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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>85988644
As you can see in the first half of the OP, Ame has released her final schedule outlining her streams for the remainder of the month. There's a lot left to do, and a short time to do it.
For the moment, though, Bowson's currently finishing things up in the Shivering Isles: https://youtu.be/OskSC9P2-j8
And we'll see the other, hairier Bowson again tomorrow.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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Ame secretly wants to be stuffed...
yeah, by me
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I love how after all these years she still can't do the friendliness mini game
>you guys don't even know!
one of my favorite newish Ameisms
Same, its even funnier when she read good advice out loud
That little fucker...
I can't imagine being this far along into Oblivion and still having money issues
I think she used to spend more bribing merchants for better prices than she would get selling things a lot lol
jwu, what happened so far?
This is like when Ame said she knows how to predict earthquakes
khajit ame
imagine being a khajiit and bowson goes up to you and says "ooo kitty catuh~"
care to jog my memory again?
instant bonert
>Paul Cauldron
I love her, bros...
Anyone have any theories on what the 2 collabs for the charity stream are?
Insane in the ame brain
Minecraft is one of them, can’t recall the other one.
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uhhhhh Ame having sex with Zeta and uhhhhhh Ame having sex with Ina
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Who nose?______________________________________________________________________________
>no "Saturn" Ame this October
smol ame collab and bubba, mikki, wellington and henry collab
It was from a recent zatsu stream. Might have been members, I don’t remember. Before she revealed she was graduating.
nice game todd
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i love seeing the cogs in her head turning
god dammit todd
CUTE hic
cute singin
member stream from sep 1 around 1:45 in
Especially tardy today!
Give me a break!
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I just caught up on the non-Ame parts of GTA a few hours ago, your friend went fucking nuts sukonmate!
nice game todd
Her timing is just spectacular
Friend is so cool...
>mmmhmmm mmhhmm~
You couldn't script a more kino moment
>big bowl of balls
holy fucking kino
>Gettem! Attack-uh!
God I love how she talks
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I love how her model goes from a serious cool face to a big smile when she realizes how cool that was
>strike me down!
>I will
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hic on that thang
It was really cool of Calli to talk her up like that
>Ame accidentally coordinates kino
>Foob accidentally coordinates kino
They are...
ERB is singing Ame's orisong
Kiss Me...
damn she stealth killed syl
>talk tuah podcast
maybe I'm just a hypocrite, since I'm sure normalfags wouldn't understand vtubers, but why do we give attention to people that easily? this girl has one single viral video and she already has a podcast?
I would kiss ERB as a way to numb the pain of Ame leaving but then halfway through the hag sex I would pull out and get depressed again
Is this a fucking trash taste thing? She's STILL doing that shit?
>this girl has one single viral video and she already has a podcast?
that's all it takes these days. i'm more annoyed that people want to listen to some random whore talk about anything. like who cares.
You could have a podcast if you wanted. Typically people are just desperate to capitalize on their viral fame and they do stupid shit like that while they still can.
its a fake meme anon...
Hawk Tuah isn't even that popular IRL. It hasn't had a "Pokemon GO to the polls" moment and is purely kept alive by irony. It is 100% an industry plant meme.
its not real dude...
because it's manufactured
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that's not real right?
blatant (((industry plant))), don't feel too bad
insert the new ame forced meme soundpost
Thank Christ. If they stifled Ame’s creativity but let Mori go on that trash…
I fucking hate zoomers and their stupid tuah shit.
it's fake
This is it, the end
CUTE hic
um, guys, Ame is streaming
and I'm loving it
>cheese for everyone!
I'm not ready for Bowson to end...
Cheese for everyone!
I know a lot of people disliked oblivion streams but I've always thought they were comfy. I'm going to miss late night oblivion
>a lot of people disliked oblivion streams
HUH? Who?
The japanese
they thought bowson was scary
no, everyone loved oblivion streams, the ones who didn't aren't people
Did Ame forget she just spent 2 hours making a staff?
Oblivion has always been one of my favorite playthroughs shes done. Anyone who doesn't like them is dumb lame and gay.
>shows up
>"looks like youre fucked"
My Goldfish girl
Ok I never watched this battle before does Ame have a chance here or not?
nvm, the staff does nothing kek. Why is it for then?
I don't remember having trouble here maybe her build's just weak
He also possesses a ranged shock damage spell, a touch spell that inflicts frost damage, an absorb health damage and a custom restore health ability. In addition to possessing a considerable bulwark of hitpoints, he also has a 25% Resistance to Magic and is immune to Paralysis, the Wabbajack and the Staff of Sheogorath.
Shes going to have to be doing consistent damage.
>Nooo-uh! He's reading my inputs-AH!!
Is jyllglag voiced by the same VA as dagoth ur?
no, it's probably wes johnson
this game having no bgm means its perfect for playing epic boss music in the background on my own
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lol what awful exposition
Jonathan Bryce, Same VA as nords and orc. Voiced nords and khajits in morrowind
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Can't believe Jyggalag graduated
>immediately put to work
what bullshit
actually hes still around.
he's an affiliate now
>literally on screen
>"I don't see it!"
>Ame goes into semi-retierment so she can be a Godking and run the Shivering Isles
>Can still leave and do Hololive stuff

Hmmm not a bad ending. I guess ill see her again in Pelagius Place as well
oblivion is so ass
You had to be there zoomer kun
No. You just recognize that girls have it easier.
todd has paid me 30 dollars and one copy of skyrim to say no
we had nothing else back then
Just the open world by itself was very cool for the time.
Lucky quads of truth
It's over... this is the last time we will ever see a bowson
>become the mad god
>just be able to summon dancers
surely sheogorath had more interesting entertainment options
>Ame having sex with Ina
I will be in attendance
We still have to complete Bowson's duties in The Lands Between, then she may rest.
>last OG Bowson stream she attains Godhood
After all these years I still don’t know where the enemy health bars are at.
ER Bowson is a chum. Oblivion Bowson is my true godking.
Sasuga Bowson
its the half oval above the cursor
that semicircle over the crosshair. To be fair, it also took Ame like 10 streams to notice.
chat, is this real
Oh, I don't like it either. I was just telling that anon its fake.
What level is she? I know she's got Glass stuff in the leveled list
20+ atleast?
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when screenshots for oblivion came out people argued that they were pre rendered cutscenes because there was just no fucking way
I don't want any gators getting any ideas from this guy!
blessed laugh
>I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
>You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
>And if you do not want to see me again
>I would understand
>I would understand
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she read my comment
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Can't say I didn't think about it.
>jumpin' around is so fun~
Its gonna be ok bro. Ame isnt gone and part of the reason for that is because she means so much to Hololive Myth and all of us that there isnt a graduation in the books.
I love when shes having so much fun that she doesn't want to quit playing
Confiscating Ames Eggsuh.....
She hasn't read mine in awhile but I will never forget the time she read my question about plecos during one of her terrarium/fish tank zatsus and went on a cute tangent about them.
You guys ever seen those vids of people creaming over Batman Arkham gameplay? We really haven't gone any farther and it's riveting
she laughed at one of my messages earlier. Feel like its the best gift I could get right now <3
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I hope so, bro. I'm worried. Ame and Sana, funnily enough, the only two vtubers I've ever gotten legitimately attached to. This fucking sucks, Sana's graduation broke my heart but Ame's making me feel just as bad, if not more, I got complacent to having her around, to always having a vod or a stream to watch after getting home from work. Everything sucks.
ame has read a few of my comments in the past, mostly in ER. i basically saved that playthrough, no need to thank me.
To be fair, the Arkham games did kick ass.
ame read a bunch of my comments in the new years fallout new vegas vod. felt like i was on cloud 9
its fine for a game to be good for its time, but people need to realize that they arent ageless.
some games are, but games like oblivion certainly arent.
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>Ame and Sana, funnily enough, the only two vtubers I've ever gotten legitimately attached to.
Same here. Time traveler and Space.
She's read a few of mine and I helped her make the ruby shield in totk. I wish she finished it.
It's gonna be okay bros. We're gonna make it. Its cheesy but "It isn't goodbye, its see you later".
Sorry it's been happening more often to us. I hope you guys don't get to graduation #6 like me :)
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>Time and Space
Who is the Giratina of EN?
I get ya man im a chumbud myself but I still remember 2020 being the worst year of my life. Know who was there with us on New Years Eve as the worst year ever was ending and looked after us? It was Ame. She stayed up every time zone Eastern to Pacific and I know I wasent the only lonely sad person comforted by that. Its why I can never thank her enough for just being there
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I made a playlist of all the times ame read my message. Gonna be nice to cherish them in the future
I never comment nor chat but I'm happy that Ame called out us lurkers too
>graduation #6 like me :)
Respect. Good on you for lasting this long... this feels like hell.
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>so much to do, so little time to do it
my brother
Damn, Bowson's got strong knees
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Ame's the main character. The world and the story moulds itself to her. Even in real life.
ive watched enough streamers to know lurkers are a vast yet underappreciated majority. dont ever feel left out, silentbros.
time to get another suicide prevention notice on this vod too kek
>Good on you for lasting this long
well out of each one that graduated, retired or simply just didn't turn the stream back on, Ame always came back around, even in 2022/2023..... we'll see if I have it in me to continue this shtick after the 30th.....who nose, I might actually be free
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I really hope no teamates actually hurt themselves.
I might be giving myself carpal tunnel if that counts
my tummy hurts from laughing because ame is so funny and i will not be doing anything about it!
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Thank you bros... And man, #6 graduation? I'm so sorry, that fucking sucks ass. I wouldn't wish that many heartbreaks on anyone.

Same... Her NY 2020 was my favorite stream of hers, I was there the whole time, and when she said happy new years for my timezone as I heard the fireworks outside for once I felt like I had... company, you know? I really appreciate Ame, she's been there during the shittiest of times for me these past four years, it's legit such a heartbreak, I don't know how to move on from this.
Drinking myself into oblivion heh. Not even out of sadness; just as a celebration.
Don't do it. ame wouldn't want you to. If anything she'd probably appreciate it if you showed up for where she's going next. but if you do... please take me with you. I'm a coward and don't have it in me despite not wanting to go on....
I used to hurt myself before ame, theres no way im going to betray her, ever.
don't look for permanent solutions for temporary problems anon
>flawless pearl
yeah, Ame
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My fellow Sanamates
We will get through this, you're not alone!
my pearl...
She kept us going man. Life carried on despite the world around us catching on fire. Right now I just got Membership for GG after her NV streams EnRec performance and that 21st of September kino. I wouldnt be able to enjoy this if not for Ame and ill keep going watching Hololive and waiting for her to show up. I know that might be a bit biased because im a chumbie and its not my oshii but knowing shes at elast a bit here is better than I got when Coco left
>she'd probably appreciate it if you showed up for where she's going next
I just wanna believe for sure that we'll know and can be there for it
>look look-uh!
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I wish I could give you all a hug, 4 years here talking to all of you, and between you all and Ame, I couldn't have asked for better company, love you all. Stay safe, for Ame's sake, alright?
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Suicide is a sin according to the teaching of saint Watson thus I shall never commit it
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If Ame has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Ame has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Ame has only one fan then that is me. If Ame has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Ame, then I am against the world.
I'm convinced Ame would totally say that in response.
Don't worry, I'll give me a few months of thought after
Hey it's his business whether he wants to join me or not, I for one see no reason to go on this site anymore if Ame stops streaming
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We will, no matter what happened we'll always carry those sweet memories, both with Ame and with Sana...
Anon's are going to make me cry again.
not them but thanks and same mate. this board is by far the best place to talk about vtubers and these 4 years were a hell of a good ride
I never once watched Sana but why are space themed characters so fucking kino?
Her design was top tier.
because pako is based
poor pako...
fair enough. I myself will keep watching hololive and I'll follow ame whenever she goes. also I just realised I used the same wording that I usually use when I tell people to not commit suicide kek
In addition to space being kino, she's the only brown gal we've gotten. Really refreshing.
To say that I didn't feel the urge after the short talk would be lying. Ame is the only reason I started enjoying the holiday seasons and I wouldn't know how to deal with the sudden loneliness that I've come to forget the past 4 years.
The chatting streams that follows did cheer me up a lot though, knowing that Ame is out to pursue something she feels important. That gave me the drive to go on, wait and see.
Me when I'm gooning
The '93 Mario movie is better than the one from last year.
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EnReco Merch with Ame in it
>ooo monke~
It sounds very much like her yeah.
what a gamer
Of course teamate, I hope ame could have had a big impact on your life as much as she had on mine. Loving and blessing ame,and teamates.
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Definitely. Despite how much people complain about 4chan I really love you guys and I do sincerely love all the places and generals I frequent.
I know, I was playing a joke on it. Though i think some others here might actually do something to themselves. I for one am just keeping a promise to myself that one she stops streaming entirely, I'm vaporizing everything I have related to vTubers online. I'll be seeing you fucks later I suppose since people aren't being subtle about her coming back
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>The numbers
ame... pako-papa no...
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Love you guys too
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>...for now
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>"I'll see you guys on this journey..."
>"for now."
>for now
>for now
>for now
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no bowson.... don't fly towards the light bowson...
goodbye bowson o7
Bowson confirmed for going solo
>for now
>bowson will continue her journeys
>bowson will someday rule over all
>Elden Ring Bowson also set to finish her journey (possible timeline convergence or dimension hopping
>music kicks in
bowson is FUCKING DEAD
>It was all a dream, Ame's not graduating
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Three whole years... I loved watching Oblivion with all of you guys. Kino as fuck.
ERmates, prepare thyselves.
>she has a difficult path against her solo
I have my character ready to help, although my levels might be too high.
I'm gonna have to respec from my coop shitpost build
>only two people
Imagine if you helped Ame beat radahn, what a feeling that must be
well, there you have it, that's how she's going to beat it in two days. You better be strong and help her!
Teamates better fucking be able to keep ER Bowson alive while solo'ing the bosses
Password summon will scale you down
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>Have a Faith build ready for the DLC
I'm gonna fucking heal the shit out of Bowson so she will NEVER die
such a kino playthrough
There are a lot of spells that might help with that, notably Heal From Afar and Golden Vow.
i noticed that too...
o7 og bowson
the most kino
Hope I can get in so I can solo Consort Radahn for Ame with my min maxed tank build
you better help ame, you elden faggots
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Don't forget barrier spells which increase damage negation. Those will be very important since Bowson isn't super tanky.
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I'm not okay.
I can only pray that I get out of work in time to try and be summoned
Wasn't him a teamate?
Praying. Would be kino.
the epic of bowson is over bros...
As much as I want to solo Consort for Ame, this would be kino as fuck.
I'm so fucking ready...
Time to start this cool new lets play!
ERMates, see these posts regarding coop God I kinda hope she's not too far in now so people get many opportunities, hopefully she only summons for bosses so she doesn't have to worry about multiplayer regions and shit considering she probably hasn't touched a single summoning pool
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he was in various holochats but mostly ame
he's been in many holo's streams
I think I see him around Biboo a lot too
Password summons allow anyone of any SL to join anyone, however, if you are higher level than the host (Ame) you will be reduced down a bit.
So essentially any gator could be summoned if he is lucky to get picked.
it's gotta be...
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>"Until we meet again... Hero of Kvatch."
So either I bring in Ryan Gosling, a Gator Man or an OC if this coop stuff happens
>eceleb surfing
uh oh
What a journey, huh?
>3 years ago
I will say its truly a tragedy that streaming actively discourages completing playthroughs.
Any game that lasts longer than the 5th stream tanks in numbers and its smarter to just do something brand new every time.

The age of lets plays died in the 2010s and the world is worse off for it.
>HIC brrrrrring~
Alright bros that was a super kino ending to a super kino playthrough. OG Bowson you will always be in our hearts o7
I better go shower and retire for the night. Stay strong and take care of yourselves everyone. Goodnight!
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Will transition this thread like dragoons did? or will you be faithful to cover?
>back in my day someone would put out 50+ videos on a single game
>now every NEET-coded individual with a monitor in front of them finishes half baked games in under a week because people have no attention span and game devs don't know how to retain players besides excessive level-gating, grinding and pay2win schemes
It's all so tiresome
Was that the longest playthrough in holo history?
At least in EN it was
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Okay, I made it through another day and I can sleep a decent amount before work, tomorrow and the day after will be hell but I was able to take Friday off work so I'll just sleep the fatigue off before the Valve marathon starts. Hope any other EUmate is okay too. Goodnight!
Would make a great ring tone.
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I WILL bring my Greatshield-Greatspear turtle combo to the fight and I WILL NOT feel bad about carrying my oshi through the end of the game.

I still remember laughing until my stomach hurt during the character creation man...
Does anyone knows what they have planned for the final Myth Collab? Honestly i just want it to be a normal game collab, maybe play the first collab game they played (?) to end in a fun see you again way and not in a "this is the final Myth collab" goodbye kinda stream
Would be dumb to split the fanbase when nothing is set in stone.
If it's just the five of them playing Minecraft, I might actually fucking cry.
the thumbnail makes it look like she's pregnant lol
Fair. I was just asking figuratively.
Would be kino.
Isn't his new character named "Let me solo them" tho?
>faithful to cover?
Ame is the only Holo I watch regularly.
Cover is a good company and I don't blame them for what happened. I also like plenty of other Holos well enough. But Ame is always number one in my heart.
Now take this (You) and go in peace to love your oshi.
>maybe play the first collab game they played
That would be the 'digging out an autism tunnel in minecraft for three hours' collab.
Isn't minecraft gonna be for the charity stream?
>'digging out an autism tunnel in minecraft for three hours' collab
>It fails
Would be kino. I just want to see the girls interact and the more boring the game the better for that
Is that really comparable? Obviously most holos find that the pros outweigh the cons in hololive and stay in despite the restrictions. Ame never was passionate about the idol aspect of hololive and she never was one to collab much which are some of the biggest pros to being in hololive, so it makes sense she’d make those sacrifices to have more freedom.
Selen got driven to attempting suicide. Ame has never even been close to that.
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Come on, you guys need to spam Gideon summon for the meme. It will still be a struggle because Gideon is bad.
What are you looking at fat fuck
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Todd never paid me and I own several copies of The Elder Scrolls games! I highly recommend you buy yourself a copy today!
gideon is dead dude
She’s probably eating soup right now…
what if Ame becomes a 12yo little boy...
>Shotamelia Boyson
Artistically it would be pretty impressive. Keeping up the Armando voice long-term must be straining.
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I got some Bowson to catch up with in a bit.
Bowson just flew over my house!
Only reason I care about the blue dorito is because Ame is in it. What would "faithful to cover" even mean? That's what Hololive Global is for.
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I could never do something that would end up hurting her in any way. Who am I to rob the world of her smile, even for a single moment?
Just to be clear, Ame will get money from new merch featuring her, right? That's part of the affiliate status I suppose
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the kind of niggers like that one from the Japanese interview who doesn't care about Mio's roommate and only liked her because she's in Hololive. they're more fans of the company than the talents themselves, you know, this industry's equivalent of consoomers.
New thread:
I remember watching a 90+ part skyrim playthrough. The collective loss in attention spans has totally fucked the world up.
I like plenty of other Holos, but none could ever compare to Ame. I'll follow Ame for as long as I can and chill in other Holo streams too.
>>86013694 is right about the collabs, so it's not like much of the current content I enjoy will change much.
No one really knows at this point anon, aside from Cover staff and Ame. No use in speculating too much.
She said so in the zatsu and the member's stream, I believe.
This thread will be exactly the same but with a different name, involving Ame and [Insert]

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