considering endings of her ENreco character
Bet your balls?
I don't understand what she's angry about
isn't better to just blank slate every chapter?
I wouldnt go THAT far
jesus fucking christ
ame is already back to 5k? did tourists get bored that fast?
Twitch subs aren't even the same as Youtube subs. I don't think this person even watches vtubers.
Wheelchair schizo on ames stream
You cut off the funniest part
The dude immediately went looking for and started spreading random schizo delusions about Mio as a response
Anybody have that screenshot of Mio wondering about if Indonesians have basic utilities in their country? kek
Did the new V4M girls have any m*le collabs yet
GG laughed at people crying about ENreco...
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Now this is a good thread.
After 1 day? probably not.
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Fauna is the thinking man's vtuber and she inspires the thinking man's fetish.
>finally reunites with her pearl
>her pearl dies
Gonathan knows nothing but pain
Gj to anybody over 10k monthly

> Ike Eveland: -2k

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They have only had one stream. At least one already had the "I'll collab with who ever I want" talk though
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What is more trouble your oshi having breast envy or penis envy
I still find it funny how much that nigga looks like Yakub
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They lurk here because that was posted earlier.
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Holy fucking based
It's not common but there are white Puerto Ricans they can have blonde hair or green eyes
I started posting this after i saw that dude sperging out about it
I love her
Probably penis envy because I don't have breasts
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Who would bet their balls for erb?
>These girls need to seriously grow up, because it's reality
Looks like the pot calling the kettle black
GG wants to try being evil and corrupting others...
rosarians have no balls
Cover will break her into apathy, give it some time
I think so. Will get dull having 4 chapters of the same characters. Hope at least some of them change things up and bring fresh characters. I can see why Gigi would want to keep hers though considering it was the most popular character on the server.
gay poal
the word is cheating, NTR is porn
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they are genuinely sub 70 iq niggers
Did you miss the part where she got other members addicted to roblox?
she's married, so you are the NTRer instead of the NTRee
>he fell for the april fools shitpost
I blame her for CC fucked up sleep habits.
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I don't know nothing about her, nor care. I will take it as an absolute true.
instant loss heroine comics? it's peak with ntr on top
>30 and Unmarried

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Burn in Hell, vermin.
Give it 3 years and 70%+ of hololive will be 30+
Well if the idea is NTR, then the character being cucked has to be a self insert for yourself and a lot of guys aren't going to think they're going to leave a woman sexually unsatisfied so any woman that would possibly cheat would be a whore.
And all of them will be married to me
>debuffson has already shaken off the graduation buff
we will never see debuff power like hers again. the Gura of self debuffing
CC could you know stop trying to have discord sex with GG every night and sleep instead
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I see lewd Moom I coom
That's not very polyamory-inclusive of you, chud.
>GG loses the connection
>Doesn't even realize it after it's back
Liking Fauna is a patrician's taste, it only makes sense for the best kind of woman to have the best kind of fetish
That doesn't seem like something I would want to be inclusive of
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I'd rather have gross ai posts than this shit.
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Imagine being Anya when Mio was honestly asking her if she hunts birds by throwing rocks to survive
Who watches ame in 2024
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sony gold
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Post Sony's Vtuber.
She's the Lebron James of Debuffs

The only one I can imagine coming even close might be Shiori in the future
>he doesn't know
If this is the state of EN then I doubt Ame's graduation stream will even break 10k
that's mooms butt
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He is blonde, yes.
I'm confused because it has 'bait' in the title. No one cares about her to bite. In fact, I'm sure her 3 cucks fans already had several fanfics about it.
disgusting global cucks
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Moom butt
im pretty sure its just used like "jailbait"
GG did nothing but play Roblox...
why is this woman addicted to roblox
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Beautiful lovers
Just the usual saplings.
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Interesting monster design.
Ooof Gigi just collab with Hakka via ERB chat ….
Fauna is trash and so are all the retarded cucks that donate to her.
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realized it wasn't quite clear, like a surface level view
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>gigi this close to a homo
I will continue my hate for erb
Who cares who the runt fujo collabs with
you mean kfp, yes
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>palworld trailer
Sony is actually going to help pocket pair
are they watching kirsche? Subhumans
t. nintendo CHAD
Unicorn bros, is this /our/ game?
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You will watch Mori tonight.
Oh boy, I can see tendies vs sonyfags slapping each other on /v/
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Based, I hope they kill each other in court.
Yes fauna...I will tolerate mori this time. I hope she don't use that tone like she is talking to retards.
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gamefreak fucking sucks, i can`t believe nips is defending their slop in 2024 hoping nintendo won the case by abusing patent office, its not like palworld is amazing, it just doesn't take much to be better than low effort pokemon games in current year
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She generally just does that with JP and ID
I just hope she doesnt use her teacher voice
Im watching for Biboo and Gigi
wtf i like snoy now
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I hope they stop being retarded about making games for children and man children/autistic women.
It's not even hard, just focus on making everything fun.
I hope Sony kicks their ass, not because I care about the console war shit but I’m tired of Gamefreak’s incompetence, they need someone to give em a kick in the ass.
This guy is genuinely retarded to not know the difference between Twitch subs vs Youtube subs.
gigi must be a ligger shitposter before
>10x viewers on youtube
>People still say Twitch has bigger audience
I watched biboo in holoGTA. With JP? No. With ID sometimes.
Quite literally asset flip the game and it managed to sell as well as a pokemon game. That’s how desperate people are for a good pokemon game.
>mio said she won't collab with the bois? let me write a fanfiction where she gets raped in her ears

this is more insane misogyny than i've seen from the biggest unicorns
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Sasuga carpet munching Automaton
That elf is shameless,she is asking for it.
Remember last time when Nerissa was in ERB's karaoke chat, then blue flip homo entered and Nerissa went silent till the homo stopped. But then when Nerissa entered again, blue flip homo interjected himself again only for Nerissa to go completely silent again
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Well yeah, where else were they discussed?
>VR hitman
Youtube is good for big streamers

Twitch is better for small streamers

quite simple
>Twitch is better for small streamers
It's better on keeping them small
Nintendo has never lost a patent case they initiated
you won't guess what region of the world OP is from
Mumei should sit on my face
Is well known that twitch is dying and unless you embed stream to a browser main page you will never get streams past 40K unless certain circumstances like that ibai guy.
Sony probably feels Nintendo is getting too cocky with their lawsuits/patents.
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Mousey won. The nostream shark lost.
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Mousey's beef is with Yakub here
So far it seems like Justice has the most mentally healthy girls
>some dude on reddit arguing that every single person calling themselves a fan is inherently parasocial
Is he right?
deadbeats wtf why was mori that low defend your title
>Not an anti sub
Fauna is my hotwife
Yes, that's why they don't watch streams
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and of course the top comment replying to it uses this phase pic lol
For some they aren't, but some allow you to access their official discord by linking your twitch account to it. Then they do extra streams and provide extra content there.
if you call yourself a fan, then yes
GG is against toxic relationships... no...
Everyone should be lining up behind Pocket Pair. The precedent that Nintendo is trying to set would be cataclysmic if they win.
>another PARASOCIAL BAD! talks
its so tiresome
dont tell fauna
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No wonder beggars don't watch streams, because they are not parasocial. I finally get it.
tranny coded website, what did you expect?
Does he watch streams?
Mumei please stream
no surprise here
The great migration is coming
For once I want Sony to win.
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>most mentally healthy girls
>female vtubers
>mentally healthy
Anon, is well know that okbh are phaseniggers. Did you forget the holoplus raid? That discord with bvtm, okbh and phaseniggers in the same server?
I was kind of zoned out, did GG just confirm herself for deadlock?
"most" implies subjective not objective comparissons
A shame, most of chuubas on Twitch should stay there
Most of them can’t survive on YT
Ah, they are still parasocial. Why they are so attached to the girls and homos? If they weren't they would be doing something else instead of seething 24/7 about homocollabs.
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Not an anti sub
Youtube is even more strict with content and with even less support if you don't have a company behind you. They will just go crawling back to twitch
surely twitch ceo will fix it
Being a fan of anyone that you dont know personally is a parasocial relationship
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>ERB doing jazzy lounge "My Heart Will Go On"
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Mio-senpai status?
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Is he a fan of any chuuba?
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She's going try to get some answers
>entirely hairless except for her hair and massive bush
The more bush a girl has the less she male collabs?
That’s why the twitch ceo doesn’t bother with exclusivity contracts anymore, he knows they can’t survive on YT
Canon bush size btw
>aunties cat
She move in with her entire family or something
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We'll see if anything comes of it. She should move to Youtube.
That would be extremely sad if he tried to try to 'create' a conversation between them. Totally a loser creep behaviour trying to talk between two girls on a pub.
What kind of answers is she expecting?
>Yes, we actually hate vtubers because anime is for pedos
It's obviously going to be a lot of PR approved nonsense that answers nothing
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They will be so scared when they realize in reality they are a bunch of 2-3 view
I need to sniff moom ass
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How do I control my lust for biboo?
If you are a fan of a person and that is inherently parasocial he is correct about that. However being parasocial is not inherently bad unlike what these people want you to believe. And the fact that he is online arguing over anime girls also makes him parasocial no matter how much he says he isn't.
>So far it seems like Justice has the most mentally healthy girls
>mentally healthy girls
>Gigi ignored her mom screaming about a fire because she was in a League game
>Ghost of Tsushima 2 (this time it's a woman)
How will Ubisoft compete...
That's just because she's a league player
She also lost the match, so it wasn't even worth it
this proves that nerissa purposely avoids the homos and any beggars claiming the invisible gun are retarded
Good shit to compile when these faggots say "unicorns" are antis.
He isn't saying it's bad, has saying it's neither good nor bad and that it's only the people who take it too far is when it becomes bad.
>ghost of woke
its over
>Cancels press preview of newest ass creed
they are all socially competent at least
realistic asian woman (read ugly)
She's deleted fanart that had homo references in it before when people pointed it out. She won't even bring her own brother on stream despite fan demand.
The homobeggars would do that and the homos themselves would absolutely try that as well. Nothing is bellow them.
She can't ask any real questions or she'll be locked out of the vip club
It's alright it'll be out on PC after a year due to poor sales from being on a dead console and I can mod her to look like bimbo Tifa
i mean that's moreso her brother being a superautist who can't socialize. she still plans on having her dad show up for 1 mil, iirc
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You mean 'gender equality' mindset. Woke would be a tranny nigger.
Holy shit this clip is poppin'
Isnt this against TOS. It has to be right?
>2 weeks later
>Still no anniversary stream
>Still no comment on Ame graduation
The writing is on the wall. The shark is next in line
Just saw august members only wallpaper from mori.... what the fuck?
>GG think yaoi yuri and yuri yaoi are the best
I-It's a joke bro
Her brother straight up just refuse every time she ask. Her dad would only cook meals for her and passed to her silently.
"she became a fleshlight"
yeah for me
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what the fuck is this hebe talking about
how feminized is it?
can't say something like that and not post it
oh, did her dad also refuse? don't remember when nerissa said that
wtf does that mean?
I reported it
iirc, he wants to grill shit for her to eat on stream
Most them already tried that and failed I guess. Remember rider? Slapped irl for being a creepy faggot, no wonder they act like this.
She gets toast from a toaster. And then puts the birds in between
more than I expected that's for sure
I sure can
No her dad isnt opposed to it. But iirc, with mammarissa only unless she eats what he grilled that dau
Non-Consensual Intimate media?
Not helping her case for being mentally healthy there
that's neat. maybe when nerissa's sisters are visiting she'll do a "grillout with my family" stream or something. sounds fun enough
GG wants to DM in future!
I didn't know SEA existed before /vt/
Wow okay yeah that's something alright
But what are the twitch "vtubers" going to do without the "vtuber" "lgtv+" "autism" tags that put them in the frontpage?
She talk about it a long time ago on members(?), at least her plan with her dad is >>86002701. Yes, her dad refuses to talk.
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>Harass her like a Nijitranny
Beggar are the real incel
Don't GG, ame will come running back next year mindbroken after having a taste of the shitholes outside The Garden
She can DM me anytime
Abusive yuri and wholesome yaoi, I guess
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I caught that kiss before Kiara got it btw
maybe it's time to rewatch some old membies vods, then. my memory ain't too good
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>[Has been sexed]
Cringe motherfuckers
They might do a couple streams here and there but I can't see these reactslop indies using YouTube as main.
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Anything happen while I was watching State of Play?
>weeding shitty indie
Great idea actually
Those hips are for breeding purposes
Won't change shit since that fag is a figurehead who has no say on anything
Kiara can't even pretend that Gigi is not her favorite Justice girl. Is it only because she is orange?
cute wawa
non of them can get even a peck of rice of holo's mindshare on YT. so, it's basically suicide
Playstation 5 now has 1 (one) game
I remember ludwig having huge regret the moment he found out he can’t do react content anymore (they told him he’d be able to but they obviously lied).
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Big announcement hmmmm?
Nier x Stellarblade collab double the asses with a photo mode!
made me think. how would you react if you find out your daughter is a holomem, anontachi?
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Recent clip numbers
Gunrun will take good care of her.
It's like forcing people to stop taking drugs, it hurts but is better for them overall
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>108,506: Fubuki (Hololive)
>94,788: Miko (Hololive)
>50,711: Mito (Nijisanji)
>45,496: Korone (Hololive)
>23,587: Miko (Hololive)
>18,394: Patra (Indie)
>18,374: Koyori (Hololive)
>18,120: Cecilia (Hololive)
>15,124: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>13,537: VOLTACTION (Nijisanji)
>12,330: Sora (Hololive)
>11,957: Bijou (Hololive)
>11,777: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>11,288: Gigi (Hololive)
>10,698: Sendo (VSPO)
>10,617: Watame (Hololive)
>weathering with you
it was mid
PINK == RR + MORI (i'm chattino but this is kinda grim sorry mamma)
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>09/24 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.389: Kronii (Hololive) | Just Chatting
3.550: Shiori (Hololive) | Black Myth: Wukong
2.731: Mint (Indie) | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
2.688: Vox (Nijisanji) | Return Stream
2.133: Claude (Nijisanji) | Valorant
2.096: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Just Cooking
1.770: Shu (Nijisanji) | Dave the Diver
1.615: Panko (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.443: Phase Connect | Variety Stream
1.364: Bettel (Holostars) | Week in Review
1.352: Poma (V4Mirai) | Debut 2.0
1.331: Runie (Phase-Connect) | Guilty Gear: Strive
1.277: Ruze (Holostars) | Slime Rancher 2
1.235: Jelly (Phase-Connect) | Turing Complete
1.185: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Mechabellum
1.164: Eimi (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.154: Lyko (V4Mirai) | Debut 2.0
1.012: Sonny (Nijisanji) | Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
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1) Bae (Hololive) - 4.933 - Just Chatting
2) IRyS (Hololive) - 4.739 - ENigmatic Recollection
3) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.820 - Sponsored Stream
4) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.950 - ENigmatic Recollection
5) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.928 - Just Chatting
6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.867 - ENigmatic Recollection
7) Raora (Hololive) - 4.610 - Minecraft w/ Cecilia, Kaela, Matsuri, Towa
8) Calli (Hololive) - 4.301 - ENigmatic Recollection
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 2.922 - Breaking Dimensions Watchalong
10) Meloco (Nijisanji) - 3.737 - ASMR Stream
11) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.706 - Black Myth: Wukong
12) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.836 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 4.842 - Elite Exorcist Miko
14) Mint (Indie) - 4.190 - Karaoke Stream
15) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.982 - Sheepy: A Short Adventure
16) Mint (Indie) - 3.301 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
17) Mint (Indie) - 4.876 - Fears to Fathom: Woodbury Getaway
18) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.776 - Pico Park 2 w/ AmaLee, Bao, Juniper, Limealicious, Mint, Rin, Snuffy
19) Cecilia (Hololive) - 4.384 - Black Myth: Wukong
20) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.527 - Balatro
21) Dokibird (Indie) - 3.827 - Sponsored Stream
22) IRyS (Hololive) – 3.919 - holoGTA
23) Cecilia (Hololive) – 4.886 – holoGTA
24) Kronii (Hololive) – 4.389 - Just Chatting
why did you post this, does Gigi like boyfeet?
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery [29]
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King [23]
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko [19]
>4) 42,818: Miko (Hololive) Happy Announcement [19]
>5) 40,548: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die Holo7DTD Finale [20]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE [17]
>7) 155,940: Hololive (Hololive) 3D LIVE Gen0 [23]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement [30]
>9) 54,530: Miko (Hololive) SUIKAWA LEAD [20]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary [20]
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart [20]
>12) 86,852: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King w/ Fubuki [14]
>13) 61,436: Miko (Hololive) Best of hand-drawn clipshow [12]
>14) 91,258: Miko (Hololive) Holomem ranking w/ FubuMiko [25]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!? [27]
>16) 94,497: Subaru (Hololive) 6th Anniversary totsumachi [27]
>17) 54,796: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA day1 [21]
>18) 85,775: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [23]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [18]
>20) 86,288: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [24]
>21) 93,084: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>22) 108,427: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>23) 123,580: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>24) 108,506: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching

22x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

11x: Miko
3x: Siusei
2x: Hololive, Subaru
1x: Rika, Nijisanji, DEV_IS, Mio, Marine, Fubuki
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I think was one of the first members. Was when some anons posted angry gifted trannies because she said she would not bring her brother. Maybe, my memory is also fuzzy
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Probably her 3.0 2D, or a 3D model. Could also be something smaller like a song.
YouTube allows for react content with perms. The problem is more so with the false strike stuff. And he recently did say that twitch is a better platform for streaming regular content (since livestreams don't have to compete with the vast YouTube video library) and YouTube is better for big events (as it can push out recommendations on a wider scale). However, YouTube as a platform does better in non english speaking countries.
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>1) 92,146: Miko (Hololive) Gen0 collab + announcement
>2) 48,526: Miko (Hololive) Minecraft holoserver tour
>3) 44,784: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die #Holo7DTD
>4) 36,591: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>6) 52,107: Lauren (Nijisanji) New outfit
>7) 59,914: Hololive (Hololive) HoloPro 7th anniversary
>8) 50,503: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui Day2
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL
>10) 33,862: Miko (Hololive) Doraemon dorayakiyasan monogatari
>11) 39,433: Marine (Hololive) The Bathhouse Re: w/ Koyori
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>14) 58,666: Subaru (Hololive) BIG3 Koemane King
>15) 95,815: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA explanation
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>17) 44,314: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>18) 51,682: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>19) 40,444: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>21) 40,085: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA Day 5
>22) 44,336: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Fresh vs. veteran Quiz Show
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live
>24) 94,788: Miko (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching

13x: Hololive
11x: Nijisanji

8x: Miko
4x: Kuzuha
2x: Lauren, Subaru
1x: Hololive, Gura, Marine, Roco, Ibrahim, Akari, Nijisanji
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good evening holo kings
[GG news] Idol anime = shonen anime
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>1) 46,719: Pekora (Hololive) Pekora minecraft server w/ 100 nousagi
>2) 48,191: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>3) 42,515: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>4) 28,087: Subaru (Hololive) Super Mario Bros 3 World8
>5) 39,103: Pekora (Hololive) Monster Strike
>6) 46,029: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi
>8) 37,814: Subaru (Hololive) Dragon Quest IV
>9) 40,113: Fuwa (Nijisanji) 1M sub endurance stream
>10) 31,642: Fubuki (Hololive) Koemane King
>11) 26,418: Oga (Holostars) Street Fighter 6
>12) 22,874: Toya (Nijisanji) something*
>13) 44,215: Marine (Hololive) "Something" is c*ming!
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>15) 67,476: Hololive English (Hololive) myth4EVER Myth 4th Anniversary
>16) 48,436: Pekora (Hololive) McDonald sponsored stream
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1
>18) 38,698: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY2
>19) 38,389: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY3
>20) 32,582: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY4
>21) 38,098: Hololive (Hololive) HoloWitches 3D The Stage
>22) 39,504: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY6
>23) 63,987: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA DAY7
>24) 50,711: Mito (Nijisanji) Mito birthday Quiz Game

17x: Hololive
5x: Nijisanji
1x: Holostars
1x: Indie

5x: Pekora, Subaru
2x: Kuzuha
1x: Miko, Sora, Fuwa, Fubuki, Oga, Toya, Marine, Chiroru, HololiveEN, Hololive, Fubuki, Mito
I think that's the same attention whore that used to derail a lot of Idol/small corpo streams by supachatting like 2 dollars and role playing as the FBI.
This only applies to Uma Musume
Does Raora love Nerissa?
Too soon, too many members already
I still remember isengey mogging by far all EN twitch chuubas. But they are also gooks, so ...
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko
>4) 26,133: Lui (Hololive) talking collab [4th]
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14 [S]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi [B]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL [S]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY [S]
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut [S]
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball [B]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!?
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft [S]
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1 [B]
>18) 15,501: Korone (Hololive) holoGTA Day2 [9th]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [S]
>21) 36,353: Toya (Nijisanji) New outfit [4th]
>22) 29,427: Riri (Nijisanji) Niji Overwatch Tournament
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live
>24) 50,711: Mito (Nijisanji) Mito birthday Quiz Game

12x: Hololive
11x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie
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One of the funniest things is how much Mint loves singing and dancing, but how it brings her negative popularity because she's so bad at it. But she doesn't care and keeps doing it.
The girl is an idol at heart.
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>22) 108,427: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>23) 123,580: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>24) 108,506: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching

Always winning
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>1) 1,144: Anya (Granblue Fantasy: Relink)
>2) 4,567: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>3) 3,483: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>4) 3,386: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 2,385: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>6) 5,377: Kaela (Minecraft)
>7) 6,315: Reine (NEW OUTFIT)
>8) 1,722: Risu (Coral Island)
*>9) 15,999: Reine (3D Birthday Live)
>10) 4,669: Kaela (Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions)
>11) 4,826: Reine (DRAWING COLLAB w/ Gigi)
>12) 3,214: Kaela (RUNGORE)
>13) 4,092: Kaela (Lethal Company w/ CCGG)
>14) 3,193: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC 24)
>15) 4,098: Kobo (BeAT x Kobo Kanaeru)
>16) 2,438: Risu (M.M.M.)
>17) 2,195: Ollie (holoGTA day1)
>18) 6,279: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>19) 2,826: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>20) 4,834: Ollie (OMUSUBI)
>21) 1,936: Ollie (holoGTA DAY5)
>22) 3,606: Anya (HoloGTA DAY6)
>23) 2,842: Zeta (Guerilla Zatsudan)
>24) 4,180: Kaela (Lethal Company)

11x: Kaela
3x: Reine, Ollie
2x: Risu, Kobo, Anya, Zeta
She will fit right in at Vshojo
It's funny how much she doesn't like the model vshojo gave her
I think
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>just as happened to kiara
fucking clipwatcher+doxnigger
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stop that
Bruh, this is just a hololive anime...
Someone needs to make a video of how many holo references there are in this vtuber anime
>she's so bad at it
Helen Keller-sama...
Yeah I'm membering so I can use that and not be called a dirty thief
how real are the Twitter Live numbers? A 2view I watch started streaming on Twitter too and was instantly a low 3view there
raora is a jailbird and freaked out every single nerissa performance on the BD watchalong
is this fag legit
Phase has her locked in actually
X numbers are made just for us. They are HUGE but serve no purpose other than being big
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ligger cope
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Vshojo didn't give her a model, they gave her some new rigging on her 2.0 that she paid for herself and only used a little bit before graduating back in 2021.
Instead of shilling you should kill yourself instead
>furiously applying to every relevant company
Saw that video, didn't click it
>ame sub 10k
what's wrong with the en fans? after 6 days, there will be no more ame streams.
Mint no.....don't go the Elira route....
That reminds me of that girl who got fired from V&U saying she doesn't want to join Holo cause they don't let you talk about politics and then went on to say she idolizes pippa and wants to join phase.
she is not even "L" she's only a "i"
If she doesn't start with the joke
>Because I would fail the first filter
then she is just a shitter
>see perks
lol, lmao
Not only is he a fucking doxnigger he is wrong with his info because it had nothing to do with Hololive. Honestly good on the other guy from backing out of that convo.
Never heard of it, but Pippa doesn't talk about politics either.
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Chumbuds downright jonesing for more Gura, look at these clip views. They're all old shit too but uploaded in the past week.
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How would you know what plappa talks about
She could have made it considering how low the bar was for justice!
Gura lives in my heart so I have no need for clips
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I've watched her occasionally but if she did talk about politics people would spam it on the catalog.
So what's Koyori doing for her 200th AsaKoyo?
Not beating the allegations
She used to...
Mori should have kept gift subs off like she did in the beginning to stop trash like you from getting in.
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Legacy of Kain remastered was announced? Hell yeah, who will play it
Ah it's just spite then lmao
He's the local Pippanigger.
I just found someone else that had already posted it and stole it from them don't look at me
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>I will never apply!
>rejected twice and gave up
Lol sour grapes.
Korone and shiori. Maybe ame if she didn't leave.
At least she applied more than once. There are lots who only applied once and then feel rejected enough to not apply again.
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are we in 2021?
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Look what came in the mail today.
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Greetings, MumeiPicShitpostGuy
Cute! I'm waiting on mine too
Think Fauna would play it if we mention it's about vampires?
[GG news] She still isn't in Hololive
What the fuck has he been up to, anyway? It's been months since anyone brought up any of the JP Homos
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Didn't he was on her 3D birthday?
Love how he threw Gura in there like she's isn't white lmao
ame is way too boring to succeed on twitch but she will probably be happy having 500 viewers a stream
I couldve sworn there was supposed to be a big migration last year. Same BS every year
Atlanteans aren't white
Thank you for the confirmation.
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I'm literally playing the Atlantean Lostbelt as we speak and I dunno they seem pretty white
Clio is on her way to being a 4view.
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Gura's blue
having fun nigger
>no blood omen
If we wanna be honest here Ame would never play kino like that live on stream
She'd sooner play like fucking Morrowind than Legacy of Kain
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>all the shitposts get deleted at once
kill yourself ESLtard
Very interesting how the guy who uses that Mumei pic died with the guys cuckposting wow
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gura is racist towards greens
she said they all look the same
Nah she brought out the whole homo gang for her most recent 3D live
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MumeiPic guy is a pretty well-known shitposter. He has like 6 different Mumei pics he rotates, also uses Gura pics.
>nobody is fighting ghosts here
there exists a vacuuming armpit fetish?
That's a barcode scanner
Did Google translate help you on this one anon?
Isn't that the guy who made a fool of himself live by accidentally exposing that he's a cummer who only follows bikini girls on twitch?
i love this word can you please elaborate so anons here can judge the frequency of those?
With my mouth
Yeah he's a massive coomer. His feed is only twitch whores
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>09/23 TALLY:
18,120: Cecilia (Hololive) | Shoujo Manga Trope Ranking w/ Fauna
15,124: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Escape Simulator Collab w/ Amelia
11,957: Bijou (Hololive) | Lethal Company w/ Kaela, Raora
11,288: Gigi (Hololive) | ULTRAKILL
6,774: Raora (Hololive) | Art Stream
5,608: Raora (Hololive) | Lethal Company w/ Bijou, Kaela

1) Bijou (Hololive) - 18,866 - ENReco
2) Bijou (Hololive) - 22,491 - ENReco
3) Bijou (Hololive) - 36,137 - ENReco
4) Gura (Hololive) - 18,093 - ENReco
5) Bijou (Hololive) - 28,611 - ENReco
6) Mori (Hololive) - 18,838 - Outfit Reveal
7) Nerissa (Hololive) - 16,154 - ENReco
8) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,221 - Unarchived Karaoke
9) Gura (Hololive) - 43,189 - 2.0 Reveal
10) Gigi (Hololive) - 11,110 - ENReco Behind the Scenes
11) Cecilia (Hololive) - 9,579 - Rabbit and Steel Collab w/ Bijou, Gigi, Ina
12) Mori (Hololive) - 20,589 - 4 Year Anniversary Karaoke Party
13) Ina (Hololive) - 20,055 - 4 Year Anniversary Celebration + 2.0 Debut
14) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,385 - Left 4 Dead 2 Collab w/ Mori, Mumei, Shiori
15) Hololive English (Hololive) - 67,476 - Myth 4th Anniversary Live
16) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,732 - Call of Duty: Black Ops
17) Gigi (Hololive) - 11,5276 - It Takes Two w/ Raora
18) Kronii (Hololive) - 12,131 - HoloGTA
19) Kronii (Hololive) - 11,953 - KronIII
20) Amelia (Hololive) - 15,045 - A Short Talk
21) Amelia (Hololive) - 27,506 - Chatting Stream
22) Gigi (Hololive) - 20,802 - Unarchived Karaoke
23) Kiara (Hololive) - 23,761 - Holotalk w/ Amelia
24) Cecilia (Hololive) - 18,120 - Shoujo Manga Trope Ranking w/ Fauna

24x: Hololive

6x: Bijou
3x: Gigi
2x: Amelia, Cecilia, Gura, Kronii, Mori
1x: Hololive English, Ina, Kiara, Mumei, Nerissa

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
50p: Bijou
24p: Amelia
18p: Gigi
17p: Fauna, Gura
13p: Kronii
12p: Mumei
11p: Mori
10p: Cecilia
9p: Nerissa
8p: Kiara
6p: FuwaMoco, Ina
5p: Elizabeth, Hololive English
3p: Raora
1p: Dokibird, IRyS
Saying this with fucking FuwaMoco on his little oshi tab there is very funny
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yes he's a retarded coomer. Niggers who know about twitch shit are saying he has no real power tho, I have no idea who has power there
No, since I was the original guy making that statement. It seems to be the strategy to falseflag an as ESL, pretending to be me, to completely disregard the topic at all. Quite sad how far you’re willing to burrow your heads in the sand
I remember that. Kek. That was the CEO? I thought it was a dev showing off new features
>ai thumbnails
I dunno man does hololive need more asmr sluts? especially when youtube likes to ban asmr so much
answer my question you homomonkey >>86005873
Amazing how powerful two Greens are together. Their zatsu game and chemistry is too good
Its kinda fascinating how you can tell when someone wrote something specifically and you can hear it in their voice
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Niji....0 points...

Getting swept on gold is one thing, not even ranking at all is another.
Gigi is raising death flags
You say that, and I believe you, but you're also a menace, Mr "names cat ear pictures 'Dog' and dog ear pictures 'Cat'" Man. Well at least to me specifically, I don't think anyone else notices enough to get bothered
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Biboo is getting lots of points
Deserved, though.
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Don't really know what you mean
Why don’t you tell me? I don’t like to watch your homocollabers. I assume you must be one of the homo lovers since you defend this behavior. Quite ironic what you just called me
Typing style schizos are real and based and have legitimate uses in real life.
Hell, a typing style schizo just broke a major political scandal in the US, these things are real skills
Where do I even begin with this fuster cluck?
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He likes to larp as one of those "in touch" CEOs who goes where the audience is and interacts with them in person. Guess the strategy backfired when he forgot to use a professional/throwaway accounts to showcase the feature instead of his personal one
Does she do earlicking asmr?
Because i know you're a nigger homoshitter trying to shit the thread coping that yes they totally really really gives a shit about your faillure so answer the question you faggot autist
Really, pebble?
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She keeps making the mistake by homocollabing or homo interacting. Just when you think she stopped, boom she done it again. She keeps doing it over and over and that is frequent. Especially when we compare her with the others
>posting a members only
i think so, but tons of ASMR chuubas do
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Who watches this whore? Singing & singing the same way all the time
Anon? They're re-releasing the first two games.
The first game is Blood Omen
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If I didn't just send my paycheck to the bastards at Fidelity for my Roth IRA, I would, anon, I would.
But that is not the man I am today.
kek, good one
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People who hide behind Mumei and Fauna pics to threadshit deserve pancreatic cancer. There's nothing good left in that husk.
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>esls inventing new definitions of words
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But vt said ERB fell off?
11,451 people do, it seems.
The stream is dead?
I can't. I'm worthless and poor.
No, her chatting streams rehash the same topics and she literally just did one.
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Post more lewds
kek the tale of every seething 2view
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well one of those you can change with hard work and charisma!
Sorry about your low IQ, anon.
Also, Holodex, lmaooooooooooo

She's using Gura's strategy.
He really doesn't want to answer that very simple question huh
>17p: Fauna, Gura
See >>86006492
I watched the whole thing. Aside from the opinion if she's good or not, for some reason karafun feels much more diverse in her hands than in anyone else.
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>11k karaoke for that being her only draw under no overlap for her first hour is good
Check >>86005873
>he thinks I'm jobless and lazy
Doesn't change the poor.
You're right about the lack of charisma, though. Why do you think I'm watching VTubers (for free)?
Bloop is good
Botted stream just to make Fauna look good
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>suddenly random shioritomo on a ff6 video
can you fucks stop
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FF3 is cool.
Ame lost her graduation buff already? Grim.
>FF6 lover
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Sounds based to me.
And the problem is...?
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sorry, I don't like pathetic women
what happened to ennacuck and why we have so many anons as >>86006776 larping as xhe?
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Holy shit. An actual faggot.
why is the tail connected to her ass?
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>open Mori's reservation
>black cat SC
It's not even Fauna's channel
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This is the gayest thing I have ever read.
>black cat
the bot broke so xhe can only shit up the thread when xhes physically present now
Streamers alone have spent millions on meal delivery services in the past five years
Cover is lazy
Guys, how do I get a free membership?
Gigi is getting the ERB Train today
They are worthless to her too fauna needs the money way more than Mori does.
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Any time Fauna collabs Saplings send Snails to whoever's channel it's on
Just look at CC yesterday
It's like a middle finger from the monkey's paw.
KFP, Chumbuds
Saplings, Novelites
Kronies, Pebbles
IRyStocrats, Brats
ERBians (I do not think they have a fanbase name yet)
Teamates, Grems, Jailbirds
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Naname Mumson...
surely the face of EN should be afforded something better
What that the "Claude.ai" script shit that was in here a while back?
>Mori has SCs on
wait what
I got gifted to random vsingers who I only watched once due to auto-play
>4 years to get a measly 2.0
tail fix by 2030
Jokes on you I'm a Sapling and 6/9/14 are my choices to recommend to people based on the person I'm talking to.
How does it work with collabs? Do they split the SC?
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yeah, it was broken for a few days before that but something like that is more than enough to get the mods to actually treat it as a spambot
Erb really raided gigi instead of ame on one of her very last streams...
Love Jimmy
But why?
Jokes on you, after FF7 they've been all shit. 8 was passable, but only barely.
Propose ERP sessions in chat as a trade.
Luv da Snail
Remember to accumulate your Cover points so you can upgrade it!!!
Green is too powerful...
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9 and 10 slander? In MY /#/ thread?
be glad she didn't raid an homo
>8 was passable, but only barely.
8 was fucking shit
>ERB 10K+ stream
>Raid her genmate
Kek it's for one of the homo or maybe Ame because of the "graduation"
Fuck you. Fight me.
Did she have perms to raid Ame?
raiding a genmate?? In this declining homo economy??
I'm a chattini now
arre you dumb anon
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>"Am I crazy?" -Lord Sheo-Ame
Let he who is not dumb in this thread cast the first pebble
She turned them back on like a month ago but she turns them off when it gets to like 100k yen each stream so she isn't messing around reading supers unless it's an events liek birthday
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Holy based...
Gonna be honest, knowing Ame she probably turned raids off.
spending the last stream with those that really liked her sort of a feeling.
no... I thought we escaped...
nerissa is eating taco bell
maybe she doesn't have raiding perms
Never closed a stream so fast.
I am not going to correct you because it made me chuckle
7 is babby's first JRPG. 9, 10, 13-3 and 16 were all better.
She raided Ame once
>posting members content
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Imagine the smell
ERB raided Gigi to protect her gold

Shes a numberfag...
Thirteen THREE???
Not TWO?
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Anons were right, she truly is deserving of my money
she also got too much ice cream
>ERB really raided bettel over her genmate or ame.
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Come to think of it I've been using the thread in core SEA hours for several days and don't remember any spammers being present. Is this all related to people figuring out it was one discord and finding out what bot program they were using?
Can't even read the thread. Grim
We do this every 2 weeks

She gets good number when singing and bad numbers whe she plays games

No all of you shut up
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Lightning Returns is fantastic
>Not a single promise member streaming
What are they cooking this time?
>OMG female Cloud is so, like, COOL
shit game shit taste
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>I like Fauna
>I like 6(3)

Good guess bro
and extra fries for free by accident
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Alright fine, I'll buy the membership
>not ff7 when their oshi is an aerith obsessed mess
come on, now
Did erb say anything about participating in any of ame's final collabs?

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