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>days later
>beggars still seething
I kneel...
look at all that seethe
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So can someone explain to me why female-only streamers are a bad thing, and why women having their own spaces to grow and shine is a bad thing?
Shouldn't women be allowed to exist without men/trannies/incels(all the same btw) invading and destroying it with gross dumb bullshit, cuckfagging, and homoshit?
It really is sad that beggars are like “I respect her decision, etc.” but you know deep down, they’re seething asf
your other bait thread hasnt even died yet RETARD
There's literally nothing wrong with collabing with boys, especially when they are your coworkers
This should be common sense...
I don't even like homostars but this is getting annoying
Yes, women should be allowed to exist without men dictating their every move. So if you don't like who a particular streamer chooses to collab with, watch someone else. Simple as.
on twitter, it's the shipfags
on /vt/? it's 1view males who became vtubers to collab with girls
There's nothing wrong with not doing it either cucklord
If she wants female only space then sure go ahead, but don't insult them who want to collab with opposite gender. If you don't want to watch the male collab, just don't watch them. No need to go on your way to insult them.
So you agree but you also disagree? Or were you calling that anon a cucklord as a compliment.
> especially when they are your coworkers
Imagine actually believing this
You know the board is slow when threads like this exist. Anyway, have a good day.
they're not though
Doesn't this mean that hagfags are eternally btfo because this means that Mio would never let you fags near her.
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>beggars still seething
Who is seething? This guy got it right. And all 5 are /vt/ faggots.
Homobeggar bros...our response?
And those 5 faggots never watch stream anyway. Just your typical drama fagging tards that just larps as unicorn/beggar but somehow people still bite these shitty bait.
I'm not a male vtuber
I'm not planning to groom her either
>And all 5 are /vt/ faggots
Nah, the watamate retard is there as well with his crew/alts.
Welcome to /vt/ where the retards on both sides shit up the board like monkeys.
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Why stream with faggots? Legit question, not even trolling.
Why are you spamming these low tier threads?
Mio herself used to do male collabs
just to make you seethe
lol no
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No deep down about it
at which point will people realize homobeggars are a bunch of antis. They don't even watch streams and shit and most of the time they always start a culture war on the fanbase.
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wait... were we actually feminists this whole time?
that's really the funniest part, somehow the roles are switched in hololive and feminists are actually the good guys, then you have homobeggars wanting the equivalent of trannies in female bathrooms in hololive
Always were, anon. Better hand in that incel card, cause youre officially a feminist nyow. I'm so sorry.
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Early iteration of feminists, Not the current one we have today.
expertly put together, death to all homos and their fans
These people REALLY hate women lmao
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>hate women
Unironically yeah, they just hide it behind a mask of moral righteousness.
I really think they self insert into the homos a little too much and them getting constantly ignored makes them seethe
Yeah, current ones hate you trannies too
I have no idea what this is but i too want to have sex with femboy shiori.
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The entire fanfic btw
Why do you bother bringing barely comprehensible shit from your anti subreddit here? /vt/ has enough delusional faggots of it's own. Go back and stay there.
Shitposters like OP still fagging as usual. What is new?
He's right tho. Social skills are important maybe you should take a page and get out of your mom's basement
Literally the only reason people don’t like female only streamers is because they don’t want their male audience to be happy. It’s women trying to destroy what they believe is a male space.
>you MUST interact with men and let them flirt with you
Literal rapist mentality is weird to see from people who probably call themselves progressives
t. Right winger
What is even supposed to be wrong in this pic?
The second part being ironic after the first comment.
>anticorn says unicorns are the only ones forcing people to follow their will
>anticorn immediately demands kanata follows his will otherwise she is a problem
You didn't have to state being a right winger, people already know by you typing something or opening your mouths that you're liars, that gives it away well before you formally introducing your political identity

The 2nd guy didn't state any of that.
>demands kanata follows his will
He doesn't though?
That Minecraft stuff was indeed quite stupid. If you don't want to cross paths with males maybe check the participants in advance, or at least just leave ("head hort" always works).
Although pretty sure there were no stars in that collab, so that faggot doesn't know what he's talking about.
They’re both me lmao
To the shock of no one
Except you apparently considering the initial post. Maybe that point about being a liar was projection all along.
She didn't insult them though
It was a sponsored stream. Trying to sit on two chairs, purisu andastando.
I don't like GFEshit, but that doesn't mean I want to watch some male vtuber hit on the girls in collabs. No thanks.
I've noticed that this is the only comeback your type has now-a-days, well there are a few but this is one of the most knee-jerked instant ones, you got called out an proven wrong, I of all people don't expect you to change your stance but at least have the decency to admit guilt and try to deflect to other issue without being this pathetic.

I'll show you how it's done, in my post I did state "liars" because giving the benefit to the doubt because we've lost IP counters which unfortunately lets idiots like you do this nonsense, nobody making a statement in earnest is going to care about something like that but you because you need something that frivolous just try and justify your bad and unpopular take.
Ok rapist supporter
This board should be thrown to /trash/. Literally arguing about reddit screenshot. Fucking embarrassing
You can clearly see she was forced to make that kind of statement thanks to idolfag's pressure. Any statement that doesn't the draw the line with the homo will be taken out of context and used as ammo to harass her fans and herself. They live every second worrying if they have said something problematic.

You call yourself a fan, but you do not respect them, you destroy them when they step out of line even just slightly. There is no freedom for them, they can't say what they want, can't do what they want. Everything must be in line because you hold them at gunpoint, as you threaten their lifeline and reputation. You are not a real fan, just a control freak. You are oblivious to the kind of pressure and stress you inflicted to your oshi. Your enjoyment is built on their suffering.

This is all the reason why we should strive to change the hololive or even the entire vtubing environment. Talents shouldn't be discouraged from interacting with others or communicating with each others, all because of arbitrary social construct like gender.
Trying too hard
I wonder who is behind this post
It’s always based seeing these girls stand their ground against homosistsers and homobeggars
Anything to get their fame by being featured in a future video.
Didn't she like, collab with a professional fleshie and /vt/ were joking that they needed to isolate the poor male incase Mio raped him?
Idols are discouraged from associate with males in a private setting. They aren’t even supposed to be seen with guys out in public, much less actively hanging out with them. Professional collabs and interviews are one thing but these are not professionals, they’re just live streamers, their collaborations just come down to them just hanging out together and playing games together, which betrays the values of idol culture. So yes, there is something wrong with collabing with boys, especially when they are coworkers, you’re logic is “muh they’re coworkers, they should be friends”, and yet that is the exact reason why people don’t like it
In the context of vtubing women only spaces are misogynist since they pander to heterosexual men who enjoy the women in question as their surrogate gfs of sorts.
Conversely inserting men into these women only spaces is feminist since it means the two-way connection between the male audience and the female chuuba is disrupted by the male who interacts directly with the female chuuba and thus liberating the female chuuba in question from being an eye/ear-candy pleasure prostitute for her male incel audience.
TLDR: Because vtubing as a format mostly caters to lonely men who seek the illusion of exclusive access to female chuubas, the typical definitions for feminist and misogynist are somewhat flipped in this context.
>Quick guys. Bump the thread!! Just larp for a bit and we can get more engagement like that!
no you see when the content is cute anime girls it's misogynist
Her manager signed her up for it and she didn’t quit because it would look bad for the other girls and make them seem difficult to work with. That manager was promptly fired. Maybe do your reps next time
>she didn’t quit because it would look bad for the other girls and make them seem difficult to work with
And this clownery looked good and made her seem easy to work with, right?
Maybe think a bit before posting next time.
She's fine to work with when when malicious management doesn't sign her up for something she obviously won't like
jfc reddit really is the hellhole of the internet, those guys are seriously fucked up
>That manager was promptly fired
>malicious management doesn't sign her up for something she obviously won't like
Yeah, evil holo mangers just sign talent to random events without asking. Dyrbi? She 100% gave an OK without checking it first, which is on her since "no males" is her personal policy, not the company's.
You could also watch non-idol vtubers? It doesn't have to be Holo but you do you
because your a chud incel
Mio is awesome
>unicorns: do nothing
>considered to be an anti
>homobeggars: write an entire rape fanfic
>considered to be a fan
I don't get it
Noone considers this schizo to be a fan
streaming is literally their profession, dumbass
Homolovers lost
Nijisanji lost
>unicorns: do nothing
except publicly sperging out whenever a chuuba collabs with a male, and writing them schizo messages, and demanding that corpos fire all their male vtubers, and making daily threads for people to seethe in like this one right here and >>85965628 and >>85952911 and >>86016135 and...
Well good thing she didn't.
She didn't even say "yuck" btw, that's a garbage tl. She just said "uhhh" and that she personally doesn't like it
anonymous falseflaggers don't count anon
Nta, but who does count then? Those are the only visible ones, and those are who people refer to as "unicorns". If you just seethe silently at home noone gives a fuck.
you're so close anon, just a little bit and you might reach a breakthrough in thinking
>inserting men into these women only spaces is feminist
funniest post on /vt/
I'm not the one who needs a breakthrough though. Overwhelming majority of people mean those seething trannies when speaking about "unicorns", so that's who "unicorns" are. Just how language/society works these days. If you think they have usurped your title and are giving "real unicorns", whatever the fuck that is, a bad name - take it up to them.
A simple concept really, don't know why you struggle so much with it.
>infantilize a hag due to her collab choice
>rape fanfic because she doesn't do what he wants
>spread rrats
I thought we should respect collab choices and NOT sperg out like incels?

Any "unicorns" doing this?
>Any "unicorns" doing this?
New here?
what exactly have you been trying to argue for the past few days, the facts of the matter are there's "unicorns" schizoing out here, away from the eyes of the girls while beggars have the gall to harass the girls everywhere else, youtube, twitter, reddit you name it
Anonymous shitposters can be anyone playing both sides and not caring either way. Meanwhile there's leddit threads and youtube comments of supposed "unityfags" shitting on Mio for her collab choice and being encouraged. Unless you acknowledge that sperg out going on right now you are a hypocrite.
How are shitposts on a random anti sub any different from schizos sperging out here?
There also more than enough unicorns faggots harrassing the girls directly, you've been shown examples numerous times but just sweep it away as falseflaggers/trolls/know schizos (how is does being "known" matter?). You are the obvious hypocrites here.
>how is does
*how does
You fags like pointing out typos.
>you've been shown examples numerous times
why do you do this to yourself
Do what?
>How are shitposts on a random anti sub
They don't call themselves an anti sub and don't hide behind anonymity because they believe they are morally right to shit on talents when their choices don't align with them. It continues on youtube and twitter. Those accounts with actual post history shows they aren't just burners created to shit stir. Anyone can pretend to be both sides anytime here, it's worthless to cite.
And I never said there aren't schizos on the unicorn side. But you are the hypocrite who refuses to acknowledge the far more vocal retards on the beggar side right now because it's bad for your narrative.
Sure you don't, homofaggot.
>But you are the hypocrite who refuses to acknowledge the far more vocal retards on the beggar side right now because it's bad for your narrative.
How am I refusing to acknowledge them? My position is both beggars and unicorns are delusional trannies and should off themselves asap. Fuck this picrel guy as well. What do you want me to do? Go on leddit to tell it to him directly? Why would I bother, as long as he stays in his shithole?
>except publicly sperging out whenever a chuuba collabs with a male, and writing them schizo messages, and demanding that corpos fire all their male vtubers
any examples of this on twitter/reddit/yt
inb4 - Gabe. The fact that you know "unicorns" by names tells everything
>and making daily threads for people to seethe
yeah, not like us ack >85967913
Her and Korone
I think vtubing should be blocked in the us and sea. This two region in particular are having a war to out schizo eachother
The majority of anti-Unicorn posts in these threads are likely from one or two people
Let that sink in.
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beggars are mentally ill, holy shit
She's saying this despite being close friends with Fubuki? So, she's just using Fubuki to get what she wants.
As opposed to the samefag spamming and bumping these threads? Just to get btfo by one or two people. Shocking indeed.
The company is extremely aware that many girls have a no males policy, they'd have to be absolutely retarded to not know at this point.
>Just to get btfo
It's you, isn't it? The anti-unicorn shitting up the board for days?
Do you hate getting called out that badly? Who is your oshi, faggot?
yeah me
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Unicucks are celebrating Mio throwing a genmate under the bus
Kek, someone's angry. Won't even try to deny the samefagging? Just kys.
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Only retarded faggots who don't watch Mio already Taiga would think less of her for this
This is my first post in the thread
It's not my fault you got completely defensive and started projecting what you're doing onto me. I'll take that as proof you've in fact been shitting up the board for days with your terrible opinions.
>didn't refute him
so it's really just one samefag assblasted beggar
You don't understand. Chuds and incels enjoy this hobby and even though it is true that Mio doesn't want to collab with men, we have to own the chuds even if it means forcing female vtubers to do things they don't want to do (also, stupid incel, forcing women not to collab with males is bad, they should be allowed to do what they want)
typical dramanig subhuman
You are retarded.

Very believable, keep it up! Make a couple more of these threads while at it.
I accept your concession
will this beat the silence of the doggos
gotta support the cause
I'm not the OP and I'm not the second poster, dumbass
Cry more about Unicorns everyday on here, though. You're good entertainment
lol, lmao beggar got caught and now seething
>financially damage female liver
How is that feminist
Any "unicorns" seen sperging out are just falseflaggers and anyone hating them are just the same one or two people. Any "homobeggars" seen sperging out are definitely always real and representative of non-unicorn-supporters. source: my great intestine
yes, anonymous unicorns here don't mean jack, real homobeggars with years of hololive antiing history on other sites are real
>I am less of a Mio fan now,
absolute state of DDs
The fact that these faggots have to put a marker for when they're being sarcastic/joking or serious for their fellow redditors is the cringiest shit imaginable. I refuse to believe they're apart of the same fanbase as the average vt user.
>its jork
holosis have such thin skin roru rumao
OKBH is Nyfco but for theatre kids and mexicans
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And these "people" call unicorns incels kek
>There also more than enough unicorns faggots harrassing the girls directly
Not just girls, I remember when Prism closed down and Jun was crying on stream, talking about how much flak he got being the only male in a CGDCT corpo despite trying to be incredibly careful about his every move. Unicorns are totally the good guys though and not antis fr fr
>threads seething at "homobeggars"
>proof is always screenshots from other websites
you're crying about something that doesn't exist here
go back
Prism closed down??
>thread seething at unicorns
>no proof at all just headcanon
Going to call that out too?
If a slighted unicorn was writing revenge rape fanfic on leddit or anywhere else it would be all over the board.
Feminism is not about supporting women, its about overturning biological behavior patterns relating to human sexual dimorphism ie so called gender roles
>on leddit or anywhere else
They would just write it here with other faggots cheering. What's the big difference between /vt/ and that okhb place? Having a random throwaway name doesn't mean shit.
A lot of holomen have said the same thing already, hardly anything new.
What I find funny is that she is openly saying that not only her, but a lot of holos NG the stars, no wonder Aruan and Astel are so bitter, must be hell being in a company with such a blatant hierarchy between members.
Feminism at its core is about freeing women allowing them to make choices for their own.
Suggesting that these female chuubas need the disruption of homos for them to be liberated from their audience is actually paternalistic. Further supporting the fact that women-only spaces cannot exist without male involvement.
Both homobeggars and unikeks are on two ends of a spectrum, none of which really embodies feminism. The best way is to literally let the talent freely choose who they want to collab with. But I do have to say that the unikek’s side is still way more progressive, you aren’t gonna find a beggar spending a dime on these chuubas. The unikeks are paying for these girls houses, can’t get any more progressive than that.
wtf is Uh/? Do these morons have to flag their sarcasm post or something?
>best way is to literally let the talent freely choose who they want to collab
Fortunately, that's what typically happens in reality.

>The unikeks are paying for these girls houses
You've been here for too long. That is part of unikek mythology, their actual input is equally negligible.
my what?
i watched botan playing tarkov with a couple of dudes and i thought it was fine
while they joked from time to time, most of the time they had an undivided focus on the game
i wouldnt get behind if they played something less serious and joke all the time like some retard normies no one cares about
truly disgusting
I’m sure their input on views and metrics are negligible. But I still believe that the whale gachikois have an incredible overlap with the unikeks. Not all of them are unicorns but I’m sure alot of them are to a certain extent.
NTA but how many Hololive girls are confirmed to browse reddit, including JPs? How many of them have official accounts?
Compare that to how many Hololive girls are confirmed to browse /here/, including JPs and you'll have your answer.
Also the very nature of this site is that threads and posts disappear in hours, day max. Unlike reddit where a post will be displayed on that page for years until something is done with it.
Also the part you seem to keep ignoring is that with reddit, you can see someone's post history. Whereas here, anyone can easily falseflag as whoever they want to be because it's anonymous unless they're one of the handful of extremely obvious schizos.
I don’t really care about the girls collabing with male streamers but honestly fuck the homos. They are literal sexpests infesting what should be a girls-only medium. I’ll gladly demand the company to fire all these homos even if they stayed in their lane.
Funniest thing that happened, there were 2 males, one dipped out after a month and the other one is now a 2 view ever since Prism shut down
oh boy
you are not gonna like what's coming next
t. former Cover employee
>whale gachikois
Their input is also overestimated. Holos get most their money from sponsorships and thousands of keychains and acrylic stands sold to regular "normie" (compared to the schizos) fans. A whale throwing in 1k here and there is just a nice bonus.

Also NTA, but they browse offical reddit (at best), not random shitholes.
Stop larping homofaggot. YWNBAW
It's a reddit thing don't worry about it
If they do it then whatever. Just don't push them to do it.

Same with seething when they don't want to collab with males. Write a fanfic or something
I guess respecting collab choices is a one way street for beggartroons.
>queen of /vt/
Yeah that you don't watch it's hilarious how months ago no one cared about her was used for shitpost and bait unicorns called her a homobeggar and irrelevant.
eh, people got crowned all the time back in the day
>Helmite seethe

so natural sister you're totaly the voice of reason
Hey there, helshite! You're a bit late, don't you think?
Only three posts of value ITT
How does she feel about her adopted daughter playing valorant with men instead of streaming?
delinquent child just needs some discipline
Fuck off, you don't get to decide that. I've been watching chuubas since 2017 and I miss the days when the fanbase wasn't full of EOP schizos. It was never a girls-only medium and neither was Hololive ever girls-only as far as collabs are concerned
You sure were, touristchama.
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>Mio saying shes not a fan of collabing with males somehow makes someone so butthurt they make 30 threads about it.

That is actually hallarious,especially since the things that actually are upset by this weren't even watching her to begin with.
Starsisters are so mindbroken by this, it’s just funny
isn't this thread made by someone who is happy about her saying this
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>they make 30 threads
Sure, it's the evil sisters shitting these out.
The "hallarious" part is that unikeks somehow end up seething even in their own threads.
unless they refuse to collab with your favorite homo of course
shut the fuck up while the adults are speaking, cuckold
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I went this thread out of curiosity and the "idol culture bad!" reddit brainrot is getting ridiculous lmao. I am so glad hololive stopped pandering to these retards.
The women in Hololive literally just have to sit, stream, do dances and singing lessons but they can’t seem to follow one simple fucking rule of not collabing with homostars. Yeah I’m honestly glad Mio called those beggars out
You didn't even watch the clip, let alone the stream, did you?
Mio isn't battling against beggars you retard. These screenshots came up in the context of having bigger GTA events, commenting on things like VCR. She wasn't responding to beggars. Sorry your narrative doesn't work here.
Yeah, respecting collab choices would be great. Unfortunately unicorns don't do that. Just look at what happened when Shiori using that exact phrasing in her debut, they're seething about it to this day. And she didn't even follow through with it. When someone does, it gets worse because unicorns only accept totality. If a chuuba does a hundred GFE streams and one male collab, she's not a GFE chuuba to them but a male collaber and a traitor to boot. If a company has a mix of GFE chuubas and male-collabers or males, they don't simply watch the GFE chuubas, they keep seething about all the others. Unicorns don't merely want to have chuubas and content they like to watch. They demand that what everyone else likes to watch should not exist. And now they wonder why this schizo cult trying to eradicate everything that doesn't fit their own tastes has resulted in a surge of beggars whose motivation always seems to involve "owning the chuds" - it simply is the counter movement to this shit.
Hey, you can't say that. Those are not real unicorns but mere falseflaggers, antis, sisters, aliens etc. Real ones don't do anything except shitting up the catalog.
I can tell you just posted this out your ass without a single bit of the context as to what she was talking about.
I love my homobegger shaming wife
>its all duh ebil unicorns fault!!!
shut the fuck up retard
Impeccable argument
you didn't give an argument to be had, faggot. all you did was bitch and cry about unicorns. There's nothing to add other than you are a fucking retard
Based Mio. Graduate or terminate all the Homostars
Mio is perfectly fine to think this way, it's not a detriment to her character. Think about it, she didn't act like Fuwamoco in that summer collab, now THAT was mean and unkind behaviour.
Prism was a shitshow at the end. First they wanted a mixed gen, then they split the males from the females and pretended they were separate to begin.
Then they hired a woman married to a tranny in their last original gen who dipped after a month then another one left the second Prism announced shutdown and gave their models away.
Then they drafted a couple of established vtubers, one of whom was married and allegedly trying to fuck her manager. Embarrassing choices.
You type like a effeminate boy.
>exact phrasing in her debut
You didn't watch the debut stream did you.
Absolutely agreed.
funny that you know how effeminate boys type
personal experience?
>personal experience?
Yes, watching (You) everytime you post you whinny thoughts.
Self-professed unicorns defend and minimize male collabs from girls they like all the fucking time. It turns out it's much more important what your attitude as a streamer is to them as humans than whether or not you sucked a dick before. A lot of EN's have barely collabed with males but among the few times they did it, it was literally out of spite. In a real-world scenario, it was the all-too-familiar scenario of a woman being annoyed her boyfriend was hit on by a co-worker so she goes and fucks his best friend on the bed as a show when he gets home.
Right on, sister!
>everyone is helmite
mindbroken retard-kun...
Satan trips confirm
Reddit has always been filled with coomers who defend their degenerate perversions with empty feminist slogans.
Her platonic life partner collabs with dudes, though.

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