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Previous Thread >>85990075

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY
confess your sins to fuwawa
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
I love Fuwawa more than I love Mococo
the biggest problem with that was it's easier to sing Japanese lyrics as an English-speaker than it is to sing English lyrics as a Japanese-speaker
I had a naughty dream about Mococo
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I haven't actually fapped to FUWAMOCO
I stopped watching their Aquarium stream after the Fubuki ending, I didn't watch their Member stream supa reading, I didn't watch any of their GTA streams, I skip every JP stream, except for those that have Marine or a Senpai they like. I sometimes feel bad for loving Fuwawa more, I actually got annoyed at Mococo during the last day of ENreco.
>I actually got annoyed at Mococo during the last day of ENreco.
pretty much me anytime mococo autistically screams or whenever her voice becomes too overbearing
I still haven't memorized the BAUDOL calls
I actually felt bad for feeling that way... Up to that point, I have never gotten actually mad or pissed at Mococo, but her screams and voice during that stream really got to me...
I've never fapped to FWMC
I actually gameplay schizo out a lot when they play like absolute shit but I pretend everything is cool in the chat.
it’s because you would be trying to watch fuwawa’s comfy pov and mococo would yell and scream as loud as she could whenever she could
I watch 90% of their content, but if I don't make it live I never watch the archive
I reply to tweets and comment to support them, but actually think it's a pain in the ass to do
I'm starting to think they're eating too much time in my life
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I pretend to be a huge coomer and have written many fanfics about what I would do to them but more than anything else I just want to be held, cuddled, and loved by them while having sex in the missionary position with hands held. I still want to do all the dirty stuff too though.
I think FWMC are only like B tier holos
I know one you has it: gimmie the Fuwamoco standing in front of Rax Roast Beef picture.
Damn if theyre only b-tier, than thats grim for Hololive as a whole... Maybe its good that I refuse to branch out if they're already peak
What you're saying doesn't make sense. If you are saying that even a Holo as good as FWMC only ranks as B then that would mean that other Holos are even better than them so how would that be grim for Hololive?
Nah, it means that if hololives top girls are b-tier at max, then the company is only a b-tier vtuber company in which case thats grim. No point in watching C or D-tier, cause I'm already watching the best there is
Nah its implying that FWMC ar ethe peak, and if the peak of hololive is only """""B-tier""""" then the rest of the company isnt even worth looking at...
I am literally, unironically in love with them and I'm not joking.
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Ame's soft-graduation and thebgraduation/termination of a bunch of other girls has unironically given me a lot of anxiety and trauma. I've even written out my "final" superchat/message anticipating the day FWMC graduate...
They're probably around a B if I look at them objectively, but that's really hard for me when I'm blinded by how much I just want them to do well
You are misunderstanding, it is a relative ranking of their position within HoloEN
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Well to me their relative ranking is S-tier! Especially when it comes to how cute they are! They're S-tier CUTE!
Looking at them objectively, I'd definitely put them in the upper echelon simply due to how hard they work
Biboo is RPing as a cowboy who worships Lightning McQueen and is a dog who speaks Japanese. I feel like the third Abyssgard sister was born
>in HoloEN
Oh, then they're absolutely 100% in the top tier then
I don't actually like Michael Jackson and think his music is kinda mid
fwmc btw
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I appreciate their hustle and their idolshit but their regular stream content is pretty bad
>Western memes
Yeah, nah. That's not an Abyssgard.
FWMC definitely do not know what lightning McQueen is
holy shit taste
There's nothing with with being B-tier or C-tier, as long as your moving and living your life.
>Girls I like and watch
>A or S
>Girls I don't like or don't watch
>C or D
Simple as.
>Bae in S rier
kek okay, shitpost confirmed
Shitpost discarded
D tier opinion
I like and watch everyone C or above at least once every couple weeks
I agree I think almost all of HoloEN is good, some are just better than others
Brother, if that is your actual opinion, I can only say baused. Holy mother of contrarianism.
How the hell is mumei S tier???
anyone who likes idols and doesn't care about male collabs would rate Bae highly
It is my opinion but I don't see why it's contrarianism
They're definitely the best girls in EN, so this list is kinda wrong.
Why did you reply to my honest cute post with a shitpost
I will grant you that she would probably be A tier if not for MuBae.
If you don't watch someone regularily, you have no right to judge their worth. That's why these are stupid to begin with and it should just be watxh/don't watch. No, threadreading and catching a singke stream once a month or seeing them collab sometimes is not a good judge of character or quality.
F tier reply didn't read
Its contrarianism because youre putting a girl who's objectively a bad singer and bad entertainer(Bae) in S-tier, while putting FWMC in C/D tier. Everyone knows Bae is a good dancer, but a very bad singer.
>A tier
I don't even see how she is A tier.
because you responded to my post about my ranking with your own ranking so I responded explaining myself?
dont ever reply to me
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Nice FUWAMOCO discussion happening right now
NTA but she's not a bad singer, just an inconsistent one who lacks training
Her 3D performances generally always sound good for example but her karaoke needs work, the point is she sounds great when it actually matters, on the stage
Fags here love Holo v Holo because they want to gloat about the 'superiority' of FWMC in the EN branch 24/7. They're scum
It's not a singing ability tier list tho? That's just one part of being a Holo.
Eh, all the Holos are good at different things.
All the girls are pretty great though, with EN growing I'm kinda happy that they're able to occupy different niches even.
I don't watch their streams only some clips I'm only here because I like to jack off to the pink one
Is this really /baubau/? what's with the sudden leaf turn over? I'm gonna cry
Sexy Mococo?
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we've had like a month straight of mostly collabs so I imagine a lot of the newfags that were FWMC/Advent only before have come around on other girls
ERB is one brave soul. Hats off to her if her upcoming album pops off.
I don't care if vtubers talk to men.
>Raoru in whore for rm
>IRyS at the top in spite of rm
Both are married women, why the difference in placement? I don't understand why you would put RR in whore for reasons besides doxfaggotry
my 500 vtuber girlfriends aren't allowed to talk to men
>regular stream content is pretty bad
I really don't see the difference between them and mumei when it comes to regular streams. Mumei draws I guess?
Its just my opinion bro, no need to go schizo (: Shes not a good singer and not that good of an entertainer/streamer
nta, but she is good at organizing collabs.
I was hoping the EDF6 collab tomorrow would be 2 hours too like the first one so I could see some more of what's going on in the story. I read on /v/ that the game has something like 146 missions or something. That's fucking massive.
you could just play it. I downloaded the game today
nta, but I like how you filter out her stuff with low views.
I'm busy with other games ATM
drawing, actually does karaoke (and unarchived), better game selection (besides overwatch), better collabs
I sorted by popular, retard
Baused idolCHAD
I dont really watch mumei all that much but I was impressed with the clips I saw from hologta. It seems she has put in some workl to actually learn JP
No prob, its okay to have bad or mediocre taste, just dont try to pass it off as objective just because shes your oshi onegai
>actually does karaoke (and unarchived)
Mumei did 14 this year. FWMC did 12. The gap isn't even that big.
How do we know its gonna be short?
>better game selection
Eh, nah. FWMC play incredible streaming games, probably the best selection in all of EN imo
Because Advent's cover of Shunkan Heartbeat will premiere an hour later.
okay tell it to the millions of people who like her music
No one likes her music, they just like her. Its bad, just accept it brah. Shell get better someday when she finally decides to take lessons. Hopefully thay happens soon, cause her performance at BD was dreadful
>better game selection
She played buckshot roulette, FNAF, shashingo, DOOM, HoloMountain in the last 6 months. I really struggle to see how this is better than their game selection.
Hes a shitposting anti, what did you expect?
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>Pekora collab not even at 500k
Huh, weird. I guess it just feels that way since FWMC keep canceling them. Still I prefer unarchived, which they would do more of them
I really do not like streamer slop games nor VN streams
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Kanade - Nerissa
Ao - Shiori
Banchou - Biboo
Ririka - Mococo
Raden - Fuwawa
They did Mococo dirty...
>I really do not like streamer slop nor VNs
Thats fine, but their selection of games is still fantastic and varied, and their appeal comes from their personalities playing off one another. If you want generic slop like like FNAF there are plenty of other girls that play that shit.
As for RnR parties, they have more than most girls so youre absolutely shitposting for no reason.
What's the problem? Ririka is sex incarnate just as Mococo is.
she has been a Holo for more than 6 months
>I really do not like streamer slop games
>Games Mooms played in the last 6 months: played buckshot roulette, FNAF, shashingo, DOOM, HoloMountain
>I guess it just feels that way since FWMC keep canceling them.
Yes it feels that way cause youre a threadreader who gets all his information from shitposts
>FWMC play incredible streaming games
lol no. Maybe at debut yeah
Hmm, it should have been
Shiori - Raden
Biboo - Hajime
Mococo - Kanade
Nerissa - Ao
Fuwawa - Ririka
>so youre absolutely shitposting for no reason.
bro you're the one that asked me to explain why I like Mumei
They do tho. If you want streamer slop, go find another girl
Yeah you explained by shitting on their "game selection" which is objectively great?
>maybe at debut
They do now tho, unless youre a numbernig in which case see you later.
are you familiar with the concept of personal taste?
Anon, other than DOOM and buckshot roulette, they played the same slops.
>FWMC did 12
how many of those were in the last 6 months?
Yes, just because people disagree with you doesnt mean you csn sperg out. Your subjective opinion is not fact bro. Accept that and move on already
I hope Advent don't play this horror game Kaela and Kronii are playing. It has that voice mechanic shit where you need to keep quiet when the monster is around.
I preferred when they played stuff like zelda, cookies n cream and spooky's. Long game series that had me looking forward to the next week. My issue is the FOTM games they play once and move on from. Donkey Kong is the only thing currently ongoing right now.
again, you have only looked back at her channel half a year.
I never said my opinion was fact. Actually, you are the one who used "objectively great". You are a retard and a faggot.
They need to play more VNs
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and you sound like a bwown twanny who's opinions are worthless.
>gets BTFO and starts calling people meme insults
get new material
>come to thread
>shit up the place with worhless opinions as if they were "fact"
>get mad when BTFO'd by facts and logic
Your opinions are not fact. Your oshi is in another thread. Accept this and move on already
Going back to when FWMC debut:
Fishing simulator
Wolf quest
Fashion Dreamer
Stardew Valley
Buckshot roulette
Am I supposed to pretend this is a much better game selection? At best they are even.
all kino games that FWMC should play
wolf quest alone is better than anything they've streamed imo
Lol fuck no. That game is garbage.
>get mad when BTFO'd by facts and logic
how euphoric are you in this moment bro?
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yes but it's genuine garbage, not "trying to be bad with the intention it gets streamed" garbage, and that makes all the difference
Bro, you like mumei. Whatever. Don't come to this thread pretending she has a better selection of games.
>these are the people unironically saying FWMC have bad game selection
Theyll never play zoomerslop like this, so may as well not watch them anymore. I'm glad they like interesting shit like DKC2 and VNs cause holy fuck this would be a grim schedule.
Your opinion is bad and you should leave.
They should play mischief makers
okay enjoy Japanese horror streamer game #1323 as your one non-collab game this week
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How ironic...
VNs are garbage, but retro games are probably my favorite games they do play. But we get like one stream a month of that.
And they absolutely would play wolf quest if they were invited to
Sure I will!! Enjoy... nothing I guess since youre here and not watching your oshi.
They would play almost anythijg if they were invited to a collab for it, yeah. Retro games and VNs are their absolute content where you get the most FWMC experience. Not sure how anyone could have watched White Album or Sakura Wars and then came out of it with the opinion that those werent unironically hilarious streams. I guess you have to actually enjoy FWMC as people to enjoy their actual content.
SWV is kino though. Goofy script.
Mumei isn't my oshi. And no one is streaming right now but Kronii.
VNs are their best streams, retro games are okay but Korone does it better.
Sorry, I decided to take a nap before the usual stream time and woke up just now...
We can play tomorrow before or after the Advent collab I guess
I am kinda jealous regloss get to put out a full album as a unit.
>VNs are their best streams,
I cannot fathom this it's like watching someone read a book.
>retro games are okay but Korone does it better.
I can see why Shiori is taking Ao's role since that is the range she is most comfortable with.
She does but she's a beast of her own so it doesn't feel fair to compare them
If Korone is S-tier, no one in EN deserves to be S-tier. Best not to compare them to her.
They are super into VNs and watching them be excited and do what they enjoy is the best.
the problem is no one wants to watch VN streams. if you thought JP streams were segregating the fanbase then VN streams are ten times worse.
you're saying that as if they haven't done 50 hours of vn streams
They should do it the FUWAMOCO way. VN streams are who they are. They want fans to know about them? FUWAMOCO are FUWAMOCO when they play VNs, not when they're doing horrorslop or whatever shitty FOTM game is going on. What's the point if everyone joins them expecting something they aren't anyways?
>whatever shitty FOTM game is going on
I think they genuinely are fans of those games though. They see their senpais play it and they wana play it too.
You think they are genuinely fans of the Sisphys game and shit? No that is just for numbers. They see their senpais play it, realize it's popular, and go for it.
I went to grab a screenshot of Sakura Wars being their lowest view game stream ever but it turns out that's now an Fuwawa ENReco stream
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VNs are something FUWAMOCO love enough to the point of going out of their way to get merch of despite being poorfags. To say it's something they "enjoy" is an understatement,
VNs are peak FWMC as a result VN streams are the best

People who don't like VNs or VN streams shouldn't watch FUWAMOCO.
It's that simple
so? only 3k ruffians watch them. it's a waste of a stream slot if you choose content that filters people as much as an SC reading.
those things you named are all the FUWAMOCO way, retard. they are excited to play VNs, horrorslop. might as well be more inclusive.
ok, we can play after. im playing right now too
I disagree because they knew Bunny Garden brings huge numbers but didn't want to stream it. And Mbembe wasn't popular but they still streamed it too.
I didn't notice till now but their eyes are on her ears, colored arrows. Cute
Fuwawa was not into ENreco
>Most "fans" are filthy fucking casuals
Yes and? They have less than 2000 members as well. Should they stop doing membership streams?
>They see their senpais play it and they wana play it too.
...what do you think FOTM means? It's good for a one-off and to attract tourists and nothing else
If they liked it they'd play it more than once
It's okay Fuwawa, your POV was max comfy.
Holy baused
I disagree because I think they genuinely like such games. Like they were super into sushi soul universe and shinkansen.
FUWAMOCO's most popular stream by far is their debut with over a million views. Clearly they should only do debut streams.
you know if all their streams do as poorly as those do, they will go broke and graduate, right? even having outlier terrible view streams harm them badly in the algorithm
>They have less than 2000 members as well
Based on the latest poll, they have at least 4k members no?
>if they liked games they finish in a single stream they should play it more than once
absolute empty brain
why do you think Ironmouse does a new model reveal every month?
>They will go broke and graduate right
Oh ok, you're just a fucking moron.
best streams are adventures of cookie and cream and donkey kong
>so? only 3k ruffians watch them. it's a waste of a stream slot if you choose content that filters people as much as an SC reading.
by your logic, they should only play fotm chillaslop and rnr
>you know if all their streams do as poorly as those do, they will go broke and graduate
>CCV = Money
And this is the person I'm arguing with
Now I feel silly
Am I the only one who likes karaokes the most???
you're a fucking moron if you think someone can be a full time streamer with videos pulling 30k views
Oh nice
If you're going to continue for a while I can join in like 20 mins
good thing they ain't full time streamer then
>holos don't need people to watch their streams to be successful
not sure you're thinking this through slow-bro
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lurker numberfag here, they have well over 2k members, at minimum they have 6k in august based on the public chat scraper and realistically they have way more since that only looks at chatters
>their members actually increase by 50% at least since debut
>even with the drought of member content
how the fuck
mococo sounds different fuwawa doesnt
They finish most of them but not all of them, and I'm not saying they don't like some of them
But saying they like every single one is bullshit
now that you say it
did they managed to finish cocoon with chama?
They both sound different to me
other EDF anon here, my nap earlier went on for too long too but I'm up for playing still
Nah, Fuwawa sounds the same as she does now. Mococo sounds a bit "cutsier" in this. She definitely sounds a bit more natural/casual now
they both sounds like they have their nose clogged
Why is this surprising? If you like their regular streams, then 5 dollars is just a show of support.
They got further than they normally do (because chama was playing) but I don't think they finished it yet
They sound the same to me, at least compared to the last member's stream.
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sounds good im gonna eat a snack real quick then
God watching a few seconds of this im being hit with a wave of comfy nostalgia. I really wish we could get more retro cozy gaming....
never said that. don't try to twist my words. i'm just giving the reason why they say one thing (that they love VNs) but do another (never stream VNs).
they're not blind. barely any ruffians watch or interact with those streams. if they didn't think they were a waste they would do them more.
don't try to twist my word, what I'm saying is that other than fotm chillaslop and rnr, they barely got more than 3k ruffians watching them and thus it's all a waste of stream slot
I miss season 1 so much.
holy shit she does
watch justice then
Did they not just thank us during the member stream for liking their VN streams? I remember thinking they were talking about the CYOA streams but then they made it clear they were talking about actual VNs too.
the NWP days are so comfy from a viewer perspective
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They were talking about actual VN streams because someone suggested playing FSN for members.
Im all set if youd like to create a room
The one of you two that has the least mission progress should host
Season 1
>Demonstrate Value
>Engage Physically
>Nurturing dependence
Season 2
>Neglect Emotionally
>Inspire Hope
Season 3
>Separate Entirely
I did the mission right after getting above ground
Ive been playing for the past 4 hours so the other anon then
At this point, literaly everyone who uses this word is a confirmed shirposter. There are no "le seasons" its YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2. Thats it.
First time rewatching on older stream? Their voices have been in a constant state of change for the past decade.
Guess it's your time to host then
Post the room name and password if you want to make it private though it should be fine as public
alright one second
so you're saying there is no difference in their content before and after they moved to Japan?
I never said that, I simply said literally everyone who uses that phrase is pretty much always gonna be a shitposter. Basically instantly proven right by that other anons post implying they'll "separate entirely" lmao
It's up but I didn't do online mode when playing earlier so it's gonna start from the first mission...
room name wuffians password bau bau
>trying to limit how one uses words
Nice try, Satan
how do one limit how one uses words
You're limited by being an ESL.
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Have you prayed to the goddess miosha today, wuffians?
Things changed a LOT after they moved to Japan, calling the pre-Japan time season 1 is simple and easy to understand.
but that is a limit one imposed upon thyself, not one imposed unto one
*season 5
you mean year 2
Are you still coming? Seemed like you were having issues joining or something
Did you want to try joining again anon?
even going by that logic, how do you explain season 3
>they changed a lot
No they didnt. Theyre exactly the same. The only thing that changed is how busy they are. "le Season 1" is a shitposting term uaed by threadreaders and people who hate them. Just say pre japan or the "japan arc" like a normal human being.
they have clearly expressed their intent to go full speed ahead on HW and idol dream
blud doesn't have membership
They expressed that on day 1, anon. The fucks your point? Did you really ignore all the times they talked about this?
>he doesn't watch mengen
Their biggest paypigs used that term in NYC, sure is weird to send thousands of dollars to someone you hate. You've been trying to rail against this for months, meanwhile everyone else has already known what it meant for a while now. It's just an easy distinction, a way to say pre move.
>Their biggest paypigs used that term in NYC,
No not a single person said that in NYC lmao, I know cause I was actually there. No one uses those terms except shitposters longing for days FWMC ALWAYS said would end and reiterated time and time again that you shouldn't take for granted.

There are no "le seasons" and you should stop crying about nothing with your reddit terms like a baby
Why would you lie about something so easily disproven? The fact that you're trying to mark things as "reddit" also with the "le" earlier, man you're really grasping.
>From debut until the moving arc
Season 1

>From the "doghouse search" arc until BD (the culmination of their dance practice and a good"ending point")
Season 2

"Season 3" started being used here when FWMC said that things would calm down in September, it was supposed to be a "return to form" after all these months of dance practice keeping them busy and unstable stream schedules.
>Why would you lie about something so easily disproven
Yes it is easily disproven because no one uses those reddit terms except antis and shitposters like you.
aaaaand you completely lost the part where it's supposed to be simple and easy to understand.
There is no "season 3" its all made up nonsense from people who hate them and refuse to watch streams
Why would you lie about something so easily disproven?
Just because you're mentally deficient doesn't mean it's hard to understand
>from debut until they go on "break" to move
>from the move until they go on "break" after BD
How? It's honestly really simple to understand.
>There is no "season 3"
Season 3 isn't properly defined but it started after their week long "break" after BD
What train line did everyone take to Barcade then?
It isnt "properly defined" at all becuase there is no begining nor is there an end. Take your shitposting back to the catalog.
Theres year 1 FWMC, and Year 2 FWMC. They are the same girls they were in Canada.
I Ubered.
Sure you did you lying fuck.
Yeah, this. And they started dance practice right after moving to Japan, the homework + dance practice had a REALLY big impact on "season 2", that and the "return to form" that was supposed to happen after BD makes Breaking Dimensions a really good stopping point for that "season".
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They said at least 5 times not to take that time together for granted and that things would change as they get busier. At this point you either have to be a shitposter or functionally retarded to still be complaining that they're not streaming every single day like they did in the first 3 months because they TOLD YOU that was an anomaly and wasn't going to happen as they go forward. Shut the fuck up about "muh season one" already
There was never going to be a "return to form" cause they daid as much, youu dishonest cretin
Alright then how about you go kill yourself then? Its obvious youre just shitposting because NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE uses your reddit terminology because it is meaningless garbage created by antis for the sole purpose of shitting on FWMC for daring to chase their dreams and not upholding promises they never made in the first place.
It's funny how much the "season" thing triggers this tranny. Everyone here knows what the seasons mean, stop having a melty just because you dislike the terminology.
Nobody expects them to stream like the first 100 days.That was always an anomaly and they said it wouldn't last. But between the end of the first 100 days and Feb, they haven't even gotten back to that rhythm yet. That's the rhythm that they INSISTED wouldn't change, and that the times wouldn't change either when they moved. That's what people are missing. November to Feb.
No, I'd rather shit on them and everything that they do because they refuse to personally cater to me by streaming so much they kill themselves! season 1 bros... owaru...
love this pic
>Caught in his lie, he attempts to deflect again
Sad. This is the last response you'll get from me, maybe some actual shitposter will entertain you for the rest of the thread.
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They said multiple times that things would "calm down" in September.
You seem to be the only one triggered here lmao
Go back to ribbit
Rhythm seems fine to me, they've streamed 6 times over the past eeek with several of those being over 5 hours
And they immediately said otherwise, but you dont watch streams and would rather ignore everything they say so you can shit on them with no remorse
And the week before that they canceled 3 streams.
What do you expect them to do? Dodge ENReco, HoloGTA and Ame collabs???
Caught in what lie? You seem incapable of proving that anyone other than you, a shitposting tranny, uses the terms "le seasons."
Not a single actual Ruffian uses them, and not a single person at BD used them. Stay mad, kill yourself, or go back to your nijiwhore I dont care.
>They are the same girls they were in Canada
Biologically, yes. Mentally, no. People change with time, and 6 months + moving to another country changes a person
Saying "they are the same" as "exactly the same" are not the "same" thing and conflating the two makes you disingenuous

>It isnt "properly defined" at all becuase there is no begining nor is there an end
There's always a beginning, the end just hasn't happened yet. And without an "end" it CAN'T be defined at all, that's way it's currently just "not properly defined"
It's a temporary label to make it easier to understand, and places that use paperwork like legal offices or government buildings do the same thing
They actually stream WAY too much, in all honesty. People here give them no credit at all and simultaneously want everything and nothing and Ill never understand it
You aren't even reading the thread
it's because separating things out into seasons makes the decline post move very obvious
Seems like your just autistically splitting hairs for no reason. They are fundamentally the same
Biboo cancelled her member stream, CC cancelled her karaoke and GTA, Mumei cancelled 2 GTA streams. Maybe you should consider all the girls are swarmed with work.
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>NOOO!! You can't say "season 1"!!!!
KEK I love triggering this tranny...
I'll say it however I want, keep seething faggots. If you don't like it you can use your reddit filters to stop seeing those posts, you are clearly not man enough to be here.
>declin and the shitposting tranny outs itself
Didnt realize streaming a shitload while putting on one of the best 3D debuts in years on top of a stellar performance at the second EN concert was them "declining" but okay.
They're actually doing phenomenally, and its disappointing how many people here have such a disdain for idols and the idol journey. Guess I expected too much of fucking /vt/ of all places
why does /baubau/ love trannies so much
Probably projection combined with a fetish of sorts. Same reason why /pol/fags obsess over black men so much.
>they immediately said otherwise
Watch streams, sister. They kept saying it for months, and only started saying otherwise last month. They said it and people starting expecting that.
tell any random person that season 2 is post-japan pre-bd and you'd get a confused look at best or an iyapan face on average
and the fact that BD is chosen by an out-of-context and misused quote from them isn't only disingenuous and unrepresentative, but also easily missable because they only said that once or twice max
so not easily understood, not easily understandable, and easily arguable
also, there's been no difference between season 2 and season 3 making the separation useless
>They kept saying it for months
post 5 timestamps
>trust me bro
Objectively wrong. They immediately went back on it and said things would be busy until march. Why lie so blatantly?
Watch streams and consider dial 8ing.
meant for
It is not, and just because you can't understand the difference doesn't remove the difference
FUWAMOCO are the same people as they were in NWP, but their current goals, physical health, mentality, and general thinking processes are not the same
Thus while they are the "same people" they aren't the "same persons" as they were. Two different things
It is currently 1:52 PM in Jakarta
>Thus while they are the "same people" they aren't the "same persons" as they were
sounds like esl-speak
>doesn't know the difference
You could at least google it, esl-kun
Just because your schizo mind can see a difference doesn't make it real
you tiped goggle wrongly, esl
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Honestly "season 2" was kino since it resulted in their absolute best content and some of the absolute greatest FWMC moments of their entire careers(Breaking Dimensions, 3D debut, Advent 3D collab, return of Sakura Wars, DKC2, GTA server, EnReco, etc).
We've honestly been in a true golden chapter of FWMC and its baffling that no none actually sees it except fucking me I guess. Sure I miss the occasional comfy stream, but we honestly STILL get those.
Not sure what all the shitposting is about, cause to me their content has improved and their output as idols has SPIKED in a way that should make any true Ruffian proud/happy
Are you unironically retarded? They only started saying the "May" thing last month, faggot.
Post timestamps. Post 1 single time that they said it before August (they started saying the September things in May-early June)
does BD counts as season 2 or season 3
>GTA server, EnReco
does this counts as s2 or s3
>DKC2, GTA server, EnReco
Those are Season 3
They happened after BD
You have yet to provide a single timestamp, so im going to assume you're a shitposting brownie. They said once thijgs wouod hopefully alow down, then they immediately said things would not. Learn to listen to them for once please, but I understand thats probably hard since your first language is Indonesian.
>tell any random person that season 2 is post-japan pre-bd and you'd get a confused look at best
That's the thing, it doesn't matter if no one outside of /here/ get it, as long as people here understand what they mean by it it's a valid terminology to use.
No one knows, but based on the retarded poats here, "season 2 " is after their move, season 1 is before their move. Season 3 hasnt begun yet, apparently. Who knows? Its all SEAfag shitposting anyway.
the blue and pink colors reminds them of them
>lists the return of great s1 streams and games as a highlight of season 2
I mean do you see the issue here? I was in tears seeing them at BD. It was great no doubt. But their streaming content, the day to day content, the thing that made me fall in love with them has suffered. I didn't fall in love with them because I saw them on stage. I went to see them on stage because I love them.
I hoisted myself upsidedown and came so hard, I almost fainted. I dont know why I did it. bau bau....
tell /global/ that fuwamoco s3 has been going great and you'd get no one answering because they don't take bait
and also because no one understand

that aside, the end of s2 is a point of contention so that clearly disqualified it as useful terminology
You're not the same anon that was choking themselves by stepping on their leash, are you?
Yeah cause Global doesn't watch streams and they definitely don't watch FWMC. They love homocollabers there, they're seething about FWMC going silent still. S3 was always after BD, the only one confused is you.
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>because they don't take bait
>thijgs wouod hopefully alow down
holy fucking irony
You might as well oshihen if you want to keep whining. Gaming streams are not their priority atm.
but we haven't returned to forme la orginal yet so why is it already s3
>tell any random person
Any random person doesn't watch FUWAMOCO so that doesn't matter at all. I don't give a fuck what a newfag or casual thinks because they don't care either

>there's been no difference between season 2 and season 3
I think you mean "There's no current difference" and that'd be correct because that's how it works. In this example shows and writings have different stages, the end point of one season has the same energy as the beginning of another unless there's a time skip
That's how writing a good work works, plus it's more the organize what they do and what has happened easier
I guess you can say he didn't slow down
No i genuienly dont see the issue at all, because I dont see returning streams as a bad thing or anything to have anxiety over. Streaming is good, nd they stream A LOT. Some games I like, some I dont like. Some collabs I like and some I dont like. Ultimately theyre doing a lot, and doing a great job attempting to juggle everything, and quite frankly doing a much better job than most girls would in their position. Sure "comfy" streams are nice and all, but they've always been all over the olace with streams.
I'm not in global now, am I?
I'm not saying it's the perfect terminology that EVERYONE will understand, I'm just saying that most people /here/ understand it, even the ones that seethe every time someone says it, so I don't see any issues with using it here.
>the end point of one season has the same energy as the beginning of another unless there's a time skip
so why is the end of s2 BD instead of the long break next week
I hope we get a boxset of FUWAMOCO
guess he didnt hold back haha...
You're the only one pushing for S3 and not even you can decide the end point of that
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do NOT shitpost with my Erefu wife
>term requires understanding of season writing works to understand
shit term
/here/ has always been about 4chin in general, not the thread specifically, newfags
>tell global anything and they don't take bait
Global is only bait so that's not true, that also isn't the FWMC thread so of course they don't care

>the end of s2 is a point of contention
It isn't though?
No, I wasnt choking myself, I simply hoisted myself on a hammock in sort of a "milking position" and really regret it.
what's the end point of s2
>crying about people using anime terms to describe vtubers
fake weebs fuck off and die
Anon, just give up... There's no point in actually trying to explain it to the retards. They just want to have something to seethe about, they'll never even try to understand and they'll always argue in bad faith.
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
Yoy should actually be using the terms "cour 1 and cour 2"
nta but BD obviously, season finale ends with the big event
your understanding of anime terms is lacking blud
>the end point of one season has the same energy as the beginning of another unless there's a time skip
this is laughable as fuck
BD and the week break after it
March after FES, obviously.
we got enreco immediately after bd, is that s2 or s3
No, a cour is a unit of time, a season is a narrative / production grouping. Season 1 of FWMC did not last 3 months
We're still in season 1 because they havent debuted at FES yet.
Careful, the filenameschizo will think you're the same person
>thijgs wouod hopefully alow down
>I understand thats probably hard since your first language is Indonesian.
Oh the fucking irony...
I knew the seasonschizos were just brown ESLs trying to shitpost.
It's the S3 opener, the event teased as part of the S2 finale
No idol uniform, no season finale.
>no u
bwown twannie bwo, I...
>a term that directly references "seasons" is based off of how seasons are written
Wow! That's a real surprise!
Then fuck off? I don't know what to day. They're already destroying their bodies trying to stream as much as they do while juggling all the backroom work needed for songs and 3D lives. What do you want them to do? They told you that the homework is important and they want you to be excited for it. If streams are all you care about and their current output isn't enough then you should cut your losses and just leave.
what are you even trying to say?
>But their streaming content, the day to day content, the thing that made me fall in love with them has suffered. I didn't fall in love with them because I saw them on stage
They are not going to change for you. If you don't like this, you should just leave.
is it fun to have the same argument every day for months?
That's the beginning of season 3
From the climax of season 2 and the excitement coming out of that, right into a brand new event to carry the energy moving it to "falling action"
It's just me but I consider ENreco to be more of an OVA than anything
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I think FWMC are pretty neat
I'd really like to smell their feet
but if they feel uncomfortable with that
then i hope they're okay with a few headpats
No but the menheras are never going to leave so might as well just tell them their daily whine is retarded
>blud rlly thinks we aint on season 1 part 3
laffin my booty off rn
only good post in the thread
KEK learn how to write in English first twannieschizo. Also, most people use "tranny" not "trannie".
>It's just me but I consider ENreco to be more of an OVA than anything
i'll nyoom this and consider hologta also an OVA
therefore we're still in season interlude
uwu awm swoo bawd awt wiwtwiwng awm sowwyyy
Ya u wuld no how 2 spewl twannie wouldnt u, bwown twannie hehe
>i'll nyoom this
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I miss season 1... We stopped being their number one priority after the moving arc and now they only care about homework.
the term has been whooshed and now it's pakapan into the wall
Yeah, I'm aware of the quote, and I think it's kind of you to tell me to stop
I stop responding to posts that are complete dead ends and argue with ones that "might" have some well mannered lurkers that can think behind it. But it has reached the point of stopping entirely

>therefore we're still in season interlude
I'll agree to this
Sorry, their homework has been to finish all the paperwork to be able to stream MGS3 just for me specifically
I can't believe I've been NTR'd by paper
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I'm not joking or shitposting when I say this, but I want to rape the asshole of every anon that writes things like this.
When I see those posts I imagine a cute femboy writing it, and it makes me incredibly hard.
>season interlude
We're still on season 1.5 - the wonder years
>the ID girls also considering moving to JP
>rent cost 20x the usual cost per month
...is japan really that expensive or is id is just that cheap
average monthly salary in ID is like 350-400 USD
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Don't worry too much about it, we are in the SEA hours right now, they are probably just SEA shitposters trying to ruin the thread.
You could probably buy Indonesia with 1000$.
top kek
It had to happened to Korone.
fear the giggles
they call her mococupcake, the sweetest treat around town
mococupcake and Fuwamuffin
Sad that she wasn't streaming her pov when she got rocketed out of the ambulance, but she felt the same way so I can't really be mad at her
The best HoloJP/EN interactions are between Holos that barely speak each other's languages. Passion communication is better than just switching to a different language fluently for 20 minutes (for the viewer)
Do you think Pekora only does collabs if it'll do with views?
do high views*
Yes. Pekora is one of the biggest numberfags in Hololive.

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