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Previous Thread >>86017926

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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gn ruffians
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I miss them and I want to have sex with them
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Fuwawa SEX.
Mococo RAPE.
GGgs EDF lads
I was wondering if it was going to be ok with nerfing my equipment and hp so hard but you both play more than well
I'm still not using the most optimal weapons and support items but if it gets tough down the line I'll start using them
It seems to be going pretty smooth so far so unless there's a huge difficulty spike we should be fine. I was also thinking of messing with air raider a bit next time.
They should have invited FUWAMOCO to the amogus holo collab in a few hours
Would have been fun
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GG. It was pretty fun, difficulty didnt seem too bad, if anything it felt just right as we got more and more equipment. thanks for playing
They aren't Japanese
I would've liked to see them there too but Among Us collabs always go for at least 2 hours so they would've had to cancel FWMC Morning for it, which is the kind of stream they are most against cancelling
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Mococo SEX
Should they collab more with ReGloss?
I think Cover kneecapped both gens by debuting them so close to each others, but they could have done more stuff like the song swapping to make the most of the situation.
Sure why not, Ririka and Kanade are really fun
Bancho is cute too but not sure what they could do with her
Nah they should collab more with Justice. They're sorta tied together
Backseating Cecilia for Donkey Kong would be hilarious
I feel like her and Raora would probably be the two who'd be easiest to gel with for sure. Raora seems like she generally tries to match the speed of whoever she's collabing with and Cecilia is Cecilia. Even if I like GG, I don't think their personalities would mesh that well in a one on one(two).
GG is pretty smart and from what I've seen she adjusts well to who she collabs with, I think it would be fine
I guess I'm too used to seeing her be pretty meme-y (western) and usually somewhat loud, which is a bit of an antithesis to FWMC. She 100% has it in her to tone it down and isn't always loud, but I think part of her charm is the off-the-wall stuff.
>They're sorta tied together
I kinda dislike it the justice "lore" though and it doesn't work in a senpai/kouhai gen relationship (even if EN doesn't Care as much about seniority as JP, it's still a thing).
She's meme-y alright, but in a FWMC compatible way. In her karaoke, she sings western songs but also stuff like Balalaika, Hamtaro (with calls), and of course Crazy Frog. It's a shame her Japanese sucks though.
which one of you TwoFaced-t3z
The mayo coyote is having an anniversary stream of her AI clone with a marshmalllow and totsu part
Might get FWMC, maybe not.
that's me. Why?
I agree, but it doesn't mean there's no fun to be had there, even if it just amounts to some jabs and a little teasing.

Holy baused
too much eye makeup
Cmon Peko if you can watch all the KANADEEEEEEEEEE moments you can also watch all the FUWAMOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ones
Recently I had my yearly chance to visit my mother. Our plans to go on a walk by the shoreline, this Fuwawa sky that day, and having family that lives far away all reminded me of you. It was a busy weekend, but I'm thankful I could still catch your streams, too
>my tagged mengen tweet with the FuwaMoco like has less than 300 views
>soft-tagged tweet made on the same day without any FuwaMoco like has over 500 views
how the fuck does this work
japanese guys learning english for fwmc but you guys can't learn japanese for them? pathetic
>how the fuck does this work
It doesn't
>having family that lives far away reminded me of you
Does he think he's a part of their family or am I misunderstanding
bau bau~

I've been thinking of you all day, and hope things are going well into the evening, #FUWAMOCO There's a lot going on, right? Though the day's busy, I can't help but step back and think about our summer together… Keep up the good work I'll see you soon
He genuinely believes he’s living with FWMC who knows what the fuck he’s thinking
Pekora watching FWMC clip
FWMC on the Peko telly
No, I think he means that visiting family far away reminds him of them visiting their parents in the NWP. It's still crazy to think that there are some fans who think about them through the whole day, but I guess I shouldn't expect them to have other hobbies when most of them send multiple tweets a day and replies to the FWMC hashtag and posts.
Wow. this must be the first time its ever posted a photo trying to prove it's a human being living in the real world. then again it might just be stolen from an acquaintance/relative or whatever.
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>even more FUWAMOCO clips
They won, they fucking won
can't imagine one's life revolving around a girl whom you've never even met
This gta stuff has been a blessing for them! 1M before the end of the year is now a dream that can come true!
>FWMC literally nonstop on Peko's clip react stream for like 15 mins in a row
start learning japanese now and you can reach the early stages of fluency within 6-7 years
People do that with god already. At least with FUWAMOCO, I can actually interact with them in some way and receive a response.

I knew it
>Someone else is a retarded zealot
>So I have to be one too!
Enjoy them, I won't fault you for that. Stop maiing them the center of your world if you do that.
I mean it's over now unless there's part 2
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Kek IT is in the stream
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Koyori said she wants to go on a date with FUWAMOCO and do more fun streams with them too
uh...bwos??? what does this mean??? fwmc have been chatting with character.ai koyori???
Where did my comment go
I thought Koyori had a fan translator what happened
so they have time for this but no time for us... listen to how much happier they are speaking Japanese...
The ONE stream he skips...
Curious to see the people awake and the posts that start happening
if you spoke japanese you would understand
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As a Joshuffian I am once again eating well, that was cute
They always seem to have time for Japanese fans and streams and we're always the first forgotten and postponed... I'm almost wishing they just tear the bandaid off and go full JP if that's what makes them happiest. Stop leading us on #FUWAMOCO
kazama irowa
>HoloJP fans are the ones making these shitposts
woooow who could have guessed that
wish the eops would stop crying and just learn jp
I feel like it was almost expected. They did say they wanna collab with koyo a bit more. It's easier to call in on a totsu for like couple minutes at least. And then pop back out to whatever else they were doing.
watching vtubers is like watching tv if you treat it any more than that you're going to get hurt
I wish fuwamoco would stop prioritizing jp content and tourists over en fans that have paid for their entire livelihood. Taking all the support and running away with it without even showing thanks is awful
You retards realize it's a lot easier to do things later in the day than earlier, right? Their streams start at 10am their time, meaning any weekday has a bunch of shit they have to go do either from their house or at the office during business hours. While there is stuff that happens later at the office sometimes, it's the exception, not the rule. It would honestly be way easier for them to stream at this time given managers and staff who they might need help from would more likely be available during their normal stream time.
Shut up retard
FWMC in Peko's chat and more FWMC clips on Peko stream
They are everywhere
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I wish HoloJP fans would stop samefagging with these shitposts every morning
being a duo they can be at least in two places at once
a reminder
>you will never be a woman
>you will never be noticed by FWMC
>you will NEVER be a vtuber
you guys expect the girls to change what they want for you guys but you guys can't even learn basic japanese for them pathetic
>HoloJP fans are the ones shitposting and complaining that they appear in HoloJP streams
Interesting angle sister, lets see if it goes anywhere
Which is why they should make the switch and stop the EN timeslot streams that are clearly killing them. Their paypigs are hopelessly in love they'll be fine still and fuwamoco will be able to have a healthier schedule. It's time they stop pretending they can make EN streams work when it clearly is making them unhappy to do them
the complaining IS the shitposting
can u say you u love someone when u can't even learn japanese for them
They say they fit streams in where they can, which I 100% believe specifically for their 'usual l' timeslot. It's obvious that they have free time at night with stuff like this. I'm sure there's always something that needs to be done, but it seems easy for them to show up randomly for stuff like this because it's later in the evening, when most of the staff or even external staff for stuff like talking about orisong/cover stuff or b2b collabs won't be available/around.
can u say you u love someone when u can't even learn English for them
the japanese understand this and thus they are learning english
now why can't you guys learn japanese?
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>can u say you u love someone when u can't even learn English for them
>the japanese understand this and thus they are learning english
>now why can't you guys learn japanese?
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>now why can't you guys learn japanese?
I could, I simply do not want to.
don't you want to continue enjoying fwmc? don't you want to understand them on the same wavelength? or are you only just coomers that love them on a surface level?
>you will never be a woman
Thank the Lord.
>>you will never be noticed by FWMC
I got a heart so you're wrong
>>you will NEVER be a vtuber
I'm not interested unless I get FWMC sex
>"What are you doing, FuwaMoco? Speak. Did you forget? The reason why you're here. Isn’t it to stream for EN ruffians? For your SC paypigs… for the attention whores, for the menheras… you have to stream for them. You keep speaking English. Even if its during the stream, and even after the stream. This is… the language… you were born with, isn’t it?”
I will once we tie the knot
this guys are something else
The GTA stuff doesn't count for their ability to stream at that time for more hours, it was a planned event that stafd were focused on which meant that it got attention and was essentially in the same bracket as 'homework' while also getting them more streaming hours and attention. I would really like to see how they'd do if they swapped their achedule for a month, just to see if they found more time themselves to stream at what I assume are better hours for them.
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Mocotits too big
i smash this bread
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English is the lingua franca of our time, while Japanese is only used in that group of islands, so the trade-off might not be worth the effort.
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>mococo outfit
am i missing something here
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I don't give a fuck but it was pretty wild seeing them respond to English superchats after hologta in Japanese
LOL saddest cope i've ever read
EN streams:
>Sorry, Ruffians! We have to cancel the stream and we can't reschedule anything to replace it! We'll do our best doing homework!

Gorilla JP streams:
>Spending more time with the JP Ruffians? YES!! Let's do it! BAU BAU~
did this really happen

If FUWAMOCO really wanted me to speak Japanese maybe they shouldn't have lost the war lmao
FuwaMoco just sent a message in Pekora's chat
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Are the sisters back in February again?
you guys think they only have a 6 month visa?
couldn't they at least get a 1 year one working at cover?
Even more FUWAMOCO clips
They are winning so much today
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Good morning Laffians. Is the Peko stream worth checking out for the FWMC clips?
Can't miss a chance to promote themselves.
Sex with Friend.
they sent a message and you guys couldn't at least screen shot can you guys do ANYTHING
dunno if there's more clips of them but better tune in now
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This is the *second* time they've done a gorilla JP stream after canceling a EN stream.
They sure do love us, huh? Cancelling streams with us because of "homework" or "throat hort", but somehow they are always free to do another JP stream. It feels great knowing that they prefer the JPs to us.
"They don't have favorites", haha... Sure.
100k people watching no wonder they want to focus on JP
why the hell do I need to that.
Yeah, check day 7 of the holoGTA finale at the end where they read superchats. every single one got a Japanese response. a few got a tiny pity English comment but that's it. And peroTL clocked out so if you didn't do your reps you'd have no idea what they said to you. Of course they didn't give any English translation of the Japanese superchats either
none of these viewers will ever watch them. But it seems they are content being leeches on the big JP talent which is fine even if it's a bit sad because I'd like them to stand on their own accomplishment instead
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You lost, anti.
that's all they had to say lmaooo
oh, is this the extra supercut of all the episode of happy bakery family?
No they also chatted in her stream before, not that you would know since you've never watched any stream
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Wow, sisters really are cycling through the talking points today.
i ain't got time for that, too busy studying jp
FUWAMOCO will never be Japanese. They will never have a sololive. They will hit 1M subs but have 3k concurrent viewers. If they switch to mote Japanese streams they will see their income drop significantly and will have to decide if they're OK being small forgotten fish in the sea of more talented and popular JP idols or if they want to be true to their original promise of representing idol culture in the English world
Show us your progress
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There are no accomplishments to be had in EN. If you compare the success of GTA to EnReco they're wasting their talent on irrelevant side branch
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No, but were translating their answers to JP too.
It's normal to have dead subs with 1M subs.
That's ok, ccv isn't important, vod views after 24 hours are.
Only holoJP has all their fans in one time zone, EN doesn't.
>original promise of representing idol culture in the English world
They didn't make that promise as demon dogs though
vod views are too skewed by stream length
they tried and the western world was incapable of understanding. you guys only care now because they're demon dogs but it's too late and they realize that idol culture cannot be brought to the west and so they will accomplish their dreams in the holy land instead
The JP clips of them are doing huge numbers. This was a break out event for them to show off more of their personality to the JP audiencd
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>FUWAMOCO will never be Japanese.
good, they don’t want to be
>They will never have a sololive.
they will have a sololive someday
>They will hit 1M subs but have 3k concurrent viewers.
that’s fine. i’ll be there for them every time cheering them on
>If they switch to mote Japanese streams
they won’t because they having meaningful discusses with us in english and only use japanese streams as means of promotion to help push them to 1mil just like they said in battle plan 2
>if they're OK being small forgotten fish in the sea of more talented and popular JP idols
they can be no one else besides fuwamoco

i love them so much
The same EN fans who keep saying in these threads they hate watching VODs? Those ones?
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>"What are you doing, FUWAMOCO? Speak. Did you forget? The reason why you're here. Isn’t it to stream for EN ruffians? For your SC paypigs… for the attention whores, for the menheras… you have to stream for them. You keep speaking English. Even if its during the stream, and even after the stream. This is… the language… you were born with, isn’t it?”
How convenient of you to forget the clips made by EN Ruffians.
Well actually if you think about it, Cover mostly looks at subs before all else. Every investor meeting is subs, whenever they advertise their own success anywhere they bring up subs. They give out wishes for 1M and 2M etc.
Timestamp of them on AI Koyo? Or is it still going?
no the other 99% who don't care
This thread isn't really important in the grand scheme of things, there's like a hundred people here maybe
there were no good clips made by EN Ruffians. the JP ones completely blew them out of the water which isn't surprising considering all the content is already in Japanese
No, it didn't. They replied in English but then translated their replies to JP in some of them
Yeah in those quarterly/yearly reports Cover releases, even though she's done nothing else they always highlight Gura's 4mil subs
Holy baused, Ryan.
They replied to some of the EN SCs in JP first, and then gave a short translation to english afterwards, they also translated every single EN SC to JP (didn't translate a single JP SC though...)
oh okay gotcha
I didn't forget my comment was specifically about the reception by the JP viewers, EN clips are irrelevant to that point
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>translated their replies to JP in some of them
Yeah "some"... They translated ALL the EN SCs to JP, they even replied to some of the EN SCs in japanese first.
Now I have a question for you, let's see if you actually watched the stream; how many JP SCs did they translate to English in that stream?
No they didn't. I wish it was true, would be cool if they showed the JOPs how the ruffians talked to them, but they did not. They only translated the parts of their answers that didn't rely on specific messages.
Why would they do that? It's a japanese stream. Kill yourself, go groom a two view to be your babysitter. Stop holding them back.
I don't care
Baused and true.
The stream was exclusively for Japanese tourists and ruffians. Its not their fault EN fans are attention whores and sent EN messages in a JP only stream
This is exactly why she wants a JP audience. EN fans don't know how to read the room and act appropriately, always thinking only about themselves
Now that you mentioned it, I think they've never translated a JP SC for the EN Ruffians
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It really is like living in a bad neighborhood, you just tune out the gunshots after a while.
>they won’t because they having meaningful discusses with us in english and only use japanese streams as means of promotion to help push them to 1mil just like they said in battle plan 2
DYRBI?? You must be delusional. They've cancelled 6 EN streams in the last 4 weeks, but somehow managed to make time to do 2 gorilla JP streams and stream GTA in japanese for 50 hours. They are doing everything they can to spend more and more time with the JP ruffians while conveniently being too busy or sick to spend time with us.
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we all know who really calls the shots...mococo wouldn't dare go against what big sis fuwawa wants...
Why do trannies like weposting so much? They also use "lmao" a lot. Is it really that hard to blend in? The lingo isn't that complex.
Where was this stated? Me and other Ruffians sacrificed sleep to make it to those steams. They know this. If they had said it was a Japanese stream I would have skipped it.
I liked how FuwaMoco tried to save face by saying that the Holo GTA streams were "at a bad time" replying to Anan's SC, and he had to correct them saying "no, not a bad time, just not aligning with my schedule" or something to that effect.
So you watched 6 hours in japanese and only figured it out while they were reading other people's superchats? Definitely believe you.
It's a bad time PST, which is always the standard they assume when they talk to ruffians. They also say "please sleep" when talking about streams that happen in the middle of the EST work day. They're about to say good morning at 11AM. Anyone who watches them is used to PST being their standard.
>Is it really that hard to blend in? The lingo isn't that complex.
You wouldn't think so, considering literal children managed it once, but here we are.
Maybe 22:00 is just a better time for them than 10:00 JST/6 PM PT.
They don't care about EN ruffians. The only reason they stream in english is to get the money from the paypigs, but they prefer spending time with the JP ruffians.
They straight up said so, when discussing twitter spaces. Night time JST is the only time they can find to do things like that last minute, but they don't want to start spaces at a bad time for PST ruffians.
Then stop pretending that they care about ENs. They should change their schedule and stream always in JST.
this part might be needed to build up suspense and for context
but holy shit it's dull as fuck
Part of what, what are you watching
peko watching happy bakery family clip supercut
Thanks, what did she say about FWMC?
ommoroi or something
I really hate the motherfuckers who complain about VoD watching. Suck it the fuck up, if you enjoy them as entertainers, you will like then during a VoD watch too.
to be fair it wasn't the greatest clip and then it was followed by the bakery family arc clips
talk of the demon dogs kek
there they are
>forget holos Santos
How can you forget the huge hololive event that netted you nearly 20,000 subs. I know they'll retweet the JP burger car hitting Korone clip.
what is this double ntr situation
sex with JP tourists ONLY!!
It's their fault though. They knew that things would be like this when they moved to Japan, but they were fucking retarded and promised the EN fans that the streaming time wouldn't change.
And now look at all of their streams for the past 2 months, they are slowly but surely doing more and more streams in JST. It's their fault that some people are getting annoyed or dissapointed, they shouldn't have done a promise that they can't keep. They should just be honest for once and explain to us that they are going to start doing most of the streams in JST from now on.
don't forget they also get off to ntr involving the jp schizos like tekzi. it makes them horny as fluff seeing how mad and abusive he gets when they dare spend time with JP ruffians
You should kill yourself when you get the chance, your life will never get better.
>they shouldn't have done a promise that they can't keep
>done a promise
Are you twelve years old? kek
>not replying to >>86044032
kek samefag
this might be the final month of fwmcmorning because they are 100% canceling it fully when daylight savings happens
holy fuck so mio is also not exactly innocent
poor iinchou getting baited twice
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll make a new JST FWMC morning for the JPs.
holoGTA basically romanticizes NTR.
there they are

sasuga fuwamoco, secret side character
rangeban SEA
oh, this is before iinchou also starts taxing 1.5M kek
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Nurse Fuwawa is for JP ruffians ONLY.
After the past week I hope you retards denying they love NTR like all other Japanese women can cicnedes you were way wrong.
And that's where we get back to this.
They just have more flexability but refuse to do their normal streams at that time because they think it will upset a lot of their current fans.
I'll just take it if I want it, I don't are. She's shown she doesn't respect EN fans as people so why should she deserve any respect either? She's just a hot body made to be used for sexual gratification and tossed aside until you get horny again
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They love cheating on the EN ruffians with the JPs.
yeah it does seem like fwmc interacted with jp more than en during gta
and even when they did interact with en it wasn't as entertaining as jp interactions except maybe the biboo ones
Is it really cheating if they never loved EN Ruffians in the first place?
what you should be taking are your meds
>they think it will upset a lot of their current fans.
Well, I don't know about other EN ruffians, but it would definitely upset me if they changed their stream time slot.
Thank you for the pup talk Mr madness I always love your copy pasted fake positivity! Bautists together strong!
watching fwmc late at night in japan is the best
The how much rent would it cost to live in Mococo's bellybutton was a jp superchat they translated.
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Yes it is. Their love for the EN ruffians was never real, but they lied and managed to convince the ENs that they loved them, when they only really cared about JP ruffians.
>every single day for hours
How bored is this guy
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Do you watch FWMC MORNING because you genuinely enjoy it? Or do you watch it out of obligation because you feel like you need to watch all of their content?
i don't know but i don't understand what he thinks he accomplishes by larping as a cuck and yes i'm saying "larping" because i want to be generous and give him the benefit of the doubt that he really isn't projecting his cuck fetish on fuwamoco
holy shit mr koro
this was the start of iinchou deep dive into the hole, huh
Can the samefag sister who's always shitting up the thread around this time of day go back to posting Bae pics with their shitposts? I miss that Rat's fat ass.
I watch them when I can because I never know if they’re going to do something special like a dream corner. I’ll sleep through them if I need the sleep though
Why? Is chatting seriously that important to you? Are their cute noises any different, or their retarded handling of controls that makes you laugh any different on VoD? I get wanting live over VoD, but you won't die watching cute VoDs when you can't make it live.
I haven't enjoyed most episodes since the move so I'm not sure why I still watch. Episode 100 would have been a good point for me to stop...
I like watching it. It's right in moment like mid to late morning for me and I can just have it play in the back while I work or do stuff. Or I just catch later if I'm busy.
there they are (again)
their style of humor doesn't work as well with ENs
Are you surprised? Most shitposters here are also the clique readschizos who only watch FUWAMOCO for self gratification and track and go menhera over likes, chat reads, huge Ws. Most multi task during streams because they don't care about the content and just care about fuwamoco noticing them
i blame the obvious generational gap and the fact that fwmc personality-wise is more japanese than western
Disagree are really funny with Biboo and Ina
I watch streamers for a reason. If I wanted to watch prerecorded stuff I would just watch anime.
FWMC agree with me. Watch streams and look at their reaction every time they talk about VODs vs watching live.
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Holy shit ojisan bros we're getting a Lunar remaster.
there they are (again) (again)
pre cum~
the fall begins
It's pretty sweet.
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we need more dogs
anon has been mindbloken
Why are dog hags so sexy
Biboo can work with jp style pretty well
>original promise of representing idol culture in the English world
Are you sure you are confusing what they say as FWMC and in tier 5? Those two are separate IPs.
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I blame HW for depriving us of a among us kino
nah that's just me
can't understand why japanese men like nipple licking
They should continue that chained together collab with gozaru.
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>korone making drugs
>cooperating with lui because she got house
>lui got caught because police receive a tip about her
>lui saying mio's the one that give tip to the police
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>fuwamoco sneaking behind the platform and then fucking off to play crane game
It feels good after you do it enough. It feels so deviant that I wouldn’t have tried it without watching JAVs though
Me neither, I was with a JP girl once and she did that to me and it's not like it bothered me but I also didn't feel anything
I'd rather have my ears or neck kissed
how much did you pay
Are you implying I only experienced that because I paid money for it? You ass.
About 160 bucks for an hour with a lot of things being included.
why do people keep doing these cringe as hell ruffian pup talk things
why did you get mad if i was right lol
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Their JP intro is so fucking sexy... Every time they say it it's like they are telling EOPs "this stream is not for you, we don't want you here".
I get instantly hard every time I hear their JP intro, it's almost like a pavlovian response.
JP collab begging is still collab begging
Forget this EN and JP stuff, I want them to have an erotic ASMR in pure French fuck that would be hot, I love hearing sexy French.
holy fug lol
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Weird how we went from cringe but free to ewwww cringe oh gross I would never do that
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>iinchou rejected and "consoled" by FUWAMOCO
>then received knife from "god" right after
they'll become naturalized citizens just like npb players
holy orbital strike
>once again it was one cuck poster samefagging
oh wait, the knife was from final day too?
go back redditard
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Holy orbital strike, kek
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Kino CHOTTO MATTE moment on stream
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nah, that was a flashback
holy mental illness KEK
>I hope that the voice mimicry stream is rescheduled to 3am PST
They should! Same with this week's JP horrorslop. They need to take care of their health, and taking care of their health means streaming in JST from now on.
Damn AZKi is a serious seductress
HoloGTA got some really fantastic art.
JP only maid Fuwawa... Holy shit, she is so fucking sexy...
This yabai woman was near my innocent FUWAMOCO...
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seriously dangerous woman. thank goodness I can barely understand JP
They are about to get slapped
they're doing a really good job being the comic relief kek
How long does it take for wishes to be granted after 1M? Could they be in holoJP by their birthday?
Iinchou got his shit rocked in 4 hits, my god…
goddamnit, i didn't expect the combo counter
my tummy is about to burst from how full I am. I should not have eaten all that taco bell last night...
6万 on the pekora stream alone and you guys wonder why fwmc wants to defect to jp
EN paypuppies need to wake up and stop directly paying for them to grow more distant
I thought this was the FUWAMOCO thread but I guess I was wrong
>re-check the bomb
>it blows up right on her face
my fucking sides
I hope so... They are clearly still sad about being part of HoloEN, and at this point they are HoloJP in everything but name. I want to watch them have fun with the JP ruffians while I don't understand anything.
We're literally watching a huge bakery family story arc that includes many FWMC moments
They'll never compare with any of the successful JP members. Good on them if they want to try but they'll have even less views than they get for VN streams if they make the switch. fotm slop gets them votes but they aren't good enough or japanese enough to have success in that market
and you've been talking more about the non FUWAMOCO moments go to global
>gang kidnapped iinchou
wait what why
Weak attempt, I rate it a 1.5 out of 10.
FUWAMOCO are watching the same stream. kys eop anti
great way to out yourself
We are not enough for FWMC. We should just accept that the JP ruffians can provide all the things that we can't to FWMC.
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>the cuckposter is unironically scared of the janny
My sides
FWMC wants us to watch that stream, and they are watching it too. They'll probably cancel FWMC morning just to keep watching it...
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>CC selling ice cream at the end of it all
My sides

Anyway FWMC morning starting so I'm switching over now
please please have at least 30% JP. If they're smart they will to make the new JP ruffians feel welcome
>jp cuckposting ruffian outs himself as a groomer too
my fucking sides
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Looking forward to another pup talk to boost my spirits
and thus that was the end of happy bakery family life

until mio got last-minute taken at the end kek
>They'll probably cancel FWMC morning just to keep watching it...
You were saying?
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I'm smiling already
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this cuck can't stop embarrassing himself
Better than to live than to exist.
what devious idea did they just get
Mococo sounds so much better after a single day break.
I want to fuck Pero's purple hole
do NOT put your dick in the Pero flower
Yeah. I am worried for her though. She seems to get sick very often.
>ruffians saying to give the PERO flower to fuwamoco
>traced the flower
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>janny deletes my post again
It's painful being FWMC's ideal EN ruffian...
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why is it looking back?
Pero's hole...
stare into the abyss
mococo keeps reading her favorite jp schizo tekzi huge w
>It's not a graduation, don't be too sad
It functionally is, one or two appearances a year will hardly make fans happy, let's be real here
Wait, what does that mean JP begging bros? Didn't you say that FWMC hates JP schizos?
Chumbuds seem happy though
this is literally worse than a shilling corner. i do not care about ame's schedule.
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>stops streaming
>doesn't graduate
What does this even mean? Only MVs? Move to shorter non-live videos?
ocean charity stream?
Will FWMC do a charity stream?
>baiting membership one day before graduation
This is like WWE saying "Please change the channel and watch WCW instead"
They did a cat charity stream with mori
i do not care for amelia watson
Working behind the scenes and getting merch. Never ending cash flow
They already did with Mori.
hashtag #ameway
No one knows for sure but it's assumed it might be mostly for stuff already in the works. Cover is already working on a lot of things that include Ame and she wants to finish those up properly and will appear for those and be included in those future games and voice packs and other things.
Beyond that I wouldn't expect to see her much.
You love to see it.
You mean (you)r ideal EN ruffian. Fuck outta here.
I am kinda sad they have 0 input for holoGra
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>Working behind the scenes
That's the worst case scenario, damn, at least with graduation there's a sense of closure. That being said, if she becomes a more "traditional" YouTuber that would be neat, keeping up with streams is hard as shit as a non-NEET with actual things to do.
twins should do this
cuck corner segment hell yeah
They got 2k subs again yesterday even though they didn't stream. Momentum up to 1 MILLION GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I wonder if she could have gone the old vtuber route and just put out edited videos.
I noticed that Baeposting mysteriously stopped after they surpassed her
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GTA really was amazing, I'm fortunate that due to my time zone I got to watch it without much issue. I had a total blast, loved it so much.
Fuwawa's pronunciation here is so nice
Regloss aren't your senpai
yeaaaah dogtors
Yeah, with me.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Pre-Twitch Jerma/ster_, video essays on games and anime and whatnot, live commentaries, that kind of stuff. 1-2 <40 min videos a week with the occasional MV would be perfect, not sure why Cover isn't interested in this niche at all.
that's because cover killed oyabun's era
>wedding wasn't scripted
lmao even
SEX WITH ShibeDraws!!
This clip was really good kek, their driving is...
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It blasted through my expectations, since I had to wake up a smidge earlier it even fixed my sleep schedule kek
big sister fuwawa punishing lil sister mococo
t. doesn't watch anything
Kanata was literally shaking cause she was afraid she might have robbed people of fun by pulling her gun on Fubuki right there
There was no script to it other than everybody knowing FBK would show up to stop it probably
welcome new ruffians! they no longer care about you now that you're subscribed
God, I'm getting hard already...
lurk 10000 years
40k in 3 months. Possible?
Did they say "honored" for enrico?
I don't see a vtuber by that name
I'm happy that a bunch of their senpai now know, they are not to be trifled with kek

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