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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>85766782
(Where we discussed Chuuba's reacting to your WIPs, flat chests kemono slavery, and your gal pal Ririki who is secretly pining for you)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Post stuffs
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There were four stories posted last thread:

Ninja vs Samurai >>85882031
Tags: Kazama Iroha, NSFW, action

Dangerous Gigi Smell >>85912898
Tags: Cecilia, Gigi, NSFW, futanari, smell

Untitled Slavery Fic >>85925438
Tags: Rape, Bae, Mio, Slavery, Coffee Plantation AU

What Happens in New York >>85991163
Tags: Mori, Kronii, foot play/licking/worship, cunnilingus, yuri, NSFW, fluff
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Contest Anchor.
Have a story to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
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>tfw Anya will never deepthroat your cock,extract all your cum while keeping eye contact,then bully the tip with her tongue until you get hard again
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standing paizuri with Anya!
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Any good fics written in first person from the perspective of a chuuba instead of Anon?
Every 2nd person fic in the archive is secretly 1st person if you pretend Shiori is the narrator
I'm not sure how to summarize what I feel looking at this image. Mostly because I'm not sure whether they're meant to be "two adult women wearing high school uniforms as a fetish thing" or "two high school students with huge honkers". How you interpret it changes the meaning of the work.
Personally I'm seeing 4 BIG points of interest in the image if you know what I mean
They're meant to be Nerissa and Liz as Gyarus.
Yes, but are they grown women masquerading or the genuine article? That's the question.
not even a lolicon but folding short girls has been on my mind
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okay hear me out.
this would help the slavery genre, trust me
Yeah I agree. It could be treated as a sort of Greek tragedy, even - the character is so blind to their own faults and hubris until WHAM
I think it's also possible to have them get away with everything, though I think some work will have to go into pulling it off correctly.
How would making them explicitly subhuman help the genre?
Oh, trust me writer-kun, this is VITAL to the slavery genre.
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Polka patting your head and telling you she's proud of you
Still working on Shark in the Screen Part 3, a Hololive audio drama with AI voices and art. Seeing the Ame news, now I really want to finish it before September ends. I posted two preview clips in the meantime https://youtu.be/FXzSUXNWZto https://youtu.be/mNmnYkWigjg
Damn it, Anon. Just when I was about to get over her somewhat.
you didnt improve anything from part 1 and just doubled down on slop so no one cares
Don't give a shit.
the script AI written, too?
ya got 'tism son
It's a strange double standard that posting AI writing in /wg/ would get rightfully condemned, but using AI-generated images is apparently fine. I'd much rather experience the story you're creating without the AI components
Catfishing Shiori on a dating app with a "sample of your writing" generated by GPT and her figuring out you're a fraud over the course of the first date
>using AI-generated images is apparently fine.
i dont know what general are you talking about because the few times someone posts ai people either ignore it or go "ewww"
>"Anon, when I read that sample of yours, I gotta say... you really got me, you know?"
>"O-Oh, yeah, yeah... it was pretty good, huh?"
>"Mh-hmm. That's why I wanted to ask if you could, you know... write another one."
>"Wha... huh?"
>"You heard me." She slips a pen and a cocktail napkin across the table. "Write me anything. A line. Two lines. Maybe a little limerick. Whatever you want."
>Oh God. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Nobody said you actually had to write stupid crap for her!
>"Ah, alright. Sure... Lemme, uh..."
>You swallow as your hands form the first curves of ink on the napkin.
>After a few tuns of the pen, something starts to form. If one squints hard enough, it almost looks like a sentence.
>'Shiori u very pretty,' it says.
He shall make the image of the Beast move as though it had life and speak as though it had a voice, and condemn to death those who would not worship it.
Not him, but I was around to see that /wg/ was somewhat okay the first few times Shark in the Screen got posted here since it was 'just' AI images
that was IN SPITE of the images,because people were playing ball with it because the script is man-made or at least he claims it to be

everyone agreed that it was an interesting little project that didnt really move the needle because it was a bit dry. Then the second part came out and no one really cared aside from "oh that thing yeah"

I "read" the first two chapters and i find it just boring. I know some people go crazy for all the bells and whistles the personal computer (tm) can make but as someone who is not impressed by it, all i have is the script.
And the script is not interesting enough to even get mad
>that was IN SPITE of the images
Right. Guess I just made my assumption since I haven't really watched it past the second episode. Or first. I don't remember much of it desu.
iirc that script was posted for one of the contests, so I guess I should see it myself. I kinda vibe with the whole "Perfect Blue but it's Gura" premise, but it would be pretty disappointing if nothing much actually happens
I'm honestly curious at your TTS process is this just normal text thrown to a model or are you actually reading it then passing the audio of that to the model.
I'm guessing it's the former if only from skimming the second preview.
Honestly, your image choices are solid, the only thing to really improve is the execution of the voices, and that's either going to take doing some editing fuckery to get the execution of the words right or fucking around with the Ai used in song covers and recruiting amateur voice actors to get the execution down right.
Other than that, I'd say you might want to consider keeping consistency with the previous videos via adding in colored subtitles (even if it would only be in the yt subtitle track).
Then she rolls with it and starts gaslighting you into becoming a legitimate writer by making 'innocent' comments and requests to you. In the end, Shiori will have her perfect husband, one who will write steamy smut of them that they can turn real in bed.
>Smut without romance
How am I supposed to love the sex, if the characters don't love each other?
Personally I get off to the dynamic of rape and violent coercion which I find excellent substitutes for romance. You wanna know what baffles me? The kinds of freaks who like their coercion nonviolent, like hypnosis or sleep. Like, what, you’re man enough to rape the girl but not man enough to do it while she’s fighting back? I don’t understand.
>It's been 2,596 days since you started dating Shiori.
>She hasn't figured out that you're not a real writer.
>"Anon! Look at this - the publisher sent in the evaluation copy for your novel!"
>That's right. The "novel."
>The title was "Anon Dies at the End," the fifth installment in the so-called "Anon Dies X" series that you've been writing. The 11th "novel" you made and the culmination of all those little tricks you learned over the years just so she doesn't realize you're actually a fraud.
>"Oh, it looks like The New York Times wants a copy too, Anon!" she says, reading out text messages from all the book reviewers clamoring to review your "work." "Should we send them one, honey?"
>"Ah, y-yes, yes, of course. Let's send them a copy, yes," you say, before taking a hit from your oak pipe. You looked up on Google that writers smoke pipes and talk in a more hoity-toity way, so you did that shit too. All in an effort so that Shiori doesn't know.
>She embraces you. "I'm so proud of you, Anon! One more book and you'll win a Pulitzer for sure! Also, you know... I'm pregnant."
>"Oh, really? Ahahahaha! I guess we will have to handle that too, then, Shiori! Haha... Yes..."
>Tomorrow, it will be 2,597 days since you started dating Shiori. 2,597 days since you started pretending to be a writer.
>You hope to God she never finds out the truth.
Fucked up as that is, I agree.
Like at least be cruel and drug so she fights before she eventually succumbs, dude.
I look forward to this story being called "Impostor Syndrome" and the ending being all about Anon, with the comforting help of his dear wife Shiori, realizing he has actually become a worldwide famous writer who will be remembered for centuries. Complete with a post credits scene of Shiori checking her overly complicated plan that has taken over a decade to bear fruit, as she checks it off as complete and goes to write a 12th novel with her husband.
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Physical violence and sexual assault while on the same path are different things. It's like being an ass man but having no interest in anal. That, and sometimes the girl being blissfully unaware and being made to go against their own behaviour is scintillating.
I might actually write it. If only as a one-shot
Going out drinking with your co-worker Anya and finding out she magically shrinks her breasts during the work-day. Maybe a scene where she turns into her dagger form out of embarrassment.
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I forgot my pic
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what if her flame burning brighter makes her more youthful (and dumb), and the reverse when it turns to embers
makes me think of the classic scenario where two incredibly hot girls corner you in the hall to have you do their homework for them while implying sexual favors they never intend to fulfill
i'm not really sure where it goes from there though
>Liz starts teasing you
>'Ignites' a flame in you with her fire
>The heat in you makes you think you're actually on fire
>Throw a convenient bucket of water onto yourself to douse you off
>It also splashes Liz
>She starts melting like the wicked witch of the west, going from teen to hag, to dust in the wind.
>Nothing changes you can just tell she's a hag
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An actual Coffee Shop!AU fic
This except instead of coffee, it's a sex shop, and the customers keep ordering buttplugs
A coffee shop run by runaway slaves!
All of them still bearing the scars of being under the system while trying to navigate the trials and tribulations of living after the war.
How bright is it when she's just a burning embryo?
In that scenario it's like those bits of Blue Archive fanart where they have a halo coming from their womb, so ERB's mom just has a smaller one on her stomach.
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That's interesting but not answering the question
This but instead of a sex shop, it's a public buttplug, and its frequently comment on the lack of sex shops nearby and their desires to start one.
>public buttplug
What the fuck does this mean?
Is this like a fucking public legal glory hole thing?
Y'know, a public buttplug. You find it on the side of the road, pop it in, get your rocks off, and when you're done with it, squat and let it plop out for the next person to use.

There's also ones that are attached to seats, hedge walls, benches et cetera which aren't portable but will always be in the same place.
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Kemono designed cities truly are degenerate.
I now understand the human burden to civilize them.
I think their sexual duoschism is something that we, as a species, can learn from. Not copy tit-for-tat, of course, but I have a dream that one day you might even find public buttplugs in kindergartens and battered women's shelters.
>POV: Ayame realizes you're Korean
this just sort of makes me think of liz manipulating her soulflame to turn herself into a bimbo because she overhead you talking about how you liked airheaded girls ocne or something and then you have to deal with her dumb/horny form until the effects wear off
>Ayame... I thought you were racist?
>I am! And I've always wanted a pet!
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God bless the artist who came up with that halo idea, revolutionized BA porn
Meeting Ayame and expecting her to be racist as all hell, and she is. But in a different way.
>Ayame is actually a self-hating Oni actively trying to get away from the stereotypes.
>She doesn't drink herself to a stupor every night.
>She's not a part of gang.
>She dislikes having to torture the souls of sinners.
I don't think Japanese oni torture the souls of sinners, do they?
Touhou say they do.
Huh, looking it up I guess oni do torture souls
Of course the kanji for "soul" can also be read as "my cock and balls".
But Ayame doesn't want to do CBT
Isn't your soul in your ass in Japanese folklore? Wouldn't she basically be abusing your prostate instead?
She doesnt want to do a lot of things if we are being honest
I wouldn't mind a medium-sized magical female oni cock up my butt
Is that why all the personality jelly things come out of the ass in doujins
Ayame bringing her nice accountant boyfriend to meet her parents and getting mad when they call him a "humie" (It's like a white person getting called a cracker, he doesn't care)
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>Not Ayame using her fingers and tongue while complaining about not having a cock to properly punish you with

I dunno about any of that, but I learned about it after seeing the grab attack form the Headless in Sekiro
Get up
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...In a few more minutes
Voices are voice acted by me and passed through an AI program. The script is written by me. I’ll probably submit the script to the archive later, it’s been done for a while now but I didn’t want to release it before finishing the video. Thanks for the feedback
Imagine! Gawr/Nakiri/Ninomae mutt!
>Oni '''''torture'''' is rimjob handies
Oh no, hahaha, no Ayame don't french-kiss my prostate while tugging me off hahaha this is totally hell for real...
What are you confused about?
Like a fusion?
Nah, just racial mixing purely though natural means. If it was a fusion the mix would probably be more balanced than in the image there. Btw, that girl seems to have Hoshimachi blood too. She's clearly inherited the asymmetrical thighhigh-wearing gene from them.
Add someone with big tits into the mix, please
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How would you achieve mixing this abomination?
Breed them and have the descendants mate
>two new emails on my br account
>promos from proton
That's too easy, she empties your balls without touching your dick once
How would you get the human blood out of the mongrel mix?
Human genes are naturally recessive in a mix with those species
Even though Anon hasn't come out of the closet, everyone knows about his inclinations... so the girls decide to throw a surprise lolicon pride party to encourage Anon.
>bang them
>make daughterwives
>make granddaughterwives
>use a temporary futa spell to have them mate with each other, producing my greatgranddaughterwives (mutts)
>enjoy this new source of mutt pussy, making greatgreatgranddaughterwives
Jokes on them I’m bisexual (little girls and adult women)
Dominant sex-selected kemono genes meaning a guy could be the son of a human man/ kemono woman couple, but fully human. He has children with a human woman, but their daughter ends up being half-kemono.
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>ERB finds out the hard way you're half-kemo when your daughter is born with two sets of ears
Stoic but semen demon Anya...
>you only know when Anya wants sex when she walks up to you and grabs a handful of your ass
Why are all the birds so underrepresented in kemono themed fics? This is a tragedy
They fly under the radar. :D
Well in hololive at least, most the birds are not really birds. Only Lui is somewhat birdlike with her head wings
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Here's my kemono theory manifesto
There's three sliders
>How cute the animal is
>How inconvenient is it to translate its animal traits
>does it have mass appeal?

analyzing, for example, Koyori gives us
>coyotes are dogs. Cute!
>Coyotes are not freaks of nature. put a tail on that girl and she's ready to mate
>Everyone loves dogs!
This is why the most widespread kemonomimi is Cats, and the harder the slides go in any given direction its harder to gain appeal. With that said, birds are quite cute but they dont have something that exactly makes them pop.
Putting mumei under the microscope and ignoring cloacas

>Owls are 50/50 cute and creepy. Works for mumei
>Fliying silently? Rotating its neck? looking goofy if wet? eeeh its kind of hard so have a feather in your design
>no one HATES owls but they are not on your mind.

This puts her low in a "kemono radar" since most people will just ignore her features unless they really like them.
Coincidentally, the harder you go on a feature the more you land into the monstergirl/anthro/furry scale which brings interesting stuff like Matara, who technically is a 0 in every slider for kemono/anthro stuff but if you fuck bugs that roach is perfectshe cute

Dunno how to close this because i just wanted to yap in the middle of a lecture but the point is that its hard to come up with cute unique stuff for birds and birds are not animals people generally think as "the cutest"
They don't have bird features. Show don't tell
>Be gone for a few days on a work trip
>Come home to your knife wife
>"Hey Anya, did you miss-"
>Anya yanks you down by you tie and sticks her tounge down your throat.
I'm trying...
I'm so excited to read his Magnum Opus, the crown jewel of the Anon Dies series: Anon Dies Irae.
Cute exhausted cuddling knife-wife after a marathon of sex
The two genders, pedophile and gay
>ignoring cloacas
Could bird chuubas laying eggs be the key to getting them represented?
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I remember reading a fic about Mori accidentally cooking one of Kiara's unfertilized eggs for breakfast, then being mortified. Anyway, they fucked in the end. I think.
Look all I’m saying is if she’s had her period that’s basically God saying it’s OK, so really the unnatural thing would be not being attracted.
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Just because i wanna do anal to all of them doesnt mean im okay with a cloaca
This just in: it's been announced that HJanon and Isayama are going to collab on Holojourneys. Isayama has been reported as saying "the ending will shock and surprise everyone"
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What an absolute tragedy.
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advent owes me sex
Mumei would probably prefer to have a cloaca honestly
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>Anon Dies at the End
>Anon Dies at the Beginning
>Anon Dies at Medias Res
>Anon Dies at Chapter 2
>Anon Dies Irae
>Megalith -Anon Dies-
And when Anon feels that he's washed up, he writes a thought provoking, true masterpiece, his magnum opus!
Anon Survives, starring commentary by literary critic, Azki.
I think this is the most outright birb design
Now it's still a wonder what she would look like naked if you assume the feathers are real, I imagine somewhere between dark souls crow lady and howl's moving castle bird form
footjob from shiori on the beach
>most bird like
>is a demon
Truly one of Yagoo's best japes
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Was thinking about how Gigi fit in to the coffee plantation setting, and came up with the idea of Gremlins being treated even worse than Kemos. Like, 'Basques were to be killed on sight in Iceland until 2015' levels, so you taking her in really means a lot and she has no problem chasing runaways for you.
>Ain't nothing lower than a house kemono
>And that's pretty fucking low
>gigi in a maid uniform
>there's a breakout.
>she looks at you like a dog on opioids
>"get them back"
>feral grin
Extra points, it fails miserably. People want Anon Dies, not Anon Survives.
Getting scammed by Azki and Choco because you paid for the "Elf and Succubus" milking package
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Moulding women into violent machines should be an Olympic sport
>Gremlins are treated worse than kemonos because they used to be humans.
>Treated like super lepers
>Gigi used to be the scion of another plantation family before she started to turn.
>Now a runaway slave hunter working for you because you took her in.
>Works happily under you even if you both have to be under the equivalent of plague doctor gear to see other due to mutual fears of infecting each other.
Being hired to stick your dick in Mori’s ear and rape her brain until she’s turned from a independent woman into a dumb bimbo who’ll pole dance in MVs
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I should write more Anya
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>Holding gloved hands with a touch-starved Gigi as a reward for another succesful recapture
I'm sorry to tell you this, but during her 3D reveal we learned that the wings are part of her jacket. That succubus is 0% bird.
Man, this coffee plantation setting isn't even something I'd usually write for but this Gigi/Gremlin line is really sticking with me.
But I think further worldbuilding kind of needs to make a decision between some mutually exclusive ideas
>Are gremlins actually an infection or a genetic mutation? This doesn't need to be answered in universe but it does set the tone.
>How are they treated in modern 'civilized times', are they still kill on sight or does Gigi actually have protection because her "kind master" has her enslaved? I.e is Gigi effectively a monster Anon keeps locked and hidden to chase slaves or an official slavehunter slave.
>If it's an infection does Gigi need like treatment or something?
>If it's in-universe supposed to be an infection does she still get knocked up or is the fear enough that they don't risk it?
>If it's in-universe supposed to be an infection does she still get knocked up or is the fear enough that they don't risk it?
Imagine their child coming out a gremlin and Gigi starts crying as she holds her newborn, knowing what's ahead for them in life
>bit of both, about a fith of the population is immune to getting GREM'D but the only way to find out is to chance it and touch one
>technically still your civic duty to exterminate Gremlins, but it's mostly just used as an excuse to torture and abuse them and actual straight up killings are less common. Owning one isn't really illegal, just frowned upon due to their reputation so Anon keeps it on the down-low but will claim ownership of Gigi if it comes up despite the reputational risk
>no treatment but she will eventually become one of those stupid fucking lizards in 20-30 years
>yes during a moment where they both think Anon's already been infected so they decide to have a night of passionate sex before realizing he's immune in the morning
>Imagine their child coming out a gremlin
Not tragic enough.
>Child is (seemingly) born pure human and passes all medical tests
>Asks to raise her as a normal child
>Anon obliges, pretending the kid is a bastard child from someplace or other
>Gigi nevers interacts with her child much but she sees them grow into a proper belle of the not!south
>Everything seemed fine, until she sees the glint in her daughter's s eyes when she sees a train for the first time and realizes where her daughter is headed.
This just has me imagining a reenactment of Beloved by Toni Morrison but with kemonos and anime girl gremlins, kek
In a setting with racism, it's not just the dominant race that's racist (as seen irl).
Kemonos discriminate against Gremlins where they have power and so Gremlins are happy to be second class citizens below humans as long as they get to look down on kemono slaves.
Gigi is dependent on you for most of her rights but she's happy to serve as an enforcer that is guaranteed to never be lenient with the beasts.
And also kemonos hate other kemonos which human empires can exploit with divide and conquer tactics. When humans arrived on Western Kemonica rabbits were bullied by everyone so humans allied with them, armed them with modern weapons and now Pekoland is the strongest local power in the region. In return Pekoland raids other kemono tribes for slaves since 90% of humans just get wiped out by lethal diseases if they try to enter inland Kemonica.
Now, the bigger question.
Are kemonos an all female race or is this just a world with a fucked up gender ratio?
That's a good thought. There's a lot of interesting dynamics in a struggle between trying to unite against the human threat and the enduring presence of strife between the different kemono races.
Maybe the lions shouldn't have been so haughty and cruel just because they're the kings among land kemonos.
If they lose females from the population, some males will turn into females. That's why you raid a tribe for female slaves ever few years.
They could be or maybe kemono tribes are matriarchal and their men are super submissive faggots whose only purpose in life is to be insemination machines for the women and they're practically invisible in society. All of which gives humans a yet another reason to regard them as really weird savages.
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Breaking in the bratty and defiant princess of Pekoland into your loyal and subservient sex slave after buying her from an auction.
>Send troops to help extract the pekoland royal family from their castle as the country cries put in revolt
>Successfully retrieve them but betray them at the last second by putting them under slave collars.
>Now the former queen and princess are set to be taught the finer points of sex slavery, with you as their teacher.
>The hatred towards Pekoland unites other kemonos
>Humans act like they're the good guys and depose Pekora from the throne to install themselves as the direct rulers of West Kemonica
>I can't believe you've done this peko
I love the smell of divide and conquer in the morning. And the smell of wet beastwoman pussy, of course
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So we know the place of Humans, Kemonos, and those in between within the slavery AU.
But what about the angels and demons, where do they fit in?
They're not part of society. They just look down on inhabitants of the mortal realm from heaven or hell. Demons lurk in the shadows and try to plant evil into minds of men and angels do whatever angels are supposed to do.
>But what about the angels and demons, where do they fit in?
Realistically speaking they don't. Probably best to draw the line there honestly.
Honestly thinking about it more you could probably just have them running around in the world disguised as humans or summoned in if you're running a soft fantasy kick to it. I.e House Ravencroft uses magic to hide their horns and pose as a noble/planter house/family, while Choco or Towa get summoned around via some fantasy ritual.
They're already literally a higher form of being spiritually. I'd say they rate above humans according to ancient church etiguette, but occasionally one is sold as a 'kemono slave' by disguising them as a bird or bat or something and just filing the horns/halo off.
Well if you are sticking with this 1800s time period then Angels and Demons don't fit because they are supernatural beings (also scope creep). If you wanted that kind of slavery, you would need to write a fantasy isekai kind of story where Angels and Demons are simply normal species from alternate dimensions and not agents of higher powers, then you can enslave them.
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I think they should be the logical next step:they are tolerated and emancipated, but can totally be turned into slaves if they step out of line.>>86108484
Angels live in heaven and appear to cruel slave owners in dreams to chastise them. But they're secretly hypocrites because they've enslaved demons and aren't any kinder.
How are some of your contest entries coming along? What kind of fic are you guys writing?
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i mean its obvious how people would react to low-level chaotic demons, higher level being more mafia-esque
Started a short horror fic yesterday but didn't get super far.
It's goin. It has AZKi in it. I don't think it's a horror now though...
decided to pick one of my dropped one shots that i had planned to use in a previous contest. I got inspired enough to have a good idea how it's going to play out
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cmooooon dont ask me that...im just a little guy...
Where's the rest of 31 days with Bae >>86110955?
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i ate it...
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I don't actually care for the rest of the fic I just like bullying the Bratanon.
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where's lost and found 4 you little fuck!?
... Kiara?
Girlboss CEO Kiara is Miss Queen bitch. She treats her employees like absolute shit, but her results can't be questioned.
After a long day at work, she comes to her penthouse suite and dials your number
You come over, she tells you she's gonna get ready
This girl is kind of weird, but the money's good. After getting ready in the mirror, you give your cue.
"Daddy's home!"
And as soon as you open the bathroom door, a very excited Kiara, dressed in PJs and a pacifier runs over to you and jumps in your arms. Papa, papa! She says as you carry her to bed and cheer her on while she colors a picture and you roleplay as her daddy.
Then, shit gets really weird because Kiara keeps wanting to do the ageplay bit, but now she wants you to pretend to molest her and abuse her.
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>But what about the angels and demons, where do they fit in?
Refer to pic related
I don't usually like hyper proportions, but I need this Bae to pulverize my pelvis
I usually don't like Bae, but this Bae needs to go back to her regular proportions and pulverize my pelvis.
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Pekora's body is so erotic
Indeed desu ne. Love this tight little bunny.
Petplay with Kronii but she insists on RPing as a feral stray kitten who constantly trashes your home, bites you hard enough to draw blood and isn't housebroken so she's always pissing on you
Pekora's hikki neet stamina not catching up to her libido! Her gasping for breath and needing a water break but getting annoyed if you suggest to stop
Built for working my cotton fields
Why is Lamy's ass so huge? is she stupid?
MADE for buck-breaking in front of other captured elves.
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It's beneficial to have a huge ass if you want to be a keijo athlete
Those vampires look creepy
I wanna mate with Shiori
Prime enemies-to-lovers material
Mass impregnation + imprisoned childbirth
>Anon Survives is considered an utter failure by fans and critics alike
>Anon's reputation is down in the dumps
>readers leave in droves, feeling betrayed
>Anon's new books barely sell enough to make a living
>his publisher drops him, all his writer friends pretend they were never close, the movie adaptation talks are put on hold
>even Shiori breaks up with him once she realises he's a fraud
>the only person that sticks around is the one that should hate him the most
>as much as a credibility hit hurts a writer, it's so much worse for a critic
>ever since she collaborated on Anon Survives and called it "a masterful subversion of the tired series", no takes her opinions seriously
>a bad review from AZKi is now a badge of honor
>her and Anon find themselves in a league of their own, far below everyone else
>she gets a painful realisation
>the only one who can save her reputation now is the man who sank it in the first place
>if Anon pulls off another hit and AZKi is the first to sing praises, they might both redeem themselves
>unfortunatelly Anon claims he's giving up on writing, supposedly the tap has run completely dry
>well she's NOT taking no for an answer
>he WILL make a comeback, she WILL see to it
Yandere AZKi: Origins
I want her to bite me as she gets lost in the throes of passion
Not even anything sensual, just straight-up sinking her teeth into me and biting chunks out of my ear and shit
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Subaru realizes after being verbally strongarmed into exhibitionism that she's actually into it
Abolitionist anon sneaks onto a kemono plantation, meeting a few of them in the dead of night to create a plan to bust them out. Only when the door locks behind him and he's all alone with several.....excited girls, does he realize that 'escape' was never their actual intention.....
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chaos induced rapid evolution for the purpose of giving rats giant milkers
The rat's out of control chaos magick causing all girls in a 50 foot radius to grow huge busts
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every girl should have a titcow version
We have the technology.
Incredibly sad and disappointing to see that this kind of hateful anti-ephebophilic rhetoric has spread to /wg/ too.
It's very surprising how little Shiori sex there is in the archive. She looks like sex personified.
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Imagine if you will, Alt!Suisei having tits and ass, maybe a bit of meat in her bones.
She hates it, wants to be as lean and springy as the real Suisei but she cant refuse meat. She needs to constantly check her weight an diet while her counterpart gets to eat like a trucker and remain lean.
Alt!Suisei binds her breast and sweats her heart out, then comes home and finds you cooking a hearty meal and she curses, eats it, and drags you to the bedroom to burn those calories

I am Todd Mcfarlane, and this is another suiprompt
Maybe people in her general write elsewhere? And while she looks like sex personified, how she actually talks and behaves is not stereotypical.
>Bae trying to learn new choreography and her massive tits keep flopping around
That's probably the biggest contributing factor - her personality does not gird the loins.
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fuck you we love weirdos
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Anon Survives?


tags: AZKi, SFW, Yandere, short.

never written horror before
Oh yeah this reminds me.
>Please tag your entries with "Fall2024" and the appropriate category (Short/SFW, Long/NSFW, ect).

Next time I bake/someone else bakes, someone add this to the contest anchor
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What the hell I was writing the Shiori portion of this thing
>she only wants him for his wordcount

Jokes aside i think it works fine for a first attempt,but you really need to take a second look at the format. Some parts are mixing the dialogue/actions and is confusing to read, lessening the blow
>Why do all writers care for bimbos who only care for wordcounts?! I only see them for the prose-anality.
Gentlemen, I propose a compromise: oppai lolis
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>Cooking for an Alternate Comet
Disgusting, get this out of my face.
Counter-proposal: Kemonos giving birth to 18 year olds.
That reminds of an old suisei prompt, don't remember the exact words but it was basically Suisei making sure you're blindfolded everytime you have sex with her in order to make sure you keep thinking you're having sex with Suisei (forma de titless) when in reality she actually has a massive bombshell body.
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nta but yes, I remember that prompt.
It was basically Suisei's vtuber model being thin as heck, and she meets up with a fan "irl" at a hotel or something, but the fan has to be blindfolded while they have sex. She's wearing her Suisei outfit and everything, but Anon's going like,
>"Suisei... is it just me or you're a lot... biggest than how you look like online?"
>"Eh? I-I'm not sure what you're talking about, Anon..."
>"Your thighs are thicker and your... your tits they're... they're actual tits..."
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i thought the appeal was that they're growing girls
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Anya... Why did you forsake your destiny?
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I know a thin, kinda bony girl isn't an ideal sexual experience, but for some reason they're one of my favourite body types in regards to size difference stuff provided
Anya gets jealous/insulted by anon showing off a shitty sword he got from amazon, she eats it, and turns into this
Anon... Due to censorship laws all children are now over 18 years of age.
That 12 year old, she's 30 now.
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>Hags start going ape shit
>Loli's break down in tears
>Everyone else just kinda shrugs
No Marine, everyone is born 18 years old, your age doesn't get reset just because of the law.
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hold on let me cook. Our ingredients are this idea and we'll add the "fucking a cosplayer" prompt

>Oshi is suisei. Flatty lean sexy suityan
>Go to a holomeet or something. Meet a Suisei cosplayer there
>She's a bit meatier than the real Suisei.
>Some flirting... she might not be model accurate but her ass is huge like the OG so it works
>eh. slam a drink and start making out
>go to a hotel.

And from there maybe she sends a members only post from her phone and you realize its her because it pings your, or you realize afterwards...or you two go to her home and when she's riding you like a rental pony anemachi enters the house and calls for her name and she has no option but give herself away
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>or you two go to her home and when she's riding you like a rental pony anemachi enters the house and calls for her name
>Get drunk with a suisei cosplayer
>She convinces you to follow her home after the Makeout session
>Despite the drunkeness the apartment feels familiar but
>The two of your are too horny and start fucking like animals.
>That's when you hear your older sister call that she's home.
> That Suisei cosplayer was your sister
Terrible. Take a lap
I've always liked the 'siblings unwittingly fuck at a Halloween party' trope, so 'siblings unwittingly fuck at a cosplay convention' sounds okay
dont hijack MY prompt, write yours you lazy incestfagwe can have both
Reincarnation Romance but Anon is a Dinosaur and Suisei is the Comet that wiped out dinosaur civilization?
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What do you even want Moco-chan?
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what airani ioFIFTEEN?
wait this is a fat suisei? i thought she just had bigger tits
Gigi getting lost in character during a GUN session and developing an addiction to Mori's BO
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all girls need a bit of tummy

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