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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous Thread: >>85992997
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I love my wife so much!!
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I peed in the toilet
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The taco bell people gave me 3 diablo sauce packets intead of 12
Sex with a fembud.
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>Not in the sink
Get out.
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They did it on purpose I bet
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Yeah I bet they thought I couldn't handle it
>*Le touché*
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
>*Lo touchõ*
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I still beleeb... I shall always beleeb...
Gura's bushy pucci and hairy pits.
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Gura is fuzzy like a squishy peach.
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Just a daily reminder that your oshi is a faggot
God I love these faggots...
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I will never read
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I implode you to read
fuck off antis
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No video game will ever have marketing as kino as what halo 3 got.
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I shat my pants
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Never Forget o7
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The commercial scene where mister chief throws down the bubble shield and then does that cool pose…so freaking kino.
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BOOOOOOO I got blue balled out of using the scarab and the AI can't aim for shit
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isnt it great
perfect for hotglue
i want to take a look down under to see if they painted her cunny or not
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did he scratch build it?
man I wish I had a fraction of the skills those builders have.
All I do is make small modifications on 1/35 tanks
Pure sex
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>I think we lost her
>Not yet...
I wished Gura was real because in reality, there is no such thing as shark girls right?
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At least you have a kino boss fight coming up
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Gabby my beloved.
You can have the shark part, I want the girl part.
Gabby is Gura and dino gura is gabby in a dino suit.
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gura nendo in a dino suit
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She's eating her, and then she's going to eat me! OH MY GOOOOOOD!
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Yeah, it was fucking amazing. I spent most of the fight looking for him because he and I accidentally stepped on the grav lift a couple times, my allies often told me
>his shields are down, shoot him now!
while I was unable to :D
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Then who the heck is George??
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I really enjoyed Halo 2, it was overall a fantastic game, but the ending felt like the devs were running out of gas before the finish line, the boss fight wasn't very satisfying and it ended on a cliffhanger. Gonna download ODST now and start tomorrow or the next couple days
Does Gawr Gura want to go out with me?
She's already going out with me, dude. Back off.
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nothing beats sneaking a banshee into the boss battle room and cheesing it on legendary.
reminded me of this stupid meme
Depends. Can you tie a knot out of a cherry stem with your tongue?
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wrong link, meant to post the one with the F15 or whatever fighter jet it is.
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Goob night retard
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There are a lot of people that like odst. I didn't like it much but maybe you might chumbie
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800 millions views already and this is the first time I’m seeing Miley Cyrus new song. Man am I getting out of touch.
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Based, truly the perfect, most authentic ending to the Halo 2 experience. I'm throlled you enjoyed discovering this absolute gem chumbie <3
And you're onto something with the ending, basically Bungie WANTED Halo 2 to be all of BOTH Halo 2 *and* Halo 3 but had to cut it in half and make it a trilogy due to deadlines. I don't remember ODST quite so well, but you should know that it's basically a standalone expansion for 3, which actually came out first. It was originally even going to be called Halo 3: Recon, which is a reference to a special multiplayer armor permutation for Halo 3's multiplayer model customization lmao
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I haven't been called a retard today.
goob morning
*cums on you*
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Cute dumbud
And ye, fucking around with a banshee on that last level was so much fun. I can't find it now, closest thing that pops up is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW612PoTOtU , but you can screw around with Johnson by flying the banshee in front of him when he's about to fire the scarab beam. If you move out of the way when he starts to get annoyed, and then immediately move right back into the line of fire, he's like "Veeeeery funny... I'm still firing!"
crazy how that little bit of bumfuckery can get lost over time, i'm not even that old.
I was thinking about linking a general kidd video too. This guy is a gem to the halo community. Sometimes I’ll put his videos on random and go to bed watching him.
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Someone in here said Gura likes the smell of unwashed penis. Is this true?
Yeah mine
Say nice things about shark wife.
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you can do that? does it fit through the opening?
I'm looking forward to it
nahone, I really hate deadlines, I wish companies were more like the old blizzard
>completion date? when it's done!
ah well, I'm looking forward to ODST and 3
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no, we hate gura here
gawr is the true shark wife.
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>Old... we're not even out of our 20s
Same desu but for the last little while I've been sleeping to a few other channels. Think I'll put kidd back on again for old times' sake
you know how when the banshee gets damaged it almost loses it's wings?
get it damaged enough before it starts to smoke and you can wrangle it after enough tries
depending on the difficulty the enemies might blow it up as you try to make your way there
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>>86030458 (Me)
Okay, I actually watched the video I just linked instead of just skimming the timeline for thumbnails and it actually DOES include the bit of dialogue I was talking about, I'm retarded
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like oshi, like fan
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Sin was born because people used machina
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it's still an amazing game full of funny stuff like this after 23 years
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Absolute fucking legend, I knew the name from speedruns but I didn't realize he was also a glitchhunter. Truly the Pannenkoek2012 of Bungie-era Halo.
Also I should've saved the picrel I used here >>86029065
I just now realized it’s “Sparking” and not “Sparkling” Zero. Holy shit. I am really fucking retarded.
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You mean doomscrolling 24/7 on these little handheld faggotry generators isn't virtuous or godly? Perish the thought
Your picrel is literally me right now, but I’m completely under my sheets, head included.
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I didn't know Gawr posted here
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Sounds cozy
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Well I am the king of cozy, after all
will it heal once the cutscene is over or will the brutes that spawn in front of me blow me up if I try it?
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Man, triple A games used to have all sorts of holes that even slightly creative players could exploit to do unintended shit. These days games don't seem to hit that sweet spot anymore. I've been out of the scene for a while but the impression I get is that most major releases are either polished and stable to the point that major glitches basically require arcane rituals to execute, leaving normal, curated gameplay as a sterile, restrictive, suffocating railroad to all but a select few turboautists, OR they're utterly dysfunctional, buggy, troondev goyslop early-access-tier shovelware. It makes me sad.
She said she wanted to cheer up those who are sad but now I'm depressed all the time
I don't know if it's different in Anniversary/MCC but it looks like it'll still be borked based on what was posted here >>86031881
Baguraette honhonhon
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I was already depressed 24/7.
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I want to sexually bully and ryona these posters and make them even more depressed T u T
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Well you can’t
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Most devs don't even do funny Easter eggs or "cheats" any more.
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La basé
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Gura my wife
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Another anon pointed out yesterday that they don't make high-quality manuals anymore either
Truly, Zoomers got the worst of all worlds
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I want Gura to leave blue lipstick marks all over my groin
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Blue lipstick looks like it would taste good. Like sour snozzberries or something
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So you're saying I should apply the lipstick to Gura's lower lips instead
Like putting sauce on the cunny
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Are you ready for the moment where Gura and Ame both get really emotional during their last on-stream appearance together?
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How could I be "ready" for such a thing
and who's gonna stop him?
ohh it sits at the entrance, I thought you'd spawn while you're still on the wheel, that makes more sense
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….G-G-Gutsbud please halp…
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I’m really fighting the urge to go buy since skittles and coffee…
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My breath smells like if you soaked a dirty soak in some chicken noodle soup…
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Gutsbud only kills scumbuds who target Gura
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It will be daijobu
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Otay. If you say so mister
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Oh nyo. I’m in danger
Kiara pls go
same desu
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goob night
So, I heard that Gura is basically semi-retired. While she doesnt seem to stream as often as she used to, is she burnt out or is it a health issue? Whats going on?
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eep time
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Someone in here shared this song a while ago. I still get it recommended to me. Is good song.
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wow may I have a Gura too?
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Do you guys wanna hold hands by the Rockefeller center Christmas tree?
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Sorry she's all mine
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Wow…holding Gura’s hand by the Rockefeller center Christmas tree and then making her give you a blowjob when you get back to your apartment…
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They sell these insta pancake cups at the store. I like only nuking it for 30 seconds. It turns into this pancake pudding substance. It’s so good…
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I’m an accessory and coconspirator to grand larceny
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Sounds romantic
Sounds tasty
Sounds illegal
Why hasn't she said anything about Ame? It's weird as hell
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That's what heaven looks like.
I assume either a) it hurts too much, or b) bitterness and resentment towards either Cover and/or whatever other parties are responsible for holding both of them back behind the scenes to the point of driving her friend and genmate away.
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For King and Cunny!
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For s’ghetti too!!!
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Just thinking about gooba
We should play Halo 3 custom games with Gura, I'll be the fat kid, rest of you protect Gura TuT
I love her so much, it hurts
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This week, I shall commission Gura/Ame/Gigi, it's something I've wanted to do for awhile and even though I'm already over Ame, I still want to do this tribute
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Gura the love of my life
I would love to firmly plant my heel straight into her solar plexus and watch her body rag doll several feet backwards.
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Is your prefrontal cortex not fully developed yet?
Gura is my child
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Thank you for giving us your blessing, "father".
finally bought a Longines Spirit Zulu Time to accompany my Gurolex
Guras career has been lying in a coffin for over 2 years now. It would be a good time for her to finally put the lid on it.
This is the first post in the first thread that I have ever browsed here
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good morning
I love Gura
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Gura is a lewd slutty girl
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I love Gura the moist
Wow, I made this post!
That's Gabby, she's trying to seduce you by looking like Gura.
If you fall for her tricks and sex her you'll contract every known STD.
Good morning, Gura.
Please eat a nice breakfast.
Not really. If Gura is private she would have already just spoke to Ame directly about her feelings long ago. What's the point of stating something everyone already has and she wouldn't be able to not be emotional about it. Plus you will see her on screen with Ame soon anyway.
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What if you were dehydrated and Gura taunted you by pouring water on her cunny
she already knew, she had already made peace with it and she already have a plan with that jerboa
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just like the Israelites, I will drink it from her biblical cunny
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>saw Ame last schedule
chumbies will obviously donate to amesame ocean charity stream, right?
Last time she did a chatity stream it ended up going towards a scam.
I read that as chastity stream, I need coffee
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What if Gura kissed you on the forehead, cradled you and told you everything was going to be ok?
>What if Gura...
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nyo dont rape me
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I would impregnate her (consensually)
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No wonder Gura hates us. You guys just want to use her like a sex toy.
Gura wants to be used as a sex toy
Gura would fold if I pinned her down
I would fold if Gura pinned me down
We are....
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other way around
Goob morning retards
did halo bud start ODST yet?
He said he was gonna start it today I think…or maybe that was Halo 3 I can’t remember
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Why’s it so quiet in here…is ebreyone still sweeping?
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I'm here....bend over...
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It's just one of those slow days I guess.
I'm busy playing wc3 customs, mb.
I am playing civ6
I'm pretty sure Gura was just playing that google popcorn doodle game a moment ago, call it a sharkie intuition but I think I'm right.
Look how proudly she stands.
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Goob morning faggot.
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I think I'm gonna make s’ghetti tomorrow!
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I just checked it out. Me and some other popcorn stood in the corner next to each other and we spammed our shield button. It was cute
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Would you touch Gura's front parts?
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No, I would touch a fembud's front parts though.
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Would you touch a buttbuds butt parts?
Because her fans are hurting and she cares about them?
Like, this isn't hard to understand. Gura is the only member of EN that hasn't said anything about it and chumbuds are probably the most upset about Ame's graduation besides teamates themselves because Ame was Gura's closest friend in hololive and she collabed more with her than anyone else.
Gura not talking to us about any of this is weird as fuck, even for her.
Gura is a coomer and has been on a 7-day goon sesh binge. That’s why she’s been radio silent
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I love Gura/Mumei stuff.
Gura isn't worried about us at all. She doesn't care how chumbuds feel or if they're sad. If she did, she'd stream more because she knows we miss her.
I also can't wait for Amesame 2
That’s not true at all
I would cheat on Gura for Mumei.
all charities are scams, all you're doing is funding their CEO's or some warlord
I would love and cherish them both.
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How can you deny this happiness?
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the penalty for treason is death
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I'm craving ham
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I bean everywhere man I been everywhere
I breathe the mountain air man I breathe the mountain air
can a memelord please give me a fresh meme
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2 Jews walk into a bar. they own it!
Sometimes when I watch Gura's stream I hover my cursor over her cursor and pretend that we are holding hands.
Gura's bushy pucci.
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I have "fresh" warhammer memes and a 2 minute meme lore video
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You guys are making me kek teehee
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I'm starting ODST and I can see that I now have 4 types of grenades
My strategic mind is unmatched.
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Make sure to shoot the bad guys in the head!!
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She was so cute this stream
Please stream for Halloween this year Goob
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Use them wisely Halobud!
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How's the little goob doin'?
are they scarce?
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Not really aside from one type but it does not really matter as you will see soon
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Not that I remember, I just want you to use them wisely as opposed to unwisely
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wait is it anti as in an-tye or an-tee
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Tomahto potahto
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i need to get work done but the chumbies gave me the itch to play halo
you know, this would be an excellent game to stream, especially co-op
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jackal snipers are pain... but at least the charged plasma shot destroys shields and stuns enemies again, idk why they removed that from Halo 2
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Depressed, but I'm not horny at the moment so I won't sexual bully her.
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I hope you get out of your funk soon. But please stop always threatening to sexually bully my daughterwife. Thanks.
ohh the plasma pistol hard counters the brutes, no wonder they made them even tougher now with shields and deployable shield bubbles
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I still read that word like this. Literally did it last night…
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Charged plasma didn’t counter shields in 2? Is that correct? I don’t remember that
it does. Mandatory for legendary
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not sure, I was thrilled when I dual wielded charged plasma pistols only to find out they did basically nothing, didn't stun enemies either, maybe I did it wrong? I have the anniversary edition
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Sometimes when I think of Goob I just goom right there on the spot. Boom. 1 gallon gone instantly. Next second, I think of Goob again. Boom. Another gallon gone. Sometimes I just think of Goob and not stop. Boom. Gallons. Right there. In my pants.
Gura is literally dehydrating us.
I want Gura to drink some water and push her mouth against mine to give me the water.
Dual wield nerfs your dps I think, but I don’t think it would prevent the plasma charge from disabling shields. Only thing I can think of is that maybe the enemy you shot already had its shields disabled and so when your charged shot hit it, it had no effect. Idk, maybe just a game bug or something too. Wanna know a neat trick? If you walk at an angle while carrying a turret, you’ll walk at normal speed. It’s easiest to do with a keyboard.
gura wants to give us her prechewed water
idk if I tried it on elites, but I tried it on jackal shields and it didn't seem to damage them, didn't even kill grunts, so I just used the plasma rifles instead
Is Gura any good at strategy games? I want to play Dawn of War, Cossacks, AOE or EAW and so on against her, rush her base and pillage her forces before she has a chance to build an army against me TuT
plasma pistol is only good for the charged shot to take shields off and disabling vehicles
Oh, I think maybe the jackal hand shields are more resilient. I always go for headshots on those creeps. I never bother trying to disable their shield
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>If you walk at an angle while carrying a turret, you’ll walk at normal speed. It’s easiest to do with a keyboard.
oh yeah I just got past the first hunters and picked up a turret, thanks!
>disabling vehicles
that didn't work either, I remember being able to stun wraiths and ghosts in halo 1 and reach but it just got me ran over and killed in 2
it didnt in halo 1 or 2 only after
it did in Halo 1 CE and Reach, I definitely remember doing that
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Does this model have a cunny?
I-I…want to eat Gura…
nope, it did not disable vehicles in 1 and remember reach was after 3 and odst
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I'm cooking!
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Ok then how do you explain this you piece of shit
okey maybe I got it mixed up, but I 100% stunned a wraith in reach, and I could blow up jackal shields with it in 1
I wish she joined holo gta
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Can we please stop arguing if doors are subsets…it’s tearing this family apart
i wish she would do anything
Now that Ame's gone who would be best for Gura Halo co-op? Moom? Faufau?
ummm anon? thats halo 3. I told you it didnt do that in 1 and 2
Daring today, aren't we?
ohh I recognize the background music from a lot of youtube videos
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>their super power was mega racism
and one day Sigismund evolved from mega racism to omega racism
I meant this one
that why I said reach was after 3 so of course it worked and plasma has always disabled jackal shields
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Incidentally causing that shitpost war and subsequent running gag/door subset meme is one of my favorite memories of this thread
Also, repent hereticbuds
it didn't seem to in 2
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*door subset running gag/meme
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Ok mr smarty pants…you win this time
I meant this one
Gura is a subset of Gawr Gura.
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How freaking dare you…how freaking dare you sir…
Kiara and Fauna wouldn't be interested in playing. Mumei likes shooters but might feel herself above Halo. Gigi would be in for it. So likely Mumei or Gigi.
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I ate too many Oreos and now my tummy hurts
Absolutely unequivocally would
goob behind the wheel
moom on the gun
i wanna see them get wrecked by the invisible sword elites
ur a subset of deez
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What’s deez?
I would be more likely to trust Gura with a gun than with a car. She has cursed negative driving skills.
DEEZ goobs!
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Are you telling me Moom is an anti-arena shooter elitist
But she fucking plays Overwatch
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Sometimes people on the street come to me and they say “Anon, why do you post so much on /ggg/?”
And to them I say “because I love them. They are my brothers. And on to them, they too to me.”
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Same desu
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we actually got that exact configuration when they were playing fortnite
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I lub oreos…I lub the Oreo blizzard from dq…
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The end of an era..
the driving AI is pretty shit, they're driving anywhere but the objective, literally just drove me off a cliff
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Me too. It was hands down the best hololive event ever in my opinion, and I've been watching for almost 5 years.
I don't really care anymore. Sorry.
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Please care.
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I can't. I'm sorry. No matter who Gura chose to play it with, I know I would just keep thinking that I wish she was playing it with Ame instead.
I mean GTA RP is popular for a reason and most Hololive events were just Minecraft with very little mods.
rust was better to me, but rust was also one of those games I used to play to death
also you know she took part in it, that helped, gta was fun though
Would (You) go in a chastity cage for gura as the one condition to date her?
its over?
I liked the part where she called gura a bitch
she would probably lose the key
Love Gura
Love Chumbies
That's part of the risk
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
I don't love content, but I enjoy watching her Gura.
No, that sounds weak and subservient, I believe most women would be disgusted by that.
Woof woof.
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I need a stupidly long stream where Gura gets a platform to showcase her degeneracy
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>a stupidly long stream
Gura is a sweet, pure, innocent idol.
She has never had any degenerate thoughts.
Gura is a degenerate semen demon who will milk you of your gallons daily.
>her oshi's gone
>best friend's gone
>Cover are being cunts as usual
>deep depression and health going to shit because of all this
Unironically probably the worst period for her since joining Hololive. I'm not sure how she's going to get over this
by having near endless sex with me for most of the day
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The Gallons incident
I made this post

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