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- Megas:
/lig/'s Archive (Non-Paywalled, excludes HoloNiji)- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA

Ask in thread for options below (Including paywalled cards)!
Horny image maker: https://twitter.com/Wataaamage
Koi image/video maker: https://twitter.com/koi_s3
VTuber/Hololive Koikatsu Card
- Koikatsu Database: https://db.bepis.io/
- Pixiv Releases: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/バーチャルYouTuber キャラ配布(コイカツ)
MMD VTuber (iwara.tv)
- https://oreno3d.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#1)
- https://erommdtube.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#2)
- https://mmdfans.net (Iwara video cache/archiver)
Subscription Site Archives:
Patreon/Fanbox/Gumroad/etc. - https://kemono.su/
Fansly - https://coomer.su/
Catbox : https://catbox.moe/ (200mb max)
Litterbox : https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ (1Gb Max/temporary storage)
God, I love fat tits like it's unreal.
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Alright, I'm gonna do this post early so that anyone with earlier requests can see them!
Merry Milk anon - Reply if you need a card!
Please refer to the rentry in the OP for what I have.

Previous requesters, please check out the two Nabi-posts last thread!
no dying while I'm busy
Well, merryfren, I'm gonna once again bother you for another selection of NijiJP cards to add to my collection. This time, I'd like to request:
>Matsukai Mao
>Mononobe Alice
>Todoroki Kyoko
>Onomachi Haruka
>Suzuka Utako
Hope you're having a good one!
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I really like this artist.
Any Gigi cards? I have the old Wataamage one and hoping for something more recent
this a long shot but, have anyone made a smugalana card?
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Is there any good art of Noel gettting brutally ryonad?
Or just vtubers getting ryonad in general.
I just like watching anime girls suffer.
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>Nabi is still one of the most attractive for me
Man she's so sexy but not just that but she looks really beautiful in general. Like model (heh) levels of stunning
I guess there's also her laugh and the whole yandere aspect of her which is also hot (but dangerous(ly hot))
>You know you love a design when you don't even wanna remove it when making lewds!
Honestly her with her short skirt and boob window make already make keeping her clothes on convenient. Looks hotter to me as well
She was also so sweet as well and sounded almost as wholesome as Uto

Glad you're doin that since I've had trouble getting back into writing
Hot. Like the whole "obscured nudity" teasing style of lewds too
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Whoops dozed off for a bit. So no dying while I sleep.
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I liken Nabi to a blue morpho butterfly (which her design kinda seems to draw from)

Absolutely stunning beauty that draws you in, yet also draws some suspicion. Perfectly describes how I feel about her cuteness as well as her ability to be a little unhinged. Never heard a girl whose laugh sounded cute but also gave me chills

And yes, agreed with the clothing part! Just make her keep it on during sex hahaha Man, I am so biased towards soft, beautiful/elegant designs, huh?

Going for gold with these Niji requests, huh? Well, here's what I'd recommend for those members:
>Matsukai Mao
Haku has the newest card (I generally choose Haku over Hat if I can).

>Mononobe Alice
Okay, all 4 Alices have something going for them, so I'll post all three. Hourai did a port of her MMD. Keiyuu's looks a little more mature. shumidesu's looks more like her L2D, and Koiking uses newer costumes.

>Todoroki Kyoko
Go for Kumahiro21's card.

>Onomachi Haruka
Best card of her's from Haku yu.

>Suzuka Utako
Once again, the best card of her's from Haku yu. Comes with a bonus outfit.

There have sadly been no Gigi updates, nor a new card. I currently run an edited version of the card with tweaked pupils to try to get her "crying pupils" look down, but that's technically not a new card.

Putting those cards and the NijiHub outfit to use, huh? I just love seeing people using lesser-utilized chuubas like Chima or Warabeda!

I don't recall seeing that kindof art with Noel.

Then again, ryona's more of a /freak/ or /meat/ (rip) kinda thing, and I don't recall seeing any of those anons in this thread.
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True. There's this almost foreign/to-good-to-be-true sort of docile beauty to her that also hides a more dominant darkness beind it. I guess that potential for unhinged and the illusion of it being subdued because of her mannerisms just happen to add to her charm
Yes and that's very normal, I'd say. Ones like those hit on multiple levels
God those sweater puppies
Hot hot HOT! Perfect way to use the cut out though I also wonder about going in the other way...
and upside-down, throat grabbing, masscara running, chocker-snapping irrumatio

God, I also really wish she'd leave me covered in blue lipstick so bad...

She also seems like the type to draw you in and let you do what you want and then, when you have no strength to fight back, have "her turn, her way" until she's done. Sensitivity be damned... or more fun for her

I'm gonna sleep but really hope I have a fullfilling dream this time
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I tried making her in SVS, but with the combination of the game still being in its' infancy and me being an inexperienced card maker I ended up giving up after a while
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Don't be sad! Be happy!
No dying.
Kaela should sit on my face
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>sex with Smilfy
Yes. Fuck you mean 'no'?
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I need to save her.
It's an impossible task
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Then who can I save? (hags preferred)
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every single holohag is in danger from my penis
you my attempt to save any or all of them from my penis
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No die!
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Maybe you don't deserve the horni
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I keep falling asleep.
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No dying while I'm out!

Mamma mia!
I'd just reach forward and start playing with her nipples
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hell yeah

god, all Snuffy models (except the one from RIGHT at the start, fuck that one) are sex, but classic Snuffy is just offensively sexy, gyattdamn

Do you think pic related could focus on taking a wank long enough to finish, or do you think she'd get distracted by squirrels?
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>>86067196 (me)

Just realised that Snuffy debuted towards the start of 2020, which means she's actually an old enough vtuber to have been in that weird formative period where English speaking vtubers didn't know whether to go with 3d or 2d. Damn, she's practically older than trees as vtubers go.

Also, holy shit, sporty Snuffy was sexy as fuuuck.
I'm gonna be honest, I had to look up who that is
but after a slight bit of research, I don't think she could focus on jilling off long enough to finish before she would tackle snuffers to the ground, tear off her bottoms, stick her tongue as deep into her asshole as it can go, and rim her on overdrive until she's screaming so loud everyone within a mile can hear
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did she just decide to have enormous tits one day instead of next to nothing or is it some kinda lore thing?
i know nothing about her
Around late 2021, she debuted an alternate, 3D-only version of her main design referred to as "Smilfy"
And yeah, she basically just decided "fuck it, time to have massive titties" which is pretty based
I want to see /ss/ paizuri with her
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The thinking man's fetish.
like, god, look at those things
they're fuckin destined for it
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lol fat
I said live.
I wonder what they'll do with him
I like this classic, it's a good one with how it ends
Hm? Is that set up referencing something? I just grabbed a random scene when I made that a while ago
You don't remember following it up with this?
Oh right. I forgot I made that one lol. I guess I missed it in my huge San collection
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San sex
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Must be a pretty good collection...
>143 cm
holy muh dick
I remember someone talking about collecting pics of mini-chuubas in glasses before
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My hobby is watching movies
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'Twas I although I don't recocognize that one
Mononobe Alice
Love the many different reasons why chuubas have minigirl fanart, it's fun
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Ah I see, true. Though I tend to liek the ones that could pass for the chuubas also being their actual sizes in giant cups if that makes sense
Like they don't feel too minature which I guess is done by the PoV and also how they're to big for the cup
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Looks suspiciously like dying in here.
sorry about that
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Well quit it.
I'll try to gofile it. Give me a bit and i'll post it
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Sure thing
spooky season coming up soon
Here's the link to the collection
Also can you tell me where the ice cream pic in this post is from? >>86082372 I see it's labeled 12 so do you have the rest of it?
Sex is very tired sorry.
That just means you sex chuubas while they sleep. Sleep sex is very good too
No dying while I sleep.
Oh a while back when the pick of Kronii and the other girls as JKs/in streetwear were posted here I just saved what there was until then
They aren't all San related ones and there are about 35 in total until they start going from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160
Those are the only ones from that weren't already posted that have San in it
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need moar somnophilia chuuba fanarts
Thank you for that. I hope you enjoy the San collection. Nearly 3 gbs of delicious San lewds
Maybe you should post a collection of all the San stuff you have just in case I missed anything
holy based random catbox filename
Cute pilot
god I want to see this continue
San press
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Tree rat sex
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No dying!
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I was today years old when I learned that Lunlun apparently has a doujin

Like what? lol
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The filename leads to the pixiv page (its paywalled)
Well its really a normal non-H one until the end CGs but yeah

Agreed. Flayon's cute, and I think we've been sleeping on Stars EN as useful male models for chuuba stuffing.
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You can't make me.
Mio hag ass
Jelly is just begging to be corrected.
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Sorry, it's hagtits.
worry not, anon, I share your vision
Still need to munch chuuba carpet
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Okay fine but you have to promise to not die.
Going to pastaland in a few days. If I see any beeg sexy cat women I'll mind my own business because Raora is a wonderful hardworking lady and I respect her privacy.

Panko, on the other hand, gets handcuffed to the bed with each leg cuffed to a different side of the bed.
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Counterpoint: kitty titties.

You make a good point. They would be very soft. However, I refer you to my prior statement: she is a lovely and hardworking lady and I wouldn't want to impose.
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Hot there should be more silhouette stuff in general
I wanna see where this goes
Typical gyaru
Hey hey. Where’s the catbox?
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Failed soundpost......
I can't even try to redo it because it'll be an identical image

ded catbox, da lah.
Just crop the image slightly smaller

you could just use a different image of Cosexy Beejay
>4 posts about the failed catbox

P-please stop reminding me of my failure....

It's okay, we all make mistakes. Just re-upload that mp3 for us in your own time and we're all good. Have a Kaela in the meantime. The natural predator of the beejoe.
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I don't think it's the catbox being dead, he just forgot to change it to %2F. Change that "_2F" to a "/" and there's your catbox link

changed for a % and a /. One didn't resolve at all and the other went to a 404.
Oh sure these are the other San ones I have from that collection although I think most of em were already posted
Not just the % or /, the 2F too. Should be files.catbox.moe/ysbwhn.mp3 the / has to be %2F in the filename for the soundpost to work but downloading with firefox changes the % to _ so you have to fix it after you download it
Impressive as hell collection. Here's the few I have that you don't.
https://files.catbox.moe/e44gjz.jpg (I don't think I saw this one in your folder but I'm actually not sure)
https://files.catbox.moe/99roj6.png (found this one on R34. Artist never said it was San, but it was tagged as San, soooooo)
https://files.catbox.moe/j6ax7m.jpg (colored version of a drawthread delivery)
https://files.catbox.moe/19xxmn.png (given that this is Naoillus, I'm 99% sure for his art that if it's Holo and the guy has dark skin, it's supposed to be San)
https://files.catbox.moe/4dj06k.png (Also from drawthread. No, I don't know why the drawanon made him white)

you're a wizard, anon.
Arigatou anon. And thanks for the praise on the collection. I made sure to go through twitter/rule34/kemono and other sites thoroughly to make sure I didn't miss any San stuff
Also fun fact I was the one who asked a KK anon to make the San card we currently use since I thought the old one could use a lot of improvement
Anyways if you find any more San stuff feel free to post it
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I'm not wizard, I'm just guilty of making the same mistake
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Oh yeah I think there was a KK series san went banging the EN's (upt to at least CouncilRyS) including Sana
This just reminded me of that
Oh yeah and thanks. I'm more of a "San x Holo" rather than solo San stuff but again thanks for that
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No die.
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I thought I said.
>I thought I said.
Sex with hags!
I just want more San lewds in general. Both with Holos and by himself Also maybe him X Holostars lewds too
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Okay that too.
anyone have the hatoko ceci card?
>have sudden thought
>check to see if there's anything
>holy fuck my dick
Would. Hard. Multiple times a day even.
I will now watch your Niji.
what about this one
Isn't this one graduated?
yeah, but hey, archives aren't hard to find
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Nya, no dying.
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As death, it's not like she really needs to breathe you know~
I wish there were more lewds of chuubas like this
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apparently some of you guys love kemono/furry chuubas so

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