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Wamy Burger Edition

>Server IP


>How to install/play

>Website (Tag Picker and other Links)

>Upcoming Events
Tako Gacha Banner 4 (ongoing)
Speed King 5 (TBA)

Previous Thread: >>85954043
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New here but here’s a screenshot I took
looks like Luitomo port
It’s a holoxer port near flavr town. Unmarked on the map in OP
WTF the fuck?
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Wuv me sum wamy
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>end portal
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icraft minecraft leak apparently introduces a new biome and a hostile mob called "The Creaking"
...what biome?
Pale Garden. rrat it's going to be a new End Dimension biome.
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cool sheep
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nice pic
do yubilive
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Is the board faster today or am I just lazier
feedme part 50
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>war on the horizon
It's been a while since the last one, feels nostalgic.
I don't get it for this weekly gacha
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Siege event Soon(tm)*

*2 or 3 weeks
He's literally me...
Looking forward to it!
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I am not ready bros...
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Me on the right btw
post this shit all you want faggot I still won that event as the mvp suck my cock nigger
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wow /vt/ has a minecraft server huh... maybe I'll come check it out
What have you guys been doing in the server lately? I haven't heard of this thread for a long time.
still chugging along
you stopped, we do not
Ok but what are you doing? Anything fun happening?
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I build
Like what
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kson pls
heads up to Majick
wanna host this map in Yubi? we might attract /jp/ tourists with it.
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ogey rrat ruin
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im so bored
pretty alright in terms of player count, there're a couple of events (Siege and some Halloween stuff) so you might want to log on to prepare for those
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when will we be updated to 1.20.2
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I've not seen much kino from this event. maybe because too much grind? and less random activity like gta
it got overshadowed hard by HoloGTA so i have no idea either. Aki also played there, but that's only what i know about that event.
modded server when
we used to have one in the early days, but it graduated shortly.
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how bout you shut up
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real yubi screenshot
does kanade have skibidi rizz
every time i've hosted a map it's just lead to extra lag and nobody from the thread it's intended to attract ever comes to be a server regular, would need some strong guarantee
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oh so this happened before
pretty weird thinking people would come just for something like that
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Seeing this now is like the Soviet's congress
>Prisma lantern ceiling
How blinding is this place with shaders on
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sorry dabid
phaseville bout to be hit with that refugee crisis no cap senpai fr fr
i did NOT write senpai in that post, what the fuck
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yea /vt/ is a blue board
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konpotage everyone
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w already in 1.21
Any plans for Amelia Watson sendoff?
ibuy yubi
Yubi cursed images

I assume jumping from giant Smol Ame's head as it's tradition.
david's in the process of building a memorial, calling all teamates
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And Rohan will answer
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How would you save the Miofa Forest
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Save how? It's looking good.
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while crafting yubis are still a myth, i found out you can craft atama now!
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Ame Memorial
2150 -300
I saw yubi
damn that was fast, my condolences to teamates
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thread still alive
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we better dont fuck this one up
we will lose immediately
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don't jinx it you retard
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I dont know what did I expect but holy shit
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Im roleplaying too hard
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Holy kino.
Thank you anons, it's amazing.
t. Teamate
GarbageFes was supposed to have started 15 minutes ago but come in and lurk until the streamer wakes up. We're the last game of the round of 16 so I don't know if we'll play today or not https://vtleague.420699.xyz/
according to /lia/ mane, the game is actualy gonna start tomorrow (?)
Supposedly yubicraft played today but if the streamer takes any longer it'll probably be delayed because the actual league starts at the usual time.
Streamer is alive, yubicraft might possibly, maybe, perchancely make it today.
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gomi doko

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