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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Do you believe in redemption arcs?
two will be gone, but who?
Fauna graduates, Gigi terminated. Both by July next month.
Next year, I am retarded.
mori is far beyond redemption, wasting fauna's time just adds to that
Left was infinitely more entertaining
That's a complicated question, that depends on what you mean by "redemption". I believe that, that a behaviour changes over time, implies to some degree that there are feelings larger than immediate gains. The very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled to putting trust in something that can be faulty. I'd like to talk to you a lot more about this. Would you be interested in reading some of my literature?
No, the catalog will always be shit and (You) will always eat pagpag.
>still rent free
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dumb xra poster
gomene, senpai 3>
Biboo is already making this less entertaining than the one on the left
Right one will never be as funny as the left one.
i only care somewhat about fauna
hopefully mori
but any two is fine.
>homosister discord already raiding this thread seething
sisters will argue the homo rp was better but both are shit because mori is the gm
Yeah Kronii has really redeemed herself since those days on the left
whats there to redeem though? the tittyRPG with the boys was kino
she used to be my most watched now she's my favorite
>all the sisters saying the shitty collab with the failed males was better than the girls one without even watching the second
maybe after another 10-15 years of good behavior. but to be honest probably never. there is no reason to go back to someone who broke your trust ever.
>catalog thread meant to be bait
>wow, i can't believe people are being mean
Why is Mori like this?
she isn't your girlfriend bro
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Thank God for that
Why is Biboo like this? Does her autism kick in when there's more than one person to interact with?
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It's never too late to see the light
No, I've heard tell that mori is alot less of a whore these days but I never watched her anyway and I can't be bothered to forgive her.
So shes just gonna stay channel blocked like I did back when all the shit went off and I'll avoid her whenever possible
stay strong, mindbroken friend
>unironic homolover
who the hell are those two dudes in the image
Fulgim and Fabius Bile
Fauna already had one of her cats die and all she did was take a break.
>Scientist have discovered that OP literally cannot stop thinking about dick
Fauna graduate after constant harasment from Gigi. Gigi terminated because she fucking hates vegan and cant stop herself saying slurs toward fauna especially during their first offline meet up where Gigi tries to trick fauna into eating porks like an anti muslim she is.
wait for that mario party with mori, that will sure get your hopes up sister
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>her best friend is a SEA zoomer who spouts gibberish and memes
>said SEA zoomer friend also steals your gimmicks and mocks you in the amount of hours streamed
From my point of view, it's /vt/ that is in the wrong
when's the /vt/ redemption arc?
Ollie im guessing, the other person Schizos hate
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she had one, but she threw it into the gutter and double down and dragged everyone else into it.
if u trust a bitch who constantly lies, it's on you cuck
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Mori graduates, she ungraduates, and graduates again.

Pink haired women have a tendency to do this.
Thanks for the homosis seething containment thread, OP
This is hilarious
>collab songs = leeching
So this os how a sister’s mind works
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I forgive her.
I'm becoming pretty fluent in schizo (unfortunately) so I can tell you, they mean Bijou
insane lol
What's more funny is that he doesn't realise an original with Ame is coming out next week. The mixer is just a bit slow so she can't get it out before Ame's semi-graduation.
Seriously. This thread feels like a mental asylum.
>Gigi is chinese
She's Chinese?
Mori never apologized for trying and failing to merge holoEN with Tempus, so she gets zero redemption. You need to be sorry to get forgiveness, why do board retards always miss the obvious?
Jesus forgives those who seek forgiveness, otherwise you go to hell, see >>86034391
>pag pag
>that Mori put out that MV shitting on /vt/ for shitting on Tempus
Strange fanfic desu
Just anon being racist, don't overthink it.
>Food is racist now
Redditor appropriating other culture again.
You made me laugh at least. You dumb nigger.
>for scheduling a myth ttrpg just to cancel at the last second so she could do a one with the reddit podcast guys
These two events were like a month apart from each other
She canceled it because she thought the originally ending she wrote was ass
GG ching chongs my ding dong
If you actually watched the one on the left opinion discarded, if you didn’t opinion still discarded. Homoloving retard
>racist is bad.
Where do you fucker come from.
they were on same day retard
I saw a haitian bonk a cat and stir fry it once, 20 years ago, but now I'm a racist for not forgetting I did. Some shit just stays with you.
So why’d they stop ? Kinda surprised HoloEN as a whole minus herb memoryholed the homos
>she still is a nijinigger
This post is double baffling
One saving a clip from like 2022 or some shit, before anyone knew how fucked NijiEN was
Two giving her the epitaph "nijinigger" when she grand total of zero collabs with them, over other HoloENs who have multiple collabs with them is insane lol
>Spoonfeed me [retty please
Why do retards always join discussions where they know absolutely nothing aobut the topic at hand?
that still doesn't clear it up, esl-chama
>they were on same day retard
No they weren't dumbfuck
Mythbreakers was canceled on the 25th and the other happened on the 30th
Now post the one where she told homobeggars to not bother the other girls both in the beginning and when they were terminated. And when she also pushed new gens to have their collab bans shortened to be fair.
OP is a retard
this one?
NTA but he didn't ask for you post your fetish fuel
>make claim
>no proof
>"no spoonfeeding!"
>nobody believes you
many such cases
Board cycles through newfags, that is why.
But they weren't terminated
Are unicorns still going to be crying in 10 years when Mori is managing EN?
No apology, no redemption. Simple as.
>Make claim
>Gets questioned
>Refuse to substantiate
>Assume that whoever is talking to you is a deadbeat
>Deflect to them instead of providing proof
>Accuse anyone who doesn't believe you be lying
Nah, action speaks louder than words.
You have Mori who has done tons of work for Hololive, then you have the lazy unapologetic like Ame.
anyone that mentions 'spoonfeeding' or 'do your reps' as a reason to why they aren't substantiating their claims, it's a safe bet that they're just making shit up
why mori needs redemption anyway
this will be one hell of a ride
So what you're saying is, Mori is the holoEN version of Elira
I don't know who that is.
no, Mori would never do the black stream
Exactly. She did nothing wrong.
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Sisters really bringing out all the old hits this thread aren't they?
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I unironically enjoyed both. It's win-win for me.
No, Mori, Kronii and Ame perfectly knee what they were doing and we should never forget nor forgive their malice.
>we can be the ones to finally change this TOXIC and BACKWARDS japanese idol culture
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I realize I'm not the target audience, but I just can't take maletubers seriously, their designs always look so ridiculous
god i want to smell her pits
/pol/brained retards trying to pin their obsessions on these girls are something to behold
I don't even remember that stream on the left ever happening. How many sessions did they do?
it was a one shot, the new one gonna be the same unless Mori decides to bring the group back
so feminized now
The only one who wasted Fauna's time was THAT SCOUNDREL BONES MALONE
Least obvious falseflagger
will Fubuking be live tweeting this?
do you... do you take other vtubers seriously?
I hope she do, I don't think there is a better group to start a campaign with than this one
Sisters hate it when you point out Kronii hard-carried every single one of those collabs because the two faggots added nothing to the experience except screaming like monkeys.
it might be hard to get Fauna to attend regular sessions that are 4 hours later than her regular streaming window
other three are no issue
the last time she mentioned a cock haver was over a year ago. get over it already
the /#/s thread seems to think so and frankly the opinions of that thread are the only ones that really matter
>t /#/monkey
It's all they have anymore and it is endlessly hilarious.
So why does the left piss people off so much? I'm gonna watch the latest because of Gigi.
because they can't get over a bunch of homos that have been gone longer than they've been in. me thinks its repressed homosexuality because even sisters dont care about the 2 anymore.
I can't believe it. Mori changed from collabing with men to collabing with lolis
Left was funny though
I just wish her dream of doing an orisong with every myth member died before she was able to leech of my oshi
Mori redeemed herself a year ago already. Praise FuwaMoco for healing Hololive EN.
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I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, or Ame in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way, shape, or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for Hololive and that they don't belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change Hololive. Hololive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs, or spiteful bitches.

>Y-You should forgive her!

>S-She's changed, she's better now
No she hasn't and even if she has, I don't care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.

>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>Don't you believe in second chances?
All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on Twitter, I don't stalk them, I don't even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they've pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they've shown themselves to be.

These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.
When will ERB have her redemption arc?
my bet was on her being a flip
No magni so no magnillion views on the right side
Why did she need redeeming?
TRRPG is boring. The rest of Myth hated it. I don't blame them
only if they are red, deadbeat
Well it's a good thing Mori recognized that after the fact which is why she only does oneshots nowadays.
It's not anon's fault pagpag is fucking disgusting and flips eat it.

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