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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvziPPpryv0 Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Zen is LIVE! And is playing some more TCG Card shop sim thing. Check out all the chapters this stream has it's a crazy idea. There was even a State of Play reaction earlier. Other than that Mouse is LIVE! Subathon. She's still napping. Nobody's inc all at the moment but chances are she'll be back relatively soon given how long she normally tends to sleep. Finally Geega is LIVE! Except she's not! if you know then you know. Keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/Mats_Kuro/status/1837894244679205086

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>85993430
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I quite like this fat slut
thanks, anon
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I love Michi so much
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She does Fansly as well, that how I found her.

Damn do I love fat women.
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>more gta tomorrow
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Zen truly is best girl.
does she sound different? is she actually in a new house?
solo or with a partner?
any cum in navel / on belly?
She's in this odd place in her group where she started out as the treasurer and money person who would be a little distant with the main crew except around money, spending most of her time with the dons. But she thought she had to stay clean to do this at first, and so the dons doing anything violent would distance her too. She got into the main heist crew, which is more what she wanted all along, but that's only active when Sykkuno comes around to learn a new heist. So in the day to day, she's isolated from both sides but no one realizes it. She literally just has to say anything to Lang or any of the captains and they would invite her to anything, but it's like wants it to happen organically, without speaking up. It's a wierd, self imposed kind of sad, if anything, that will be so easily fixed if she reaches out.
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Not scared to eat when you go out. Softer features, usually more giggly and I like to make people laugh. Plus, everything feels like a soft titty. Grab anywhere and there that yielding but firm feeling.

Fuck, I'm bricked up. This is your fault btw.
New room is a big of a deal as a new microphone for how your voice sounds.
damn anon already going blind because of diabetes
I didn't realize Froot was sexually trafficked all this time...
Really committed to the bit by fat fingering the wrong post
that's par for the course for military fags, happened plenty in Afghanistan and Korea
That's what I want to know: did Geega actually buy a new house or is she lying again?
Close to it.
Cheega is being a cute little bratty hag right now
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Don't post on mobile is my advice. I'm retarded, so it's fine for me.
Sykkuno you motherfucker
fuck you sykkuno
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i still deeply annoy me they never did a princess prim only episode. Anyway mouse for princess prim
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I prefer the bat over fat. Mint is nice though
bat was made for correction
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But she just streamed from her new house...
I noticed that Geega and Doki replaced the Mouse’s Vtuber spot of these lobbies
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errm Geega?
>Finishes playing GTA all day
>Plays another game with a bunch of GTA people again
GirlsFC who?
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Hell Yeah Brother!
Sykkuno doesn't like subathons and even streamers seeking donations and subs in general, when they're big enough to make it work with just sponsors and merch. He's not going to scold anyone over it or not associate with them, obviously. Like he also doesn't like that people take gambling sponsors but streams with Buddha and XQC, for example. But when putting together a big lobby, people that he aligns with, values wise, end up in more easily, because obviously.
Speaking of which, they did tried to invite Doki and Geega took the bullet for her
>Finishes playing GTA all day
>Raids main channel
>Talks about GTA all day
What a hero
>special interest: gta and sykkuno
you must be really fun to hang around
tl;dr just post leecher bad next time.
>takes youtube gaming contract
Yea that was based.
sigh, can't wait for that follow up video of asmon's.
I'm dying to to learn what he hasn't read this time and what he misunderstood from others about what they've read somewhere on twitter
Based on what?
Based on money
move on nigga
So Geega refused to acknowledge the fat bald man in the room
there wasn't some otk dude that had gone from top streamer on twitch to nobody after the deal?
If you're actually curious you can just look at his reddit. He doesn't do research. He just lets people upvote posts and replies and treats that as reliable.
The video's never coming.

What could be coming might be even better though. There's a Froot bait thread up on the catalog and you should scroll to the bottom of it because some goofy shit could be unfolding in the future.
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Well well well
Well I said to go there specifically so it wouldn't be brought here anon lmao
Nah he deserves to get laughed at
who tf is this
>was consistently doxxing froot on doxfag forum
>i never did anything
man, this nigga is dumb as fuck
>i've long since moved on
>still posts on doxx forums to this day
he said he would definitely do it, and he sounded pissed to hurt her because it didn't go his way
but maybe you're right
>He doesn't do research.
I don't usually watch people like that, and I knew he doesn't, but wow, that was way lower than I ever expected.
That room of his is the least ugly thing about him
froot biggest doxxer, he is the one giving info to ant and doxxnagi
The faggot that ant used as 90% of her sources
Froot won.
Geega lost.
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He's currently grooming a new too
imagine how made he is to this day that he never got to score froot and all he does is to talk about it 24/7
employ the counter doxx
What an actual retard holy fuck
>two men involved in the story
>both had meltdowns when Froot dropped them and made it their mission to try to destroy her reputation
Is the Frussy really so good that it makes men sperg out and turn into insane stalkers/harassers when they lose access to it?
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@Lucyfag who lurks in this thread
Honestly this is genuinely hope he gets what coming for him
Goth girls man...
it will end when someone doxx this nigga. He is taking too much heat and soon or later someone will post a doc about him
Not our ride anymore they're dealing with this alone
the guy this whole thing exists in the first place, and the person who was fueling this bs for years so it wouldn't die
Based PilotEmpress bringing in the air support to make Cinna flee.
Now he is afraid that he will be the next... God i can't wait.
Looks like she's an autistic woman in her early 40s, from her twitter.
I'd also be mad but not at froot just myself for retardedly fumbling the hottest girl I would probably ever have the chance to get in my life, fucking idiots
that nigga is in full damage control mode.
can’t be that hard. Haven’t done this before but I suspect there are twitter/instagram/Facebook etc. mirrors with a way back function. and I am bored and autistic enough to at least try
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If Froot promised me head I would have liberated fallujah by myself.
I'm with Mel on this one
sisters you need to chill a lil bit
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I was about to post this, this is his reaction to these series of posts by the vtuber PilotEmpress, his ex wife from 10 years ago, recently made in Ant's video.

I know 100% that she is telling the truth about being his ex wife but I can't disclose how atm just in case he or his moles are browsing this thread.

I'm currently preparing messages to get False to contact her ASAP just in case Cinna's doxxer friends try to intimidate her.
But no anal
I hope don’t get banned for this but
I digged too hard and the ex still has a picture of her. So yeah the frussy goes hard I guess
Oh false definitely needs to interview this girl for the video, look how scared she's got him kek
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Updated version with Cinna's post. brb
Just look at what she did to the Frootposters
FalseEyeD if you're here get in contact with that girl.
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this is going to be good
Holy fuck the rest of the board outside of here and /lig/ is insane
Tbf, very few girls actually like to do anal. Mel is one of those lucky few that can even get stimulation from her "back door."
Oh so now it's old news
My oshi fucked me to death
>recently made in the comments section of ant’s video
she wasn’t part of the actual video, right?
so he was stalking this chick while trying to hook up with froot?
Damn bruh godspeed
Prove it no balls
KARMA FINALLY CAUGHT THIS BITCH! God and retards here questioning the doc.
>gets obliterated from orbit
>g-guys it's time to move on
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what's happening here
the fact that all his relationships are long distance tells me this dude has problems
geega exposed
>role as a whistleblower
>People are looking deeper than surface level?
>everyone should move on
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It has been a couple of weird days. From the Twitch bans, Ame's graduation, Pippa's stuff, Mouse's stuff, and finally Froot's stuff.
Godspeed anon let us know if there's any way to help
Froot greatest doxxer finally met Karma and now he is shitting his pants.
As if we're talking about fucking defense contractors or something.
I cant wait for this faggot downfall. Hope Ant goes down with him too
why is everyone involved in this/everyone with background information a terminally online poster in some form of morally gray Internet doxx forum? froot, her ex, cinna, (you) >>86008979 and (you) >>86009013
Ant has long gone, she never was someone anyways. Now i really wish someone to do something against that doxxsagi
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She made a tweet about Froot's doc being a "gift" for her birthday, so we may see more of her yet
Because to have information on internet drama, you have to be terminally online. Also, remember where you're posting. You're no better.
Yknow one thing I've been wondering for awhile is, if this guy was as much of a friend as Froot said (and I assume she was since she was jerking off with him over Discord) shouldn't he have already known she was married? Froot didnt really see herself as married but if he was around her for any time at all I feel like he should've heard about it already.
I mean, they were separated at the time, but if his qualms were over her being technically "married" and not over her leaving him, then that just makes him a hypocrite. Actually just mad she didn't put out and went back, but then burned the bridge with her so even when he was presumably one of her best friends who she already probably had SOME kinda feelings for, she'd never go back to him. Just fucked things up for everybody, including himself. He did a favor for her getting Froot broken up with for good, but I feel like if he did things differently he could've been her rebound.
I just want whiff of her, just a sniffle
Poor Mouse always wanting to be dicked down yet always given a dick instead
Pareto principle. 4chan (and predecessor websites like SA and spinoffs) have disproportionate influence on anything important that happens on the internet.
Not even joking you should post that since it would be proof he's the one behind the raids
heading to costco you guys want anything
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godspeed, anon
froot says in the doc she never called him her husband. also stop talking about this shit, its cringe.
fried chicken. God i love their fried chicken
Bring some chips and dip. Oh and don't forget a couple of those rotisserie chickens. We only got this cheese to snack on atm.
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Eh I think she saw all the anti's and culture warriors dogpilling he'll she prob directed some of the hate in a discord again. But now that it's all backfired I doubt she's happy.
I miss her
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A lot of people are just online that much, being a streamer was usually made up for some that also has spent a lot of time on the internet, these days with Tiktok they have been dying out or have "Eroboros"'d themselves.
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how the hell her video is still up on yt
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Did someone say GTA?
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Our Goddess
I think she was just feigning confidence to make it seem like she somehow won.
Isn’t she also mentally not well? like actually diagnosed with something
I was about to defend myself that’s how it’s written in my mother tongue only to find out I’m also wrong in that part lmfao
It's likely she did that when the raids were still happening and asmon hadn't pulled out yet, would be funny if cinnafag is currently begging her not to do anything lol
Mental retardation
I win
Mel live on CB/Fansly for some hentai games.
Best girl missing
Because it stems from the same root that the nyan drama did, pissing off incels on 4chan in the early/mid 2010s
she's the def of a lolcow. she's evil but she's also fed false info generously using her as a shield to get at froot
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iirc she and parrot had a falling out so now coupled with antis getting btfo'd and this new drama in her comments she's probably not having the best time kek
Go live Froot
come on froot... Just this once
If she refuses I'll kill myself
Someone that has xitter post the yt comment under her post lol
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wait i thought Decu was a guy.
man loved MagicalGirlNoir Quest, hope he or she isnt an Anti.

Also big Dan Kim fan...love those little HimeHorns
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Where are the Geegafags who thought she was moving? She met Moonmoon at Twitchcon OMEGALUL
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ok internet explorer anon
you have gone too far
Geega lewds are wrong
and bad
there should be a new stronger word for Geega lewds, like... badwrong or... badong
yes! Geega lewds are badong!
2000 and late
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>froot deals with lies and slander for years
>this dude intentionally stokes the fire on and off over the years
>his ex-wife comes out saying how he was abusive/a stalker towards her
>"oh that was in the past and people change, let's just move on!"
Yeah fuck this dude.
Man, that thread is a doozy.
So did Geega move to San Diego or was the move an excuse?
post bad dongs
She's a Sonic autist what do you think ?
How is Geega going to lie her way out of this?
>Where are the Geegafags who thought she was moving?
not here, but you can always find these delusional types among the top donators, VIPs, and mods of a vtubers channel
She moved and went to Twitchcon before or after.
I believe this is the timeline:
>That one short break where the "caulking" stuff happened was when she actually moved.
>The week break during Twitchcon was just her going to San Diego and attending Twitchcon.
>She put out fake tweets of her moving during Twitchcon
yeah this adds up
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Death to all Geega posters and Goslings
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I wonder if Mel is going to use her classic model for this stream. Also, her taste in music continues to be fantastic.
There's no reasoning with them. They're now defending the bug as a journalist.
To be fair no one knows where she moved in too. But it could honestly be that
>a) She pulled a Mouse, and started the moving process without anyone knowing. Took a short vacation to Twitchcon and let her brother took over the final stuff.
>b.) She hasn’t moved yet, but still is on process while she took the excuse to go to Twitchcon
>c) The things that were pending to move were only a few things that was able to do in one or two days, and the rest of it was basically spent on SD in Twitchcon
So sad that anon killed himself via five bullets to the back of the head while his arms were tied.
but she still streamed a bit during that time or at least appeared on urn’s stream
Remember, do not allow all of this bullshit distract you from the fact that Pinkcat is pregnant.
Well it doesn't have to all add up. For all we know she just finished moving during the week break and then flew to San Diego immediately.
she moved to twitchcon?
Haruka... I miss you...
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who ?
I hope they do a poll to decide the baby's name
And she also did the meet and greet with a professional audio setup that emulates the one she got at home so maybe she streamed from that setup in SD while already at twitchcon
shitruka shartibu
five bad dongs for you
She should name the child "Big Mac" so McDonald's could give the kid a free life time supply of Big Macs*. (1 regular Big Mac a week).
What if there was no setup and it was just Geega inside the monitor.
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I am almost done with my messages but I have already said the most important, False hasn't replied yet, I will not leak any of his messages to avoid eroding his trust regarding people sending him information via DMs on twitter.

Cinna is posting comments on Youtube and he doesn't look happy.
Mouse never played Alan Wake, did she?
Does she only hate it because she got bored by one of the trailers?
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Love froot
she beat the first one
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is still posting comments*

That guy is cooking him btw.
Well well well look at the change in attitude of this stalker. It seems that Vshojo did something behind the scene hehehe
Based, same
Mel recorded audio for an animatic. She says it's sexylicious and there's a lot of screaming.
False is probably asleep now so yeah probs wait for tomorrow, godspeed
Has 16 hours in it
keep capping everything and hit up False or whoever with it
make sure you get the shit from the doxx forum, too
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Kek what a pussy
BASED Doxxfaggots need to be exposed
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Wait a minute. This isn't a hentai game.
False may be asleep, but Falsecord is ever vigilant and absolutely 110% /here/.
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How long until we get some Moon and Geega kino streams?
Getting fucked either way
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I want to fuck this sexy latina
Well she's still going to use her toy so yeah.
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Best summary of the 90 page document so far.
i think you shouldn't have announced this, who knows what this bitch will do next
Well tell them to hurry up
Dude he's getting eviscerated
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>not this model
it's so over
It's the game of sissyfuck
He'll be on the vshojo GTA server, but that's in November at the earlist, it sounds like. They'll do something before that for sure.
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My god
they’ve known each other for longer and Geega tried so desperately to leech off of him, but they still haven’t collabed 1 on 1 yet. maybe know that he’s divorced but I’m skeptical if that ever happens
She just wanted to roll with the old model for tonight. I feel like using it last stream got her nostalgic and she just wants to use it again.
Unironically accurate kek
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So, for what Mei said
>Ruben apperantly was the one to present Gunrun to her
>She was drunk
>Apperantly they talked about a lot of stuff that she can't really speak about
>She deadass told her that it was his talents that keep bullying her (as a joke) so she asked if she can keep making pictures of his face
>Gunrun recognized her from the clips and told her that if she was the one that kept doing the pictures with him like this picrel, and struck the pose
>Apperantly Gunrun wants to be like this guy, is his goal to have a fit like that and look like that.
>They talked about boomer internet stuff which Ruben didn't understood
>They talked for an hour
>He gave full permission to use his face for memes and shit because Gunrun thinks is funny
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this one is the new player for divergrass
How did he think going to a dox site and posting about he was personally involved would end? Did he think it was a secret club and the only people that would ever see it would agree with and support him?
She will be playing with balls one way or another tonight.
Please please let this piss enough people off that his doxxfriends turn him into a lolcow
Can I have the original link? I want to call him a stalker too
Dare I say it, gem
>vshojo GTA server
source the voices in my head
It's from the ant video
Doxxfriends stick together and stand strong.
fuck I really don't want to give her the view but it's tempting
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They should play It Takes Two together
>Hololive makes a Minecraft server
>Vshojo makes a Minecraft server
>Hololive makes a GTARP server
>You are here
Oh the internet boomer thing is YTMND, which Gunrun popped off talking about it
Also, she wants to build the Church of Gunrun.
also I do think she meet GEEGA, she's keeping private who she met there
Best summary
if this was a few years earlier geega would be hanging out with moon2, sodapoppin and their crew back in the day
she unironically would have been part of the Kittens on the OTV Rust server
hololive invented making minecraft servers
anny invented Minecraft servers
HE EVEN USED HIS NICK! Nigga is retard
What lmao
anny invented both Minecraft and GTA
being a Kitten on the OTV Rust server sounds like torture
>getting roasted in any comments of all places
Isn't he literally her source, and the video and fanbase aligns on his side?
yeap yeap
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That's how Saiiren and Mouse first met
i don't think 13 possible 19 members in the future can keep a gta rp server running. Unless they are forced like holo does
You know, you could have gone for an actual good bait and say the Rust server blame Nazzy, but you went for the shittiest example. Also, Niji and Indies already had beaten to the idea of a VTuber GTARP
wdym it was the best group, they were just shitposting all the time
sounds like made up bullshit. you need a lot of people playing fir that. nopixel has 200-400 player online simultaneously, vshojo are 12 people. with all the pluses in the world, maybe
>getting eviscerated in the YouTube comment section of all places
If I was him I'd probably kill myself
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>local man wins by doing nothing
Geega will force them.
they'd need to get people from small corpos and all the big indies if they wanted to make a GTARP server lively enough
wrong, they met on bouncer
They dont have enough people to run a GTA server anon
It would be literally only Geega on there consistently. If they're gonna import people from the current server, why would they not just stay on the server they're already on?
To be fair, the only possibility I see is Beri running another week of servers with the girls included.
It wouldn't be members only, just like their minecraft is open to a much wider group. They'll have that same bredth of vtubers, plus the people from gta rp that Geega can bring in, which is enough for small scale rp stuff to work well.
>Geega just makes it NoPixel 4.0 #2
>You could have been killed by a terrorist
Sends my sides into orbit every time. Jesus lmao
With NoPixel 5.0 announced? Nah.
it would only exist for a week and then they would move on. Minecraft server is also dead most of the time
It'd be a testing ground for her schemes.
"i've long since moved on", huh?
Koil should concentrate on improving 4.0 instead of launching 5.0
He moved on btw
The improvement is killing 4.0.
Is there proof he was the guy feeding ant her info? I feel like that's an important part of it that would put the lie to his line about wanting to move past it.
>if you watch the vid-
I can't find the mouse VOD but here's the snuffy VOD timestamp. It was 3 years ago

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Too late, he's already aware of his ex poking around and I absolutely do not want his doxxfag clique to attack or hack her, he's clearly a stalker like she said so I wouldn't be surprised if he knew where she currently lives.

I have already screencapped and archived a lot of potentially interesting stuff so it's fine even if he nukes all of his socials.
5.0 will be the last, they definitely had their hands to something with GTA6, so I don't doubt it's just the last hoorah until GTA6 hits the market in PC
HOW? He fired the only good dev because he was a gigaretard sucking chain gang cock.
I moved on, and that's why I'm going to continue talking about it. Moved on btw.
i do not like ironmouse
You could say the same about here
Old Snuffy's voice...
Old Mouse's voice...
>Old Snuffy's voice...
Good riddance
The worry is that gta6 will kill interest in gta5 rp, but the gta6 rp servers will take months, at least, to come out. Maybe a year. It's scary for No Pixel, but scarier for all the people making their living doing rp.
yeah, fuck fake fags. none of that kayfab idol shit in my house
Why is Mel doing a non-porn gaming stream on CB
I changed my mind. I do like ironmouse.
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I want to plap ironmouse consensually and with love
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Are western vtubers still into following Hololive trends? Feels like that's not really a thing anymore.
seems as though current times are already scary enough for full time rp streamers
She said her chat always calls her out for making lewd noises while playing games so she wanted to put that to the test. The thing is, she's still going to use the lush so yeah.
>that sub to fags who behind a gay anime PFP
I feel bad for the rp streamers, gtarp viewers only watch that and if the streamer does something else everyone leaves
i love when tourist shows up out of nowhere talking about things they don't know nothing about.
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Try to decipher this
I actually red through the comments on that post and man. So many of Kai's community seem to have such low self esteem. They lash out at Mouse trying to tear her down just because their streamer got passed up by her. It's kind of sad.
seems like the contrary now. Perms are really put them behind.
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We already lost Geega, my only wish is that no one else gets addicted to GTA RP.
>a holofag is a doxxfag and a stalker
not surprised
One of the things I missed from this old model are those wonderful pasties.
And apparently still keeps a photo of froot while currently being in a 6 year relationship
Hopefully she does better than Zen was. She should have better experience handling balls.
80% are 14 dog
glad garek made it somewhat. actually someone geega should bring in more. he could be another ruben for zen. and I only say this because I like him actually no other reason or logic
Mouse will return.
I have no idea but I'm gonna assume it's retardation
t. zoomer
... that's depressing, jesus, just kiss the barrel of your gun already man
“no, facts, this is weird on god”
Mouse always gets bored of it really fast though.
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what did he mean by this?
no, really, what did he mean by this?
i really hope you are saving all this, lmao
Negative, It is in fact quite peculiar
That boy brody is a bit of a dumb fuck. But I'd like to point out is that "parasocial" went the way of "meme", it has seemingly lost it's original meaning and it's now just a random minor insult.
Imagine a Sisyphus game with lovense support
karma is a bitch, huh?
Not anymore, only if what they are doing is impressive in some capacity, like I remember when Filian tried to do a spelling bee competition after Holo's. Tho arguably right now VShojo and Hololive have started a lot of trends, but most of them do also start in the indie vtuber side
She was looking to see if it had buttplug.io support but I don't think there is.
Oh he's mad lol, mad and scared
This is the Northernlion content we all want.
He meant
>If people look beyond absolutely surface level gossip, it will turn out that I am actually a bad person who facilitated abuse and a hate mob, as well as a stalker. Please do not do that.
Only Up or Jump King type game where it's more intense the further you fall
Making fresh pasta
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Painfully accurate AND funny as fuck.
"No, it's a fact that it is strange, I swear to God"
Mouse get on this
it's fucking over
I dunno if I want to see NL with a vibrating butt plug.
>internet police vultures
>I didn't something bad and people found out about it, they were supposed to blame it all on Froot!
You see I just posted private messages to a dox fag and did an interview about it and disseminated lies and laughed about it on a dox site but I totally didn't bring it up.
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KARMA GOT YOU BITCH! Please save all his post from the doxxforum before he deletes it
bruh this bait is too obvious even for us
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>He gave full permission to use his face for memes and shit because Gunrun thinks is funny
That's just a copy paste from the other bait thread. Low effort.
that posting pattern looks similar
mucho texto
Mouse saw the tweet
>let me quickly link my own bait post in hopes for some pity bumps
n g l might work, my fellow vsjfags are retardier after all (not me tho)
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I killed it myself because I knew it was risky, sorry.
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btw VMuse is being streamed
70 dollarinos
what do you mean?
Gotta say boys it's a good time to be a winning. I've had so much fun making retards seeth now that their rratts were crushed. Happy Rat got her channels back. Michi is retarded.

Life's good
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I'll wait for it to leak.
It’s WWA________
Delete this ai shit. Melody would never do anything like this
Bud. Come on now.
Highway robbery
If it was less than $10 I'd do it. I'd CONSIDER up to $20

But $70? lmao
>check thread
Oh boy. I’m gonna have a lot of shit to read after work.
what is vmuse
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an ONLINE ticket for 70 dollars?
>Night show
it's funny shit, i promise you
I retract my initial statement buying tickets as we speak.
This is going as poorly for Mel as expected kek.
Buddy, I'm going to say something and I know how it will sound, but I mean it.
You are fighting ghosts.
I would pay $799 for that
It's mostly us laughing at karma hitting froot's biggest antis you'll have a good time
Imagine losing to fucking YouTube comments
>silver still hasn't cleared froot's name
the silence is deafening
Will I get my dick sucked?
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The concert Mouse and Kuro are joining in.
the authorities must investigate this
I've never seen Mel have this much difficulty getting it up.
All /in/
I have never heard of any of these people besides the bottom 4
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There's also merch, it's cheaper than the ticket, like 25 bucks
I have no idea what Mouse's mascot is now
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>bend over bitch time for cavity search
Buddy, I'm going to say something and I know how it will sound, but I mean it.
I will joke about anyone and anything and if you’re are to autistic to get that or don’t have a sense of humor at all, then that’s your problem.
>instantly 4 replies all going "nuh uh"
I believe that anon now
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That was me
This too
Funnily enough. This too
Damn those are Hololive prices.
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Thor my man
I would rather hire a hooker
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Probably should have posted the link
I know Requiem, at least Yura, they are the ex-Prism (?), that group Sony owned.
She's friends with sonch, a real beauty
>Cinna_Stalker was WWA all along
>he came here as part of his hobby of stalking Froot
>he played the WWA character because he believes that Silver hates Froot
don’t. I am this threads primary authority on silverfag and silversperg related research and I know it is actually impossible
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If there's one person I'm confident will not have a scandal come out about them, it's Thor. Dude is a real one.
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>the one true piece of information in that entire shitty video is that he actually was a stalker
Careful, now.
Thor my boy
Didn't he literally just get heat for calling the 'Stop Killing Games' nonsense dumb?
If anything, False is going to have a field day is he ever decides to make the Froot video.
good job dude
I mean he technically did, but people found out he was a furry and that's it
you good? what do
You want to tell us?
I support you anon, only because it would piss him off
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I think Cinna deleted the comment trying to tell PilotEmpress to shut up and admitting that he's "changed in 10 years"
i mean, wwa "left" because someone here weaponized their autism to try and find their twitch account, and had a pretty narrow list.
i wnder if any of those would link to him
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Heat from the supporters, sure, but he just took a different stance on it and explained why he feels the way he does.
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oh my god he did lmao
This dude is vile
Too late for that faggot it's all archived now
that was me and no, they will absolutely not link to him
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oh the michi shitpost angle comes from their discord/forum? obsessed monkeys
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>Oh my god, it's that? Bait!
I wasn't sure if it was just me or not
Maybe he figured out that weaselly lawyertalk about how he's not admitting to anything that he may or may not have done but if he did to it (which he's not admitting to) he's different now and even Froot's probably a better person than she was when he knew her made him look super guilty
Stop giving literal whos attention
you're replying to him
>That's why your CCV has plummeted and everyone prefers Michi.
More retards who refuse to actually watch a stream. Froot's CCV is the same as it ever was really and comparing her to Michi is apples to oranges. Like yeah people will watch Michi a lot, she streams for like 10 hours straight and went on a binge when she first joined.
Because he fucking admitted that all that PilotEmpress said was true and that he's a stalker! He basically is evaporating any crumb of credibility left of Ant's video.
I think masturbating is making Mel more powerful. She's actually making progress now.
The false video is gonna be so good
Never bring up that guy again

GEEGA is doing an AMA
Kai should collab with Mouse now.
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this is one of the funniest days in /vsj+/ history
I love winning
Coombrained? More like coom powered brain.
Nobody cares about this sad fuck, so it's self promotion.
Why does Bao still sell herself as an idol when all she does is talk about wanting to fuck Wolfmen
Well she just coomed and is still making progess so no kidding.
Kinda want to make a thread digging for info on him but that wouldn't be related to /vt/
anything, you say?
you can be horny and still make music
she does not sell herself as an idol
fuck that I want a Caseoh collab
Does she deny going to Twitchcon despite Moonmoon already leaking it?
>Why does Bao still sell herself as an idol
She's still a good singer
Also Bao (if she was an actual idol) would be an anti idol
Hey Geega, how much semen in milliliters per cumshot does moon moon produce and what is its approximate viscosity and density?
There's still a couple residual Froot anti threads up. Feel free to take one over lmao
Mel is feeling the gamer rage but is still set on fapping. This is such a silly combo.
This post reeks of blaady western horses
You'd be surprised how many coombrained vtubers have godly voices
that was a really hot coom from her
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Joel you ain't fooling anybody
yeah, me
so /k/fags really reacted to this and pretend it's just an old thing. Also this guy was probably involved too
and this guy too probably
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anon, stop being a clout chaser. do what you have to with your info instead of ruining it by posting it ahead of time.
They were talking about offkai, dumbass
I think the gamer rage is unlocking her dom side. This is pretty great. Also, I just noticed she's at 17k viewers. How did that happen?
I want him to keep posting it. I like being in the loop.
Did she really move to LA to become a gyaru like Nyan, and she was able to attend Twtichcon because it's only a couple hours away?
>harasses froot for years and doesn't let her move on
>suddenly shoe is on the other foot
>why won't you guys move on?
Anon, your head would have imploded in the 80's if you honestly think this about singers.
Begging someone to scrub Mel's OF, I'm not giving that site my fucking card
cb numbers are vastly inflated by embeds
Kamala Harris raid
shit, it is good? I read that mel was going to play a game so I didn't tune in to her stream
Does Bao make knot jokes?
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>Look at the patch store
>Official Nyaru patch in the shop
Unironically try either reddit or do what some containment breakers are doing and post it in false's server
anon, really, stop trying to show off your internet detective autism to the normiest motherfuckers ln this board. if you want to help then help, be responsible with your info.
coomer su
futureporn net
archivebate / recurbate or something like that
She's going to kill and replace Nyan and bring Aethel back to the good side.
Think maybe Mel activating the Lovense Vibe with Me APP has anything to do with it? Because this is pretty unusual even for someone trying to fuck with her.
>don't post about this publicly
CINNA? That you?
PK is a weird case, he's one of the /k/ fags that still worked with Froot even after. I'm pretty sure he still is selling a few she did.
If you like the kind of dirty talk where someone calls you a dirty bitch over and over then yeah. Otherwise Mel added another toy since she started and is going crazy again.
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Given how things are fizzling out in the catalog now I declare today to be the last day I skip over Kson and Froot for OP purposes. There's so much good fucking Froot art over the past week I've wanted to use goddamn
I use the first two but whoever has access to Mel's accounts haven't been updating them
The new model was a godsend for amazing fanart
The thread regulars are mature enough to ignore raiders and bait posts. You really don't have to be so cautious about what the op image is. Just follow your heart.
Too bad for him we have the message archived /here/ as proof.
Killing a man's !wife is not exactly a great way of endearing yourself to him, or make him go to any "good side."
Hopefully he's actually archiving it and possibly dumping info in Falsecord or something.
Mel has totally lost it. But in a good way.
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>"Sitting in a chair, at home in front of a computer screen"
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>The thread regulars are mature enough to ignore raiders and bait posts.
She really thinks she's slick, huh?
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no anon, I know you're joking but just to be absolutely clear, I've posted before about how much I want to see froot rp more.

new thread
Rage and fapping is a combo I didn't know I wanted to see from Mel.
I don't know the exact the details of how it works. I looked into it back in 2020, what I concluded was that the more "real" viewers a cb stream has, the more cb advertises the stream via embeds. You ever been on a porn site and had a random popup of some random cb model? I think that's where most of the "viewers" come from. I don't think any of it came from people fucking with her, just that streams that do well tend to get promoted more. I've found the best approximation of legitimate viewers is checking the amount of logged in vs logged out users.
use the last two then, but they don’t have everything. maybe visit pcg
>You ever been on a porn site and had a random popup of some random cb model
I literally had Mel pop up just like that when she was collabing with El.
I only find it odd because she's like 13k higher than any other female streamer right now and far higher than she usually is. I can only hope it's not shenanigans because I wouldn't want Mel to get banned for botting when she isn't.
If only Froot haters took this life advice. At least, it looks like things are starting to wind down, all the protagonists of this drama are being uncovered, everyone, hopefully, moves on, and this can end soon.
Nigga what
pmg* I’m tired
I'm not that's why I'm posting here doing my part. but then again the fact that froot doesn't sue these gunnuts there's little we can do. I'm personally tired this shit isn't handled legally and this goes for all vshojo organized hate groups.
I will never end if it doesn't have a closure that will scare future haters.
Compile your shit. Get it to false.
I believe in you anon just archive everything and let false do the rest
if he really wants people to drop it, why does he leak stuff to antis using it to harass her instead of clearing the air with reasonable people?
Mel showing off some new stuff. Melware now has a model just for MMD. Although I'm pretty sure she already did so I'm not sure what Mel is talking about. She's also showing off a new butt plug asset for her 3D streams.
He wants people to drop HIM out of it.

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