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Last Thread - >>85929256

Stream - https://youtu.be/C9GIAD3601I
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbXT-_ogbHA

Order period, sold out (oops oops)
Ceres Fauna 3rd Anniversary Merch set!
HoloPro Shop: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceresfauna_an3rd
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/ceres-fauna/products/ceres-fauna-3rd-anniversary-celebration-merch-complete-set

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
I'd love to give her my Bones Malone if you know what I mean.
Looking forward to all the art that's going to come out of this collab.
Fauna has manipulated fate to become her dream Yandere
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Well rounded lady
Fauna yearns to be a house wife on a small farm in the prairie.
yes, me and Fauna are looking to buy our lovely chicken farm in Ohio after this stream.
Can two pious girls really be in a posse with a classy yandere
i sure hope so
it's a giant test of their faith.
They can if they got that dog in em
So we got:
Psychotic preacher Gigi
Feral wolfgirl scammer Biboo
Classy yandere Fauna
Psychotic preacher WALLHACKS Gigi
Don't forget Seductive
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Did no one have a guts stat
No guts
No Wednesday I guess...
where is fauna!? uuuuuuu
That was fun
Campaign should be good
shes gone already...
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It's me, mr bones malone
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Fauna armpits my beloved.
Gigi had a bonus for it
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>Thursday FST+5
My sleep... I-I have work in the morning...
That was fun
is it a revolver (handgun) or can it be a revolver rifle
Yeah I'm excited. Biboo and Gigi just kind of go all in with whatever, and Fauna seems to be following suit.
So it should be good
You think that's bad, it's like normal FST to me. FST+5 is when I'm supposed to wake up for work, can't watch at all.
Read the filename.
Go to bed eurobro
It's 6:30am...
dunno if it was because I was already tired before watching todays streams but the stream almost put me to sleep
I received Fauna's birthday merch today, but it was missing the dice set. Did they said something about remaking the dice because of low quality or should I contact Cover?
You should contact Cover.
Contact cover for sure
s2g these dice are cursed
Did I ever upload that redi animation to the mega? The one where she's getting fucked from behind?
contact cover immediately or check again

This? I think there is only jpg
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I love Fauna
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>Merch shipping notification
i cant believe fauna got a 13 minute gleipnir on weaver
Fauna should play CK3 now. The Eastern Roman DLC just dropped
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Fauna should play with my balls now.
did they just drop too?
shes not going to stream tonight!
That's OK, she needs to rest in between. She has two streams tomorrow (members, GUN), and 2 streams the day after (Deadlock, GMOD)
>They could play The Forest the entire time
Fauna is literally Faye Valentine
members stream tomorrow? i must have missed that whats she doing?
3 year membership anniversary. She'll show off the new hand drawn badge and whatever else she has planned
look at holodex
I still don't see a holo playing The Forest
I played it
A bunch of deleted VODs from 2020 are not proof of perms
She should add new emotes already too, she has so many unused slots
She will one day just like she finally upgraded her fucking computer after 2 years
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I have to apologize to Fauna. I thought Dungeon Meshi was boring, but I gave it another chance, and I realize now it gets much better later on. The plot and worldbuilding is fantastic, I actually think the show would have been better off without the unnecessary focus on cooking.
Does the knight dude get less annoying? His autistic food obsession is the most annoying thing in the show when i gave it a shot
Also i really liked frieren
His monster obsession is there to stay.
Also I didn't like Frieren.
How the fuck can anyone hate Laios
Like I get hating Kabru, Kabru is a faggot, but Laios?
All the characters become more likeable the more you learn about them imo. None of them were really hooking me early on, but they grew on me over time.
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While he still retains his monster obsession, it definitely becomes a much less overbearing part of his personality later on. The tone of the show in general becomes much more serious in the latter half.
All I’m gonna say is Chilchuck is the best DM character. Craven character actually done right.
the character i liked most of what i watched
Yeah he's cool and his daughters are cute too
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So what's the plan again, nothing today, but (possibly) members + TTRPG tomorrow?
I doubt she'd have mentioned it last week if she wasn't going to. And yes, Members + TTRPG tomorrow. Valve shit (Deadlock confirmed, possibly GMOD) the day after
good chance she'll take today off, and she has to show off the new members badge so tomorrow and yeah
At this point I'm just confused on exact days, I just remember she wanted to do one for badge this week.
Yes, she's doing it on the 3rd year anniversary. Which is tomorrow.
Im hoping for some new emotes. I wonder what else she has planned. I would be fine with a nice comfy chat, desu.
sa uce?
Does Fauna need to be pregnant to milk?
some men can produce milk without needing to be pregnant
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How do you think she'd handle the spookiness of the DLC if she plays it?
I think it'd be a big hurdle for her.
she can handle spooky fine outside of that one insane asylum one, also i dont count mortuary assistant because bae was making her more scared than she wouldve been otherwise
Fauna would absolutely NOT have been able to do mortuary assistant solo lol. Like if she had run it with somebody besides Bae, then maybe, but having Bae there didn’t make her more scared than if she had tried to do it by herself.
Bae literally jumpscared Fauna with sudden yelps even when nothing was happening on-screen.
>but having Bae there didn’t make her more scared than if she had tried to do it by herself.
This is a flat out lie though
You are severely underestimating how bad Fauna is at handling spooky games. She’s put on edge by lethal company which even the other girls in EN with weak stomachs have no issue with.
What is the scariest game Fauna has actually gotten all the way through by herself?
Bae was there

Don’t call other people retarded when you’re the retard
Bae never even saw the jumpscare that wrecked Fauna at the end. Fauna screamed first.
Gigi is drawing Fauna on stream right now for those interested
Choices are:
>Crow Country
>Amanda the Adventurer
>Don't Scream
>A couple Chilla's Art games
>Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
Unironically, the Chillas arts games are the scariest games there, and they aren’t anywhere near Mortuary Assistant levels of scary.
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nice grippers
The lack of chin really does help maintain the balance of the piece
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u wan apol?
Horror games Fauna would never be able to do solo:
>Mortuary Assistant
>Nun Massacre
>Classic FNAF games
>Alien Isolation
>Dead Space
She could do Dead Space, it gives you a gun
I could see a random FNAF stream happening (i believe...?)
Would love to see an outlast just for the suffering lol but she wouldn't be able to handle it even with a support rat/owl by her side
No way. FNAF games prey on all of Fauna’s biggest vulnerabilities when it comes to horror. Jumpscares, you’re on a clock, no safe space, no way to defend yourself, and can’t rely on chat to backseat you.
Well obviously she'd never be able to play P.T.
Konami would never allow it.
There are tons of P.T. inspired indie games though, and I doubt Fauna would be able to get through any of them.
thank god for double fauner tomorrow or i would fucking DIE from withdrawal
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Check out this Fauna shirt I bought!
what is that short for? ketamine? you like taking ketamine and watching fauna?
Yeah. Watching Fauna on Ket is sublime. Her voice is so soothing. I like putting Subaru on whenever I take acid as well. Another good combo!
I don't believe this is official licensed merchandise.
I mean Fauna did say she's a horse girl...
>>Nun Massacre
You mean finish the game? She played both.
That was not me btw
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she looks like she has popeye arms in this one
I just had a dream. My dad bring back home an illegitimate son that about my age. Both of them having an argument, and my dad accidentally killed him. My dad get arrested, and I was task with inform his mother about his death. And guess who answer the phone, it's FUCKING FAUNA. She said she and my dad had an ons a long time ago, she get pregnant from that and choose to keep the child. They never meet again until recently.
WTF DID YOUR OSHI DID TO ME??? She's not even in my top 5, and the last stream that I watch her is enreco when she's build Faunamart. This is also the first time I dream about vtuber, wtf
hello son, why would you share this story on 4chan, me and fauna are very proud of you
Who's your oshi?
Mousey and Enna
I'm not insterest in other corpo
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Unrelated but I had a on going multi-dream plotline where the whole time Gura was dead in my basement. No explanation why, it was just a fact.
The last dream I had she revealed she was alive, I lost it and she literally said "Of course I'm alive [Anon], are you retarded??" then called me out on believing the dream logic like it should've been obvious.
Still haven't forgiven her for this. If the dream plot continues I plan to charge her rent.
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me if i ever get close to fauna
Sometimes I wonder if there are people who actually know Fauna who lurk these threads.
These are slow ass thread and most of her old "friends" are /here/fags so it wouldn't surprising.
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Yeah me, her husband
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Fauna is not real.
Yeah me, your husband.
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Wow Fauna looks great here
They belong in bed together with their orange lovers
Something looks off...
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I don't know what you mean
...hm?...Hey...wait a second...
I hope we get more green collabs
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Fauna cute!
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Fauna lewd!
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Fauna love!
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Fauna lust!
my favorite western
Shame there's no art of her character yet
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patiently awaiting the next pikmin stream
Dear saplings,
I'm back from vacation and would like to formally apologize to Fauna for calling the blue pikmin who accidentaly wondered into toxic vapors a descendant of the 12 tribes of Isreal
Uhh what?
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Kissing these lips
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Nice mega update
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can we get a hat too?
i got an idea
I was expecting something more like a fedora, but this is cute
Nice. I sure hope she will wear her goth outfit because it's just a bit more bad girl like for the role. Optionally her council cape with hood off for that poncho look.
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I am not emotionally prepared for classy, seductive, yandere southern belle Fauna
uoh SEX uoooh
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I like this one more than the one Mori did
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Gigi's tail is gonna be one of those things everyone always forgets forever. Also smaller Biboo. Fauna was already perfect, of course.
>Gigi's tail is gonna be one of those things everyone always forgets
Which is a shame because she has a cute unique tail
toes out bijou?
At least the artist had the grace to go back and add it
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I think Saplings are more knowledgeable and intelligent than other fanbases. So tell me what exactly does "Rakish" mean?
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It usually refers to a man who is very confident, stylish, and/or a womanizer. Rake used to be a term used for men like that. It was kind of like a playboy or pickup artist. When you use it to talk about fashion, it mostly refers to the clothes those types of men would wear.

It's not super relevant, but here's an MTG card that pictures a rakish vampire.
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I hate the tail, it's disgusting
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youre not like imagining it slapping your cock around?
What about her front tail??
Of course an AI cuck doesnt like it
Nta but I like the tail now
You know I've been saying she'd do two streams today but it didn't occur to me that she might simply forget.
My wives
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Wonder what she has planned for October
She's going to play a spooky game, likely even multiple spooky games.
Don't get too surprised when my prediction comes true.
Spooky time
Does she read ARS supas? I'd like to support my oshi but i know there are a few holos that basically ignore my worthless currency lol
She does.
okay, you might be right.
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Rate the team
Are you okay with a fire type being able to clear 4 of your 6 mons?
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its me
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I look very cute here
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I genuinely am starting to believe that she doesn't care about us.
Rain dance on Mumei
how long do you think the gun session will be?
Hope she doesn't barf during the game or something.
other sessions Calli has done have lasted about 4 hours
nta but im fucked!
She gave me a heart, see ya later suckers
Take a nap now. It’s gonna go for a while.
Badge looks cute.
Funny timing for tummy hurt after IRyS stream last night
i mean staying up is no problem for me but 4 hours would go to 3 am and i have to get up in the morning
i was planning to watch the regloss 3d live but i guess that was a pipe dream
I'm hoping someone remembers to record the whole thing for us here, in case something happens that ultimately gets cut from the vod.
Fauna should play gun
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o-only 21 months to go guys!
What happened during IRyS' stream?
she was farting and shitting herself constantly
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Are you jesting?
always. what really happened is that she kept complaining about her stomach hurting and went to the bathroom a few times
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She should ignore gun and play space marine 2
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Nta she nearly shit herself like 3 times during her karaoke last night after eating bad leftovers
Worth a watch honestly, good signing as usual and pretty funny
Yeah well she stole mine, later loser
long late stream today and FST-2 tomorrow
prove it
some anon already calculated her menstrual cycle like two and a half years ago, fauna's tummy horts are periods not food poisoning.
Kek, that's hilarious. I'll check it out.
Yeah but this is funnier
No, you won't.
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Any day 1 faunatics? I stole this from /#/ btw.
The screenshot is fake because she hasn't updated it yet. But I'm a day 1 yeah
Proof next thread?
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Don’t get invested in membership icons, that shit is a scam to prevent you from canceling if you don’t feel like you’re getting value out of it. Holos will still read read your chat messages even if you’re grey. If anything, it helps you stand out.
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Well you put that watermark, now I can't repost this anymore...
ok but i like when the number goes up
good to know mori is more important to her than us
I don't write chat messages
Or it could do the opposite. I stopped membering to Ina because I hated how everything past the purple tako looked.

Agreements with coworkers to show up to a collab that could very much take weeks to months to reschedule is more important than a stream she could do at any time once she gets better, yes.
>jealous he doesnt have a golden apple or sapling
Retard, but more likely the faunaschizo
I can only imagine how many day 1 teamates would still pay for a membership if Ame didn’t close memberships herself.
I have a golden apple, but I’m not a day 1. I’m glad though because it makes the choice to end my membership easier if I feel like I should.
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Yes, I will
More important than the 1% of bad faith posters that would rather watch a monotonous membership stream which can easily be rescheduled than a TTRPG collab, yes obviously.
>Not wanting a comfy members stream over Moris shit
Yeah real sapling right here
Post membership
nta but when I've posted membership unprompted in the past I've been met with
>as if that proves anything
so in short invest in rope faggot
Damn, what a terrible inconvenience that must have been. Having to take 2 seconds out of your day to take a screenshot and then getting told to fuck off regardless. My condolences.
posting membership is meaningless because you can easily inspect element, having a retarded opinion does reliably out you as a tourist though >>86138291
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how did this girl spend 20 hours playing outer wilds
I really like that game, am I gonna go mad at her constantly running in circles or something if I check her playthrough out?
how important is white hole station to you?
you're trying to tell me she never goes there? I think that's the main place to learn how exactly teleporters work...
i think you'd better just watch it and embrace the way it makes you feel
Inspect element takes more than 2 seconds, and I’m happy to force shitposters to take the time to do it. You could always post merch if you really want to prove you’re not just here to stir the pot.
Just enjoy, i played my first time alongside her, keeping slightly ahead every day and exploring planets she didnt go to
I guess, also after looking around a bit that's not actually that long. Apparently the average time to beat is 17-22 hours which I still find hard to believe.
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see mine (no dlc)
that's also easily falsified by stealing other people's merch images and slightly editing them so they don't show up on archives and image search engines, retarded opinions are the best method
Timestamps are a thing and can’t be falsified.
>what is photoshop
even so, if someone posted an image of timestamped merch while calling Fauna a lazy whore, what then
This is like the third time I've heard of IRyS having number 2 problems
Why is it always her?
I would have to admire the devotion. I’m guessing though that you don’t actually have the ability or the conviction to photoshop a convincing faked timestamp picture of merch. Meanwhile it would take me less than a couple minutes to post a time stamped picture of my merch.
>talking about bowel movements
She's authentic gfe
then I'd have to be impressed by you buying Fauna merch despite not being an actual sapling
You lost threadschizo. You don’t own merch, hell you probably don’t even have a membership or the wherewithal to to fake one with inspect element.
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fauna is MY lazy whore and that's exactly how i like her!
if this is you >>86138291 you've already proved you're not a sapling, retard, and if you're not I don't even understand why or what you're arguing about
why did you draw panties on it
go fuck yourself
The saps arent alright
yours didnt come with those?
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You lost
What are those stains?!
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of course not
Why did you put panties on your fauna...
Why don't you?
Holy shit, time traveler sapling? Can you tell me how the collab is going to go?
>tommy hort
Really Fauna? Cmon now, you could have at least used an excuse that everyone doesn't clown on.
Fauna should kill your parents
Retard, she's been complaining about stomach issues since Monday. You know, the day she streamed.
She’s on her period. Everyone in Promise is synced, and IRyS has cramps yesterday.
Sunday akshually
File deleted.
my god.......
I’m ready for October streams. The sunlight hitting different has gotten me in the mood for spooky stuff.
time for a power nap before the stream into finishing stuff up for the end of the fiscal year, ikz.
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Adventrix is a gayer name than Justchads.
Wrong thread?
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Yup, but decided to leave it
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everything in this image is just slightly un-centered and unaligned and its pissing me off
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cant wait to see my favorite vtuber!
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Why is the TTRPG so late Jesus
Fauna wanted to make sure i was at home in time to watch
fauna is testing my faith

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