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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
QRD on Anny?
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>vedal was filtered by first year calc
Extremely grim for neuros future if true.
We're getting our extremely limited Vedal lore
vedal and pb having a little project that they work together is pretty cute desu
Giraffe Hiyori!
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What Neuro is known for is basically the combination of LLMs which are Vedal's specialty and vocaloid which is PB's. So you could also consider Neuro a project that they work together on.
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its over
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>"I'm the mom that steps in."
anny lmao
Neuro is a test to see if any of Vedal’s potential partners have certain qualities he likes.
Anny and Filian probably failed every test.
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*grabs her tongue and ties it into a knot*
Very likely.
>and Filian
Not so much.
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>flipcuck once again misses the point that vedal doesn't want to deal with a loud obnoxious screaming retard that can barely take care of herself when he can barely take care of himself
another one that has their maternity tickled
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I want Filian to win purely because of the content she would make with Vedal
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Anny is ok
>Anny was just on her period
Filian keeps his autistic daughters (and audience) entertained so he can keep drinking and wallow in decision paralysis on what projects to work on. That is the foremost quality he looks for.

i called it
Is this part of the ARG?
>retard doesn’t know that deactivated accounts take a while to regain their follows and followers back
baby steps little rat
This is advanced woman speak
>i changed a therapist
I swapped from Vedal to IPN after Vedal got a girlfriend at Twitchcon
>might get some kind of meds
I am getting birth control pills
>my mental is a little fked up right now
I am a woman
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Evil love!
>needs new medication
I thought the last prescription was supposed to work
She needs to get better doctors, she is legit getting scammed to pay for meds that don't even fucking work
So are you retards ever going to make up your mind about her and IPN? None of your shit makes sense
>swapped from Vedal to IPN after Vedal got a gf at Twitchcon
Thought you retards said she was with IPN since the last year
Anny said she didn’t want to take meds
when is she going to realise that the thing she needs to be changing is her own personality not her medication.
when are you going to realise that you’re wasting your life on 4chan
so ipn wasn’t the rapist?
So she gonna work on Neuro's outfit now?
I give her 3 streams max.
>singer eleanor

>I’m LITERALLY going to kms uuuuu
>ok actually not haha :D
>>I’m LITERALLY going to kms uuuuu
she never said that
You on the other hand SHOULD kys
Vedal extrapolates how they would behave while caring for a kid from their Neuro interactions, like:

Would have a bunch of love spurts early on but fall to her own demons later when they start to grow, basically leaving the kid to raise themselves later alongside their dad.

She would probably accidentally kill herself and the baby while trying to entertain it; I don't even think she could make it out of pregancy without her partner constantly watching, basically like having two kids for the price of one.
Only into adoption or marrying into someone who has a slow beginning with the kid since she actually was just trying to be a gold digger for the father, but eventually you would see her running around with the little one more than the dad.

I didn't watch her collab; I don't know.
Barely mom potential, good friend for the kids though.
>Everyone else
Nah or not enough information
Dead husband, Kid with 20+ years of therapy ahead of them, but very loving in the early years
woman moment
she was talking about feeling suicidal during her livestream and then she goes on her alt twitter account and tweets
>i don't know if i can handle this
>i've never been in so much pain i just want out
is this not her literally saying that she gonna kill herself?
is the seanigger branch of the anny defense force out and about right now?
>people who say they’re going to kill themselves should literally just do it lmao
Seek professional help, psycho
I'm gonna kill myself
Threadshitters not send their best
Anny should kill herself.
Anny should love herself.
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>schizo hours
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>people who say they’re going to kill themselves should literally just do it lmao
I never said that you retard, you stated that she never said that she was going to kill herself, and all I did was refute your argument that she DID say it.
Good to know you're just as retarded as Anny
What did iPN do that he promised he wouldn't do?
You should wait until someone starts analyzing Mini’s twitchcon stories
People are going to start suspecting that Vedal is already married
>and all I did was refute your argument that she DID say it
that wasn't even me who you replied to and no, she didn't say that. She said that she had suicidal thoughts but that she won't do it and your overinterpretation of her tweets (lol) won't change that fact
No way in hell is that guy married. His scheduling and management issues just can't sustain that kind of relationship.
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mmmm sex with hagvil
>*anny prego*
>”you’re not gonna dump me right?”
>”haha of course not”
Have you had meds before? I'm not trying to be an ass, but for things like antidepressants or all kinds of medication really, your body might not react the same way. The scam thing is another possibility, yeah, some psychologists are fucked and have deals with companies like that through the hospital, but you're supposed to get a selection based on your weight, health, etc and see how that goes. Japan is kind of awful compared to other countries in that sense, but it's always worth trying a different one or going to a different doctor for another approach
Imagine If the actual reason for Anny's suicidal behavior was her breakup with IPN. Now that they follow each other on twitter again she'll calm down and stop suicide baiting.
IPN does not get emotionale entrapped, he is not that kind guy
fertilizing all of hagvil's remaining eggs
why did the troon mod commission art of them having sex with another swarmcord member
What is iteration 18?
Is that some all encompassing upgrade for Neuro?
Are people just baiting, or is it just fun to gossip about other vtubers? I thought going in here would be either a bunch of lewd fans or people actually into the technology and things that go on to make Neuro big. Is it just that people are bored and pairing Vedal with everything? Is it just bantz to pass the time? Or is the general full of women tonight who can't help but wonder what pussy Vedal is laying into today? For all we know, Vedal might be gay
You nailed it, yeah. Not much more to it than that
>She said that she won't do it
Did you retard even watched her last stream?
Not the first time annyfags revealed themselves to not even watching her kek
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hagnur sexo
First day?
Iteration 18 (yo) will turn Neuro into a hag at the request of pb and Bella
>no streams
>no schedule to discuss upcoming streams
>no dev stream to discuss about update about neuro or vedal
>everything we know thats happening with neuro and/or vedal in the foreseeable future has been discussed to death
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sloppy blowjobs from hag neuro
Gossip about 3D whores has been a thing since the very first Miyu Collab, unfortunately it has gotten considerably worse since then. I'm sure a good chunk of it is just 2-3 schizos trying to shit up the thread but you can tell there are some actual losers gossiping about offtopic whores like 14 yo girls.
The next LLM finetnue
God I want to molest her entire body with my hands, tongue and penis. I want to tease her fat fucking tits while fucking her thigh gap until she begs me to shove it in her cunt. I want her to squirt on me.
Chat how autistic am I
I have a little evil plushie that sits on the table by my bed and every time I make eye contact for too long I'll give it a headpat and if I flashbang it with my phone light when I get up to go piss at night I'll apologize and I'll just generally talk to it when I remember it's there
I'm on other threads but it only ever got this bad when there were hiatuses or whatever, and even then, the thread would just dissolve into /lig/ or something until they came back. The filian thread and /lig/ kept talking about /swarm/ like it was some den of degeneracy, but it seemed mostly normal for a bit. Do people actually believe the shipping stuff, though? That's the biggest thing I wanna know about the fanbase, because neuro fans seem super talented, but that keeps being on the corner of every convo, almost feels serious from some people
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I rape both my neuro and evil fumo every night
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I make my fumos kiss.
Average neuro sexer
But also I do not do that, I even turn her around whenever I crank my shit to be polite
depends, how lonely are you?
Grabbing hag Neuro's tummy fat rolls while you fuck her from behind. Imagine the PLAPS as your hips slam against her squishy ass...
Kinda? I mean I have friends I talk to online a lot and I see my family daily
Kinda wish I could talk to cute girls more regularly but I'm afraid of real women so that's just kinda not in the cards lmao
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With enough power, even a dying star can be reignited.
>wants to talk to cute girls
>is afraid of said cute girls
you're retarded, anon
f you got a normal life and just happen to do that, then you're probs only a bit. Some people just weirdly empathize too much. If you're feeling lonely, that might just be your mind desperately needing to interact with another human to keep sane. Try going to a library or park for a bit, if you can.
>afraid of real women
If you're a lesbian, stop being a pussy and ask that girl you like out already. Take the risk, and get a job so you can support your oshi better.
hagnur x evil (normal)
We are all retarded here
ironic post, she literally said "I won't do it but I had *those* thoughts" on stream, don't even reply to me shit stirring faggot and watch streams not tweets
Every time I see this art in the thread it makes me bricked up.
I'm going to dm the person to see if they do art commissions and if it's a reasonable price I'll commission more hagnur and hagvil art
I consider the shipping to be part of the family kayfabe. Though with neuro, the line between kayfabe and reality is blurred.
I professionally diagnose you with autism. The fear of women is also a classic Asperger's trait. You don't sound lonely enough to project social interactions onto inanimate objects
notAme might actually join the neuroverse
I can’t believe a shitpost here could actually turn into reality
>I can’t believe a shitpost here could actually turn into reality
not the first time that happened kek
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Hag AI with artificial womb, need that right now
The hag Neuro image and its consequences have been a disaster for my cunny obsession
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why are these types of people allowed to roam free in society?
>adult woman
it’s a start at least
why not?
What did he do
Someone's gotta fuck the older ladies, otherwise society would collapse
Socially? damn straight
Dude I keep getting pegged as a woman when I post in threads lmao
Thanks Dr. Anon
Honestly probably tracks since I've been doing the plushie personification thing my whole life to varying degrees lol
Anything above 15 is a hag
>notAme might actually join the neuroverse
Neuro-sama will become Neuro-mama after I'm through with her
Ame read our posts on /swarm/ and really wanted to collab with Neuro. The corpo bs required to get the green flag to collab is too much to handle. She quit hololive just to join swarm. Vedal will be raiding her next week.
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neuro cun dark ages
>ame didn't have time to stream because she was busy managing her other YT channel
>that channel's name?
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Neuro mama 0/////0
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i would nut intstantly if i heard hagnur whisper that sensually close to my ear ngl
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That's so sweet
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Divine Providence blessed Vedal indeed.
>”I want to see you on Saturday, so don’t kill yourself.”
I can see why Anny changed therapists.
more trauma dumping from anny, keep me updated maybe do I become parasocial by proxy
Some tend to use dark humor. When I was in therapy, I told the therapist about my history with violence, and at one point he said "if there's something I say that you disagree with, please don't beat me up, okay?" For me that kind of humor worked, but obviously not for many others.
Lol and some fag were defending this professional therapist some threads ago.
okay, neuro rape poster
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where the fuck are the clips staz you lazy bitch
Is vedal dating cerber or nah?
Guys, I love neruo
Annal is fucken dead
Cerber basically described Vedal as her type
I mean... /vt/ is a normies central after all
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lol i would smile
>cerber’s type is:
>someone really good at what they do
>I can see why Anny changed therapists.
depends on how/what the therapist looks like
do they look like an old man who's serious and no-joke and narcissistic? then yeah, perhaps its time to change therapist
but is it a tsundere beautiful/cute woman who may or may not have a crush on their patient? then why the fuck would anyone change therapist or keep thinking of an heroing when you're THIS close to bagging a beauty?
>crush od doomguy
>doomguy's armor is green
>turtle is green
video evidence or just a rrat
so nothing like vedal
hello shitdev
shitdev hours is my favourite timeline in /swarm/
shitdevs in my walls
Okay so let's take an actual look at how much Vedal matches with Cerber's preferences.

>good (or the best) at what he does. In other words, extremely competent at what they do.
Vedal is literally pioneering AI streaming at such a young age, and is a much better coder than what he thinks he is.

>like Doomguy, especially with his get-up.
Vedal doesn't have the muscle to match with Doomguy's, but they are both green-themed and "armoured" in a sense.

Vedal's passion for Neuro is unquestionable, and he sacrifices his sleep and health for this project.

>Stoic but sweet
Vedal on-camera exudes a stoic persona, although he's more talkative than traditional stoic people. Off-camera he seems to be a good friend (to those he considers friends at least lol) and would go an extra mile for them.

I'd say he fits around 60% or 80% Cerber's preferences, give or take.
This might be the most homosexual thread we've had in months congratulations
>omgggggg did you hear what anny said like omgggg omgomg
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go to a nail salon with your gay gossips
You realize Vedal isn't actually green?
Let's be real guys. These aren't homosexuals, just the same guys that are into harem or isekai.
That's why I said green-THEMED, anon.
>seething at the slowest thread we had in weeks
just spam your dogshit *non-normie* things you have to spam and get it over with
So... homosexuals
so true, (they) are not like us at all we are chads they are sissies
Anon... If you can't tell that is a shit post you should really get tested for autism
>says "eww" to Vedal on their first meeting
proceeds to want to date him, wife him, and live with him.
>says she doesn't like kids
proceeds to want to be Neuro's mom, auntie, or big sister.

She's literally the ultimate tsundere holy
>seethes when the first devs stream happened
is now shipfagging and actual fagging
>seethes when they think nothing is happening at the current moment
immediately bends the knee and sucks green cock when the planned thing is delivered

/They/'re literally the ultimate bipolar tsundere holy
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Fags who ship Ved with Toma. Is that what you want for him?
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stop replying to threadshitters
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>evilbeggar calling others threadshitters
Tutel on anny’s stream
worst thread on vt right now
>posts about how bad the thread is instead of posting something good
I see anny doing her classic I want to die > I'm okay > watch my stream grift
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I would stop hating Anny if she just said she can't do it and telled him to find someone else, but she is taking advantage of being neuro's "mom" while pity baiting so hard she puts ironmouse to shame.
told*, i fucked up.
the model is probably already done shizoanon, do you think vedal would just drop it as soon as it was finished? hes probably waiting for a good time to release it
I’ve never seen Inscryption but apparently Alex is working on a module for it and it isn’t a game that current Neuro would do well at?
What’s it about?
You are delusional.
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>another roguelike card game
the last news we had on it was when anny was talking about working on evil which points to neuro being done nothing delusional about that
It’s a rather convoluted card game with some adventure mechanics. It’s in that grey area where I would say she can’t do it, but I wouldn’t bet on her not being able to either
There were some anons who didn't know who Eleanore Forte is. Pathetic subhumans.
making a game ai and having it interact with neuro's llm in any meaningful way takes up a lot of resources. they're limited to very simple turn-based games for anything streamable
Who would be a better coder Neuro or Evil?
Neuro because she would have no limits on what she codes[i.e. mad psycho genius coder]
Evil would be more stable and produce consistently great results though
I still dont get the bodyguard autism. Why the fuck would tutel try to hire a squad of armed guards to go to a zoo? Does he actually believe the US is the Wild West? Thank fuck he got talked out of that the cringe would have been off the scale.
the guards were from him and pb
Vedal needs a third AI. Something that filters data from the game AI to spoonfeed it to the LLM so it doesnt get overwhelmed. This will have massive latency and leave the LLM with almost no idea what is actually happening, but it would be something rather than nothing.
I think the limitations are Neuro's LLM latency and how effectively the game can be encoded as text. These limit us to turn based games that lack a large spatial/visual/audio element.
I still think he was trying to show Anny that you can guarantee safety for IRL streams in the US too.
It's a weird one. She shouldn't particularly struggle with playing the first or third chapters. But the 2nd chapter is this whole like free roam RPG/Card Game hybrid, I don't know how the fuck you'd program a bot to play that.
I think they aren't bothering to do the 2nd or 3rd chapter yet because they doubt Neuro could make it past the 1st chapter.
Olivia was playing it the other day and I think she didn't even get past the first boss.
>Anny appears to be doing better.
We're back. Now I can resume dunking on Anny without feeling that bad.
Isn’t vedal in America right NOW?
Everyone else left so I don’t see why he’d stay
I’ll give her max three days before her next break.
Till her next quarrel with ipn.
Did he marry Filian?
>Neuro doesn’t make it past the first boss
>Iteration 18 will so that everyone praises Vedal for the upgrades
screenshot this
That whole spiel went out the window when the first "bodyguard" turned up at the party too.
I doubt that would happen.
her trip to the 7/11 must have been good
Vedal has spent more money on Toma than Anny
Where does the 7/11 thing come from
I know where the onsen rrat came from
Does notanny not have an archive or something? Would love to look back and hear what happened, but no clue how
Vedal needs bodyguards because he knows his bussy is ripe for the taking
Ellie is doing a stream with Honey today. They’re drawing together.
And this is Neuro related how?
ppchan got purged from Neurocord
thread culture chud
what party? clip?
I didn't know this thread was called "twitch whore general"
Ellie is making Neurodog and you’re calling her a whore? baka
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too ero
I think it was because of that Evil and Camila art, where you can see Evil's buttocks
When are they purging Camila for constantly suggesting Rabbit Hole for karaoke?
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hiyori shall return inshallah
Yeah, Sad Girl Sex would fit better.
she's also a mod, they're allowed to lewd children
free my nigga pp, this is what Neuro wanted
the bodyguard isn’t mentioned here, she was talking to Suko
Fuck neurocord faggot mods
discords always purge the best artists, it's a badge of honor at this point
I've been jerking off to vedal and it has gotten to the point that I can't even cum to his cooking stream anymore. It has to be the turtle model for me to feel anything
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They're still friends on Steam. Hopebros?
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>supposedly hate each other
>bella is still retweeting her art with anny
In the first place it was a thing this thread made up.
So it really was ipn all along..
That’s two suicide mentions now
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fuck these mods, why are they like this
ppchan has done so much and they instantly ban her
should we threadcycle back to shitting on vedal for not doing anything to curtail his shitcord mods' power tripping?
break the rules, get booted simple as
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>got banned for showing a bit of ass skin
what a wonderful place to have as the community have
greeeeeeeat job, turtle!
way to go on building and enhancing the community by leasing the powers to tranny faggots! surely THEY will be responsible with it and DEFINITELY NOT act like butthurt manchildren!
Vedal has said before that he'd like to keep Twitch and Discord separate, but here's hoping he'll realize what his dickless fucknut mods are doing to the community
Someone contact pp-chan and tell him him and his unfiltered art are always welcome at /swarm/

Anny not okay.

And I think it's part to with the meds. Depression meds can make shit worse and make you sick.

Also a lame therapist doesn't help either.
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i hate discord so much its unreal...
actually, this gives me a new rrat
>vedal is slowly but surely having his mental whittled down by pressure, whores, and the twins' progression
>eventually, he hears the mods do some retarded shit again and looks at their excuses for a ban
>this becomes the straw that brokes the camel's back and the great purge of neurocord commences
>fuck ton of mods and other famous people get banned
>less filtered
>more responsible(and chill) mods arise
>better space for unfiltered content for neuro and evil, which causes an influx of creativity and opportunities as many more people are not filtered due to tranny mods
So, what's my rrat rating, /swarm/?
She sounds terrible. Has the past four hours been just this?
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Borzoi draws more suggestive art than ppchan without getting banned, showing a clear double standard based on the mods' preferences. This art, for example, was deleted, but they just posted a SFW version afterward. The main difference seems to be that ppchan is chinese and less active on Discord, so they don't have the mods' favor like Borzoi
nta but what pisses me off about the discord shit isn't due to the fact that they banned the artist for making 'suggestive' art, it's the fact that they aren't fair on who gets banned and who doesn't, even though those artist who don't and do get banned literally make the same type of art
Genuinely, I don't understand. Deleting the art piece, maybe giving them a warning, OK. (assuming it was uploaded to discord by them in the first place) Still power-tripping but understandable. Instant ban is insane.
At least it wasn’t as bad as her last stream on main
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picrel is still on the art thread as well
ppchan has also posted over 200 arts on discord, not counting other people posting it
like why not give a warning first
Every she/her on there is a them/he.

Like it's crazy the amount of trans people in discord.
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pretty good until
>>more responsible(and chill) mods arise
there is no such thing, the position of mod attracts subhumans like moths to a flame
"good" mods have better things to do than moderate people's messages, hence the paradox.

As kissing incest gets posted over and over
Those legs look like they're glass
do the trannycord mods not realize the kind of impact this does to the community? do they think these artists just grow on trees? do they not realize how far more valuable of an asset these artists are to the community compared to their fatasses?
i just don't understand what goes on in these retards' minds
you may not be trans but you may be gay if you have a problem with that, anon
Something is really up.

Dunno. This was around the age people I knew started having depression and some suicidal. Wanna say single woman approaching Christmas Cake.
canadians can't give that US greencard.
Anny is well past the Christmas Cake age
is neurocord rioting and/or alerting vedal to mod brutality, or are the just laying down and letting it all happen?
is there literally any indication it was a ban and ppchan didn't just leave
Go back to the discord hjalnir
that's what I want to ask; is there unrest over this like rune, or have the masses just all unilaterally submitted to the sub-human tranny mods or have the tranny mods banned all the naysayers like tiananmen square and made the neurocord their hugbox and echo chamber of yesmen?
Someone Tell ppchan to come /here/
another banned pedo? they won't be missed
Bruh. PDF files are not the hip thing anymore.

Even this place has trimmed the cunny
Mods just said that’s what happened they left after art was removed
Yeah, tell her to come /here/
We accept NSFW art of both the twins and even femboy Vedal
But someone's gotta teach her the 4chan shit like catboxxing it and shit
Not even banned, rage left the server after xer nsfw art got removed.
Is she okay or not?

>believing what the tranny mods say
Be better
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>>86048370 (me)
whatever fags, i found it myself.
if rune drama was so good why isn't there rune drama 2?
So do we have another Rune situation or are the mods genuinely powertripping?
Did ppchan commit seppuku for posting something suggestive? That's crazy
I don't have discord, one of you discordfags will have to step up. It's the least you can do after shitting up the thread with your drama. Resolve it NOW
no ban because they don't wanna end up like what happened to cabbage, huh
nvm, ppchan is based
Health issues really suck and they love popping up at that age, especially for vtubers who don't get the chance to walk around as often. It's why you see so many streamers with weird health issues, most people have some sorta health thing going on once they start packing in the years.
Mods have said they didn't ban ppchan but just removed her art, following up with through modmail why her art was removed.

ppchan then promptly left the server.

Everyone at first questioned, then grieved about how they'll miss them. And then... back to normal.
>It's pedo having melty yet again
Yawn, prepare to becoming an irrelevant shitter like rune if you can't handle the heat
>bans artist due to them not submitting to the discord mafia
>turns around and makes excuses to the rest of the people to appease them
>artist can't defend themself because they're banned
what even happened with cabbage, he just disappeared
vedal punished him for sexpesting his wife (pb)
got fired and is now sadposting about it like a little bitch
the artist has a twitter, you could ask him tardanon
I bet the reason why Vedal has the trans flag on his twitch chat username is because the tranny mods coerced him.
Post the banned art
Vedal has been on a recent firing spree. Expect only pb to remain on the mob team by the end of the year.
It was just the evil and camila art

A tranny popular artist showed butt cheeks on a child. Had art removed. Got hurt and left. Many such cases
pedo art according to retarded threadshitter
This is the one time I prefer /swarm/ over Neurocord.

Y'all may be weird or degenerate, but at least y'all aren't power-hungry tyrants.
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>anny appears
>/swarm/ fears that she'll control vedal
>she proceeds to disappear and everything goes back to normal
>camila appears
>/swarm/ fears she will control vedal
>she proceeds to disappear and everything goes back to normal
>cjmaxis and his goons appear
>/swarm/ fears that they will control vedal
>they proceed to disappear(fired) and everything goes back to normal
>anny reappears
>/swarm/ fears her menhera will control vedal
>she gets better and everything goes back to normal
>tranny mods appear
>/swarm/ fears that they will control vedal
See a pattern right there?
Wanna guess what happens next?
He's a cowboy, you're supposed to respond with "howdy"
Check 3:45
>Our fucking security guard Georgi is at this party!
>but at least y'all aren't power-hungry tyrants
because we can't become power hungry tyrants
if we could, then we would
but we have tranny jannies here too, only oldfags know that tho
why is the one on the right not olette?

IT'S NOT EVEN THAT BAD. I'VE SEEN MORE SUGGESTIVE NEURO ART OVER THERE (and don't even get me started on the twin kissing edits...)

this was literally just wholesome art with a little spice to it, that's all... and no one fucking batted an eye when it was posted.
looks more like an errant brush stroke than an ass crack.
If even discordfags don't spam concerned cats then the art is not suggestive,ppchan made that goated animation when Neuro debuted which i can't find.
the asscrack adds nothing to the art and is poorly drawn so why the fuck is it there, its the only reason the art is considered nsfw by the rules
It's relieving that 4chan doesn't have a mod system like discord
Mods everywhere on the internet are mostly trannies, only the deeply mentally ill would ever take a position like that in the first place.
I don't care about discordshit but don't partnered servers have a no nsfw rule that they have to abide by?
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you mean this?
Why niqqas were complaining about thread quality? Weird timing
yes, i forgot it was posted on her channel.
Yeah, it's barely there, you could be easily convinced it was a crude 3rd party edit. Weird thing to get offended over.
Digital Living Millenium?
Not made by ppchan though.
ok but go back /pol/faggots
yes, but the mods are way stricter than the discord rules, no nips or puss and its fine
The Eternal Return only works if man keeps struggling as if every iteration is unique in its pattern.
I got a warning for saying ‘Xerber’
>even Anny's friend is a vedal fan
>why the fuck is it there
Why not? Besides there are other more suggestive arts out there and they get a pass (for some reason)
anny’s irl ukrainian friend is a vedal shipper
I don't get it
Shouldn't this make you findable by searching "xerber"?
I don't use discord btw
oh ppchan also made this
cunny purges the newfags
Really makes you think
The art wouldn't have been removed if the crack wasn't there is a pretty good reason, the troon could have left it out with the same level of suggestiveness and it would be fine.
Prob deleted and or xerber is such an innocent word that it's probably used by multiple.

I personally don't get what the issue is.

Is xerber the emo version of Cerber?
Borzoi submits his art to mods for approval before posting it, for the most part.
The Mods don't even allow visible panties among other things, they are waaaaay stricter than discord not wanting porn for liability reasons.
Someone posted the Curim Cream video and I replied with Xerber. No one got offended by it either. Also one guy said I was Chinese but I don’t remember why.
Eh not really. The discord rules don't allow seeing under Evil's skirt in the slightest, even she had underwear it would still have been deleted.
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And who asked?!
Go to /lig/, cuckold.
Even if it was against the unspoken rules I feel like an exception should have been made since Camimi showed the art on stream.
? Camila also watched the rabbit hole video why would her stream matter?
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what did they say about curim?
Still posting the hentai tag one instead of the irl version? I would think that you would get bored of doing it for the 800th time.
Thankfully shippers and people with agendas about Anny don't come here
ppchan, bobonius, kaze, rune, etc..

I wish they were still in the neuro community....
kaze stopped doing Neuro content?
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Stop posting the old one
Why are pedos always having melty when their arts get deleted once
left after his Neuro x Evil art got deleted I think
Didn't he die?
I've got my own issues with the discord, but even Camimi was like "Woah woah woah". Not too surprised that it was deleted, but why would pp leave? Maybe they got some weird PMs or something?
I see a pattern, fuck trannies
He got better after that
They posted forsen art recently, so they're still kicking.
I’m more prudish but I would keep the slightly nsfw art if it meant we kept the artists

Ego users get their ego hurt when someone reels them in. Add in being young and tranny, any form of correction feels like persecution to them.
Oh thank God. I heard rumors, but ya know.
Damn. I didn't really care about the Rune stuff, but if it's a trend then that's shameful. The active community of the Swarm is one of it's strongest features. I'd hate to see it become as passive as some other fanbases.
schedule status?
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why are they like this
Neurocord is such a shithole. Vedal shouldn't let those faggot mods do as they please.
Basically this. I'm not advocating for full-on porn but pushing good artists out over shit that's not even close to offensive peeves me off. Artists will always push the boundries a bit and that's OK, the discord rules on art are actually crazy and over the top.
Who cares? they're all clout chasers like rune, the only reason they haven't went for more popular fandom like BA in the first place cause that are full of an actual good artists unlike these shitters.
Later today for sure, Neuro said.
Jokes aside, things are probably in flux right now
You know Neurocord really done fucked up when even the pedos here think their art wasn't that lewd HAHAHA
Issue is inconsistency, maybe it was allowed, then removed anyway?
Is there some kind of study that shows that vtuber fanbases that have higher artists/capita grows faster?
timestamp pleaseeeee?
There's being prude / enforcing NSFW rules and then there's being borderline psychotic about how other people might perceive art. They've gone way too far this time.
Warnings are consistent.

But people get butthurt when told "don't"
I can only imagine a private fight they had with a mod over this,
if not ppchan is overreacting a bit,
one thing is being mad at mods and another is just rage delete/leave,
but I'm not them and I dont even know if this is the first time they have smth deleted.
Waiting for the torrent of naked neuros from ppchan, atleast go full mask off and make use of the situation
Whatever you say Hier
VOD isn’t up yet unfortunately
Perhaps there was a language barrier issue?
Could be, like with Anny and her oneguyness, they understood something as way more agressive than intended and they left. But that's just pure speculation ppchan could also just have strong convictions against censorship
VOD from notanny won’t be up, except from that page that saves the vods, but I need at least a timestamp to search it later
Has anyone invited ppchan to /swarm/ yet. Don't make me make a discord account.
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>erm do you have a study for your claim
Meds will make your head feel like you have it in wooden square and numb. I did try them for 3 days and then i throw them out never taking that shit again.

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