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>big return stream
>barely 1k viewers
What went wrong?
Save him Lyko!
Damn that's sad even Plappa got 4k on her return streams
Where's Mint when you need her?
He fell off hard without Raziel lol
Luxiem are washed up. The whole NijiEN branch is just waiting for the end now, there's nowhere to go and no more growth to be had. everyone is just trying to avoid thinking about it.
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>Losing to Rosemi's fishing stream

Perhaps it was a retarded idea to include 2/4ths of their remnants in the black stream. Or to do it at all, but that’s obvious.
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Impressive for an indie
why did he go into hiding
Something happened in china. That's
where the majority of their fans are from. No idea what caused it. Ccp crackdown on vpn or just bored of their shitty drama.
Yeah but they didn't just lose Chinese fans. The impressive thing is they suffered a collapse with numerous different independent fandoms. The SEA fandom, the western fandom, the male fandom. We witnessed multiple fandom collapses occurring almost independently and for different reasons
They've been sinking like a rock ever since the start of the year. This isn't something new for you to say "well actually a big thing in China just happened!".
Unironically Vox calling someone's mom a whore was what kickstarted their recline
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>Tainted by vox's black stream participation and nuked by raziel's docs, still beats the mega buffed (?) ex liver who got the full backing of western vtubing sphere.
what went right ?
You can blame Millie and Enna for the collapse of their SEA fandom. Only the most toxic trannies and sisters still watch from that region supporting their antics. Vox fucked up China badly with his hobo peasant ashiguru costume
They are all unironically numberfags. If they see they aren't popular the crowd starts dispersing. Was never about how good they were.
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Their audience fucked off to enjoy something else
No one watch's doki for her signing
What the fuck is wrong with shoe's neck?
Jesus, nijien has been truly abandoned by Anykuro huh
That's not even her singing.
It's her fucking intro as a standalone video.
It's not even the "first" version of it, as she plans on having a new one made for every model she gets. That's the second variant. The first one's at 580kish.
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Very true, and yet, she still had more people come to her concert than the (cancelled) NijiEN concert KEK
>Sings a super popular song which also got a recency bias after Marine the #2 most famous Vtuber reacted to Ange Katrina dancing to it
>Beats some indie vtuber's intro song
I wonder why
>SEA hours
>SEAfags shit up the catalog with Niji bait all at the same time
>Continuously necrobump their bait threads

What causes this level of retard? Did they run out of pagpag to eat?
>Niji golden goose
>Singing BBBB
Only getting 500k in a month is pathetic.
Don't ever put Luxiem on the same level of HoloID ever again, they could barely compete against homostars ffs
>What causes this level of retard
Nice ESL pagpag sister.
Didn't he get 7k CCV a few days ago? How is this a "return stream"?
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That was a full luxiem offcollab. Apparently he's been gone for over 2 weeks as far as solo streams goes.
His actual average is anywhere from 1-2k
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Seethe holotranny
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Seethe Nijisister
Jesus instantly btfo. What is it about these two that makes sisters seethe so much they seem harmless?
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Jesus christ, imagine having the "strongest wave" having an offcollab mogged by two idiot dogs driving a burger.
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>holoid in 2024.
>still the same shitters LMAO.
im still waiting for kobroke to get 100k usd in superchats roru.
>off collab vs multiple POV GTA collab
Oh no no no no sister, Luxiem is deader than dead
I'm still waiting if miload can even get 500 dollars sc these day
>T. Faggot who doesn't understand that GTA streams are all different POVS
Dookibros... we fucking lost...
>Different streams have different povs
Yeah no shit, dumb sis.
Why would they stream their own pov if it was the same as everybody else
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>The best of NijiEN
>About to be overtaken by another HoloID for the 3rd time
You explained GTA RP isn't a debuff. I accept your concession
Multiple pov is a debuff, retard.
They're basically splitting their box.
Because Luxiem sisters overlap with starsisters so when they stayed silent when the homostars appeared then it felt they ignored Luxiem too even though they already ignore Luxiem
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fuwamoco gained 29.770m total views from january to august. luxiem has 32.196m views gained from january to august. poor adventkeks always loses lmao
>Luxiem sisters overlap with starsisters
Not since late 2022.
Just go ahead and look at their stream statistic.
>need 4 separate channels to beat 1 channel
>A single channel vs 4
What an absolute win, congrats sister.
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Show the big dogs
Fun fact : If you split FuwaMoco's subs into two (half for each of the twins), more than half of NijiEN still has less subs than them.
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but you holokeks were saying that luxiem was dead, explain the 32m views gained then from four dead channels ? will fuwamoco beat vox's 2022 numbers (68.878m) ? you are going to need covid-25 for that to happen im afraid LMAO.
Bots, all of them.
You can't get 32 million views yet have lackluster viewership and sc.
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You know exactly what went wrong
>but you holokeks were saying that luxiem was dead
As streamers, they effectively are. See >>86031512
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Because the sisters are viewfarming the fuck out of their covers.
Whenever they forget to do one the results look much different
As opposed to Holofags botting the fuck out of their covers and streams
Raziel won.
Then why when CC called GG's mom a whore it's the funniest thing ever?
dont think vox cares too much nowadays about his noombers, man is a millionaire now after ranking the huge profits back in 2022. can you say the same about holo id members that isnt reine ?
He did say he has heart problem early this year, after SEREN SHOKKU.
>nijien is on the same level as ID now
holy grim. even then Kaela still easily mogs them.
Not anymore lmaoooo
I mean the guy basically sold pornography to underage girls on youtube. I'm surprised he still has his channel, he should really be in prison
Reine is a fucking billionaire you retard, don't you ever put her name in the same sentence as le retard de miload ever again.
Like Fauna, right?
mysta still made enough to buy a house, and notmysta didnt say that superchat's cuts is only 2% for the livers. that was for merchandise, retard.
Point me to Fauna dick sucking stream, sister.
Mysta made enough to dodge millions of dollars in taxes too
>Different paycut for Luxiem and the clique compared to other organs
Yeah sister, I know.
Mysta only "afforded" his house because he was trying to use it for tax fraud lmao, after getting penalized by the taxman he fled the country
1billion in rupiah is 66.1k usd dollars, im pretty sure vox's net worth is higher.
he has enough to pay taxes though ? luca and vox has no problem with paying off their taxes.
>Source of the evil niji clique and dookie's receipts : in my dream.
>Retard doesn't understand how tax fraud works
Why can't HoloID members make enough to comfortably live in Japan, Holocuck? Isn't the yen weak as shit? How are they so broke that Kobo needs to leech off Altare?
Their audience isn't chink women
impressive, you managed to look retarded three different ways in a single post
>man is a millionaire now
minus 30% youtube, then minus 50% anycolor cut
She is legitimate billionaire retard, like Forbes top 40 billionaire.
well, it's her family but she still has more money in her pinky than Vox will ever has for his entire life
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KEK. That is reaching HARD. How much money do you think he was making at the height of his popularity with the way Nijisanji does cuts? You are delusional if you think he made that much. Reine comes from a giga rich ID family the girl is a legit ojou there is no comparison.
Now share the whole article, you won't.
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Nah, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a millionaire.
I also wouldn't be surprised if he pissed it all away on his "movie."
Can this faggot just please disappear forever please??
Why would you want to see Yagoo admitting he'd rather spend millions on developing a dead on arrival game instead of paying for the trips to Japan for his members?
The fuck does this has to to with anything?
You wanna compare mass graduation sister?
Yumenographia alone is bigger than the entire nijien AND hololive combined.
>Afraid of context
>Hololive is immune to politic-AIIIIEEEEEEEE
Yumenographia weren't even actual streamers or considered a part of Niji. Keep deflecting, holokek
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kek that weak viewfarming is all the sisters have left
Yeah, just like how Virtual Rhapsody wasn't part of Niji when they gave everybody moldy earbuds to share for the meet and greets?
You mean like how HoloCN isn't considered part of Hololive?
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mysta not paying off his taxes in the first place is more retarded, nobody else had this problem.
1 multi billionaire talent in holo id, but the rest ? even holostars makes more than the holo id branch for cover. gen 4 id will never happen, meanwhile riku is still planning more waves in the future :)
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>A "character x communication service" managed by Anycolor Inc., creators of the Nijisanji Project. Utilized VR technology to enable two-way communication with virtual character, providing a virtual hostess club experience. Shut down December 31st, 2021.
So, the homos aren’t part of Hololive if I follow your logic. I’ll agree to your notion if you agree to mine.
ID has had at least 15 sponsorship deals since ID3, retard.
Hey, sis. The trick is to show other people at the event actively avoiding your target of the "mogging."
For example, picrel.
>Proves Yumenographia weren't even streamers or a part of Nijisanji
I accept your concession
Actual, real, working shadows. I know they're foreign to someone who watches Niji3D and have never seen them before.
>owned by AnyColor
Who are also your gods, as you demonstrate with each post. Next you’ll tell me VTA was just a side project.
Holocuck.... There were no shadows. Just Kaela's noodle arm
It's more nijisanji when compared to HoloCN and hololive.
Yumenographia and Niji has the same management meanwhile HoloCN is joint venture between Cover and B2
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>no shadows
Yeah sounds about right
>HoloCN is joint venture between Cover and B2
Kek. ESL and retarded is a dangerous combination
Hey retardsis, you can't open CN branch without involving local entity.
Better than having no neck
>sisters are so desperate they have to compare a Luxiem MV with Doki's intro song.
Jesus Christ.
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Kaela's fucking WATER BOTTLE had working shadows.
Niji spams rimlights and reflections on the floor instead of coding a goddamn light source. All shading is baked into the model and doesn't reflect or interact with the stage at ALL.
It's complete amateur shit.
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Hmm sure
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Hmmm sure
but you goons told me doki had the full backings of western audience, why cant she beat the exiled and tainted luxiem ?
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Why watches the video of an intro song when you see it every stream? Again, this is incredibly sad levels of cope.
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Get mogged, holokid
Jesus this is just sad
>>86038271 (me)
...this is entry level stuff sister.
How about your shitty finger tracking?
Holo managed to make it works well enough to have live guitar/cello stream.
Sad. He only does streams he thinks will be buffs as if it's still 2022.
>Model breaks three times in one stream
Sad indeed
I know you're trying really, really hard for a win, so here's a (you) for your efforts.
To be fair, it's really fucking catchy. Even the NijiJPs were randomly singing it.
Sis... Hey, take a look at the cape. Or the hair, or literally any piece of clothing or body part that's above another one or the floor. Do you see ANY dynamic lighting or shadows at all? It's all rim lights that don't care where the boys are in space.
>dont think vox cares too much nowadays about his noombers
big X. he's the biggest numberfag in the whole group
Sister, this is pathetic.
You meant to tell me niji tech is on par with 2020 holo's?
>But muh Holo has lighting
And Niji has better tracking plus rigging of people, of objects, they have better tech and fucking created an entire fucking car for a concert. Stay mogged
Kiara's new 3D model is fucking horrendous, Holokek
Now this is cope
>they created an entire fucking car
oh... OH
You're just like that sister who said Denauth is doing great because Ryoma "is a wealthy oldman who owns a car and doesn't need the money"

Holo digitized fried chicken that looked better than those godawful chronoir models.
>fucking created an entire fucking car for a concert.
Reminder that Cover gave a piece of fried chicken 3D before any of NijiEN.
>unofficial 3D model
Yeah and?
The fanmade one? I’d agree on the premise of it not being up to the usual code, but it still has produced an ocean of semen in its honor, so I’ll call that a victory. Might you be a homosexual?
>better tracking
Heh, nice joke sister.
>plus rigging of people, of objects
Wait, you seriously believe this?
but those fried chicken 3d models still wont bring yagoo the profits he wanted, unlike riku with chronoir. just like the dodgers collab being a nothingburger, gura is still a literal who for sportsfag.
Didn’t ChroNoiR fail to fill the AX concert? I swear that you get off to being corrected over the stupid shit you say.
>merch line stretched 3 blocks away
>People lined up for 6 hours to buy a single shirt
Meanwhile HoloEN can't make a profit at all? Embarrassing
please understand, sisters have never attended a real Niji concert so they have no frame of reference.
Even if EN somehow failed to make profit, that still infintely better than Niji-minus 8-EN
And you’re also illiterate on top of it all. Someone should help you with all that frustration you’ve got built up in your loins, but I hope I don’t draw the short straw in that lottery.
Holokek? They made a 5 million dollar profit in three months meanwhile HoloEN is in the negative. No wonder Yagoo hides them in reports KEKAROO
>5 million dollar profit
NijiJP did, meanwhile NijiEN is barely hanging there like a piece of shit on a goldfish.
>NijiJP did
You think they only made 5 million? Oh no, you're delusional. A schizophrenic
Who in the fuck watch males? Rosemi bass
we are going genjutsu level of delusion here, sis
Haven't been watching nor keeping up with niji at all even way before the drama started, so if anyone got the time can someone give me a retrospective or even a short summary on what the current situation is on Niji en retrospectively?
Compounding yabs led to the branch being put on life support and everyone wants to gtfo asap
whats the dropoff for shiori after the raid?
>MV versus second version of the intro song.
Wow, you truly are that desperate huh? Just call them fucking dead, it's faster.
>Nijisis so retarded that thinks a clearly pre-rendered intro (obvious since they didn't had an actual fucking car) is quality, when as soon as they are out of it, the slop begins.
Imagine paying a YAB artist to try to make you look better.
>Everything is empty, proving it's before opening.
This is the copium you need to survive? It's sad, truly, almost more funny to watch than your livers.
Remove the almost actually.
Their peak was like 6 months, they been reclining ever since but the Selen stuff was so bad that it basically fast forward it to 2-3 yrs into the future
>Article saying Japan is bigger than America for a Japanese company
Wow, you really need every false W you need to cope? Ropes are cheaper.
so i don't know who that is, but to me, when a vtuber takes extended breaks too often i don't care when they have their "big return stream" like it isn't the third time in 4 months that they're doing it. again, not talking about the guy in OP but just in general. taking a break as a vtuber is always a risk and you shouldnt assume the viewers will all stick around
>Ignores the people hanging around anything that isn't Hololive
>ESL can't read "Begin to make a return"
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try again sister
This board used to be fun. Then Nijisanji fans started trying to defend themselves.
Newsflash: no matter how many variations of "holokek" you come up with, nobody, Hololive fan or otherwise, cares about you. Read the room for once, this is fucking 4CHAN, for pete's sake. What do you hope to achieve by stirring the hornets' nest? Hornets that, mind you, ALREADY have it out for you to begin with?
>Hornet's nest
Anon, you're giving way too much credit to this croatian crocheting forum
ran out of bots
Sorry, we're you expecting some kind of intelligent discussion in your bait thread?
Yeah, the whole world knows that Niji EN is done, even the TSE bros. The only two questions which remain are
>When will Anycolor make the official announcement?
>Will EN be merged like ID and KR, or graduated like Holo CN, or just outright terminated en masse like VTA?
They're definitely not gonna let the talents leave with their character IPs like Prism and Idol did. If they cared enough about the talents to even consider it, they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place and wouldn't need to consider it.
Luxiem aren't doing as well as expected
Lmao, this video gets funnier every time I see it. Clearly a full convention floor, fucking NO ONE in that booth.

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