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Dancing Freak Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, etc.
>Unarchived Karaokes (If files expired, request in thread)

Official Mint Happi (Preorders end October 18th) - https://yeahlights.com/products/official-mint-fantome-happi-coat
Virtual Vacation - https://shop.oshispark.com/


>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>85985619
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How could you not use pilotmu....
Doesn't look very Mint Fantôme
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Time to sleep
Everyone should sleep
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Shut up you know what I mean
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Upcoming Con/Event Schedule:

Oct 5 (Sat) @ 7:00PM: Offkai Offseason Live 2024 - Karaoke Concert
Oct 13 (Sun) @ 7:30PM: V-MUSE 2024 - Karaoke Concert (Night Show)
Ok I'll go to sleep
Will she sing with the Coletrain?
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I was going to say Mint has tits way too big in this but it looks like a good size. I approve.
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Mint looks too small in this, should be bigger
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Thighs should be thicker.
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Can she actually do this?
With a bit of help from yeah, me
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I want to cummy all over her tummy and I kneed her BOObies
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Eww, know your place, trash! Now lick this boot
Not disgusted enough
she secretly enjoys it
That's not a boot.
hnngggggg mint fanta!! we must watch de medalbots!!
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me fæc wen minute fentanyl start bustin all over dæ sloop
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monty... dont bust pls
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must stahp mondo funtime. shes getting much stronk
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am poom
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Mint is so fucking cute
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Friendly reminder that Mint is the cutest.
Our racist looks like this?!
The vrchat stream was so fun, she moves and acts like such a goofy dork (mega cute). I get that streaming is different, but I wonder if she's that hyper and excitable when she's comfortable and in her element at cons
sneg is die. mount funtomato is sad
She's certainly that hyper and excitable in bed
Yeah mine
inside Minto
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Don't die...
I'm sorry...
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This board is too damn fast today
What happened this time?
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Nothing it seems but the board is super fast anyway
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We shall post in the dead hours, we shall post in the live hours, we shall post in the EU time and in the SEA time, we shall post till the bump limit; we shall never surrender
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Now I want to play HOI again...
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What's stopping you?
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I was finishing Xcom
Damn, I checked Steam and there are crazy discounts on the series right now. Really tempting...
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Yeah, the entire series is really cheap right now. I can recommend it for anons who want something to play while Minto is gone
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I love Sid Meier (platonically), I'm playing Civ: Beyond Earth Rising Tide, you need that DLC or else it's shit, when I'm not busy with Divegrass stuff.
Is X-Com really that good?
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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NTA, but I've played Enemy Unknown and found it pretty cool, but short
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I really love it, especially when you play it you should give it a try. It's really really cheap right now
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It's 30 hours game, anon. it's not that short
I also agree with the other anons. Both games are an absolute steal for the $3 sale price.
That Wisp is a speedrunner
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That's why I wrote "I found it short". It was just my personal impression from finishing the main campaign
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ops I forgot to write Ironman. That's what happens when you only sleep for 3 hours
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Wisps aren't sleeping well again
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Sleep correction is needed
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Minto is too damn cute. This shouldn't be allowed.
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She's a certified freak
I loved her doing the friday the 13th game dance
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you have my attention
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Too big for me...
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Mint is NOT fat. She just has a big butt.
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God I want her ass on my face
You deserve a paper cut at the head of your penis
I miss Mint..
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1 day without Mint lethargic syndrome...
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Any Wisp came up with HYP for Divegrass?
You had some nice ideas yesterday.
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There is an idea of a Mint Fantôme; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can watch my streams and hear a voice in your ears and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.
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I am too lazy and dumb sorry Wisp
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Holy shit, are you me?
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What's the deadline? I want to do something, but I can only commit myself to it tomorrow evening
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Sometimes I look at Minto's hair and I get an urge to use it as toothpaste
The deadline is basically matchday. Tomorrow evening is totally okay. Just... please no suicide stuff and such. Taking potshots at the holos, their teams, the fact that we will kick out all of Myth, all okay, but nothing distasteful.
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>please no suicide stuff and such
The what now?!? What are you guys doing while I am not here...
Some Wisp had an idea yesterday and went a bit too far.
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It'll be like I outlined in the other post - silly Amesame bits, then Mint shows up and takes Ame's place. I wish I had all the stuff at hand already or at least knew where to find it, but it's manageable
Surely you'll find something. After all, it's Amesame.
Seeing how we eliminated /wah/ with our win against them already and would kick out /awat/ just to face /ggg/, I was thinking about something Mythbusters when it comes to the match against /ggg/. Bustin playing in the background, but honestly I'm all out of ideas at this point and I'm really busy with work on one hand and tactics on the other. It seems like I have to cut testing short and need to find some general approach. I ranted before how our players seem so much worse. Having no tailor made answer to a team (I mean, I started with the "use this if we trail by 2" preset against /warkop/ and then we actually concede twice very early. Speak of tailor made) could spell doom. If the VTL wouldn't conclude on Sunday already, I'd unironically aim to win it all at this point (not like I aim to win every match anyway).
I swear to fucking god I work for retards
Someone interpreted a date I sent as format "YYYY/DD/MM" instead of "YYYY/MM/DD".
I blame Americans
Also I miss Mint already
Can't we just reuse the same HYP if we win? It'd just mean that instead of only claiming Ame's place we actually took it and now face the shark? Although I admit it wouldn't be new and surprising in that case
Aw fuck it, I might as well start gathering source material now
I will never understand people who find fat attractive... Guess it's probably just some brain wires crossed, like foot fetishists.
Sorry you find women's bodies disgusting.
It would be pretty boring.
Only fat ones. It's an instinctual aversion to an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Why would I want a partner who is going to be dead by 35?
I just got off to a woman riding a guy laying flat and her gut was touching his calves
But I also acknowledge that I'm a freak
I find it hot but I would never want an actual partner to be that way
just a fantasy
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A what?
Don't reply to nijitrannies Wisp, they're all mentally ill /soc/faggots
I miss Minto...
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blowing a kiss towards me
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You do some great and helpful work, Wisp. Thank you.
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Have you seen this already?
Who's the black haired one?
looks like u san to me
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Sleep well, Wisps!
sleep tight wisp!
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Goodnight Wisp
Goodnight wisp
That's clearly Pomu.
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Pomu is a Wisp
I refuse to believe she's /here/, for my own sanity
Didn't she remove Tuna from her friendslist on Steam after he shared a bunch of shit here? She must be /here/ at least casually.
I'm a new wisp, the only tuna I know comes in a can
He drew some of her emotes and does a chibi animation every few weeks.
It might not have been him but someone was bragging about being friends with her on Steam and he showed up playing something on her stream a few days later so he's the most likely one.
Whoever it was started posting screenshots and shit then cried about getting unfriended a few days later.
NTA but it's best to assume all vtubers come here from time to time honestly.
Mint, if you're reading this I love you and I miss you
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>Opens /Mint/
>Control + g
>Read everything
>Close tab
Dang. Well whether it was tuna or not, she might have just seen the thread and thought it'd good to clean up her friends list. Or maybe it was just some kind of divine comedy lol
It's safe to assume they all have their own threads open in a tab because this is the fastest place to see if they've actually slipped up about something on stream.
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Minto makes me horny
What a retard. Imagine losing an opportunity like that just to flex on a /vt/ thread. If Mint added me on Steam, I wouldn't tell any of you degenerates (affectionate).
>Minto celebrates when the racist does well and the divegrass team scores
I want to beleeb
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Probably on her way to Japan
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I bet she's watching Top Gun
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she is sex
Was there more to this image below the bottom edge?
I get nervous even admitting here when she (rarely) likes one of my YT comments or a tweet.
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I love catching cans of packaged tuna on my fishing rod, such a fresh delicacy
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This wisp has gone fishin
according to shondo in her recent drunken stream, literally every single one does
>mint is flying to japan today
>I am flying from japan today
WE ARE(n't)
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No me
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Local roach lady plays fans game which features Minto.
Local Wisp and local Goon announce their marriage.
Other local Wisp also does a thing.
fuck off shill
I miss Minto's ass
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sleep tight!
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Sweet dreams, Wispomie
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I'm going to heist Minto's anchor object and set it in the center of my house.
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Will do it every now and then if I don't see the usual person do it.
Missin DA minto...
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oyasumi wisps
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Rest... forever!
UuuuUUUuuUeeEEEEeeeeEE MintoooOOoooOO
Any good moved(as opposed to frustrated) crying streams?
MGS4 ending
Ghost bump
Mint Fantome? More like Mint's Fat-ass-on-me lmao gottem
It's okay Mint, we like you even if you are fat.
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Mint will hate they did to him...
What about Eva?
You're lying.
That's fake right?
There's no way!
Oh no the head tilt!!!
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He looks like his MGS2/MGS4 model but young
I can see it. That could be what they're going for, possibly some idea of more parity between the entries in the series, but it's a bit of a weird redesign considering other characters are very close to how they appear in the original. It also ignores V Ocelot who'd look nothing like this 20 years younger.
It's also hilariously close to the "raised eyebrow chad" filter.
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They remade the Calorie Mate ad, that's cool
I actually think that's his better shot, he looks so weird on the scene when Volgin uses the Davy Crockett, and on that note Volgin's electricity looks weak as shit compared to the original. At least EVA looks great.
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I want to bully Minto
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I want to taste Mint's panties.
kek it looks just like him
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I am eepy still...
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Work is over. Woooo!
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Enjoy the rest of your day Wisp
Her cute panties
lmao I won't because I will spend all day and night working on VTL tactics.
I could tell you that I got some idea about a /mint/ stadium as well, that was liike a eureka moment, but I honestly don't want to talk about it yet. We're still in it and the big prize is a stadium made for us.
Sure, we could work on one ourselves during the off-season, but let's not talk about stuff like this prematurely.
I want to beat /awat/ and I want to beat /ggg/. If we're still in it for Sunday, we may have to face the fact that we may unironically win this thing and this just sounds very wrong. I thought it would be a great thing to survive the group stage and this should be our only goal.
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Major Zero looks like a chad now
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I don't have any expectations but winning would be cool
As I said, we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. We would just jynx it. Still, I'll prepare for every possible case even if this means I have no time to actually test and just have to predict what would work best. We may still lose against any team.
My mornings are never good without a Good Morning Minto...
Good Morning Minto!
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He looks like he has eyeshades
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She looks cuter than in the original, that surprised me.
is there fanart of meent fantom with EVA's outfit
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You cursed the thread with this so I curse you with this in return
Cursed indeed
Minto, what happened to you?
I love this one because she doesn't seem bothered at all. Like this is only what she expects from Wisps, maybe even why she has us around.
Where is Minto... At least tweet something...
she's fuckin DEAD
looks like total shit
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She's going to make a vlog instead of tweet everything
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She still should tweet that she landed safely in Japan uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
She evidently haven't landed yet
Did someone blend Naiyo and Mint?
That hand print? Mine.
because she's FUCKIN DEAD
Mint and I are joining the mile high club
Mint and I are joining the 27 Club
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Wisp who wanted to make some HYP, are you there?
I have to admit that I didn't notice how early we play. That VTL day begins like an hour after I get back from work and our match is already the 2nd one.
I might need that quickly...
About testing, it looks good, but a victory is far from guaranteed. This may become a nail biter.
I'm there, I've just got home from another city. How quick do you need it?
whew. 2 hours until midnight...
I'd say, in 3 hours.
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You really push me against the wall, huh

I'll see what I can do
Also, to not spoil anything, it's best if you send it on Discord. You find my contact info on our wiki page.
If you don't meet me anymore or don't make this deadline, you may also find a link to the VTL Discord on the main page: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League
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thank you. i really appreciate your work.
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hey... I've seen this one before kek
minto sexo
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Need Minto tweet... Where is Minto...
I remember when she said there wouldn't be any more con stuff after the podcast ended..
I mean, those technically aren't cons.
It also doesn't sound like she's physically going to either of them, so they'd just be one day off.
yes /lig/ is in their having fun fusing two different vtubers using AI phase
Minto's gonna cum so hard
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I miss this fairy like you wouldn't believe...
I wish we were more than friends
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I can't believe anyone still misses the fairy when we have the ghost
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The ghost has too much booba... Maybe if they shrink it back to 1.0 levels we can talk
Nta but even though I love the ghost The Fairy was prettier and her voice was smoother and a bit more calming
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I call this
>when you suddenly find a tactic that seems to work 15 minutes before the self proposed deadline is up
Speaking of the Elf, I actually voted for the Elf to be a medal myself and since she missed out by 1 or 2 votes, she's in the Starting XI, but I feel like this spot should go to the Freaky Ghost Maid.
Also for that HYP Wisp, don't worry, I'm still around. If you need some more time, don't feel rushed.
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>scoring not even 2 mins in first try with that tactic
yeah I guess this works
Look at that sweet face. How could you not miss her?
More than half is done. It's gonna be absolute bonkers
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Flat Minto my beloved...
Nani is Nanoplasm. The guy who adds (Mint's Clips) to his youtube name to heavily imply that he's her official clipper and that people should give him priority for stuff and involve him in things.
>replying to nijiniggers
Neck yourselves out of the thread if you're gonna keep doing that
Wrong thread nijitranny
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Oh that's the pomunigger that doesn't even watch Mint and just whines about her fanbase lmfao
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Odds - Fap to Minto anal
Evens - Fap to Pomu throatfuck
Dubs - Fap to Chibi Minto
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But I miss the ghost too...
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I miss creative streams... Wish she still did them
She might have one for her birthday, since she was prepping stuff in VRchat earlier this week
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is there gonna be a DCS stream
keep me honest
Footie Wisp, are you there? I'm done
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Huh I guess there's a chance. When she talked about it I thought it might be a new 3D model
Sleep well, Wisp.
For the others, Footie Wisp here, I got it and trust me, it's hilarious.
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yeah I guess I'm done testing.
let's hope the actual match also turns out like this.
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Delete this post. NOW
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>Mint's stream room keeps showing up on my recommended to remind me how much I miss her
Perhaps we need a Joga Bonito Elf for our team if we want to catastrophically fail and make her go to Brazil.
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I am excited for our next match. I hope it is at good time so I can watch it live
It's extremely early. I might miss it myself because of work, but I think I have an hour or so.
I hope some other Wisp may remind you guys if I'm still not home.
me on the right
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She's just icing us out to make us miss her more and then shower her with love on her bday. I've got you all figured out, Minto!
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She knows how to play with our hearts...
that embarrassed look is hot
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I think she liked it
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She really looks like yokoi here, cute
too big
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not big enough
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Small > Flat > Medium > Huge motherfucking tits > Normal big
Since when.. he's been posting mint clips and timestamps this whole time
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They're talking about the person complaining
My man! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIKB7i6fcmk
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Mint is going to love this
They do look comfy
Confirmed, she got to play the demo!
Wait, did she got to try the game? TGS isn't open to the public until Saturday, it's only for businesses/private invites today.
Guess she has connections
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Minto is business
Snaked her way in
I'm dead-ass tired, so someone else will need to make the thread
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Goodnight wisps
sleep tight!
Mint has a butthole????
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>Please enter your company name, address, and other information to prove that you are a member of the game industry when applying.
>Based on the information provided at the time of application, a screening will be conducted to ensure admission to the Business Day.
Mint works for a company?
Do you think she just asked Matara and yoinked Vshojo's details?
Or the more possible explanation: Maddie helped her get an invite
She doesn't live or work in Japan anymore though does she?
Don't think she even works at her game company anymore.
That doesn't mean she doesn't has the connections needed for it. Also Mint didn't need matara/vshojo to get that Ace Attorney package from Capcom.
Yeah but to get a business day ticket you specifically need to apply with proof that you work for a company in the games industry.
Mint didn't need that for Capcom or that one ero book store gift. It's completely different.
Why do you even care? And why do you try insert matara/vwhorejo into everything Mint does? KYS vwhorejo shill.
I.. anon?
I only like Henya and Matara in Vshojo and with Matara it's really hard to watch her a lot of the time since she goes on a lot of self pity rants.
As a company I couldn't care less about them. And if you think I want Mint to join an agency you're wrong. I firmly believe she should remain an indie and that she'd hate any corpo she joined. I also don't think she plans to join any.
I'm just curious what she used for the company because she doesn't belong to one even for tax reasons afaik, and thought her using Vshojo to get it might make sense. That or maybe Doki's company but I doubt TGS would count that at this point so I don't think she could get a ticket that way.
Why the fuck you think Mint can't do it by herself huh? Fuck off retard.
Nta but the application literally says
>Enter the company name
Because TGS literally makes it impossible to do without a company so it is literally impossible for Mint to have done it herself unless she made her own company recently to deal with the sales taxes or something.
Calm your tits Wisp.
>vshitshow faggots raiding the thread
Don't you have enough with defending that cheating whore froot in the catalog?
This bait sucks
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I'm happy that minto was able to play delta
Guess I'm not baking anymore if this is how other wisps treat me.
Your threads smelled funny anyway. I want a young and hip Wisp to bake for a change!
I forgot to change the edition. Gomen. First time baker
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>First time baker
Good job anyway

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